r HIE KEWS rATH OBSERVEft st H. wM v ft i a t ! t '1 H t : J- VV -o5i . 'I J . TO LEAVE RALEIGH BI1PTISTSJUHE 15! Rev. Charlct E. Maddry Reads Letter of Resignation to Con gregation at Tbernacle REV. E. T. LIDDELL VVaTCHFUL WAITING CANDIDATES f OR iNUFIira RIDDLES SINNERS RSTO BIG DYE PLANT I AND H. DIPLOMAS AT GOOD SHEPHERD ACTED ON WEDNESDAY Through Mr. J. M. Edwards, Chairman of Board of Dea cons, the Church Informs Mr. Maddry of its Sincere Regret in Losing Him as the Pastor Be. Ck&rWa lUd&rj, opening tha noraiag Trie at tkt Tnbermmcie Bap tist Cfcua). jrGrij, raad kia formal raignat.t aad Miooseent that ha bad acrptM Uia call to be pastor of tha Vaivaraitj Baptist ' Chnrrh of AustU, Texaa. H will gJa ap hia dntiea here June lat. Mr. Maddry ax plained a is aceptaar of this ieoad offer from the Aujrtia Rapt lata auaply. When a rail waa Srat ei traded in IVhruiry, plans wer on foot for the erection of a now 600,000 ehurch at the eatxanre to tha ram pus of the I'nirerstt of Texas at Austin. At the tune, there was no drfi nite building program outlined. Having juat gotta through a strenuous entnpaign for tha erection of a church at Wake Forest College, Mr. Maddry, who wan hair man of th f unviiitiou Building Committor, did not feel juatified in un dertnkm another Piirh task. With the last invitation to the Kaleigh minister, the Auitin Baptists .Wrought the aur auee that the Rate Mission Board of Texpa had determined to fiiiaiii-e tin tmilding of the rhurvh. K'H..niug his letter of refttgnat i xi , Mr. J. M Fdivards, rha.rmaii of the Hoard of Dear' of l lie TuKernacle, rerMnded irieih to the minister' ni.nuuneentetil, eiprosanig the high esteem in whii-h Mr. Madefy m held, and the deep Ion- whieh hia going will oe-t'.'tton. Tin nntlcr, hi1 aaid, will be pliteed iu the hands of the iKar.l of deaeoin on Tuesday night mid then referral to the Hiurrli (onffr rnce Wtslnesday for final netmri. lr. .Maddry s ttumnii yesttrdin morn ing was one of his Mnhgt. "That 1 may k; in "h rii-t and I found m fi in" ma hit teit. He tdd the story of ThnraM n. the niii i of the iuot tiiidt-rf ul piece of a nipt 'ire in the world representative of the i hi int. Aft. r the completion of the writ. The great 'uldr. lauded and ad n irit though he wn. entered into a d-'t-p melim. holy from whn-h h- roiild m-t . around. At lat he told the ihvr. 1 of it gem i" fading," he dee 1m red. ' t or t he fi rt time in ns y life I am a I so I ,.t . 1 y "tat iti -I v it h a umk It men.-' I will in r h;n e aimtlnr g r eat idea." "What Thnrwnldoen did in the realm of art, Paul has done for religion." eon, tih nted the n.iuiMer, who a. hied that I'll nl un hut an e niplifieut inn of the para Me of JesiM k now u as the Pearl of t.reut Priep. gained only liv the dipo,i of alt other jewels antl things of value. "If would criin Christ.'" Mr Mini drv continued, ' tan.e muM Invoinr ax naught, and fell thing we hold dear nu.t I c eoitnt'd a- drov But it in't a oin Hided pmpomt ion, all cf K'vmg niiii tune of return for lh Tettming of worldly hrp. and uin ! i ' us. f tr Mir re it-!, ring all w t alt h for tl Pearl of reHt I'rwe. .Ie-n hri-t gives, aerur.ty, righti-oiitneMst, in t nr.o' . power, n i.d vtiry la l'nirrily Man. H- Charles K. Matdry is a gia-lunte ol the I cn iviriy of North Carolina, at ChijK 1 Hill, in tlo ueighlorlioo. of whirl he was l-'T!i aiol reared In eol 1 g- he wax the winner of the Man g .im medal for oratory. At the close of hi junior year he waa elrrted super int n lent of Fi-hnols of Orange rouutv, and after having served three years re Kign . to atten i the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Lnnisville. w here he apt-tit nearly two years. I n IS"! he orgHrn.-d the Forest Avenue Baptist church of (ireeuaboro. which i lKatel near thr eamp-.i of the Htate Normal. Even tda many of the Bap tint ptulenta at the Normal attead this church. After thrte au-1 a half years of service there, two years with the Firt Baptist church of Ktatrnv ille, Mr Mad'yy eame to Raleigh aa pastor of the Taltertiarle Baptist church Decent Ur I 1911. In the four and a half years of his pastorate more than aix hundred have been added to the membership ef the chnrrh. The net gain during th' time wras over two hundred, while the prenent mem berth ip of the church stretches over the twelve hundred mark. Taking up the work of the . hurch with a debt of over $2v"h hanging over it, he has led his people to a re duction of over half, spending in the meanwhile for all objects a little alcove $.V .i h l. Now, t a rt I u g into t h fi f t b year of the past" rat, the congregations which each Suadav greet the minister are larger hy far than those of the fir-t year of his Ralctgh ministry. Reassm For the (haaff. Mr Maddry V letter of resignation to hia church, read ycttcrday. telN the story of his eall and acceptance simply It rnd: "On February "th, the 1 ' niversity "aptiat Church of Austin, Tei.is, ex uded me a eall to their pastorate. Af t some weeks of earnest prayer and est endeavor to know the will of the d, I felt that it was mv dutv to re n with you. 1 felt that the matter settled and a closed incident. '. ', il tha meantime, made all mv ar ,-ementa to attend the summer school o lam bin University, New York. o April 15th, the Austin church, to ti. .Treat surprise and distress reopened natter, and again urged sne to ac re the ealL The result has heea an ot r painstaking and careful inrestign tio uf their whole situation, and an ami . -si waiting on tha Lord to knew (Hi wIL . seemed to' axa tha first time the Tex. r a arch apprtiehe4 ana, there was 7 "WHISTLE" J Mat? 0 ii'hiutiiriiiihvmii CIRCUS METHODS IU PUtPITlPPEO - Rrv. Lyman DilU TTiinks They Arc Uted Principally For Notoriety Clreua methods in ths pulpits were sharply criticised by Rev. l.yinnn Dilts in his sermon at Bullen Memorial church last evening. Mr. Dilta took aa hia subject, "is the Old C.oepel Worn Out, or Fullowing the Band Wagon." After announcing his etibjret he pro eeeded to pny his respects, in no un certain terms, to what he described as circus methods in the pulpit for pur pose of notoriety. "Christ inn ity ," he said, 'is nothing more nor less thnn the living Christ dwelling in the Io-hM of men -the function of the church is to bring to man a knowledge of Christ so thnt he may be saved- -and any church or any man that forgets thin truth loses the big opportunity. In this age there seems to be a ten lei cy to ard Im ml wngun inetho1 in the eh ii relies and in the pulpit. W hut its purpose niiiy lw is not clear to my min i. Whether for the purpose of attracting crowds to the church or nttentiun Jo the preacher I io ni.t k tutu , but this I . o how h band w iigon ii Inn nt I a v h leads to a irrui if you t "I t tw it t ar enough, an t usually it i pree.r. nt followed b n clown. The pulpit of the church of the Living Cio l, as 1 see it, i.-y the place tor uhieli His snving grace ahould be proclaimed to men; and uhen it is use.) lie u platform from hich to pr4unlgatc iNlivilual ideas on social problems, lectures morality, inlivil u a 1 eodes of personal living or t he preacher's terminal ideas as to long faces or short sk i rts. it Is m issitig its opjMirtun 1 1 v to h large extent. hnst will c a lot an s e - if Mi i jre fM-Iltetl to tlo people H He is." Prott Apaint.1 "Eye Dulletiu Filed Willi Attorney General For Opinion With tin ir pr.iti'Kt (ftiiit ii r ntly iiiililiilicd hull, tin of thr State l'..mr,l uf lli-:ilt!i. .n "W.-.-ik Kyi:." fili-.l hi tl,.- .,f fi.-f f tin- Att'irn.-v tJfiu-ral n.l with tl,- lit i il'Ut m-ii ,,f til.- tiull.-tiii ill quid ti.-M lii-1,1 up i , I ! I n t H r i I v l-,r th, tin,.' M int;, tin- ( )-t,-iii,-tri.stH .,f th. Stat.- nr.- U V it llltf ! ti M It r n t i.,11 hat tli.-y want, nn.l whfit tln- n aklll th.- Atloru, v tri-liriut to .1,1 i" t, rl.- thnt tin- lill,-tiii i. u W.ak K.v.-k i,ri,ai ,! I,y lr H II !, fimtnl ili-w-riiiiinatiTV. ttni- of tin- otiji-ct inn ttbU- t-Uiux.b in tin- l,ul,-ltin it that whirl ft.lvit-ft l.ar.'nt-. t' have ,-liilh evci. exHiiiiti.-.l "iil.';i. ,hrn pra.t i, a hi,-, hy an (K-ulist. who differs from tin optuiHii or oj-tonietriBt ill the fait that Ii,- an , diirate.l lieeimrd iihvsi. -inn who alone can lawfuIU use th! drutH that are iiect-HMMry to a pomplete and tlior oiifrhlv a.-eurate ciiiiiiination of . hil.lier and young adults for the prop, r rlttinu of glll8W." '"The Ij'iiilatiire and the (Jovernor of North Carolina" wly the optometrixt, "have made the praotiee of optometry a dUtinrt profewion. the Governor has appointed a State Zoard of Eeiaminers in Optometry to practice upoo the qualifications of those necking to engage in the practice of optometry. Thif tnmrd ii jurt aa much a part and juat aa I in porta nt a part of the Stat government an the Htate Hoard of Health, and we fail to nee where the State Beard of Health in authorized, in ita official ca pacity, to upend the money ut the State, to discredit and defeat the purpose of another hoard, a part of the State a ad uiinifdrative government, and to destroy a profeasion that hns been reengniied and legalired l-y the (iovernor and the legislature ' Thin far th.- Attorney General has not rendered an opinion. He nil! .ftret de termine if there ia a legal question in vnlvcd. and if there is, hia ruling will prolt,ly he taken as final in the matter. Iroa Mine I Sweden. I H) llw ArilM I'm , hrietiania, May 7. British capita lists who own large iron mines at Dun derlan.ls.lal in the prorince of Ileige land near the Hwediah frontier, where jome years ago important operations were commenced and afterwards sua pended, will resume operations with the ohject of producing 500 tons of ort daily. la.-king a definite constructive program for their proposed building enterprise. Now they tome back with all my objec tions met and present a bigger, more comprehensive program than I had thought possible "After weeks of donbt and uncertain ty, and an agony of desire to know the miad of the rljnrit, I am convinced that "the thing proceedeth form the Ird," and I hereby offer my resignation as pas tor of thia church, to take effect June the first. "I eaa never tell you what'this de cision baa eoet me, and what it ia coating me now. Every early and human tie that men hold dear impelled me to stay her and remain aa paator of your great ehurth. But there is aa inner voice fhat peaks to every aoal who will listen and before th ao-rereigTi majeaty of that Voice, every huniaa vote anna be eti fl ed. My undying love for yon will abide antil tha morning breaks and the shad wt flee away." SEEKING ACTION is : BIB PENMANSHIP EXH 6 T FRIDAY Specimen of Writing From Va rious School of liie Smtc as w ell at naieieli to De rttnvMi Ik? alJ nfr kn.1 ir wiU . sa Purf I, il Mar lent of the if y ImoIi It's going to Ik? a I all right, too. MiUi per, luurriiitfn.letit fe wan talk m ir about Hie Int prnmaa nhip eihihit which ia to ho hrM at the city auditorium at-it Friday The eihibitt will roiitnui iiperimena of the wrrting of n-hnnl -rhihtren from 'hpiilotte, Wuiftoii Salem, H r'-enil..ro, anl in fa't from rauM of The to tin ia the Hint' in addition to Kaleitfh. I "hrre will hNu t.e n ( i tiit'in f i on i thf v''ol of NViv Vork !ii' ii(f:'., nnd S l.(nii- rrofcijtor Itarjier hn fh' i.-i! tine, et hif tt not for the pur -u.s" of' n mui 1 t itive affair, hut f'-ir tlie purpoxr ..f HTuiiiitatinff nit r-it in ieimtolni in i he Kaleigh -hools. The f-xhi'l. si re rill hero n n work of n r i n ni n k t)ii im n t h tonum will I'l-m th, n frii in, tcfii'lifrs whi hiivt !' .i !.i il im of this work. The .i-s .iv will I tixti'- and the ai rung, nu-nl mil I ;orhnjf to jrraih s tjiiite a iMi-iil'-r of out of tow m -u lerin f eri'loht.-. nrt- iii'cttl t I- the oil . Ihm.I u invitjitioim hint- h-. n nrnt t . t!o-m To sho thnt U;: W-i't jmiii r:m put up a )!"'' I'" 'r- I i" student-, , vhonN hele v. ill "lit,- letters t. I . present Ht i .- I.li.iness men nf t yiritig them a -.pr-euil init,i'! .n t I'll lift . ,t .lt the exhibit. These will l,e niUkJ- l m 'Mu tinies this week. At night there will lie hejik'iful ft ereises by the physieal cnltllrc 1 is-, mid seine splenilid vocal music. The l(:il, igh hih scho.,1 orchestra sill alsi". fi.rnish riiiisir. Tire, ,-rchestra, under 11,,- tinin iiik of I'riifi-ssiir Ciistnr H.-igv.lm n, is now getting in tin.' trim. E T. nruiitiful Lift- Work is Reiiicm 1tp Aiipw at Morning Service Ti,e iii,,rniii! sri.-e , slei d.-i v nt lul 1,-n Memorial t'hur, )i uii.h s nii'inrial s.-ri,e t., ,f,,hii T. I', ill, ii. in,,!, jis wni tli- h'e i.tiu li il , ttiiiiiieiu, init, ,. it iiu b.-aulifiil in its iuiplicitv The pul,it was l-iliik,il with fl,,v,-rs, feriM an,l pslnis a "I'liuti t v.-iug "Wh-Mi ',- Hnvr Knt, re. I In" nn,l Miss t'iillie Ilunler sikiig t oil ,-rT.iri . J- lie,, t,, r.-t,-,- i,-i . I .y man k Hills pui, I a tribute to the life of Mr. I'u ll.n in vtor.ls eloquent au,l i ,-li,,-ent rinsing with the words: "I life whs glorious be, no -.e in everything in business, in sM-ial relations, ii great things and in little things Ii served his ti,d; nn.l ill his life vou will find many parnllels to the life of the Carpenter's Son the glorious life to hich I invite your attention as the rib ject of the morning aermon " He then sketched most Interestingly the early life of Christ. His surroundings. His humble station snd work; the thirty vears during hih He lire, I in rompar ative obscurity, and then tl . glory of His three years of public ministry. "Aside from the fact of His divinity, it was the force of thirty years rightly lived that spoke through His teachings for the three years of His publie min istry. If you would be useful, if you would be strong, if you would be of service in this world, if you desire to be beloved of your fellow men. let Christ be in your daily walk, and run through all your work. Tha glorious life ia not necessarily the life upon which the lime light of the world's interest beats with (Wee intensity rather it is the life lived for (iod and lived like C'hriat would have it. Despise not small things. An oi goad destroyed a host of the enemies of Israel; the jawbone of an aas in the hand of a man whose arm was nerved by indignation over tha de fiance and iusult to his God served to slay numbers of Philistines; a small sling and a pebble from the brook is the hands of a red headed shepherd boy took the life of the champion of ths Philistines and turned the tide of battle in favor of God's chosen people; a common gooae quill pea in the ban-Is of a inau imprisoned for debt in Bedford jail was used of (iod to bring forth what ia prolUily the greatest and most useful book in religious literature; a kite, some ordinary string, a brass key in the hauda of a common printer was used to bring to ths world its first Teal knowledge of electricity, that great force which drives the wheels of commerce throughout the world today; an ordi nary tea kettle and an extraordinary boy was the combination used of Uod to bring to our knowledge snd to our service steam, the agency which has been most useful to humanity. live your lives daily to the glory of God. and who shall say bat that, when the hooks are opened at the final day and all things are made plain, your life may be me glorious life. Of Oa Besiaeas Trip. Mr H H. I-owrv left but airht business trip. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rbetxmatism, Nu tens, etc AatiMttia AitsiyM, wed internally or exTtrnilly. 25c MEMORIAL SERVIC TO JOHN rii. nesasenct, Urampa, Colic Spraiitt, BfuiasCuta, Burnt. Old Soret, Tetter. Rinl-Worm. Ponr Out Vocabulary of Burn ing Flpilhrls I oii ronp IWrg Tor 'over1 an h..ur. Ke . T l.:.!.i-l revivalist, held a g'est r. otcgntion of sea 'at the Vntr.,l Metliu'it hi'"h yes1er4ay altli a riiiag ,1 -ouncat ion ut the eomuiuu ains u( aieh, mid au earn est plva for rigtit living, lor erif aud f--i pveterity. When ku bad rompletrd h,s lurid group of wurd pn-tuie. u the luaeq uencre of ein an J uroag doiug, imBibera of saea rno down the aiaie under the Ministerial iaMattoa, and gave him their band The preacher used as a teit Cain tians 6:7, "Be aat dereix-d, tied la aot nooketl: far wuatauever a wan eoweta, tka ahail he also i,-ep." With this aa a oaaia, he preach, J very largily the ataie sermon ha delivered befoVe the gathering fur nen at the Tnng Men ' hrietiaa Asaoeiation two Kjii4ays ago. Mr. Lrfddell ttoeaa't miace word i the, pulpit. He leans terwitid aeroea the bible stand, glares hia congregation ia the face, shakes his tst and storms at sinners with a vocabulary of burning erflthete. "Ihrty. slobbering hound.'' '.lirlv. lousy rascal. ' "miserable hounds of Hell,' they're just samplrs of ihe uiiipliiueata he pavs tin.s,- sho -uiue uutl. r the ban as wring .l,-r Hits Wild O.I. t-l.liludr I hat s just ,,ne .t il,.- ,), j hrv ' aii. Mr. Liilriell tpr.-u.-nf t;;. pUtifil'.H tb.Ht It "U'ik il nil mt;. 1 1 tl onts. " V ti v t hf r h r j., ' ', . . , ' I'lmpf in r ii, wJh f I 1 i , ' ' ... , I- ,. ' ' Rl.!-,l ..ii. i tiny - III, ! .1 ,,-.u 1.1 tl.e - I t., be jn-l tln-ir wli.. in- IP""? t" Tr.. i .. ..j,,, nt r.-xpnnsiMi . 'Ii ' He ii i-l i )r I . in iii v;n - t In h.l i ... !..!. it I ft, Il . (ill 1 i 1 i i-.i-l : v . I lit it 1 1 ii - M,'. , Ii itv .1 t mill t- it b t-li lit! i n Heap Trts Tinim the inK "Not t.nly m ill . .i 1 'U HuW . I 1 1 1 I ill. - ii;t t U if w " i i II.' . it.-.l tin- lllfi; L'.. . I. .,tll of Lu ut i t h v i r h p- r I it i .. 1' l i,.- vi me , " 1 1 r. ,. t. n If.. .. u i 11 in g - .1 .In. .1 ;,tid i-l I. I Mil . -II.-V I l,t t'- a " hi r I w iu- i -f s'li- rt 3illl rtiiiff ril.i; li-r tht t- 'l li'1 in i n isttT pot ntfil ti t lie nn i u t iPTtMUK rniy of in .! i1- i, nf rntnniHli iiit-t ttu rpspon-: lil:t v nt tin f -t i'l )pMllfttl IlliSff (li, "Wr are more pnrr :-tl In r it the (rec'ling of don't, mikI I--ft. nn1 ir tlitiii wo are ittuut liuinan !k iiv" tit drplari'd. "W nrrl n law to Hi ft utanJ lii'l of physical M-tpnrvMiL'nti for iiiar tiupc" And he ao--il t-iHt lif hs I'l'lirvcr in PUffpnirii "Talk ahout prvpnrtitAm, W ran 1'iiiUI all tht? fort-, nil i!" I :ittl--hip mi l trim in tin- um I I. Lut lmt Imv nt? jjotf Ion't vou ku.w the nan in t In' rot tntf iiiTiliituii iiii th fare of the farthf" Hp win rsptakintt: f th inn of thr rnhstr.l niffl, and of thv (nlniiKiicM hi l.-lh-.l to prt-vail. Hrtt betook n rsmoD to rnrnmpml Hr rrtary of tin Navy Inuit-I for hi ptfp toward re mming h'iior aud intot i a nt and lft t'rin(( ronditioua iftu-'rallj "Tht prpnrrdiir. w.- imjht t pri rh, tht prartdn."4H we oi;ht to tupport i "i moral pf tp rrhif hh a furc a.i you'rt horn," Ii" rrii-d Thf prpfli h-r turned litt utt.-ntina to whit-krv and wln-tkry drink r I wnn a iii"ioiin turn. t-m. " Vmi f t I low h do afp g ii liiiR hia ky snil tlntik '! (tJiiHrt, ton are t.lank headed f o 'U " and lit? rout i n 'if d t hr tirade Thp prt-nt h'-r v n particularly titrolic whrn hr ramc t" thp youii(f man who jowa hii wild "Jif- in company witti rvil companion) an.j 'ad wonn n, and thon aclppts llif ni- t iw-pftpt, purtt o man h' ran r n d for hia wiff. Mr I.lddi M'a im-u f.M ' j ry (fvp otit ht'rp for want -f nuiTrit ! in Vfcrive. He tld aliont n young w Minn who married au h a young trinii Ht flrt two rhildrrn, dispam d and d-'-viiPd died parly The mother wonl' i- I why (iod had taken her two lnS. !-in her. "God had nntl.sng to do with it. d clared tli jirea h r It waa the low down ruaf4'tlii''s of tha common hound that married b i " COLORED MAID CHARGED WITH STEALING DRESS "BoiTwwesl" Finery Ta Wear At Wed ding al F.yettevllls, Ska Raid. Intercepted on her proposal journey to Farettex ille. where she waa to par ticipate in a wedding there, and having in her suitea.e a handsoms dress, the property of a M-redith College stndeat whuh she hs.l "borrowed'' ta wear oa the occasion. Mandy Richardson, who waa employed as a maid at tha college, is sojourning in the elty jail Instead of being in the rin l,y the Cape Fear and taking part in " prenuptial gossip snd pUins of the ii-iit in which she wss going to he a -s -'ial" star and astnalsh her former essoriaftes with her tnery The dress was Tuiaaed at the roll, g.i yesterday morn-rg and knowing Mandy a wed'Ting plan-- -1 was suspi-rted of pur loining the gm -..nt and Chief Ksnn-o was tiotifie.l ai 1 niven a description of the dresn i ned Officer I.lev.J on the job. The r'er spotted Mandy ss he was changing ,ars at the Intersection of Fayetteville snd Cabarrua streets He arrested her and took her and her grip to headquarters, (apt Lloyd's sear, h ,,f the suitcase revealei tha dress M;" at first asserted that it was her propert but upon a telephone message being ent to the college to send some one up to identify the pro perty she eaved in and admitted that aha had taken i" from the college Hhe took it, ahe said, for the purpose of waving il at the wedding and intended to return it when she got bark from the weddiag Hhe will !e glvro s bearing this morn lng ia the city ourt oa the charge of larceay. King Ctsrn Makes War Gift. Londoa, May 7 King (ieorge, who has made a gift of t".U(s) to the treasury for war purposes, is by so dimbi the richest of hur.ipcan monarehs. for though he re.-en-s close to 2Jonasl per year, three quarters of that snisa has to be set aside for official el pea sew Generals Lane Relatives. Paris, May 7 -i.enerale who have exercised " commands during tha war kavw had tetal ef SC aoas aad aeas-ia- law killed ia action. Tlirct Builtlinfr lTp, Gibson S Works Will Bf in Ope ration About Jan. 1 T!ir e frauii: build.ugs have gone up st "uinn k for the proposed dye works to be eatabltehcd there aad kimber la un premise for the erect iua of aome af the r'.ttagcs to h.tase the employes, it is said With all of thia ths awople of that sertion still seem to be skeptical sbout the proposed magnitude of ths plant .Mr k r Gitiaoa. who has tha matter ia hand waa ia the city yeaterday aad stated that the plsst wewld be taady for ope ration about the trst af tha j-ear. The foliowiag taken from tha staaa faMurers Kaeord give about all tha In formation that has been given ant about tha eaterpeiee: A aeat the Issar af a Dye F artery la Narva CarwUaa. Cumsork, N. ('.. April V. K-litor Maaufaclnrers Beco-d It seems that the oa ly way to stop you from iMheriug ue ia to Write you smne Ihiug t T do aot see any adv.ntare to af or irty Company in tw-ipg alvertised is vcmr - Mssrifarturer Record, but I do see a disadvantage in it, 'twould only m.-rease the volume of correspondence il.tning in on rue everv day That is nt unli tin k-iiH. but is a .1 d 'iii-aiKr 1 i.iu leiil-lmg tl,e pl.mt iii mi- own .- , , r t,. sn:f uiv r.,nip;in Tll'-V llee.l ..-flung ni tl.e sray of ad ert im ng. n-l , i.-e or Mi'-ii, Of the tw. firit we s,,--etfiiiif tii-rc th.,li we want; ,,f the latter ' e !,:i, an :,in-!,- r .( pl fur mi lliing ue imlrrtske 'o,;rs tru'. it r ;ihmi !' ;,),., n h-is 1.. n r.-jort.-.l as 'lie r- s. ii.,i i e ..f a r.-H-rs- -l r,-nMin ,i.!;.d 'he Nxti.ei.il )e 4 M ilutl-.n '-, win, h it is alleged mil I, ,ul. I a ,lve 's,t..r) in ..rth ''sr,,llmi. and l.ttcri '.ale l-c.n sent t.. I.irn sn.l otb.-r .'ifli .-iif f.-r inf'..r m.b! i-.:i Tl.e :n.i"iiil llf.."'.tln f'.riul,, I I i Mr ; i nt v,rv 1 1 Inn, mat . ng. l-ut e gne In- I-tier in f-il. ss -is In,'., be, ii --kinir the same inf.,rinti,,i, Nil., tlie aU.'e letter t'rm, Mr a . 1 1 . - i, el reeeive-l I v tl,.- l.,i, I' t.tnr. r-. b- --, r I we h:ie the f .,1 in wtI, inlt r ii-s I-, tween the Ms mi t'.l.-t ti I .- rs K.-e utI'i , ,.rrespond-nt and Mr tiilsun: 1 eiAl 1 ispat.-b t,. Man .i f :i. t ur.-rs R -..r, , rwnferd N ( . May 2. At Cumnock, sn mile s est of Nan f..rd, en Kniithern an I -rf,!k S.utliern lailrosds. there are under cm -t r int ion rive frsme t.ti 1 1.1 trigs, tsn s',,ries. es, h 15"t."si fret. I'"' feet apart. to of nhieh are res.ly f..r the rn.-fers. while tie f "IIII .1;,! ions f..r several brvk t'lllldillH are l.ertig Isil and a.lt ert is.-'nent s for l.i.l s on -isi f,,nr roorri employes' e.t tages lise be, n inser'e.t )n the Stllte pacr. sll ef wl ili are rep,.rte-l t, l-e the 1-,-ginnnK ,1 tl.e h e nnlli.-ll dollar plant shl.ii the stl..nnl lre Ml llltt. li 'n of e "ork prop..es to ere t there as a t .. ftr an ecn great cr development R 1' t,it-s,n. sgent in charire of the sork at ( iimn o.-k. who recently wrote tle Manufacturers Rwor,. m answer I. , aa inquiry alMut tMe del el..f iuei,t that he di,l not ,-arc to t a.i ert is.l in the Miinufio't'irera Hecrd as it would only iiierease tl.e i,l.iiii- .f rorres..,nl i'ii,-e rlosilig in ri, n da. l,nd "thnt n not ,'iitv tiresom. I. ut a -U- ,1 ii u is Siiee.' l,!,v i;.ie .-i' a roarplete inter l lew i .-vering the pliui- et tre ,-om (null a I .- l,i . r ' - 'i He Snid -We l..le SiT'. e.l ' Il ill.' o.yiw-rs of tins ;"', ir t rs. t ..f land to b-nid a ft'c n ill . .n l..ll.,r munition and ,lyo pUnt vitlnn lli- rert i.-sr. pro iied tlo' vi!l fii. Li the .Vi a. re. ne,H.-d f r t'.e t-is.-i!. ,,i, who Ii trael w- are ikih I .iilding -We pr..-. .-' to , .,ii' r ,i. t . s vu see. s plan' ,- -ii-.-t nig .,f nmiii units. The fl.e frHtio' l-utl-'ing. tlo. igb rlniisy. will lie sii jt.-i).;,- f i tlo- i-ur...- f . . t whuh 111, aie to I US.-. I. Immediately in II, e r. ar ,.f tl,.',n we prop, .si' to build one l.n-k l,iii,u,g as 'he mam plant. wo '. .i.-. :'"'. l'i feet This pl.-in may be rliang.,1 t,, aevcral brick buildings. .'mill1 feet, to mirr U,o uim spa, e 1st. r on Tower will be f lirnisln-d by s hylr, i electric plant e will eonstrut.-t on the river and water wiil I pumped from it. TLcre is also a coal mine oa the property, which se will develop fur our own needs "We have just ad-vrt lee.l for bids on . employes' lionses. and priH,se to ere-t .'n' ft them n. ar the riii'r.Mi l and the rest on the big hill hack of the plant site. I will send out the spec idea tions for them this we k and ,.rk will Iwgin imrr.ediafcly A hospi!.. costing I'l.'svi an two schools aggregating .:,,issl, s,. a part of the .levelop ment. tne former to Ik? ready when the plant tgin. operation. "At present I bate all the o at, rial 1 need but as the w rl pr.-g-e.. I uill, lf ,,. ,'ve, a,.-d more 1 wiil f.e gl::d to sliBoiince. thfVi igh ths Ms ntif-st 'i rr r. Record, what I at wl.irh will pr,.l, ably Ih al out tl.e und-iie of tl.e s intmer Af present I ii not in the mnk,t f ajiy mater-. ! -All plans ar ling ms ie l.y the com ;nr. an-l I sin simply the local rnnn I snow i.iijy two j.e'-plc in the con.ps.iiv, and it is eitk them s..'elv tint -I am dealing, though orsenslly. I think some ef the biggest t.nsn icra in the country are l-el.in.i t'.e company I know that ther are to ii. ar u fact ore munition and dyes, but li. nd that and the fs.-t thnt ' I have plans IB I iilru t iins t- build, a I hat.- m.tlia.d. I know nofh.i.g .1, r uitely." Mr (Mison sted further that they have ciine. !iias w.th four railroad, the t.frlcaU "f the Atlantic '"oa-t I in, and the aboard ha-.ii.s already pr-ou ised him to rtia line from Senford to t 'omoock. The hoc for I p.-. pic are .kepti.-al of the derelopm. nf The ts, briefly summarired. . re The buildings. i. . ther are. arc nrt!y comi-lete-1. 'nLrsun i- the :,l raan kaown in the der.l . the land is stiii in the hirol of it or.ginal owner,, ('niiii.- k i '1. Ol.ght I., tc a g, Km) it. on seeoont of its trsuf..rfat,on faeili t i. s cal. eater .iitrr and water, everv fling ha b-en id for in cash, I...' the real uv-.vers in the proposition are :nikm,rn There has b-n bo real . stsle activity or twvom R(V i nOsiKER cvv-aV-! )a-.s ruajr rafrh a man. hut fete ffooi hfuitk4pt to fauM him. ,ti rtrath wM rtatwi to have a fi .?. 4 .ritu'B haa l lt( In U-rn Commencement Exerciser May 28-30; Senator Borah Speaker With only one mors week of active school work before tae year closes, A. aad M. seniors ai-s fast gettiag their plans set for the eon tag commencement which wiil take place May IM, t aad 90 in I'ullen Hall it the college. The exer cises will beam Bunday, May KM, with the baccalaureate sermoa delivered la Tulleo Hall by Bev. Edward K. Hond thaler, of Philadelphia, Pa. Oa Monday rJeatator William E Borah, of Idaho, will deliver the annual add rem to the se niors of tha coJlege. At 10 s'elosk Taes day morning the senior ekasa orators will deliver their speeches, Tha follow ing eusjeeta will be dealt aa by tha oosameavcemeat apeaasrra: a U. Cratwv, of Cyela "Flaaneiag tha American Ksrawi." K. tUoaa, of rMatesvilte ''EagiBeev mg aa tha Farm." at. V. isavia, of Fremont -"Vocational Training." K. U Ureeaneld, of Kernersville "lns Amerieaaish.H The valedictory address is to be de livered by K riloaa. who during hia col lege course has made aa average of !M iS per cent uu Ins work. The follow ing men are candidates for degrees this year: Agi u-ulture J W. Dason, Hwepsoa Mile, K i. Hoylm, Wadeaboro; K. Itrooks. Alhuuee, J. C Huck, (.iriines land . C. W Clark. Uwaasa, Ala.; 8. U. i ml. r. Cycle . .1 A Farrier, Kaleigh; ' ''ii.-iiier, Shilny - K L ireenllelil, K ,i,e,s il,., ). v. Haiiiiltnii, Jones v 1 11, . e 1 , It II Hodges, Washington; A .Inhustun, Mooresville; I'. H Klme, ii, ,l,l.i,ro , J W. .Mel I, Rowland; .1 I Se, ly, I darlotte , li H N.IOC, 1'lttS K A l ug.-. AI.. i ,1,-,-n , .1 A I'uie toy. A-hcville . 1' H. Kami. Clayton; 11 ( Ilea. Mstllens. It M Ult. Ille, ( en . .-i-l . J I' II. . I,. r!,oii. Ito.iliin.l . II t' ItllSh. Klllelgli, J II Spell. Last 11,11,1. A I T;i.i 1,". M, I ulb-rs . I. W. I n-ler lull. Knight. lub . .1 O Ure. King M,.iinl.un. I. II. Wi.llon. Mm i' li field . 11. ( Wlnrt.-n. (Irr-eiisl,,,,,, , - , K Williniiis. buy. tl.viil. . .1 II Will,, is H- i ,m , 1 w n y 'In n: t r M I .. ', ,i rell . 1. 1 1 iii I rl ,,ti . I. . II .1, .1,11-:. I,. Il.-ll.leisoni e , .1 I Ktnnbflrk, .Ir . Huleigii. t'lvil biiineering : C ' linker, Itnl eigh, M K li.-ntty, Charlotte, ' I' ltrilto.il. S.lliiliiel 11,1,1 1. li I b.-ri . Itnleigh.S l ( 'l,-,lle, Shmii gnart.-r . .1 A. r'nioi, Kings freek; IV N llmviird. Washlligloli , N K Ji'll.U'tti'. Ilke l.illl'1 II, e .' I Miller. Ne U.lldoll . .1 II Pndgeii. Klin 'ilr, W. V. Mid, lick, lial eigh. I' A Robert., Red Springs. W II K-gets. K.il. lgli ; I, M Rowe. Iliirgnw; A .1 1,'nsso, I'i, rs in, nth. i.. ' ( S.-.I', rl. .- Hern . K Sloan , statesv ille , R I. Tatlini. C.l.-eniee ; (. II We1, 1, 1 1.-, i ri. nl I ngiiie. ring : K A lv,.l.-r, K i n k. Mounfii in ; .1 S. It. im. ft, More head Cit . .1 H lloiiner, W;,sh i iiti.n , ( I. i in It Hoik mi. ii . It V. Haws, Fremont ; M M Fontaine, Hoxboro; A, V Uoodsoii. Concord. 1. (I Henry, (.astonui; K A Hester, Whltevlllc; T II Holmes. Jr, I lol, I -.b.,1 ii ; .1. I,, It Jenkins. linrlotte; H I. Kelly. Hun ford. W I' Kennedy, Warsaw; T 1. Mlllwee. t ha r lotte ; '""A. Aloore, Kill f,,ii; H. Kobinson. W en v en ille , I'. K. Mi, ud. H--ids, ill,- , W It Sumner. Ashe ,ille; I F WiMihiiis. lt.-sseiner fity Meelianical h.iigin, ,-ri ug : i '. h. Al,er netl.v. Ill, k, r, T W Itiook. Stein; J V I liailiplon, Ulii, igh ; .1 I' Collier. ,lr . I...I Isl.or.,, W. s fori, ill. Mender sou ; W H llayw 1. Mt Oil, ad, l It Holt. Hiirlingtoii , s h; Mi-mies; II Haiikin. (IhvIoIiiii, 1. H liny . Hurling I II 1' Send. I.uilf. I ,11, gv Anth, ny. aw . It II on. ''hnr la . H.K 'i'evtllo I nilust ri : I ) S Slicfbl , W A K. ' I . . t v . Wn l.ni.lsiiv . M.-idis. ii , .1 if M lotte; X H. Kharpe. Wnt.-rl... W inston, '0ufigHV iMe. -r- PrealdeRt to Hpesk si Hsmpton. W ashington. May 7. I'r. anli-nt Wil sob has fentatirely accepted an innta tu.n to speak Friday nt a K.ilcrt ' g,en mciiioritil meeting to be held by the Hsmpton Normal and Industrial Insti tute He may go to Hampton on a week end cruise aboard the yacht May flower Tomorrow the Fresident will listen for an hour to speeches by meni ter of an a tit i militarist committee op posing his preparedness measures ltHMftltlll4ll1IIII11fltt!HHlIlltf1irtllt11tf!tltIH:tiiltt1imiItlfllltllttt illHIIf tltttlllfli! FllUi alUIllHIIitlltUUUf till Ifi 1 Uxting th Dollar Mov ing Wlion th I'.hii ,ifa-1 urcr uf a nutioiially i article l.etfiu fiii rri-ing r.-iii; i-h iifii in tho in vvw.ainr iiv ,m ii tLiu u (1m k uf' t!i,j.:j ; -4 in iiu't inn. They firi iff. t ri f to o nuffht hy hi i m 1 1' i.rn" Tin v is? Jt'nlfr pr,". f.im tn i-pT ink ii- unit "n the tiJ .f trie (l.'l:ir Lr I ttii.K tin- jmiMm kii'W h ham the .!.. N I.' r :i.i tl,- In tl fit .,f the ftl.'-r m;in' nd vert iniit (y do in jut a lit It ,ti-.Jtin(f n hn cm ii oti'n nit nt tl.- r iM timp The cti.Kht dollar- help to mnkc fr ii, o n .rui'erity x i 1 1 an for thnt of t hi man n t.'.cturrr a Get What You For! Ask V ill II I Itgi aHlllMt ar'lliHtiril tmu arc le-H tit-etieil than for itierl iVople u udfrntand t he mu tiwjt of the "I have stitiiething just an good" kind of it ore kf ,-wr Tht prefer the mn who pU'-et i harwter aloe rotit iiK.d merehantH neer try to nhtne out a gul.gt it tjff V kn you tee an nrtitle ad vertiaed in tht it'an i ami you want it ak for it ly name. Aad when uu ank for it ia Im( oa getting it and uot cHme ituid ck'. numiiniwmiwiiflirmwiniw Qieahire Preache Strong Sermon; Large Con gregation at Service The service of Coatraaatioa and Hal Communion, at tha Church of tha Good Shepherd yesterday meraing ittlafl erowned the labors af tha Bavaread Doctor Pittenger ia that parish for ths) past twenty live years. Tha spaeiems and beautiful sdiftcs was erswded ta the doors. White the hymn, "Soldiers of Christ Arise! Aad Put Toar Arm ear Oa" was being snng to the stately eld tuae "Silver Street, tha largest eon flrmatiesi elaaa ia ths history af tha pariah including snanjr of Balatffct representative people preaentad ittalf bafors tha Bishop ta reesivs tha Apcsrtolle Rite of tha laying oa o hands. It wss aa inspiring sight, to see men snd women leaving their seats here and there in the congregation, to follow the white robed, white Tested girls, snd the manly resolute boys, up to the altur rail It servsd to symbolise the gathering of the people to tha Master's Table from "sll sorts sad eon dilions of men". Those here twenty Bine in all, one candidate being detained by illness from participation iu the rite. After the solemn ritual had been read and the liishop'a hauda laid see rally on the head of each person, he very briefly called tlie attention of the newly con firmed to the words iu the Epistle for the ,iy, ' Kor eren here unto were ye called, because Christ alao suffered for us. leaving as nn i lauiple that ye nhoulil follow His steps.'' It was noteworthy, that each memhaf of the class rce. ired communion at the subsequent celebration thereof. Illshop Cheshire pi cache, I a strong uii.l interesting sermon on the words; ' Kor all flesh is aa grass, and all the gloit of man aa the flower of grass The grass v. it hr ret h, and the flower tli-ii-of f.-illctli imay, but the word of the l..,r, eudiireth for ever And this i th,- word which by the gospel is pri a, I, , , I unto vim " Dwelling upon the I .i-viiig ,,f the individual man, ami tho - I'-rnal stability of the word of (iod -ef forth by the iliiirch, he spoke iu lo 1 1 mi. I affectionate appreciation of torate just closing And alluded I lie pi--1 f. II. I, III w, . k ! to the death, during the past th- Re rend Doctor hdmond It Rich, late Dean of Trinity Cathedral I ait.. ii. la, v. ho was for eight years, firsl refer of the Church of the Good Sh.-i herd. The i oui in uu ion which followed tho "'"I, "a 1. -brute. I l-y the Itlshup, site, by the Rev Dr Plttcug.-r, and li. v ' M Consuls. A greater number knelt nt the altar than lime been pres i nt at nny such service In a long time The music was cieee.liiigly good and sang by a large chuir, with Mrs Ward at the organ and Mr Thomas playing violin nbligatos. The noble tune by Prof. Horatio Parker to the words "fight the (ool r'ight." was stirring and im pressive. A beautiful anthem by Chria ti.ph.r Murks on the words. "Is.ve Di Vine, All lmve Excelling," wns much admired. Mr l.ee and Mr. Fred Stoudt contributed solos The setting of the Holy Ciiiiimunion was that of Dr. John stumer At .'i o'i-Io. k flu-re was a special even ing prayer service, with the formal a, I mission of seven girls and nn associate to the tiirls' friendly Society . Rev. C. M ' 'lotllllt served the ofliee. using special lesson ati-1 u selection of' appropriate Psiilins. After tin- iiupr, r.ivc ritual ad mission of the members to the Uirls' friendly Society, inclii.ling the blessing and presentation of pins, Dr. t'onnnt niH-le h n address urging the solemn re sponsilnlity upon all of the gift of per sonal influence. The service na nt tended by many friends of the society us well ns by its members and aso dates. Mr fred Stou-lt kindly served at the 'organ and familiar hymns were II. il I I ill -.llllg. Camels Rluwn Pp. ,11, l,r A.H'I,1 Prt-M I Cairo. Egypt. May 7 Camel laden with l.oinl's :iii-l petrol were blown to pieces by the Turks so that these living carriers of ammunition would not fall info the possession of the attacking Hriti.h, during the sensiit ioiiul dash of tli o Duke of Westminster's armored motorcar battery through Ihe Libyan desert. SI Voice of the World's Work Thiri i a wonderful newn value to the advertising in a hvf newspfiper like The New and Uhtv m rr. Kvrry line vtneri the Witrld a W-.rk. " Ail vert ifsinjif in tlie mej.iv of incluntry- the story of the wheels going round To he up to date one numt I e a render of the advert. e in end a, for they tMl a story of hst in K"injf ou'thftt li told now here vne. Advertisement (C1V the lnifi n ein- m-ws of the day start reading them with ihn i-tue nfiH e how inter et mg they are. Fact That Eretryone Want The information that tm S ned in regard to your pur 5 i-h'ase iU probably 1- found 5 in th advertising eoluieas to E day I Kvery line lliereiu ia a uies 5 age to some oue. it is writ aj ten vsith a helpful purpose g It is definite and to the point S It will profit the man who puts in the advertisement oalv aa it profits you - remember that To your question aa to what or where to select, the adver tising columns ruataia the answer. it's here- help yoaraelf .

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