. HIE NEWS AND OBSERVES National Association Fish Com missioners at Wilmington ThU Week SUNDAY MOBLMNCv APRIL 16s 1914 - .1, ... -Vf v" ' 4 - - ... - , . , , , j.j,5.j.-r. srr: . .. 5 " " ,-:- ' ' " ' ' ,MtX&'1' JSs-irAtMAf :.-.--Tw5fc, ' .i ...... - ",;.-M't"-'l" MEETiMISCIlSS STATE- FISH LAWS There mn be held at Wilnaiavgtoa Taeeday aad Wednesday of fhia.week the Aaanal Convention of the National Associativa of Fiaheriea Commiasioaers. Subjects will be discussed that will ba of particular iatereat to North Carolia Una. The North Carolina Fisheries Law has beea commented upon by many as being eqnal to, if not better than, tha fisheries law of any Htate, aad those who have been eonneeted with fisheries departments of other States belters that if the people of North Carolina will give this tttate law a fair rhaare to be put in operation that it will build up and eoaaerTe the fisheries in a very sat isfactory manner. All who are inter ested in the fisheries of the State are ctrrthatir invited to attend -4lre acsjretie uf tin- convention. It is rupertcd that the following pro gram will be carried out in detail: April 18. l:J a. m. 0ening l'raycr. Addresses of Welcome: On behalf of tlit; Stale of North Carolina, Hun. Locke Craig, Governor On behalf of the City of Wilmington, Hon. P. j Moore, Mayor. On lii'lialf uf the ('number of Commerce, Judge W. R. Htacy. On In-half of the North Carolina Fisheries Commission, Hon. Kil. Chambers Smith, Chairman. Response: W. McDonald Lee, of Vir ginia. Address: H. V Moore, Deputy Com niiasioner, I'. '8. Bureau of Fisheries. Meeting of Kiecutive Council, '1 p. m Afternoon Session. Shell Fisheries of hole Island, Braytua A. Round, of Khude Inland. Papers and Iheeujision ou Cultivatioa and Production of the Oyster and other Crustacea, George A Mott, Director of Board of Hhell fisheries of New Jersey : Memlier of Commission of Fisheries of Virginia; W. H Maltbie. Shell Fish t'om mission of Maryland; John Oaft. Fihepi-R Commission of Alatiaina; T. K Hodge, Shellfish Commissioner of Flor ida ; Frederick L. Perry. Member of Shellfish Commission of Connecticut. Fisheries legislation --Papers and Diseussion by Joseph Hyde Pratt, of North Carolina; Hwepson Karlc, Kngi Beer, Shell Fish Commission of Mary land; Member of Conservation of New York; Henry P. H. Woodbury. Member of Sea and Shore Fisheries Commission, (ieorgo W. Field, of JJaaxachuaelta. Catching Food Fish with Purse Net (Advantage Disadvantage j. Night Seaaloa. Business Meeting of Association El ccutive Session j(. April 1. 1(:M o clock. Efficiency of Shad Hatherics: By Members of U. 8. Bureau of Fisheries. Work of Lo lister Hatchery at Wick ford, B. I.: By Mr Barnes, Hoperiu tendent. Marketing Fish : Addresses by H. U Oibbe, Fisheries Commissioner of North Carolina; TaJltott IenmeaL Fisheries Commissioa of Maryland. Canadian Fisheries: Prof. E. E. Prince. Commissioner of Fiaheriea, Ot DESIGN FOR DARNED WO'JUC' These coriouahenldie birds make very effective desiaHtf for use In darned work. This desixo may be used on the end of a buck runner. Darn in the bine backfround before working design In cable stitch or dotted outline. Use blue mercerized cottoa Ne. 21 aad heary twisted mercerised cotton for tha deeim la Ihite, - . ' taws, Canada Afternoon fteasioa. .Automobile trip ier county roads to Sound for Oyster Boast Nigkl SeMiaa. (Meeting Academy of Musiivi A.l lr.ss H,.s William R.-uti. See rrtary of Comnerce April 2. Koft trip dotra the Cape Fear Kiver visiting Fish llateherv anil Fort Cas well. CLASSES ARRANGE FOR A.NM AL MEET (C sv Obk) Bible Clw IVpartitteat of the M. E Church, South. NaahfUle, Tcnn S41. Music. 8:.'0 'Preraredaess" - Miss Hen rietta Heron. 9:20. AaBonacementa. Benedict ioa. Satardsy Moralag. 9:00. fVaior Philathea Convention, St Paul M. K Choreb, Mrs. Reid Pst terson, presiding. Miaa Mary Spence, pianist. Prayer, Praise and Bible talk, led by Mrs. J. P. Ho! am an. Rich Kquare. 9:15. -How aC4aM Can Provide an Adequate Iaeane" Miss Graee Uiwe, Iurham. , 9-30. "The Relation of the Teacher a. nn . S A ivu f SEX. eejixed to the Success of ths Class"- Misw NU-ldoma Livingstone, (iruver, N. C. 9:4". "The Importance of a Provi siob for the Social snd Athletic Kife of the laV' Miss MaL.l High, Presi dent of 1'irst M. E. Philathea Class, Hickory. 10MNJ Mmie Violin Bolo Vf Rachel Porter M-T,arrii, Durham. 10(1.). "eVcret Service" .Mrs. N. Burkner, Aslii-ville. l'i:L'0 "The Well rounded Clasa" Ming Img. First Vii-e PresiiKnt State Philathea Union, (Iree nshoro. 1U3.V Bound Tahle Discussion: "What We Are Poing and How" led by Mrs. J. T. Alderman. ' 11 :;!.". Report of Nominating Com mittee KU-tion of olTiccrs. - Annuueeineiits. Benediction Assemble la front of First Baptiat Church for Convention Picture. Hatsrday Moralag. 9:00. Junior Philathea Convention St. Paul M. E. Church, Miss Iila Rolerts, presiding. Prayer. Praise and Bible Talk led by Mrs. W H. McCoy. 6.1.V Minutes of Last Meeting Miss Bertha Witherspoon, Durham. 9:20. "Making Good' Prof. J. Ed ward AlUBi. 9 A5. "The BeUtion of thrDBeeft to the Success of the Class" -Miaa Nee tie MAe McCurry, Goldshoro. DESIGN FOR BAG. " NAPKIN RINGS This attractive little design might be uned 1n aevara! These pthbroidered napkin rinrs are attractive ways but Is intended for a bag. If worked on t , and ite pr.ctifii. They should be made of rather linen in colors, do the stems in outline, the rest in t . stitch. Color scheme, leaves and Hf-.' ,,ft - ; cavy hncn and worked in mercerized cotton No. 2o. flrtwaM t An aftfff I nin Lr lui.lj 1 evw t v aaty mwu vvi i S M y 7a v w m ii w . z t cotton No, 15, - r .r XlZSlZ m rl i "oP padded Honey Fruit Gum on aaie 111:00. Joint Meeting with Junior lUraciia at St. Paul l K ( hurch (in Sunday s-hool rotnn ' Everett Hunter and Miss Roterts, rcsiding 10:10. Address "Our Juniors" linn. W. A. Davis, Judge Sunt nor Superior Court. Oif.ml 10:40. Round TaUe Discussion of Junior Class Problems -conducted by Miss Henrietta Heron 11:4U, Announeeiio nts Benediction. Assemble in front of First Baptist Church for Convention picture Hslardsy Moralag Junior Baraca Convention. i 9:0a First Bapt.st Church, E rett Hunter, presiding. Prayer, praise and Bible Talk, con dneteer by (To be supplied". 8:li Minutes of last rueetikg Ed Ward 1. l'adgett, Winston Salem. 9:20, 'The Relation of the Junior Raraeaa to the Sunday School" Mr. Oia'rTe F. Imbeth, ThomaaTille. B:4i. "The Ideal Junior Parses Class" T. V. Meadows, Durham, N. C. 9:fir. Announcements. Joint Junior Phllatheaa In Sunday School Room of St. Paul M. E. Church. fUtarday Morning. 9:00. Senior Jigar Convetition First Baptist Chureb.Mr. A. L. Smoot, WTWiaJt of .Ixataitiva Committee, pt?sT5tBBi Prof BrvSra, pianist Prayer, Praise aad Bible Talk led hy: ttev. Peter Melntyre, Pastor of ?r .-l-i i he .leMffris are , t f saw 7 over a snail button. 5 everywhere in North Carolina. Presbyterian fhureh. Prayer, Praiso and Bible Tnlk led by Kev. Peter Mclutyre, I'aslor i-f Presbyterian Church 9:l"i. "Class Advertising" Mrs N Burkner, Ashet ille. ts "Our Forward Si. -p" M s Henrietta Heron 9:.Vi. "How the Organired Cla- An swers the Call for Christian 1 ader ship" Dr. Chs. D. Bulla lii:2'). Music - Violin Solo M.s M. Iirren, Durham. 10:25. "The Sunday School Situs tmn as We Have it Today" J W Ioug. Secretary of the North Carolina cundav School Asso'iation, tireenniwtro 10 4,1. Discussion of Class Problems led by Dr. J. S Betta. ireeusb,.ro. 11:45. Report of Nominating Coui Unttee lit- tioB of offii-ers. U : f in . Announcements. Assemble in front of First lla.tit Church for Convention Picture Hatnrday Afternooa 1:15. Joint Meeting at First Baptist Church, Prof. J. E Allen, presiding. Prof. Browa. organist. Prayer, Praise and Bihle Talk led by Ber. Ricliard Bugby, Wilson 2:.'(0. Addreas: "Tha Class and its Relatioa to the Communil v " Hon Raymond C. Dunn, Enfield. 3:00. Address: "Wanted Men" Hon. W. A. Dovin, Oxford. :(:.'W. Seen io rial " Conferences -Des earned out in satin stitdh and and worked a. usuaL The fbop igwatHvB of Meeting Places b 4'hair aaji : Superiatendeuts. ronilurted by J M MrjtigbtoB aal F Ixu.U-lh, Teacher c.,udu-e. l.v lr ' D Bulls A I.. Smoot. tlfti'-er and ' omillltTrrs eoaducted bv K 1. Pope. Mi Mi run , Pastors. eoMflii-ted bv Kev Uirg T Welkins, N H l w'llson. Batardsr tllerssss. .V Meeting of Junior Orgaiiir;! tions in separate mihiii at t Paul M K I hur.-h. fverett Htil 'er pr.-si.l lnir ever Junior Karaca rrnoiiiii.n. so l Mis R..t-Tl. the Pbilsthea I'.n V nl :oB Ho4ine Sivsion Reports of I iiRimilti-1 Elert:i,o of Ofhevs. Annttaacvments- Ralerslay Kvewlag. Oil Jiat Meeting. First B.ipt si Church .Inhm D Merry. rUI.-igti. pre aiding; Prof Hrosva, organ isi Prajer. Piai and Hil.le Talk led btr Rev. J V Sadler, pastor Bryan Street Baptist t'hnrch Music Vil n Solo Miss Melatrrea Rejiort of tieaeral Seerciary -A R Williams K port of Finance Sub Com m itl ee -A. L. Suioot Iavitatlons for 1917 Convention. innouneenients Saastay Morning. 9 VI. Delegates eill attend Sunday schools aad prea hmg aervwea in chnrrheq of eiry o INITIAL DESIGN. , This wreath design for a single initial is a good size for large towels. Work entire design in satin stitch, padding the leaves. Eyelets may be used in place of dots if preferred. Use mercerised cotton No, 20. The letter should be about two Inches In size. tne fasten, Sunday Afternoon. r:4.rj. Assemble at First Baptist Church for ParRde .':.'!. heasseinble in First Baptist t 'Lurch. Music. Convention S tiiioii "'I lie New hal-'--nge to flirmli.in For--cs"-, lr A !). Wolfinger, l'h:... First lv"forinoJ t Lurch, ttreeu il,jn . 1Iiiim1u t inn Sunds) F.vening. .0(). Joint meeting at First Baptist church, Prof. J K.loar.i Allen, jiresid iug I'raver, Praise and BiLle Talk, led L.v pev. N 11 D. WiIijuji Hl.l "The Organized Clnss and Kv angcliism" Couwe ration N-rvice -Miss Henrietta Heroii. Aunouiicouients. Beiiedu't ion. Gleetlon on School Bonds. s,feclal le Tl Nss ariU IHsrrss I Bailey, April 15. Mti.v W the Bailey school district will vote on a bond aV sue of tL'o.issi for the erection of a school building. The sentiment for schools here is so strong tlmt it is be lieved the imsuc will carry by an over whelming majority. Sun glasses have been invented for baio''fiH players, so hinged to a r ip that a touch will drop them into position foi a man to see a ball coming toward hint while looking directly at the Bun,