The News aed Ob server Best Advertising. Medium in North Carolina ' nlaa Maaday aa4 TaaaaUy claartag. 4VOL. OIL NO. 94. RALEIGH, N. C, MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 3, 1916 PRICE FIVE CENTfl ANOTHER SLIGHT SPEAKER CLARK 43 KILLED. 6B HURT Composer's Widow Heads War Relief Fund SCHWAB OPPOSES GOVERNMENT ARMOR PLANT 1M ZEPPELIN RAID FOR BftilT yiLlll deicIc; FOR COMING FIGHT BEATING BUSHES I I DEFENDS CONGRESS I .Nearly 200 Explosive And In- cendiary Bombi Dropped On English Soil BOUSES ALSO WRECKED British Aeroplane Men Go Up And Attacked the Raiders on Friday Night; No Detail of Attack Made Last Night on Coasts of Scotland And of England I Ilk AtMKMIMl PTM I London, Apiil 2.--The official press bureau tonight gave out the following statement dealing with the Zeppelin Sir rind on the Kngtish eaat coast Friday ight : i Uf total casualties reported in the Zeppelin raid on the night of March 111 April 1. now amount to 4-1 killed ami 66 injured. Nearly I) explosive and iurt-udiary homN nc dropped "A Baptist .hap I, three dwelling houim, n nd two cottages were demol ihed. A town hall, four dwellings, Xt cottages, and n tram car shed were rtly wrecked. There a no military damage. "A mint Iter of mir aeroplanes went up to attack the raiders. Lieutenant Hrandon, R P. C , rising . hhi fc.t saw a Zeppelin atmut if,(KM) teet hUm- him. At .tK foet he got ov.r it mid at tacked, dropping several bombs, three uf which he bt'liete took effect. "l-ater lie got over the airship again and I off two noire Itotnbs ovri her nose. His ow u Hiat hiue was hit main tinier by machine gun bullet This may have been the Xeppebn h o Ii dropped a machine gnu, ammunition, a petrol tank ami machinery or possibly that which came down off the Thames est nary." A correspondent in S Northeast hum ton u nays a Zeppcliu dropped four tern explosive and Wen meeiuliary tatm-ha there Saturday night. Ten men. three women and three -h ildr en u ere killed and t w enty fix e persons pere ri oualy injured. In addition, about t tghtj others received minor injur ics A tram car inspcetor wn kil'rd and a woman trum conductor ha'! a leg blow n off Several houses were w reek ed in one street. One house demolished, hut the family of five evyiped without st-rums injury. - Attacked By Aiairoa Berlin, vio Ixindun. April - The fol lowing official couim miration i h no' todav concerning the t mi .in "ir raid in Kngland KmUv night "During the night of Mar.-h il April 1 one of the airship squadrons ntta. ked Undon and south roast of Kngland. Bom Is iv ere f revd v dropped on the r it v let '-en the t vrr bridge umi 1 lie I .on don dH atid on militaiy rumps in the Morth western distrut of the city, mftui far tone1) near Knticld and m nu tion works at Walt ham AMi. v, "Another airship, having i - eessf illy attnt ked a bntterv mar Ht.,n marke-t (KufTolk', dropped a m-ntl cr if explo sive snd iuecndlarr bombs on l.we St oft. A hat tery was silenced near t a m bridge. Kitensi e mii uf ni t unng orkf in th- ton n were uttrn Led. "Boml were finally dropped on for tifitation works afid harlxirs of tLe llumler, hy w hh three luittefies were rvdueed to siVfire. ATI Hie attack were mro-ful. Keliahle hrvat inns from the airships showed the presenre of nu mero4l tires and the collapte of Ixuhl Id spde of the violent homlMrdment, ill the airships ret u tiled with the el reption of the 1 !," whieh, aeeording to g report, was compelled to d -rrnl (n the water of the river Thames Sea re he Instituted hy our naval f on e up to the present have not teen prodintie of anj fenult.-s." Another Attack Yevterdsy. Itndon, April :t. --The coast of S, ot land and the northern and jo.nt heastei n counties of Kngland were attacked Zeppelin" Sunday night, according to an official announcement hy the Se-ret:irv of War. Thi ftunnuDtattiU aa; "A Zepelni rHid t(ik pho-e Kmid:i ftitt itit th evt .-of vtur4 ci4 northern and southeastern eoiintit-f of Ka gland wr atraekrf. "Bombs were dropped at various ptaees No details are avuiluldr.' DEMANDS REPARATION FOR ASSAl LT ON AMERICAN IFE. n lh AtatlaUPtt P . Par,. April 2 Prof. James Ma rk PMwin, of Baltimore, whose .Ifinghter was seriously injured in the ti plosion ou the cross rhsnnel steamer Nnei, to tlav gave out s copy of a cablegram dtfipatrhed to Presolent Vilwn. It rvods: "A vronisn traveling where her ri(ltt was, carrying sn Americai paHrt. strickeny'on the Sussri, hoVt-rtng letwern life and death, demands that reparation for assault on American life nnl lit-eriy lc risctnl. "tSig:ie 1 1 MARK BAUWIN " Mt Baldwin was able to speak yes terdav for the first time since the arei !ert Her injuries "include psralysis uf the right side. At n m effing yesterday of the Acad rm.v nf Mornl rnd Politiial Siencvn, l'rc. Ilepry July, in the nsme of the fodvniy. eiprensf d joy at Professor ItaMwin's ewe a m from the dis astrr. He annnunTd that a formal ad tire of eongratiilatioa wouhl,' be sent to Professor Baldwin. ; The Asjrara at Port ( halmer. I Mir ito Asx-U'W Ptm Port Oialiners, .N. Z ria tendon. April .1.--Thf Nliarkleton Antarrtie aui . iliary esploration ship Aurora has ar rived here. All oa tioard the sHip are well eawpt tu meinler of the crew, vrfco are f(frring frjm a miuor .I'n-- neS ETHEL&Zfgr NVtti Mm Kthrlhfrt Ncvin, rliinrmiui f Ui- AimiHiin fuml fur Kh-iiiIi I nl, N en iiik witli the Muutloll r n lirf imimiiltii' f N ork, wjmli lias lit liihui-j H lii'i'i-r hi ill n Vi.rk mi ATil 5 umi H fi.i tin- ln-n 1 fil i.f ar u(T it i Mis. Nt in tin- ;nli ii f tilt- lit lit .Iff i nil 1 1 ii sr I' . 2 A IATORS III Hi I N KM) FOOT F AI L Hul Marhinr W hit Ii t rll Into Hampton Koad, a lVwollhd. - II. n . r t'l P r' I ,tMitt .tK. a , Au il A iitt'ura II 1'i.g.tnt'M ninl ,ll.l:n' llniw r. of tin I urt,i ixtmli t lii. ill. fi-ll inln Mini. . inn KoiiiK nl ilt itmkiiifE a fl i tjlt t Iiiti-'. rin x t lifii'il innii.r.iri i, nl tlliilUjll Mil' HIM' I. Illl' "H tlrlimlikliril Stt..;.fi' nf (hi' i i.v'.nf wlnl.- tlif inn cllllli' tv;1s luruil.K ,s ''""I ,(l I'a'' iMtffil tilt pi'i iilt-nt . COAST LINE BUYING MICH NF.W KQPIPMKNT ..t. i! i. '1 .ii" niftrt i Wilinilljrttiii. A i 1 1 J Mnrf I In, il !. IHMIIMIII in inllill Mofk Ull'l 1 34 1 1 14 l.HI P Ufii .n i . liiim il l. i'h A 1 1-t n t i init 1. 1 II. . till' ill lll I It- III I.f lllllllf IMllllll I lit- irmtnt mi'l 'In ii-t u.i.ntlii .if tin rtiti.lllK til r Ni-arH I..11M f r K ' "a". Sfttiiil bti-rf nroti njfri . i.a. In'. 1- Iinu liiutitri ninl l.'i.mKl tun of mil lire in flinliil ill tin' nriliT lltlicr lailroinla tlirnu( tin' tiiiiiitiv Imi ;i 1 1- Imiina; lit-n ih tiint fiillou iiik tin n i .o.l of t ur lailiuMit iiiiitlt'iit to tin- ttur. NORTH CAROLINA BOY D1KS AT ANN APOLIS l(.ll Ii OW H B' J HrltH Annapolis. Md , April II Strn ken with appendicitis. Midshipman Philij' l- Northern, of now den. N " . du d at the Naval Hospital here last n ight ful lowing an. uperaliuu for appeudieit i.s, which was performed hs t ha n a eek ago Peritonitis developed after the ope ra i ion. Young Northern a m inber of the first class and Iiik death i partnularly sal in v jew. of the fa t t ha I he ou Id have graduated from the aadtuiy early in June. The body taken to North ( urn lina today Northern was au appointee of Hepresentat ive John H e-mail, of the KirM North Carolina District. Nfere l.-iV of the Nv laiuel ( nt a floral tribute. BRITISH STEAMER SI NK. Crew, Two Members of Which Injured, l.snded st Pen is are. ht ill" Aaa-tM i t d Trru Iiiibn. April J The Itntish steam it Uold Moutb has lim buuk aud htr crrw , t wo m e ttf e r of lu h tuffering says a Lloyd's dispatch from that place dated -Saturday. The i. old Mouth hs of 7.44o Kros tnn She wn 471 feet long aud ws nw tied bv the Anitli Sainn P t role um Company of I.oudon She probably was in the go rriihient scm ice Iatrt shi ping records give her sailing from Po Arthur Tel. October 18. and N'lfn Noembr 4 for Itortmouth. redlt ( nfon For Craven. KfiMitl lo Ih r -id ((!! ' , u Hern Annl '? l'rt V U K. nl of Rsb it'h. suieriutenlpnt if The North Carolina Credit I nion and Cooperative .H-ociaTion. in rompiny with rrcf. J. W. SWars. farm derooin-trator for Craven 'otintv, Priihiy n ight paid a visit to Syr i n g a rten and t here inaugurated pms for the formation .f s credit union uniting the farmers of that section SF.RBI N I EC.ATION AT SOFIA 19 PII.I.M.ED t Om A-- ta-r.l I'rati April ? Vr At hen lM.ftt. Havi dwtrd He.turday. r vVd bv th, New Agency, SA.rt! "The populate ha pillaged the bu lid ing of the Serbian legatio at S. fa information obtained from a relia a hie source. The Bulgnrian authorities rested ths men left in charge of the building. "The American minister at svfia pro tested to Premier Ra do lav off who justi fiett the action of the people on th arritti nd that Hprtiiat ha vitiar exist a a aatimi, the legation building N 'or get! to litlTgari. Lightly Equipprd DKarhmetiU of Cavalry Sweepiim! About In Whirlwind Fashion VILLA INJl'RY DENIED Also Reported That Bandit Chief Instead of Going Northeast of Guerrero Has Moved Into the Hill To The South And Ea.t; No New of Mexican Troops ill) lh. 1... .t..t I't' Hi.n Antonio. April 'Z I 'iil- r':in cio Villa in ilrtiniti-lv Inrattil mtliiu tlir unt lv or to. it lit lu lii it il lit ri thut tivurral lVrhinj will lifjini a ntaj-.h of tlu' uuiutitaiun rt ami ninth oT trnrnrm. HmtT-'-4iMit of Villi. 'a fono Mnnli L'H. in ami near 11 , lllltl fill.lK-. lit III. Illilfllttof onalry liair lift ii t.uct'ii!ik 'ii lnrltviiitl falt lot. t!in ngli til. .li'tii. t ai m it tin hi tnl iiattfr of tin :inta Maria run trying to lo.utf tin' l!Mlr 1 in ll ,1 It . Iflmllitl n luiif Kinn in tlilit aft. r U 1 1 ii l y 1 1' I y . ( ! mo ru I CitsIi in k ili. I nit i;i t rf (tint tliiouuli t" l.tlnral l-'iiltou t.H1: v t'l.t IllH r Ii it-l' i.f t.tllfT tl:.l ill. 1 1' lit I IK that Hit lnif i.f rololtnillli atioll mil int.i tni'il No mention t-l mwii nf 1 1 In inmlf I'litrr nt nj.-rrnsi K Im In f tlmt I it in ml I "t rsli i n g may have .tin li.MM'il i. tn tin- .liroitioli t-lktii l illii Hint t i i li i i in fi 11 i ii aT lilM in ,iii i. 1 1-1 i.i i:it 1 mn hart In t it ri-rrliil tint i. at in K I'' ":tn 111,1 iiijnit'it at all nn. I tlmt in..tra.l of aoini; inu'hi nt of li.n iri'ln I oi t'tl into tilt- lillla to tin tn.itll Illnl I'Ult Nt. otliiial Hint hum I. tell rrn'llliil uf tlif oik i at ii nt of tin- Mi'iM in (in. ru in-iit Inn. ii wlntli ut rp t Iirrtti1 to lirrwiit 'illa't tit.-ai.i' to tin- inoutitaia. Mate Hi nartnifnt ailtltri's reKaril nig rtiinlitioi iu Inliiialiua afi.l i.-irtt of Mi-ln'o wire tralntmitteil 1o tiowi'rill r'untton today. I nt wcrf not mailr rl In lirr It wnit Htiitotl at army hrwl iiuarti iv, lii.iM ti r, that ttit'rr won ri a fi'li to Inline Hint ol ann, li' nut' of tlir Inninr foii-r n jjti i nt ilia. Ii.i'l rt'volttil atraintt t'arrana ami lnnl j.ini-.l ilia. Anotlifr Mnry n i v il Minn''iii'e at army (.tail tjim rt i-m wait Hint Villa Ill-mini fur ( Ii .liuali im ( ty 'I'h aihautfH ravalrv of dfii IV'ihina; ar tint fur from ('hiliun I-na. Train Frem ( aaaa (.raadM.. Kl 1'ai.o. Ti'ia. April J - Tlits flul train from tlm I asav l.rainltit rfgiim ill a itt. k ulliil into .Inarm to.lny from ri-an.nn. " nnli -.until nf tin- military l.a.f t-inliisli .1 Li nn l"t rr-ti iiik at I nlonia lintilan. Nt-.nrti Morn on i-o'oti it on tlif t'ain no h(lit on tin- vi il of my ft. m kIii. Ii linn i nn Inpcil the 'ratoD of III. ' Itirrirtin lroo.- KKlrr 1 1' .Mlt .li t. at inflirtfil on tin' ViIIii liri last Wt .Im Tl.t'i re par toil ee'ytin--ipii. t at IVar mi ami V:i laraanlf ami that tin- MrMrnun tparntlv had I ,ne rfriinri't il to Anmimn on Mriit on anil. Mi wt as irrrhautt tnlil ifomls frii ly to Aatt-ri.aa atildiora tin- loliiinM't -ii nl. ami "rri" nmm in tt'rf.ttf.1 in tin- Anirruan furrt-ury ays tt-r Hian in the piiriniit of ilia To re m no ml uat inn heri- that the Am i. an military anthoritir ha ao mint ty urn i lie Mipiily. pmlilflii for tfti- trrK;i!t at (W frnil Nu aMiiunt has yet Ittt'H iitatle to ahtp fuuti ui fur it Kt i.y the Mft.rini N on Ii neuter ii Hail i. a. I A train from Juan- for aaaa l.ranilet, i not exi.ei-tetl to mote foi at !t.:t tn,, data. Baiter At Hla Office. Washington. Apiil 'J --.Sunn the linum olil report with the atorv (f how ( nl. 'it. I Do.l.l ami hit troopers atru. li it ntia4l mm fug Si ) M KE CI.ERK PKISONEK, STEAL J":e) IN CASH lt tl.. Am..' iI l-rt. (IreeiKl.oni. N ' . April 2 -(ilt.ert Nenell. I? year nl.l. iinploje.l aa clerk hy the Ninth Carolina I'lihlie fWriee (-'orporatiou. oiiuera uf the atreel far HMiti-m here, itna attarae.l hy a hurglar Utia . u.wu aiiur.Uy aUr 3 q'tlotk. fort e I into the enmpany a vaiiH, lut ked in. and t506 in rash atolvn. Newell, whi n ilieot eretl thin morning at h oV-liM-k, wai in a at-n.i nn amia eon -lition from aufTot-atii-ii. while hit face was hruiHe-l. ADAMS (;ets control OF SOl'THEKN EXPRESS Rt lie itHnll'lil r- . New York. April L Wni. M Karr-tt. prrHidt-ut i.f tlie ,daniB Kiprea Com pany, nn noon red here ton ight that the controlling inters! in the Stmthern Kt preM 'ompany hal t n at utrod by bi company. H luud, hwt-er, that thrrt would le no change in the management of the Siutheru Kiprefo ('nnipany ; that Morton K. I'lant will remain an chair man of the board of directors , T. W l-earr as presidt nt, snd K M. Wilhami ai vice presi'tent Mr. Barrett, in id nounring the transfer in control of the Southern fcipre '"iiipany. Raid that the Adam fcipr r(niany had been the second largcflt owner of the Kuth ern Liprenn Company fur more than flftr rear PrewitJeat mm4 Mn. WlUon acht. iPf th AwtataM i 4 ruhfiell,, Md.. April 2. President and Mm. WihMn who are on a eruiae down Cheaapeake Hav. Mped here to day. They arrived at 'J :'Mt p. in. ou the Mi v flower anil Mr. and Mrs. Wilv.n came ahore in the tender. About 5, (lOO people cheered them. air. Wilsoa waa given a huge bouqurt of sweet peas and v.oM. The eotirt pJire forr of Crisfield a tcd as aa eft-tort. Penetrate Caillert Wood Eaet of Meuse In Neighborhood of Fort Douaumont ARE KFPVLSED AT WEST Berlin Staletnrnt IpmmmJ Yrft lertly Claims Teuton Troop lUe Cleared 1.000 Yard of French Trrnchc Northtail f Haurourt in AiKlilion To Paris. April 2.- The ticimans launchetl hea y stta ugam 1lav sgainjt poMtuus to the n-t and east of the Meure. To the w-t vhe attacks were repulsed, but to tiie inM, in the iifiKMirhot t of roil inu mnout . as vaulting ft-rces were abb t penetrate t lie allien e Wom. Ii ing tn (he south. Fruiii tbe iiortheru puit . r thi wuod tli were hlniont .iiuin i rji led by Kr'nrh rftiitter i - Took 73! I'riMiiu rs. lt- r I i ii . A r 1 1 '2 m U in I mi 1 . The irrnut n i Ho-il atateiii uf Inds y aiiUdiiui i-i t hat i nt" u t Htps hat t leared 1 .iHi ktd of I niuli lorn In s nortlitast nf HuiuuuM in -i-uiioi. ti the positions t:tkeu Murrh lo The (teruiHiis took 7-U prmouers iu th- t ;j 1 1 1 f aiix Marrh .11. The utily nontiuu nf fight g around Widtiti Apn' I tIN of the r MiUe of . I'ri ih h couni. atlm k after a te i t ttir art lib l y botn l.i i Mm nt in'ST Van i Tlir tt t nf the ofli. ial slut- nu ut navN: "N .-ti i i. tli.-yl ie : V i,. . .nith t he Soiuine. hn e lie in begun afWr fchott artill.-r -i u mi mil was cbe ked by our lire "Through the bom bi r . I ni tit of Iteth ini i lie, east of Kheim-t. the K reach auwd c uMderable Ion-"! t i their rouutrymen. Three women mid one child were kilted, and live men, four women and a child re Serieuslv in j ii red. ln addttotu to the position taken March M), French tr-m ties iiortheant of Unucotirt. eitend tag ever about 1 .0Ki yards, hatve beea cleiied nf the eut-mv. 'On the eastern tank of the Meuse our troops on kiarrh .11, after careful pre pa rat ion . tok ponusMti of t he aeaaj defense and Hanking worka northwest aud st f the illage of 'Yesterday morning, after the French Are had readied its highest intensity in this region, the ei per ted eouuter attack nbn-h took plare In oke dow n u in p let fly undo r t he fin1 of oui ma hi ne f(uui aud the curtain tire of our artillery. Ajart from the sMiigumarv losses suMaineJ during our attiirk Maieh Jl, the enemy ieft in uur baals uu wutiidf l pnorerj amounting to II o(H eora ai) I 7T) men and ht aiuchiae gtittji. 'breat activity wa displayel by a Ma tors of lawth sole and nuniermai mw r mi buttles were terminal id id oui favr. "In sdlition to enemy acroplao brought down beyond our lines, an Kng hsh biptatie was shot dow aear riidir beat. The occupants of the aiachiae were raptured Ober 1 jeutt uant Her thold thus put mu of attioa his foutth eueniy arro lane. "Snii h w st of Ijeas an en em net u plane wa brought down tn Manic b a direct hit from oui auti an raft nuns "Homt fw fe-e-ly- dird upein iMm li,i' ArgBHe, weit .f Verdun, who h 19 ttHgl gai risoned Hith troop- and ii mii the a rodome of IWlfuit " Kater u t heat t e : "The genei al posit ton on t h i.i front is un' haiiK'd Mast of iiranoihi there a greater lighting atiiity than u-uul " Balkan t lu at r e ; There a not h nig to report Fresh Brtgadea la Attack. Paris, April 1 - Jour freh brigades parti'ipat d iu i-e attack which ended iu The ot.upntion of the village of Y a ii i . to t ht northeast of Verdun, says an rye itne of the battle Th- iif-.tult U'gao with a tught at tack All Kndsv evening th village and it surro n ling mne titpioiily shelled The attack b.g.m frvm the noith at 3 o'clock in the n.rning by a bngnde ditoucluaug try in 1eu.cUca. mu, tu lull sida east of Fort Itauauniort aad ad ruriif so far as lbs raulroad bn to front of the advanced French position where it wai cheeked by French infan try and a barring tire so inteuae that the assailants wa- uaable to hold their grurid Tber n 1 rej to their treat hs much depleted im li jiulra. A fr-sh bnga ie mads the aeeoud at tark toward five ' lock la th morning from the eat with an abundant nppl of powerful grenades that denodished the hMJse occupied by the defenders of the town. Though partly buried undei the ruins, the Fren h stuck stubWrrrlv to thetr post, whoh ther resigned oiil step by step aud indicted sever U- on the attacking forces. With the houses demulislo-d by grt u ades and shells, there remained no rea son for maintaining the position, and the French were ordered to retir on po sitioDS preared further to the w-tt The detachment tdl maintained a gall ing firs as it went tack slowly and in good order, a curtain of Fri-nrh sht II tire keepiag the Wermuii fn in ursu ing. After thU partial success the tier mans tried to profit f rnw their aew positions to overmhelm the trench po titioa around I"tiaumout Saturday afternooa ther endeavorsl to sdvsn- e along a road hriJering a ravine and run ning up tow-ard the hamlet of Cailb-tt near Fort iVtuaumont. A third fresh division attacked the French defense lines, but this time w re unable to advance at any point. The attacking column was sloped at a point where it was eipooed to a raking pt sMsrasastsI Pa Tww.) Brands Criticism That Body 18 DaKilling in Work A Bald And Maliriouh Li POINTS TO ITS KKCORI) No F-ffort Tn Thwart Presi dent Dchire For Adjourn nu nl f CongrrM Brfore the Coti enlioiu; i ill Dfenwe I.fgiF-lntion in 4rood Shapr Re"enne Ksue Lwnnr I i . Itt il. A.- Illfil rrtM Washington. April If. Speaker Clar k replie-l tonight to cnt w i-ins that Con gress is daw-ltiiig in its work In a rha rur teriM ir ftat r metit h ie n "ii uced silt h a c r i tic ism tt ' It an-1 m- 1 teious lie ," out 1 1 tied n hat ha teeti ar oiopliOit'il ;ni. asseilril ihat th- pits lit K-.UW littd Wolktd lliorf tt-N'litv u nd i n I w t 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 v t hn :t n v w .t h , n 1. 1 rvir- of t" I.') two vrail i 'oini.tont hi if oti attempts l' '-l:i'- Mil i til pro - o .ti 1 1. :i i It) n f r ess l.iiitC'iT to thwart the President's desin- to br mg uIkioI U'l jiih i urui n t iu tittir for tlo poll tnal i .-y . rut (! in June, the Speaker l,,l!,,e.rMW!,r, tt u ma ii b o g w il h tn :.l.ovt h lb. It. -hi. .t know that i 'oimu lust a 0 1 to a-1 oo i n Im f. re tl.r t o h v , t, t !..n a ttn' I''ii lit is I'tn re has been tit u h i talk soiim- of it nf lot it-. oui i- I it ma l ir ion about th- "f i.ngi fHol hia -itatfUi nt V) far :i tl'ti M'tune is cit. ci m-d , thru- I no t ' ut Ii in it I sin ot o 11 j lertak ing t speak for the Snat.- be ' atifM' I know ii i t 1 1 1 ii k worth while tmo h mg ths artate of its biiNiiieas, but the buMiiiesp of t he House ,a f.i rt her ad v a need than usual at this ilate. Of Ourfe it neeesssi ry to pass t hp Hp propria! mn bilU. Otherwise the wheels of government would stand nu-k niilt and they mutt be carefully conmelered loth iu eomuiitlee and in the lloime Two Supply Bills I' ssed 'The HoMe has pard two of the grrat sui'plv lolls the legilat m c. ju lirial an. I t ieulive and the holiun an t is no a t n j. r (.. of pasati ug t lie r i v ers and hftiliors bill. Also two dttieiency bil Is and to more have t'eit i epo rt e.l. Three in. .re nrr nKont rtadv to be re (rorted The Mous has panseil the Hay military bill, the immigration bill, three conservation bills aud a multitude of bills of mole or less ill) l ta nee "The House iu the tweutv two vean (hat J have beeu here ha) not worked M) steAdilv and so i ri I ust r ion nl a, this one It has not adjoumetl er a mugle day sinee it ron v ened on Janua r . s remarkable record, and has woike.l rive, six and seven lion i n a la v, with Hit occasion ad a ight scam, hi When in autre hoar a lay are counted in for eoniiultaae work, it inakea a good -is t work, to say nothing of tlw tune i eeet surv f o r depart went work aiol cot re s ou tleii r " I hut the reorl -a flue one -aud et the public is coimUntlv misled into believing taut Congress is not working at all. It as a bald and malo-ions lie. "tf e worse aoine of these cntir with out auy responsibility could pass t ills can ing a billion dollars" wi a few hours, but members who are reapxinsihle ranii"t pass lulls that way bil I the tai pavers who foot the bills bu t want t hem passed that way. TryHig to TkssH wiU. "One other tiling: Kmo of itesk m te acres, w ho want impo: taut lit' asu i en far reaching in rharnrter and vital t" the repiibb. pa' I while you wait, seek tu rente tin iinpiessioii that the Prei id ill is animus tor 'oiigr -ss tt adjourn before the o n e n 1 1 n t .ml tlist on gress is wirk-'llv thwarting hmi Kverv human being with twn il.ns a Hutteii1it that ih just as animus to aljouru befon- the ton tntions as the President is Whv in heav en 'a iihrne w on Id Vug' .e, re to remain iu Wanhington even one lay longer than is absolutely iit.e--.nrv- for the proper t ra mart ion of ih- p iMie bitiiess f " In the Senate dill ill f The past w erk there has U-en a general sprediug up of businsn The army 1 1 --i ga n . at o.n till n. II iini r eav and a ffl-rfrr 7tr- eteeW unpawn mil be in conference within three w eeka A pprfTnatiw -ti are hMU ..--p aa rapidly as they come from ttn Ho.ise The legnslatire bill ia ihrntt rmrlv and can be passed in short oi-ler as s.(.ii a the army bdl is out of the way Kwry where there are sigiM of unusual legis lative activity Republican Senators join the democrats ut pressons nf hope that all important bimin ran U' expedited with a view to ad jo, i rn meat iu time for a long poiitirnl can pa gn Revenae Issue Neit. Wit h d'fr use legiK Ut id asmn ing ta ngl t.le shape the r- v nue issue Ioo.mi ;ii the in it itiiportsnt task Con gress Thtie i tlelay, howevir. in tin' wavn and Nir,iiis mmmittnt owing to the K, nate s apparent deter tniuat i'n to in crease the utanding army's pea.e strength over ipi.""0, a proposed in the Hav bill Will, h has putted the Houm (W Itig to ii u i e r ta in t v as tu li-. iiukIi mouev will be fVpjir.d for :irrnv ex pudituri. Mir way and meant com m it tee probably will d fr a tmn. i' Kitrhin' original plan was to call a mrt'ing of the com in it tee tn draft a trntiit ve rrv.-ntir raising pio gram as soon as The Hay bill paased th House Se:, had the bill born sent to tin' S ii,'e. however, when word came to hitu thM the standing army figure would t' raised tn IWi.issi Hurh su i tic rea "e Mr K itchin taid today, w nuM c.qure at leatt ai,'s-o,'t a.ldit o.nnl rrvtnu' jearly. He is unwilling to be rin planning revt line raising when thrr . lists o much uncertainty about the: Muoitn.1, of money that will be needed. ISe ernl more w eeks may pass Itefore the naval committee makes even a pre linnnary report to Mr Kitchia m what iCsJitiaawti ts Pas Tx "a jT ' I 1 MM t hnilet M Seh.vjb and I . t -: latea , in the Iieth!ehein Hteel Company have j !egu!i a earnpfiign to create public senti in e lit against . gmlat o.n for the colt j ntrio'toni of a giv ern iiient minor maim ; facturmg plant The Cnited Htatea sen ate has passed Mo Tilliiiun bill, appro priatiug $11 .(hnioo for such plant A i ire ular add stvd to iiiein bei s of Con grest HU1 itsued oVei the -igliature of Mr. S-hwab and K O rae. prenhlent of the i nih pa n v. w h h dei I i bed the plan a wa-tefnl in e xpenditure and tin wistjlli pnkir.v- emttor T'llnian aseetts that the ma n nfact u i et t of minor plate for t he. uat ion's warships hitve been rob bing thf gitvet ii m -ii t fto ti ntj vears. The pirtur- is ma'le f tn: ti m 'i recent snaps h't of Mi Ii a tt THY TO LYNCH NKGKO i petkrsbljKc; jail fi Uh tvt- 'sr. . l'i i P. -ti t-i.-.'g. a . Apt ll t W inU m mob. made up of thousands of unyiv, rxritt.'d p np!. Min n.ii im1.-, the I'M, -is burg jail t-iiiiglit hh l .Uiuioitd for hi life, John William. a urgro. shaken with li'Miir. a nd logging p rout. I t "I p rotect uui , run f e .srd . in out i ng t o poln r I us n g'liltv ,f uiHkiog a : tm mo I at t jr k ii p ii Mc- Mn io it Ma tin at hi i hoiiir n h i It'.i. ketone on la Thurdftv st,il' 'ii.- wn Hi li ' w,i tn school It ivas not .ii. Ill inoinight Hilt I after mart ui I la w ha I n o t la r ed iu I he i to lio-hate .li-t- i t .f t It ia I that the mob d t Npc r I At ths' hour Mayor Cabaiusa ui, that he !. kt I f i no further t rouble 1)1 POM PLANT KOK SANK0KD. IS KI'MOK It u r ii i it--red here 1. st t tght t hhl r tspresi- n t at i v t- if the I ) pont Pow tier luiuJiu luivl .-j'cuii-il nu option upon a la'grt tra-1 ( bee omiii! land, some thr-. or foin i.ii-i t1'..!!! Nanford and oii.rnient t. to H 'ilium p. wi r site Th- mn i 1 1 .- it i - m hnd been deposit-. in ..I no. t e tv nsjiKo the r d ' positr d in a 1 .ee . to: i.T v lank. and Vitv 1 1 r e 1 1 in i UH r v a ' r ;t tigt ?i i 1. 1 hud (en foiiipl't.'d The tuot upon which the option is h: .1 to have been teiirn rfl ttrSres sonie three tho,itaild or IikiIi' aer.-s Itt it.i;tion is j. do.. tat lv nnt -I to u Pon t p ii i pone t , h ii d t rn nsporta tioli ailtl power Sir r-:i'b;v ;...rss-b'e !r It The rumor hs.i not t-rrn ir.tird THKKt KSSI-.1S SI NK. Kourleen of Crew of Norwegian Slesmer l.owt. Ht -I. V.. - Louden. April l.' Ih. lint. Mi sti ip Ashbu rt on ha s t . . u si, n s ' jLu;apuei aht'LIs. ) a d rmaii mi' marine. Kite mem ter s of t he r re w liars Irern taken to- a hospital. Th vessel, aeeording to th tv-hunge 1 ( le graph Corn pn n v. in not a r med The Ash burton sailed from Sw Zea land February l! l for Lombot sn.l was last reported ns leaving Montevideo l'ruguay March 1 The vessel a 4 44."i tons gr.t and ai built in I'.'"' for the Aostralind steamship upanv l 1-tnloii s) was U'- f-'ft luig. .'. i frit beam and Jri feet deep I lo d s reports t ha t the or w giini - a msh ip Peter It am re 'v a s n tj tsit urday mght while at utu hor ( ue man tbs ttde turvivnr of the rr n ..f ft ft n has ten la nd'd from it. K ut i.h K noch lightship. The ftntish hner A.hill.-t hs si.nk Krplay. Pour members -.f htr crw at in i-si ng. The rspta in alid m s t y two itt her persons from t he Kt.aiuir ha v I..-, a landed JAP STEAM K K URKtKFI) Sliteea Members nf the rew Hellenes! To Have Bees Orowned. ' Nt tl Amriiitil -m-m T. Lio. pr.l : 'I he steamer W ika' u Mi. r.i . ' r .mi 'igasji k t lot fast a 1 ,H- b-,-n w r. ked on s sunken th k rigtitv li tir of her pansengert A lot sil Te.-n iihmih it f the ere a Hie l-ehexed . i.o- l.ei dtowrir.l "I he ;ikatn M.-.iu a n vrstl of L'"' tons Mosrt May Ran For Congreaa. W iltt.n. April J Tt it rmtmred that lr K. tJ. Moore, of Kim c(v. is Itkely t.. pet into the race for ongreseinaa t . in thit district ,rhamD Clark. Brvan And OtWar . To Wheel ALL v. INTENTION HI SIIFn Fear And Consternation In Rfj publican Camp ; Mandpatl; And Bull Moogera Worrie Over Hughes ; Pri t chard -Boom Part of Plan To Tit Delegates Hands ' By H. B. C. BRYANT. Washington, April 2. - Political fore eg are lining up for an old time lttl of ballots in Novemlter. ' 4 j ne iemocrats win stand i.pnu tnet .. . 31 record aud present J'resideut W)4i again as their standard bearer A the talk of another ttemocratic candia'l date for the Ht Louis coin entnn ha hushed, and with one evirybndj w ill shout ; W.ot.trow il.. h tiid Memocrary ' ' I'luiiiii t'laik, William J Mi y h rt and all the ..idsr usi,ruott o four y ea rt ago will jojt their .. .era to the w heel for Mi Wilson That lg evident now tn obterving people in' l anhingioii The demoralizing ronfataj uf the I tent t unit ic r ioa k ntoms of ''on. - ' gresj ceased with the . oumig of the all of the turtle dove In the Republican rump there is fear and consternation I h. tMtidput hosa and the Bull M-.i.- leaders are wor ried about the pr og! i nm nf Mr. Justiea) Hughes' selfsta'tt I Loom Col Theo dore Koosev e If . t tie big hu ll mooa, And his arch eiiemv in the I hicaao eonv ent ion of fou" years ago. Kit ho Hoot, have held a conference. Taa ll'ighea cUvud drove them to the aanja shelter It Innks now ns if ther wctlUl jiu hands to wage war against Mr, Hughes iu New Vtwk State. Prltrhard Roomlet Part of Plan. The Prib hard move m North Catulina is looked upon here part of a nation wide plan to tie up all the del gat el possible and hold then, for a f nal showdown at 'tii.go Republics leaders hope to h;,.- Un ttpen ronreo tion, f r4 to jib .-toner, and would de plore a stampede tor auy pn 1 1 u ulat man It i ent imiitetl by pobtu al etertS that Hooaev ell .v til enter ths hieago t on ent ion if h eaters at all w it Si UUi detgatei. Weeks, with aiors tha b'O Hughes L'i"r uud Uurtou leas thaJl' !'. with favorite son holding the rest. It is argued thut Mr Hughes would lea strong, r and iuor dsiiK-'mua if hla unine could be kept .oit of the gam until the third bail.!. Uv goiu' in at first with a small following he gives the t an d p:it t er And bu ) I no..., an oppoitiinit ti l lii. k h m tlir.iugh a nun hm;tt ion . Democratic Record Will Count. The spit ii. lot of l'r-i,, n Wilson and I.i- eainiiet nd the J'm.o cratic ttingn fill ,..iint n,th th people be f of th.- p;igu ia orerJ Kriemts of Mr W i lon admit that two clasaea A in er nan . it i.-n lilikr hurt, but they do not thuik then upposit iou will hurt Ci-rtuin pro (ft-rmau per-.itn tci.s trv the Pre, i tent f..i tlemaudillg aud et-' a. t mg t In gh t of Vniertcan irrtiz-it on the t. .i .. these have g.ue to fyr a- -i . if n gum at th I -tnoi- r n t ii- ,t I in ii , . ' .in C, i tain 'h1m- , - ' , .- . eel the President", p..i, . , ... a' ng .iff Mekiro I I,, v i.d .,; t.nit I , i q It -eogui if hliHii'H Hut th-' gtoj ,i.i,,,. ,.f An rri'in people of all s-.rt - ;. !. i . . . n . i , t o . i s are fl Mr A ils,,n I'm N-.i..o his lil' t er uat ii.iki I p..l - ,, (lass ,.f . iti 7i n t will g.-t f ,t r on nu h u 1 1 A mt i .f as plal for in 1 ! I'o v l-nt w tii be 1 ha g.l t lie l 111 - Ii h - J - - 1 Teddj s Niyninatlon U ould Kelp le rtiocrir) . Ill the et ent t lie Re p u bl te n s :dfl to liomiUh'r nlulM I Roosevelt. Sflr that x ll oT i -in sidei e. m im po-v , , , 1 1 1 y III. IV . t lie S.o.t I, vr ill pn.lit. fill thrlrri'll- rrnts i'Iih n, I rite pjrt ten ami fifteen v t ;u i ago "lii d -e: t 1 he t l I f t ht ir ii b-pted pa v and re' u n to their old friend Manv ..'..i. who bet'es. thill the Col,. tiel oui. w r n . h u I: is -ho,, I . J r i , and f '- i the -wai, v 1 1 1 not iiiniifli' him i into uow hi' though tlTev voted for him font v.n ago. All the voiign 4..wa"l d.U.-.t etct to the Reputdieans in recent vear in the South w i,ild s. i I IVm x'tMi to tht ntt emjrrr- The warlike sn t title of Mr), R. ..-. Mould curtail !. Hepubhran; ot- m -i-oil tful S... dittri. ts l'li.' itcrijjiu v.ite tu nn? State would not g,. w .t, hitn. The -it ..a I - k " Letter ffom .')f to lav f..t th- Uu.,. uta The Repub !n :iii have no real ;--ue and ate v id d ui the nort of ioau to name fof PreM,- i.t The 1 1. n'orrata are stand ing on t!,.- r.-, (.ctl itf the Wilson ahnia ist rut ion . a ml hn v e a nisn tif great ability, poise arid .Lou !fr, who hat been t r it d and t'o-i nd i orthv of Kg confidence of the ..-s .f the nation. MBASSIH)R (.FRR HAS NO JOE tif RESIGMNG, tt. -in .a--.: I raw i i. i.i.i Apul 1. ia Iudou April I' .Iu.ii i ' i t r a i" . I . the America ft am bastador, has i-.iied a statement through the "oltf t-itreati regarthog the report te b-grapked here from tha t ' n it ft Nt at .-n t hat he mteiitifi ttt re sign. retiun to Aim-rna a(l Wome a andnlate lor glJHe The ittalfiiif nt ay: '(i "The anilaa-aj .r r.garja it hia duty nut t.i Iran- tlif iii.itt.itanl pvst at Hpf. I lio dunag lh nai, rap?ial)y any i IKtaail.le aurr-r would ant taaity, work into tlir tliflirult and nftia ni .lit-iilcil matti-r of llritith intrrta truatwl. aurh a tlmw nf firil aad aitl- taiv jtrisaDf r. Hf lioia tq rffcaia tj-lU-ilm at Itasl uutU ta aad'of th' war." J j jjj