I' rihie'New:Mal!lll)l: server 1T012 ' North CaroIIas VOL CHI. NO. 107. RALEIGHJ,.CS;SIDSDAY3I0RNIKG, APRIL 16, 1916. PRICE FIVE DISCfllMlTl IS GLASSES MHGE CHARGED AGAINST FOR ANNUAL MEET FOUR RAILROADS B. & C Steamship Co. and Goldsboro Chamber Charge Unfairness DOCKING FACILITIES ARE REFUSED AT TWO POINTS Interstate Commerce Commis sion Is Petitioned To Afford Relief From Practices of At lantic Coast Line, Norfolk Southern and Seaboard Air Southern, Southern and Sea board Air Line Railways The petition of the .Baltimore, aud Carolina Steamship Comiiaiiy and the. lioldehoro Chamber of Commerce ti the lutcrstute Comrucrce Commission agriinst discrimination alleged to have been made by the Atlantic Coast Line the Seaboard Air Line. the1 Southern Htilwav, anil the Norfolk Southern ls' Wilmington, fields!. oro, Nc He i ii ami the other steamship company is a lengthy document . giving a large pi.rt of the history of the struggle of eastern towns to get thr benefit of their natural advantages. "Fur many years," the pitition says, "the port of .New Item. I .., was served by the ftdlowing renter carriers Merchants anil Aimers Transportation Company, Old Dominion Steamship Company, Clyde teiimsliip Company and other independent water carriers, at which time tioldaboro and other lute rior North Carolina cities and towus eu jnyvd low rail and water rates from and to the so railed eaatern cities as compared with the rates of the present tiute. Following the completion of the extension of the Norfolk Southern Hail road Company's li'ue of railroad from Norfolk, Va., into New Bern, N. C. tho steamship companies aliove referred to were withdrawn and subsequently there to the rail and water rates to and from the ao eallerl eastern rities and interiot points in the State of North Carolina were advaneed to approximately the sriiles of rates niaiutn ine.l at the present date." The petition says further: "That the Norfolk. fWuthcrm lUiire4 Company owns or eoatro a dock eoiinexting with its railroad at New Btfrwil whieh at the present time is not used by any n nlar line of vessels; that said Nor folk Southern Railroad Company has however, stated that it will refuse to afford to said complainant stcaiiislu coniiny the use of its said do. k at New Hern, N". C. "That such defendant railroad ofn Tranirs rrare rcfnwrd ot Ticgtortcd To r-s t.ihlish in ronneetion with eomplainnnt steamship rompany just nnd reasoiiubl through rates and through rates i ia the port of Vilminaton. N. C. to and from (ioldnboro, N. ('., and other points in the Ktate of North Carolina on the lines of defendant railroad." "That said defendant railroad roiu paniea have declined to forward from the port of Wilmington, N- freight tendered to them by the complainant, Baltimore and, Carolina Steamship Com pany. on -through bitfs of lading, ami have thus prejudiced the business of said complainant steamship company in re speet to fiignging in traffic through that port to points reached via defendant line in said State of North Carolina, and have denied to shippers and receiv ers of freight located at points in North Carolina the facilities for through ship nient of freight to which they are law fully aud justly entitled. "That the act to regulate eoinuiorce, approved February 4, 1MI7, and note amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, section 7 thereof, provides that no interruption made by any such com mon earner shall prevent the carriage of freight from Tieiug, and being treat ed. as one continuous carriage from the place of shipment to tbs place of Jest! nation, unless stoppage or interruption was made in good faith for some neees aary purpose aud without any intent tn avoid or unnecessarily interrupt such continuous carriage or to evade any of the provisions jif this said aet "That it t the prartice of the de fendant railroads tn coucur in through route, to participate in (Ji rough rates aj4- to transport property-en' -thuiugh bills of lading in connection with the various steamship lines named in para paph .1 of this petition. ...'' Ttit the refusal or neglect of a id defendants, serving tha port of Wil niiigtou, North Carolina, to participate iijfithrough routes and through rate via th -port "f Wilmington. North Caro liiii. is unjust and unreasonable and iihj-rts the complainant to undue pre jmliee and discrimination, in violation of the provisions of section S of said act "That the eomplainnnt, Baltimore and Carolina Steamship Company, in the month of November, 19M, contracted with the fidelity Trunt and Develop mint Company and the Wilmington Ich and Storage Company, of the city of Wilmington, North Carolina, for the use of a dock at' the port of Wilming ton, for a term of iix years, and aaid complainant steamship company haa nerd these dot k facilities since the date of said contract, that saul dock was sub aeqneatly purchased from the said Fi dellty Trust and Development Company and Wilmington Dock aad Storage Com jiaay, a!mt the second day of June, 19!, by Alexander Sprunt -Son; that tha Haltimore and Carolina Steamship Compaay was finally aotified on January t, IV 1, Is vacate the use of Mid dock witbia aiaety day from tha data of aid aotiee; that, for tha reaaoaa here iaafter described, eompliaae with aaid dctnaad trill neeessitata tha wtthdrawwl f tha BahiaMra and Carolina Hteamahlp aa T rmsr.) Baraca - Philathea Convention Will Be Held at Goldaboro AprU 27-30 INTERESTING PROGRAM Prominent Worker From Oth er States Will Address Meet ing; Miss Heron, Dr. Chap man and Df. Bulla. Among Notables in Attendance; Pro gram Covers Four Days The normal convention of the North Carolina Haracaa and Fhilatheaa to be held at Gnldsboru. April 27 30, ia to be featured by add. esses from some of the most notable religious worker of the country, among w tm are Mias Henrietta Heron, of Illinois; Dr. J Wilbur Chapman, world evangelist; Dr Charles I) Bulla, of Nashville, Teuu., andseveral others whose work for the principles embodied in tha Hafata I'llihlthea movement h:i& gv -u th in renos n. The pri'gTnni follovs: Thursday Evening. P-:'x) Opening session at first Baptist church, l'rof. J. W Hnffingtou, I'resi dent of uldIforo City T'nion, pris.d ing. 1'rayer. I'inise and Hible Talk, led lv Rev, A. C. Barrett, chairman of (loldsbnro Ministerial Association. Ad'liisses of WeleOiiiC Kor the lioldsboro Hraca-l'lritiithea - City I nion. l'rof J W. H'llhngtnn ; (or th.- churches. Kcv. tn-irge i. natkins, pas tur of Ki rat Baptist church; for the city. Judge IV 11 Bland. Hespouse-Mr. A. K Smodh. hair man State Kieentivc Cfvmmitt.e, Sal.s bury. lne minute uJeetings friuu htiitt of lieers aud members of reiutive com mittee. Music. A n noun' luelit s, tjet Acipiiiinted Social. Kriday Morning. 9:V I'hllathea Convention St l'i,ul M K Chureh. South. Mrs. W H McCoy, Hrevaril. l'resident id State i'hiluthea In ion. presiding. Miss Mary Speuee, pianist. i'raver, Praise and Bible Talk, led by Rev. N. n. D. Wilson, pastor St. I'aul M K. (Iiureh 9:15. president's message. i:'.UI Minutes of lust meeting. Mrs. Heid I'attersou. Charbdte. ItiU.'i. Treauler's KeHrt, Miss Mar gait-t Atkins. Asheville. !'-4" Appointmclit of Committees 1 4.V Message of iicueral Secretary. A. It. Williams. Greensboro. Iihi ;m. Possible Korius of Social Mrrvyre in the I'oiuiiiiiiuty - Mrs. J T AUiermaii. Henderson, teacher of the oldest Plnluthea class in the South. 10:.V "Methods of Acquiring New Interesi" Miss Henrietta Heron. Kl gin. III. vice president of World-Wide Haraca Philathea I'nion. 10:.')".. Music. 10:4O. One minute Class Reports. 11:4". Announcements. Benediction. Friday Morning. 9:00. Barara Convention, Kirst Bap list Church, Prof. J. K. Allen. Warren ton. President North Carolina lva-raa Association, presiding. Prof. W. K. K. Brown, pianist. Prayer. Praise aud Bible Talk - Hev tieorge T. Watkins. 9:1."!, President's Message. 9:30. Minutes of last meeting and Treasurer s Report- C. M. Bagwell, Winston Salem. 9:40. Appointment of Committees 9:!. "Holding the Members After You Oet Them-J. (Juinry Beawell, Siler Citv lti:0.V "How the Baraea Class Can Serve the Sunday School and Church-' Hev. Richard Haghy. pastor Kirst 4T4irtttan r'flnrrh, VViison. Id :2V Music. l?':3o. Message of General St-re tarv--A. H. Williams. tirnstHiro. ld:4.v. One minute Class Reports. 11:45. Announcements. Bened iction. Friday Afternoon. 1:15. Joint meeting of Bararaa audi Inilatheas7 Kirst Baptist Church, ProfT J. Kdward Allen, liresiding. Prof. Brow-n, organist. Muak ujider.. tha UirUwa ef Dr. Charle M. Alexander. 1:3(1. Sermon Hev. J. -Wilbur Chapman, D. D, World wide Evangel tut. " ' ""' Announcements. Benediction. Friday Afternoon. 3 :t. Joint meeting of Juniors. Ev erett Hunter, Kieh Square, lreident North Carolina Junior Baraca Aasoela- ti"ii. and Miss leila Holerts, I'resi tents. President Junior State Phila then t'nion. presiding. Prayer, Praise and Bible Talk, led tv Mis Henrietta Heron. 3:15. Greetings from Presidents. 3:30. Special Music. 3:33. Apjiointinent of Committees. 3:40. "What the Future F.xpecta of Our Classes" Miss Pearl Bethune, Vice President Junior State Philathea t'nion, Fsyetteville. 3:5.5. "The Keif Starter" t To be supplied. 4:11. Music. Announcement a. Benediction. Friday Evening. 8:00. Joint aeaeioa of Baraca and Philatheas at First Baptist Church. Mrs. W. H. MeCoy, presiding. Prof. Brown, org a 1st. Prayer, Praia and Bibl Talk Rev. B. C. Thompson, Pastor- 8t. John Methodist Chare a. 8:15. "Essential Elrmt of a Strong Class" Dr. Charle D. Bulla. Pupermtendeat ef tk "Waaley Adult (CMUaaftt 9m Bam I HOW UPPER JAW OF l n is-JC UpeirKswHivw) Mw4. GERMAN GUN IN USL IN Thr ruined lilnge of Beth i ncnui t, man l r in-rn Httackintf fur weeks, Wai rcdimt.t, nkirtuiK the first uoK-rl nlopeH Ht-ot of hill 304., then follow inf lh n-oith hiink of tli- 1 of lluurtmrt und joining the old hue H little muth of thr c in rnud outh of Hrthineotirt. I ll' d. trr mined ttn Lti on the we4rii iid the t tie v juit. e of their effort feiiterin edjrr of thr Avuronrt 'ood. hrr tbe.V gftifted m niouirntar y finding; Iwtmvra at Ijp Mort Uominr, and iMHith of fh Ctlmlirt WrXS!. The Mltn.t.pted If I vet Ihr name time violent uttacki err repeatedly made all a..ng th new liu Haueonrt, is railed the "vital point" of the Verdun defenea. ATTRACTIVE OFFER TO BOYS AND GIRLS alnalile Scholarship Offered Ry United Daughters of The Confederacy NTss Ainu .ltun Gash, of 1'isjfah For est, rliairmnri uf th durational "oin niitlrt nf t lie North t'erolina Division of the Ciiitril I)ii((litcri of the Conftiler mr . lias pri-pari'il for the News ant (l's-rvi r a list of scholarships offered ly tliff laulitors of th Confederary to hoys and girls who nr. in nel of fiii.-iiu-uil aid in gaining an education. The scholarships offer great op'por t mi it v as to descendants of Coufeder ate veteraus and persons interested in Foeuring an etfucation and the aid of this oignuir.ation, may find something of interest in the following information furnished hy Miss liaah: Hit iston srholarships, open to ths Btate of North Carolina: 1. Agricultural and Mechanical tol lege, Raleigh, tuition, value S45.ii. 2. Trinity College, Durham, one opeh to young men, tuition, value f.'Wi.iai. 3. Trinity College. Durham, one opea to young women, tuition, value 150 AM. 4. Warrentoa High School, tuition, value Sfln .00. 5. King's Business College, Charlotte, tu4LoB a4u SiOifO. - 7. Oaord College, tuition, value $5ii.00 8. KUira Wrrth Moffitt loan fund at rotate Normal College, Greenslro, tTS.nn. (irneral i kolarvhipa, open to all States where 1'. I). C. are organised: Competitive examination June 19 24. 2. 1'Mitersitjr of North Carolina, tot tioa S60.00. 3 and 4. Alabama Polyteehnie, An loirn. Ala., two rholarahia m tuition, ."iii.'ii earh. 5 ''Alice Kristol" scliolarsl.tp. Hris t-l schools. Washington, D. C , espenscs in full l.isAi.im. 6. Washingto i BnA Iee, .15'1 W , . cum petitive exaniination June 19 24. 7. Cniversity of Virginia, scholarship, tuition in academic course, $93.00. t. "Thomas Martin Memorial." tui tion at Martin College, Pulaski, Tenn., tioo.no. 9. Ht. Mary's School. Memphia, Tea., 100 .00. 10. Cartial vholarshlp, Conver Col lege, Kpartantmug, 8. C, 1100.00. 11. Partial scholarship at fleet School, Flat Hark, N. (.'., (luo.OO; open to high sehool tnTS. 12. Partial scholarship at Iucy Cobh Institute, Athens, Ca., (190.00. 13. Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Ga.. tuition S'SjOO. AH these scholarships for four year except Alie Bristol" aad Fleet school, which are one year oily, aad University of Virginia, two year. North Carnliaa ia allowed three ap plicants far tha Cairrhy of Virginia scholarship aad aalj Km for tha other general aeholarshlpa. Anoncaar must (4t Coafederat rew GIANT GERMAN "NUT CRACKER' VERDUN BATTLES - MAP OF the p-i of the ha 1 i 1 1 1 u itn- wiMttfrn Lank .f tli M t-Hcuttd hv the K rtMich They withdrt-w to a In' ord of ancestor through nliotn they ap ply, must need financial aid in gaining au education, and must fulfill entrant e requirements of school offering s-hol arship for which they upply. Applications must h9 in by May 1 For aplication I'lanks apply to Mi Aanie Jean Gash, Cliairuian Kducatmmtl I'omuntteo N'orth Carolina Division United Daughters of the Confederal v, Piaguh Forest, N C. CONCORD PKKSHYTERY UKARS COOP REPORTS ISpsrtsl tn tii Nc'i si lMrf I Murton. April 1.1. ' oacord Presliytery ailjotirned Thursday evening at 5:-t0 after having a vi ry ii.teresting session The Comutiash uers to the fienerul Assetnlily were r! tetl aa follows: min isters. liev. I h. M or J. C. Btorv and C. B. Heller; alt na es. Iter. Byron ru ing elders. F 1 nd 8. K. Miller ei eral churches in Wrnl'l. .1 II. Heal Reports from th Concord Pnslytei Ing. The report Churches, fil' ; mini deacons, 257 ; neiv ing the year. 6'2V 874. Offerings : missions, ell.li. 413; education. (I. lences, 1 1 ,Hfl4 ; pasto incidentals. I ..:!C . there are hut 7.4! wi rs very gratify a a follows: . rs (9; elders. MO; i en ber added dur t tal membership. follows: Foreign irr i missions, flu, sV ; other benevo- s' salaries, r.'6.7"4, i ll, S09:i. Hince - sident rosmlsri. this makes an aiem' ffertng of nearly 111.011 pt-r nieiuber tml AT W. A'lMBOHO. - , , - Aa wan ill and Quam ly f I. amber Ha rued; lo- f7,SSS. IPpsHsl I Tb sn4 ObMrssr ) Wadnaboro. April . -Fire, aaid to hara originated froi the engine of a taMeafer trtrn, res- test in a in nt sotnething like ,(' 11 1 era yesterday af ternoon. Just after So. 31 passed at p. m. th won along the right of way, l-tween tt..- ricks 'of the HeS board and the i:it ljue Kailronds were disemend to i.- oa Are. Tins is within a few hundrsl yards of tla- sta tioa here. At 1 1 s tmi a high uil startod ap and it n impossildi- to check the rapidly spreading flames In a few minutes the entire woods were wrapped in flames, overlay an arra of something like- nn hundred seres of land. This land had recently been lea rd to Mr. H B. Allm for timber cutting privilege and he ha 1 cut and aawrd most of the magnificent j-.no and oak timber A large part of the 1 nrber was still oa th laud, being in t lots, on ef which was consumed by the Are, while the other was saved by heroic work. It is estimated that the lumber, eord wood, sawmill, etc, that was .burned, was worth something like S7.000. The lorn her and wood belonged to H. B. Allen, the sawmill to Mr. Willlamr. and the land to W. P. Parson aad J. A. Hariti son. There was no iaearanc on the property burned, hut insurance had re cently been taken on the lot of lumlr that was caved from the flames. Witbia three hours from the time th Br ataiSed tk entire area had beea swept try th ffames aad it ia nothing short or Miraculous that anything at all was avad. IS CLOSING ON VERDUN BATTLE 'GROUND .iHlltt which tin HvT tjtrtiiiK frmi the Avfeuurt ift k ' the ii'rt (leant man mnde e i 1 remc- on four e lorn on the the Avoeourt wuod uul the t'ornci it ream urf indicated on the imnp ly arrow. At ftuth of Bethiucourt. Hilt- mttk LI Gelling Read) Kor Mt'Hiiig, of (Itilt Women of Tlie State ISet Month 'SiSH-tsl to th m so J Ol-wrtvr Ili-li Point. April 15. Mrs J. J Far riss, president of the Woman's club, has roiupleted the task of naming the nu merons committees to prepare for the elite rt.-iinineut of the annual contention of the Feleratlon of Woman's clubs that convenes here May 2 5. The fol lowing list is complete with two eicep tioiis: The frv nsli-iro Iun heon and the V. ll (' luncheon The ladies of the Federated clubs of lireeiisl.oro will gie one of the noonday luncheons and nill. of course, name their own connnittie from (Ireenslioro, but the Ilinh I'ouit president has named a connniM t hsiistanta. In the 1'. D. C lum I n Mrs. Farrisa lias named the entire itirni bership a committee at large, but Mrs. Thomas J. Hold, chairman of the 1 ll C. social committee, and who has the luncheon in charge, will name her spe clni luncheon i ommittee. That Mrs. (iold has it in charge means this luncheon will be one erf the best. Th committees are: Hospitality --THlit.es Clara Coi and Maitlu Blair. Misdiiines K. C. S-ivars. (iilliect Uowe, J. 1,1 uard Kirkman, . A J. idol, Uacu. iL.lhU, J. W. UUjmmJ, J. K. Marah, Francis Pickett, K. T Picke-as. Frank (iurley. Church Misws 1'attie Newlin, Venc Cut Km ithi Meadames J. "KT. Steele', F. ft. Wall. H. W. McCain. H K. Moore. J W. Kearns, J D. Mann. A. H. Si-. n, ,1 U". Aihinis, Author Marli. Badges Mt s.lano's l-wis Mf-F:ii:and. A. W I'liuton. Hol-ii, I Hiair, Fiank ' 'r ee Imn n . S h est ei . w 1 1 n . lleeoratiolts Mi v. i iiue- Itliscom, ll"S kins, lie.i T Wo., I, r ( Kdvnnls, s I. Davis, B. W. Kitkiiiiii, Minnie Vail Auditorium l'.!am" W I' Jones. W C. Idol. C P. I'ol.l... W. I. Hargett. I'or.i Reynolds. J II s:a. rl,er Kl lis. A S. Parker. W M. Allred. Frank Arri,e!d. J W. .n:illy. Marshall Thacker. Miss s l.n.y F-.-hclroan and ttfa Ireland. i!ks Ke.eptioii Mesdauics I. J In gram. J. T Burr-.is. II I t'oflield. K T Harmon, C. C Barnluirt. Walter Cliand ler, H. C Pitts. It. II Walker. F. J Sixeman, C. A liarhee. A W Kleinme. G W. ( lark, J. F. Mills, W. K. Pnee. Woman's club Reception at Mrs Cov's. Meslames Chas. M. Ilauser, Author I.von. (turney Kearns. Carl Hill, Ku fis King, IHivid Htanton. Cyrus Com stark, J. J. (nx Joseph D. Cox, Miss Ele Cox. Maanfaoturers Luncheon Mesdaoie HThrt Field, H. Irwin Coflield, H. A Whit, E. H Jarrett, A. C. Jones. M. B. Lynch. A. K. Tate, A. T. Wishart. C J. Clapp, J. U. Clements, It scorn Jlos kiaa. J. F. Haydea, Fred. Fshelman, R B. Terry. V. O. Parker. W. C. Bcavena H. IV riiatt, U W. SlcFarland, Th rrldw HIGH POINT BUSY N CON YEN 1 "MORE SETTLEI1S" WINSTWS PLEA Need of Additional Workers in Sute Urged By District Attorney SPEAKS AT NEW BERN Orator in Place of Gov. Craig at Commencement of Craven County Schools Which Was Attended By Six Thousand People and Surpassed Any Previous Affair of Sort (Hvt-Ul to th Hww Sl Nw Bern, April 15. 8ii thousand people witn!cti the founty coniii.ritre ment of the I'iMM-n county I'Ut-lle cliutili hr TeMrr.lay. Twrnty firt? huutlrcj (h'liofil rttiMrn ntre in th fTo fftn.n. Thi main ftatun of tbe m rU wiif nilf rent ing rfntum- vf the vbi, "is icfMi.tisi T1ij yuiig iiiru of thr fa;m i f. ti.-fl in oti-iulU nl curry ing u.i'. htii-R attra-tf. i fcfrt-l At - ti'hll.M HllitT fe-Ht'ir-1 Krrc ' U ilr. vM l hi yukt r antl l'utititii r-.t ju.c, 't' t. h 4 in ri..n gm., Hv.Mit .litn.l an u trit.e t( Iti.luHin, ft."tlif-r s h'M.l in rt-il, whil." :u-i I'liw ; n t Kc r in tit ri'tfulut i.Ti 1.ilcu.t i'f Itf r:,, iiitit inaiiy other n... l ti..t tnnt A Mi!iK (fir I a C'uluiiil iu Slu t laud pony and t -. t.i Sum i ii t In typical g:i r l appUtio. Mouutcd uiu idliiK n r :. 1 i Tel ,.y I n. U tit i w Ir in r.t tiwl- k 1 Tlf iiii'l ft - i; itt .! ii i.f l 'I hr. r . . r -t i .. !. .1 win tin lis' rrnvd in ur-ler Ithi- I and :mlel in 1 li:t Jtno tltr naut'US ftpH iatl tor tarrying children lo ftcioxd t ,u thr prtK-ettiMrii. Thry are ntd in u. of thi' eo nut ry dint r i Is for u t he m holan to aud from i)t h, ,,t houe. 1'heiMi vebielea a re roon atol t'omfurT.'iHIe. Hupt riiitcudent S. M Minio n r. n Ifratuluttd on all hand for hiA'ni:m i Icriy .'i.tiduct aud arratttfi iiit-.it of Itie da t j niffrain Thr ru rfmi t hold , Ml the park, where th re t itn audito tiiim that Beati mom than two thou nd people. M.. rn..r I'raig hal arreptcd thr in itati.iii to deliver the main addre. hut -in one i pec ted otlicial engagement kept him in Kalriyh. At hit requettt (ioeinor Kraneia I. Winnton, of lUrtu eoiiRtT, came to All Ilia ei.sfemeftt- In thaturitf e of XyjtMli Wftrjf n. rnairnian ox Xne eountv iarj or ro' '1 ration, Hon. A. D. Wi man, presided, aud seaker as "one wlio of speaker and n ho wort In- to (111 the otlic rd, former rhair latrmlueed the -nil nil the place is in eicry way : of oernor " The audience was placed tn good hu mor with Governor Winston, who paid high tribute tt New Bern Hi -M-b le tilled luuiself as "line who sm-IIs tht cite iiHioe with a log B and nhu loes not pt . u.'ii ii-e it. as it it was a imbloa of corn, lM who d hglits to call ll New Iteill .ilt-r Its -n,.s iKtirt he." inernor intoii - Ii ot tinrty minutes dls, .o i ration iU lur;,l com m un 1 1 is us the ciiti!il of rural perpetuity and development ft" nrgr.l tiringing settlers to V.rtl. inrelma. tr. take up our waste lands and to no rm our income frem stock and 1im k pro ducts. He said that we donot. nrnl t. import cotton, corn, eauuts or IkIlo raisers; for wo know all that is.rt-ces sry about these things; but tLjt we w:uit men and woim-n who knoiv stock ;ilol 'to-k ruisiug. flint trees aud their cure i Jol protection Men who wish U ron.e ti Noith Carolina can Hud from the census what piogress we are uiak ing in education, in good ronds. in gen eral clop la.silig Tin se tilings thr know, but wl,:tt they w.tnt to know i if they -in to North Carolina aud ! cate in the oiiiiitri. wiil thr-y hae to liglit uione. or will the cointnuiiit- coin tune to do the olii ru u Ii .1 wotkf He predlcte.l that the children bfore turn viontd see Craven rounty furnTt, water and light to ct,-r fiiiru in the county at tirst r. -ini 1 1, r per cent of the lands in N..it!i l arol.na are now idle and only eigl t-; u o nt .n each dollar of income is der. I ii.n, Uie sate of sto k. In discussing the question ..f tuv.tlo n Lltf .prtdkted. thai pile and m aul i.iiuli.. that grow valuable Irom situuto-n w.u be more largely taxed ili.in h.n-N u, good condition. ft (a til unusually Ii.f r . i, g and prnrtical address. Craell on,', t... the oldest county farm life !ou i in rlo StaliV - - - l'rof I.. C. BTOgden deliver, d -he t, plomta to the seventh grade - h. Is ,n .. n illteresn-rrg- tiU Altir 1 1 n : nous Kthletic contests were h.-ol. nnd the contests III declamation, ri. :'!; !i iin I d bate wen had 'I h.-y w. r -f un usual excellence- It :is a g-eat .-..a sion At :he clos. of h'i's i t ad dr. - Mi Winston ':ol an , !,mj . i.t tr; but'- to i.overnor Cra ;g.. w h h brooyrit tlo- a..ionce to its feet 111 ch.ers uu pi o!' ii' -applu'ise. Kearns, lice Wooil. II D s-ars. mm Richardson. A E Fraier. t. W I ' i r--' C. D. Smith, W. E. llrrndon. T H.u . Ilton. W T. Saunders. F M si.. n.an. W T. Williams. W. I. Haig.tr. A S. Ijildwell, D. S. Welborn. I I (.!.!i!:.v Thornwell Hajnes. V N K .-.. '. W-ai ter Hardy, Paul Ford. Ilora,, Kagan. W C. Thompson, II A Toiul n-or. is car Wilson, M. T Hicks. l,s,. Ha- - ,: Tomlinson, Elva Blair. Lu. y toll. lln Marahnll. Daisy )slorn. (Ireensiro 1 Luncheon Mevlsitics A J Owen, J H Pertv. J. II Tate. A M Rankin, R L. Wavnok. A Briggs, E P. Parker. J. P Hawl.y. H D. Sea well, T. F. Wrenn, E. I- Briggs. Harry Raymond, Clarence Mattocks, Lsrmar McCalliim, J. Allen Austin. Joha LinJ sey. Hunter Shrest. S. U. Tomlinson. A. Sherrod. John Sieetoflf. deorfe Pen ny. J I Welch. Miss Minnie Polb-k aad Mrs. Phillip. WRITTEN NOTICE QW INJURY WAIVABLE- Unnecessary in Case of Injury To Lirestock Upon Knowl edge of Actual Proof SUPREME COURT RULES Base Opinion On Decisions) Made in Previous Cases; Jus tice Hoke in Interz-atina? Opinion On Boundary LinMtj Involving an l'netablishe4 Prong of Creek By WALTER CLARK, JR. Among the opinions handed down Wednesday by the Hupreme ( onri. Justice Allen holds in rVhlns v H B, ttat written notice of iniury to Ure-, stock n.a,v be waived even m interstate shipments. la Bane v H B . .lustlee Allen In. Ids that to rwcover pennitv for refusal to r-cene freight, the sl ipper must make a tender of the freight each day for which the penalty ii cjaiu.ed Justice Hoke in (5ray v ( oiemaa writes an interesting opinion as to dis putes over boundary lines boi.liaj wh ere the boundary line niav t,t- ilowa either prong of a creek, it is a . , -lioa which should be submitted to the jury. Justice W'alker in Fniiit.ue to r. Frarier discusses the f)Losto,n ,,f J. I il'ty nf a retired purl tier (,,, ,, I ts of a partnership coutraet.-d aticiwar.K nnd wlu'lier notice to a dr irniner wloi sell- its orders as a side line mid i.s not I 1 ctly in the empUiyiiieiit of th, pima if if the retiieiueut of such jaiUiet ' s i fVi lent Waner or Wrilirn olbe nf Injuries te I ic Stork. "s.l.les Haiiio.,. , an action to I"""' for damages to livestock dnrlaf transportation fr Keutucky. It ap- penrs thst the stork reached Wilmiag ton at night and was delivered by a iiiyht waUhinan at the railroasl - after -twelve o'clock at night. The wntchinia' stated that the stock would be inspected nevt morning antl they were inspected aeit morning, the injuries being noted on the bill nf Lading t Justice Allen states that it hn bea repeatedly held that stipulations b bills of lading, covering shipments of live stock, reipiiling written notice of the claim for damages to ! given be fore the stock I- removed from the pos setssiou of the ranicr. arc alid. but the requirement that the notice shall b in writing is waived upon proof ol tuAkjRu luigo otjfa injury. Justice Allea then states, "These d risidiis. the result of mature considera tion, rere readered upon interstat shipments and after the enactment of the Films A.t nf li:t, which the de fendant contends changes the rule, and r are not inclined to depart from them, at least until there is an authwritatir sMtM-ruetiem rf the Frriera t Act to the contrary bv the siuj.reu e Cnort ..f the Cniled States, winch would Ire b n lmg on us." No error Artioa For Personal Injorte. la Yarliorough v tieer Co, it appears that the plaintiff was employed by the defendant contractors in erecting a building; that he was plnced at the top cf a latticed elrmtor and dumped con cute brought up into a hooper; that the .'levator was siity feet high and that pia ntiff after clearing the hooper a, l,is duty, stepped on loose I 'auks rot nailed down or fastened la inv viii and was no,red Verdict for f,.(SI I. Jusfire Brown -1..' one of the ele mentary prin- id s o'" :l,e Uw of negli gence now establish. . ,s that the t . :. at er most furnish Ins servant a reas. natdy snie place in which to do Ins work, con sistent with the character of work to be done Tl.is ease dues not come under the evoption in Hi t. u v B. 1 h K. .'ii. i that under orl.n.tr v coiidit ions ' rs-' quiring no special ar. preparation or I'll- ision where def.-.-ts nre readily ob servable and where there was no good rtason to suppose that injury would re sult If tn. h a etrui t ire as this does not reipnre the supervision of the mast er to te that it is in good and proper I ron lil i n. as far as c:r uiiistutiec will ! rtasonal-iy j.rrrut it to be. tin u we do t ro-r thr.-'k anv striicfure could n itiire soh ul.r!soin Motion for nonsuit I ptej. ri ovirrub-d No error. : I'rnallv for Refusal lo Accept Freight. Harre s- A v.- t;. fiv -i -pm mmi to re.,.c- penattv and dain.'iges from rail- i . . -! I -r i ef i.s ing to a 1 e pt carload ship- u- tj! ' tattle from ItowJioro, S. C t I' .avl-n. N C. Vciiliit and judj:merit ; for 4 days penalty of fsi each dav and t" "-i dartiagr-s jMHtrw Attrw WTSfMi ffint 'ft "'ftpjietiril ' that the cattle were t-'udered fot ship ment tussil. T he c;. r.ad whi re ll. lit on 14ih F'-KruMiv and uo,u re the plaint rT stated he woa'd put T T t .s in an i n- limine near the rail- I .t not n. d bv the railio-ld, l;. v w.o.l! I,.- r'.-a ly f.-r ship v ' ,r.i- 11 st.'t.-s tl..,t for :..ov,'rv . f p. iial'v en ler Rev Jii:l. It u. st ai-'pc..r lint tl ere nas a t. ndcr and r. fusal m h -l-v as .-a Ii day is u.jtilc a s. pa rate p- iiatf TKi re was err", t'.f-rcf'-re oi :l,e trial iu-1k;' in- 1 slruitir'.g the juiv i!i..t it was not necet I r.ry to show a tender a. h day. .lustics Alien states that it is not absolutely ii.cessarv that the cattle be driven to tl i .1 p. t and tender.-.! each day but sciu.o:'.- ii, :st make tlie ofTcr to deliver the raf'e for sL.piin nt ' A nr-v trial on the qucs'ioh of penalty ie,r:;utcd. I'ar'ul new trial. Appeal from Jastice of Peace Must be DsKketrd Promptly, Iblsal-eek v. i.rubbs is au action sl.m in plaintiff excepted to refusal t d.smiss an appeal from justice of peace. It appears that plaintiff aecured judg ment before justice of peace and de fendant serves! notice of appeal. Th appeal was not seat up as the justice of pence claimed his fees had not beea paid. At th 7th term of Superior Court aftr the. trial befor the justice, the defendant moved for a reeordnri a4 plaintiff moved to diamine the appeal tC

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