12 TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 25, 191& THE NEtTS AND OBSERVER The New and Observer TUMI UATB EALBCll (Mm it SEA BOA ID AIB UML 4:Se.BL It 4 . at. 112 a. at. II S e is. -M.m. i :II a. WL It OS, at. 4:41a. BV 4:11 a. sa. 4I B.m. otrniuut RAILWAY. 4 Ma. a. It :.. .a IHtt-m. UMt.B.fmiWal Stops 144 L K. I tl - BV 44 a sa. rorfol south ia. wO. Arrive RaMca. T rise, at :l a. m. IMia Jis-at. iw.m. Oata ioatfe. Antra Salvias. Ittn t:b.s. I t a at. 11 !.. t:Mp.B SllSp.SS. Dailr sa4e'. All c IN AND ABOUT THE CITY Mr. Fair Hars. Mr. E. 0. Fslres, Aberdeen, sreretsry of the 8tate Farm ars' Union, ia the eity yesterday tn the interest of the Farmers' L nion. Co U Cnllowhee. Dt J. Y. Jnyner left yesterdsy for Jackson conuty, where ke will attend a meeting of the board erf trustees of the Cullowhes Normal School. Nine Hoi Can Bsrned. -Fiie got away from a firmer who nas burniug brush at Byltanlu, three miles south of Raleigh yesterday and lurned nine empty rei((lit car of the Norfolk Southern Railroad Company. The -omnny had evenly odd irs stored mi the .tiding at Sylvaolit and a hurry rail for help fame to Kalcigli. An rnme mid force of men win ijui. klv sent mill the i nl:ui((errd Nn pulled to a place of sjilety. The re burn,. I up to fie imli. .i.l truck noil tberc ((topped Speaks at (ourlhoua Tonight. Rid my C Tupp. of K:inu ' iiy. writes the Nens and ObaeriVr tl.:il he "ill le In Raleigh loiiiglit an.l lit loek in the ejiurtliuii'-e will d.-li ci ii I. - ' ui on "The det l. i.ulniry of the 1 1 I " There will In in. rh::re,e for n.lini'o'ion. Mr. Tap II :n I I ill Onuixi e..nnty, N. ('., Bd ;im i .In. at . d lit Wake r'oiet Col lege. For Bi.ine lime paM he li."s been living in Kaii'iK Me i a lirother f Alderni:ui I. 1'. T.ipp, of Kilitton. whom he lius I.e. n . -.!. for the last few day. s c PERSONALS Col. John P Ing".ton, of (iold.iboro, la in the rity. Mr. James fnrrawsr left yesterday afternoon for Winaton Kali in. Mr. II J 1'ei'ig. of Winaton Salem, pent Enatcr in the city nilh his mother. Mr. II. J ILilig Ht-v, (Jeorge J DohcII, of Ayden, and Mr. A. V. Howell, of Wake Forest, ore visiting tlie former'a son, Mr. (3. W Do well. Mr. II. V. llighams ha gone to Vir ginia to xpi n 1 several days it It friemla. Mr. .1 .1 .lenklna of Niler City, was uD the visitors in Kaieigh y eater -ay President W 1 Few of Trinity Col . lego, wjm in the rity vrMt r.lnv. Mr. W V. Mrliae" of Wilmington, spent the day bante. y. M. rdny with friend. Mr. J. IV M. Oil of Charlotte, ar tWrd in the eity for a stay of a few ajra Mr. Charles C Harris of Roeky Mount, -is aiiending seier:il dava in Hnjiijgh. Mr. It. II I'aik. r of Knfield. was hers Jroeterday Among the visitors in the eity yea ierday Mr. K c. Knight of Whita kera. Mr Troy M. Myatt of Rmitlifleld. pent the dnv in the eity vesterdav. Messrs F. B. MeKinne and V N. Kd ajerton of Loiiishurg, ajwnt the day here jrester.loy. 3? Established 110 H. J. BROWN CO. Fab T. Brown, Maaager Funeral Directors GILBERT C. WHITE Consulting Engineer Charlotte. N. 0. Do i ham, N. a WATERWORKS. LIGHT AND POWER, STREETS Mailing Lists CARROLL ADVERTISING & LETTER WRITING CO. at S. CABH0LU - . . Manage, -r rf- -- fttyetteriHs 8t BaWigh. N. C. 3? : - good tor coi.Ds Hoaey, Fine-Tar and olyrerine are recogniat d cold remedies In Dr. Ki ll's FIs-Tsr Honey these are rmnoin.d illH titer cough medicine in a pln-snnt symp. Ir. Bell s Tine Tar Honey quickly stops your cough, checks vour oitl, soothes irritation of the throat. Excellent for young, adult and aged. It of tbs best cough syrups made. Formula oa STery bottle. Yoo knew jaat what you ars Using and your doctor knows its wovi for roughs and colds. lasiat oa Dr. fledls Tine Tar Boaey. Only 15c at Dmgj ists. Ad t. FOR ALL OCCASIONS Orekldv VslWys, Violets, Boss aad Caraatioa sar speeishW. Ask for taotatioas sa wedding flower. J. L. 0QUINN A. CO. aUMga, N, O PkSM 14 Our Buaiasas It Orwwiag. 'iA - aV r. Aawaa . M. nata. W. A Taat HARRY M. UZZLE UNDERTAKING CO. A mtllioa persoBi WMabM la erowd, with das sllowsaes for tares sqasrs feet to pcrsoa, would aoTsr ta are of about 70 aerss. N0T1CK OF BALK. North Carolina Wais Cooatj. In the Superior Court. NaUonal Bask of Boeky Moont TS. WillUm 0. Mart'ia and Mlaals W. Martin. By rlrtue of an elocution directed to th underslgqed from records of Eoky Mount Record Court of raab Uounty Nortk CaroHasw in tao aitovw-MtiUaxl aetioa, I will oa Monday, tas 1st day of May. 1914, at 13 o'clock m, at Ua eoart- kouas door of Waks Couaty. sell to ths highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy aaM execution, all tbs rights, title aad la Urest whiek the said Minnie W. Martia, one of ths defendants, has la tbs fol lowing described real estate, to wit: Begin nine at Mrs. r. fsttersoa's lin on Jones Htreet south 103 fast to Drlggs' line; thence east 7 I t feet to the corner of tho homestead allotted to Minnie W. Martin; thence nortk 106 feet to ssid Jones Street: thence west with the south line of Jones Street 7 I t feet to the lieglnnlng. This 1st day of April, 1816. J. H. SEARS, BheriffWake County, North Carolina. 4 4 1 awk, swka. ASK MA. SHE KNOWS Mother's Joy CURES Colds, Croup and Pneumonia GOOSE GREASE CO., Manufacturers GREENSBORO, N. C Political Announcements FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, I hereliy announce myself a candidate or county commissioner of Wake in tbs rimary to be held June 3. II . STANLEY JONES, Wake Forest, N. C. Politici I announcement tf. FOR SHERIFF I am a candidate for the nomination for Sheriff of Wake County before the Democratic primary. M. A. GRIFFIN, Wendell, N. C. Notice of Candidacy I announce myself a candi date for County Commissioner f Wake County, subject to the action of the Democratic pri maries to be held on June 3rd. ALONZO E. GLENN. For Th Senate Subject to the action of the Democratic primary, I am a candidate for the Senate from Wake County. ALBERT L. COX. 4 tot L. C. Weathers, O. C Dr. Specialist of the Foot U7V2 Fayetteville Street Raleigh. N. C. FLORISTS Landscape Designers Correspondence Solicited VAN LINDLEY COMPANY Greensboro. N. C. DWORSKY'S Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repalrinir, Al l. WOKK GUARANTEED 113 Fayetteville Street J. M. Broughton, Jr. Attorney-at-Law 203-204 Law Buildinjr. RALEIGH, N. C PAra'ING CONTRA CTOkS TAKE NOTICE. Pealed l ids aill le received until 12 'clock noon, Mjr 1, 1916, for the grad ing tnd laCiug of approximately 12, 000 square yards of granolithic side walks ia ths town of Greenville, N. C. Thost interested are invited to some ts Greearllls aad look tka sitastioa ver. . Ns bids will be considered aniens ae eoaapaaied by sertited check for 50U. Tks auccessfu'i liddcr will be rroiired to givs bond for 50 per rent of eon tract prie for faithful performance. Bight rsssrvtd to re.icct anv aad all bids. Address romamaications to Albioa DuaaATkUvwr: sr i. C. frsoa. Clers. U - lSt.' LETTERS FROM RHEUMATICS. rosaibly t bar lauU4 tka jtm eoald aevsr got yonr swa sons eat so writs a testinteaisJ letter, bat if Tow kars srer zpsrioaesd tks ssexweiatiat pains of Rheumatism yea eaa at least apprseiat th fscliap of too who kars bB relUved of this Urrlbls dav ease by drinking ths MiaarsJ Water from tks Justl eslsbratod BbiTar Spring at Sheltoa. & a Tail irttsr orcroomss many disessss, Uatlaflfag Indigestion, Oout, tris Acid f oUonmg and Ursr and Kidney die sates, bat so patrons of tks Bprlmg are mors entaa siastla la their praise of tks water than tkoso, wbo bars been rclisrsd of their Rksnmatisra. Hundreds of letters Use tks following bars been rseeirsd by tks Management uanagemcni : Croabr. a Swrtfc CaraUa skjal Ua. I "I bare taat4 faaw Serte Wajar aral eaaaa at RiMaaaatiasa, Cfcreale I ow. KkUar aad BleAser tmUaa sad Dr. Cm write i "I in several In Narroua sd4 Blek Haasaeaa. sad Bad tka it baa hu4 niealj ka sack ease, aa4 I bo ll tk.t If d eaartaSaoaaur (ST a' SSSsaw abla tlna will eroaHie s MniaaMwt aaa U will partfr tke SMS, lajwee saouns', mas. klaaat. raltm oabUttr. srnaw lata taa aetioa at taw Ur. Kits ays and Bladder. sNw Msa sa awaaaaaj eft all AraaS mt Sarmaaak. wrassi seaVl (as reus wttb a aaaat aaaiaeathtf tmrm aasah aiaarear. mmi iiaaijtad a fsBabasI ? ear bast Weal .ar.l.lawa. waa BaM. aaare aaaawewluX aata aals ttaar aad saw I waa aa laneSted t tmi aacws daaiatlrad at IMa wham I aaaaus Sa aa aataas swrfeaa !. aad tm a dot Maas waa saved," Mr. ftaedaa as Viamtala wrHaa t "Paaaw aaad aas taa sallaaai of Shrew Sprtaw WaSarl awteaiy. I want n ror aawm it arraral who war auras a Lk tkla watar - Cilitnr Cnanlnaham writes : "TWa wetar has done aaara (aad thaa ear saedlctae I haTa arar takea for aheuaMtiaaa. . Ala aatira. ly fra frsaa paia. r. stauiaaa ox Bvowia uarawaa wi Hi wife baa beta a aeaTerat wttfe Rhiaana Usat and ata drinktts twaatr twiloaa mt mr MinaraJ Watar waa aatimy cams af tka aorribto diaaaia." Mr. Cartas o Vtratato wrttaa : -Mat. 1 Carter baa bad enlarged iuinta aa iter haAda, eaaaad br Rhauaaatiawi. Shlrar SnatBa Watar ramavad evarr traee ot tea aniara.ui.iit, Tba : water is almply aaaailawt." Bo I 91 H., Bhelton, 8. C. Oentlemen: I accept your guaran- tcs offer and enclose herewith two dol lars for ten gallons (two lire gallon demijohns) of Shivar Spring Water I agree to give the water a fair trial In accordance with Instructions which you will send, and If I derive no bene fit you are to refund the price in full upon receipt of the two empty demi john, which I agree to return proniply. Nauie Tost Office Eipreas Office Adv. St ytlavy's School RALEIGH, N. C. Founded in 1842 by Rev. AldertSmedes, D.D. Seventy-fifth session be gins September 21, 1916 May 12, 1916 is the 74th anniversary of the opening of St. Mary's, For Catalogue and Illus trated Folders, Address REV. GEORGE W. LAY, Rector SOUTHERN RAILWAY "Premier Carrier of taa l.alA. Trauma Trmm BaMen. Na. : I I :SS a. Bl- for Oiwutela handla. I ralhnaa Btoapms Car Rakwk to Wt Balam arena for oceupanct . d: connection at Oraen.boro for all aotnta aortS and soata i aJao AaaavUl. 8L Lavia. atamans) and Clnrlnnall. Na. IIS 4 iIS a. at, for Oaldahoea. Makai connection at Balma and Goidabora with A. C rkIH.boro with Norfolk Boatnara it Mew Bern and Beaufort. Na. II S:I a. at. Throne tram A.hrvdle and Warnaavitla kandlea Pallmaa parlor car Ooldaboro to A.k.illa, eoaaaeai at Green.fcore for pointo North and govta at A.hni with Carolina Spealal for naetwaati. Chattanonaa, Mamphla, ami all aaiBSj waat. Na. Its ISit s. au. for Go 14. bora, afca connection at 8loa wltK A. & L. fa, point. North and ftctrth ; afea at tlotdaaaro far Wilminrton. New Bam. aad Eaatarw potnta. Na. 1 P- " for Oiaaiada.ee. aaadlai fraa chair or for Charlotte. Kakaa oanoto at CraenaBora wit a tarouca train for Atlanta, (In (lrleena, Blrtnlnrham. Hiwplia, aad aB Bout ham ana .aim poiaw; alee Norta: A.hetille aad KnjoxTilka, Na. Ill T:S P -. for raanahaew. Maka eonnaction who jr iw..w aaatnesi am. Phlladalphla. New York and al and Northarn polnta ; alao with tarowti towrwS Pullman cat for New Orlaana aad Baa Fraa. atare via auneei ma; iao tar traaakaa, a, aaaaah. Aacvata and Jai eaimatlw.. Na. 1 T its p. a, fmr OoMakewa. Makaa connection at sajiwa aao uoioaeoea wtta A. O. U fer Nortk and Boats at ealeabspa WHS O. P. YOUK. Travolta PaaNeneer Araat, -SS Parata,uie It. . . BaWhrtu t. C. The Empire Billiard Parlor Good Cues Good Tables Cigars and News HAYES A COKE, Proptw, Opposite Postoffice on Fayetteville St ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. U exhibit , them to the undorajjru'e.l at. nwingn, rt. t , oa or ocror ice, i,tk day of April, 1917. or this aotici i!l Its plead in tke bar of their recover. ATI persons indebted to ssid estiis! will please make immediate paysaeats. This tks 17th day of April, 1916. L D. HUTCUXNe, Aaaiaiatraur. 4-181 a w wka, 1 the eeiaT.q7 raiV r'fi??' FOR RENT DESIRABLE Fl R.MSHEO e.Tuiatf u"v V f'tf'J Maaeetiag. I4 W. IUr- eessed Ute of Vak County. N. C. ttis ' c, Pk,, tt" Is to notify .11 persons having ,tla3m '. J " H- . against the said estate of said deeeaard jej WANT sDVERT1S1NG RATES 10 CENTS PER LINE WH WORDS TO THE UNI CASH WITH ORDER I e Sea saw aaaat at 'sniVist sa s as. mil ml far eats weak (asesa araw (aM . aa. FOB aUlft BILLIABD BOOM, I ftftialaw, kjaat IsssaaW at assist aSr; tar Elx7 t cloa asute, Kiastoa, . O. AdsJrsjas ISabrlal Levis, 117 M. Ws at, Kiastsav, If. a 4-ss-n WANTaVD COLOasUJ BAM Est FOB white trade. Metropolitan Barber Shop, GeJdsbsr. N. O. 4-is-n U TABU 8 BCD MAN UP ACT U BIB wants sales manager to opes, offie and nssnsgs salsanaea, $300 U 1700 earrrtai asrseaary. libsral contract. WUl pay sipeases to Chicago if yon sre man we waat. A. C 1011 Bs- puoiia bmi, Caarasro. itSXt C-OLLIB PUPS POB SALE BEGIS. tered stock ; skip at ones cheap. O. V. Hicks, Haw Rlrer. N. C. Kit A-l LL'MBEBMAN WANTS CON tract to manufacture pine lumber stump to ear. Eitker band or circu lar mill. Flfteea to fifty thousand per day. Address "L," care News end OliserTsr. 4 VS7 WE Bl'Y PBOM WHOLESALE OB retailer Jobs of merchandise for rash. Complete stocks bought snd sold aaywner ror easa. Atlantic Males Co., High Point. N. C. 4 25 It WANTED C.A F E CLEHK. MALE cook, cleaner aad preaser. National Employment Bureau, Raleigh. .1 Si It. FOR SALE PAYING ESTABLISHED auto lrns, $1,000.00 per month, cheap for quick cask buyer. Wul show books and furnish bank for refer ence. Address Boi S63, Chapel Hill, N. C. 25 .1t. AXr.KICA'g BEST STRAIN BUFF OB. rUgtea eggs $1 sitting. Choice hens I rsch. t. U Green. Tsrboro, N. ('. Ill tuea, thurs M. ' MAIL YOl'B KODAK FILMS TO HOU laday ttudio. Darkasn. N. C. Devel oped promptly, uneiceMed wprk, and reasonable prices WrTte or latest price list. SJO-Tu.Th 1 mo. LOST A TAN LEATHEB SUITCASE, with . Fleming" written on canvas inside, some here between Oxford and Norlina. Five dollars reward. W. E. Webb. WatesviUe, N. C. 4 i St SECOND HAND GAS STOVES WANTED In answering please stale price snd condition of stove. Address all com munications to Boi 145, Washington, N C. 4 24 .it LET US SELL YOLB LAND AT aactioa. We ran do it. Southern Auction Development Co., Ayden, North Carolina. 4-24 t FISH FISH FISH GIVE MS YOL'B Ash orders this aerk. Croakers S3 pcf bid.: S3 per kHi pound boi; $2 per Mr poua.l hot. H..e abad ftSc; bucks 3Sc; herring 1..hI per 100; So per bunch. Ship me your chickens snd eggs. Market arm today; eggs Hens 16-17; springs 30-35. Prompt re turns. C. F. Wninwright, Gen. Com mission Merchant, Box 800, Norfolk. 4 24 St FOR RENT TVO MODERN STORE rooms, 95 feet long; best location in Burlington. N t'. Apply Jos. A. Ialey, Burlington. N. C. 4 24 2t WANTfcD TWO WHITE WAIT- resaes. Ad.lrtu athaa Tucker, Ho tel Brinklev. l'hmouth, N. C. 4 "1 4t WANTED J t E 1. A PLACE IN HO- tel for unncr m.inths seeing to cleaning up room Later a place in boarding a liwl or college as aaeistnut matron; eipenenred. "Hstel," care News aid Observer. 4 2.1 tt FOR RENT OTTAGES FOR RES1. dence and tK.ar.Iing house pUrpoaes. Virginia IWa. h. Va. H. Clsrkson Merclith. Norfolk, Va. 4 23 111 FOR HALE t II KAP TOLLING ( AH, fine mechanical condition. Motor Her vice Co, 10 Daue St. Call for Mr. Booker. 4 5.1 St. THE FA MOi S ARstaU STRAIN" lit Single t'omb White leghorns, ae kaosjlewged lh greatest egg Laying strain in America. Monarch of leg koratkn: -Rm:? ttyo w-til eventuaUy bay. Bred i largest aad best equlpp ed poult rv fan.i outh of Mason snd Dixon liti Chirks 4 weeks old. 2V ; S, ; 4. 4-v ; .1. 4: ; . 50c rparllng kens, pulltt. II .00. Eggs for batch ing, 5c each Si' lal pricea, lots S.tXH to 10.000. Wsrren Poultry Farm, Wise. N r 4 23 St. FOR SALEMILLION AND A Ql'AR. ter feet pine timlr, six mile from Clarktoa. N ('. Good logging. Ap ply bos 64. Srvtlaud Neck, N. a 4-St -Tt. FOR SAIK ISO BISUELS MIXED row peas at H :'" per bushel. Ueliv ered anv pv.nt .n North Carolina. J. C. reter.n. I'liuton. N. C. 4?3 4t. FOR SALE LARGE QUANTITY OF snainp eyprww and pia timber two miles from railroad. Box 173, Aber deen, N. C. 4 23 t F IT IS BR He. W WANT, CALL Raleigh Rrick Co k X9 eanaerty per ; els v. txil .1. 1. .(.Asawa, Maaager. i'liCHW TSJ R, VJ, - 4 IS 1. v- FIRsT IUS BtKKLR WANTED AT eace. 13 gusraaie aad 3r over S-2.30. . U Ktracy, Osiord, K. X 4t-s, Yonr Phone Give It On Mora TmIc Tou are not getting full OBg out of your Phone onlesfl you are using it to hone your WANTS to he News and Observer. READT NOW GENUINE NANCY Hall and Porto Bieo sweet potsto plants st 11.60 per thousand, or $173 1 delivered. Entire satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Bears Head Farms, Pine Castle, Fls. 4 16-10t. WANTED FIVE HUNDRED OF THE best proparcd and eipcrienced teach ers for North Carolina and other southern schools. Write for particu lars. A. C. Whitehead, 1233 Healey Building, Atlanta. Georgia. 4 16 30t IF FOU HAVE A FARM YOU WANT to aslL write Box fts, Balslgo. 11-19 tf TYPEWR1TENH, NEW. REBUILT, SBC ond band. We buy, sell, exchange and repair all makes. H. 8. Storr Co., lis W. Martin St.. Bslelgh. 1-7 tf. WANTED ONE OR THREE DWELL- lng bouses moved. None but expe rienced house movers neod apply to C. E. Jackson, Warrenton, N. 0. 4-22-St FOR SALE 1,(04 TONS 714 PER CENT Prima Cotton Seed Meal st a very low price. Wire me collect If you ars Interested I eel sell you. V. B. Sharps, Maxtoa, N. 0. 39-tf FOR RENT NEW HOME: FINE neighborhood, sttractive contract for purchase if desired. Moderate month ly payments. "Moderate," care News and Observer. 4 21 7t WANTED LOAN OF ONE THOUSAND dollars tor eight yearn, (jilt, etlge so eurity town real estate. r r particu lars write Box 48, Beaufort, North 4 2.1 -St WE WANT AN AGENT IN EVERT town where not already represented. The very highest class of work togeth er with prompt service will appeal to you. We do French Dry Cleaning and Dyeing aa well aa inn.lry work. Lib eral terms to agents. Write us today. Columbia Laundry Co, Urecnslioro, N. C. 4-23-Tu,Thu lmo WANTED TO CONTRACT WITH enough small mills to out fifty thou sand feet of timber a dav. And con tract with man to take charge of all! of them and deliver it on car which is from two to four milet. With wag ons. tractions or I will fur rush rail and loky. Ten million f i . to move. J. W. Stewart, New Bern, X. ( . 4 22, 23, S3. FIREMEN. BRAKEMEN, 112 MONTH- ly; experience unnoeeanary. Railway, Box K, News and Observer. 4 2 sun, tues, Wt. SEED CORN 1150 PER BUSHEL Flint variety, big yields, sample. free. Owl Commercial Co., tjiiiiii y, Florida. 4-IS lfl.lt 2tK""X:i "7 -: 2 A A BARGAIN A HAIR MIRKS' STOKE ladders with ,U ft. of track for build ing 14 ft. I'sed oiilv 4 uio. Address Box "Q," Angier, N. 0. 4 -21 .23.85 FOR SALE IIMMI S 60 8AWUIN feeder good as new. A burguin. Address ltox "y," Angirr, N. C 4 21,23 .23 HIGH PRICES PAID FOR OLD BOOKS, especially odd Histories of North Cur olina and other Kt.itoa. Indiaus, Chris tian Science (looks. Old Ar ts of Lg- lslsture Mend full description to H.I Zadtk, care Battery Park Hotel, Ashe vtlle, N. C. . 4 ra-7t. WE PAY 5c EACH FOR GOOD. SOl'N'b rrnTtT rrrt-femfiecr Tncft birrlap bags. unwashed, delivered Bsefonl. Hoke Oil and Kertittrer Co., Kseford. N. C. 420-7t I HEREBY FORBID ANY ONE TO hire or harbor u.y sou Joe Willough by Thompson, tho loftJ my honie I Sunday without my consent. Age Vu years, lng, for sg., black" 'rvrfff,1 blW I eyea, wore blue n'tff; " 4nee pants, light striped cap.' If seen hold and notify my eipeuse. Lv B. Tbonipson.l Merry Oaks, N. C. 4 25 H UNREDEEMED Diamonds Sold Oa Credit Capital Loan Company 7-2t South Wilmington Street RALFK.H, N. C. Every Dlamaad Cnataateed ; Walter Clark, Jr. Atofiey-at-L4w Co.mnercial National Bank - Buildinjr RALEKUI. N. C A MAN IS JUDGED by His A p pearance and Friends and the reputation of a store rests upon the merchandise it sells. This Store Sells Adler-Rochester Clothes The high standard of this superior line of clothing sets a pace that can he maintained only with our constant watching and effort. Beautiful showing of Men's FurrushLngs WHITING-H0RTON CO. 14 I. MARTIN ST. - 17 Tsars Rslelgn's Leading CWUtfet Candies for Elaster .Will Convey Your Greetings Most Appropriately Unsurpassed. Quality Packages of Refinement and Beauty KING-CROWELL DRUG CO. OPEN TODAY Telephone 95 COBB BROS. & COMPANY BROKERS Member of Nw York sad Norfolk Cotton Exchanges. .Prompt atteaiioai to telegraphic aad "phone orders Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Provisions. Privat wires. 141 Plsms Strset. ... NORFOLK,- VIRGINIA Brains Trained for "THE MOBILIZATION OF BBAINS," said Secretary Daniels, "is a greater need than anything else." Ths Business Success of any corpora tion or individual is exactly dependent upon the COMBINED BRAIJf POWER MACJx.,.OF IT, and . tfcat . tn,eSroiv inrlude the inte!ligene of cmh employee as well as the president. King's Business College pre pares you to he AN INDISPENSABLE employee. Your salary grows In exact ratio to your ability to take on new responsibilities. Le- trn n you. Write or phone todsy. Better still, if you eaa, some U) King's Business College RAIXIGU OB pininHiiHiniiuikithiiiiiiuiiiiiiiniiiMminiiniiiiiiinimiimiinniraimnfflw Strawberry Made From Fresh Strawberries WAKE DRUG STORE IIWo&vimDsmRBmR ; ii'iiii:'..!- h : "., : -.i -i fc'illliH;:!!;!:;'!'!:,.;'-;, ,i v:! . Service- CHARLOTTB Ice Cream Si 1 'sal V