SUNDAY MORNING APRIL Id, 191G. 1 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER i)H;iiKiiijiHiuiimiwiimiutmiuuiiiiitmuiimuut UiliuUHii liiiniaHihiisMiit . y i : : : ; "Hater' Shopping Crtf! ' t t v. rH I 1 I - Ribbon For Easter t. T Beautiful, Miuliq Undrwsar , . . . -.TIE WhiUa4 flesh color, .thai M (tanning, that's just the word ha" - . i - . j- I - sl Dams raahioa's moat beautiful decoration. Hers yea will "l of eeerjr kind, plain eolora and fancy, and in all the aldths. ' ..- ,...., ... Taffeta Rlbssae 4 to & inches fancy cheeks, stripes and flower ed effects ....XSe y Narrew Wash Ribbons from 1 8 to 1 1 2 lathes wide le ta Me yd. . trtgina to dnerriae the rhsrmlna Muslin Underwear, that is bow raray lor jrottr enoosmg. I LAW H AM CSSthso tea Crepe de Chine and Lsce ami Wash Satin aod Lace, mst daintily trimmed) colors ftnh and white, a moat nnji Sually good assortment for Il-M Our Easter Display CO Is Ready Trimmed Hats For The Madam, The Mia and The Little Kiddie Pretty new models for Easter wear. Smart small Hats, large picture shapes, new close flttinjr Hats in pretty turban shape, in every conceivable color, in an endless variety of trimmings, and most at tractively priced. A very smart model is a close fitting turban, with high trimming, in the new color effects for. .$5.00 Another is a merry widow sailor, flanged with green faille and topped off with jet ornament for $8.50 Misses' White Panama Sport Shapes, from $2.50 to $5.00 Boys' White Middy Sailors can be washed. .65c Big Sailors for boys white, black and navy $2.00 Easter Parasols To Match The Costume I Large varieties of plain Taffetas black and white so popular this spring. Quaint styles in Japanese, "San Toy" and "Chin Chin" effects, the prettiest Parasols we have ever seen and such a varied assortment to choose from . . $1.50 to $9.00 CJ Everybody wants something new for Easter. We have for months antici pated your wants, and you will find the store ready. Every department is teeming with just the newest and freshest merchandise, and you will find shopping here mbst interesting. Here stocky sre most varied and up to date. Here you not only find reliable merchandise, but the best service and most courteous consideration. 1 f Shop Early in the Week Stocks Will be more Complete Dissappointments will be Avoided Easter Suits FOR THE GROWN UP OR THE MISSES EMBRACING STYLE, DISTINCTION and VALUE Our selection of Street and Sport Suits, semi-Tailored and dressy Silk Suits is now at its best. The Suits at $19.75 are particularly attractive, made of Poplins, Gabardines, Serge and Shepherd Plaids, all most beautifully tailored and trimmed. The Suits at $29.50 are Cloth and Silk Combinations, all Silk and all Cloth, made up in the most up-to-date styles and trimmed in the most pleasing effects. Strikingiy New Shirtwaist Models Cotton or Silk Shirtwaists in a beautiful assort ment of stylos tetminif with Spring-like newness unci snap. One very clever mannish Sport Waist made of Imported French Madras trimmed with Pique Col lar and Cuffs, white and colored stripes. . . .$1.50 Another model made of Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepe, in all the sport colors, such at peach, edith rose, maize, and yellow, all combined with white for $3.95 lively Voile Wash Waists in two color combi nations with new French roll collar for. . . .$2.50 Nobby Voile Wash Waists, white, lace and em broidery trimmed, an especially good Waist for $1.19 And thus it goes throughout this vast, assortment, all are Waists of very high grade, yet at very low price. Separate Skirts at $5.00 Novelty plaids, blue and black Serges, wide circular flares, a particularly good range at $5.00 Novelty Skirts at $6.50 Those are sport models of Corduroy, Twills, Serges, etc., made in the season's nobbiest tailor models $6.50 1 it St E E E 3 Cloves The Finishing Touch of Your Easter Outfit Here are new ones that are just a bit different and they must be right or your money back. Maggioni Cupid Glace Kid Gloves, black, white and colors, with self-tone stitching $1.25 Torino Kid Gloves, all colors, black and white, with two-toned and self-color stitching $1.50 and $1.69 New Easter Neckwear Novelties Every day we open new Neckwear Novelties. Here you will find a most varied assortment of fashion's latest conceits. Novel, new, effective and sure to be right. Hundreds of different kinds at 25c Organdie, white and colors, some with lace, others with embroidery and hemstitched edges, all in the new sailor effects 25c At 50c, $1.00 and $1.25, made of Organdie. Crepe de Chine and Kid, white and eolora, all most attractively displayed. Hqse For Easter k 1 Silk ! Hose ir jhe season's, newest efTeots, stripes, -checks,' embroidered, solid color and higlv shades to match the new boot styles becoming so popular, a most attractive line for . . $1.00 Pretty little Socks fpr the little ones, sizes from 4 to 9, white with check and fancy tops, plain colors, and white and black, 25c Silk Petticoats In new summery shade. New arrivals of women'. Pttticoatsn beautiful full flaring models for spring ah. I summer wear. One particularly good is a Taffeta Silk with fancy stripes, plcot finished mile and flounce scolloped, a most varied assortment for . . . . ." $6.50 Your Corset Selection Is most particular if you would have your Easter costume most effective and at the same time enjoy health and comfort. New Spring models are here in the La Greque Fro Laset Madam Lyra Prices range from $1.00 to $12.50 Ferris Athletic Corset, made fiesh color only, just the Corset for the basket ball, golf or tennis player, here in all sizes for $2.50 Brassieres plain, lace embroidery and lace and embroidery combina tions. A very effective all-over embroidery and embroidery -trimmed Brassiere for $1.50 A very showy model of wide Cluny I.ace Wais-t of linen for $1.00 Mlfil!lll IKE CONVENTION DELEGATES NAMED Democrats in Primary Yester day Also Selected Precinct Committeemen Delegates ta the Wake County Demo cratic Convention which will be held ia to court house here at noon next Sat urday were elected in primaries held yesterday afternoon between two and tkree oVloek in the country districts and between 8 aud 9 o'clock last night ia Raleigh. At the same time precinct executive committeemen were elected. Mr. Char It's I". Harris, el.airmaa of ths Democratic Executive Committee re qacsts that all delegates and commit teemen elected bring their credential aigaed by the chair ma and secretary of the preeiar.. The rerakta from taa -country pre ciaeta were not available bat night. The roan It a ia Raleigh township are ft -i pruicq uriu ; . - , . First War, Firs Mrfatea- r K Delegates: a Brswa Peg ram, W. tt, Janes. Job WHiawtel. Jn, -WW'. Willaoa, J. W. Baaa. Hen Tamer v Committeemen: . BMa - ParraW tW. W. W Jhwa, V King, Bafas blaekwelL First Ware. Second Division Delegates: K. R. rat, W. U. Lyon, Jr, tV Vl Barrow; T. H Terrell; 3av Ualtaehi, Paul Taylor. Csmmitteemen-t Alex. Webb, J. O. Dardca. O. J. Collins, W. 11. H. Jones, J. M.King. Saesad Ward, First DlrUion Delegates: W. B. Know. Nathan Barnea, J. U. Allen. A. C. Hiaton, 8. J. Adams. Cnmiuitteemen: Walter Clark, Jr E. B. Ilain. John 8. MeKe, WilUrd Dowell. J M Tearhey, Jim T. Horton, M. R Haynea, George T. orwood, H. C. Howell. Seeoad Ward, Second pieiaiaa Delegates: R. W. Winston, W: C. Douglass, C. O. Htone, Ueorge F. 3de Ghee, Rurke Ijttlr. Committeemen : W. C. Douglass. John Ptroaaeh. Fbil Nasser. Albert Little. George Mordeeai, R. W. Winston, R. C. Htrout, H. J. Frrguaon. W 8; Murrhisoa, W. R. Crawford. Third Ward. First Division Delegates: F. II. Hunuirutt. J. K Turner, Edgar Broughtnn. Kerry Thomas. A. H. Moneyham. Nicholan Ie boy, P. B. Oriffla, P. E. Mitchell. J. M. Broughton, Jr. Committeemea : Nick Dchoy, Roy Riggaa, P. B. fJrKGs, Lee Knory, Jos I'penoreh. Third Ward, second DItUIo. Delegates: (Carles V. Harris. eJ rir Hardee. ; t- Committeemea i W. H. Hswrtr.- W A; Baker. -J. O.-'Tpehwreh, Cha4-r Xli s : r s i s i ! c I Uelegates: Ma iter lHtrham, lAf lb. Green, J. B. Peafoe, J. A. Sanders. Comniittceiucs: W. H. ftuntar, L. F. Alford. i. ii. Matthews, T. ri Pyarte, W. J. Young. Foarth Ward. Second IXrUlOn- DelrgKtes;,, V,'. '. Harris, EOwsrd E. Brittoa sml J. 6: Chsppel., Comiiiittceuirn : C. K. Koouee W. C. Harris. J. G. Cokm-il. J. E. Btaltrh, i M. King Oataide East. North Delegates: C. II. Council, A. W. Mea ehuni, J. R. Daniely. W. J. Davis. Committeemen: (Same as tlclegalesj Oataide W est, North Dflegatea: Albert L. Cox, Joha E. Davis. J. R. Ball. Cominitteemrs: J. T. Rowlaad, J. H. Weathers, ('. D. Arthur, A. H Yearbr, P. H. Parker. Oataido West, Soatb IVIegatea: U M. Rraach. Committeemen: R. T. Holderfieh, Buck Card, H. W. Patterson, D. W. Tay lor, D. M. lH-ans. Raleigh Cotton Market. (Reported by Parker Broa A Co.) (khmI middling 115-1 Strict middling 111-2 Middling- . 11 - Low grades lt'Sjll Baufh L'aloa. ' ' Hun day school t Baitk'a luio'n this minting at 9 or loth. Prssc)jing at 'slock ia Ua afferaooa. , r BerrWAt iUldUrs sr J. " I -AL l Saitti will esnduat nosTiis a tho Soldiers' lonie thu aiseauiwa 11 t r OBSERVE HOLY WEEK I AT) R.LKIGH CH"H1H ES Palm Sunday, 'he beginning of Holy Week, will be i.hserred today in the Kfuatofttl and kthalis clirhe ajhd in tbia'rity special -crvicea Will bd hsld In Qiriat piurch. Church of thsXiutxLf hep herd, St. Savioi.1'9 Phapel and Sorrel Heart Church These churches have been decorated in palma and musicol prorama wjll form one of the important :nts of the spec in I ser ricea. Inipresxive services will mark the be ginning of Hl Week at Christ Church today. Palm Sunday, the bunday next before Kater. This (Palm Sunday; af tei noun there i!l bs a apeeial service for the admit"-, n of members to the Girl's Friendly eiety at 5 o'clock in the church. Atmut twenty Are are to be admitted to membership. There will be daily services in Holy Week at 7:30 a m.; and 5 p. m. (ruept Good Friday . Wednesday niiiht Kir John retainer's "ThaCnieiflxion'' will be sung by the full rlioir. Thu aereiee, in words of Holy Scripture, is highly devotional and S fitting prelu'le to the sol. m nit. v of Good Friday. Good Friday ceremonies will be mora ine prsjar at V o'clock; The "Three Hoar" from 18 ts . - ' Ths Easter oltserTanes.nrtl) be marked by .all the tnstens s( Joy ad tharhsgiv ing ist Sroclaiia -thst: Featal ;ths grmrryst ta fh eh area ealeadaY. Christ Cbareh ,s eery effectively tlee oraW with palma beds. " " 1 COMMISSIONER I.EE FILES .NOTICE OF CANDIDACY. ni; Hon w. T. Lee, who filed his aolice of etitry today sa a camii'late for Cor pornhtoSi (Joiumiasioucvr. makes the fl lowiSK IkiHef atatsmeat of his randi dueyt - ' ml "prTnIm Thaf the people of the State understand that 1 am now serving my first term. I hae given to the of five of Corporation Ponunissioner ilui iug my first term the same careful at trntion that in my more than thirty years of business experience I gave to my prhab- business. The Comrniftflion nhould hare at all times in ita member ship a man of mature business riper i ence. It ia generally accepted as wise Kliey to renominate an official who has given faithful service. Indeed this baa been practically universal Democratic ruatoia. I anticipate the same treatment at the hands of the Democratic party that every Democratic public official haa received in the past. "Assurance of support hare already roar to me from representative eitircn in all sections of the state many of them voluntarily given. I wish to as aure these friends, and all other Demo rrats ho ill give me their support in the primary, of my sincere apprecia iron." B. .- Piusks- Passes Thraagh. Prnf. K. P. Brooks, of Trinity College. Durham, passed thoaga the city yeater day, rstBtniqgi fruj ths Lenoir eoonty srhool eommeaeement. The moonlight work dons the county was featured at tie WmneaTAa. MEREDITH FRESHMEN EISTERTALN JUNIORS Meredith College freOinirn last night uniquely entertained the Juniors. Promptly at six thirty o'clock yea ,tcrday afternoon two big automobile trurk tp-d li-sidc tb- vauipus. The Juniors wire not surprised Out of a midnight ky a mynteriou. leaf had dropped a fen nights ago, learing this sum nions : "Heed the rail that summon all To the t.ypsies' merry haunt. The wandering baud nill be mi hand Dare not to disappoint." Over hill and valley this mysterious band led them. Kveu the moon entered into the spirit of the evening ami drew the clouds up over her face to conceal the Gypsy tent In the midst of a won derful forest a lou fire nas sighted. Kua pended from trees vien whining cups which the (iypsy (Jueen le them take and with them drink from her well. The Juniura were given fishing rods and fold to fish for their lunch in true out-door fashion. The fish had ticen fed on deviled eggs, pickles, and various kinds of sandwiches, (ivpsies. Juniors, and all gathered around the camp firs to eat these wonderful fish and listen ta ths stories sad swags of Gypsies long ago. ' ' " The darkaeaa and -gloom of the big woods aasejysiy. to nc gaiety and brightness. I 4 berry-party. Red sad range names from the lion fire lent s yatie charm to ths Gypsy costumes. Swarms sad warm a of sparks daacd upward to the staird music of the guitar. Mingled with ice-ereani and ejik were speerae and tuaatw. Purthwr hack lar the wihmIb was a real Gypsy teut where the great grandmother of ths tritve tuld fortunes ( While waiting to have their destiny read the girls toasted marsh mallows by the fire and listened to "Richard s' plan tation melodies. Before leaving, the whole party lined up around the tire for a "war dance." With a Gypsy cup and a tiny puneh 4jawrlbr1 mwnwg full of happy memories ths band at last set out on its regretful return to elTiliitio. TAR HEELS AT .GrVPITOL H." K. C. BRYAXT, Washington, April lfC Vrj. Margaret Busliee Shipaarhav has sssea the guest of Secrets rv and Mrs. Daniels for seve ral days, left "fof Raleigh, tonight. Miss Lida Rodaaaa, ; Washington, state regent of the North Carolina branch of the Tlatighters'okf jfhe Ameri an Revolutioa, iaat ths- Pallia taa Hotel. PRIZE TO BEST CORst CLCB B0V IK MNTH SrSTRICT f ongressrsaa Webb haa olfererl a 4 prire. in the shape of toiUoa at ths A. 4 M. College, to the winner of the first prize iu the bays' cwrsr'elub con test ia WXVw CaBsesjtasirhJ District, sa eoaditisW tWa"te wtnnr ia aid, enough te eai-Hjrt the I01S sssaioa. isfsij s Mrs. J. 0. Speed sad htrs. Nsaaia B. Fuller, sf Fraakliatea. were la ths city jreedsj. . J, . .. . Sf

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