- - -TOE NEWS AND OBSERVER SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 16,' 1916. ; SAME GLAD SONG OF mr STARTLING PROGRESS 8 Interesting Stretche of Country With Wonderful Possibilities r Around Overfull ; Great Value of Land for Apple IO. . Bl'TLKK. Overkill, AprH 14. 6mm aid sons ' sf Startling proem dowa this way ; that i oaapirwou all aver North OvolimjL Ob day W. S. Hurt, of th Agricul tural Department, strayed into (South erm Pines aad found the Fslmer - farm hImUi Piaehuret read tun who tu raurisg some apple that made Mr. Hort atop and investigate, i nc npahot of It was that collection of - those apple waa Bad aal .vir. nun teat them to th Nebraska SJsle air. ' aid brought ham soibc prmraai Ha rat them to Hpukans oat la the apple ! country of the West, and there tbey woa for North Carolina, and le logged some other prises with twro Waatera North Carolina bad estab lished a refutation for apples, bat tho Sandhill country had not yet relieved itaelf of tho name of th poorest ee tton ia the Route, and mtitr people were surprised to - this gd thing ome out of the lTr t ounty .vsiareth Xazar.th. Close by the Palir.r farm l tha J. Van Linliry -a-h orrhard of rua.iv thousand tr-e air.' th- C r l..-de.l men t'o rim that .rt hnr-l h-h tiM'-nt when those 1- tr brought to light A large i. t of apple tre- were " t n,t ' th. t.i ( rrl.ard. aud thru -B.' .lav th. I . i -!! fell in with Mr J. r.lan Ii. r. at Overhill aud the tiie.i- n "i .tprle .-aine up. and th talk 1.1 t n mrti'itiu Lower Harnett iniiiit h i .Ure wi.r'li lt. king into. Sold for $J. Worth II. At ... T f.rce ni'ut rat t O'-iVill trie I i.T :vrr f '-ird from Mr I.t-Iuv :.n. .1 m a pe lure. "Sold : I ' tt .i, it. t.V mi l Mr J..r dan. I- i' .rth tit- "Alp tl'.! It th-.tit t-1"" ar : ' t -r thnt tt ,ft a g-ift." I t. Id Mr .I t. I: n for If th- rt- if anvthli.g tft, - ..-!'!. It . or iii. di- t.t the all "f tfe or the Ita if tin XluiMwift-i :t - k'""d land wltrri'M-r it mr !. Att Me dr. pped dtD frt.m tt.' .it'.V ritlK. tl.it flunk tho J lire t. it. . -t war. I -md aw the jirture t'-iT . nn t.i.t in t.. i -itt y it ItM.kr J ....-t Ihrr twti .. i1. h rplf trtes. aod i-aeh tret i it..i.ifii vnu tamltl imagine to plaot .i!t t'.nt anvt..ty wtuld want tti pUnt it 1 1. e n it tt.i:t years, ot-m to havo k"t . intt'. ..:i into the ttroad t'ottoi" i-t 'Na-hit t . t.r thre yima. Huil I.U. k a- -i ' tail coat, the aeeuoiutated mlt ot' hei doa from tht- Mjrher grt.i.ti.l t.nt-e n.dtodjr ktloHt whta. and a u.rllnW a an ah pile, tlir warfare la )er a tiiM. and the wht le pro-irt fajikg awa n. the diatuMTi up tuid down the tiilti. I jn dredf of urrefl ia alffht aad more fond the oeeaHaalljr obtiu.l:ng lrajirlia of foreat. t The Ijndlej aarwwrr up at (treeiti lioro ia a bi iartitutton. and it J. tew a lot of Ituaiaeaa. Itut the m. ii at Uie head of it fl(urrl when thiy k. the peculiar anil her ia Harnett rotint; that thrjr had fonnd the home of the apple oprout, aad before they had fia ished ther nee u red a thonsanti ares of this bottom land. It atraek ne rurht away wjiea I looked the aeld orer that ' una of the daja th aaraery up at flreenut oro will b erowded lato rloaer quart, m by aa eaeroaehinf city de maadiuf room for home aad eipand inf bnaiaeaa aeeda. Whea that tun eoatea tha arreaaw Rfeili of th nurvrr aili be luet by aa ampla imui t the new Harnett eounty plant, an t l-re in Harnett will be one of the ni."t in tereetinff nursery futiMithmmt on earth, for it i laid -m in I. 1 u units that room ia a n.a!'.-r ,f ;t., re aentinientality Ural Nuraer tioil haswa. I aaw more apple tn--e rrrnd out ia thia trart thin 1 rter saw twfor nToupe J m .r.e f t.n It The men wh ara Iwrt 1". kirnf ift. r the oprratioa any that a T'tvihar quality of tho noil nUtkts u . :.j.t. and ujuroua jrrowtl.h uf tree tl.nt ia net surpassed by any nurvry soil that ia haown Ist fall I waa talking; with Paal laadley up at romona altout the new nsir r h-tr. aad ho spoke of it aa tb,.i;h u. h a tract of land had len a fortunate Cad. It appears to meet the require mtata of apple tree partit-ularly, and shea tha little troea mw.ti t-lt i thaa prol).ly any other soil V.vp' that the ore hard men know At the U-finain(t tt waa the intra tioa to make of this aursery aa a;. pie frowinf speelaltr. Bat Utter on it waa found that pearh trees took hold aa readily as apple trees, so aow both -kinds arc yl.mted in eaarsaooa avuav " bera, and it ia apparent that the work atari ed here ia only a beginning Rosea, shrubs, sad I har no idem what svll, are also seen la abnniUax- in th broad fields up aad down th raJley, ladleating that th possibilities ar aot : tasted out yet ia any line. This is a eoraer of the RandhiUa Tat it ia a roraar that b destined to UBI .Thousands Priui 1 " ; iarTW vfatt 1 . Jsasslis. As ana Css nili hiaj iW.a, av fismsi . Tsar sf Baaet Manas, Casaasr sad Csasn af taw Ssansash ana I I II . oka. eta Oaa ass HasVn Wiaaufsl -- i Ij kaa Sliai 'tsssZss Taa anaassaa lain u aahv aVas haaa taaan saaf a i I I nr ft j ltKjmtimtm lain, Csnt Csa- ntM-a- JtaJs stsfcBsl.1 ej Mayrt kitH lusahn eawaa.' T ilTl i'si'- aa MaaVkTw Ii It w sj aawlVw' fc jaaSasaae. twaa On. ar an Nurseries for rruit Irees rrove Culture give aa aeeount of its fertility. Ia the last ,ew tlays I hare been running orer the old and new road that radiat frosa Orerhill and rears, up and dowa ths valleys tributary to Lower Little Ri.r. whirh for much of its eouree is the Southern boundary of Harnett. Th Lin d ley ore hard is en Jumping run, a lire, attractir stream, clear aad swift, affording power (of aUlla her aad there like tha rest of Ufa streams. It ia dammed few mile below at the Dr. J. P. Ewlng plaee, formerly the ait of on of th banting lodge when the Croataa elub held a vast territory ia this aeetion, and at the dam is a fine water-power and an attractive big lake with well kept ground But better thaa the lake or grounds. Hut better than the lake or expanse of fertile farm that Jndirate by soil and generally' prosperous ap pearane that nowhere in the whole United State ia there more generous soil. Large Area af Fertile Land. This aame remarkable soil fertility ia extended over into the main valley of Little Hiver, and te the valleys of the stream that break into the river Along th entire southern edge of Harnett eounty from the Moore eounty line to the Tape Fear river, with possi bly a slight eireptiou where the ridge ia rarver ereek t..wnthip on the f'um berland aide breaks into the valley this high soil fertility appear to show it self, and it carries burk into Hoke and Cumberland for several miles, in the l ong street set tii.n of Moke ami t "um ber I and taking on a different r hi. rat ter, yet holding its fertility in nr prilling degree. The fait ii that film berlanl eounty h.xi but little of the variety of Boil that it loeHlly deiion ted as sandhill land, and the same i. true uf iiiueli of Hoke roiuity, for the tuui.lhill land of the northern part "f the eounty is so much supplanted by the more fertile lands of the other type that the rhnraeter of the soils In the entire retion of the loer lattle river is a enuntant surprise to th man who has been accustomed to think the hole of northern Hoke, western Cum- berlsnd arid southern Harnett Is barren and. If J i' Jordan never does any thing else for his state he has don enough In discovering the Little river valley to entitle him to a rig-lit sizable memorial abaft when lie romrw to netwi a aha ft, and may that .lay bo fur nwny I doat know how many people are ivi-i af ths larirs amniint of Tel. lent valley land that ii to be fulfil. 1 here oa the border of these counties. It waa a aarprlae to me. and to a m.in who covered part of the country with me It waa a revelation. Just aa the I.indleya bad grown enthusiastic over the. possibilities of the Jumping run valley for nursery trees so this niflh w enthusiastie over other possibiti tics "The Vslley of Eden." "What a country for Irish potatoes!" be said. "Or for wheat. If I had a farm in this section I would think I had entered the valley of Kden." rV.unds aa if I had taken a job of raahtng a real estate deal, doeant itt Hut th fact is I don't know a ho men hardly a (ingle acre of the land In thia whole territory, except that belonging to the Overhill property an. I tha Lind ley nursery property, and I have not I th remotest Idea of whether they are honting buyers or not. But I veutnre that if a man fakes tho trouble to Mud the esners of th vast bulk uf the fer tile land that he can Mud in a renson-al-l isinjo outside of these two big trt.er1it s he cau And land equal to any kind in Iowa thnt sell for '-'" i nn acre, and that It ran buy it f . . r a tenth that aiim here and may be leu I did not ask any price, for I ;ii n.t buying. Belling nor fitrurin' I w.-is merely thinking of the i.w p..-.il.ih ties that nre In si-M of strip of groun 1 that form th. . it end of the triangle that h.it I'm it I . i i lie, .Southern Pmea and S;inl'..rd f. r it corners. So far this country is a forest. I'rom 1,.' Moore county line across Little Kn.r tunaHlup to th Harnett county line th speedometer registered altout 17 miles. The population of the town ship jt the last census was SU4. With n half a mile of the Moore county line we passed two small house. I do not recall another for nine miles, as vc were Mpproarhina: Morrison 'a britluo on l.ittle river. But this Is rliaiiKiiiK Throughout the township several settle meats have eommenctd. aud the popu latioa now Is much greater than sit iresrra agr. I.ittre Hiver township win show a gratifying figure at the next count. At a fork of the road we were in doubt as to th road to take The ae tht appeared to be most traveled aeemed to take too far to the south Foreet all around and no house in sight to Inquire. 8n we took the traveled mad, aad came shortly to the river and surprise. The traveled road led to right mndera piece of development -wieti-,TWtHe'r fat building a big new dam to provide more water power for their mill, their town, and to aJl to b,uxer ,laother, loam, vTHboflt Making any wo! to get out t the world these folk by Jnn win have aa electric plant capable of sup plyiag WM) horse power, which will he eoaaeted ap with their plant farther ap th river to supplement the work H ia already doing in Vaaa, Raeford. Lutlw, Pineburat, etc Big dam. plenty of water. 25 feet fall, concrete construction, Weatinghouse equipment tbaranghly ap to date, almost ready t ran end no fuss about it. -FallateaT With Water Fewer. Tbi aeetion uf th. rUat it polluted with water power. Little Hiver ha a krt af it, aad the small streams all have thair dams aad ar capable of much' aaaew power when It ia developed la a modern and aeoaomkral way, a will be tha ease ia th eoura of Urn when tha region ia mora nettled aad la need of the power. I stood oa th bank of th river aad looked at that water power t considerable time. It 1 not a bif P1" M these things go aow aanys, bat it I big vn at that. A OS) hut at power development I a lot af power. Jl B only oa af a lot of ataor plant that can be created dowa hww ia h TvfwM, aad ltS setacwr&r fca U ataievemeat Hers ia tha woods aiw aleetric UghU aad aleetria motor,! M xetrpaowaa, aad all af th magical aataprlaga af tha lelrie- feres that thk thin; tsaaernUa.' U it th ftory af psvsrer . Power en a (rata that ran be adapted p taw needs of tha inhabitant f thia eeeamsaity when It becoaie a community. Power right tt th end of the road, convereiewt for every use, subdividing' into the smallest unit, or combining into bigger ones suitable for energy on a a.-a!e to satisfy big need. We can't cipher out the tremendou in fluence of this thing we found by tak ing tha wrong road. Two year ifo a man lio has a con Iderable bun.-li of land in the west side of Little River township asked me what he could do with it to be a profit aad advantage ami my idea wa ta cut it S ! "1" tr his of. jwedanitB.. aUeaad, build bouse and put tenant or buyer en it. The war came and nothing wa dona. Us brought up the aanaa iu- vw again: ia wwea, and t tlt hiptt to go over tills stvctioa and. irtudj ats poealbUities and flgur out what they signify for a brl and coaiprehetnitv development tif th whole MttU RJw valley. Something is shaping her, l'oaaibly it ia too vaa:uc ot for dfinl tion, but with power, soil, climate, ple tureaqn tcenery, good roads buildiag Into vsry cove and corner, people of means from th North exploring th outlying region, it has all the signs of aomehting bfjrger than little patch of clearing and one amis plowing around th stump. latereatiag Bits af Scenery. Jut prior to tha death of T. M. Emerson, of the Coaat Lias, tha com pany made a survey from Iakewood to SouU.m Piae. with th poaaible idea fo a road aero th country to eatah torn of th Southern Pine aad Piaa harst wlnur trtiBo. After leaving Lakcwood, a short dlatanr bova Tv ettoville, aad getting past Bearer eraek, th (urvey kept oa dry grao4 fer nearly 30 mil ta rVmthcrn Plaaa, net a stream in all that distaaa tttreandag the routo. The nrvejr followed the U:imi-r.:KTro.wi,-.l An exceptional car I r built to meet an exacting demand The six cylinder motor In Its perfected state Is the engineer's answer to the demand of the automobile enthusiast the extremist If you will. The perfected six cylinder motor Is capable of a f pater pick up and a smoother flow of power than is possible in a four. But not all sixes are superior to all fours. We build fours that are superior to many sixes. And our only purpose lit building a six is to satisfy with Overland finality that extremist demand for -well nigh miracu lous motor performance. . The Overland Six is a big, roomy,' luxurious, seren passen- f;er car with a motor of unusual power, smoothness and IexlbUlty. But ths price is ordy $1145 much lower than any other cur of its size and class. . . Such a low price for such a superlative car is possible only because the Overland Six is part of a huge production. In fact Overland production ie -easily double that of any other builder of cars of like class. So in buying the Overland Six ywavnot only secure a car of very unusual performance But you get the advantage of the economies possible only in te,pajoduction of cars on so vast a scale. ' 1 While the prices of established sixes are advancing, and those recently announce are on a higher price level, the Over land price remains atjl45, It Is so clearly dominant value among sixes of its size and icass, tha the dernaxdU taxog jYcn our large capacity. Today is an Overland Six opportuni ty which can hardly last. See us now and book your order. PARKER & NORRIS COMPANY 311 S. Wilmington Street. Phone 347. Raleigh, N. C The Wipys-Orerland Company. Toledo, Ohio 'aaaar.ta 5iX IIS!lffl!ll!3!fEl! ridge that divides Iittl Biver from Bockflsh, and If ever th road ia bniH It will be oaa of tha avoet intwtiag bit of railroat) from tha tourist stand point in the State Out of Southern Pine th road smrt a bit of rocky ridge- known locally as tha Highland. From th summit of th Highlands, which U bat a quarter of S mil from th Highland Pine Iaa, S view it af forded that covera tha country lik the panorama from th top of th peak ia th mountain of Weetara North Carnjlaa. - i'mi. r Sv mil farther out th survey cross tha Bull bill lummit, from wliieh another view is gained. A few mile mora "and the Johnson mountain "bluff rta up in front. From the top of tha Johnson mouutain a wider range la before the eye. Thie height continue wall dowa toward th Cap Fear. Oa the top of tha Highlands near Southern Pine is tht famona Hottea haucr peach orchard, aow owned aad operate.! by George Abraham, and th oil of that orchard hat don mora thaa any other to mak North Oaroliaa peaches famous in tha market of th North. A streak of that paemllar toil runs along th ridge far dowa Into Cumberland eounty. It ia aa wall da Saad along it margins almoet a if a f no had beea built en th ground ta mark it outline. To tt gMlofiat tt la probably a simple thing. Ta th man who ha lived in thia part ot tha oaatry all his lif tt la cariosity. T tha atraagar who has iookd a this ragioa aa s Oontiaaed wolon of trU aad hills It Is s awrprnM, al moat a much a tha black allt bottom of tha Jumping run vallay whr th bif auraery ha loeatad. What' Tha AawwarT u Ihtt ia th anrsres all this :- t I doaH kasrw. It om to sa 4aaia lawtg aaaabcr ot viattara gavgiag to-th -winter reeweta of ta taldoyU aiU.rkay mm. way faniak a, aoawer, fW oaa t the aaaprav aoe-aa. s pe- ",roan four aide wavotnorHrn i arsaaehiag. , -. Uwnn. . on -. tha faa aid t Mamett. U gmag the VI fphiifir some new ideas. Doke, farfne-r wcjt, ia waking tha old quirt ta a aew bf a M I afU-0.tir- TttTTTTtT 'ti-ii FavettevlUe influences are turning at tention to the Uanoheater territory. Saaford is talking about things down th (ape Fear aad TaJkm Yntley branch of th Coast Line. And the visitor at Southern Piaea are burning up gasoline drifting out over the roa.l tiiat head for Harnett end the north uf Hoke and Cumberland. On thing overlooked in many place that pertains to the fertile vaileys up here ia Harnett and northern Hoke and Cumberland la drainage. Al of this country m hlyegwngti tw-Barw-peTf eet drainage. ' Frsquently fertility of (oil means wet land. The stream that flow Lthrough the .botier.trritorj cf Hoke tutu ininril Br mui BirT-antB bwti the fall liae, falling rapidly enough for water power, which mean rapidly enough for . esc Hen t drainage, nnd drainage nveians a lot ia farming as well aa ia that other advantage ia roua try Ufa, th abaeaea of moaquito. Tb approach of developmeat aad the opening of good roads ia having its influence oa thia aeetion of tha tstata. Th Increase j laad value indicate that somebody ha aa eye oa th fntnr of the vast forest. Lands ar chang ing hands her aad there. Const dr abla of it is for farm prajeeta, aad considerable foe evtsrniativ held bags. But th speenlativ laveatmemt means that a future kaa beea discovered for th neighborhood, ilea with money do not part H lata anything ualesa they are able to see that wharo tbey pal it la sack race nre or prospect that tt will 'torn back ovwataally aad bring mora With it Bach men weigh np the varioa factors that eount, aad whsa they have decided oa their coarse i i because thaw have th rrtdeaca. T -Dlmint fiaafa of F win re. Tha big farm that sea- developing m as I I I a Bases BlSWSt IIS, BW-s-lBBrfrssHsBSI PsilliimT Ii lis IN mmm down in the lower emt of the -lumping run valley aad tlitl bui nursery of the Lindlcy are two of the proofs of what la ahead. It is true that the magnifi cent lands that have been opened by these development do riot reach all over the bonier of the three eountiee, yet these developments are eifrnlficent of other things that are to come. These pioneers have opened the road, aad discovered conditions that were not supposed to exist in any part of th Saadhills country. . ' I nave 'been familiar with the Sand hills country for nearly a quarter of a eaatnry, yet th more I get acquainted wtth-the- i igana euilwaeed in the in ,4 danait dee-sriptiea of tha Sandhills the more I cam to look oa th Sand hill country as a country that ha beea misjudged aad underrated. Or may be we will keep lopping off bit from th Sandhill hero aad there and reetrkt lag th real Sandhill until aot much Is left but isolated spots In on piae or another not trbr cauugli to do mor than austaia the nam.. Unless I mis my guess whsa th road ia iaiahed from Tile Lin d ley nar sery throe or four mile) to th oast to coa aert with tb road that has com oat from Lallingtoa,"- traveler from Raleigh coming down into this lowar ceuatry, to FnyottevUIc, Boathora Plaaa aaeT farther weft asd aontk, will cam by waw of OwerkUL and a lot of folka are going to be surprised to see what lower Harnett and Northern Hok and Oaimborlaad ksva had eencaaled ia tha fsreet ansuapevted by th oat aid world. It ia reported that saarthquk la Uaioa county, Oregon, hss aaaaod a hot apriag ta becsen cold, tta flow la raalng trafold. while ia aaotkar spot a large ewriag brt eat tight la Us msidia af a mack trnvwlad pubdat roast ' fr- ' r" s, Thsv tjrpai . wcTos. whisk kaa fceea given, sineo tia.whr fit libarstiaai la ISU, : a aot, a nam manly taippoosd, Uirb of caot Iron, but ks aa edging af sflrvT. Bestowal of tho doctaratjoa with tt s asaall allowaaos too km af tha rank aad Sis. . Wbca Yea Tcleplisiic Smile And let your smile be reflected in your voice, so that it may be carried out over the telephone wires to pile up good will and good business for you among friends and business associates everywhere. "When you telephone smile" is a formula you can apply to your telephone conversations with ever increasing sat isfaction to yourself and to those with whom you talk. SOUTHERN BELL TtLFPHOltt AND TELEGIAFH COMPANY FOB SALE. Hash, Door, and Blind Mansfarturiws, and Woodworking Plant t Pa bus Auction, April IS, 1 p. ., on Premises. Rorky Mount, N. C. Located in th fastest growing city in the Stale; on the "niain line of A. C. L. B. K. Only plant sf kind In section. Population of Rocky Mount, 14,"00. Big territory to draw from. Owners have decided on volontsry liquidation nnd full retirement from business. Plant will not be started ap Hgain under present matisgeoions. Kverything will be sold to highest bid der. Property adjoins freight depot and faces bittilrthic paved street oo two side. Large lot for lumber yard. Hide track on property. Krsry facility ' for prompt handling of shipments. Timber supply ample nnd nearby. White labor sapply. Maia building -of standard brick construction containing 2S.O0O square feet of floor pr. Two dry kiln. 200 - horse pewr boiler Usual auxiliary buildings and transfer tracks. Plants completely equipped with blower system and new machinery needed in manufacture of dressed lum ber, sash, doors, blinds, shew esses, mantels, and other niaUirial ased in construction and equipping of build ings. . Further information furnished nn ap plication a personal inspection 1 earnestly requested. ROCKY MT. 8A8H BIJND CO. Rocky Mount, N. C. 3 22, 2fl, 29-4 2, 8, , 12. 16. ATTRACTIVE LOW ROUND TRIP FARES VIA Southern Railway Premier Carrier of th Booth I27.M Raleigh, N. C. to New Orleans. La. au.l return, account South ern Sociological Congress, and Southern Conference for Edu cation snd Industry. Tickets on sale April 11, 12. IS, 16 and 17. Final limit April .10. t MS Raleigh. N. C. to Washington, I. C. ami return, account 25th Continental Congress Tiaugh ters of the Americau Revolu tion. Tickets on sale April 12, 14 and 16. Finnl limit May 12. t S.4 Raleigh, N. C. to Asheville, N. C. and return, account Sou thern Baptist Convention. Tickets on ssle May 13 to 17 inclusive. Final limit May 31. Final limit may be extended to Jnn IS by depositing ticket and payment of tl.00 at Aiho ville. $1J.M Baleigh, N. C. to Birmingham, Ala., and return account An nual Reunion United Confed erate Veteran. Ticket oa al llay 13 to 17 inclusive. Finnl limit May 25. Final limit may be cxtendsd to June 14 by depositing ticket snd payinsai of M csU at BUm'-. Ingham. I14.M Raleigh, N. 0, to Lytic. Ka., (near Chattaaoogal ami re turn, aceoust National Milt tary Training Camp at Fort Oglethorpe. Tickets en sal during AprH, May, Jane, July and August. ' See ticket agent for limits aad other informa tion. Lew round trip fares from nil other points oa asm basis. The Soothers Serves tho Sooth O.F.YORK.T.P.A. Raleiftt, N. C URINARY OISCHARQES 24 mm st.L aaCtM-itera IsaBAk fMatiii i -hi. it hiiff Is ri bbss as Mailing lists CARROLL ADVERTISING tt . LETTER WIUTOiC CO. -. raywHsvilW at - - auiaig,K. a

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