'V' 'T11E NEWS J AND OBSERVER ; r APRIL 16V 1916V 12 SUNDAY MORNING, Th Newt and Observer TBAikt tun lunn aii urn Aara Mb e.se. :Ma.a. 11 :,. 11 .. 1J 41 a. at, ...... trtta-at. Ui e- as. ilse.ah. .. OUTSimN BAIL WAT. ' :N.. t:Ma.ah It.-MeiBt, . te.aa. p. m. aMa.av It iM a. as, frees West. Un hees 7 . MOBFOLK southm. OaaMt Sewta, Arrive bMA IiNak lM.m. TiMa.a. Irl. SS. ! . ss4n.aL ' wasa. ftM. rrls lihra. . m. imm.m. 9.m. l M. m. la a. as a. Daibr Saaaar- All c IN AND ABOUT TIIE CITY Begiater Wm4 Better-Frlende will fee Ud to bora that Arrh J. Weod, iff later of deeda. 1 rapidly improving. He kt yet unable to lit up in bed but his adit ion la highly eatisfartory. Real Batata Traaefer.- A deed was Clad yesterday is the register of decd'a flee tranaferlng a lot on the corner of Parte and Blake trifle from Raleigh teal Eatate and Trust Company to E. B, Crow and R. 8 Jerman for 1UU and ather ronsnlr ret ions May Locale Here. -Among Hie visitors la Raleigh yesterday waa K. v Prank tin H. Loekwood, of Covington, Pu . lo has been in the State seeking a 1 1 h i r able location for hie future home Hr Visited the office of The Haleigh Climn bar of Commerce, seeking informiition bout the Capital Citv. Ts Attend (Mate Health Aeeorlatton fir W. H. Hank la, TV ti. M- (Wprr, i.f the Slate Board of Health: lr C A Shore, of the lepartmpnt of Htnte llv - (iene, and Dr. J. J. I.. Met'ullers, ron t health officer, will attend the meet tng of the Htnte Health AMmeiatiuu, which will meet in Turhuni on Monday Captain Brorkwell Training Firemen. Capt. Sherwood Hnwkwell, deputy in Mraaea eooiroiwiontr, returned yester a from Greenville. Wr ?r the taut few day he ha been instructing the member l of the fire depart inent of that tawa. Captain llrnekwrlt was very much IhVseaed with the firemen fur the splendid ay In which they took to the koiIc A bag parade and drill on Kridav a n feature of the occasion. On Morxiitv Captain Broekwrll will go to Moor. wille, where he will give instruction In the department in that town. He will continue in this line of work for tin aeit five or sii week. Gnp Shake Off That When Spring comes, with Ha changeable welher "and your exposure, tt to beat to elear away all tha symptom left after an attack of grip. That evil disease leaves you weakened and when its victim at tempts to "do his bit" he exposes himself to the risk of a second attack, for which he la less prepared, and which may have graver consequences. There' Danger in Delay April and May are pneumonia months. In this time a weakened system is a constant source of danger, for the pneumonia and grip Infections are in the air, and after a long winter the body is so clogged with waste it cannot resist them. Fortify the health, remove the catarrh, and improve the digestion. PERUN A For Quick Relief This reliable tonic is recommended to remove the waste from the body, counteract the catarrhal poisons and allay the inflammation that is catarrh, restore the regular appetite and tone up the entire system to resist disease. A well man is safe. Ai a tonle after grip It haa won many commendation!, whila ha ef feetlreaeaa In catarrhal condition! la unqueetloned. Take bo chance Take Paruaa. Pereaa Tehlete arc alwaye ready ta take. Ton may carry a hl with yea and ward of ceJde and chill. Tha llqald medicine la year heme la a great aefegeerd. Protect yaeir family. THK PKBL'NA COMPANY. COLUMBUS. OHIO PERSONALS Mr John H Boushall left vretcrday on a business trip to New York. Mr. W, W, Cole, of BmlUifield. waa in the elty yesterday for erveral hour Mr. Perrin Bnabo. left jeetorday af ternoon for Durham to Sw Bunday with hia friend. Mr. W. (1. Cartnlthael EeUbliahed 1834 H. J. BROWN CO. Fab P. Brawn, Manager Funeral Directors THIRTEENTH DISTRICT CASES UP TUESDAY Appeuli from the Thirteenth Dietrl.t will Im tnkrn up for argument on Tues day by the riuprtuie Court. The calen dnr follows: Plate t. Uttle. In re will of John A. Broach. Clark v. Tower Coutpuny. Kurria v Hurrell llroe. it aJ Itnnk of Vnton v. KedwlnO et at Randolph v, Heath. 'rowell . I'lirker k Khlrey. Krt'eii.an v. Hailroad. The City of I)ree-n hai Imuglit li. COO hoga in rVrhia. nml arrangrmintn tare been made by olhr German cities 4a obtain a aimilar number. It i be liared thia will reliotr to otne citent the famine in Url TOWNSHIP HOAD BNOS FOIt' HAI K. The Board of Coinmiaai-inera of Franklin County. North Carolina, will on Monday, May lt. lflli. at their office In Iiouieburg, N. C , reeeiTa aealed l.i.Ia for L'O.OOO of Cedar Book Town hip road homla, to be 0 In number, of denomination of 11.000 each, and bear lntereet at & per cent per annum, luyahle cuil annually, payable thirty years, uixlt-r optiuna provided in chap ter of the Public Ui of North Carolina. S,.Un lfil.1 The right tn rfject siiv itnd nil bids is referred. This April I .'Mli. IWIfl T. H. (Y)I.I,ir. Chairman. JNO B YARBoKOI'till, Clerk 4 10 l.M Faneral of apt. R. Stephenson. The funcinl of Capt. William H Ktephi'iiaou una hcl, at tha late real d'ioe in Switt Crrrk tuwnahlp yester day ii f til noon at X ;UI oVlock. Tha iff lre sua coiiitio-lcil by Krv. IX H. l&c) and Pf W. M C White. The burtal wa with .Maaonii- )uor. uimIit the aiisplraa of William T Jin in lodge of Musnns, of hhh Capt. Ntephenson wns an hon nreil meinlx r M.iuy Mahona of Kalvigk attended. A atiiig service has conducted by laury Wnndall .of the choir of Hwift Creek Bnptiet chnrrh, ho h waa Tcry inipreeiii e. The active pallbearers were John Mat thews, T. H Turner. 1). B Weathempoon, Henry Ituffuloe, Iuwd Bryant and I' ll Kdwards. The honorary pallbearers were: J. W. Hunter, Nat Htrother, Jesse W. Penny, I'urman J. Jones, A lacy 1). Murray, Leon Ntrothrr, Carl I'rnny, Htephen V- Lee, John 1.. Horrell, H. P. (ireen, Robert Jones and Thomas Mutthewa. " g . . 7 "wrvmmm C In Millinery ; Newness Is tne Life' of Faskion Recent arrivals of high class Ready Trimmed Hats and their own creations form an unequaled showing of authentic styles for Easter Made by Misses Badger and Denton in our Millinery Section Make Easter Time Gift Time Let your "Happy Eatter" be expressed in a beauti ful, solid gold, guaranteed, gem-set ring. It's a mis take to think that a gold jeweled ring need be ex pensive. In our- Isrge stock you wilj find thou apdf of rings from whfch . to make your selection which includes the famous W-W-W rings. "In which the stones do tty." This we guarantee or we will re place it with a new one. These rings are priced as low as $2.00 "A mile away from High Prues" 1 I 3 Fayetteville St.. Raleigh. - - - N. C. Concert Makee Big Hit. The cotoefcrt gfvea at the Ella' Club Frwii aKeaing under the auspices of (Irnup No. 8. of the Kirst Itaptist church, was deaerihhd hv those reitit onv of the beat evar given in the citv. "Too rourli proisa," aaid one of these, "could not be given to the talented readers and singers who participated Raleigh should feel proud of her wonderful talent " A neat sum waa realiied for the benefit of St. Luke's Home. . Political Announcements FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for county commissioner of Waka ia tha primary to be held Jtetve 3. H STANLEY JONTM. Wake Forest, N. C. Political announcement- tf.. FOR SHERIFF I am a candidate for the nomination for Sheriff of Wake County before the Democratic primary-" " ' M. A. GRIFFIN, W eilNjC Announcement of Candidacy. I am a candidate for County Commissioner nf Wake County, from Raleigh Township, sub ject to the artiuii of the Demo cratic primarv. J. J. BERNARD. Notice of Candidacy. I hereby auuounce myself as a ran didute for fount v Commissioner of Wake County, from the northern aeetion, subjeet to the a.-lion of the Democratic primary. W. C. BREWER. Candidate For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidate Tor fheUernocratw nomination for Sheriff of Wake County in the cominjr primary, Jfni 3. " ! j 1 J. H. SEARS. For Member of tlv Genera! Aaaembljr Tm lb eWiWocratic or. of Wake County : t hereby anuoum-e that i will be n eandtdata for the (ienaral Aaeembly at tha primaries to be held June 3rd. HltYANT H. PATE. Ap. X. C. iliieh ti, IS. 3r KoU. otice of Candidacy At tha sollcitatios of friends I hare decided to become a candidate for tha House of BepreseatntiTea at tha primary eleetiona to be held 'una Sr4. K. B. JOHNSON, Cardenas, N. C Notice of Candidacy I announce myself candi date for County Commissioner of Wake Co&nty, subject to the action of the Democratic pri maries to be held on June 8rd. , ALONZO E. GLENN,. " nt'' -nawwi' ilF naaMeJs, - ini iaeTas,VVira''fVT-s- For the Hotiaew I an no aaee myself a' candidaU far Harley-Davidson Always On Top I After thorough investigation the Parker-Hunter Realty Company purchases the Harley-Davidson Motorcycle for inspection and collection service. This is their pref erence to all other machines manufactured. tj There's a reason for Parker-Hunter Realty Company' decision. It comes after testing other machines. Q Those who contemplate purchasing, should investigate the various models now facing exhibi ted in our show rooms before making a final de cision. J This hi vestigation means Harley-Davidson ownenhipbut look what you get I I Present Commercial Users of Jlarley-Davidsons : -; City Fallc Department Jehneen a Braagktaa Caaaeaay White lee Creaas Cansnaay Pirhar-HanUr Kealty Ceaanany " "Who's Neat? Watch! 5 For business or pleasure ride a real MotorcycleThe Harley-Davidson. First in power, first in speed, and easiest on your purse. GRINKLEYS GARAGE lt S. Salisbary. ANDREW RlNKI ir. Pram, Raleigh. N. C. GRAND EASTER EXCURSION TO .WASHINGTON, D. C. and return THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1916 VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY Haw Hirer. X. C 7.N Graham. H. C. 7.H Barlingtea. N. C T M Elan College. M. C I.f bibMnTllle, N. C 7.M The Southern Railway will seH very low round trip fare excursion tickets from certain points in North Carolina to Washington, D. C. for the Easter Holidays, ' Special train from Charlotte passingGreensboro at 10:45 p. m., Thursday night April 20th will consist of both pullman sleeping cars and standard day coaches, ar riving -Washington, D. C. Friday morning: 7:15 a. m. Low round trip far from point mentioned below, as follows I FaJ.ijh.JN. C S7.es Dnrhajet. N. C .SS Chapel Hill Station, N. C 1M HttleHenl N. C 7.SS Meeaa. N. C. 7 I'asaengcrs from the above points will use regular train No. 1.11 to frrrrnahoro, nonnesting there nith Hperial train. 1 Returning tivkrts will be huitoretl on any regular train leic t-j.t Train No. 87) leaving Washington up to and inrluding Tiain No. .11 Monday. April -ttli, whirh l.axra at 7:00 P. M Fuur whole days in Washington which will afford m.U time to visit italtimore, Philadelphia, New York anil other points nf interest, (ire.it oportunity to visit the Nation's Capital at email coat. Partus of stuilents from the Colleges n ill 1h giten siWi&t rats. T AufHi-ient mimler. ItuportHnt that you make your rullir.an reervutiou a fur iu advaaee iie poeeible, in onler that netea oary Puliinon aeroitinioilations may be arranged. Kor further Information, Pullman reserv ations. etc , rail on any Southern Railway Ageut, or write, O. F. YORK, T. P. A., 305 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N. C U W. AKard H H l as W i. Toss D fT 13 C HARRY M.UZZLE at PI fl PI 1 1 TI EN T O UNDERTAKING CO. KJUHUKIICH I O . r ijsie Saa. uie. n. c K ALtHjII, IN. C. r Last Call To Easter Buyers- And it's a strong, compelling' call. Each suit in hanging in our cabinet on sepa rate hangers ready to put on. Among them you'll And English styles for young mfcn, Semi-English for the in between, also good styles for the conservative Dresser. The colorings in the suits are beaujiful and each color is guaranteed. Yield to our call even if you don't buy from us it gives us pleasure to show you our hne and it will post you when making your purchase. Our 115.00. $20.00 and $25.00 Easter Suits must and will be the talk of the town A Word To Mother It's you that the boy looks to to get his Easter Outfit, so we ask you when p'asslng by the store step in and let us show our stock of 'boys' Suits and Furnishings, and you'll be astonished at the great variety. Boys' Easier Suits from $3.50 to $12.50 Lightweight Felt Hats, Straw Hats, Panamas and Leghorns, at all prices Bhlrts from , .50c to $5.00 " Shirts from . , , , W nay yarcal pea ehargaa aet nam!! 1 VH S. BERWANGER , , . ' The One' frlem Clothier. ' Ddtbin-Ferrall Co. fat. Boom ai HepresentatiTet nbjaet La a a-Te-- ts a ef the Densoeratia fri sry. ' I ,;B- M. PARKER, , r 4 U rri8un Lit BaUigh, N. 0.