0 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 5, 1916. Society ANDUOMS Swwt sbton eat tfcw ft4W W G4. lint ii win ttwirt U Mft vrMB a. Mv, Hint, WK pimm fctit pm-kt. Yea Hit fmmt hm m -Of fflory lib twaner hot. AtnM Um world t sprirtc wrolled. TtM (ammoiiMt of alt I he bKNtm ITiurraccfttl and with no prfuma Hot. an I how oyoiM m your rhi RfcauM ymi brine th idmaii claar Of pHnrtim bmthins ts.rt.wrti th rlod - Dttr UdM of Xhm auni tirt ! So. art Um ewmon live nf itri. WcWmmmJ try mil thr wuM Bmw throuirh all th!r parpu slows Tfcw promM of th rarer rM. Thw fairrr and to toiWir bund Over th morning of the land Dtpi4-d by many. ' I' to - Dar i.tm of irni'luity How lttutlful and lrte u ar ,r th frwn field, hk many a fltauf &A In the hfn nf ibe y, To catch the ail-lrh.iIdiiB ay ! Baltimore Sun. - Amoiijj th- Wilson people who ar rived venter. litv to attend thr Music Fes tival were Mr mill Mm. W I. Aitder hob. Mrs II I" Wntsou, Mrs IV U Woo J iird. Mrs. Floyd Davis und daughter, ktise irginia. Mm. H (I. Whitehead, Mm J. A. Kpiem. and Mr K W. Anderson. - Mrt. Henry A London rrtnriied yes terday afternoon to her lioiiie at 1'itt. lro after visiting in thr rity MissHarah Feiiurr nrrived here yes terdny from rveliiiu to attend the Musu festival. - Mrs N. J Koine, of Kinstnn. is in the city to attend 111 Festival. While here she i the (iirat of Miss Mesaie House. - Little Miss Kathenne Morris ar rived yesterday fiom Hea.lerson to at tend tii Festival. - Mim t.lsdys Oliver, of Belma. I in Ihe rity to nttend t lie Festival Hhe i the guest of her brother, lr A H Oh er Mian Ali.e Newronih annul vealer day from Kinslon to spend aevrrnl day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W Kowromh. mid attend the Festival. Miss Klisabeth Ryoum. of Han Fran rim. Cal .who ia the gucet of her aunt Mru. M. A Jeskiaa, returaed yenterdaj ftraoB from a akort viait to Hmith eld. Uaa Vlrfiaia Kyuer. of Rocky Mount, arrived iu the rltj yeaterday Mm ia tie curat of Mrt Chaxlea Lee Smith - Mm W P T'ollnrk and Miaa fiarah 1'oUurk, of Kinatoa, ara the guenta of lira Aleiand.r Wel.h - Miaa Olivia) ('wer. of Charleatoa 6. C, ia viaitinf Mra. H H. Baaey. Mra. A. W. UU1. of Roeky Mount, ar rived ia the rity ytwtorday aftarnooa to viait Mra. 0 K. Hrownr. Mra J B. Taylor, of Hoaaoke, Va . ia viaitiag M aiatrr, Mra. J. M Hark, ob North Bloaat atreet Mra. K. (). Potter, of NorMk, who la apeadiag aevaral montha at Kafl Roek, was tn Raleigh yesterday, apead ing rtie day with her aiatrr. Mm. J Haater Iwreaaa. Mra. J. J. Whitehead, of Tonkera. N. aad Mra. A. H. Novell, of Uroeaa boro, ara am oa a viait lo their father, Col Joka Mrkola. at Mra. F A Wataoa'a. Tkla la tka flrvt tint ia aeveral yeri Coloaol Nlrhola baa had all hia rhildren with him. - Miaa Beulak Foater, af Barllagtoa. arrived in the rity yeaterday to attend a V PIN MOM PICKLES Aj pure at ther are good They add aew and rare flavor to your menu. For yean you have en joyed them at famout Cataag placet. Serve them oa your own table. Your grorer can supply you. riTTSBORO SCHOOL HAS FINE CLOSING 12. I upply you. J I UaWOtlD.Ta. A LETTER from JULIAN ELTINGE America's Foretnoal Improo. ator of Beautiful Women t Attar having naad a aoanbar of Hale Kaaaovara for ay anna and ai aiaoo u ma beat ikina I awva triad. It ahouid ba a tmt nala to woaaaaklbd." KaaV h a Hnltnry ttnatd that riv hair araetiealljr by waahlna it aft fcaatiy ap a4iad with absorbent entum or awtalt apaeiaa. AaaahruV BmrvikMa: aa aUaai aabt. aaor. Maaar hark rwrailM la M aa4 II. at) I1M at all fcviief rouatcra. If you prefer, we will rtattr lilt ror araar hr nail dtract. ta alaaa wraavwr, 11 yoa wilt writ taclntBt ataaana r eola IMarna Mfg. Co.. 1 Eaa tk Street. New York El Rado u mU4 and wrnaiBiawad br Gallowar Drug Cm., Cirela rtmrmmct. wan Onaj Ca.- Adv Kina-Crwwatl For the afternoon This smart Tump with its trim toe and high cut throat will give just that desired air to your street costume. It is the latest fashion, one of Gockerjkoes lor women We have it in white or fray glace kid and will be most particular to see that you are perfectly fitted. ' The attractive line of Crocker's Shoes which we are showing will fill your need for aa occasion. the Mn aw Festival, and wlnli- line Bill lie the nu. t of Mim Mam In- .Mo. kard Mra t) It. I,ahlry 1 Hi. Imiond. Va . Hhti ha Kei-u rtitink- Mrs. Julia K. Joti-a. L'lxl Wmt laiue atrtn-t, left f. rilny mortuiiM' to isit her parMitu at Hon ii. .-. 8 C Mr K V MHrtin and Mii Funnia Armlield, of lirofnilii.ro, are visiting Mm J I. Seawell here Miaa I'uttie S. liun. ll of Aydva. ar riied in the rity hint night tn attend the fratival on. I while here- will he tho gui'Ht of Mr nn.l Mra (leorge J. llowell. .lr , in i i leu wuo.l. St. I.akc'a Circle. Ht I like-. ( iri ! will meet thi after noon at 4 oVW k at Ht Luke 'a Hunt. e Mra. Tkoana Sadkry Here. Mra. Thomas Hud ley and her daughter. Mra Caroline Hud ley, of Ualtiiaore, are ia Raleigh tat a fortnight, ruening hare from Tryon Home of th,-ir ajireatora. th Poolea, Kwena. aad 1'le.lgem lived ia iiorthematrra North Carolina ia Cole aial and Revolutionary tinaea. la Tyr rell, aamoag othar cauatica, hlra Hndkry lead Uaa North Carolina Hail of Hia tory a beautifully eat aeal with tha arm of tha 'ooU faintly, and alaaj a aigaet Thrae have bee a putted in a eaae at the north end of the enatera ball. Bear the portrait of the Marquis raf Hertford, to whom it ia said the I'oola family wan re luted. la Hwaor af Mra. X. V. JaeM. At the luachevn glvea by the I' hi ted Daughtera of the Coafederaey te tha Cnaveatloa of the Federation of Woaa mii Club at High Point Mra. Liagle, the prealdet, was very romjillraratary to Mra. Z. V. Judd. noar of Anbura, Ala., who was prraeat aad who during her reaidenea ia this HtaUt toe, surh a prominent and active part ia tha cluh work. Mrs. Lingle made a beautiful speeeh about tka npleadid work done by Mra. Judd Aa a eewipliaaeat to Mra. Judd a vena of The Old Narth Htata" waa aung a a Dinner Ta Vetera aa. The laities of the Memorial Aaaoeia tion und Ituiifrhti rH of the Confederacy propose to give the tmual annual dm ner to the reterana vf tha Holdiera' Horae, nlao the veteraaa of Wake county aud Kaleigh on the 10th of huv. at noou. on the lavan of tha 8ohiiere' Home. The lU.-m of Kaleith are re iieNteff to aaaist in givitia: thia dituier. The Indies will 1h glad to reerve liuma, bread, piea, cake, pieklea, lemons, oigar, lee, eoffee and fruit It i re quested that the luun l a4'Bt uaruoked to CnpteJu I.inelierry at the Home n1 IiiIit than HaUirday. The otjer artlel-a of fool must I sent oa Wednesday 10th, not later than V u'rlork. e a e RawlOggetL Brotland Ntvk. May 4. Mra Margaret Hodgea feggrtt, announrea the Diarruge of her daughter, rat, to Mr. Heary J. Karl Tu. lav May Zd. lill. At horns, Proaperily, Houtli i.'aroliaa. a a (reed wwre-i ax. Htatesvtllr. May 4. -Miss Martha Fo sad Mr L. M. t rerdutore, of this rounty. were married ia Philadelphia Monday, according to infuraafciion received here yesterday. Miaa Foi, who ia a daughter of A. Ia Foi, haa bee a naming ia a Itiitadelphi hospital foe aome time Mr CmedaaOre, a Uxml lumberaiaa, waoad her licfore slie went away, and when he len for I'hiiadrlpnia a few days ago he atated that ha eaparta to bring home a brvde. The emiplw will vntt in New Jersey before retarning to fc-etiell They will live at the bona Ot the groom in Olia township. eaa Levwiaae-Taywne Marriagre. Hooker ton, May 4. Ob Tuewday eve lag at tha' Mrthoxliat church. Mr. N F. Loveave led Miss Jalia Berry Taylor to tka Hynenaal altar la ana of the moat briUhaat marriage areata ever aol- enuiaaal in Hookevtam. Tha ehwreh waa lieaatifolry deeoratsMt with Batire vines. potted plants and cut flowers an.1 illu mined by tha soft grow of myriad eaa dlea. Duriauj tka anut before the cere moay the choir composed of VTAaa Beulak Latata. aasenae, ViaaM Ethai DaRaat aad Fannie Brow dwarda, altoa, Meaara. N F. I'alirier and Harry Tay lor. baasoa; aad Mrsars. C T. Iliaes and Hardy Vasts, tenara. aang the Bridal Chores frnaa "Tka Roaw Maid" following which Miaa Lenti aang "The riweeteet Hrsry Ever TeW ." The piaaiat. Miaa' Ueiea Palmer, modulated into tke strains of Meadernar.kB'1 Wadding Marek aad the bridal party enserwd ia the following order : Tha ribbon girls, little Xf users rraaria LarveUr asT Crnap. aad Fraaeia bail a Heekerfaa; Miss Uunire Jonen, of lwrhm- itftlr Will Crehh, of Ptaetap; Uiaa Nina May Bugg, of Hookrrtea. aad Mr. F. klagette ; Mhwi Winnie Harper, of Rant Hill, aad Mr. W. W. fcnglea, of Criap. Then came tks aiatd of honor, Ulna Oertrade Jonea. of Kiaataa. Frneediag tha groom aad kia best man. Mr. Kd. ajswaMe, little Rol aad Matlock carried the ring ia a basket af owwra. Tke little flewrr girl, ha rah Tajrlor, came Beat aratteriag iweet peas ia tka pathway of tha bride who ea tered oa the arm of her brother ia law, Mr. B. t. Matleek. af Heohertaw. Daring tha isnsiaay whick waa per fanaed very Impressive hr by Rev. J. W. Bradley, rVhuUrt rVrrenale waa aoftly rragrasB af Ctewt Inters et Randal id And Attorney teneral UerSstt Makes hart Heat Ad areas. r-itlarwro. May 4- The eumaBeoca airat raertisrs of the l'ittsluro high srsoui iiuc to a t iwae lueatlay aigat They 1 .n iii.i..y night, April -1 nitk the gr;i.i 9 it r. ti-ier. -l ttic n.'itl in ter, si tuf itn.t . r. -l-.tal.le prngraui t ier giM'U ! the Itt'le l..lta hi re. 1 bi- ucit jr..giaui aaa rtn.i'.'t-d lou oay nignt. May I. wtin-h toiiaiett-t ot rvcitatiui. i ii. i .1. . iatu-it ans bv live fir la Aline I: room. Kjtaerine rtrewer, tvalli r.oe l..i i,k .l.ia l.nell ami Jwiut aoOJijt.b. ttiol Uu' tH.ys, Wilbur l.utttrftth, tayiu..nd Knight, Kitlph J.'ln.m... . ...e.e. uiu ul e ilw.a limns. Katht-ruAt.' I.LiUnii waa awar.lrd tbe in. r... i-.. .... .-. l.Vi.jt.t.n anl It.iV .i ... l h rut i...i uAttT.it-l tl.e .i.tla ii. . lil. 1 : - i..y aihl the anuuiit n-l. treat ..:.v .V ll..r ! HoB. T. W. ltlckett of h.' w!iu ens iBjruloeC'l t Maj II a I o. i, ,ti Hi. k.-tt arr.-et .-1 I... u lntre i I..... I. At he k.. (fiin i...;ik.it ti -r. ..in., ii.ar l.eing a paou! .au-r I It.. . . l..-.i..n of a lamp ia a sni.i i I n ..: i ii 1 1 1 ri ;in tl..- au'liturium. ee?tii. tl.e tl mil si-rn- rera on Are I. .t t. r ir lli.-krll n u-wuranres thst there :. t... .i.iij;.-i an. for set erul r.e.l htu.-t'l ' u wl " .in. kly ei tinguiah. d the flnmeii. , ' i . t . a wsic would ha. e en'oeti. O'l.. t wa-. r.-t..r.l in n :. i-i Biinolf a, aatl Mr. Biekett pro . .'(.- I with is apeerk. anyiag first, "It enn t ..thing, ju-rt ottaefhing tlropped eanee.l . a joke 1 I..I.I. aa.l a.l ietl thiui.n .lob t uauiill.i g.-t hot whet I'm sh taking, until l ie ef-ok.-n at-t.iit an ho-i.- an. I a lelf" He theu .leliglite.1 his a'ldlecr.- with on.' of the f)le-l "1 ee. h. -i iter delivered in 1'itti.lN. rt. At the eloae of Mr Hiek tti aj.eeeh the ariiola'el.i. netlal waa presenteti to Miej l.lirt Irf.ii ii.ii Aadereon with a few apprtipi-iare w.ii.l l.y Mr R. II Hayes. Tiie f o 1 1. w t ii g hih arh.M.l graduates received .lipl-.te'--. pr -ientr.1 hr the prin cipal. Prof. K. K. Franklin: Lu y Ijou Ion An lrreon. katheriu l.uhanka, Mary Bh ad. Henry Clegg, .k Harmoa an.l Carl Nral. The report of tke year's work was gratifyiag to the patroas. All tks Birmhtrrs of the farnsty have been rt elected. Tuesday af'eraooa a game of ball was played on the Pittelwro grounds by i'ittahorn an. I Itonlee. the arors li-riag II ta - n la .or of lien lee. he will d-ouUleaa be able to Uave Bt. Lathes haatpttal. where he is receiving treatment, ia a week or so. OPERA FAUST GIVEN BY PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Chapel Hill, May 4 - A phonograph concert r the opera Faust use given at tba univeiaity Tuesday evening. Twen re- of the most fim-.m "f H" Faust iecea were heard witli mti'l. int-r.-st and enyoyiuent bv a !:':' now. I f etu dents aad members of tbe fio iilty. Mr ' H. H Thoratoa. of the f.ngliih itepart inent. gave interest-ii.ji i;n-l ms rti.-t iv. iBterprrtatioas sad t-vpl-ieations of the! roust story and of t! .. .lev lr,,.neiit ut the pM with rack "i Tbe phono i nrraph waa operated bv l'r. K A. Har rinjton, prolt'saur of j . si. i 'Ihe in- ; or.la or the ocenaion ..ere f -irill-dieil j l.v Mrs. C- If. Tt. rt.i :.i. I W It M. Vi l.-r. of the faeulty an I ;. I'm In m M.isie .-ouipiliiy. Bailey Elects T..n (ifti.em. n-ii... VJ . 1 . t... l...n ".f-lt.j, hut . .VI ..' ..... held ia Hail. y yester.l . . th f... lowing per-4.ns weru elei te.t to - r t b.- toe it aa tislieers for the en-uni,: v t r ; Messrs. J. r. Curbett. .1 I Ii otr. tn,. I H. H. Hinartt for eoiiunissi...i. an-l Mr. J. H. Fulghum for mat o W.- predict for thean a sueecaaful v. .r m their aduiin iatrattoa of the city's alla.rs. HOY TO GET STRONG Mr. Hirst Isnpewviag. Netv Hern. May 4 --Coaaty Tr. It li Hurst, who was badly hurt In aa automobile accMleat last Haaday, - eaa tinaea to improve steadily aad, aaleea aome u act peeled complu-atioa ecjrars, A Simple Remedy. Whatever the m i- , we want t say to every person m... nee. Is atr.-nirtb. von aeed Viiiol, oui delirious cml liver and iron tonir witboiit oil. as it is the most efficient strength creator ive have iu our atore Here is proof from llorr bestir, Mass.: "I tloa't kiinw mhst vve would do without Vinul ia our l.iuilv. I was weuk. nervous and run fl nwi as the result of aa operation, uiol mo) re storetl my strength. Then (.riinduiotli rr had a aervous breaktloa n. and Jnol built her up aad restore-.! her health mid t re ii Klb after everything rise had failed. We liuve used Vinul for 13 vears in our fatnilv. un.l inoibl not be without it in the b oise ' Myrtle I Ilealy, Dorchester. Mv We believe ia Viaol tic-cause wa kaow it ia a great atrengtli . renter, due to the extractive meili.-iun I el.-rnenta of fresh cod livere. without oil, eomliined with peptonate of iron and bef pep tone, all dissolved in a pure medietas I wine, ao we always rrturn the ptir.-huse money if inol fails to benefit tbuao who buy it. King t'ro.i. ll IHng Co. 1'. S.- In your home town, wherevrr foa live, there ia a Vmol Drug Mture Los)k for tke sign sdv HI 3 it. naVil i The Aristocrat of Corset -dom THE) whole matter of correct cor seting may be summed up in the choice of the modeL The smart woman of today cihooees her corset even oxm carefully than she chooses her gowns. She koowfe that upon it depends her chic that indefinable bearing of every woman who knows that her appearance is just right You will have the wl-groorned ap pearance of the French woman of fashion In an RUSTLBA0, coassx Pricm $1. to $5. Onna vrrrr; V il . 1 mm t w m -s----a Just Received From Shipper Twenty Sample TAFFETA AND CREPE-DEe-CHINE Dresses Saauylaa, Sanail ataaa, One est a Kind Valaas C Ta R1J Saturday and Monday $11.98 I, ' ,,V tawawAf: in YOllW fluirLOOKI M reel fine rine Tha Soap to ebaaas and purify, tba Ointment to aoothe and heal all aaooy ing akin and acalp troubsaa. Sample Each Free by Mail With SS-p akta Book asr raquaaa. A dress post-card "Cwiiewn, tW- lUi, isvsttwn." Hold throuahoul tha world. Misses Reese S Co. 109 Fayetteville St. Spring FLORISTS Landscape Designers Correspondence Solicited VAN LINDLEY COMPANY Greensboro. N. C. I Meet 1 I M at the 1 ALMO 1 t Today I f CHARLIE 1 CHAPUN A I "HU First 1 I Vacation" VL 1 Paramount VI Presents ml Fannie Ward 4 I "Tantvaataa's j Pardtvar" I I Home of Best Pictures Come in and hear Prof. Marnids play the Set-berg Photo Futyer-It's a uiuAteai treat. Frwaa It a. am. to 11 a. aa. Hudson-Belk Co. In Our Dry Goods Department You Will Find Many Baiains In Summer Dress Goods, all the newest and up-to-date Novelties 38c value Queen Marquesette 25c 75c value Voile Beaux aJSc 35c value Belma Voile 23c 38c value Tissue Nulen 25c 35c value Regimental Cord 23c 50c value Novelty Crepe 25c 60c value Novelty Voile 29 25c value Tissues only 15c 15c value Gowns only 10c 12aC value Gowns only , 9c 25c value Madras only . . , . 19c 25c value Beach Cloth only 15c 25c value Fl axons only 19e If you are looking for that new Parisol we have what you want. All the newest colors and shapes, they are bargains 48c, 75c, 95c, 11.25, $1.48, $1.98, up to $4.98 Nerw Shipment of Silks Just Arrived 36-in. Black Taffeta 36-in. Crepe de Chine . .69c ..75c Hudson-Belk Co 1 3 Stores Sell For Leas c Che-on Tea Best 50c Tea in Anaerica Best Gravnulated Sugar $1.95,-25 lbs. $1.95 C. D. KENNY COMPANY Largeet Dtstrl haters af Sagar, Tea. Cafe. c LOT Today 7AJ c GLADYS HANSON IN The Ha-ec" (V. L. S. E.) Hearst Vitagraph News Pictorial. Saturday BESSIE BARR1SCALE IN "The Last Act" (Triangle Kay-Bee) Chester Coamklin m "Cinders of Lm" (Triangle Keystone) 0 mS See the Special Pictures Snperba Theatre Today In Addition to the Regular Program The Panama Canal The Manuf acUirtXPllhe Mazda Electric Lamp 3D in in V i piayea. Aa np tint sat ia a fa ta hold the nail fur to drive. who la aBTheaa RAXSIGB. X. C I ID