THE NEWS AND OBSEHVtK 'SUNDAY MORMNC APIUL1I6, 19161 The News and Observer MCWf AN Oiatmil PUBUM no COMPANY " ? J tt re bast wra - I Mi LmI News. rlaaaa gilmajll i iM Mieaielral il Mfti 4)1 feretarrtBe Miwti FwM W'kUj Frees Reports t'MCBirTION PKICBl Payable Ib Advance. '"oaje Taav ..." lie Ml BUetaa . M.M ThrM MmUm tUi Oh Meath I .M ' Oh Week I .IS .eVrW l lb Fntofnce at laMfk, North Carolina, mm wind-anus uttir t MORNING TONIC (Paalma irt:i.) A far God, Hiii wht ia pvrfaet; the ;0rd of Uod i tried; He ia a Wklef we all those that trust in Hia. I Reflecting Rfflrctioni Jl'ST PROHLBMB. Jmd4 torllmrr Lewis la Haastaa (TnJ Poet.) i. When the hiii ( day ara BBaabered we're feelia; rlawt, havjaa at awsawsiiad tfll r a asaa-le t ttarat, aaa we eetW da u aaadiag la was- latest ttaaT klda JewaT Bltaaieeea aaaa, They have braat jta alt their trawfcles frasa ta .achea! ,.tWaa ea the adit, aaa daey arias taam ta la aVaeWjaet the way erne's chli Hit. aaaee) aaher, these 'ata preblaeas e)boet Joaee, tkara art eatable aa abeat weaica, there are area-' swans a boat ata, tbaaa Bra piulilnsaa -ajbaBt firlBMBto', e -they fan) MM art aaVa. ftiey aaaa have aWlaiabamMot aan tUaatal eere. alee they aome am e-tktfJ. dcerriae a eodo-hrrd. Arkaaj W aVUfbt aaa akedaedled aaa Vt raa mf anaaaalaa pnafaWma aaaa aheve jetft mm addled, gal aaa addled la ftjke Wail. Aad when alt the ataata ara -Saiehed thee I elaap my aching head tmt, t romTert aT alanl Blartcfl 1 fo eaambllng at to bed, Whra Ihe hour wf ay arc anmberrd aad tt prbUma a at whra Ia tatarad and ra " MnbtitJ, t wtah I twld eilmY a traa. . " i u '-tterafuJ ItcjcLfc ll'a,fiVj tima U Vm off! ' ' ' ' (The Coluanl p.-rts tlu BiniMraa j party to do tbe hrrnit thing and nomt- Mte him. . Tlic 1 nil. il ftMtf H ntc U invil.'.I t,, omr alont; mul let u bjl) tlt.-tt on fir Biation df Itrnntlrift. ovb troots in. mkxico. It ia aa aaa.r matrtr t aatla tka Mril- tun artqAtioi off ha)id Tnaf la whra you naf not piatea upon j-ob tbe bur dra af arapoBJiibalit ia-tha aaattrr. W veatara tha aaarrtioa thai anaar tbau- aada of paorrlir 1a variova partr-of tha etmatfj- hoy ttd aptaay hai ttui thing ahould Ik- dona. With thrra a ponitiva rxprdition, intervention, war. all look alike. They ara sot raapoaaibla to nay one o to auything-, In WaKhipirtnn there aita man U rliarjre of th ia roantr' affalra. Giving hini lh- l.cuifit of their advieo are niea whom he hat ihoaen aa eounaellora. He ia rraponaible to tha people. And there are ovrr a hundred million in thin ponn- try whoae intereata ara bound up in hie artiona. Trout him not to be a wept off hia feet but to give due and full consid eration to all the elemi'nta entering into the eaae. Oarranra, at Ihn hi-ad of the de facto government "' Meico, haa made a re queat that tli Ann man forrea in pur auit of Villa and hia liuudita quit and re tura home. Carmom would tike to be rid nt Villa, ft ft Villa ia a menava to hiaa, Ixit he f-ara that tbe rnntinuaaee af Aaurirau trons In Mfiican anil, with peraapa other oc'urrences like that at Parrnl, may gie the Villa following, the ZBtrka foUewing, the following of other rrreiwUoniaU, a atronger hold on tha people aad lead to hia undoing. To fol low tha C'arranza mind ia enay. Hia rpqoeet mtlat nerd a be given lua att-ntion. It will be neeeaaary to paint eot le hia that It waa by reciprocal agroMooiit that tha American troops en- ee Meiirn in pnnruit of tha Villa aaarauders whe did murder at Colara- bus, N. M. It will take time to prenmr asamaraAdam on tha aulMt. Diplo- njBTJe interehaagea always take time. Ia tea neutian aar traopa jtra la hleatea iter Till Sahara they have baaa aant y tha President, an action endorsed by tha American people. We have tha aaaAat ttrf are not going to hm railed bar for auau tiaaa. Aad sea are eon THSSM toal rreebUaU WDaoa at going M tsaaaaet that Wlaeaa with Ckarraasa aa the Amartcaa people would have klia a. Aad ara y add that tha aoaatry ia safe 4a tratrtag Woodrow Wilaoau BL1XEE atEPlTBl.lCAN BOBS. Btaea tie aajnuraairnt of the Ke puonxan etata .aanventiaa then has aa. aa iaaiatoat aard (muiateat ehorna f JtepuhlleaBS that Marion Butler did nt hoes thai convention, though It was plainly evident to nil who took the trouble to observe the workings that tbe liutU r attorn roller ul u. l,u,Ul'as and Ifft the Dunrun old linr- I(pullirans mutinied ont. Brimhlu-an voices here and there have protected that the con vention waj not dominated ly Butler, out ano naJt word haa rome fvrun Carl Tunenn and (ha others v.ho were ri (key have taken pa Butiar aa boa Ha ia s Jieavy party, haadifaa, hah tha Ra- publJeaBs want hjra, aarl he ia abt gviC to let looee. If t I I I i 1 ; 1 la mm' . NOBTal CAhyUjyA SAKEIafl. lit might interakt tloaL Vbi ara iron to abuae North Carolinaf baaterf aad fttheri Kb a flnaaee the farmer to kaow that af tha nineteen great farming SUtea of tha aatioa North Carolina'e average interest rata ia surpasesd la smallneas by only two Tennesaea and Oregon. Awarding to tha Saturday Evening I'oat, Doctor Thompoon, of the Depart meat of Agriculture, after many months of work, finds that tbe average coat ot loans to farmers, oa personal security, for a year, is as follows: Oklahoma, 15.6 per feat; New Mexico. IS J; Arkansas, 12.4; Alabama, 18.4; Ten! Uaa'taaa, 111 j North kata, Oaorgia. UJ; Colora4o.r lU'jildaao. HZ; Florida, ll.f Waali iagtaa, ll4; LaaiaiaM; UJ; Saata ta kota, lOJt; Booth Caroliaa, 10JM r TUk, 10b4; pah a lain, Jt Oregoa, .. Thl Naira aad Obeerver holds no aa- peaia briaf for tha baakera and always wuta Y- as tha fimer gtvea every ad van tag posaibU, yet it ia pleased to leant that Bioa EL Batter waa not aiia- takea whoa last week ha wrote ao glow ing a tribute to that contingent of Tar kelia'a ertiaaary whose efforU are di rected toward mobilizing Carolina dot lan for tha good of all. Tha campaign oa tha public cigar cut ter appears to ba cutting a row, but the common eye tka very common hotel towel eoatiaaea to hang ou the roller. ' KEEP THE HIES JND MQSOTO&SOUT! Screen Time Is Here Get Your Screana Now! Faar Yptar Wtatclaywa and Your Porcli Don't delay- another day before plac lajr your rder for door, window and porch acreeiia. The fliee are coming' and wttl boob lake poaseaalon of your bona anleai you have it well acreaived. We can f umiah yoa a most complete Horn of window acreens, door aoreens and porch creei, at prioM that are very reasonable. Sew Us aWfeee Bijtm. McDjonald & Thomas. (laitarpaiated) kaleigh, . C ll. MM; Ca.rci.r(B6l, Ttopttwm tsMv M p-it mr thit the AotejHfiaanwltlw persona non grata to both an! s in Idexiro. Thi is "Putting l Week." Tnndi oati'5i inu-t put tin ii tni.uey for out mure to the Hate wide' rirnary n shut up about I" .111; . ;i lid,.!:!!! Hut tii. u i- no rim uce 'that elortnjre In the pni ir supply Wowtd OW a na tation in t lie pubheatioa. of the I'm gresaional Record. -&Uy the tint ia hurrying jilouc. I( It arts away without yrirr j'oll tin I. inglK"- :-. paid then run lone your .it.' tali election this tear. Ilie invitation of rarrwtaa to the Carted states may perhaps lie i pito mined in being: Here's "yoer hst arhat'a your hurn f" And when Bert Sutitrda. a gathered is ha auceators the entry list of eaudi Oatae In omeea in State and dutrict prhnariea wi ill be rliwed. It doth aow appear that the font est ilaf .4Jh Itemoeatm jrniastipn .or At-, taraey iienrral ia arnimaHaf down, ths latest withdrawal from the rare leing Mr. B. N. Himma, of Ttarptgti. , Te relieve tha truaeaeaa of the later aatioaal situatioim Ediiar Caiae oi the Aahs.iHe vHsaa ariara waaaAy- w wog. gas that he fa ewarlnred that AsVviDs has the climate. Keat fwtnrdajr we wiH hav TVmo eratie roareatioas ia every county Thr ahould be largely ateaded. The thin; U de ia to make thia a yvar ot ft Wff ath'riata af Dewmerata at all the party aieetiaga. . Taa Colonel declines te listea to tbe weiaa af the sirwa, amg it ever ao sweetly that aomethiag juat aa good" wilj do. Ta the Colonel there t ao an Jut aa goad for tha Bepublieaa aomiaatien far Preaideat aa Theodore Koosevelt. -It la the opinion ef Boa. Joaeph H Create that 'Beestvelt haa beea tried aad faaad waatiag- Blghte, Mr. Caeata. ? j Every , time aajrthiag torna op he U f J foaad , waatiag aa aeBea. Aad having i ( trie aa tha aaa foe H t s. i-- I a a I tax mm la tm i Theea waa pa ass I aa tha ward to the jpeepla that arltt.lf'oadraw WBaoa t eleeAed Prasidsml aa taa Deatoeraay U ! aharga ef aB dapirtateata, sat the- gar. aramrat tkara weald to praaperlty la , tbia aoaatrjr Aaa ahaw that they war uaUBed ia tha faith that waa ta Jut a few days Bjfo tliii week thero iiiine the newa from WiiMhiumi tliat Mu!l Miiow" State Chniini.-in Zvr. V WalsiT had drifted in from North Curo linn ami nna eonfalniluiing with Huth r, i lie m.Htiia! hoiiig; na to whether or nol i'ltl.r mi giuii(j to line up with th l( It outfit. Immedmtoly following thi- adjnnrnTnnit of the HrpuhHcnir Htat-e i mention lihieh hud elected dele K.-ites to C'hieagn three men uuuied by M.irit.n Butler there wna open talk Hutler while posing m the friend ,,r nonvreit.wts In reality (rum shm-iug fnr Hcnntor Week. f.,r (!,,. J;, , :!.!,, arl ,,,, nnt.un for lr,-. :,, t t r tin, en me the Hut lor U.i. k, ,,t ,. tl,e ln.ia.-iin '"'"" " "i l'..i;rth i ..ii-i . s-.i.i,l Ii,, tri.-t n dli nnpl.d. .1 iM. nt.a f.,r Chi ii; elii-ted. I p tj thia tiuio there hud lieen no uer,.., fnl nmnking nut of the Hepuldi inn l'rcaidential i.m position of Butler. Not indeed haa there been since, iinleni Butler hn arranged fr n ith drnwal of the. annonneemrut from Hull Moowi headejnartcra that he does n, t apeak for the Cotom-l, and hn entered the fight for him. At nn rat, on Kri day in (loldahoro Marion Butler showed thet he was the Bosk Dog nt the Third Piatrict KflpuhHran convention, for hr came to It from Washington on a hurry up call and had himself elrcied a detr gte. the contention oittj ilt4 end.. re lag Rooaevett far i'reaidmt aad ealiing rm the Republicans to vote for Roose velt in the, primaries. The report from OtdiMrttrw ia that National OoBimrHocaaaa Iaacan had (hingi shapeJ up to carry the cunrea tioa and that Torn Owens af Clintan waa ene of the Duaeaa rudiiatoe for a dere- ge to the BermMieaa nateenal ewavea tie. rVciar the drift ef tstiww. hrr1 friends wired Butler to come on from Washington, ha did ao, Jadare W. a OTl. Her. ia ana aomi oared him for delegate in opopaitlon to Owes, the Butler at -am roller worked and BntJer waa elected. Herein Butler" malnritv was so large (hat tha Duncan forces quit oppoailioa. And Ihea Butler named tha other delegate. Botler In hht own perenn nala demnnat rates (hat he Is (ha tieaa of the lepblka siraatloa la North Caroliaa. It to said that John Motley Merehead, whoa. Butler made tha North Carolina member ef the Bepablieaa aatioaal enia mlttee, ia eoollag off tewarda llotW and la heoetiag Week for tha Praaldaatiat aomlwatlea. But we etpeet in see Uorc aead 6 bey Bntler, for Butler gave him aia job. At aa rata the prolaf aaultlpUea that Busier it tha area af the BewahlK aaa party ia Merth Oarellna, that the Bepabnaai ewght ta antt prwteatta. They are waatiag all the peealbta help freaa Bailer, bat they doat waist ts pay for it by feting tk ba haewa that ll 11 HURRAY TAILORIUG COHPAUY mm IIS Ik MILZJlHt Imnd mmm ill. i tj We build each suit exclu sively for YOU, which in sures you a better fit. J Expertg clo the tailoring. the work is done by , making the suit more serviceable. Our patterns authentic. 5 t i J Our fabrics, obtainable. the best J Our prices are nal norrji- Alttralions rnll Done 105 Phone 709. Fayetteville Raleigh. St.. 1 .a a r A LETTER FROM PROF. C L HERTY Pretident o Ameri win Cherrtlcal Society and Prominent a Pro- f eWr of Chemutry i at University of North Carolina 'The Cole is Abundantly Satisfactory" CMaeec Hiii. C.. USA. . prll 12.. 1916. Yr. J. R. rorrla. 109 faat thsrean Street. Raleigh. Furto Carvllr.a. v detr nr. Herrts.. I A la a lee Bo re ta aa ta tall au tun awuiCartljf jaiiarisd I aa slUi the 19U Six Cylinder Touring Car Cole icri I bought through you. ale r hevlag travale4 core than sixteen tiwuaand allee 1 conalder title Oole -Car la aa 4ud cr.dltle aa it aaa whoa I flrei eeura tt, anal aurlr ti.l tlce I neve nad two delightful trlpa to ?wlna aad bach again to Ci.apelllt in the ear with the create! pusalfel conTort Cn ti.ese trlpa to lne I ao free to aa that I have seen ao car It, orettter llnea Un the Cole. in greet coafort and a Co. start j,.y to ua all. "l th oast elahea, I aa. Sincerely your a, C CHH.IAJ eeooocooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooM09j9a 9 RI The Permanent "8" imi in iiLiit jiuoj p5 "Spciny sopM j i Ta. Cofree, Surar, CrideolAte. Co coa. Rk and Bakina; rowder On April 22nd g BeauUful Preaa - Cut Glara tJ -BowU will be ffhf n away I Cole tXZHAK&SCCt ia tha Mrwf of motor aa- qaMf. Wit iM tha goal ta iraioa OoU eiiatiavari hava bout ia jwostttoiaf thaOoisS. nSUKAXXKCOBI Toa find it in th eonatarwal. aaaa. arafk atxaft and alaraioma pattou is tbt gftoMmtalllptlo priv9 Mad adraaeed (Ma tlXSWXVfCBt Ton han it ia iha aav-ar iaH- lT23SKXXXZ Too f aat ha Ivxvtj ia tha lOaamj onaaaa,; iUibwagfhfaaaMwtwfjftwWwa aln 4aaa ahaanal fraaaat Mi tittMj ta tha Wf ftflLfloadnf raar axla aW hM-trwatwd alloy Val front aaJa. PTCWaUntTTOBB I - Stalardiied Pimasaoca-. That 'a aftat aufecuards your motor ear inrmt ment afainit andaa dayrwotctiaa and roocnssfM lonf aoajona, lalaaa)tUUrrUrrt4, unkm itad jleainro ia your Cola 8. Learn tha joyi of tha Oole 8 today. Eide as yon wiih over roads of your own selection from two to more than sixty miles an hour on high. Feel the power; know the performance; realize the economy. Tkea prrrohaie PF.RMA WEffCE 1 Tbe price of tha Cole 8 is $1895 f . o. b. factory. J. Re NORRIS Raleigh, North Carolina Service at Carolina Garage, W. Hargett St., Motor Service Co.. 10 VV. Davie St. oeooooo w - rr BaW . mm it S 4 ea m and - ,- . "-tp-'ii;- a 5 I ?te o t w Ot e 4 I .ll V riPW"i 0 '..''Hi '! '.',, O i r ,,-in 0 6 o& o5fjcl iinrwm QJgMoiorCtorCbity 90goaeooee RACY OF THE SOIL A Haste Case. Clarlitoa Jerrrnal. We ara hatci If Hiere is a womaa ia Tentral t .urn. hip. arise fnarra wiarht ra crre Vt. tt It is trrwrrted. We fcava ao reeonl of such aa aba or reeled Ha Irered wnaa, Kit have raeerd af a matt ia ttrftt tewasftip wae eeeartlaiaa of ev er rth ing and haa a face a yard loag. rteMear la Ua. an Wet4 Kxpfasja. Mr. R. J. McOra rereatly rarurht twenty one eat Ilea at one draw with a haeket la Bl Bnffale creek. Home of theea were good sired Hah. Mr. Me Uia tatata that thaat a rams bp tha rreek from Deep river. eatehea f Hah are Boras times made by baakata la the winter aad early aprlne. theaa rattkata are af aa obleaf aaapa with a fuaaei la eae end te held taa law aNar they eater. About tha heat ball ta aa ash-take reeked wtth aatto la H te held h toether. Th a4A to ahwat the enly lah that wiU fa j . T Ve-i; letthtat Far Mere Oaawlete-V', Tt ta reported that tha thaln ti baa reach cul very lew sbb aa tefarda aambers. Witkin the next few days the term a of a number of the con vie ta wiH espira, aad tbea there will ba only aheul 15 available for work oa tka roeda, which ia aot enough to work eeenontteally. It ia naid that tt la bow 51I1 harer te get eoorict from ether Tountii-s tbaa it was a year or ao ago. It appeara that ao ao maay pereeae are beinf conrlrted by the eeurta of the nrbyoontice aa formerly, aad the quart law la beiaa; given eredit for de creases in-ahe number ef rtpea and mis demeanors. Mrs. C Then Hicks. Henderaoa, April 18 Mrs. E. Thos. Hicks, of Vance eoualjr, llrd at her borne aad waa bnrted at New Bethel ehnrch W'edneadAy aAeeeeaa at S:30 aVIoek. aervteaa oadata4 wT a pas tor. Rev. Mr. altteaiaev, la snr vlved by her hnaha4 kiKt Three chil re. Bhe was foratetJUiaa Hoyle. OPEN TODAY TUCKER BUILDING PHARMACY 63m . .- j. -k). kt.. . WW ' " t I V a. i ,Jnm I I f . - '-7