'H, seti I nay assy to th ass W om costrajrr JMaYKM Daatiltj TUFCSAIT OPrw 1 'seta. Il Nrwa, ' asaes A4.ee. tJkwsav asssiisjlln m inta' I) 411 FriMl WB Tssaws w rk stassemkad Frans lrti ton rucsi Payable la Adraaea. Tene fT.a MM l.M I M I M Him Vm(k Om Heath ... Om Watk ... aVeawwa at tW r fnus at Unrt. MORNING TONIC (John Buylr OTteilly.) AH art deep, with nature aal trnlh, but i.nl etth all ontur and all truth. UNCLE WALT MASO.N C.ROt Kl.l.MJ. We 4a not rise un shining wings, lo aot Ir) to wslk the stars, or from loo levels By; aar talk I all of motor iari, aad rlimbiag kills "on high " i don I diarass the latest , hurst of rare and destitlrss song. Im talk nf l.i d liver uist, and ht. We're talking near1' all aar talk I lun. alght for a dime. an 111 a I. Mr ri in i barb, and drone i.l' the dinner Koi'g. all the lluir. and mil talk a lort- i' ii month, for a neighbors up the nil the crops, und roast the grinding Murine tat. and rrlti dw t'.e fops; r Lilt, about II. (' of I... which l ilr our n Mil long grn n. and we gi -..isnrr, with bit I r yell, thr prior of gasoline. Thr sum- old lopieaevrry day, and all thr ud jrir long! Yoa never hear a fellow a a word of Art ar So:.-! onr rur stops you oa tba street, to Iplk of Milton's rh mes. out every iiilrrtai siill repeal hil eaicl con cerning dimes'. Tak. T Th ' k I ' l - '" !" "fa ' ' 'Ii on" th. lai At t..cg.t it .1 . ' ! . i" i I' .'ir The Noise of OyM. i ilxv TI.. redl r. si. k Man TI;. I ii roll ii, I. tli .tort n. all ry 8. l;.-iul'lir:in .artv i .il.ni. -I'n in i l I. -t tulkint; ll.t'iuii i. 't k'i I it in t'.'' will I... f b. -. Is tl hia ): ring ;i Son.. Us! I irec , i, Col lu pan Justice Of pan in., woui-i i W, of v.... luring I. ! ' think, v place. I i.i.l I. 1 1 u. t- T i.f th., - !! i. (....IK.' II mil the l llnjfliri l'r.--;.l. ! In. Iv . slmuhl .1. nt he i I. r I'r. hose ilt'.tK,'itit 'lays i a't.'lin'a .1. k lilnl .H'rty. I- in.t .iMt.g a (irrna agent .lust hat w ii u l.i l.r haipsiing in the v line if the t'olonel were hi his .1: v.rth t'nroluui vie nre not irir j; olio . on Is a li. hi. .nation. It is the tbtr.1 i f June - win. h now eiiifaes nur atteiitmii This Um.l boom for tha Hej.uliliean aoa. iiitinii l..r l'i snii'iit H..ears to karv tiik.-n ID some fresh gas from anew here. Crrtaiulr time flu-a. And that l.nnjrs as again to fly time. Which ri inin.U us that th:- is the season that we shouM aat in th. fijr aereens. It is wy rTulent that if the f'olonel b aot permitted tii he the liejiuUiran hero tl.it l.o will i.fuse to i)ay in the gajae n.th the ii i'iit.1.. uiii. The North ('an hn.i Repuhlirans np ear to ..- kh.wiug up on the nin e tulkr.l f bsii.rs of Judge Tritrhard f.-r the Bominxtioi! f .r Pn-ilent. See what these 't. rt skirts lime J. uv! There it a report in Northern pap.rs af a woaiaa sraatir.g a divorce lt-ause ker kusbaaj made f in of her feet Thoae who enjoy that delightful pai time of walking the railway tracks akould remember that last year there were 5,41 icoplo killed while Indulging la it. The Hfiartaabarg .8. O.) Jouraal die. aovere that "There it lea diaword ia Ceacord, N. C, probably tkaa ia any city ia that Stata." Tha Jouraal ia avi deatly trytag to hand tka "toa" to Con carl, aad wo beg leave to laforai that pmpf r tkat tkara, ia oo brnra la Har aaoay, N. C Tka laquiaitiva Kmatoa Nawa aayt: "Wa have read asack ut vkat Kaiaifh tkiaka af Ajkato, bat wa ha re ret ta star what Aamato tkiaka of Baleigh. Ta rlar taw) K. Xa aaxiety, pa rat it a to aa tkak AauU said Baleigh had tka goeda aa4 dalirerad tkem, that it wa a city aj Vaaoty aad progrea. tkat ka Cka4 it. Aad ba atayed over a day foot for tW at Uimg ia Balaigk. I !tr A rot ABssime ronwe. Tor cara aa yaara juat about alaatlaa tUaa tkara it talk atxnrt aukiag pra riakaf for tk eauatiaf af tha Wllot of tka ln trnow prrujnttioa it slock that ba eaaaot be at buna ua alartiaa iJ cxrrpf at great Fipeaar, iadaad It belaf a tliat ia many rvn it la ahaolutetjr iinpoailde for kirn to ! at bia home akaa tlif tiata of elertioa eoanca. Tina year ther ia the nsuaJ talk af tba atvt far a law to take earr of tka tTSfrlinir man or of the man Lo U as ititate.l as not to ba able to Tata la parson. Tbi paper aad otbar papri tba State kav urfmi tka aar4 of urk a law, bat the failure baa been to frt a bill before the Ijf,ialatwra aad to grt tka foreeo babiad it la cause It ta paaa. Wa rrci fkat thara ia aeed af a law wkiek will take rare of the abatntee ruler and w trust tbitt Uiere will be iaU-udiKcd ia the Umeral Aaeambiy acxt year a wall coamdered bill wkirk will lircvi.le for the eouatiua of but I .allot. !u aiijit? Ktatea tke plaa for tke Tftttaf of tbe atiaviitee vutrr ia mow ia a Aa to the nuitatiim in tliia ftate we fori that it alioiilrl be krut up till a bill U rnartrd intj law We lliere that aueh a law aou t tot thr approval of the peof.le nf the Mtate. and we ran reeall to ttiiiiit un ne n -.aer ur fMron who liria . i r iiiiiooil .liMMfiproval of the l'toai;.- of u nli.h nouM take rare of t)i' iii.iii .vlinnf o. uMitiou ia surh : to j '. liil.it liiio fimii iffting- to his I.. .11 ti,. .l:t v of I'll-, tin II It w.ul ! not In- a iliffi'-iil matter to ti nt..- a I.. 'I Ii nou I.I allon tin' all Nrllt.-.' i.(' i to ixui'fi Ilia rhiitee at the l.ailut In ), li ml "i- tuit that tin' lien .I . I As., mbly of IH17 ..ll .:.a u taw iv I. !i mil .i ii .Ii- for s.i. h totinit. WOItTII A IMttlMllTION. The ..'..lr of tin- I'll. I.-. I S1jt. r.-a.l mtli the .t.-- . it :,it. i.M an. I ith pardonul'!.' .i i.l.- ..f tl.f . x.. ll- iit r. . nr. I lirilltf ma. If Ill Mini.. i l. tlif t'.ii -is nf the Ann ri.an .tiii.ti.e t-tir.iT n.n .liir!. Hi nt int.. li t .. iit'l. r Villn ami lii' liull'l nf inn rii 11.1 1 Tl f lillll'lltrt. Th.' ::l llalit I V (if 111.' AllirlinilM. tin-iii.-:lrT.' a... nuts ,.f halt. I to Into. I fitttil iiij; ai.. nf tint i n il inn emi'iita in u ri.ulltn v li.ii.1' . iiniati' an. I Hliriollli. lilies are hii. I as to tat ur aoldiers have how ii 1 fiat thr m n ha f iilltiw mir flhir .un tri n m y -i..) (ti-roiiiit of tlviii t' rH iii . !-.t ;n. th;it thiy in men nf t Up l-rii vrrv hi h i rhnrnrtrrint c of tin1 A in r i u n n Mlillvr. TImti- it hip i.lli.'. r in I'srtirnlfir iifMin in Id.' cyrfi (' thr TMltf r f this idii ti 1 1 v lia i li'ti f 'f J, k nil t tint ofllr.T in r.ih.nfl (irorK'1 A. ltMU. It in in iMil- iii-r that ho i one "f thr itif.mt it 1 1 f fat turi in t In- in iu it of lHn himI 1 lit ilUiftjiH It w.iH the tltt.-sli .t' t hf ra a Iry uii'lrr In m w hn-h drotiht th.- flrt vi.tnrv in th.' initial t in otintcr u it h tjni' if the illa liainl". :i ti I it i tn I'f in t n t hat h never ili. ii- . iHiie ii.-rount.H of hrunht 0 h ith tlie 1 an iits that '... Ii... uml hi- t--.ru I'ni'i I 11 r- 1 . r -t ty Ht t ti I'm' lia in a .:,rf mi t '.e irti.rv. "I !'".h it clnoie to thr air limit of (.fli.-rrt t.f the h r 11 1 y , I'eifiK in thr in-ij-h hnrhtHnl of" mtv four ycur-i of npr, wr l-tlit'. e. I'nlir the military law hr will retire 111 hi-t ein her of this year Hr hn ili'-wn himself onr of th inot rni.llf oi' tiltii-ari, nixl W( know that ie oieo thr fvclinc Hrnl ihr) tf mil lions of Amen. ni when w sn v t hat we lor ti n him io!ainel in rank l.tftirr the iluy nf his n 1 1 rem rut is rtm heii Hf hiu prnvru too fin a fol ilirr to Ikf rriirr.l at th rauk h brh! wli' n h. hrit went into Mt xiro. II KI P THK H El I I. ESS. It was a year ago yesterday that thn Ltisitnuia was sunk, and there befrau the controversy lietween this country nnd (fcruiiiny concerning the freedom of the sella and tiio use of the suluiiariiie It seem uoiv that we have arrived at a period when there ia to be a aettleaient of this inMtcr nf ital' Import to all neutral and warring nations, nnd upon the terms laid Ji.rt by tbe I'niteJ Stales. Since the outbreak of the war In Europe this country haa done a great part in relieving the vast suffering la Kumpe caused l.y the war. Hy the many millions uf dollars our people have given their aid, have given this in such amounts as to Laie tteen of vast service in caring for the helpless Ia the sad list of those who have hern disabled by th war there are to he fouad the aame of great numbers who have been blinded. These people are to spend the balance of their lives In darkness, people of the world yet with out glimpae of it beauty. Tbo appeal i being made that there ba raised a fund which will take rare of these blinded aad put them in shape to make a livelihood for themselves. Ia order tkat tka generous hearted people of the I'aited Hiatal might tak part ia this great work aa appeal to theas wa leaued oa th anniversary of th aiakiag of tha Luaitania, aad th work of aolieiting fund U ta bo kept up. There ar eosn twelve thousand or thea deapairiag. bat U blinded of En rop wh need help. America's gaer- oaity la tka paat ia a guarantee that It will eoatiaue to kelp aad those who will help should get ia touck with th Peraaaaent Bliad Belief War Fond, which ka keevdqnarter at '800 Tifth Aveaue, New York. Tka appeal far aid ia to be a nalioo wide one and alt who eaa akould kelp ia a cause, wher help ia tka aboolnU aa4. - '"'g tVV '' fit ft .si'tnt M iVf -v ''''- ocr cratafAJV rorriJiTioif. Tka a?aateuaaa arWal tasWOa brought betweea thia eoJatry aWtf (iar- nmaay becaaa af ha aoadactloaT waV: br (ubraariaei kava taaael aaofo I of haaa talk abautl tka aaaibor it Gemini aad deaceadaaU of Oermaaa ia thia country. fhir population at thia time ia above a haadred million, by aome tbe estimate being made that tbo l artad rstatea haa a population of about 1 10,00O.tX)u. Ac cording to tbe eeaaaa bareaa there are 200,778 peraoua of Geraiaa birth ia thia country, ausaetbiag above twa par reat. Of bate yean there haa bora a aaarkoa dmreaae ia Or man imwilgratien to tao L'arted rMatee. That aWreaae begaa at the time that Geraaaay begaa a eaua paiga for intensified iaduatrial deeei- opment, the ptograin of Oermaay being to make rife ia thai country aa attrac tive for lie people aa H would bo fouad anywhere elae ia the world. With tbo adoption of that program tka- laflui of Gerautaa itito tba Catted Hiatea grew much smaller. Take the figure of (ieroran iraml- gratiou for the laat few yearo a a teat of the truth of thia. In lull the (ler nan immigranta eoniiag into the United Htatra numU r. d 5M.7H.1 ; in IHli the number was 1"I.HJI ; ia IBM the uuailwr ,1V., and in IBM it waa 8.4ti". Theat- figures are small when compared with the Inures nreceding IBM. and when the war eame on there was an Automatic ending of tierinail iminigra tion to this country. Aeeoriling to the census Imreau fat i inut. i there are in litis country a popu Int ion of H,JH,rilH people nhi.se an rstors were (letinan. Tins.- are to 1 found principally it. New Ynrk, Illinois, Wisconsin, l'i linsl It an .a. lona, Mich araii New Jelsev. l luilei.ta. (lino and Misoiiri. The statist ! hl.ow that the largest prnnnrt eiiiat.' p. . p ii la 1 1 1 ' ii nfl.tr Ulliestll is to lie fouird in the .Mi. I. lie Atlantic States In ll'l'l these nstitiited II . p. r c. n' of th.. popuin In. ii. while in the ... until lit Inrgc I near l.eie.l IIIIIC pwr cell! of Hie pnplllu TltVITOIt OK I'ATKIOTT N.wiie one with a knack for evpreasjng .ti. h in t' " iw.r.la has rem; rked that n' patriot if the sneeeshful traitor piiniiiioinlas, Hobt rt Itrine, Washing hi llnluar, T. ll, Ilia, and others whose names Ml pages or History wiib ao unts of their tights for national free m, and who rank uniting the foremost .at riots of all time, would have Iteen la--s.il with tin. so ivhom the world alls traitors had the cause they spoused resulted differently. At the present time linger Casement, mler of what appears now to have teen the most aeuaeu-ss retieiuon ot all tune, is held up to puldic worn as a most ci.tileinpt ilde character. Him self in an Knglish prison, the leaders of the Irish Heiolutioti shot dead aj traitors to Croat Britain, his little Land of f..!l.iw.Ts slaughtered or scat t. i.-.l. it looks as if Sir linger might 1 the iiia l list of ma. linen, the most ter nl.le nt' traitors. The only thing thr world sees is re nilts Itv results Roger I'useinent l'i.lne.1 a traitor. The world sjiyi he stald.ed his enemy in the hack, that he I.. I innocent men and women to futile slaughter, tliitt he deaervci tho wornt Kritain has to giv. He is blamed for the death of a number of real patriots to whom he made vain nnd empty prom uses of foreign aid He is counted by many a traitor to both Kngland aad to the country lie sought to free. Hut suppose the rebellion, which every body knows now waa a most hajrbrained escapade, hud turned out aa Bir Boger intended it should suppose all who had promised him aid had lived up to their promises, and the rebellion had resulted in freedom for th Emerald Isle what would then have been the world' opia ion of bir Roger Casement! SPIRIT OF THE PRESS A T Oar Navy, New York Kveniug Post. We know now when the decay of th America navy art in under th malefi cent influence of .Secretary lanlell and the l'cn;i'crut 10 adnitnistratien a a whole. The report of th General Board of the Navy, dealing with our fail from si'-ond rank among the fleets af the wnrld, gives eract dates. On th basis of displacement of ship built and build lug. tha r nit ed Ktatoe dropped behind (ierinany in 1W9. On th basis of die placement nf ship in eommiesion we fell behind la 1B11. Kor part of 1P09 Mr Hnosevelt wa President. In 1911 Mr. Taft was President. Since it is in conceivable that Mr. Roosevelt should have been reaponsibh for the criminal neglect nf our nary, it must b aa sum cd that the loa of eeeond plat la li09 occurred after March 4 of that year. But, oa the other hand, a fleet does not go to piece la a day. Ther ar such thing aa aaral programme which must be drafted year la ad vane. If, therefor, la 1900 our navy bad to autk way for Germany it must bo tkat for several year before that ther was aot that wia proriaioa of our national need and dirUo for which re aponsibility rests oa Secretary Daa iela. A for th way la which oar navy eaa regain second plaea, tke General Board lads it all very simple. If Coa groat should paea a law "requiring ship building firms to disregard all other coa tracts and requiring all manufacturer to do the same,' and if "the limitations of th eight hoar labor law were re moved." aad if Congress would consent to an increase of 40 per cent ia tha root of ship construction involved in reduc ing the time in building, the thing eaa be done. In other words, all wo od ia the mobilization of our ladustrie aavd our labor snpply wader aome aorh com pulsion bill M Mr. Asquitk has latr- THE NESTS AND OBSERVER - ft Partiaaaiat pTiaankry.lt waa tW kark of asara awwera that pr- Ta W lit adtwuuatrattoa I Croai aaiataialag tka aavVa status 1 loaf Tbo taota of tko worM. eaabhlran Akaa rtoaUaaU Wiles a New York World. Vara Woodrew Wilson a Republican Preeideat, with a record of achievement identical with hia record aa a Dei eratie President, tko Bepubliean would reaolaraato kiss by aeeLsaswtioa They would point te tbe revision of th tariff ander his Administration-as the falflbneat of Mr Km ley's dying Pledge, which Roosevelt shirked nad ia wkiek Taft failed They woold point to the be a king aad earr en ry law aa the greatest pieea of fiaaaeial legislation y t esactcd -a taw which has made it possible for the I'aited State ant nalv to weather Bar eeaafally tbe moat devastating war ia human history, but te est) ire to the taan rial saaateTT of th world Thsy weald uoiat to tbe income tat law aa a Jaat aad equitahle saeaas of saakiag wwalth bear iti duo proportion of tk eoat of government, for which the hVpablieaa Party was entitled ta a dooble share of credit beeanae a Bepab licsa Cengrefts ha snhmitted the amend meat to the fastttitin which made the levying of aa income ta x possible. They wooM point to the corporation tax as tho estennoa of an act which the Kefa,blican Party originated and which bolped to transfer to organised capita) aome of the burdens of govrrnmrnt pre vioualy borne by poverty snd labor. Thry would point to thr rrpral of the on st wise provision of the Panama Canal tolls act ss proof thst the I'nited Htates is faithful to its treaty ple.lgrs. aad ran not lie swayed from the ways of inter national honor and justice by the mer eeiiary greed of e pre in I interests. They would point to the Federal Trade Hoard as a progressive measure of eon structive legislation by which hottest und law abiding business was protected fron indiscriminate prosecution au-1 enabled to work in harmony with the Sherman anti trust act. in fairness to competitor and in fairness to the p'il.lic They would M.int to the record of th- Ivpartment of Justice as primf that bus iness had liren emancipated from m liti.al blackmail Hn.l that industrial or ganir.ations were un l..nc- r persecute, fniiii motives of partisan advantage n private revenge. They would point to the President' Meniean iwilicy. i.lenti.-.l us if is wit! Lincoln's Meviean pnli. i. as ei nlene. that the American pe-.pl. were nn ms tleterminnl than ever tn give thr back ward nations of this In misphere the full est opportunity to work out their desti nv, and finally achiei. that li'wrty tin dor law which even the most en lightened of people have had to gain l.y struggl. and sacrifice. They would xint to r.nr new relation with Initio America as 'h,' rea!i.at!ou f.t James ii. Blaise's dreani nf Pan Aoieri cnnisin - a dream that heeaine a realit) only through the far sighted statesman ahip of WoiKlrow Wilson They would point to tl e foreign pol iev of the President during th most difficult and rritieal period of history since the Civil War as a supreme en deavor to maintain the highest Ameri cun ideal of H'af.e with honor. And they would say his ultimatum to (iermany as I a Martin of Paris says of it -voicing the ! lfjiliK.ru which makea France and the l uiteil Ftate forever kin "one ol thr noblest acts ia the history of man kind " They would point to his leadership of Congress as the solution of a problem that has so long veie.1 Amrnesn govern ment by which comprehensive legislative programmes can lie enacted into law without the President's coercing Coa gresa or bribing it with patrouag-e. They would point to his preparedness measures as full atonement for po-st der elirlinn on the part of the Hepubliraa party, and as an example uf lesdership thst knows h nv. in times of national peril, to bring irreconcilable political elements into harmony for the public welfare. They would point to the Admintstv tion .of Wilson ss second only to the Adniiiiistratmns of Washington aad Lla coin in the remd of mighty achievement in behalf of the American coplc. All this and more would KVpuhlieana any of Voodi..w Wilson if he were s Keputilican President. Why should the fact that he is a Democratic President preclude their saying it f They have no Presidential candidate of their own who measures up to tke situation, and they da not know where to find one. They have no Usue. Why not nominate Wood raw Wilson, as the Democrats are going to do, and tn give the world the moat Impressive demon st ration of American natty ia a great eriaia tkat it haa ever kaown f W do not mean that tka Republican Party should shut np shop or mak it self aa annex to tha Deenocratie party That would he a calamity, for a party of opposition is eassatial to tepuhlicaa Institutions The Republican party could notniaats its own candidate for ice President. It could ansa a its own eaa didntes for Senators aad Renreseats fives in Congress, its owa candidates for Governors in the various States and for all local offices. Only tha Presidency would b excluded for tho time being from the area nf partisan strife. No other nation with a leader l.k. Wuodrow Wilson would bo rraxy enough in tha midst of a world eriai to change or to tolerate any attempt to bring about a change We know of no reason why the American, people should ho less sane than other people, or why they should permit their vital interests to bs bo devilled for the edification of ambitious professional politicians. It will alwavt remain to the discredit of the IVmoeratio party that in the strain aud stress of tba ml War it nominated a candidate for President against Abraham Liaaola aad sought for partisan advantage to discredit the I.m cola administration. Barely th Bepub liean itartr at a time liks this eaanot desire to emulate tkat miserable exam pie of Copperhead Boorboaism. It eaa not desire to weakea th Influence of the United State government abroad by a partisan campaign agaiast tko President at bona Republics polirieiaBS talk mack about patriotism, American prestigs aad Us national honor. Da they beUovs what they sayf If so, thry ought to welcome the ehane to nominate Press dent Wtlsoa. That would be a supreme manifestation of patriotism. It weald atrriiglhen America pretigi i evert capital of the world ss not hi ig . ! could do. It would reveal tn eii i' r tion a united Republic, eager for pc: unafraid of war and determined maintain the glorious traditions of sc.- . vie to mask is d wkirk H inherited from the Fathers What say i oa, gentlemen of the Re , i u ,ii, i . : 1,1 : ...,. : VTTTTT ! H i t I t 1 i- ''" "'wnJn ukjjqjbaxi run rsVfviE. i I Mi 112 J l "OrAi. 1 -'rs,. f i 3 nS3if AW-SAT-.oonr :,sjtvw Kw-fef '' ISMS piiMiean cii . nt nsji f Is the rty ho-isf prtjtl mst ) thnt it nave! the I'nioa KTeit cno;;!) antl tf.triot. eiio ih tn kolp (,iv to Amr rie;in deinori ncv ii'w I nion in thi la v h n i v 1 1 1 ; ;,t o.o itjtctf m hajiinif t rneifietl on a enms of lurosaa imM riali?in ? Spring'g ifcTree Calrndar" J Th? Ketlfral (iovernment, through its Ihireau of Ft'ii nt i . is fin.l.nj, out when an.l nliere thr trees uf this cntiti nrnt f.rst Mowni, ami jut f ith their It aea in the riiih;. juiJ ulirii their cetlM npfn ,inl full, atol tlo ir have heti in atitunm. It iilremly Ii n thin information al out 7'J elifft rent ;irn lir of tr.--a. Vi.-n this is knonn j.K'iit th- t i'i :. t n .iilrv il w .il l.r printol in a 'troo raleniiar." - ' t l 1 " h li.-u i il,;.'. h;(i s thf KaiiUair City St:, r, riauiy i n t . rt-t m thin,;-, ,J..-itt 1 i If e I.,-, h .imetl K"r ' v:i'i:jii" TS'- i.rMt sifrii ..f -nK in thi" rontitry is the Hunt-riittf of thi il.er ni-ii'le in Wc-I. r n.-rnln itl.mit Krhrunry i, an., it k vm IiIooiuhik na the .(?, tn johnnrt h nnith.var.I nt th 1 rati of 70 milen rcry four until it (low rr? en the n;i'l :i n h .r ler loiit April 1, when sftnng.iri i.es there. Th tit-xt tree t- lii.'in is t!o- -.uret ruin, hich ia in f1 er in Vh.i i.l i :i' out f.lTuary L T1m latest tree t. hloom in the t'sOA-wouil, nli ih is m tluwtfr in SMILE AN n HE HAPPY A 1ITORT PrVACTICAU D I e antontad Wife: Bovaral ot the men whom t refused whan I married yaa ara richer than yoa are now. Husband: That'a why. OMEWHAT AMBIGUOUS. Bo you hsr taksn to carrying areuad a ass- ksyT Tilt Is go- I toa far. Weil, you aever r aaywbor with HOTATTOrf. Ar you going to hav a garden this year? No; it Isn't my tarn to make a garden I'm go ing to keep chick ens thia year and lot Bay Delghbora anak tha gardasa, TfU BEASON. .WfiaJ a k s j3ur t-cTj eo crnsss. eyedV 1 Ootnlj to threov vlwl I-' - J H ZL I '"' ' in fut y .1 li lie nnl nn t he . ni d.liui. hor.ler the im.iMI- of .!ul "I'lo- -. , -r ma ile ( : ltoin let' -re its h-HW - .'II f ol.t, 1 .it tile- r.riSHU tn ni h :t .-h . it nut 1 in '-nt hs 1 wf ore t he Ihiwei. H-MT,r S' me tnlkh will .thiit jfM.i r;iii ronif nf thi." k iin I-ile Our :tiixwrr is thnt it in an iui to went he I " It lire Hi f 1 1 r u ih i u g i!;it i t' t he ;i I ;i ii of the -pr i n in r1 h nl a n 'I "f the .-nit ii m ii Mouth u :ir1 It a I to fa U u ol t" the I it i I . i of f'ol c.( i ill it" Ratio ring of trc- (., N ft.i pljnit Wig I .;.n.1si-iin' ;(n t it-; U fin.l foi .tji i'i'rvlii r arf'ln m-'it i t it We g.t.w ill these I'niled S1..I-. ours :,1 th- rrle of -t I "1 f.-lks :l h.- mhe I' u'trv ( i.ll- I, :iu I! ink -if it i . .1. se. ii.ImiiIs of lie- M ii ll.OM-r I ' 1 L" . I 'I . II 1 1 ' 1 1 II . 1 A I II i r i i Jl II s i e r " Ii. 1' to have eron.lo.l tin. .:i.sseui;e li.-t of I. ii hinri-lH of M:iv il. . is r s ! And tlinik .-f it nls... i. misers f dfiirj e;!!'1' '.lid le crimrr. ..f f n.i.-f ufl s week l.rinfjs inr.re thflll ell.' HI ollths te f.-t l.r.' : i.n!le. i.t the sl.'lllghler f I - ;;ni. il t s ::n.l .'.'.!-1. .'i s i-ti tli" .llro pean laft!e fields. e heitr i.f st.'it. s men lw s)ing the w.ssil'i!it ios of r;t. suicide Hut how little heed do ne pny to the tremendous nattirs! incr.-ment ol rsccs of ninnk'tnd. Tis worth seNr re flection, this constant growth of ours, worth the pondering of every producer of food or other products. Our vast market sre gvoaing faster by tho day by tbe hour, for that matter. And our marketing problems are ever grow ing more complex and demanding rrloser study. "(stop. Look and listen," signs do very I well for railroad crossings, but they Hive little other value for progressive 'uaukiu. 1. We are growing too fast. A I lew year besee our growth will be at i the rate of lO.non a day. It will he as i if little shoners of hamlets and villsgs. ' mined down constantly from the ky. Three acweoinera must all be fed snd r'othe.l The f:iMner ia the producer of the mw msterials. Hs must follow i lusely our growth, speculate on it, prc lire for K by proerreasive measures, k. ep nbrrnat of nil the live things thnt are doing If h. does not be will be left at the post. The Business College By PHILIP GOODMAN CoiiyTight, 1P16, by McClure News.per Syndicstr) Whether a man is fortunate in being -tiled for life" depends i.pon who dies the "fixing." There tire some gentlemen so journing at the big hotels pro vided by rvery state who are "fixed fur life," but who wish they weren's. When the state 6xes" you fur "Ufa" yoo're a goner, with all the diseooat off. But if a man who sniffs free air through his aostrils is "fixed fur life" his days apon this earth will bo loag aad happy Coaaideriag that thia is the only life we know anything about, tho oaly oa ws can be certain of, it is aarprlsiag to me that ws doat giv mors thought to living it th best way possible. Today, Binary is the meaaare of oar happiness. We're all plugging, plotting, preserving for the letter 8 tkaf haa two perpendicular tiae ru aiag through ft. Moaoy briagn, ease, comfort, t UrMrrttrlit WIS, bl 8 1 UrCrurm. HA. v uf in:-; SOIL The Mustache. Asl.ei J!e T lues A -.In... I girl of the ..ti has disci l l'l 'l l;:i l .i putting nn ims'nding nin.. tarhe on u piiinre of .lul us Cnesar :n h, r I... tin nullum;, r. she jet . ii npenkln I . rt t a 1 1 of the K-.in.-r. If Wilhelm hen. j i f this h. 'll cross a few limre Rubieutta lred;lng Davidson Creek. Mniiri si ili.. Kuterprise The dredge batut on D.'nidson creek west i.l t..iin Ix'.-tn throiimg nnd r moling dirt from the channel Tuesdi (Jiiil- a ii.in Ii, i ot" eit, ens have I..- n out I-. . rl.e Bun.l. rt'ni nork e.-irn. ! Playing With tire. .".i I '.. 'n Sun J , u r u:il. In nil address delivered by Pri'siil' l l f ilny n;i. the sjieaK.- osr, , honor ..: tint th. ivith fir. a-nnst taniinriiig with tf st taiijinriiig with the I nrted Mnlisnnd deela . nho .lid fu were '-playln The I'll ted States is S IN a. r al-li. nation hut there ure some thin that it eaiitl-.t co:in'. n.iitee nnd wTi n the breaking f .. -. r t Js . . -wi.'d. this Cot:-; try m I U- t'zUt theto with ll.e "stii h ' lo J.. the .re:.king. I.ood Fsrmers 1'lils Vrir. Ueid.slllle 11,11, IV Mr. J. H. Worsham. the well known farmer and morel.. ml f I,ocust Hii'. w.is in tow n Tut sday and gave us -i very pleasant cn 11. He suye he m preiuhing crop diversification anion his people and thinks the farmers i t his secti-n uill materially reduce tin tobacco nereage and iucreas; their food crops tins year. I'surne Sambo'a Prerogative. Groens' oro Pr.triot. Charlef M.ible', white, a shoeinaLer residing ia tho western part of the city, seems to hkie developed into a chicken thief of nn mean pro; ortions. The charge of the lsrce-iv of -it) or more chickens, many of then, tine fowls, w-.-.s laid at his door at a prel.minary hear ing held bofon rHjuirr I o!l.i.t tliia wiHii He was a.ljulgvd gniltv in for sip unite r.-ises r.n.i held for the Suport.r Court under a bond of toO in each case, lie was tina1! U furaiah bond and was commit t .i to jail. luxury, leisure to enjoy the liner things of Lis. It makes the world more livable and more lovable; it transforms grins into smiles, gloom into joy. And so I say to you, "Get ths kind of sn education that will en able you to get the money." "It should be the object of every boy and girl to bs "fixed for life." Emerson wisely said "The early years of a man's bfs should laks car of the later oaee." Caa yon my that you're "fixed for lifer Or are you ia a rat t Th man in a rat is no better off than one ia a grave aad b take ap more room. Whoever yon are, wherever yoa work, whatever ytrar condition ia. yon are not so wall off that yea cant be helped. A business education is the con queror of fortune. It is thr only education that Counts- rt -i I the. only duration that wilLetsi en sine yt)a to rount meary 1 ' v-.', X !