afiJl S TITS REVS AND OBSEBVEB SUNDAY MORNING, 16, 1916, A 1 1. ' 11 . aa COnOfI 1IET,'' SHOWS HET GAI QUITE SO Trading Quiet, Price Fluctuat ing Within Narrow Range. Gain 3 To 5 Points bra arte rh.naa jwttb. la mt of ve aatat. J"ly rW W 1I.M d lt.. aioaia at 11.44. U llsaipnal it-' w .stall, dry stand ad tab anarkst ovooed mt ma adiaao eg 1 ee seta, wltb active meatlM rolling I t Mt burbar rirtt aflat th eail. Hooaa wetb Li.orpool aseuwctioo agaia were ). ban. Breaisaably ia anlecipaUoa at tul mar MaWM, bat IMn waa a axdarata 4aud fram trad aaaraa. aaaaajpaaaaj Ikfiam at a ood am laaa a eew Or! aaa.. ana linen, aad etar raarUoa of t or I point. la) aaaraea nnan " ' O Bold p to 11.S4 nd October to IU1 M shout Ave to fix potato aot higher. The akaa am artthrn a point sr twa a th baa. P area to aaalae reverted a asiat aad etnay Uveraool aaarket sad tha Liverpool mUim bam araa suvyeesd to he sgsmet sanbeew ia tb Xnslkb sura.- Tha a mount. -of cottoa oa anp board awaiting cloaruca ehowed aa lasraase of K boot tf vf boa for tho auk. wba4i aaggeeied larger exports betweea bow sad Bb and of tha month. Kepqrts from oo swalM trad esq rasa Indicated continued -tavitr- Tba avail buaineeo waa auppaaad to be chiefly (or lb pin of evenlog a aa coanta for ovar tha week-end. f aH Hvor aalaa of pnnt elate for tha weak vara estimated at 16a.0Jl piseee, and tha ea Uilment of product un at fifteen thoueand. against 70.00 laat irear. Cloeed a toad. . . , Opaa. Blrt. Law. Cfaaa. Ur 11" ' llM jsly I1.M 18.02 ll 11.0a Oatober Li. II U.17 12.15 12.11 DaoMabar 12 Si rt.M If SI 1111 Jsniaur 12 3 12.40 12.1 1M9 Spat .attsa. ouiat : aia falling mils arte. 12.01; aalaa. none. NORFOLK COITON MARKET. 4ltanortaa hy Hoenee and llaweon.1 Good aidilliiic 12" 81 net middling It Middling ", Strict too aitadliag 11 -l Low mttiUMuti If 'a Markat, ataadjr. KEW ORl.bANS COTTON. Mow Orloana. La.. AprU 16.- AfUr a aliaht aaVoaoa ia tha trailing at Udnjr'a inn tha cotton markat anural on fanr of unfavorabr poHtaaal aaialianai ounac tha waaa a corna and cloaad unchnnrad to 1 point b.ffher thaa tho aloaa uf veUarooj. BaUor eablaa than data and loiaw la of rncraaaod daraand for avota. bora and in tha iatanor. atimolatod a aimti'i ata votunw nf but lac arotrnd tha aa but oa which tha moat activa anon tha Im proved I to i pointa. Tha waathar aiap abowod aaaia rata hi Traaa. bat tha laowtura did aot artaad far anoiHch aouth to caaaa beliaf that tar draathr ronditiona la Tamaa war, bain wholly ra liorrd. Moraovar. tha fororawt prrdictad dry waathor for ovar 8tdar in West Trvas. and howara wcra promisad for tha craatar part of tha niaaiinln of tha bait On tha whale, weather eondttiono were mixed. Claim, ware Blade by eorae Uedeie that toe arurh rem waa faJIrna over a part of the belt and that tha work uf plant la tha new crop would be aa Inred in oonaequonre. Cloud ataady. Cloahni btdi Mar "M July 11 October 11 Ooroaibar I January 12.11 Bpot eotton. atoady, unchanged, ftalea aa the apot Mat baiaa; ta arriaa ail: aLlddliaa. ii n LIVERPOOL COTTON Liverpool, April 15 - Spot, linn: rood mid dling. a.M; middllur. 7.d ; low middling. 1.M); aalea. 4.000 ; tour hundrol for eperula tiaa and export. ReceipU, 11.000. fituree, taady. April KpHl-May . Mayuae June-July . . July-Aurart Saptamber-Octobor . October -Novamb. r . November-Decern bar wcember-J an ua ry Jnnuary-Frbruary . February-March . . March-Aiiril .7.17 .7.8(11 . 7 .6 , .7. .7 1 .7 a .7 a .7 44 7 40V, .7.87", .7S .7.17 COTTON IKED OIL. . " WeW York, AprTT 15. The rolton awed oTI SKerket waa aatranaeiy qaaet and in atiaanoa of aa a i eeaive oparaUoaa prieee moved Ir reralarly wtthlava aanaa raace aad eloaed at five pointa net uocline to 1 point advance. Balee were 1.000 barrela. Cloaed ateadr. boot. !.& bid. le.eaqu 1 1 .wo le.aowrt 10 M 10.? 10.M !.' 10 71 If. 171 I0.OT 10.171 ID.H .4l f 44 . a.l4U a.! April Jun July . ... Auswet . .. September . October . . l.m.ti; : ax- BA1LT COTTON TABLE. Part Meveeaeat, New Oilaaaa: Mleeuoa. 11.M ; reoaipta. 1. 141: eolea, 2,126; atack. J2.7. Oalvoatoa: MidkUiac, U.U; rocoipt. 10, t: porta. ,tn: mu, lit . itorV. ;a7.t0. Mobile: Middlias. 11.71; receipt. M; aaha, M: .took. M.fut. avanaaht MieSdrrnc. U.M; raoeiate. 1471; aalaa, 2I; atack, ltt.Mi. Charlaatoa: MieVdlinc 11: receipta. II; oahn 404) ateoa. aa Bti i. Wl'lmtnrtoa; Madaiuac. HVb : receipta. Tt . atark. 14. 111. Norfolk: MbtdHruj, II. 7: recaipta. IM: eaaarta. l.wM; aalaa. ; atock, 110.11. BalUmora: Bux-k. a,Ha. oaton: MiddlinaT. 11. 01 : receipta. ttl ; atoak, 8,o. Philadelphia t Middling. 11.25; atock. 1, ll. New York! Mlddltng. U.M ; export. 241; aeaea. tHMl Maaor awrtai tlnab. 1,I7 ; stock, 44. 74. Twaal Map t It.nlpta, ll.ttl : ex porta, U.. T71 : atock, M42.7P4. Tata tar woak : Umlpaa. lt.elt 14J71. Total far aorta. 4.21 1.174. latorler MavaoaeaL Hauataa : Middling, 12.2 : receipta, 1,941 ; ahipateaha. 4.5K4 ; atock. 104.144. Meaapaae: Middlias:. U aa ; receipta. lilt, ablpaiantu l.tTI . aaloa, 1.404; aaoak. II. Ml. TiloaUil. MkfJinv Ui jaojrav -Ja; aSrpatoaka. M: aalaa. ttf ; ateok. U247t 8U Louia : MieVdliaa, 12.44 ; raoaipat. 64S; ablpawata. Ml; atock, 2 L. CairlaaaU: RocaHpu, l.ta: ahlpnienal, 1,. $44 - eaaoa, 1 7,10. LrtUe Rack l Middling, 11.25; receipta. 12; akipmoata, 1.144: aalaa, 1.14; ateoa, U.IU. Dal lea: MaMrino. 11.74. - Moats warn Mkaltrac. It J: ailrTfcaai.'"' .. Total today : rle-eapta. I.lff; ahipiaiat. ll.ea; awJafc. IM.n. wcbklt ctrrroN soom KKvirar. Now Yarfc, Aseti lav-Tlaaaif ia awtaaa swad aaa besa aa a aaadorate aeale wit hoot aay week aa lag fa amhasa. PercoJaa, priata and ginghaaw aaa lasM vary Ural aad are landing higher, eevorm! of the ktrge mill aaTaa aiaa not bavinc aay nearby good to daiinat. ataaka ia Are bases bare never been lower. Priata hove besa placed at aukee and aa ad aaaat ia looked tor. Whale aaapet aiiatkia i are oa the baaM of I eenbi for tho choice ailai a giadm, aoaa adlla caanot dalnoi any, aad a further advance b anticspated. anaaa oootiaoa at a high lava) aVosadant vsoe coodttaooja as ta dyaaturTa ia tba aaUl aaaataaj a taia. Biaaoaed aatiuaa are bat rather auiet. Browa ebaetriiga hai a Bettor aimaaa lar aa M Owiaa ta the deanand lor baMina aa.Bg divartod frwaa the illy Aavaaeaa aa wacas b) aottaa arllbj are ex saoaxd follow tba odvaaaoa af tea par aeat aiada ta the aeolaa aad auraaid aulla and arrity mt ayiull M I aiilaig predarhaa aWtjy OBaraataaMg Maw, aaaa wet- Isawtf wl aaafal afJPbVJSBis BK 4wa4aawaawowoy tTa-wwatw wTwaMesyaart tfatal wawxaataW ayafasaal wfW Catl fcl Ipm: FTr-Jt tS kn-ch. UiM'a. ftwr !TwMsaaMaBV aaBW1whaa"ta staasaafala aaat: 44oX 4H coota: Vaaa asaW a - . o u I i a. t. ialigoa. lit, aaato: af adarj Lea! glaaaaaaT4J aaaa. oncAwO ut. rrocaf. a ' Aaail 14 Rfana. aawa : Ival fgiaaai aa -at. f aoeria ; Sal: aware-.. 4.4tU-M; m aaga, t.t, ra. iottiav aoaa ay i aarjve boof ataava.' .44) .ohj ao a. 7Xba t aHeeie, 7 4aiti t.liealLTa. aad taasasa. A 14atS-M : rata Waaay, ll III a-aagjl mt laawk 111 STREET HOT Tl 1QUBLE0 Getting Orer Scan Oceumei By The Foreign Sittution. Price! Hardened New Term. April !. WaH etreet ragajdad the tawoirm Itatiliiai artth axaaa ii i;l ngrr today, aad artoea ef aaoet uaportaat .atoaaa bardenad alilhUy after aa early parted ad Tradiag waa too. ucm aaa aareere, ra, air 1 rat. ad for the laim, aotaaty ta - awawf. ..- lar, Oaartral led that II. waa a. fi liakry la aaa aaaoane of tha rttlaaiwit af aara. inga for tha part year. r., w.u. f aha trodina waa xaads OB of aoh apaculativa farpritea a Crucibl and United tualaa staaaa. ' MarawtUa Marin W aad a tow wsalpataat ia eoaa Ha Amailiia and Mrii Locooaotivaa. Max lea ne ireproeod awaaralty and a few ob scure Haw abswwd aajda, laa. There waa a abstantiml I'Wioiary la sacbsaca oa Parte, the taaiaad fats falliaal back t 404 from yvstsrday a record aootatioa of 100. The chaags aatarafly was attributad ta the ilalamant of the French naaaawl awwat ia ahaj nasjtu. wMrfe bore i I i of early re lief from recent anoaaalott, oaoditiona. j I aa ... ond eataiaar, to saMeaaUl IWxa rsnort a eeaUnuafice' of demand, and tagltUJ mats antarprsMB are enjoy u a faU BMasura Caf XyToarpi"ritj". . Boada war, eaaler today, the tread heint matt marked In the AoerleJranitfi 6'a, in which heavy aaJee were aaad at S. Total aalea par value. t2,41,04, Uetted aWataa eaaoa were Barbara god as call during the woak. Maw you rrocK lut. rSalea IB Hundred. High. AllU-Chalmer, Amt. Beet Sagar... 14 Aaaar. Caa 10 Anaer. C. and P I Amer. Cot. Oil 01 II Loa 4Va 47 American Loco. Amer. 8roeltiug . . . . Amer. Sugar Aaaer. T. aad T Amer. Tobacco Anaconda Copper . . . Atchieon A. C. L. Baldwtn I-oo. Balto. aad Ohio Hewilohent Steel Rmoklvn R. V.rt. . . Canadian Pa Central Leather .... Chesa. and Ohio Chicago. M. and 8. P. Chi.. R. I. and P. R . (avaolidatad Oaa ... Continental Caa Crucible fleet F.rie (is. Bhetaia Great Nor. ptd Orvot N'W. Or etf.. Illlnoia Central Inter. Con. Corp Kaa. City Bouthern.. Laharb Valley Laaia. and Naah , lawatt 41 Mrera Lorillard Co Mia . Kaa. A Tex. pfd .. Mtaaouri Pacific Mexican Petroleum .118 National Load I N. Y. Central M N. Y, H. H. aad H.. 11 Nor. and Waat. 21 Nor. 'Paoinc ........ I Ponnaylvaaia Reading Rep. Iron and Steel., S. A. L. 3. A. L. pfd Sloae Shef. 8. and I.. gtaiai baker Oor. Southera Hae. Southern Ry South. Ky. pfd. Tenn. Copper , Teaaa Co Tex and Pae Union Par. so 11. 8. Rubber IT. S. Steel U. 8. Steel pfd IZtah Copper Va -Cam. Chem Va. I.. C. and C Wab. pfd. "B" atfa., Waalem Tnlon Weatinrbouee EUc. . Unitad Fruit Kennecott Cop. . I 44 I 1 'i t i 12 10 ws I 1 A I M I 25 It 194 5 102 102 a 4W; ass 1S7 42 41 cut, i'S 11 XI 25 144 101 14 2SV. 77 116 42 121 111 M'l 81 40 41 M M 44 Vk It 7Vi 117 m 102 lii" ki 4"iHl, K5, 161 52 II 03 17 1M KS m 4 la i'- m " 25 T 124 ion, 44 vl Wl u 1201, 111 t 12 C Ckoa. 27 1 Pal. 6 ' 11 11 111 53 J? 0t. 24 P0 42 144. 55 1U 64 6' ' 50 lk la 117 80 42 145N 55 Total aalaa for the day. 101.30 aharea. 7 10 124 14 14 102 108 101 H5 u 41 1 17 lft HI lie "ft lui lV za T4 12 14 1H lk 1 lows lo. 121 111 64' J 47 14V II 5 ltttVi M T It 50', HIS 117t, 80 41 41 14 0 14 RESERVE BANKS STATEMENT. Waahinrton. April 15. Karaina aaaeta of the fedevej raaervo harnra rncre-! r' 51,000.000 during the paat weak, according to a elalaaiaal M 4ha aaa- oeaavtoa aotm a ta. iied today by tba Federal Keaerve Board. It Gold coin and Mrtinoatea In vaalt. 1243. 714.000. Gold eettlement fund, $75.0,044 Gold redemption fund with United State. tToaearer. tl.4M.404. Total gold reaerve. M22.t9.0O0 Legal tondara notaa. aitver. eta, 11.50i.00. Total leeerve. UM.4ot.004. Bill, di.uoaated and bought: Muturitla. wHMa tea day. I7JI2.M. From 11 to a day. l5,9r3.M. Prom II ta 4 day, Free, 41 ba 4 daye. tlT.SeS,. Over 40 tl.54.0O0. Total. 44.270.000. Inveataaeata. llnited State bonda. I44.a24.404. ' - veer United Slates treasury note- 214.400. iu.i.cipaj warrant. 43o.7,.orj. Total oarnhara aaaeta. I U 4. 114. as. Federal reaerve setae net. t21.1l.O0. Due from federal reaerve bank net. 111. SC4.404. All other raseairrae, t4.4tt.44. Total leaouroua. 527 444.44. Llafcllltlja. Capital paid m. tt,444w. Government depaatt. tl4.712.0O. m lifi.Hi net, e2JMrZ,4. Federal reaerve note, net. It. 51 1.000 Federal raaerv bank rartm in circulation S1.42I.404. All other lUbllHiea. 1524.404. Total liabilttiea. 1527.144.404. Gold reaerve against Bat depoaita aad Bote UabtllUaa. 71.1 per erat. tiahilttiaa. 74.T per ornt. Caah laaar.i an! net aot deposit, liabilitim artar asttlag aaaie rorty par coat rold ro aei ea agaiaat aggregate net liabilities a federal i aaai ra note In circulation 74.4 per cent. PITERSICRC PEANUT MARKETS. (Ropsrted by Rodger,, Plum mar A Co.. Ins.) SPANISH FARMERS STOCK. Piret oaallta. (15 per be YIK&UH--rAlLMKM STOCK. - Fanay Jaayba. 4e per ab. Fancy hajadpotked. Ia Bar la. Extra !, mpc sar aa. Priaae. $t par lb. Shalllac atoek. o ts tc per lb. Tor the await ae wen aa the Ursa Btereur In TBI D lT MU. fnaiuaeJ weato Ilea lar ra, WMt4d Township, Sclsool DUtrict, Gtf anl County BONDS TACV A sbAUM H. A. ENS ICW, atUrtk, a. c. THE BftO VlERTHEfl ISETTLES VHEAT Hu CLmm ef Tlui jViarket Wai Oneighth To Seveniata, Net Lover wwat a aethaes; taawy, eeeaay awtaa; a av pro-red wastbar liaalli.a a .ribs ait, aad a tho Waat aad oelkwool. Tba aaaa anas aa I U to 4kjV , lib. --J J.a mi liawaallak. Coam 5 tasTp..iw..a waayta. free 1 aeellaa as nee as sajj yg ma, o 71 IIM 9w U WHEAT May . .... Jnlv . CORN May . ..... dole - OATS May Jalv . 44 fRfc wT Jul. . ..I. ....... a. .U.M.4S LAJ- , . u a-. May e jut, EIB3 ". Z " '- 7 J.ry . . . .-. . . I ....... . . .-. -1.J1 whaai' ia.'j jrai. lllUC, ; Sa. UKtf US; Fa. 1 hard. Il4ei, Mtv BJBa Ilh,J,114. '!. TiiaAliau. Urn, 14. S PwloWrJ ''W "LIljl "" a te-7wwi--xj. torn, na s yaiiow. ( i TIH,7 Ma. 4 wlawa. NEW YORK DRY COODS. Haw York, AbtH II. etasa swada aaa. ksta were Arm today, with rialng teadenay MBW YOU MONEY. Mow Yerb. April U. M cress tile Ik ; alerlina. 4 dars bilkt. 471: 474: cable. 477 l-ll: bar aihrer, 4J. Ms- railroad bonds. Irregular. NEW YORK PROVISIONS. New York. April 11. Raw augar. Aral; molaaee. 424; centrifugal, aez: Moot. Butter, unsettled, ateody. Spot coffee, qutel : Rio No. 7, : Bantat. No. 4a. lOyj . NAVAL STORES. Savannah, Ga., April 15. Turpentine Sr, 47; eataa. 41a at, 1B aa atocha 4.402. leaasa, aaiet : aalaa, 44 fajeatB, 4ST 1 Bake- menu. Ill ; etock. 43,50. Quote: A. B. C. D. kW F. 4.45; -tV, Ii.. J. k. .:! JV 4-OOi H. -U; WG. 1.41; WW. 5.5. new york live rrocx. 1 Mew York. Aprd 15. Beevea. aa trading CauVea. steady. Veala. 1.00 UM; Ccnad. ir Hhcep and lamba, atasdy ; fair clipped lamb. IB. I. Hogs, aa tradiag. CLEARING florSE STATrMENT. Mew Yerk. April IS. Tba statsmsnt af the actual condition of clear tag bouee bank and trust eerapaatos for tba weea..ikl thstl tney noli I ' ..:-" lean ic m aaeawa wi lejrsl rmnlrcmcnfca. This ta -SA iaareaaa af tx.4al.74 ever ha waaa- Te atataaaart foHewa t Loans etc, 13.l7a.14a.OOoT dcVree,- ifV Raaerv in own vaults (). taUkJaM.OO Ii ion II 11 M Keserve rn federal reaerve bank. tl70.SX2.4O; Inci i is il l.o4.v. Baaerve in other depositaries. ISO.IKJ.OO ; increaM. tlt.OOO. Net demand depoMta. ll.lW.74H.4i; craaae. 11.50.000. Net thne ehmeeita. tl5.:45.04 ; incus. a. tl.4O0. CircuUtisa. I1.72.00: decreaaa. 1141.0; (B) of which I3ITi.772.000 ia apcie. AKgTesste reserve, lh.7Ha.0WI. Exccaa reaerve. 1 1 02. 7 4 4.490; increase. 11. 89 760 rtummnT of state bsnka sad tract companies ia Greater New York not included -mclear. Ing Bouee atateroent : Laaana. etc, 1.?;.20 ; iarreaae. !.- 1.4 fOO Specie. 15,J2.f.0 : uecreaae. ! Legal tendeni, H.7H.KOO ; increoae, l-"4, 000. Total depoaita. l74.jl.OO ; davresao, 15. I72,tau4. Bsnka raah reaerve In vault. tll..4M. 7Vuat wmipanaai aaaa reaerve ia eaaet, 4UJ.90. Chicken Chowder M&ke Oitssty Chix Biirsshibig aaamtbMfvaia baed i Bar emery to properly .Blur 4 ruao Purina Caov-kra ObowtieT la arienrJOe ooesbiuauoa ol tha giaaulaaad an. evo. I as wita rario Ohiuk Fend lor ank-k reeuUs. Obicsai nach to laying period earlier, or trarsrer and Iss subject to diaaaac. Ptirtna Prmltry Faerie are oKi only ba cbeckor- boara Dg Dy leanruff dealer. If poor dealer doasa Yeii Ih.ra. snllBlnsJlaaTlaiB4TaT. la: isAf i (Vinfswfe. rrrssrllnf sd tVaotnt tHUeRlK chsna. Cure of Ins- aaa.Tuark rsailtrv poiaten. Plsss tow lllr; Noaasm.rraa 'eat, and rTtrrrsa. IaaSp Bgf Roraarda. .apart for Krrtjlllf kaxstoh,w Kit . . . -. -. s1IJaBJBVT tstjgaaam aaaassssk WE OFFER 10 sham Citiera Katiotarl Bauk, Ral- K. C. 12 '-')) Wo State Bank and Trmat 0a, Duaa. N. C. 10 (.VI) aha ret Bonk of Cap Fear, Duaa. N. C. Pykrca a a 4 JLapltcatisa.. laftaratatasa O i Writ I a Li a. WE BUT WHOLE ISSUES OF BOM WWint PS WBAT YOU HATE KHK SALJa. INSURANCE AU Kinds McKIMMON AND McK'E Lltcjp Facto! 16 Add 7i Meal 1 19 Sod 16 Blood 11 Ttukag No Fillers Exptenc Aliility I WUU1P4M . as- r-t aVk i I. lag - VWI IMIrlflllwa. - . W UCJ WOf kawjwiwt waa ta farraar waat. ampaeity, ampl fvaBaW to proparfar mssa- f 1 1 tr HM 044U. A CecaOaat (nm rw Cwtfwtl Cam Home's Ammomated Compound "Mada 'In Clayton' ELL IlKlG JON'S STUDIO aajrtTt friOTOwMPrli 1.Alkin.h.d. POLITICAL ADVERTISING WHY DAUGHTRTOGE IS FAVORED FOR GOVERNOR John G. Shaw, Gives Nine Strong Reasons Why Democrats Should Nominate This Well-Eqiiipped, Broad-Gauged Successful Citizen 1, r-.-vr JwVC .v. I -'f i asj , , : i . ST ' JF - v fr-1 s -v JM?JZ- , I your lettr of April Gth, in which you ak . me to write you how I feel about the matter of Mr. Daiightridire's candidacy. I have been in favor of the Domination of Mr. Daugh tridge for Governor slice the adjournment of the North Carolina Legislature in 1914. Although I am interested in fanning, I do not favor the nomination of Mr. Daugh tridge because he in a farmer. Although I am interested gome what in manufacturing, neither do I favor his nomina tion because he is a manufac turer. There are thousand.) of larmein and manufactur ers and bankers in Nprth Carolina who, in their respec- tire callings, have made great successes, but not niany of thorn possess thoive qualities neces sary to make them good governors. My reasons for supporting the candidacy of Mr. Da.ughtridge,.are as follows: W r ! 1. That he is intensely an American Citizen, a lover of his State, and a defender of its people. 2. That he is a strong and1 able man. His re cord in the Legislature, and as Lieutenant Governor, demonstrated this beyond controversy. 3. That he Is a well equipped man, having been closely identified with the affairs of State for a long number of years, and has been a close student of every detail. 4-He has made a success of everything which he has ever undertaken. He has a versatile mind, by which he is able to take hold of and ma.ster many things. 5. He is not a specialist, nor a one-ideaed man. He is broad-gauged and far-seeing, and under his leadership, no department of the State's affairs will be neglected. . He b sot a professional politician, although a Democrat of Democrats, and in everything political which he has undertaken, has been successful. 7. If elected Governor, he would be found in his office, and would be readily approachable by any citizen of his State or any other. 8. If elected Governor, he would aoon familarire hrraself-witJi eTy dpartinenrot State, and has ttuch , a constructive trio, that needed improvements would be brought about, and defects resmedied. If elected Governor, the interests of North . Carolina and.jts taQjle.Jil'0 con. ... cern, and he would not make the office of Governor, or r attempt to make the" office of Governor, a stepping stone to something higher, brut to serve and serve faithfully, would hi his chief desire. The art ray principal reasons for supporting him. I am not unmindful of the fact that he does not class as an orator, although he is a strong speaker. He has not that peculiar oratorical gift, however, to enable him "Listening Senates to command." I do not believe, however, that the State would be a great loser by taking a short interlude on oratorical Gov ernors. The State does sot owe Mr. Danghtridge the position. Tha State is iadeUavd to no man. Every man is a debtor to the State, and every true man ought to be a servant of the State. Mr. Danghtridge is willing to serve the State in the capacity of Governor, and the voters of the State will do them selves proud by calling him to this important service. As before stated, whatever he has tmdertaken, he has done thoroughly. I am reminded that four years ago, he un dertook to defeat me for the nomination for Lieutenant Gov ernor, ia which he irucceeded admirably, buyjon a high plane. Aad now ia conclusion let me say, that while I am a law- er, I tioTwUgTily kaBheve that the possession of a law license i not necessarily a requirement t a successfully filling the Gi trenutorial Chair ef North Caroline. Tours rery truly. (Signed) JOHN G. SHAW. To Ueasrs. James Can-away and Paul R. Capelle, Managers Daughtridgs Campaign. Raleigh. K. C. April 1, 1916. .,: '"Aa Can You Afford t 7o Take Chances , on the) svfastyt of your valuable papers when you can Kaye absolute safety for them in our fira and burglar proof afe-depoadt vault for les$ than a cent a day?. THE CITIZENS IATIONdU; BANK Raleith N.C. 50 YEARS CHA& B. JOHVSOV, Proa. V. H. JONES, Tata, fraalosai. 3, a TTMBEBIJ.K1I, A. Oukllt. r. h, fisuoos. ciMm. The- Raleigh Banking and Trust Co. SEPTEMBER 5, 1915 Marks the S mi-Centennial of Successful Banking .Up. , 1MB t Sept 8, IMS, Balei NatWa. Baafc. Sept t, 18W U Sept. 8, 1906, NatiaaaJ Baak o( BtUalflv. Bmffi. 0, 101 U Sap, i. lftlS, Balalga Daakia; aa4 Iraat 0. 50 YEARS CHAS. E. JOTINSTOlf W. N. JONES JAMES A. BBIGGS T. B. CROWDES F. O. MORINO CAM I K. UL KKET Directors AUTEED W ELIJAHS W. A. IJNEnAM J. B. CHAiIBEKilD 0. W. BORNB B. E. K0RBI8 JOHN W. BABDtK To Bankers, County CommUsitasaers, Town Official, Institutions, Ccirptjrations vni Private Investors. We Buy Township, School Diatrict, City and County Bonds. April one we and our associates loaned the Great SUte of South Carolina. Four Million Seven Hundred and Thirty-Five ThcKiaavad Dol lar ($4,735,0OO.Q0) at Four Per Carat Interest Owing to our close connection with the prin cipal financial markets we are in a position to pay the High Dollar for Your Bonds. Use the Wires at Our Expense. H. A. ENSIGN P. O. Drawer95 RALEIGH, N. C With STACT a BR AIT New Yark Toltaia long Distance TELSmOMat For Sola : For Sale Here are some real bargain! In high grade used cars. If you are Interested, call at our sales room and let us Bhow you why it is better to buy a good used car than a new cheap car. Oa 191 7 paaarngor Cad ilia On 1010 Cadll 1 1 , SASaJM On 1914 6 paaarBawr Cadillac Oa J pasasmfsr Bulck IIMH I1MJI On 1WH 0 ratwrnrr Qlflllta Oa 1918 S-4r1ss4aT Bteven Hm Iarya ' On 191S Jr-iwapiiftrr ) with Light ami Btartar On 1910 Whit 8Uamr tUtJt . I lltwJN TERMS TERT RaUSONABUI CAROLINA CADILLAC CO. Et Miaa St, RaWlgh. S. C Pbsaa 7H Political Advertising. For Secretary of State: J. BRYAN GRIMES FAITHFUL AND EFFICIENT "H baa asadr a faithful aad eSeieat pabll effirlal aaS derra enr nadividfxl aad artira support. hatraaad ef as kara deaHiit wita lb rvsertbsiy af rHtrbt'l offie yrr yraj-. Brjaa GiLr ia arTriag a aatlxfactorlly aad SS elaU. Tbrmsaadj af oa know hira prraseally ea4 fkooaajaM atara kmov aia by rarratatioa, Aad aU aer tkat U is toa, faiUfal, afll iaw. wortrr aad til tn aAea ia S kont4iB&&hUjmMt.''-r F. R. Tea attMrattUt, Farraar aad Timber slu. .jr;.--

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