TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 25, 1916. 2 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER MRS.WISHARTNO LONGER HAS FEAR l OF EVENING MEAL UatH taking Tajslac-North Boy U ivtaw lady wm - paiaecl after eating. EvMrtUaa I aha My hmiti I dared ae to sat aapper tiaiN I wealda", W able to rwt at nlgr-as." are the wecde ef Sl Novella Wat hart. SM Karth seoylaa aveewe, that rhoreasThJy expkaia the aaeertty of her put eeedttioB. Aad: 1 bar likM ay first bot tle Bad feel wjelt" ia her ewa exvseia tie ef what Tula has accomplished for kcr. fin vara aanoag ether thief told tka Taalaa Una by hire. Wiseort a few ain at. Ijkc mi; others o the food people of Raleigh who have voiced their ap proval of Tanlae sad offered their ia doratateats far pabUeatioB thai other sufferers My be reUeisd, Mr,. Wis hart haa (irca her rssmcndatloa for tha further Uy of eosnfort. Alaioat aeery kour of t)i day man aad weesea rail at the Tucker Build iaf Pharmacy aad tail the Taala Mas of the food result they ara deriving Iron, tka Master Medicine Irara morr about thin wonderful re ewaelraetive reiaedy from your arigh bor who is taking it or rail at I in' Yayrttrrilla street, store till see fr merits explained. Kur alug,(i -hiirM and as a system purifier Tanlac in with aat aa equal. It spurs .juried organs tiack to normal and builds hoHlth throsirri the l.lood Slid nrr,. The M. K. Kol.in-on I'hnrinacv sell it in (.oldshoro, and Tin Imtrton 4 Unnli' hale it cirlilfciw agency ill Wilson. BOY SWALLOWS TEN I'K.NNY WIL NOT SI FFr.KIV, pain V-Mliamston. A,.r :1 '.' i t, U. II V'i has ris-.tiilv 111 .1 i --m-ihI iVtor i : ' d in ill. ! ' n tmBy in of Mr Hi. '!- v. .,. I iii:;i, y.i.i'v uear tin- te:iut..rT lino. The eI was A t n p-oov nil.' nnd wan a. . icMslly mail. .wed vliih- the boy es ly;t!j; .i.ium. Tl'"' i;"siires have been nia.lc ;.s 1- e:.,- tl.- ur:rMiti 1111 eta.t tomtron fit- -e -.1 i The ! rsrriod t. ii Ihi ! Tin lir. wlm d i i. -I t. 1.' 1 - f :i tli. am. nut K.'-t-K tli- U'! ain. i n h the lara; 1 I gr in the sinri 1. eKt-ndllift tiv- i ' ' :t iju;irt.-i aiih I'UT ao arm t tin- 1 1 - - s-a and t-einf supMirti-d umdi ..mi k1.ii- rrhr. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion.1 One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Iu . Is jr. 1 ? - - L .fi. Largest Capital and Surplus of any Bank in this tection. Commercial National Bank .". A f M. i. The Bank which keeps the business it gets NEGROES G01N6T0 G.O.P. CONVENTION State Gathering in Raleigh Namei Republican Delegate To Chicago Tb aefre Bapoblieaa party af Nartk Carolina was lauaebad ia Baisifh yes terday by a aiaatiaf of tefroaa from aumbar af Botnta la tka State. Ths aieettnf was styled tka Nefro Ropnb- licaa Stata CoBTaatloa. Tba rasolt af tka asactiaf was tka adoftioa. of a Ws 'praaaibla aad raao- lntioas and tka aalectkoa of delegates to tka National Bapnblieaa Cooreatioa wkieh mavts in Chirafo la Juas. Th lily 'wkitaa of tka Bcpablieaa party ia fha tta are denouneed from hutting them' out of tka eouarila af tka party iar tka leeiaarrara- af tka Rtate put tnto effoet the eeastitatioaal amiradment irMeh prTaats the iHiter ata Bafro frani votlaf. The delegatlna li to carry the friov snce of tke aafroaa he the National Republican Convention for the purKme af makiBf tka National RapablUaa ( on tioa insist oa the nefro baring his prorwr rerreantatloa In tha !onnrils of the Keputiliraa Mfaaiaatioot iu the Southern Htatoa. The preamble reeiti-s the negroes' long Wvalty tu tka Rt-puHirau party, the pri-'rut OHtraciain from the pnrty rnun iil of the party ty the "Lily White nVpiiMirjuia," their progirss in mate-rial things, thrir ldyalty. t.'iiierirauism( a di'iiiund for f-qunl rlril and politiral right snd the equality of all Ki-jmhh runn vnttiout regard to ruce or color in tiie party organization. It mi). Unit hil.' the negro was avail alili- in tirliioviu pnrty virturien nnd promoting the personal ainihtiou, of party li-ndrrs the rare an In'ld in high etifiit l.y tho hi-pnlili.'UiiN of North Carolina. Tin- following .-oiiiinitt.'i' ri'iM.rtt'd tlit' rcHolut ions wtiicli w.ri- inlojj.-il S. H Virk. of WiIkoii: I .i.l .1 K llumlin. of Wnk.-: A l!urn. ..f Wuri. n. W M t.riiiiM-.i. of W.-.kr; .1. II Kv an-, of Hriio.ni, k ; I r 1 1 llik. of V,,Ii.- Tin- f ol!' Miir M-'L:;it.-H Jit l.-tle win ii : in . d : s. H ,. k. ,,t W iUon ; l. I' L.mo. of V i.k.-: II I. I..g. n. of Wnyiie, K. S llutl. r. of liliidni IMIt.-r .1. it' .r.- iinliii'd iih fol low. lUlri-t leleriite. Kil "t liu-tri.-t llit. Iloll I1hv.ii; I' VS' Itrow o. Klinabi'th Titr Hce.in.l PiMri.l H II. Taylor. War on : f. P Sao'-.. --H...I Hill! Thud li ti.. I l.oo W II. ri Ing, Snmjion ; W. K M. intt. Waii.-. Koilith llliUMt I .1. K Hamlin, I r K II V. U l.k, Uuke. I'lffh litrirt llrv. S. (i Nownoni. l.rannlle; l)r li '. Mi. Kilord Sivlli iitriit V. H (iordoii, South Hirt . W. I'. Kvaim, Uiiiriul.urg Mr-tenth' OlKtrirt Ke . J M Hender .Hill, Si.uthrtll Pint',. Kighth litri.l .1 II .li.liunon, Kalm l.nry; I'rof II. II llaiinou, Hunan. Nmtk iiiat riri. r'eiUL i'lcmiug, iiujkf ; Willis KrrlB, Cona41y Hprings. Tflith IlKtn.t A IV Wilson. Anlie ville; Thoi. Mill.-r. r.iiii.-ottihe. t'ol. H. H. Tiislor was eleeted rhair Millions of Dollars 1$ Travel back and forth through the maila every day and there is never a low where ordinary care is used in mailing. q BANKING BY MAIL is a modern method in banking adopted by the Com mercial National Bank which brings the bank to your door through the use of the U. S. Mails, no matter where you live. J9-.W?. ,.wpid.d.be glad to have Us or Just send your deposit along. It will be Acknowledged by return mail. JIn the last six years our deposits have doubled and the patronage of people from all sections has been attracted by our strength, steady growth, and efficient service. 4 Compounded Quarterly Paid in Our Saring Depsvttiient. Raleigh. N. C CHILLS. SEVER AND KDNEY TROUBLE T an oleuod ta test If r to tka aoe af bt. Kilmar'a Hwamp Boot whlek had oeeaaiqa to nee sered year afo foi kuUay traaMt?. My fatrai kaalah arai .1 ma uus from eAilla and fears aad drtakiaa impure water. I UW all Orad aat: faH aa badly at tiaaaa wbaa I weaid 11a dowa I oould acareal fat aa. A MeaJ raeooLasaailett Vt. aoi- atar'i Swamp Boat I fot a tfty-eaat bottla aad took H. It did aa ataak food that I boofht sii bottlee aad fare ap tka loctor'a treatiaeat eatlraly, aad bafors tka six bottles wot half faaa, I fait aa wall aa I swar fait ta my lafe. aad after tailnc tka remainear of the six bottle, I discontinued tka a mt Bwaass-Boot aad Bare had aa eaaurioa to take aay medielae rqa kta ay traabla ttm; that waa seaea years afo. I hope the safferipf aa I did will ftra Ir. KHaert fiwnp-Boot a fair trial, for I fast aura they will de rive great help from tta nee. Tour truly, MBM. T. I, hIJrBTHY. V N. Mala Bt. Paris, Tazaa. Htate of Texaa, t ' launar Oaamty. ' - ' " P..MHallv b tmaa rmi nr. tha till . v. wnw "rr'v' . r . deralfaed authority. T. Z. IlcCaathA wha aay nader oath that tka abor statement la true and correct .tkia Feb, t',11. iqi . I ' J. M. Uuif. Notary Puddle, Lettsr ta Dr. klMaar A C, BiaskaaiUa. N. T. Prore Wkat Bwama-Raot Will Da For Yea M-nd ten rents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., ninghamton, N. Y., for a sample sire Imttle. It will eonvinee anyone. You will also reredre a booklet of valuable information telling alniut the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the Raleigh News and Observer. Krfrular fifty-eent and one dollar sire buttles for sale at all drug Htoros. an of the eseeutive eonimitti-e and ' N. Hunter, serretary. Kierotlve t ommlttee. Htnte at large Prof. 11 K. Hogan, W.-iwio. .1. V. Woods, Halifax; C. I Ki. li Itorky Miuint; S. II. Vi.-ki Wilson; p P. Irfim-. Wake; W. r.. M.-rrltt. Wihi.'; Ir. It II. W. U nk, Wake. llltri. t 1. V. '. Hi-nti r, Hrlhavon ; P. Sauls; .1. Rev. V. Oillard ; 4. W II An. rum ; S, Ali-iander l'eaee ; fi, y II Cordon; 7. .1. II. lominta ; H, J. n. lol. us.. a ; ii, 't. Aleinn.ler Tha Food-Drink for ad Ago Rich milk, maJ tad frail!, in powder form For infanta, ia valid aad growing children. Puranutritaosa.pbuikliBa; tkawhokbody. laTigarataa feurainf anotbora east she aajadt Mora Bswrashiaf tltaa tea, coffee, etc. Substitute Cost TOU Sam Prka p. wii i I MTflMHSRlCN!: I R III UUIIIUU IllaUIUIIU I ff the mmmw (ihoice For Sncceor Lira Bo v tween Fred B. Lynch and Honter S. Cuauninp Washinftoa, April .-4Tiokr af tha aiaa wha win aasaafe Preaideat Wil- aoa's aaaapalfa far re-election, ksiiwalag ehatnaaa of tha Demoeratia Naxtoaal Utea ta aareeed WUUaai T. U Co be, wha aa tilled tha Preasdaat today that ha weald retire after tha St. Lewie eoBTeatiaa, lie betweea rrd B. Lyneh, Natiaaal Caavaaittaaaaaa. fraaa aliaae aota, aad Hobm 8. Cnaualafm, af Coa- aMharfnaaa af the aaswaatt- It ta regarded as asore tkaa prob able that; tha Jaask wiU faU to air Lyarh, bow ehaimtaa of tka aatioaal eeataiiftee' eaeeatire eoasasiMee aad aa khatf f tha preriaaiaary wart for Ike eem lag eaaapaieTB. 1 hjr. laCorab'a dariaioa that kia per sonal affaira demanded that he give ap a chairmaBahip after fire year, of it 's servics waa aiamasmtal to On Preaideat ia a letter which waa nude publie. today. ' - The -letter read : "I hare just foraged a aew partaerakip for the prartir-e of law wkieh will he roine effeetire ob the first of May. Tke ehange will Beeeasitate my devoting substantially all my time to my profe non. Mr political activities must be largely curtailed. My arrangement. however, will Justify my proceeding through tha end of tha conveatioa at Ht. Louis. Ia view of the party precedent that the nominee for President is requested to indirate his preference for the chair manshtp of the national committee, and in view of the unity of sentiment for your re nomination I am writing you at the earliest nioiuent to It-t you kuon tliat I could not unJ.-r anv .-inuiustances nsume the leaders'np of the coming h.-iuocratie lanipaign I am happy in the thought, however, that there are hoMs of able and tn,i- m.-a wka ran y readily take my The Democratic orga n iit ion is loyal your p.iiirir-s and p-.r (.ot,s We all feel assured of a trium(.: aat result for yuu and for the part i iiu . s through out the couutry in N..m inber. "For five ye,ys now, 1 have l-c.-n i if a. Tne M-rvice of t!..- partv anl it if i 1 ii a kecu fe. ling of i- gret that kaia ir.-.-d to ci.ui-lu.le tt.a' o. io I ' itii'-Cart r aieci ssity- Til tv mnre tii'rracl If ithui tin- limit uf l .'i I ...a !a uf assist&hco. be assured tlmt 1 am .nltavf available." : ' : f Tjie president ia reply cvprfssid r-ei apieatlfiB for ilr Mc onits ferticsf aSiik" ar. pled tka re-ignati-m with r V. M. t. A. RECEPTION. Sceoaa In Seriea ef kurch Kecratiana Will be Tawlght. The men of the kdcutoa htree Meth odist and tha 1rst Batiat churches aad Htindar schools will tSe tke faeats of tke Ralelifh T. M. TV-Wte evsaiaf ta rhe eeeoud of a eeriea 6f ehurrk rerrptioas inaugurated by the ssaueiatioa. Tka program will Include a deaaowetra- tlon of the gymnaaium- rlass work, la door I is se ball lietwrea teams repreecnt ing the two rhurchet. Ia addition there will he a select pro gram of music in which the following wall known singer, will partisipta-. Mr. Harris.. Ksufsaaa, Mr. Archibald llartaa, Mr. James Boaner, Msia prao Bryant, pianist. v Mr. W. II. Pare, ehairaua af Che social committee of the Waataa'a Aar iHary, will have ekargv of the- refisak raant features. The entire building will h4 open to the guest for iaspcctiaat aad DRMtM'KATH WILL CAVXTS ON PHILIPPINE SILL Washington, April f 4. IVmocratie leaders decided tonisrht to call a caaraa on the Philippine bill, lent art ao date for it. This decision, was reached after Representative Juaaa, chairman ef tke Insular Affairs Cwsnatittec-, aha, i at re duced tke laeasure ia the Housa, kad aouaded enough Heysablirajis aad IVsa errata to roavinre hiaaaelf that it kad a food ehaare of paaaaf e. It still is coa idered doubtful, haa ever, that it will he indorsed bv the eaarne. Tka worM' total pradaotioa ef wheat appraxiniates) 4,(aWjM0lMM buakela. Hot Water for Sick Headaches Tatla tsstiy avwryoaa ahatrld atrink J hat avatar wRk ptiaapaata " " WW Wfara wrwawtaet. Headache ef aay kiad, ia eaosed by auto ualoiiratioe wkkh aieama sell poiaoaiaf. Liver Bad bear I pieaas called toxin, sacked late tke blood, tk rough the lymph duets, earite tke heart a kick pa si pa tha bleed aa fast that it roBfceU ia tha easeller arteries aad vein ot tka head predaeiag rio leat, throbbing pel a aad diatr, cslle.1 keadarbr. Yo ksweaae aervwaa, de spoadsst, aick, favariak aad aaiaerable, yoar meals soar aad almost nauseate yea. Tkea yea reaort to aesrtaailide. asp in a or the brasaidre which teatper arily reliertr tuTlfa-Bat rid the blood ef these irritatiag tozia. A glass ef hot water with a tesaspooa fal of liinestnas pkoaphat ia it. draak before breakfaat far-awhile, will aot ealy waah these posse-as free year btw teai aad care Too af headache but wiU cleaaae, parify aad traahra the ratire , alimeatary eaaaL ' i Ask jronr paarssaCiie. for a sjnarter pea ad af Umeatoaa pkoaphate. It it laeipraaire, harmleae aa aagar. aad al aiaaf tastalea, rxeept far a aoariah rtrtnga whkeh Bat wafdrasaat fit: yaw arret fwclrag ywar beak. ,sf teWfTrs ta enatrd.ar ya wake p rh bad taete. fenl breath at hare eaMa. ladtfeetioa, biliaaaassa, rsasripajisj a Boar; arid taualw-esTB the asVewpW ad hat wwter care ta rid ysssr aswtcsa ef kasha .and riissaa . . y Baawrta are e.rt aad It to cla' that tksee who eeatiaae to taak a th. atoaaaeh. ..xr aa aawvr marninf werer hsvew aay bewcraeke at ksew Bmisarawt. Why not judge socks aa you do friends by the way they wear, even under adverse conditions ? USUaT OR) fHNOTrlER DISAGREEMENT OVER WATERWAY RIGHTS Washington, April ft. President Wilson's plaa for co-ordinating water way improvement appropriations has encountered a disagreement between those wko want the War Department to control all the work, as formerly, and thcee who want to enact the special cabinet committee's plan for a national waterways council, take the War, In terior, Commerce, and Agriculture De partments in on the work and carry It on with the co operation of the forest service, reclamation service, and geo logical survey. HeA.itnr Ransdell, of Ixmisiuna. and Representative Humphreys have intro duced a bill to pbue tin- work with the War IVpartnient. Nenntor New lands. Senator Brouaaard, of Louisiana, aud Uepreseatatie Crosser, of Ohio, . . cnuni.-a iBH CEfft fafiTbr SoTWKtealrfBeietlta HCSS Mr-rirmoal Brpnjneiaw-- OT HABTsn"; 'rishlKSJaai Copy ol Wrapper. II ow-ua usj tcaaviMUUO VCSsm I I I I 1L! !Ask for True Shape Socks. I l f)lWl O i 4 Sej that you get them. They I jflk'VL OvaL will not only satisfy, bat L 9 CuarcnleeJ by your dealer vy s--vr- ' liBi ii a ... r "" M"" it i-rj OninsiM a as sir f pk aaaarf j It-' nnf MTill" " . r i a tUact Good Taste Today Will Be Good Taste Tomorrow Tho FAD OF TODAY will ba ANCIENT HISTORY TOMORROW. PurchljrSiffirLU'ek,enti" "d Panent satisfaction by tMeTrnJV?1"11 fhown furniture of the moat exdoaiva iSw 1 Pnije. The secret of this ia knowia iWto rOurbuyera for each department have long been studTntl olSeS f take advantage ef the fact! Sydnor & Hundley . O Q 7th aad Graco StraaU 0: :SockMcn If I f ir ,11 aanJ am . .Vl-!. . I II 1 -wj I . li t X-cv -ta-k today joined in a bill to enact the cabinet committee' plan. The former bill appropriated $49,000,000 to, the Mississippi alone. Thai aew bill wrould appropriate BfJO.OOO.OOO aa follows: Twenty live million dollars to the lower Mississippi and Illinois river, constituting- the route of the lakes to the gulf waterway; aO.OOU.uuO to tke Ohio, e5,00VHJ to the upper Mississippi, a.VH'O.CNMJ to the Missouri, the Arkansas, Red and other tributaries of the Mis nissippi f5,uO(),mx) to Atlantic and Gulf rivers. a."i,IS-HI,IM) to the Columbia and Ruake nvci. SWiOtlO t t.ie Ka. ra niento and Ran Joaquin rivers, a5,(WXt, K"J to the other California rivers and ths Colorado river. Little Flgktlag Oa W est Front. London, April 24 There are at pres cut 67,000 vacant beds in the British aar hospitals, owing to the lack ot" really important lighting during the winter on the west front. For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of la For Over Thirty Years mm Q ait a aa 1 SM otit West to f ftlf CCtm n vf en i -- ar.es m a . - -taelayiiit toYosnite tmd Big Tree : Yosj caa catna, b-aarap, flak aad atoee) Motor, aaB, rwiaa aad danca Play goV, polo and tsroad or just he lazy A California Summer b v- Bghtful cool alsvaya, by tha sea and la the raoantaina San Diego Exposition open all 1916. Cool mniiaar trip If yoo go Santa Ft Four daOy California trains Ak for folder of train and) trip Low Excursion fares daily May 1 5 to September 30 fa F. H. Dslts,. Onl A sr., t N. I'rjror bL. AUaau. Ga. ENGRAVED Wcdd ng lavitatiAse and Visiting; Cards almost a CHKAP a Printing Writ u. The Bell Book & Stationery Company BICHMOXD. VA. Frank K. Thomson Architect and Engineer Masonic Temple Raleifcrh, North Carolina. i a arvw. a . i 1VIUINAKCH BiHard Parlor Burko and Bill always (lad to aoo you Victrola at Your Service 103 W. Martin St, Next to Wrifht's Cafe. WATCH CHILD'S COI GH Colds, ranainf of aoee, coatinued ir ritatioa of the mucous membrane if ne fleeted may meaa Catarrh later. Don't take the chances da something for your ebildt CMIdrea wHI not take every medicine, but they will take Ir. King's New Discovery aad without bribing or teasing. It a sweet pleasant Tar Byrup and effective. Just laxative enongli to e. nate the wast poison. Almost, the first ,doee helps. Always prepared, no lulling or fussing. Just ask your druggist for Dr. King' New Discovery. It will safeguard your child agaiaat se rious ailments resulting from colds. Adv. P. 9 RartxsfXfaaV Va, :0 J