TRIDAY MORNING, MAY 5. 1914. $BK NFVS AND OBSERVES 11 hew iram FOR COTTON PRICES Final Tone Steady at Net Gain of From Twenty To Twenty Three Points NW York. Mf 4 AiW mm arly Irrw bu-iVr tits ,. Ma mtt Mti . Im tocUr wHJi pritm awkiac ww hick gra 4 Imr thm mwmmnt. July octtneta wM to to 11. U or S bov th s-ast pries Immbm oa Um MNtMt of lst TuMtaar atW fti aatato abova las nisjht'i cloalac AsjtunM. lUahnjMi caackad Um adrane la th Uu tnkdlaa but ta teal toaa was ataatty at a art fta trf from M to U aatato for taa amy. Taa mark. apand toady I to U point p b ratiuMi to to ratatlvaty ftna bowto af UaraooL Thm vat a aoo4 aaal af rsmlit ng. aowvvor. wMla prospaets for fair sad tonat watW ta tka belt tol to aoattarai local prawttra Livarpaol wm a amyr fear rfaiW thra wm a poatinuai dwaawd from toad Intarasto - aad aftar rtnac atf fram 11.64 Ho it. At far Oetoaor aad from ll 47 to It. 1 9 for Jaly ths mar hot turned ftnaor. Buyers wera oaeourard by balls., oaataara pot advicos and foUowiaf ths publication of dwpaieboi eontaintns; psmce rumor Um mar ket bocatn oatreoMly Arm aad svs-ivs. Many oantracU advsncsd from 12.2V to 12.5, whit Oetofcsfrr told up to 12.74 and kUrca warkod above Um U-cent levoi, wHb Um avaaral Hot aaowikir aat aairu of 24 to It points In th lata iradtns. Ths buying movement then nomad to taper off oomewhot and later fluc tuatifltit were irrajulsr with Um ekss how tnjr reactions of 4 or 6 points from Um boat. CotWn futures quotations : Opon. HIko. Low. CIom May 12 HO 12 62 It. 29 14 July 12 45 12 62 12.39 12.69 October 12 64 12 74 12.49 12.49 December 12 47 12. N7 12 44 1? 84 January 12.76 12 94 12.72 12. ill Spot cotton, steady ; middlino; uplands, 12. 6o : sales. 1,48.4 bates. RALEIGH COTTON MARKET. (Kfpui Ui l y V&rkjKx Un. si Co. I Receipt yesU-nisy, 24 lwt.-. (mhn! mifW-'ng 12 Strict rri.tllmn 11 MtddltnsT Ilrs Low grades 10 to ll NORFOLK COTTON M Uli.ET. ( RexjrirJ l Hulmes uu lJavtuori , iiootl mi'iilititf . ... . ! Str middl ing K" Middiina . . . 1J ' a Mr,a , w nnlliiriH 11 lf-ii I .w m itTi . . . 1 1 Market Uudy. NEW ORLEANS COTTON. New Orir tn. May 4. A bulk'1 of a quar ter of a rent a jmund res ul ttl in rotton U day f ram buy mg itini utatei l Ln rtnn pocf rumirrs. Addinc to the atrenirth wr bulliitk hecountjt from th itt murkf t.. of the South, hiher prices at many cenUn and larire trading, coiisiderinv th iirmtit-. ui sptt holilrn. The nmrket ojned at the sdv becaut of a hitrhcr Livoruol thun due but in half hot ir a cti v months w only X to 4 txii 1 1 U Up. Litter the market wan flooded with re ports that (iernntny watt fr pea re UiDHiyh tiiis country and irt-neral buj inn n oultexl. Trices wtrc sent up i or' s net itain of 18 to 19 x.inu. The market wsn itill further utimulat by ;a lurge tot trading, total unles here heinv 4,1 2 it hales at a rtwe of 12 points, and prices were lifted to a level 24 tn 2fl pot n ta over yeaf rday c lose lxnjr took t rofi t in s motlerate way late in the Nnion and last price were at a net ri of 2 1 to 23 points. MhHcd eavy. Closinr bids. May 12.29 JuJy 12.4H Oetnher .,. . .. r , tlacember January . . Spot rotton firm, 11 poiiiU up. th .pot. 2.6. to arnre. 1.270. It.25 f . . 1.49 . . 12 61 12 Si) BalM on middling, LIVEHT0OI. COTTON. L.lverpaol, May 4. Spot, Hrm , aod mid dllnif. M 86 : middhnK, HIT, i.w middling, I.9S. Halaa, 8,090. ror Kjerulntmn and ex. port, 1.000; receipts, 15.000. Futures, ateady. iaay i.vz May-June 7.K0', JunaJuly 7Tti July.Auiruet .. 7.5' Auaust-September 7.7yl-j Septembar-Oetubar 7 7m Ortober-Novaaiber 7.6ii Noemler-perember . 7.H8 Tieremlier-January 7.00 Janaary-r'ebruary 7.&HL t ebruary-Mareb 7 Vi Marrh-April 7.Mi', April-May 7.6m COTT0N88KD OIL. New York, May 4 The ahsrnre of May bander alonsj with very light otTerinaa and tb strengtb in lard and eotton. elTected a aalietantlal upturn tn eotton oil. Anal price. being 7 to 20 points net higher Sales 12,400 barrel t loaed strong Spot 10.elU10 6 Mr 10aMli.oo July IOU'.i'ii 1 101 July : H. 1441 11.16 August lrll 20 September It. ! 11.17 October 10 14l! Nneemher .Slf .M December It. Ik NEW YORK MONKY. N'e- York. May 4. Mercantile paper. IV fterltng 60 days hills, 4.72-' . demand. a.76 1&-lti. rallies, 47i-.j. Hnr silver, 7tiTv Mexican dollars, 69'.. Government bonds atoady. Railroad bontfts steady. Time loans, Brm . 60 days, titl; W) days. I: six months, $t Call money steady; ruling rate, 2. WE8TRRN LIVESTOCK. Chicago, ill.. May 4. Hogs, strong : bulk, 70'rti; light, M O.U.i , mixed. .IUI( .MI ; heavy, 9 SM .90 ; rough, .H5ft .66 ; pigs. 7 2.Vfl9.00 Cattle. Arm; native beef steers, 7.VOr.tll: lockers and feeders, S.SKt'd h.S ; cows and Mfwra. 4.2.Mrj.r0; calves. a.2Mi.M. 8heep, unsettled; wethers. fi.00'(9.30. ewea, I 26WHI0 lambs. 7 75ri 1 1 Hi NEW YORK PROVISIONS. New York. May 4.- Raw .ugsr. te"ily : Ktrifoaral, 1.62; molassaa, & 7 5 reftned. Arm; granulated. 7.40. Cheeae. steady. CdTee Spota, ateady; Rio 7's, 9 ; Santos, ra. 10 NAVAL STORES. Savannah, Ga., May 4. -Turpentine, firm W I ea;e.. 271 . receipta. 440 ; stock. 7.18a. Roain. Arm; sales, 174; receipta 1.614; Itoeka. tO.Mi Quote: A, B, IM; C. D. Law ; K, 4.00; F, 4.10: G, H, 4 20: I, 4.25. L 44, M. 4 ai. N, 4.76. WG. 6.16 ; WW, MTJTT AND JEFF Sewing machines should -mZ3ffiMti f MUTT. TMCSe GUVs) fW..M0(N4l THl.-tLPeXVlT.rS- Zst fY''L ujF-' .- , SAi, t-wjo M6ICrVM f . THAT IN ClViG OP 34S f M&tWtfmf. " 1VyNoIN 1 g (WV4AT.i TNG W0KAUS CARRX.NC J WELL, HATj BeteAK UfTrt CAMtRcNNlA, p fwAT VS(VH 1P Cl AAeXreP MOW H-x- ACHIr I OMT ? I M(lfy,, Ul0Ol.1 V. IVtIU Y- V J 'NTO eAo AND V UP ON fioRDeB. f P . , 'e DEftLlllGSOUSTOCK MARKET VERY LIGHT Wall Street In Stale of Nerroua Snspenae Over International Situation tmw om ini-im rial ttom TMfc. Mw 4. Th cwblln pm fUiitim rwatttaic tram Mm aateUoa Waskinstsa ad Berlin kat Wall 8trat la a atat rf ni ua aiaamaa oda. P laiaa van livat an4 Biariwv fraaa tk . asrtr prieaa am irrarular aat aaaaifaitaa in Mnc tnajMaa, astil aaanr aatlma a na aUa axariaaa aard la in I ra ail tn ntia Hat. Ttm fai Hiai aWtaa Bam a aaciaiad vita ta diautMtactaaa aiarimd at tba Jpu d raadjaataaait ptea tuhmlttad ar tka aaafawail aaaiakaaiara notatUra aoaa Blttaa. MlM iataan aaH an eitmw darliaa f aohrti ta M4 ar a total of i: fraa IU raaard aria af tlw aarlr wvak. aad taa uMMiaan MI 1 H ta U. Th Mairaa Kroup unal I in mtod rotrarUjr a advaaeas. Mexican Fvtrlum ruinff 1 V ta 11, wila nor aiadiran iraina for Aaaart eaa Smaltinc aad (jrara Caoanaa Capp. War aaana anal aiUad kaoaa, aa wM aa Cop para arara 1 ta Z aointa hianr at timea, biX raaadd In th flaa! aoar, when Union Pnctftc t'aitod Butaa Hvw4 and thr poUntial laaira war at thalr lowaat (aa atarkat akMin wita a waak andrrtofh. Narrow chanraa mrkad' Om dar'v aoailnai dealiriKa in forourn airkanv. but Uiv arain Cavorad th Caraiaa marart. Marks aJvane fnaT a frartion, wvatn franra aa well aa atr lincr wer inclinod to bhadr. Honda wrr irtwajviar ta beavr Total aalca, par vulaa, I2.t.0o. V. S. biMvda unrhanircd on rail. ; NEW TURK STOCK LIST. Sale, in Uundr.i.. Huh Allia-Chnlnara . ... II 2i CliM 20 7' !.', 6t 62' 47 4 ' 1 M !' lo; s Amer. Urrl bultar.... B a A urr Can II Anier.can C. and I Amar. Cotton UU Arajr. lco Amer. Sm.ltlnc . . St.aur . . II I . hi 178 1': . 1- 12.', 1 19 ! .171 M', 4 Itri 102 lis fW Mi', 11 !'.'.'', 4 llio'j 1'. . 21 :.2' :.i , M 61 H . C t4 !.', . I 17N, 1 . I I32S l-'-'s .U Hi" 'a ''V 4.1 ir.' , Si' 1 8 lt3'v Ik-S , I) 40 V 1 101 llll 1 16, 4 24 2.1 I 7S, 7i, . 1 2 4 I j 1 24 240 1 1 0 ' j I ll 4 4U7 101 9V, tl e 2K 1051, I0J 16 S9 57 , 21 12a 122S 2 1 1 1 1 1 , 27 64 S.5, IM a I 4S ti'a Amrr. Tulmrro ArAronila Copper At.-hii'n . A I Bajdwin liro. . . . Mntto i nd Ohio B.-tl,:.,i.ra .S.eel Brooklyn R. T. Cfin;uliHn I'acide Onlral laUior Ciiena. and Ohio . C . M. and St. 1'. 4 Ml "4'k 16..S 40 i-S is."4 K4 ' 1S2- 1IK1, s mi i 2S ." 240 1 4 Jk 6.5 1J 675 1224 III 6S44 4J 46 'J C . K. I. and P. K. Con Ga Continental Can Crucible Htael Erie fniAeral Klertrtr a. Northern M Illinois Central . Inter Con. Corp Kas. Citv Southern I.ehiKh Valley Ivuis. and Nash . . . l.lKl'ctt t Myers Lorilliird Co . . M . K and T pfd MiS9ouri racifie Mex. Petmleura . . Nations! I.esd . . N Y Central N. Y.. N H and H Nor and Western Northern 1'aeiAc . . Pennsylvania Reading Rep. I and S S. A. L. S A L pfd. Sloss Sbef. S and 1 Stwiwhaker Cor. Southern Pacific Southern Railway Southern Hy . p'd Tenneasaa Copper . . Texas. Co. Teaaa and Pacific llaioa Parltte U. S. Rubber . . U. S. Steal ( S Steel pfd. 15 61 126 201, os4 l.l 9 'a 61 124', 94 20', 60', 44a llt-2 121. J, 20 y (, 44 1X5 'w 14 IU U1S lilt. 25 1X0 I 4 11 bt 62 M 14 IS ii...i 41 I, 91 1151 7J 40 1165. 7 40 60 2S ! Hah Copper Va.Taro. Chem Va. 1 . C. and C Waaaah pfd "B" etfi Wearem Ihlion 90, 6S Waatiaalhouaa Elec 67 54 S Total sales for the day 606.604) shares. DAILY COTTON TABLE. Part Mevesaasit. K Orleans: Middling. 1121 receipta. 4. 044 . sales. 4.120 : stock, 9t.44 Galeeaten: Middling. II 7; receipta. 1.772 ; export, 1.614; folea. 621: stork. 256 116. Mobile Middling. 12.11. receipts. 5 ; sale. 226: stock 27.567 Baraanah: Middling. 12.26. receipts. 1.. 327: aalas. 2.191; stock. 142.2M Charleston: Middling. 12 00. receipta. 1. 00 ; eale. 6M : atoah, I7.29K Wilmington. IIS: receipt. 751, stock. . 914. Norfolk: Middling. 12 11. receipta, WO . sale. 1,890; stock, 94. 117. Baltimore: Stork. S.3U0 Boaton : Middling. I! 60 ; receipts. Ml . ex ports. XOO , stock. ".loO Philadelphia: Middling. 12 90; stock. 2 v'.l Near aautk; . Middling. 125. eiports. 1.. 940. sales. I.llpv ; stock. 2V..IR Minor ports: ExpurU. 4.50-.I. stock. 7.119 Total today: Receipts, 12.904 . cu".rt. lu. 661 ; etork, Interiar Maveaseat. Houaton: Middling. 12 70; receipt. 1.6"! . iipmenls, 1,922: sales, 1,246. stock. 93.170 Memphis: Middling. 12.17: receipts. 1.647; shipments. 1,906: sales. 2.004) ; stork. 162. 69 A use us ta Middling. 12 11: receipt. 4'j7. shipments. 1.617. sales. 699: stock. 113.627. St. Ixiuis: Middling, It1-,; receipta. 1.204. shipments. 1.S96 : stork. 19.406. Cincinnati: Receipts, 9M ; shipments. 240. stock. 14.531. Little Rock: Middling. 12.60; receipts. 115 ; shipments. 61: aalea. 4l : etck. ."!; Total today : Receipts. 6.90 . .hipmenta. 10.060 : stork. 434.222 NORFOLK PEANUT MARKET. (Reported by Holmes and Dawson I Tone quiet. Kxtra large fancy (r3'c. No. I grade I'.jftime. No. 2 grade IS?3V. No. 1 grade 1. helling, SpanuH 1003tl.02V NEW TORK DRY GOODS. New York, May 4 - Cotton oods wre more quiet, but Arm today Sheeexnaa aad print clothe were held bark throuerh the refuaal of euttwra to lake in cloths wail the .trtkca are on user. SHARP SETBACK ,T Peuimistie ForecaaU of Newt From Berlin Responsible For Break ra tna Chtraaa, 111., afar rVeelmbUc forecasts at" tna rply of Bertla la Wisalaajtin led to a ahar setback today at th waiaa af waaat, aad aa too did ism that etviliauu war asavtng Metx. Th aaaaaat il nl hanvy t4 kit ad Iowa, with May at 1144 and July at 114ill4V Cara aaat St to lWe. aad aas l4 to t. la aroviaioBa th out- ail waa aa advaaaa ol tSktw I 17o. (train aad avwvanaaa asaaad t wntAl - May July CORN ....- July . OATS - May July PORK - July Septi ashes . LARD - July September . .itl4 iw . 74i, ..745, . 4 . 41 . .23 70 . .23.40 . . 1 02 . IS 10 UBS Jury Septenthar 12.92 Caah: Wheat, No. 2 red. UKiM19. N. I red. 112tlle. No. t hard. 11441114; No S hard. 1141114. Corn, No 2 yelWrw, 77i(a7; No. 4 yellow. 741,43 76. No. 4 white. 74'- 75 Pt-TERSBl RC PEANUT MARKET. (ReporTel by Kodfcrers, a Co.. Inc.) SPANISH FARMERS STOCK. K.rst uuality, 11.00 per bushel. Market Inn FARMERS 8TOCK- Fa".cy JuriIw, 4c tier Ih. Fancy hxndpicVed. 8c per lb, lAtra frtme. I Vt per lb. 1' . t' - er Ih Shellinc Hock. 2 So to lo per lb. C.VMi'BELLITE MINISTERS CLOSE A.VNLAL MEETING. ("tribal to The N,'w nt rtisr""r Wilson. May 4. Miiiit!crn' Amd cintion of th ( 'nmpKellito rhtirrh of N in ' h artl i na, wh it h has hern, i n ncn h.on at the Atli.ntir I'liriMtKin '..lU'gc fnr the hM llir.-o ilayg rliwil tuilay at n-tt.u. AUtut thirty min i"t rr frtnn (Uf ffrent arrtton (if tht Stnto wpro in nt ten i J., in-,. Tht association niet't s next i ar m i rrcn ille. The following wore rlortcil of tier rs for the i-nmiuig year: Rv. T. W. How ard, of Kinfutou, preHidrnt : Htv. J. J Whlkfr, of ir tn ill.-, icv prt-siiU'nt ; Hv . .'. (". Ware, of Wilmwi. r.-tary. tt'taolution wpre rai pxiirtHHiny; ro lEfi-t that lr. J. fal-lurll tin; (i-'emp-l it ii to ri-iiiKU from t.. prcwitli in-v of Atlantic rriMian t'olleift1, ani apprcria tion of his wrvireg whilo at thr lu-nil of thi- iiitrtitution. Also resolutions, wer. pasi roninunilins; Dr. KaymoiK, 0 Hmitli. the nrwly elected prespjent of KaritaJ at A. C. Cwllraw. Wilson, May1 4. Iatat evening the pn- nla of the mimic department of A. C collrfra gar their rmi annual recital iu the rollrge rhapel. Each oua on the program tleaervea gperial mentioning had especially Mlaa Kliza Uouae who, with her voice fillcl with Du'loiiy gang, Wilhia the (iarrlen of My Heart," and alao air. Carl Hinnant who no wonder fully rhartnel the whole audience with liu geniua aa a violinist. Mr. t'A Htall ing hi. I charge if the violin depart ment and Mr. A. K. Muilberger had rliayfc of the departinenta uf piano and vuiee. Operates Passenger Trains Cross Nsartti Oars. tina ttato TwvumI rUsttsa. Norf.llv, With nt Tr anal sr. S.hedure in rtTsvt Octtbr 17. 1916. TRAINS LEAVE AIKIH: Ns. ? rH) a sa. Datl ucepi Husxiay for New Bern vta Cbotrowtnlty. No, I a. m. Dstlly for Wlfeon. Orts. ville. Waalilntrttufi and Norfolk. Nx 7 :0 a m. Dailj for VsHna. L0- hrttrton snd Kayettrill. No. 31 7:20 a. tu Dall for Ckarlotts No. 1 - Z : p- m. Dsily except Sunvlay for Wiltton and Wahinhrton. No. So 5 p. m. Daily except Sunday for Vinnt, I.tllincton and KayetWville- Nn. 4 :M p m. Daily for Norfolk, car ry 1111 PnUmnn Slen,ng Car. TKAINfl AKB1VK HA LEIGH : No S 7 :u: a. m. Iailjr from Norfoik, ear rytns; I'yllnun Slwp Car. Nov I? 10 !0 a. m. Iaily exrept Sunday from Fayettrville. No 17 11 h a. m. Dally except Sunday frutn M avahiiaTtnTi. No 80 1 i2Q p. m. Dally from Charlotte No. J14 -4 : 9 tu. Daily from Fayet tevtlla. No I 9 10 p m Daily from Nrfolk. Pathnan alejepnal catrv opcrateH on trains Nos. S and 4 between Raletirh and Norfolk. For Information eall at City Ttrkct Offlca, West Martin Strert, or 'phone Ti. J F MITCHKLle. T. P A., B W. BRANNON. C T A.. RaWiffh. N. C. H 3. LEARD. G P. A. Norfolk. Va. i in i m w sff prompt relief awjjant axewnveniene. c CATARRH AHdrugirista. BLAPPER he contraband of war. riWH MARKET mmm V wrvws I JOUTHEJtiN RAILWAY If. Ill sat a. a, i ataaayawtf Cag an for i tor all nasi and aaatai alaa AaasrvUaa. a. I aafia. d Clnslaaati M. Ill la a. far Oiliaihiaa. laaiinlan nt " ' and Oa Ids lie arlta A. a U fwr Narta and asstk, alt at Oolnxts writ MarMk aoataara km Maar Ho. It 4i4l a. av Thmsrh a.h aw . . ... . nr.... m i .. Aalnsliii assw nssflwa ralnaaa par bar aa Oeldaaee. U Ashevllla, cotineeti u ll nail in t Pxe North and Saath at ...rTJii! Itth OaroHna Boaewl few r-i-T ? Caallag HHi l""whli. and .R aadM, wws ga. 144-4i a. a. far flaldabira. asaaws Zsttsea at t-hna with A a U swTTr point Nerta Mat Bcwt t ataa at Oohtaaar for Will. New em. and burarra Mdata 14. law a. w, foe Greanibuia. Bandies frws thalr ear f-J. c?- eoanarthnt w " 1 Ittrmmghasn, aaataaa wivs wr asninsrwn, Ham Zan, Philadelphia, New York and tUaHlm ljKarta-ra p-i. i i-iU Utro.hSS Paniaan aai far New OHaairs .nd SaaTraa ia tawarl aWai ahv. n Oaluki. 4W . tt Tilt P. ax, for Coldsboro. Maker naecMaw at Osliaa and OaMsboro with A. n 1 rcr nana www wiaaaot WU2 Norfolk no -i them far New Bern. o r TflRlt. rswiiua r-asener AHH Ot Tayetsevlfi. St. Rxtelgh. H o SEABOARD Air Line Rulway THE PROC.KKSlVt RAILWAY OP THE SOUTH. Train leave Raleigh aa follow: N. 2. 11:49 p. m. Thruioh Pullmans for Ki hmond. W asbiugton and Nt-w York. No. . 4:68 a. m. Thn.i.;'i Pullmans for Richmond, Waahingtun. i'mUdclphia and New York No. 7. 11 .?0 P. m - Thrmiel. I'ullm.n. f. Columbia, Savnnnah, J a-k.on villa and Key it- . No 1 1:20 a. m. Ttin.ugh Pullman for Savannah. Jacksonville ntid Tsmpa. Florida. Itirmlngnam and Memphu S!?,cra bandied frxfi Hamlet on No. 0 No. 81. 1:46 a. m Thr.iueh train for Charlotte and Ruther(,m N C N.. 12, 11;62 a. m Thr..,inh train for Norfolk. Portsmouth : stso tliru.n:h parlor car making boat "onnertlons No. 4. 12:21 i. m. Through Pullmans for Rithiuond. WaKhlrorton, New Vnrx and the Fji. No. 11, 4:11 p. ra - Throuvh train for At lanta. Hirmingham, 8M lh and N.nithwest Nn 20 ,4:52 p. m. I., al ' r We'.lon and Intcrmcliate stations. t.i!, pu.'i't Sunday. No. 3, 5:46 p. m. fr Ja. kson ville and Atlanta, msking connections for Florida point ; Atlanta sleeier handled on No. 1 1 from Hamlet. Thnugh train carry all steel electrically lighted equipment, with steel diners . mesls a la rarte Fre reclining I nil steel) chair cars on train 1. 4, 7 and between Wash tnrtnn, D C , arid Jackeonville For tirkete, Pullman reservsticma and In formation, call at No. 4 Wast Martin street, or ask any Seaboard arent. C. B. RYAN. G. P. A.. N erf. Ik Va. JOHN T. WE8T. 0. T. A- sleigh. N. C. Raaarta ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. A Tt Mm Y is rri papsnor K)uiiiori with an urefsmidsd vievor betach id sr. aniboxiRhmlK. Areeoonized sttirvt34Uti of catylJeace . i Chsx(r6oa irAHixj. Bi'zsy. BRAY BROTHERS STOCKS BONDS ill WE OFFER 10 ta 15 inures Hnaford Cotton Millx, 1 Hniiford, N. C. 5 xlifires I'e.ijilei National Riink, Winttnn Saletti, !,V P. WANTED We want North I aroliiui foura, or any other gtMol Imhi-Im Price and Information On Appllrallan Write I' a Line WE Bl'Y WHOI F. laSI ES OF BONDS. WRITE IS WHAT YOU HAVE FOR HALE. The Union Central Life Insurance Company Lower Net Cost for Policies Means the Same Insurance for Less Money Cm Use Half Dozen A-l Agents) See CAREY J. HUNTER & BRO. State Agenti, Raleigh, N. C. School " RALEIGH. N. 0. Founded In 1842 by Rev. Aldert Smedes, D.D. SwwVfttT'fiftk fin Sptmlv.r 21, 1916 May 12, 1915 is the 74th anniversary of the opeoinjr of St. Mary's. For Catalogue and Illus trated Folders, Address REV. GEORGE W. LAY, Rector ENGRAVED Wadding Invitation! and Vlaiting Card aim oat ai CUKA? aj Printing. Writ oa. The Bell Book & Stationery Company BJCHMOND. VsV Msdling Lists CARROLL ADVERTISING & LETTER WRITING CO. E. K. L'AHKOI.U - - - U&naa-er U10 Fayellerille BL KaUigh. N. a Tlowcrs FOR ALL OCCASIONS Oreludg, Valleyg, Violets. Roaea nnd Carnations our specialties. Ask for quotations ou wedding flower. J. L. O'QUINN A CO. Raleigh, N. C Phow. 141 Our Huslnens It Orowtnf. Wanted Township, School District, City and County BONDS with TACT & HAU Msw Ysrx Tataa. H. A. ENSIGN. SALIISN. H. 0. p. o. oaawis. rw. T Caaat Coaaaalaaloaara, City Of. flciala, Dtt kera, laatltaltont. Cor. psratlona and Prlrat Iavlrl W bay Towuhlp, Hrhool District. City and Coaalj Bonds April 1st we and our asnoriatei loan ed the Great State of South Carolina Tour Million Heven Hundred and Thirty Are Thntisaml Dollars (, 735,1)00.00) at Four Ver Cent Interest. Owing to onr elos connection with ha principal finunriul market, we are In a position to pay the nigh Dollar for Your Honda. Vie the Wires st Our Expense. wm H. A. T.SHK.H STACY BRAI N r oLd-wm n. Hsw Ysrt TstssVs Lsa Ol.tasss Tassshsas 4 Another Large Fire When tfce emergency call peals forth in the. still hours of the night, do you ever stop to think that it might be your buiklingyoar office; or your store Of coarse you do! Are all of your TsJuahle papers safe your dascJa, contracts, msurance policies, etc.? If not, tvet'now before it's too late. Rent a Safe DejoU Box at this bank. tnd se cure perfect protection for leas than a cent a i day. The Citizens 50 YEARS CiTAa E JOrTNSON. W. N. JONES, Vlea. Prsxsideat, Tle Raleigh Banking and Trust Co. SEPTEMBER 5, 1915 , Marks the Scmi-Centennial of Successful Dank ing Befit. B, 1S4VS to Bv,it. 5. 1H5, Ralelfrh National Rank. Kept. S, 1HK5 to Bept. S, ltf. National Bank of Raleigh. ' rwpt 5. llMJfi ,o rkpt a. 1U1S. Kolcigh Banking and Troat O. ISO YEARS CTTAS E JOTIN8T0N W. N. JONKS JAMEri A HBIGG3 T. B. CBOWDEB y. o. mouino CABY K. DUBf'ET Directors Every Cent You Spend Foolishly Is Banked By Some One Why Not Bank It Yourself? It Is Your Money Save It I Start An Account With Us We Will Help You Save MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK The Best Service Prompt Courteous Accurate Efficient THE PARKER-HUNTER REALTY CO. Insurance and Real Estate COOPERS OF RALEIGH, N. C. INSURANCE All McKIMMON Copyright. 1 C US. t,y IT V Ki-hcr Mark B.-g. I'. IS 1'at. off ; National Bank a S. B. TIUBKOIeAKr", Aaat, CjuhhM. r. u. Biuutia, CMhiaf. AIJTHED WILLIAMS W. A. UNEHAN J. B. CHAMBEULAIN C. W. HOBNE H K. NOBB18 JOHN W. UAH DEN Kinds AND McKEE Bv BUD FISHER

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