The News1 JTHE WEATHER Fair Satarttari laeressalag tleaaiaaaa Bmmdtj. server Best Adrertuing Medium in North Carolina VOL. CIIL NO. 92. BUTLER THREATENS NEWS AND OBSERVER AND EDITOR Announces Will Bring Criminal and Civil Actions Against Both For Libel NO RETRACTION, NO APOLOGY," REPLY Threat of Marion Butler I Be cause of Publication in News and Observer of Letter of Judge II. G. Ewart In Which He Denounced His Fellow Republican Two notices were received at this office yesterday, both com ing from Goldsboro by register ed mail, one to the News and Observer Publishing Company, the other to Edward E. Britton. the editor of the News and Ob server. The language of each is the same, and reads: NOTK K. Take not ire, that the undersigned in teuda to liriujc criminal action and also a eivil action against vou for damages for the libel upon him f.y you hr rr aon of your publication, id the edition of Punday morning. Mreh lt, liflH. of the daily Nfi ami Observer, of the following article: "Said arti.le a ..ppears on page two, rolunina one, two ami thrcr if suid edi tion and is entitled - : "Judge H. ii. Ewart Deaonnrea Batler."" "There are numerous statements in mid article which are nitlmut four. la !ion and ure false, but the following rtatemitita in said Mi. le are false and defamatory, to fit : "In the Asbeille Citizen of the Wth iost. aptiears an interview with 1 one Marion Holler, who so rue years ) ago misrepresented this State in the I'nited Mates Senate" "It needs nn answer in this State for the people of the rMaie. with nil regard te party, kaoss hi as to I liar, ingraft ad inave. "Self respecting Hcpuhlicana will be slow to support any policy, or party in any manner influenced by the arch traitor, Maru.u Butler" "This the 10th day of Mar. h. lWii MARION H1T1.KK. Ily W 6 (I'll R. it, in-. ii. Attorney" A Formality For Retraction. The foregoing is a formality provided by statute, giving a newspaper or an individual charged with the uttering of a libel 10 days notice before en tering suit for damages, in which it may publish "a full and fair correction, apology and retraction," and thus escape a judgment for any damages other than actual damages. "No" Is The Answer. The News and Observer and its editor have no correction to make in Judge H. G. Ewart's statement with regard to his fellow Republican. Nor hae the News and Observer and its editor any intention of offering either retraction or apology to Marion Butler. VILLA DESERTERS SAY THEY WERE LMPRESSED P fTm 4 .1i;e-; lu t hi I. in' . of 'm rn ii n kji t uu. Ann-Tftu Muhnrv F..rf.-n. Mr i ion. Mart h 3u. via atT.-i'lan. to olnmm, N. March""?!.- Fiie deji-itrx trm Villa1 l.un l h h f ap(.arr.l tn thr lat fi-w .invi at th1 I'-ii-:.n f rj mar whu h tin 1 1 fia t -1- fl wr.Ttrn "f them m I-t' nn r. N-s- -1 Villa tn I rlnime.1 tln w.-nt wit, ln'ii nii wi i hnjj( Tli nit--.... on n ! tr.:i. wilh what fvtr i fii'si-l- rat inn it ii.'tr nt 'Tt. militarv -xiifT h i- m -. r a an ha wit ifotori' Tli.t th- rr t.krnj ffv Villa fitfainM tr . ir I ht? t t-Ie-'-i'v I with ninth t tit " tr' n nr r h Mji.ii f ft truttif'il ol"i tn M flr -T'-ri I FVY STRICKLAND IS DEAD BY OWN HAND Zrl-ulon. ilarch .:l.-I-v -t-i-k!ai: I fommi'tnl sin,', I,' thi n oTitrg st T .' oclo k hy shixt;ng hiii.s If in t.'j 1 'ast Stith a 12 (rang- nii;,- l arr.l g.a Itath was inirini'-iMi. IpiTa'l wa- yiTtrs it ag. an 1 K-a'i thrcr sons. Mrssrs Ain.a ("lar rmr kit I Milton Mnrklan l. HI health was asifrnel as thp ttuK for Mr Str.i-k bn I ai t. Pntas Villsc Bombd. Btbp. Siritcrlan.!, Marrh 31. . M 1'aris, Mar-h .11. Two arrc.plan of nnknonn natitmafilT iro(.i llif larf boinhs at dawn this morning oa to auiall Hnia' village of PorrBiruy mnr th Froa-h frontier. binir lam.tar " projrty was rausct. SCHILLER HURRIED OFF TO JIN YORK Officers Feared Efforts Would Be Made To Rescue Him at Lewes, Del. WAS WILLING TO GO WuuU Do Any tiling, II Said, To Krfp Out of Hnl($ of British Officials ; Says Re vrngr Against England and Dfftire For Gain Motive For Holding I p MaUpo Crew Ht liar Anxx i l-rwn. In1.. Maroh 31 Tearing that attempt! wimM r. made to rrtwn- Krot-at S-Lill r, the M.n frman dti'w aa , who Kiuirle han.lfd i a'tur.i the Hrft nri tranif r Matoppn ant terroriated Iki ort-w of 56 mm on the high l:t Wcilnes.lay Light. tl tt-. tms t(-ui;!it took K hilU-r fri.m l.i ( 11 m tin town in 1 1 aui hiirrird him l au1,.i,(.ln t t llnr rinylnn frum when- tn il) It- tnktu hy tram to New York. Th il tvtnr dr. lan tl th. had rr ceivtd I'osntix :nfortriHti(Ht that at tm pt on Id b riiaitt- t rrncin- t hi pr ionrr and with th cn-st nt of the IWal authorit they d-t W- 1 ho wot, LI (k- safrr in New Vork -h;ll-r hlirti 'f readilV roii-nled to go fmng tha' he would do anthinr to kn i. i (Jf ihe haodt of the Hritih ofti laU J u it ir of the iVace Kt actor. lmini gration InM-otor Krm nud 1 r Meaxiok. the ufm rant me phiein. who r laiuinrd Kf hiller after he mrs lotired .n iniaoii here Iat agl't. aevi.nipauied the deto tv- and aid thev ere pre.aret to re fi-t all attempta to free the prisouer. Hrfciller Make Htstpmfat. I u. tig the afternoon N. hilUr n Rio n a hearing hefm e u e of the ff HegiMr nnd made a d tailfl MM' iitrft to Ins tnihr m tta'!.njt hat b- tr r med a rt ;itee 1 1 ng d : tton agaiaat Ltiglaud ( at reMing him a a apjr B well un the vp(.iln lie e&prrtei to veeur, he tUolared, wre the impelling motive. Ht ueer tain h-- t-h'ui, whether t1;e 1ut men he had puked to ar -im p;. n hnn had hid den on ;, s.h.- r h;o si !; n doiicd 'he .-nt. i pi The- urre ti.-t .t'Ti,:itk hi- de, -lared "In nirtk ng war on 1 ngland I am g.i It of u 1 t h i it g mitt e than a hi oar h of the neufal't Uw (.f tint muntrv," S,-hiiii r "J nun peji'-ef nlU pratirjng ir pt..fe.nn (,f toitMe engi u-T in Hull, rig la ltd . hen the a r broke toit A fi-iid of mine a ur rested charged with igiii I ling with rul rinin light" to tl raiding .eppelmv He wa hot and I a atie-tid I had mm mittt-d no nffi nv. but I ii ali ii f up in a dirt jail and g'at ly hiimi hated, al t t here w :m no ev idenee agatnst me "I toM the Hull ofti. in U it, at if th. y persist. ! m persecuting rue on a'oniit of it. v tffMan nativity they would pa? j fur it dearly. They could find n i 'Ur f "T fhoOt Itlg Die. INI t hr V l II i-d.ed ioe b eiiiuig me from the rte. nt i and so I riniie to Ameri. a 1 up nt some tinu in aiibm v, H . --tt fit HnOgo port Ton n , and ft ii ally W Ot to ftotoi where 1 wr u r ed i in p !o mi i, t with a ti it .le rompanr Thirsted Tor Keenge. A I the 1 1 rue I w .1- t h i rt tng fm n veng- on the Kiigl;-h and I 'iwl to he awake a! night -t , 'yH.g Inm to get vpm;f anJ tloii.g hi m. thing for of i many :tt f 1 .him ' no Then it oe nirr I to in. that it hoi.'-I Ke n. oh umipier fur a prip erew tu tnw;i:iy oi, dii; orr hen than ft pM'1 erewi to r;.n the Hnti-h Uockade I hi nt to H K kfn wih n plan- foMv forn, .'ht- l and tl ' re got ttigether nv g-ti,g. pi k :i g ' ut f i ! of t hi nio-t ! . 'm l looking ff!hvn to aeoninparv in on t he e ip lIm urn . I t ..I., t hem I w a- out t - apt ii re a Hr it u.h Mean . r Mid oiii ' it my . ht an! .ipb,in! th-.t fi i of IM fllf l. o'iM hold Up aild .h,p'i . lew and thai w-- ei tilt .httrsi th- nn ;i prize ; leu g-tting ail the u on v nn l-arl -Wh- n I i . a' .. i, t M-.., ; .. 1 had l-Tt, t d.i it :,n an, !,. i l...i-T. the Klr"''T". I tluok..i.T r.r ai r'. d icmt Hid a r;,rg- -f munilion for tlisd &44 i sB--sjtt nir'i m 'Jeinv and no:fied n. f,.nr hari't m.'n To a No g. t 'Hi o,.;,r.! P.,t th' X- ef. l,-.f th. -e a-I I I .;. k!,. ti,. k: s,-. tt-r . I ,, I I: ahea-l ' " i ' !. i .. . n-i...:. - - .i i ) I .. us:.!-, if I . i I.M I 'npt!i'n H-rfc;n. r i . i ( T wn l:i i liir ftAr - ' .h-v tt. inn unl I . ( . ! i :-ri h. r'tit ,,ii.i-r 'il To j. in a 'la ' ' T " hs i i '.r in i'- n. ...t ti,i.t ..t,. V,:n.' ,1 Ii- , -..Hi. I j i . .'. i ! !. 1 T1 ..'. I.i.n m. ! t ! . r. tft:r'.i ::zrt.L: s-i M.r nt th- 1:. i u.i; 'lav . -t . n v -itff 1 . i !. ,'r'iO t!. iiv 'i.p-;n. T . i ii T "KinTIUT IH H I) I P M N s MF.K IH SBWn 0..!.:.. M;, . -U..-.W.,r In g to Th- r- ii f -f a ' i. r woniar.. M' Krnrnt v hil'er Kr,iet St hlllrr. mho i all g" to Kae hfl I u tli raptain an'l M m.mUs of the British straicr Ma!orp.. rftoMel in' Stato pa prrs. is rwr buahaal and up to ahout four months ago hal mar his home in thi ntr jhere he was hetter known iCsattMarf M Fa Tws , RALEIGH. DEMOCRATS PLAN BIG RALLY HERE AT STATE CONVENTION Ta laairatloM ara taat titer la tola l W a vrjr larf alta4aa al tK Democratic State ('Teatloa la Ralelfh on Tharsaay, the tweatjr aeveata f April. Beaatw F. M. Slasanea will b aame4 aa temporary ckalrmaai by lutt Ckalrmaa Taemaa D. Harrsa. aad be will slellrer tb keyaota apeeck. Heaator Slmmoaa baa )aM Wea aolice that be acrepta the lavi tatlon eitended blm by (balrmaa) Warrea. Some of tb leadlac Pemacrata of tbe Slate will anake addreaae al lb toavsntloa. Delciatea aad alternatea to the Democratic Jlatloaal Cssr.n. tlaa will be elected, aa will a Wo be the ality member of tbe Democratic Stale Commit lee. la Ike convention aod by ontrcoaloaal liiatrlcta Preai deallal rlector will be elected. Chairman Warren, who yeoterday fave on I the statement thai Senator Slmmoaa woald make Ike keynote addrena aad proelde aa temporary chairman, wrlteo from New Bera that meaaaco from all parts of tbe State ahow that tbe coavenllon la aolaa to be aa eitrcmely large one. TOUCHES ALL SIDES OP DEFENSE PLANS niitit-c IV lis of FVrparrd iih! ProfiriHii CIAKHAL IHrARI) RKPORT Tliij Ilal Public For Firnl Time; Offered in 1903 and if Followed INavy Vt ould Ilae Keathel Second Place Among Ponera of World and Remained There Ihf AsoVM Ial fU f'l ' A ai-hingtoii. March Ml Se retary (lanielb torn hed on all ai ien of the pn pareitnoM. program in rontin uing Itis If st iiiuiiiy tola v before the floiiae Naal t'omnnttee. He proposed Tunoni njodirteatirmti in atv) a4fi4lmif to the hxv year huilding yrogriain ehdoiaed hv I'rePidi'iit WiUon. irifluding rliniln tion entitily of 1he pioisiou for great going an - ina r i inn in the 1917 enti mat ea 1 nutea 1 of appropriat infr for la rer veneln, the mm i el a ry fuitiKrNted huildnikf three HuO ton tvpe boats for tent purpoe. three 1,'mhi ton K hley t pe e ra 1 1 a 1 1 ead h ing been a ut hor ired. The leniatn ler of the Huhrnarmo fund, he urged, nhmild go into mint de- feiifie beatH of a Mandm,! tyi tfcat eould be t i J ir k K . her u i rd Th if t v Lj type or K type boats mav le the number agreed upon Other new feature pn ponei) by Mr. Pan lels w ere : 'ont r urtion of ' a great lfir dix-k at Norfolk and psildy at I 'h i iadclphia ; t -taldialniieiit of a marine. mtion and -iibtiiariiie baiM at San 1'iego I'al of the Taeifle 7iast to determine the hist loeation for an additional navy ;t d there, probably at Ioh Ai gelem o sau ii Ho. Fiper litnre of .T.Vmmi to flear the appriaiJj to tdUe i.'JiXrlcatiin, H. C, jard for heavy drnft ahipa and , ut lor i ,i ng t Tie rank of full a I in n ,il for the .l.ief uf operation, and filing Ins jiowctn 'V liiw on an eijuality with thoe fif rhiefn of bureau. In ei r, neet o.n with the build mg pro gram. Mr lijnieU made puldo f:,Hioiis upoit of the general board in llM i.! . w h i h set a eo nt i n inus build in y po! ,. v for the navy for the ti rM t line. nd aimed at a battleship Meet of 4S by I'.C'I If it had beon approve.!, he i:iid. tiit- l inted State. navy would hat n .o. Let e. ..-id ptaee among the poera of the wot hi and rerm.;in-t there. Tf bor.rd pn pos.d that th- M. . t built ,.1h1 j ithoi ied si.,;l J hi (-.nipos,.,! HS by Ml- iiatt ('h-p- 4'; iirmnr d . t .nv, r- -J4 . pioteet. d . i m-i I s 4H . . o ;I ii i i i I i , det.t r -Ire I - 4 . Ilfl I. .... b i.dd.tioiuil In addition the fol U -v i i..g ft i, , i - .ii o.' vv i, i r o;ii.iii( ii'.Ji'.d f i.i i,i l; j col i on of e ight batt leaii ip- : h'i'o i ii!'t, ooe ii ii. m . ii d rli "liil. nlif ..:p .tv -! ij . one it p. i,t 'lii-. on. T;tnk ihi-p t U.-UMpir4M 'Hli-ii rH )-,mp it i :' A hn ;iiiii'l liiM,o prrrin tl r tfnr.! j-.rr-' , -1 tr.,-, t Tt 1 1 Ti 5 , -n.1 h1 I, Li . I : I- 1 . . .it. t. ,1 , I II ,.! '.. ,. v, , ,, , r I! r .1. -'!,. .-r i.i, 'I I - .j t ..-ii - ? K ii ir i ii ; i ' 'Ml ' , 11. , I, i. f i t t ,., I r,. y ' .. t.v H. r.-, ilil'r,, hV . 1 t- . I.,- , ; ,t ' :,t ' rrj; nt',u i ,.i . n ,. .; tv . . r. . : i-.,;. - tt ,( i.nlnur4 on I'Mgr Twu 1 MHIIUMONKY FOl N) l!l HH I) I NDFH TltF.F. . n N r !a- !. :' H .r, . .1, ;. r a i, . ;.l 1 . v ' t , j '-f J.,, rin Is;.,,,. i . . t ,,. i.,t. t.,, v f ,, n.i ,, : ,,f '..II. !.,!, K Ollli-r K.-i! f. the :.':-, i : r .! u .i f , . i: j.,,ti h mi i, lr Ar'l. ir U'rirr.Mi Wait in an effort T. iilll, tn MW'lir fliff tt', ni, ,,- n "Ii. (n,l,!l!'.B flui.l us.-.) ,ri th.- l..,.tf ..f W.-nt.--. tVUr in .l-hn K IV. -k of tj.iii. l(r. 'I. f"t whnstj n.iir lpr the "i im rlentist was iiullrt",! to.tttv. Thf r..l. itl.o h Waltf tnl.l nistdet Attorney F..lnnr.l swsnn '"ntanieH $fl.f0, totalled onlv T when it was found liy the itoteetives Kane sal.i he never eonnted the money while it was in his possession and therefore did not know whether Waite's count was accurate. Aeeording to the story told by Waite. he aiso gave Kane a rheck for 9.4n which Kane adniitted l aving aeefpted. This eheek baa not yet been lotatad. N. G. SATURDAY MO KM Mi, COL. DODD AND SEVERELY DEFEATS BAND; 31 MEXICANS SLAIN, FOUR AMERICANS ARE INJURED, NONE SERIOUSLY BA1IET Tfl START 1916 JelTeron Day Affair Planned For April 15 in New Wil !ard at Washington ArSPlCRS NEW CM R Organization Recently Formed Interested in Succe of Dem ocratic Party; President Wil son In ited To Make Ad dress and Has Accepted, leaders To Get Together B H. K, C. BRYANT. Waah ingtoii, Maj-rh 31 Tlie Peino cratic caiiipai(rn for th" Neember eler tion nill be opened kre Ajril 1:1, at th New Willard botel, when President VS'ilaon uiaket the addreai ai A Jt-fferaon Day Baaquet," under the unfipicea i( "Th Com man o inel bib " The ('onimon Counsel flub, of mhi.h hKfretarv l'ftniels la ft n.imbir. in a new crjran iiatinn intr"i.ted in the. aur reaa of th Pernor rat part v It har- invited the Preaidcnt, and he ha- me rented. A rtateiiient inMtiel tola mic "The club ha invited the rhaifin.'in of the forty ei(kt Htate (Vntra) ennnn ittet 9 to be its nn est . of honor nt the banurt Other guekiti will ba mtuibi m f the Na t ion ft I rb-moeratie eointnittre nteiubera of Cmiiprfia and Demtterat io leadeiN of national and bwnl ronnii'-n'-e.'f Thomaa l. Warrm, rhn irmin of th. North Carolioft eornmtttt- nrtl) a4tn 1 The ptirpoae of th kAJ.'iiet ; to fur uiah an opportunity fp ' 1-vmorratt lt4ra of tha tlrj!rK. ,. ihrr for a ooltetj ifTdTt BffuMiit the HepuViTlfriim The annonnrement made by tlia club tndar Jeelares: "Heaid" the prin hal a perch whieh will be made by the Prei dent, kernote apeerliea out lining the pnlicieA of the IVm.i'' r .il ir party will be made by one or memberi of the cabinet and nieinbt-t' f both lion !-, of CoUtfreae. 'The banquet i e pee ted t be the first national politnal event of import an'e in the eniiM-rritie eamiaifii f ltlrt. Arorptanee! hn'-e alrea-ir b-e- n reeeied from party I-adere, iii all a- (OvnttntMa. on Twt.) NAVAL MILITIA CRUISES FfXFI) FOU JULY , Ht tr K- awl P'f- Wjvuhington, Mar ! U.- Na) niilitiM orguiiizntioim .- i. 'ificl tv the a v Dfiiartnient to. lav T . i t t li i r mn.'ial cruiif wodl-l Im' h- ' this vt-rtr fr,.m July 15 to J1. i. l . in dave net ! n wurkeJ o-ut, Imt ui u-hh! bib rwrve lijtltiihij'ri will (.c on th Atlnittic '"-'iHt, in Ril'l it t n tli trpki) utmxprn HxwiKiir-.l t. tin Klfriila, Iiuit inna. K.iith ('aroLnu uruJ Teian orjfitJii at in ii. FFBRI AKY WAS NATION'S KFCORI) TRADE MONTH Ft 'he Aaa - W nixhiniftMn. M:it. 1 prtM aihl lnipuft1 Ketirnary than in uii t h fount r y' li .t r y today in the rnut-tni input li" rum iit'T. ' Kh ti.tal vain .,.f t-l,i,.s ii ft y in 1 1 1 i-n ii - J 'n lost D. f-ii,l" r In; I Hi ti l,i n Ml iiM'iifht ,,f t T a fi-.':. ! i JiJ.rf'ti'l ..'7 1ll .a' nf I iariin.'iit ,-f "fr.:,r" fij1!!..!.' i..:'!-.r A flV iU4JjI tlattit' 1-it v:: i - -!u m f- n l e-l Prtwt I i - AmiTira'-s i t th Mere TfHtrr i, prprinuii iiMiitti .ii h iKurt stni Mf .1 f forciipi h in lii Kpirti lui'l h -"-.", rici-iling li i's i i-al.. -i i .'Jl tr frr '"ft in with ai.if-ii a !ki, ih tlir ' ii t" ii 1 iii iii. rv nth. in I a I tftl f or Ml- ; k ' ; o 1 1 . l.i! -li;l.t ini.iiM;- 1 THF DAY IN C()N(,RFS K S U K. 'i .- fi rmr Tfi 1 ; in. t, r., ,,,. CAMPA G! Of K II Ml. i, I !:.-. , - Inv. Ill, I -E. M..I . S.-. r.-t:,, i 'i.i 1( II ' t..'fM! c ' I . It. fill .let- barl.M,a Jill. i! mit m !),. II Iwi I . r(? 1 i,i". Marsh iP. .. - ,n; (.IK 'i 11 - I. rniii. nipt i.f A i .1 1 1 I I ! 1 ' I ' ' Sa' i. r Ih ..iil.n-.e I I, . -' , . I I iitn ?n l, T-e i,i!u.'.i i r. . ; . nn I .le. , l. . 1,, . ,. vot f a n ..! ,r . , ii I i st i irf AitnrTi." rii. hTuli' 1, it are . n in. in se I' di. tn 11 a. a PRFSIDFM I'UOBARLY NX 11 1. bir CHARLOTTE W,l.iiiji. ii Wilson , ii 1 May ' 'i--lenl.urg iL-n . Henatnr Hs.it1 dav j ti v it !.. i, ..i.- ri.-s.i.t ,.l iit ('hnrl.itte ration of the le. k t I mlepeu.len.'e. Soiiti I'ariilina te x isit Columbia, .h the aarre .lay President said he would do so it pf-sible. APRIL 1, 1916. ENGAGES VILLA AT SAN GERtSH GERMANS ADVANCE Ill SHARP ATTACK Cain Footing in French First Line Trenches, But l)rieu Out FATALITIES AT SALOMKI Fully Two Hundred Anglo French Soldiers Belie ed Killed in Air Attack, (ireck Public (rpinion Said To Sharply Criticize Poaition of Kntente Allies n- ia a., Pur ii. Ma rrh 'l ) The (errnan in a fierce attack on r'rer L posifioue north eat of Hill 2V'. iu the I-e Mwrt llumm rej( on Koine ! I, r. e in i lea f at of M;. anrourt gained a in ion of the French fi rt llin t rt i,rln-, but f re iu iim d i ate !y driven out in a nf -roiie eoniiter attack, acco-dintf to the Prrn.-h ofti. utl 1-inint.uiiirali ing The (irrmini ten1, pt to debouch hi k the hold n ,.,,! ih. rx,- do at f rm Ma'HhroitTt ratallly al 8alualkl. Brrliu. Maril, .11 1 1 nirrless "Atbms rrporta that at Iraat '-' Ar.gln KrfUfh ..llUrs wfr kllle.l h t hr air attack." mys h Oirifhi Nws A-u,- in au ttrui ffnt-n on? for ru ,liraT i,n to. las'. 'Twentv tons of eii.losnes wer . . , , . . .Wtonalr.l an. I numrruus t.arra. it were hume.i T.enty soc. Kert.ian raiit.-a i cars, ,th ar uiatenai and sn ammunt Hot, aliel in the city, wars ..trnre. ttieek public opinion akaipty criti cnti aiaea tk proceedings of Us entente al lies which have eipose.) Sain nnlkl tn at 1 estat.inhniHuts ar m the town The refusal of the em. Dte government, to pay damaK' s iane.l l.v ,he air stt. k has cause. I much Litter feeling in tire, k rir les '' Tbt f,, going itiin ri.ha''l r fers ma An tu I he air rai l Lv ru I tv r man rin ue c-u Sn loii ikt la at lula v At h-na du-pat. h . I the .!. a-ru-tO'Dt hn J ifiit-s'i-l a gam nt tt.r t-at barijtiifiit R FOC EST FOR FACTS is (;iyen (;fhmny Amhauirfor iierard NwliRsa Korrlcn Of Ari of I nllrd State Dealrr Fur la. formal. n Aa To Sui. )l. II.. a... I I "a H.t1ui. Ma f r)t M - u.r. ,. .laiio' W Cerai I Ann'oai. i n In o-r Lhi prt-m, i., th- tfr4.ti rHUU t' avvsiaas! ftif lt ft ft to i. h- ' 1 r ' i ft in ii n hu ' a -. ii-' hn 1 torpf I'H'.l 1 1 !..(. , hai.ii- i St.n-i i ..r t to H' it ,li t.-.r ,p r f.fc 1 1 mi ii n n 'I ti ' utM-r a- . or I . i. ti L ll i r ic us N i-v h ii . H ! v'ih l for k. in.- t.'r!-- -ii ..i t.-o :,. ii.--naval m.!h-o i n-rikt- 1 1 nn t it 1 (I. 'it i. li m Tr,.- tenor . th- r-t hhi. Ifi t!.- f r e i Kii i' flh t t h a in ';i aui i " it f ' ' th.-i.Ulrt.llt Inquiry A" To Third Strmr I U ' I'll, VII ' ).. I. t I, if. II t l) ! I .. Ti M.n.-h .'! H . 1 . 1 1 1 . . . n ,. r.-rniii " lisl.mai, .'. ti. . rnri' l:.n, I.. -. i I t. A rii- ' 1 1 rn ) t -i it 'I ntr! v-i . . !,,;. n ' ii Ie!pl..a !u Mn . .mi!!. ,n. I ! ' Wi.'.l W'.'sl. . , r. n ii. -t, In. ' I 7 1.. . 1 - r i. . i : Hi y.i. . i . ... s 'i;t t" : t a.hinel' U . i si 1 I l. , .1,1... ' f,rla s . lion. Yol'NC (, InI I'M! I of -i n te ion mu Hv II V. I I li "a M 1 1 .' " -,1,,. i.,. ... ' .,, ..!'l!i,'..r ,, .h-M- ! I ii nt, - -!-i i in hn.k tt . '.T,. KreiKht Inrreases aspesdr.l I VV, .r.j'.oii . i.l. .1 !' i ! .n r ,. .1 f i "Hi' ' rat. s i.u .s, : - .-, f ,.-tk. ,t . to v V, Ita.f.n.oie. I-li 1 Slid Wa.'.mif .u Ly ir ,. steamship lines w. re .p. .f. 1 td. I.J the Illfe, state t'. niii.. ree ( ., minis si'on until .I II' " fen.iti.a :i.v- st:ga tion. The pro...l e,, e..;. ir tuallv douhie et.stir,; tat.s. VILLA COMPLETELY SURPRISED AND FORCED ON THE DEFENSIVEi 4 i Bandit Scattered in Many Directions And Their Chief, Wounded, Seeks Safety in Mountains ( NEWS OF DARING EXPLOIT SENDS THRILL ALONG BORDER, Battle Took PlaiT at 6 O'clock On Morning of WeoWa.lay nJ (".ontimi-(l For Scleral Hourn N elcran Colonel, ( itlk Picked Troopers of Seenlli ami Tenth Cavalry. Drove For Seventeen Mourn J)ohii Santa Maria allev. Falling Tpon I nsuaperting (lamp While They 'ere Olcliratina; (mii rero i 11m (Capture Kxpcctcil Soon ( Ry the Associated I'ress.) T. PASO, Texa.i March 31. Four hundred American raval- rymen, under the command of Col. Ceo. A. Dodd, galloping i J o w n from the irranite slopes have fallen on the main body of Francisco Villa's bandits at the San Geronimo ranch, scattering them in many directions and driving the bandit chief, wounded and crippled, to seek a hiding place in the mountains. Villa was hurried from danger in a car riage. The fight opened at G o'clock in the morning of March 29 and continued for eccral hours. The news of the exploit was flahhed into Juarez today and sent a thrill alonif the border. For seventeen hours the veteran i , , . , . . . , , colonel, with his pu ked troopers of the .Seventh and Ienth ' r , Cavalry drove duwii the valley of the Santa Maria river. At j the end of a 55-mile ride they ft 11 upon the unsuspecting Villa Icimn . Vire Rftft liumllta U'ero cvloltrutinir tViu m uun oru ,.f 179 i , . vtrriinzk soldiers iwo aaj'8 previously at Guerrero. Villa, shot through the leg i hurried from the scene, barely i f te Americans. The bandits ! before a charge of Col. Dodd L E OF Vt ar IViidrtinent l.xnerth Soon Siiereeful Comlu-ioll f l',initie I , edition CONCRKSS l ol'S WOUK nfws of hash President X iloii Send Con-r.ilnl.iti.m- lo Seer, l;ir Raker ho in Turn X ire )preiiili.,n To Cell, run- .oii I o lie Coii r ed I (ion IVr-lmi" and Col. Dodd iniv hf noi i: 1 1 Rs 1IF.' w n n n I M RF MI.I.X It I I I 1 RF-l 1.1 1 nt.' . , .' t . i ' n; ! . ,:.i.un t t I.e 1 - ' i .1 nla. I '.r '.. I r. r ,f ... i'. , . l-i I., the ai.j-u. a t,,.:i' tj 1- w.s 1 1 . r . l . . fruit lis, . - rsr r st 1 . :,: r iu hurt I run L ... , i. '. 1 i ' jV I'll. The ..f:. si, i s that noli t!e A',., n. i,u iol.l...; were h,rl "U-lj. , WASHINGTON m FQROUiCKDEATHQR CAPTUR VILLA fCVE CENTSj of the irreat Continental Divide. and -with one hip shattered, wtt" ''- in time to escape the onslaught made a brief but hopeless stand and his troopers. Thirty. One left Dead. Then t li.-v t.roke sii.l rlnl I... vir.g tl ilriul ..ii the fl-l I mi. lu.liiif tl.eir eom Hiainli i . ; nerul l'lte, Me, nan. I. r Tw in a. li i ,. kuii. ii ,i .nn I .-r of h.u . s. riftea, uiiniiiiiiitiiiii nn, I .. Miinent I'.-; i nto tha IiiuiiIh .f tic Ani.ii,',n. Aim. i. it tl...,, WMnn,e,l is I'al. la Ij..i Ma's li. iti-iianl in the '..Inn, Mi. rut. I TI,.- it; i ..-:in .-Hsiialties .oth four prirat. " iv . in 1", The Am. mi, h i s,,: i.-rs .11-1 ,i..' linger nn tl:.- tl. i l ..f . . I.., v For ii hour the ,!r...- the . ,i. ;i li,-f,,re if, .;1 iota the wil-l. mi. ss ..f ii, , mlmn .ink .l.ert, Hh.l ea,i..ii. i- I . -re , m Is or .n t rh ! la ale iiiikn .v. ,i simI .l. re :i n -.Kutep uirsns dentli ,., !,,... iu, I ,: l,r I'hef I, nit, .1 onlv sf. r the rl.aae 1m, i ,,rn, 10 Ullles aiol the fujtues u..- rM4v. 4 iiitu little Km. I- ..f half a ,..rrii mta '"ill Vil'as en 'eer lis. .,..-.l. Lis ...n.. has l.een I. token His , Ienth of n.tnf is nnlv a i ;est.ii . t' , , i,er hrii I'll' Iim irs Sm. h is the . n . . Hn Lla . . !! -. .11 ,..., I,, . !,ere a fi;v I httl. the ,. , ,,f II I , , rule" i en, I, the j I. mi. I-, I' .e , , . ,.,.,, 1,1.. ,,,, the r 1 1 . ' I. I I Hi. ' , k.i l.,n .i:,l I. h:,l,len. ' " ,1 it' 'he U II tn I) ,, v i-t. - e hieh I , I -. so .,t i.-f,.!,,. Srene of he lrtor Tl n.- I .... I s . .., .. a ! 'J i ." i ' i. a' : i... I ..f tha j !;. i i )' I "... .-t , i ' ,:i 1 1 i. . I . . . i ' ... i . h leada J "" - ik" " I -l . 1 1 ' '. . I sulci i '. f-M ' . . ' m. m 'I Uttef . i i-, . ', r : . i s v , i . . , I, ,in. 1 UK " ' i ,, ,i f ! !'"''' " ' - ii.." : ...-el -.'.'.us J "''' ' ' ' teai.f ""'".if !,.- i : ....). I' e ,s .., ,.. V Ui... i.ei - r-e-el m - fr,j. " ' n '' 1 - ' ' '' 1 ' ' ni'tl "'"l ''' 'i" !' -n ! ii. ' i, !.:s , T. " I--,' ... i, have " ' ' ' ! ,! ' -eh,l I I . , ! . t - - ! i . i nit, ' 'I'" ' " ' ' . VMS. '-'.'. .t j . , . . , , ,t , n. ' ' s,..el ' ' ' ' ' r ,:1 -b f .. the I ..'I..-. , r- I), , i,.d rn Ilia. ' : 1 ' ' ' ' . i I -t I nnillt - ' '' ,1 I T ' ' ' : ' ' s ; ' hh. to -" I '.,. I... ba j : ' 1 .-iveu " . i ' i , , .... s,. ui e I,,.,- ,-, , . V I. ' v - .. ... .. to !..! I. . ... I ,1' If, I i ha, ' r i , Tl.. " ' ' ! ' " .' - . . - 1,1 I'M'' . ' ' ! , 'I!'- " - ,'-; '. i..n ! viol h N i... '. . ... '. ,,..! ' " ' 'M ''.. .,es, II . . .1 H r. : ii M iu ana 'I ' .. . e j , .,..' M. 1 1; .. ir.:t..- f.-renir.o. ;iu.l two n ' s ! ' is f.-ar. t that tha ' ii i . ' ; s are Ai ieriearfs. i .- . k m. Henij ie. Loeka ;i.. it nun u to ha.e bea I I I)-:. ! r. j., I l:i lik u i . , f. t .11 Nil I on r A:i . l"' ' Ml a, M ii.o a reeeattx. It is th'.riytrt imprll.le Villa tC'ttntiniMst sa rssT TrsJ

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