THK NWS AVT OBSFF,rT nDAY MORKLNG, JHAY B. If Id. mM.o.scott -gained 20 pounds ON FOUR BOTTLES . of Well-Known Raleigh Policeman Says: "I Feel . Better Than For Three Year." Didn't Expect Tan lac to be so Wonderful. Mra. W. O. Brett, residiog at 22 Fmitaaeld afreet, wife of the wi-ll known RaJclgHi policemaa, is another IneaJite xrhe ia grateful to Tanliir for lading it "jast the thing" long sought Whca starting ou Tan lac Mra. Scott ireifhed hut 7 pounds. That si as only a short Una ago. Today Mra. Krutt weighs 117 and a ti.i If pounds. rVverat darn ago she told the Timlac Xlwi the folloning atory: "Before I took tn Taalae n.y system was rom pletely rundown Kor a long time had suffered from call iti-uri of th' lirer. indigestion and from chills J mas very iitTOH mi. I m; nppct ite "an, ilrfp hud aimoft left m Thntigh I tried utany. I could find no medicines' t hat would help pie.. "I fruity took to Tanlae Ixviaw 1 read and heard n.,i ii shout it md !orfc iu Kali Igh bin! lehere. I rrnllv never i iH't.4 it t . I..- hi. h a wonder fnl medicine an I f-oi-id it W'l.v. even Li n 1 fiu'shi-M :.iy t:rst hr-M' t -i.T 1 1 ' J frit myself i"ipl K'M,n :i , In such pt.rxl j-Ii-i ..- t-i I f. It . ((it Iting nut a ud udoi t i : mi- s f .r it "Now, sine I i 'i.iii; tin' fnrtli bottle. 1 am in Uf i I.. iMi t! in f..r DURHAM COUNTY I HIKING POLITICS t it n l lift- vnt nr i i , ' ref reO, Ti - -s in r. ( .! : ,liun lrf i uii.i m . pOUIl t '1 h.H- t -? 1 ,1 lac ha. !..). t '.. me, !! th- rr ahou! I i i- T ' i"lriin,j' i I .. vjl! . tm ir- i i I) t 1 1 n. . i T im k.-r Hu;ld uc i n: iti. nit J I v t ! M.l,Ul.r,r., TMfdli- Jiobin- .1: 1 'h , r Ti.-i' i r, i' v J. - I it. Hi I ! - ! I V IJ t .. . I'' m i.f-.J n h, f 1- I nt Trn tt . y - in r nn whv 1 I v ..r.) from - I bvr " ' Mi- Tunl'ir 1 rr'i( : ...r r chII n( tin " T lin-l nvv it ti :tr Al.i ii 1 n ' I t y tho M K ii 1 tn WiKon. I 'I !(( ia u '1 an lac ANSON TO CM KHRATK IUG TWO DAY E KNT A ! U f.'inii!-,.- rom and pig rlnli t liool fuHuwt.) 1 i ..n. tiny community eluh mlly will I nn Aunn roiinty evnt b'M at V.l- ' Fruliiv nixl (Katur1ay. May IT nti I H It m ft fmrti-d t hriiiff out "nr of the larurnt ITftthrrinfi of work r in tht liiw u't anru tt lire and It th eroixtiiu the county has ever ik-ea, From the North Carolina agricultural eiteaaion aerrie there will lr. prevent )lra Jane H. MrKniniKm, Htatt ajtuit n heme demonatrntion ; Mr. T K Itrnwne aifent ia charge of ayrieultural rluKn. Mr. A O. ('ier, 8tate atfeut iu y rhih work Htf iiiuiuf at 10 (V lock Friday morn nf the ranntitK r It.'- h(Krl will hear Ulkt from Mra. J - Ii. lan. Mra A I. euJle. Mra. W I Mra J W lanttron, Mra. P. II Morton, Miu Nan fie t;1H(MMl, MiM Kuth Joiie. Mr- T . Baker. Mrs. Inl i Home. Mm k A Ueafeara au.I Mr A ii Oliver, Mra. J T. WihlaiMB. Mra Jane H Mr KiiuiHou, Mra. FnJ N I-'lake. Mim Nun hie Flake. Mra. 1 tlr !auner. Minn hm I'ihI Tninip, Mrm P It Writf The program fir the eorn an yig rluU takes to Ulk l KoUrt Nortlirut r-a MHo I Kaie1 My Trie Acre f i orn" . "letuan Harriaa on "linu I dr.'w M Corn"; I'lumnier liearhum on -Wljai a I'm Clur. M.-fulnr ( na Vlt-r ; Tu-f an I Jumoi Tier, "How V'e Mjuae Our 'hirkenaM; lleury Ia( Kf il.,w to .,t BiJ of Im e an. I Mttc Thn will 1 fullowed by an al dreu Mr. Browne The rom m unity rluli rally rg iuj on the following mornm; at It) oVl- It m thr bmd eounty 'utt hou H rtii ill iM u.M.le from the following , !ut I'ulktun. Mra. J. N ,...r, Uharf. Mi h JtLa Ki harl-fn ; rt-.-n Nrinj, Mi- Ixte Ihrnaa; Korkv River. Mrs S It I-er. Flint Kidgx , Mia. W T Allen. row a rwk, Mim Irene H n II. , liumt ille, Mra All. n . M. Farlan. li Kmu l'g(H-a; (inftin. Mi- J. T. itit-tn, lt R.-rk. Mm J T Willmmi. Thru will follow"e4 t Mm Jane S M Kirjinion. Mra. T I. i ;ni.lle. Xlr I.. J. Ingram, Mi E. Jon, M,- I..IS. Ktkrr. Mr It J Mihlj' Ir It i Jonta. Si Hie It. um ft. Mr- A I Wa.Uell. Un J H Tiee. Mt t.riKe. Mra I, i Martin. Mm J T ea.11f. Mia Folly M..rt:n. Mra W K I'ojw aa4 Mm J Itorlan. Only One Entry So Far For legislature; Dr. Jamee C. Johnson Dead Nr-w anrl Ohaerrer Bnreau, Firat National Hank HuUding, I hi r ham, May 7. By ft. R. WINTERS. Purliani rounty poli(fel foreea will gather formidable strength tlila week. Huttantial rntriea info the rar for eata in the lower hoqae of the General Aswenihly will eryatallize politiral gua aip into workable rampargn alogann. J. taI F eg ran i. KdpHreeatative from lur hum in the IWITi Hoiiae of Ueprenenta- tiea. ia a eandldnte tot rr elertion. Ilia aupport Uiu progreaaire meaurea aa a Irgialntnr in 1P1 will 1? an effective reeominendation for hia renoinination in te $in tfrkavir. To drtermU? vpm a strung running nmte from murium eounty fa hte fmnirdiate' taak of the U -ajera of the D puriy The formal entry of mi h a randnLTe will hhely he riftted lief ore fhr week end. I. F. Mel Pinion, a young lawyer of eon ail niMe force anl a faithful party aorkfr. is tiring ae orded wile auppnrt and N nrired to nter the rnce. Hi- derifliofi i)l lo known tina week. Cupt F J I ;i rrish, (nine tin me h:ia l"eii favnriiMv identified with the eandidury, i-.'iciv di-elitird to throw lua hut into tin- mitf. t'niiiliilatra for the offVe of county cnii hi i"iu r r'Mitu,ti' I" ni;j!' -iicl tlio ciif-iiH arc not in. i. V IT-.u i-m, fliiMiMiii tin pi at1 nt 1'ojird. Mini Fred H 'I'iionwia. .ill l for re r'.-c tl"ii II I, (;,rnT, II well Konn mer li.tnt f Ii'.hjf fti'.iit !,m ;innt mi-el I. r Mid . ! i. - M !ii r : ti the r:i- " t- r : H. 1' M.ou. . fir' Nli-tli.rd. A. I' arl ton. W I Turrt ntin. Citv pul.t.rnl life nfftr" a e-.nti-t f..r the oft'.'-eat of r.. order and pr. of in at t 'i rin v. Reror dT I 'a til 4 rnh'un. t In irem nt in u rr I i; I . Ii:ih i.ppo in.n tn the ruiidi l'i'- '-f S dii'-v C lunnherrt Frov.-. ui nitf Atti-rii.v .hnii'-t W M !. will lie npito d I V I II (.IfiiUthe. the prrM nt Hiint:int ncoider The fuii'Mri m'ivi'( nvrr the P-tninn'" of Ur Jamei ' JoIhihou, h weilkiinwn 'fiit nf Ihirl.:nii. hn died fit 1 W o'rlor k t h nmni i titf. w ill te In Id in t Ii in r it . Monday nf tt rtioon . nt 'J . 1 1 o . do-k He ll;irrv M. North. pnt..r of th. M-dhndiat ehnrrh.-w ill enndio t tlx- mTVui'd lr J oh 114IHI died in Wat in Monpitnl following an opora tion yeaterday morning for fald utoiiei Ha wan (1 yejit old and a native of lien nn, J.dinloii roimty. He eaine tn PiiiIuioi inn.- t-ar ;i nnd heraine on aoeiatrd i h Ir furl F. Norm in the praetire nf tlentiwtiv, wlurh anaonatloO eoiitinued for three ye.ira. Ir. John Km mi a forritmM leader in the Ihir ham Dental Hoeiety; a iteward in Me uiorial Method int cliun h ; and a mem her of the Maaotiir and Junior fraternal ordera. Hi marriage to Miaa Hn rah Hamnift. of Blnckuville, H. '., oerurred about a year ngo The ! rot hers aur vtviag are t. Floyd Johnaon, of Or rogordo, and P. Johnon. of Four Oftka. Johnaoa eounty. The deceuaed wua aa eatimalde rttiaea. The roneluding revival aervieea in Iurham ehurchea began thia uiorniug when t'arr Methmliat church, Faat Iur htun, in it nit eI a n-nea nf meeting for a peritMl of two weeka. The .regular pator, Kev. ii. H NUirling. ia teiiig aMiatet 1'V Rev. H W Duukle, of ("am broltfe, Md Neighlmrhod prayer meeting preceeded the revival. YOl N(; WILL DIRECT MAJOR'S CAMPAIGN Adjutant General Iaurenee Young will thia weija Ct thinga wi line to ae cure the North Carolina aupport in the Viee Freaidential nomination for Oar ernor Klliott W. Majr. of Mintouri. He wil attend to all arrangement neeea aary to get the randid;t-V name on the regular primary t n kef (invpriior Klliott Major wa a pop u lar iniin in N ort h ( 'arot ina just Te rent !v. w hen it been me known that he. n iin ernor of Mmwmri, wna renpoti ltde lot tiirnniK do" li a gift of am in North Carolina repudiated bond He wan more popular when rut her than Uu it thought tli it he a Aiiddlintt hnn If uMin the i mivi-ntion, he left Injure tin' coin eltt lull nioti-mblet! Mexican Again Crona HortleP in Raid on American SettleinenU, killing Four t aHlinw) frawa Far (Hw.l jo I o t In' re think he ha probably be.-n killed by liuU. Factor) Drwtroyed. Aftir the uttii.-k .11 tb-y Ainerien n tro"p the bandit riohed the win factory of W. at. Ellla aajj dti..4dH btaidea arttlaf fira to Oia fajtory atorei Kllia1 noma wa raaaacMrdl A rroaa inai hunf ia na raonl U tKired to hav aaen ine aouaa l rurv mr i p k uumcu. XThra morninf fame the Ameriraa rrept tmck to tnt wttlenieni and now the aiaia body lf obj fifty Meiirana packing their loot upon their homes and on the nine Auit-rirau ravalry mount whirh they had eap tured. Then the liandits turned toward thu Uio Urande and atarted for Bo- quillaa. llore, the lriipin.ln rarried Ileeiner and Crompton aeroiw the river and it ia reported here tonight that their throats had been eut. The Meii rans earried their dead and wounded ai!. Purely Personal--- CoronA is a intimate and personal a possession as your watch. With it you can Coronatype all your writing quicker, neater and more satisfactorily than by any other method. Corona ia easily learned, ia always ready for use. and en be taken from the office to home, or on business or pleasure trips. Weighs only 6 lb, yet has every modern Improvement, . v i J.X. CRAYTON & COMPANY, 217 S. Tryon Street, CHARLOTTE. N. C. ... Tare Settleawata Raided. (Br tb AMiifiilij rrwm I El Taao, Texaa, May 7. Three Ameri ran soldiers aad a tea-fear old ny hare loat their lives and two Ameriraa eiti tens hare been kidnapped and earried ioi:th of the iuternational boundary to almost certain death in another raid of Mexican handini that takes rank with I'raneiaeo Villa's fuhuMis ' aftarfc Mi Co lumbus, N. ii. Whether the: irrariulers ere Villa taalitt or Clnrfanta forces is aot known. " ' The ! a. Ills' ftirlv' carrying- 1 thetn through the southern thrifts of HiVwJter county in the liif lleud DiMrTct' of Teana, and taking in three ite W-ftle- meats near tht border iHiutt Srrrags, Roquill-ii nnd leemer -took place' oa Triilay night and Haturdny rhorSiuig, but urns of it did not reach here until today. The 'Chase Begun. Within on hour preparation! had been begun for adequate action. Mnj (i'-n I'll ti i-t "ii oiclned four troops of raNulry to the raided section to reiu I' i rre nuiuli di I' linietits alirady on t bit r way to tin' settle from I'letiidio, AIMie and other point 'I li-'i! troops under w:'V ti rii;ht. It i M.ul I j r-. II at if the i iif of tin- cac demand I. lotion tlie. will , t"st tin I !er ii. ii I' r C run dova hi I il:.erse the km I is Ti.e f.-re. a . lis -1 of two t r e of t lie I iii, hi Ii i .1 iii I'ioiii Kort Kl r:.!.-r l-ij I ji rtrlioi ir rind two tr-iej.n o: tti" r'oui te. nth fmahy tn.ui i'urt t :a-k. ! i . '.., on. n. and r of the Fourteenth. The two delai hmenti are expected to l.i, .. . i i ii K'li.nif, .l i j 1 - n Inn lie's at Alpine and Col. SiUcy's at I'iooi tlii-ie point i tiny will in;ir. It Houth miii ty iniie.H to the bonier. While military events were develop ni,' with such rapidity the conference ' r the ro npeiat tun of Ainet I'-nli and M' lienn NoldierN in lleti' o wlnelirhad In ell i pei'ted tn M It H l-l cllillniou li .lii., , eaine to all tilfifpt iaB. Conference Halted. lieiierals S.-ott and r'ti.iiton met TJan i nil Obregon nnd J in ,-fiii;lo Mei lean sub secretary of foreign affairs, in the immigration station at the Airiyr nun end of the InterDatioiwil lifbage vlmrtlv after 11 n'clurk this morning for what had been exported to m their Hani conference. It developed later, however, that practically the only mat ter ills.-u used was the bandit raid at (ilenn Hprings. ! What was said at the meeting was not divulged. Immediately afterward lieuerul Obrcgon and Secretary Ama dor hurried to Juarct where they en tured General Obregon'i private ear and began a conference which lasted three hours. (iencral flavira, enmniander of the Juarez garrison; (iencral Santos and Andres tiarcia, Mexican consul in Kl Paso, took purt in this diaruasion. Tonight Oen. Obrcgon was in tele- grnphu iiniiiiiiiation with Oen. Car- rana and it was understood lie was ac quainting the first chief with 'the new developments and sutgeestina; action that would have to be taken. Details of Raid. rrnctieally all the detail of. the raid reio-liing here today came to flea. Fun ton from Maj. Meyer, of the) Fourteenth Cavalry, stationed at Matfu. VarillHg to Maj. Meyer, the banditsalyuj 7ft tn number, crossed the Rin Grande from the Mexican nide late Friday afternoon at a point south of Tarlingua, Texas, where there in a guard of about thirty men. From there they proceeded eastward through the detolate reaches of the Itig Belli) country over all old wagon road toward tileaii Springi, a small lanch set tlemellt. Patrol Attacked. A few miles west of tilenn Springs, an Amerieaii patrol of eight men from troop A of the'Foiirteeiith Cavalry, under com uiiiiid of Sergeant Smith, was stntioned The bandits bgean an attack on the lit tie temporary shack in which the eight troopers were quartered Itefore the sin gle sentinel could raise an alarm. The tune was about 11 o'clock. The attackers rushed toward the shack, shouting "Via Villa," and "Viva Car raiirn " They were met by a sturdy de feiise from the half iihleep Americans, however, ami failed in their evident at tempt to make a quirk capture of the putrid ir-iard Held Out Three Hoars. From II o'clock that night until after two n 1,.,-k in the morning Hergeant Smith fought the Mexicans . ftoui Ute shelter of the patrol house" In that time three of his men. Privates Cohen, 1'el-ie and Rogers hud been killed nnd he and all the rest were wounded. Then the shack caught fire. It was impossible to stay longer so Sergeant Smith ordered a retreat. Two of hit men eri an basils; ttounded it was niM-essary to carry them. Kemoved lead and Wounded. f-M'iith and the other men not onh succeeded in removing the badly w . Hindi d but carried the bodies of the three dead men to a place of safety. Thi re was a motor truck attached to the .amp. The dead and dangerously mill-led men were loaded into this and sent north toward Marathon, a station on the Southern Fai iflc, miles north, iu the ho that medical aid might be secured for the wounded. Foagtit Prom Behind Rock.. One man left with the truck This left Smith and two others to engage the bandit. They retributed to the low kills and fought from be hind rocks and mounds of gravel. While thia was goiug on, ranchmen of the rtcinitT had heard the aliootityr and hurried to the scene. Although few in number they formed aa adequate reinforcement, and about 4 o'clock; aa dawn neared, the Mexicans retreated. killed Ten-Year-Old Ray. .This was five hours after the fight tng hrgaa. The bandits rode toward the east until they rams to tilenn Springs. There they looted a avtaerBl store and killed a ten year-old Vm of C ii Compton. Then they .prdrecded te Boquillas, a few miles north -VfS-t he Rio Grande, where they aeixed supplies aad rude on again. . Their next slop wai Iksrsners. Here, according to the.jstrts received in Kl 1'a.s.i, the' despoiled the general Blore You men" can't spell- Many into liking - what , they dislike every' man '$ tasteiis'j his own 1 m i t. YVvVTwa. t i n i . IP A MANUFACTURER In his advertisingr tells yoa(truth- -, fijDy, as he bsiieves) that hehas i the "tbest tasting darette irtht world and you believe him, you c' probahry try his cigarette. It may be a very good cigarette. Baths ovex-thusiasm has led you to expect something almost irnpos &&B. 'You light that cigarette r and ' Well, there's a good chanca thai you're disappointed. It may not ' be the fault of the cigarette. The cigarette may be mighty good. But you've been led to expect too much. You've been "over-sold.', And besides, tastes differ who can tell what cigarette will best please your taste before you try it? n That's why we leave the taste of Fatimas entirely up to you. We believe you will like them; but you may not To be sure, most men like the taste of Fatimas better than any other cigarette they ever smoked. Figures indicate that. More i Fatimas are sold than any other cigarette in the world costing over sc. But the taste isn't alt If you do like Fatimas' taste i as well as these thousands and thotisands of other men do, youH! find a second reason for sticking, to them for good. And that reason ; is that Fatimas wiU give you1 cigarette-comfort at all times. This is why they have won thet name of being as SENSIBLE a j cigarette as a man can find any-j where. ( " i y They are comfortable to the throat and tongue. YouH never experience any "sandpaper tickle" or "hotness" in the cool smoking Turkish blend of, Fatimas. And Fatimas can be smoked ' more freely than any other ciga rette we know of wriourleaving nny mean after-feeling, as some less skilfully blended cigarettesdo. If you have never smoked Fatimas you should try them. mmm mm THE TURKISH BLEND A SeodMe Cigarette 20 for 1 5c of John Oeemera. Thea they rroaaed back into Me x lew, taking with taeas Deemers and Loaia Coy, a man in hia employ It ia believed that Dcetners and Coy must have been killed after being takea to the Mexican sola of the Bio Grande. Laitr today no details of the NS-mile drtva of the motor truck carrying the wountled men from tilenn Hprings had htntn received here. leaving the acene of the hattle, how ever, early on Saturday tnomiug it reached Nbirathon about noun 4Huday. Trjer the news of the raid was sent over a railway telegraph wire ta Alpine laoit Marfa and thence to F.I Pao. ' Tree pa Harried to Sreae. General Funston immediately eon ferrivi with General Scott aad then la sued orders to hurry troops to the scene. Captain Cole, at Alpine, com mander of tin- varioua detaebaseata of the Fourteenth Cavalry bow scattered through the immediate section, was told Ui gather a many men aa he tuld aad start southward. He collected atniut fifty troopers and set out. Army mea expect lie wilt reach Ulenn Springs to morrow. Next General Funston ordered twu troos of the higiitu Cavalry, atatioued at Ft 1'asii, and two troops of the Fourteenth stationed at Kort Clink, near SpoJTord, Ti van, to follow up Captaut Col1 'a detio linient. Hpeeial trains were made up tlm afternoon in Kl l'aso aud Spoffoid to carry the four additional troops. Thcv should reach A-tpiuc to morrow innrning aad be ready liefore the day i- our to (tart the long ride to the border News From Private Soarcea. Many til i'aso persons reeeivvd pri vate ord of the rnid. Among these was A J. M yuatters, president of the Alvarad Mining A Smelting IVimtwsv. alio express, d concern for the safety of s .oi. ric:,ns at the international mine, fearing the bandits may have gone ill that due, tion. There was much wculation here to digM .ui to the identity of the raiders. Cniran7:i military officials a few days ago declared this aection prattically cleared of liandits. 1 May Have Been Carramt.tas Fif'tc. u ilays ajo the members of the l';irt:illii k.';irrisi., at Boquillas. the Mex ican t iini Mi-1 across the Rio iitaiolc from Iti.ii'iiiLis. Texas, auddeulv d.s;ip peni.ii i ui tL'.-re hoa lieen a suspicion that th, in.g'it have deserted to the Villa t i - Military men here thought toiiigh ttiev prolvably jiarticiatcd ta the laid. M.kc, Siloaliwa Crave. Fiom the grav emaaner of Anoiieaa .i,l Nb viisnn officials here touight. it Weill ytm lt ua prtT to you y one trjai that Titer- i Hmh tkat Hill girr yot, n in at isf aHiaH HX' OAVl.V VAn.M.H STA1TN in otnt of rutr. Iirautr, hardnenH, and ai r h WKARf It in proclaim-! th b. ! l.v th(uK wtt hmvt aW it for year. would iwem thr aitaation lnt wen Mpi icu ami th Initrd Htata haa Info me rouftiuVraMy rltul'i l-y th new tievel upn.fuU It is eiHttftt that a oouft-r enrf will t held lxtefn (ienerala Ob rt 'fun, Srott and Funatun tomorrow aud it U bsftitved tbia maj Lave a rlearlog effert. A fruk aad unequivocal statement oT wbai the I'aited States rnveriimenta atitod- probaMy will he hereafter ix uudtrtuird to have In-en made to (len. Ol.r.K'Ui by fiiMi-. N-ttt and Fumton at tiirir meetiug tidav. Flv Ar Mtaalac. Saui Antouio, Teiaa, May 7. Three auldier. Cohen. Colo and Rogers and one r iv il ian the young aon of a man named Compton were lulled in the bandit raid on tilenn spring afror-luin t tiffin:. I reports t h'.-rt Shim Houston f rt. rn Lieut C K Norton, fmi i tt en t li mvntry. at Aljine Tw.i noldir. Birek Hiid lHfree-a were woimled In addition, three (tidier, nnd two riviikaiia whoHi' naioea were fciveii a. Compton ami io. ru hae In-en ini9iug in e the ncT.t. The report at army hearquartera he r nt liaaed on a nf aternrat made by ('mate Hirrh. of the Iwrd r patrol, nho arnvn! at Marathon. Teaa today. Hireh Mated that the band tt if h at taeked the- town, where niue I niteil Ht;ita soldier Here on duty, wan eoin poaed of atxnit 75 Mi.raii. Taking reiug.1 behind an adobe houe the pnad of aoidiera and other Amerieana held off the raidera for almtnt two hourt when the landita aueeeerled in (tting lire to the roof of the budding and the Amerwau were foreerl to flee. Other but Id mm m the lu were burned. It a an in leaving the building that the Uiret American Here killed or wounded. Itireh could not nay turn many Men can- ha 1 been k died The ground here they uuide their atand was cohered with bbx.d A th Meiieaus turn mn the torn, 6rnig iinti-M nminHti l . rhey were heard t. hiut the fnniliar "Viva Villa Tela May CU Oat Troopa. A uftiu, Tn.. May 7. io ernor Ker gusM.iv of Texaa. jutuuated touight that Ntate'trmpa might 1h called out for butdet atrl as tlie rrwiilt of the raid na (.len a Hpring and Hoquitla by n Meiiean band Friilay night. tiovernor Ferguson late today order ed Captain Foi. of the State Hunger rVrvw'tf, and hia company to the acene of the raid, and tonight was awaiting a report f rotn the Kauger captain be fore taking action It ia understood that orders hae Iwen given militia rom tun ndtTA to le in readiness to proceed to the border n short notiee ARMY OFFH ERM KILLED IN Al TOMOBILE A(X IIHCNT. tBr Ui. Ajfk latt-vj Prraa UwMii, Okla., May 7. -Lieut H S. Nay lor and Lieut. Kdw in K I'rit. heft, of the Fifth Field Artillery, were killed, and J. 1. UcUaiu-ii, Jr., of the Second Field Artillery, aad IaeHtennnt Kirhard 8. H ott. ot ft Tourtfi Field Artillery, were aeriwMsly iaitwd in an autiiuotile accident at Fort Hill early today.. The party araa returning to quarter at the roat, after attending a party, when the ear w bif.h Naylor was driving tiddeiily swerved from the road way and crashed tntrt a tree. The accident, it lm iKliiiVtfii, waa tluu to the eiidoNioli of a (ire. Scott'a face was badly lacerated, and it is f ard aagbt of one eye has bet n destroyed. McMulmu ir not be lieed to Im- rterioufdy injured. t ot. Pollock a "Faraacr Caa4UaU.M Spawtal u Tim Kw atW oWrfw i Kinston. May 7. -Col. W. IV Pollock, cuudidate for the State Senate, tmlay became a "form candidate" through tlm geuerosity of Judge Chris. Wootni of the police court. A handsome truck garden about li by 15 feet sprung up in a grass plat between the sidewalk and riMiduay ,of KinK street at the courthouse a few day ago. Corn, water fXu'lou iU4- etc., are doing nicely, in lieu of the graas that the riistodmn failed to plant. Judge Woo ten formal ly turued the plat over to Col. Pulloek. who is a lawyer. 'Being a farm can didate is coimiderabry better than leiiii; a mere bar barian," aaid the sage from the bench. British Sabtnarine Sank. lb rtin. May 7, f by wireless; The Hr.ndi Hubinar me K M at Miink anuk b the gun tire of a tiermau warship to th- weNt of Horns lieefn, off the w..t coast of ieuniark, n the morning of Ma v .r, it w as an in u need by the ' .'r man adtnifalty today. 1 resident Jtmeaea Resigns. Sjnito Itonungo. May 7. (iencral Juan J inienea, president of Hanto Do mingo. ha resigned. He took this ac tion in order to prevent armed inter t.ntion by Hie Tnited States. Quiet has been restored. Congress w ill h point a proisioiial president. fiiiiimiiitimiiMtiHiHiitimitnuiiiti JUST RECEIVED NEW LINE j Cranes9 Linen Lawn Stationery I AH Colors and Style I WAKE DRUG STORE j iiHimitmntnirmiiiMiuiMimiinititniiiiinirniiaiiHmit iiiiui!iiiuHHiiwmimiliNTOHmmiuiHnitiiiHniuiiHiiiiiis LaW. Ready Now Ready Now The North Carolina Year Book For 1916 Pi-ice $5 Pottage Prepaid Delivered Anywhere Published by The News and Observer Publishing Company Raleigh, North Carolina HI LJ. DIRECTOR Y COMPANY, lac 823 Mutual Bid;. Richmond, Va. M n TNV.'llTfWileg A