TUESDAY MOBNTNG, APRIL"2Sf;19lA SHE NETS -AND OBSERVER pi-. r vi0. avsj &.;.;, AbsolutelyPure No Alum No Phosphate NORTH CAROLINIANS AT NEW ORLEANS MEET Mm. Z. V. JmM'a Aooiwos Oa Wake Canary Progress Wlens ABolaaa. Ths party uf North Carolinian wka attesdrtt thf Southern Conference fur Kr"rnrln an-t Industry at New r IV u last vrrrk haa returned tn K leigii with glowing arruunti of thr frreat meeting. Aa ial North Onro Haa played an important art on tar program. t Ir. J. H. Joyner warn one of lra.l i Get the i Happy HAbit Be tweet tempered, clear headed, happy tod rigorous. Liven your Liver with tad fed good. Make the Liver active. Pro mote a healthy happy con ditioa. MX era in the important topics 4V end. tHata- Xnpervibur L. V. l)rort.j spoke heforc the meeting of the " enriaors of the Soother Mtatea. i!rs. J. 8. MrKistmon told of tba Canning Club work in North Carolina. Mrs. I. V. Jiwld of Aabara. Ala. (for merly Mias Kdith Boyotor Halelglt), poke twice before Uw Comtntttea en kurol !vmm unity (wilding. Her rtory it the een.U-ri'ttl work done by the Wak Cuuaty Iletternieat Association was siHileuoVel by U great crowd of wurki'ra who are trying to find the ae exet of eooperatloB in tba country. Hhn waa followed by alias Mary Bkot well f Oxford, eho care the aseoria tioa her splendid plana of the Country lafe CHiK of trsnville renaty. W K Cumn of the A. and M. College, gare a brief a-csat of tke elteamnn work done by bio college throughout th la Htitte and ef hi special department of rural credit aal marketing. Ou Weiliireatay Miaa Maud Barnard of Ral-irli. spoke before the department of Htttit herti women tin the "Pine Net die Industry of the Houtli " Bhe dis played n nurrher of heaket made here in Kal.-igh and Wake rounty. The g.'niTitl session of the conference listened to Dr. Clarence Poe on Tuea day afternoon. Bupt. 1. r (riles talked Wedeaday aftrruoon on the aork of the primary school supervisors. Other prominent North Carolinians nttrnding thia roiiferrnee wera Praei-dt-nt Roliert Wright of Kaat Carolina Training School; Prof. N. W. Walker of Chapel Hill. Miaa Hattia Parrott of Kinston, Mr. T. K. Brown of Raleigh. Ruperintcndenta 1. C. tlrttrln and Byron Conley of Marioa, N. C. Newbold of Raleigh. Tuealuy afteranon the North Caro lina party took a loral trip up the Mia iisaipfd and an auto drive over tha eity and Tuesday evening enjnyed a ban quet at the Ureenewall Hotel. NUXATED IRON II ncrmvo trenrth f rVI- 1 oat, nvrrous, rannown nfopl 2 0 per efnt la tc imy In mtnr iTwtAneisM. I1M forf-tt if tt fail mm per full x)laaaUoa tn iavrv KrUt-l moii to -Par in this paper. Ak your doctor or drucniat about It. It ran asily Ualnd from aav ad 4rucK-t. Wao- J iK I " C Ten Words To You Yoy'il Find the Stylish Suit and Toggery . You Want Here "Come and See" The "Boon" Specials from the famous mas ters of the craft The House of Kuppen heimer, Stein Bloch and Hart Schaffner & Marx. You will find the model, the pattern, and at the price you want to pay. You If 'ant the Bent and at Tke Lowest Price, See Boone, the "Boon' to You, C. R. BOONE De Laxe Clothier 228 FayetteYille Street .:-. Raleigh, IVC FRATS HOLD THEIR BIENNIAL CiW Program of Session Eoda With Pretty . Dance in Auditorium With a beautiful inn aa tha cliniat, tli biennial eaaautvc of Aiatriet No. 2 of tb Pt Kappa Alpha fraternity waa haM la thia arty yeaaordny with aa at tendanea of abnt 40 raambera fram Narrli ao4 Booth CatraMaaL TVe aetMHe of taw fimnf Wfwa wkb a buariuaa eaaacil at 7 a'eloek. falWwvd by baaawft at tha Tarbraaa aa4 n4d wa tb daaww la tJM ajawikaHuan. . U GwU, of Xfciffcaat. M aaltrtet rhi:f, preaided over the ataatiaf. Tba BMmberabrp of thr rem c tare taalaxlaa the ahimni chasten fai North and South Carolina and aoeh artfre eaaptera aa Arpba Rpailoa, A and VI ; Alpha Ahtha. Trtnttr; Tan, rnfreraMy of Nartb Caro lina; Beta. PaTMaoa Oolhfa.' The haaqnet. which followed the (a era! hurineaa meetuig, waa preaidad by John H Bouahall, toaataaet. Thoee rrapending t leaata were T. C. Patten oa "Alpha Arena"; . M. Oaatt. oa The IXatrict"; Jha I. Xaagaioa, am "Tha Needi of Our Jrnt errt y" i John H. aVauahall, an "Maa'a Daty la aide . and Out" j J. E. MaDongall. en Alpha Bpailoa": Wilbur K. hUrtiaon, a 'Beta"; Krneat H. Warrea. oa Ta. The dnaee, which eerUi44 the pro- j rraa. waa civaa br the Alpha Epailea Chaifter eonipHaieatary to the Higina No. Kappa Arphe, Kappa ragwia. mgrna Phi bpailoa and Delta Rigma i'bi fra ternitiea. Tha andiUrrun preaenUd a pretty areae with He deeoratieoa of frart nenitaata aad colore, a large elaetrie I aign with the fraternity's inaignia adorn-1 ing tle wail ever the atagr. i'atroneaea for the danee wer Mra .1. N. Holding. Mr.. Lorke Craig. Mra. I H. Hill, Mm J. I. Btiushall. Mm. A. W. Kaox. Mri. F. H Btigga, Mra. C. B. 1'ark, Mr. T. K. Hrunt r, Mra. J. A. I'ark. Mra. W K. lent, Mra. tlla Har ria. Mra. .1 .1. Huncu. Mra. Julian Tiui bvrlak,-. Mra. ' H Herlvee. Mri .1 H Man ling, Vri M. '" No ris. Mr- .1 I Johnwm. Mr .li.lin H. Mi-Donald, Mm Clee Mia. W. C Riddwrk, Mr. franklin M..-il. Mr. K H. Itaker. Mra. J. H. Pou. Mr.. C. U. IttaMra Jauiiii M. Kiminoii. Mr. Jain.-a itoylan. Mra. A. C. Hiuton, Mra. Charlea Muibee, and Ur. Hayaood White Thoae danrmg a ere: Mine Mary I'age aith drabain Hloaa, Midi- Mary N'.boUon with J. A. Johaeton, Jr., Mr. and Mra. Cleveland Stalling. Mian Ukadye Vntea with T..dd Miwuhimer, Miaa r'loiwe Buabee with 1. K Har ria, Uina Ix lie, H. Smith with Maoly Jouea, Mii. Uila K.-U Hpann with Way nan Pr-e. Miaa Adelyn Uarbee with r'owler Murriaon. Miaa Uatlie Boy kin with II. H. Wallare, Miaa Mati'ewa with Jnek Bowiu, Mie Francia Park with K K. IV.vte, Uji Ri.barta Crewa with H. W. Hayward. Miaa Pauline Green with John Koontz. Mim Bettie Boaa with I.. S. Baukin, Muh Mnrion Piekell ith C. O Seifert. Miaa Joaeplilae White uith M. C. Bowcn. Misn Juliet AH'nght with (rpie Ijudaey. Mi Louiae Wilaoa with DrA. C. CampMll. Man Patay Hinith with Jain.-s New In. I.I. Mi" Vir giuia Dare with Pierre Mallit. Mr. and Mra. A K. Ilrowcr. Mia K;ithrrine Mr Nair w it h J. W. Conner. Mm Alhrrtine Moore with Krak.- Umilcn. Mil J red Hall with Jehu Ni.li.iU, Mi. Mary .S)-dln-riy with A 1.. Hulit.ar.l. Mio U.ul.v .li.lin with an Huntr. Ml lWubh Stuflui J njth 11 I- V illiMii.v'" Mih Man I'mi with Butt Jurni. Mi InilH'll Umun with Fiuik, Miller. Mi Ki.lx-uu Curt, r ma it li V. Tt. ljnnli'n. Mi- Kdith Piu "itli K W TliointoB, Mia! Kutif Mnor itli J. K. lUauian. Mi A.iiih LaKue itli Tn.y M. Mvntt. Miaa Mildred Holding ivith Wilbur B. Sumner. Miw Marion lli.kei with H f Kureuiuii, Mi lnie llalei with John Harkney, Mim Kli.U-tli Tucker with Wallace' Ki.ldiek. Mi Amy Winston with John Boiishall. Mio-- Marie I. un ban with C. H. AH. riiuth . Mi l-na Swindell with Will X Colt-y. Mi Km ma Wilson with T 11 Holme-. Miw Ida Bray with John Hra.v, Mi"- Shep Iake with Kail Johnoii, Mii l-u Kalkuer with 11 I.inel.erger. Mima Kathrrinr Crew-. it!t A. C Martin. Miaa Klij Leach itli W. H MiKim nion. Miaa K!tirjileth Telfair with H I.. McKee, Miaa Katie Iyeake with .1 I Newaom, Miaa Cutherine Hherwnod with H. W. Winliorne, Miaa Man W illuuni with Bttfu. Mallo. Miaa Anna BMc King with V C. Pritrhett, Miw. Brw, with Arthur McKuuiiMin. .Miaa La7.if Lee with J. W. Harreiwiu, Miaa Cornrille Harril with W. B. Little, Mima Ruth Lee with . C. Gardner. Miaa Mildred Par rott with William Rogcra, Miaa Marga ret White with ITuWrt Hol.liug, Mia Naomi AKord with Charlie Park. Miaa Marv Barrow with M K Corr.ll, Miaa ileNeU with l:iliott Nicholson, Miaa IaJUan Riddick with i. B. McCoy, Miaa 1 xiu lae Baker with Jimraie thinner Miaa Virginia Iavia with Hal nayea. Mr and Mra. Bill Baudy. Mr. and Mra. Kdgar Harliee, Mr. and Mra. R. Hiinn Owen, Mr. and Mra. W. C. Har ria Utaga: E. K. Wright, Jtuaton Wliite, Ben Temple. Jobuaton Smith, Jeronie Hto. kir.L A. H. (ireen, Jr.. Alf (losnry. William t. MrlMwell. P. I Hultiah. J. C. Collier," J. O. Hirk.1t. "W." WrmaTmr, Jr., J. i. Hieka. B--n Smith, Clau.le Har hee, 1. M. Carter. . C. Munning. S K. Jeunette, Boy Smith. J. P. McNeil, Jr,, M. R. A.lama. Jr.. N. 1. Perkina. W. IT. Kagan. Earl Weatherlv, (. -M. Anthony. Hieaket ttooVerneur, Hardy Milla. Ram Kuffin, J. C. Itaughtri.lge, Joe Jacotia. William Boylna. K H. Breeae. Frank W. Norria, ... Blount, H. tioodr, lvt"bap man, H. J. Blue. Itavid Wheeler, C. R. Skipper, B. 1. Hodgra. H. K. WinatSon, J C. Powell, Jeffrey Stantavk. Hugh MrKimiaon, Keadrirk Smith. yJeae !. Hall. Jr, Fraaeia Arthur A. E. Harahaw, C. B King. Jr, A. T Bowler. Alea Pirkeli. Prof. H.wlw.n. Richard Hiuton, T. B. Wood, J. R. Mullen. Ie Cta Clark, W. E. Mattiaou. W. H. Norwood. J. P. Zolliroffer, P. M. Cropland. COMMISSIONER GRAHAM STANDS ON HIS RECORD Major Grahatn, Commiaaiouer of Ari rultare. i aat the leaat uUrme l hy the cutraaor ef fr. A. J. MrKimmoB in th.i race for the laAmiaatwm for Counnia aioner of .Aie)tre. The M.ijrBten rathe BBiaaed at the fling of tb- keaaiea man from Koheaou that be I honght what the Major mu getting too old to arrae efneiently. Tke Major ia proud of the fact that be rarriea bin yen re lightly and aa a proof of thia he iwiaU to hie recu. J, N II I Mans CI. t, I. crisis. (Calling "Out TE "aivjeaervca." Hmvdt tbt mn or worjoan who cu tswn reaervea of ind ttrength in CTerjr rVrtTding up reservea' jEs a qoestlon oTtating " thiT jHgtitUxxloffood. SfamSded Wheat Baicuit fnpplies all' material nee dad for the tissues and daDr use keeps the bow' bealthy and acthne. Eat! fbr tMkast with hot r J COMMENCEMENT IN D D NDRTHAMPTQN &IyatianaI -Rally , at JacaJgn Friday .Brought To Town Record-Breaking Crowd Had at IStcm.!, K. T. which ia a aplrndid and vigoroua oae Tble record, he eaya, will ahow that there haa haea aa alow lag np ia hie depart teat, which 4raenatrmtea bay on d qoea tioa that ha ia abundantly ahU phyaie aily and mentally to perform all the dutlea that derohr tipuu him U. the dia charge of office. Tha ifajnr appreriatea the following waiee appeared ia Charity and Chil-area- "Major Orahaoi Minta with pride at the largely iaereaeed Talue of farm pro da eta aiaee hia adminiatratioB began. The Major haa only one lliuig to fear aad that ia death. We hope tha hia ealniaU late will be pa red for aaether four yeara of awrrtee to hia Bute." BANKERS MIX PLEASURE VITH BUSINESS MEET After taking in the fine game of ball lietween Baleigh and the A. and M. leania at Wondall Park yeaterday after noon tba bankera whr. rame here to at tend tha flrat annual meeting of Group four ware rady to enjny dinner at the Yar borough, which waa tha ju elude to their buaineaa aeaaion An addreee ef welruine a delivered by Mr. K. K Trarui, chairman of the North Carolina Cori'o'ation I ommiaaloa. The reaponae to thia was hy Mr. J. J. Jenkina, eaahier of the Bauk of Chat ham, of Hiler City After theae fornialitiea were over a delightful mean waa diarnaaed. Following the dinner "The Relations of a Bank to the Community." aa eat niirabla addreaa, waa d'liTered by M. J. C Kittrell. Batiafaetory reKrta were inaJe by the ebairmaa and aeerrlary. Theoe were folloared by general ilia, uetrion of aub jeeta for the good of the aeaoriation. After adjournment tha mem here at tended a moving picture theatre. By H. BABDT. JackeoB. April t. Friday there ee amrred at taie slaee what waa byon4 a atoafat as neat an fnl odacational ralry errr held ta old rTorthaaatoa. There are forty three achaels la the eonaty aa4 all of the at vara ropreaeat U. rhftaea haaatrod aaaoed chilaroa wore tn the paraaW and at aa tadtaatlea f tha tatereet of tha aiklaotie of the renaty tt aaay be atatod that the erovd alt told eras hetwoaa 100 and 4JXM. It wao the largeet arowd eree eaea at Jaekaoa. At 10 a. m. the atheols formed ia front ef the eoairtheoee aad aaareaed as the graded achool baUding whore the Lgraduati&g exareiara took phaeo aa fol io wt: IaroratMia by Boa-. E. E. Boae, ef Conway ; aelactioa by Jaekaoa school quartet; preeratatlsa of eortiacatee by G. K. Lineberiy, president of Chowan College, to seventh grade grad wales. After the preaoatatina of the aertifl eatea. Hon. C. U. Peebles, of Jackeon, introduced Hon. T. W. BiekeU, who delivered the address. AU who hoard him say It was strictly aa odueetioaal address from beginning to close a splendid eCort. A Rocky htoeuit band mads inspiring snusie for the eeraaioa. A baskst dinnsr was aerm-ed ea the sourthouss green at 11 M p. m. The program for tha rsmsisdsr of the af ter noon and evening, eomaaeBriBg at 1:30 o'clock, was as follows: Recitation Contest at Auditorium. Carmen Overture Clorene Parker, Nail Bentball, Woodland. The Sign of the Cross Mary Ellen Griffin. Rich Square. The rirat Quarrel -Josephine Futrell, Woodland. Aunt Malinda on Boye Rachel Barria, Seaboard. Ths College Oil Can Nina May Wood ard, eVrern. Atl ir.lPORTAIIT FUIICTIOIi in the promotion and maia tennnee of good health is LIVER REGULARITY and sny diaturbanae ef this i f uBction may be corrected by HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters "h -1 The Market Place The modern Baeeeasor to the old Town Market are the advertiainc columns of the dally newspaper. They are aa mech an lmproTement on the old system a the news columns are an advance orer the Town-Crier. Wise people nowadays consult the ad vertislnf In their newspaper before they purchase. It saves time and money. It is economy and convenience in the best sense of the word. Advertising has become a fixed factor in the science qf domestic economy. D a t'p at ths Beautiful Ostes of Qod Annie Omy Bridge re, Laaker. My Country, My Mother, My God Himgn Boos, Conway. The First Battle of tha Revolution E. J. Gay. Jr., Jackson. Universal E.lueation -Les Parker, iMkrr. Ths Witches- Danes Sallis Hoggard, Earllua Fleetwood. Severn. 2:S0 p. m. Bsaketball, Beaboard . V-...J . -Haakrtlamll, alien nquarn v. m Basketball. Rirb Square v Henrietta 3:M p Revara. t:U p Jackson. -.00 p. m. Moaic. May Day Myrtle Cape I, Raid, Oeeoaeeehee. High School Iebate. Query, 'Re solved That the I'nited States Should Greatly Iaereass Its Navy at Thja Time." Affirmative. Rich Bquars aad Olasy; iifgatlre. Seaboard and Berern. Daacs GaprUs. op. t8. No. Virgin Is Boons. Rich Square. County BuperiBtendent Paul Long and hia assistant. Miss Ethel Kelly, and vary school toaeher in tbs county d serve much credit for their Indefatiga ble efforts la making this ossasioa sock a great success. Northampton county aspires to lead the State ia good eltixea ehip and public school system. Directors to Meet. Ths directors of ths Raleigh Chamber of Commerce will meet at 4 ::t0 o'clock thia afternoon la the assembly room and at S o'clock the mars hers of the indus trial department will hold a meeting. THEY REFUSE TO EAT At fwridA ia most children' lives they fail to relUh their meals and refuse t us M, elm am e4slanr-4awm TraTarBd tO VU CaWA tTCU 1MV 'v"'" I r tempt their appetites. They lack am bition, ana fTowin seems impcucu, which cauaet anxiety aad worry. To compel them to eat t a grave mistake, because nutritiom is impaired. Healthful exercise in fresh air and sun shine is important, but equally Import ant is a spoonful of Scott. Emulsion three times a day to feed the tissues and furnish tbod-enerfy to Improve their blood, aid nutrition and sharpen their appetites. The highly concentrated vnedicina! lood ta boott'a Emeumoa snppllee the vary elements children need to bnlld np Xhtir strcagth. They relish Soott'a it ia (reo from slcohol asauaBanrs.noosBOadd.T.J. tf-M The New Industrial City QUANTICQ, VIRGINIA Big Opening Sale Friday, April 28. and Saturday, April 29, Commenc ing at 11 A.M. Each Day 250Business and Residence Lots 250 WILL BE OFFERED AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDERS SOME FACTS ABOUT QUANTICO THAT WILL INTEREST YOU Its location is 35 miles from Washington. D: C. by both water and rail, and 80 miles from Richmond. Va., on the main line of the R.. F. & P.. Seaboard and A. C. L. railways; also on the Potomac River. The river at this point is approximately 2 mileawide and affords a 30-foot channel to the sea. therefore, the great question of freight tranaporution rates ia solved. Splendid train aervice; the Potomac & Chesapeakeboats will call I here; deep sea dock facilities; the back country on both the Virginia and Maryland ahorea of the river is splendid Chesa peake Bay, into which the Potomac River empties, ia the beat fortified position on the Atlantic Coast, therefore assuring immunity from danger of attack. Quantico is just above the salt water line, which prevents the usual bad effect of salt water upon piling and general manufacturing facilities. It is five miles from an iron pyrites mine, employing several hundred men. ITS ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE that such an ideal industrial location should have been so long overlooked by wiae, hustling Americans, but at last it haa come into its own: if 8 destined to be Virginia's Industrial Center. THE PITTSBURGH STKHL CAR COMPANY will construct here a plant which will turn out twenty-five steel cai per day and will giv employment to between fifteen hundred and two thousand trained mechanics, at the start THE INTERNATIONAL STEEL PLATE COMPANY .3 constructing a mammoth steel plate plant, which iSj iivi employmVpt to liberal hundred men,-The J. H JlOUCK FI REPROOFING MPANY, manafactureT9 of all lands of tile and brick. We a plant here employing number of men, A SPLENDID BRICK HOTEL Is un der , ,nruction. also a bank and office building. AN ELeSCTRIC POWER PLANT it i being 'Jfjgj1 !, in operation within thirty to sixty da.v-AUT0 ROAD to Washington city. EVERY FEATURE HERE MEN TIONED IS A FACT AND CAN BE VERIFIED. Can you read this and fail to be convinced of the future of Quaiitico? Can you fail to ee the unparalleled opportunity beckoning to the e arly purchaser of Quantico real SUlLot which we shall sell are positively the best in town. Each to be served by city ' sidewalk. Thisiis the First Time the Iota have been placed on the market Your price will buy th ""i and the Terms will be One-Fourth Cash, the balance in four eight and twelve months. Qnt "ecJra"" bo veil naid hiirhlv -killed operators. They must trade there, live there, and make Quantico what we claim for it if nit more. That's why it would be well for you to lo ,k into the matter of placing your business, also your hor' ihcre pov. h'.: a wonderful opportunity. ... Isth There is line bathing beach, the town is situated on a high bluff, and special sanitary precautions b'Tng UV, Ii-it n conditions are excellent. Spec. .1 attention is being given for summer entertainment. A Ch:: Hour has been constructed and a spacious dance pavilion is planned. , Dpa't forget the time of the SALES FRIDAY and SATURDAY. APRIL 28th and 29th 1 1 A . M ; EACH DAY Fre. Lunch , or i the ground. Free Presents. &1usic by our own All-Star Brass Band. We sell Rain or Shine. Meet ' us on the ground. R.s F. & P. Ki K. H..,ttrh. Isv Quant..,,, i : L'" P.M.. arriu Ki.hm..i..l l:- P.M. See railroad tte tabl for tlias Train ScliWrluIeS fr.m. iBtmni-.lt.- p..int. Th- Knllrr Trip in a Day Hixvial Cars oa Traiaa. sales days. For further i JX tio. Dhone. telegraph, write or call on TflE ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY. .,lilRealSm5 Bu;id.DK,WMhington.D. C. or 215-16 Mechanics' nfir ducted by THE ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY. Greenville, N. C. and Petersburf. Va., Th Pl-emi.er'Auction People." Sales AjentfcjL- . v , . " '"'r:

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