'.'" . . StfNDAY MORNINGrAPRIL ItplMfc' THE NEWS AND OBSERVER t-' Why pay Tire Bills for: Othen L e., r " N .. . -Ms 1 .... ftl. Mm3! 111!. . rJ I Vt . tl.4t Ux4....-ttiT Tm4 SJ2.M H4 .Mc4.l" IU.M MssVt SUjM J7sf .J. Mil J s ..,.. NMI GOODRICH Raleigh SeaTraga League. The regular monthly meeting of the Raleigh 8ufTrags Leagva will be held in the Hotitu of Repraaentativea Mod ilay afternoon at 4 o'eloek. The public i invited. WAKE COUNTY t. a. rmowDC w. a. emmes vm rnl I Ml , .--A' in R ALEIGB C JA J. AUDITORIUM MAY 4th AND 5th-3 gofers V METROPOLITAN OPERA : 0 HOUSE STARS AND ORCHESTRA r Trained Festival Chorus of 1 5(V Voices Guatav Hagedorn, Director. 1 Frieda Llempel .Soprano Benri $cott fiaio I I n . . ' n ' Giacomo Damacco Tenor rauale Am.to , Baritone- METROPOLITAN OPERA ORCHESTRA Flora Prriil Contralto Richard Hageman ... , Conductor Cxw " " Season Tickets Now Ob Sale - yvjjrCM j cornmunicetiona and S $3, $4, $5, $6. sNx irke chek. peyaUe to 7 1 1IAT ; ' I RALEIGH MUSIC fESTTVAL'r 1 308-309 Conimerckl Bani Blig.,' U - "MRS. ALICp. Q$$tS J for RECICLESS Drivers A MERICANS who want their moneit worth, who IX dislike to par for the Reckless-driving extrava- X JL nca of Other, in the price of their own Tires, should sit op and take notice of following FACTS: The current Goodrich "Fair-Last" price on Tires, is based upon what it cost the largest, and best equipped. Rubber Factory in America to produce them. No "Insurance" Premium added to the NORMAL retail price of Goodrich Tires, in order to protect the Jtecklem Driver at the expense of the Cartful Driver, through ft fancy list Price which is high enough to absorb that Premium, The excess Mileage each Goodrich Tire is reasonably certain to deliver, when given reasonable care in driving, thus becomes dear "Velvet" to the Owner of GOODRICH Tires. , ... Money can't xnaket and can't buy, better Tires of Fabric construction, than Goodrich Safety-Tread Tires, as Test will prove. And, money cant buy the B. F. Goodrich Co. to produce Tires which would discredit the 269 other lines of Rubber Goods made by the B. F. Goodrich Co., for which its name stands Sponsor. COMPARE prices on Goodrich "Fair-List" Tires with present prices on any other re&pomihle Tires in the field, bearing in mind that .NO -"LARGER-SIZED" Tires (type for type and size for size) than Goodrich Black-Treads, are made in America. Then, Test out at least ONE pair of Goodrich Ua(k tread Tires, on their per-DELlVERED-Jtftle cost toyoa, against any other Tires in the field, at any price, anaVr abide by the Result. .. Why (if YOU fire not & Reckless Driver) should TOtJ ray MQRE than the. "BUSINESS" price of the Goodrith Tire, for AN Y Fabric Tire in the field ? - GefaKflWof the new Goodrich "Barefoot" Rubber from your nearest Goodrich Dealer or Branch. .: . - -THE B. F. GOODRICH OX. Akron, Ohio. NOTICE. "N Csncern in Aawries hi Iwn cl r. acsrlv Tire, M 44 lsr . r. ioaric i. Oar BluXrS Chsllsn. arsves this." "barefoot" Tires Aa an addition to th Bertillon ijra tem of identifleation aa Omaha dentist haa perfected a way to register the ridgm of upper gumi. which, ht aayi, never change and are different ia every individual. SPRING This is the season of growth. Everywhere the stirrings of new life, awakened energy and reviving industry. Get in line with nature's law. Bring your idle money here, and grow with a growing bank. SAVINGS BANK w. w. vau wm. p. uttlb uaw AaaC Crilr 1 at M, Surltig m aistsr I'm 1 .all BStaocred, - t n RUN DOTK N BY FREIGHT -TRAIN, FATALLY IN J FRED Early W. Paol. af Aabara. Meet. Ueatk la Accident Paaeral Held Yeleraaj ATteraoaa. tarly W. Tool, of Autium, u mn down by a freight traiu Kriilnr after noon and wax fatally injured.- Keportf of the accident stated that h a aa einplnjce of u planing uiill aod that at the time of the accident ha waft on the railroad track, putting oot tire in anmo ahavinga whih had blown from the planing mill. The train tracked down on him, according to the reports. Both leg wera rrnahed and hi ekull woe fractured, and it waa aeea that In had only a very slim chance to live, but the wrj placed on a freight train and brought to Kri Hospital. lit-died at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon, about half an hkiur after reaching the boa pitai. The funeral took jilaco yeaterUay af teraoon at the Christian Church of (arner and wan conducted by Rev. K. Newman, of Rulcigh. Tho aer ricea were In charge of the local coun cil 'of tho Junior Order, or which Mr Tool was a member. AlxMit fifty mem bers of the council attended. The pall bearers wore Eben (Jower. Axon Htur devant, Ennia Johnaun, Ueary Jones, Hnain Stnrdevant and Emmctt. John on. The Interment was made in the l'ool burying ground near Aabura. . Mr. Pool wax 31 yuara of age and ia survived by bis wife and three children. fj RE TRIP ON Purpose of Itinerary I Estab 1 ment of Maintenance System ' For Central Ilith way Th itinerary inaugurated ly the State Highway Commission iu co-operation with th United 8tates I if tics of Public Road which began at Morehead ('it; April 12, will b taken up again Mon day, April 17. Uumg writ the party will paaa through Orange, Alamance, Guilford, Rowan, Iredell, t'atawba, Caldwell, Burke. Rnnml, and Madi so eoaatisa. The purpos of the trip is lo take steps with the various eoua tie of the Butt fur the establishment of Ifsysteinatie, maintenance system far tha Central Highway of Nitrth Carolina beginning at Morehea.l lit.t aadnfliqg al'fnr Tanuraaea Hue. TkejtraW UrBl takkiavtaa toraaaa t-ad koaa: tht' Pool Boan running frorru eeitofi tbtfttgk Wiaaton ttzUm,, MkivAeiaVl J Ting wiv ufgivruj il. . Th pafty eornfosiiig tfiitf itiaty( ft cMiefl iTQ of Uinteiuuioe ti thai Off ITnblla BoaJs. nn.l Mr l It. Wins few. eagineer in hari;' i the North era division of ninni-nance on the WaahingtoB Atlant.i Highway; lr. Jnaapk Hyde Pratt st.i- (eolrgisl and aeeretary of the Htate fl yaway t 'ommi, Mon' and W. A. rttaie U)ghay Kaajiaear. The pwrpoae of 'Aiia im, i.iy t. In Iiik carrtefl out by the co . i ri.iti.n of the snaaatas through th" r,rn. . J na l ImUc 0 ths ronnties. Th ii.'i.'K are re qnesled to take f t. .-I if tmii at (h. Mnsangs arrxn(.1 lor flhru thu It in erarj spportionpij; ,1, f iniN for the purpose of inaiitt.t i; i i, T1!,- iuilage of Iks highway llirm'i tii, ,noul couu tie ;a-astimatfi i Mi Winlow anil iW. Jafeiet to m!ir for n.'h aiwtiaan.c ' The c.out rol of il.i. uinind nuiu-e will Ce placed, in th" Iim.Ih of an elperi atrad maiatrBanr. nKiiict-r of tlm I'm todHfstea Of lie .1 lul.li. H..H5, who a ill be furnishcil in ti,,. poipono free a) tll-coet to tin . .,!,ntii.. The general pUn lor tl.i xnrk i the uun4 as i now r.- .m. ,n ul in opera ti '"fcaf the Wai.-gi..n tlnt;i High i'M Mate yiJiwa. t tninl-wyiu r lining tk,c succM, f nrw A.w at d4- ta4 ontrol ..t Mi Wiml. ana M . JtySna on tin Wal.iiiginn Atlantii H Tfyti the Hlu-, J-4 tluit they htTTea opportui i through t tU r j igiiant for tl. apu.. to isn,itn'l 115 iu; that tth-' I.I I., ink.: ailvHU t faOoii by the rs.n.ti. - .J shvSf'tute tfc4h"whieh thw r . ,1 (.uL-J This projoet will, ui a aliort tjn", give to the travel gninjr KaM and Wet through the Watr the hiw- adviintage that is now boisg i n joyed l the trai-l ocr the Washiaiflou Atlnntu Highway, which afforded on that highway during tbo past yur a oal from IVtcmlmrg to Atlaata that tould lx uwi the entire thxea. .hundrsd and sixty tit ihiys of the yajar without eith. r . haina on autu mobiles or ns-alg -ttrrat l- tug BfM asrv. The advantage of thin lo the State ia obvioua, and It is hope.) 1,v the roin inielon that thk frrojeet may be aiie i-esafiilly inaugurated. NEC. RO TEACHERS V 11 1. MEET JUNE 20 TO 24 In m-fution here yeeterdav lln Mate (lored Tea hers' Aaaoeiation uianifeit ciL a decp. iutorctt in the work umier taken by the Kxtcnirion Pepart ment. altd pasaed resolutions throagh which a greater help la to be eiteinled tlume who are develriplBf that Important ad junct to negro education. The axuoeia lion also prepared a profiiam for the thirty ui it h an mm! nicotine of the co) irf-ed t'chedw. to be held nt lireennl'oro June I'll to 21. at which time it Ik ei peeted that the Urgent gathering of colored tenehi-rs ever known in North Carolina iH vme together. Among tho atteudinK the mreting held m llr .1. X. Joyner oth. e yei.fi r day we-e Prof J. It. iMollev, presidrnt of the :is-4. iation and preS-nt i f the (irennl.ro A and T. 'o!IhK..; Ciof 1'. W. Moon president of th.- Normal College at Khabeth fity; Trof (' M Cppia, prin. ipal of Oreeniille eolored schools; lir. y.. E. Hniith, former iniiiin ter to I.iKT'a and president of the Normal "li.ge at Kayctasville : Prof, t'. II. Hover, of 8t. Augiiatine fv-hoid; Praf. ('. R Kmrier, of rihaw I'nlversity; Jalia A. An, of Raleigh; Dr. A. M. Moore, exeeuiiva aeeretary of the Ex tension Department, and Col. James H. Young. ROADME 1 MOW COUNTY TO PI ON LEADING ROADS Comraitaionertj in Special Ses sion, Vote To Spend About $30,000 At a ipecial meeting of ths Waks county commissioners yestsrday morn lng, when a eommittea from th Agri cultural and Good Roads Department of ths Raleigh Chamber of Commerce sppoarsd in tht Interest of better roads leading lota Raleigh, -it mi roted to pave with Warrenito stretches of the Country Club and 1OiiUbug roads. The Country Vlub road will b paved for one and an eighth miles exteading froig, ths. city Jiaiits to a point beyond a sua tri cest lollarwsy pav- ga Ib( gtretch n ths LoulsbiiTg U os naved tWiU eitend from the ettyi lhniai ?to4 PjKet Housa branch. pro fiibOinf h o the county Use the IsVoVlX r$rOAf;Ugu r.Utflu Moml condition. C' s ing these two iai--lifcs kiU exiV;betwpn to,09 and ai,Nai d lKlrlttjjeit Miller will start stititis Mcirjhraa. possible. (HaifrniOt 3it 0. Allen, who headed the committee of the Ohamlier's depart ment, ia pU-uxrtl at the action of the Vlhai Sweetheart TriArl tftr Dimnla I 111,11 IUI I llllllw SlsartV t'slciam H sfers Proved Msaie I The're the Most Effective. tfuirk Hlood riesnser and j Hesutlficr known. . TKIAI. PAtkACK MVIIKK KHKK The differ.-nt e in Mir apirai.iiti ' "t' the skin, after a f-w ,1;imi' ue -4 rituart'it Caleiuni Wnfera, is utirtl "4 They are without doubt the great. skin beautifiers in en-Vii.e, mid niont efT'etie cradieatois of lilrto.i m parities known tu h. u-nce. Kwryliul knows or ought tu kn.itv Hint impuril irs in ths Mood cauc nio.t of tin- "Mr 1'ouipli'xiunn, the piinplei. the red ei'i'tv the muddy skin., the ImiU snd nkiu cruptioun. Ones ths blood is purilieil. all those beauty destroen dlsspf -nr. snd a ruinplexiiin rcsiiltn nliiih no t.e 1 trestment ran eer produce. Htuaurt'n CaUinin Wafere are win derfal for thin purpose. One of their ingrediests. .-nleiiim imlphj'te. i in itself the (un kent uud must eff . t i- hlood ch-niiscr ever known. Start 1 h ing st uart's f'aleium Wsfers todsy un l your mirror iu s few day will lm you that vuur "dream of 11 fair ami beaufeou. fn.-e" 1. roming trne. Huy a t91 a tin 111 fr.iin your druggist todav. SO centi If i.-M nant to try them hrst., mail coupmi - rielow for frsc trial packuge. Free Trial Coupon F. A. Htusrt Co.. SO 4 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich : Send me at once, by retlilll 1 1 ... . 11 f r. e 1 1 u.l pin katfc of Stu.-iit'i t v.-fim Wafers Name Str.-et . . t'ltv Stnte Dughi-Maag&Co. (Jos. J. Daghl Joa. O. Masg ) . tALEIGH. N. f . Phone IT 4 j inrf f i ssi-aM e. MMw sr. niin - a iliimig.ws ss itisriitws Most appropriate Ice Cream for Easter parties. Individual ices in Eaater Lilies, Rabbits and Easter' Eggs, in any colors de sired. Alto Easter Eggs, in colors, through the bricks so aa to Appear on each slice when cut. Fancy doie (or serving I Peebles & Edwards 1 12 West Martin St., Raleih, N. C. suiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiimiinniimniM rommissiriBers ia agreeing to pare these ers marked th irst activities of tl stretchea of roads. The appearance of Agricultural aad Good Roads Depart the cooimitts befor ths eommissioa. meat. This is one of our young men's models (J We have hundreds of these beautiful Suit for the young man who likes lots of "pep" in his clothes. $15 Cross & Linehan Co. Clothes for Young M in" and Men who Stay Yoimg. - See our 'display, of Easter Footery Ths latest design la all ths stt-? IsstksTa. W esUr ts fastbiiasM popr with faatldlaaa Mrse. f S20 $25 -si