' MAMMY- lOINT OF VIEW. WW aW aa laae aU 1 s aat aa. Die eaile Sat Aa aotia on au kne, T I I nil he walks, mm AS l him. avsv m d iha of dw lm He (altar kb h U ik (kin. Am' rat f hit wir ktu rr. When Iaa4m far wiisrli at W do. Wat a issue a. bm hWa (at hie u'l toUf aaa akin. tmf as wrnha aa' areaau as milk. Aa' aa eaaaa jraltar kair ta aarb. La eara eat M softer aaa aitk Ms pa aa' klla'l aat aa sem wars. Ha ahaara 'aaa aa taat aa a arrow. Day (tta aay awa way wtta laffin' Ak naaesat 'aaa kola, aa' Ah kaowa. He's laka Ma sal aa' his aaa. Aa aay aat kaav a' caa Bat la waya Wvia' aa' fr'rn'ly. Ha'a aa laka kte Bat's bm I P. Ilaara. ta Baataara wa afr. B. R. Wall and children, who Mai here to attend the muaie festi raj, left yesterday for their homo la Lilctville. While here thry were the guests of Mr. Wall's sister, Mr. C. L. Mcintosh. Clrta Frteadlv Society. Eight girls war admitted aa mem he ri of the (ilrls f"rirndly Rociety at the Oood Shepherd Church Hunday afteraooa. The- society will not hold ita usual meeting at the pariah houae this week, aa Thursday ia ait aside aa "Houae Warming Iay" at the Oirla friendly LjCtdje All members are urgrd to meet at the lodge, at .tn.t West Jones street, ob Monday aifht, tn help with tin preparations for the opening lav s) Colonial Dsmrs Martin-. The Colonial Iaim'a of tin- Wnkr County Cirrlr are r i i. Htrl t iim i f nt the residence of Mr W .1 Andi.-v. tl.'s morning nt II a in, I" . l.-.-t .1. c ' ' 1 ' -, to the nnniinl rne.'iiiir lit Wil'.M.tr1 1,1 aud trailKnrt other iii,.M.im ef Ihihiih -.m e May Day Eserclwa at Peace. There M ill lie a M l.v I'm etereiae al Peace Institute tin- ;i M n.x.n at ,fi o'eloek to al.irh the u 1. 1 n- in invite. I May Gueen. folk .bmcea. etc. Diploma Krci() at St. Mary'a. The wcoihI (tiphui.u rtrtlnl nf t h nwu ivl.t in ill t. gM it thin even in it F VIim Mary KL-x-i. nn of Mr. H Itlmn Owen Mi KLiYl. who it .Imi an nriiilrin ir rraluntr of li'lfi. took In r n-rtiffrat in pian Iutt year, ainl is thin rlng taking a di loma in piatm Stir nil) ho ftiitf! in lirr riMtti.l In Minn Franrrn Tilloton. at-prano Thf puMir ia id iti 'l Thf pr..(jrnin tt g icn bWnw Peace Aluianae Aaaoclatioa. Aa impoitant meeting of the Peace Institute Aluiiiiine Awm uition in called for tuuiorrow afternoeu at .r ; l.'i o'clock. In tlna meeting plan fur the annual meeting to le held Mny will lie din cuased Mra Joaephun I'niiiila lui eonaented to Te present at the minimi meeting anil locnl tneinlerN ;ire aniioiiN to arrange an intereatnig progniiu. A full attcudani-e upon the Tucadiiy meet lag la urgently reuuotcd ' VlalUag Caeata at Club Dance. Among the riaiting gueata attending the Capital Cnl danic Friday mM were: Mra W A Krwin. Mra Ix-nke. Mra Wiley. Mra. Oill.ert White. Mr J. U Morehead. Ourhnni; Mra It II Wright.. Miaa Mny It II Muffly Miaa Hi nine Whicharil. Mian Kmic Whicharil Mra T M Hooker, (ireenville . Mra Thoniaa I. Craig, tiaalonia, Prof Vi'r non Honell. Chapel II II ; Mra An tlonitte Hpi,-er, Mra. Willium Spn er. Miaa Ma l- e Mi.ldleton. I )o. Ialn.ro . Miaa Parrott. Kiuaton. Mr Ainnt... Mr Hageman. Mr Ci.p. l. t. lt '.. . New York The young la-liea rriing nfrcah Bienta were: Miaaea 1. tin I Mm r-l.ull. An nie Louiae Matin.ng. Annii Hall Thomaa. 'fcuaie l.ini han. f 1 1 ra t . t h Croaa, Khra heth Jonca. Mil Ire. I .l. nknia. Ijllie fbepherd. Margnret R.im y. Margnret Ball. Julia Nuaa .Inne lriuiea The . ii tia( lii'liea were nl.ly aaalKted l v Mr W C Htrona. h t.erman Club lance. The Thnlarian tierinan Clul. of the A. and M College held the l.iat clul. dance of the year Hatwr.;iy nilit with the following couple .l.tnein Mia Naomi Alfmd :nid W S. C.n bitt. Mia Iaia and A I. Hul.l.nrd. Miaa Cotton Timherlnke and Hen T. in Ble. Miaa Kiiu Ki.l.h. k niul I' c Ward ler, Miaa Marioll Pickett Mild .lelTrev Btanlnick. Miaa Koherta Crewa and II A MetSinii. Miaa Atkiaaon and II K fimaton. Miaa Smith and Ralph Hodgea. Mia Sacih Sauadera and W S McKim on. Miaa Mildren Holding and Fowler Morriaa.n. Miaa Mary Nicholaou an.) .1 A. Johnatoa. Miaa Emma White and II C. Waiwick. Miaa Mary Harrow and Will X Coler. Miaa liiita Hpann and Wm lU.wen. Miaa Ben la h Htafford and TERRIBLE ITCHING piffKZEMA for Twelve Year,. Kpt SpreadTng. . Skin Wit Red and Inflamed. Often Could Not Sleep. HEALED BYCUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT -vj i i aa bm wttk aa Hcsiaa Ik emaae oa oae of mw ibttaf rtararorm aa4 M kam see as at ag eattt a) raarkad say boa. The Haraua vas a a a a a tf by lalalilaal Ofasa 1 eeukl at akats ko4 aay etotMn Ike enipatoa aa kaaa aray tor tarerae raarm. aaa aaat Otalanak adrar- aa was errkas esv. lar Urn. Maai Waa, Ctdpir. Oe aVaav U. Mis. Sample Each Fre by llall A4V .T. Be. -ft w. I aav Oaakaaa aaseesas Herbert Williamson, Miss Eliza Leach and Welraaa Price, Mian Ie Faulkaer and Jack Row en, Miss Hessie Luniailea and H. L. McKee, Mist Btirton of Nor folk. Va.. and (1 K McCoy, Mies Coe ncille llama and R. J. Murphy, Mia Marion Alston and Wallace Kiihluk, Miaa Mary Prances Boweu ana H. V Kuiidit . Htniis: K. R Aiken. Jr , AheiliV; C O. Seifert, J W Cooper, J R. ('room. A. C Mnrtin, I'. N. li.' ward. (i. il. Hloan, f tT. rlS-i.Teni.er', V. C. Wigjina, f, K. M.Ki.v, H Kankin II. B. KoUrlaon, I,. H Kiinkin. ''. R Alierncthy, Avon Hlue, C. R Daniel, W. C. Podaon, E. K. Wright. H F) Ho.lgea, A. P. Martin. H. V. Mitchell, T. H. Holmeg, J. 0. Hicks, James Harriaon, W. H. Bogera, I) P. Harria, Mr. Hhamburger, V. M. Fulton, J. C. Collier, M. L. Oirrell, W. B. Kumner, J. B. Powell, J. H. Honner, 0. C. Coi, H. M. Stoffregen, W. II Ragan, W, L. Paraona. MRS. OB R BOON'S MESS AC R TO WOMEN OF AMERICA. Here ia Mrs. Oliregon'a meaaag to the women of America: 'Digaa a laa damaa de loa Eatadoa Ualdoa," aha anid at last. "Quo laa Meilcana tieaen ua ideal da libertad para todo al aexo feminine por el ual eatamoa coloborando. Naeatra eamino, qulaa, aera largo y penoan, pere algun dia lograremoa nucatro aueno. Con laa Diuerea Norte Americanaa formarrmoa una aliania fraternal TfDgan eaper- ansa. Nueatra deanoa muy pronto aeran rcalizado " Polloaing ia a tranalation of the niea ange : 'Tell the women of the I nitr.1 Mtatea that the women of Meiieu have an ideal f free womanhood toward which they nre triving l ne ro;nl mny ie long and weary, hut we will achieve our Irefini nt lant. With them we ahull everitilnlly form a free aiateihond of the weatern continent. Kceji n atout henrt. On wilt ao rrnll7fil.' ., thf ..il are a a Futrell-Splvry. Wilmington, May 7 Mr Kghert A Intrell, B.-n of ev. I A I'lllrell. of Stanti.nl. urg, N i' , ami Miim .Icltie Pearl Sf.ivry, of Hum . My, wer' ipnctly mar ned at the .araoniiKc of Hlnden Street Metliodiat Church, NL'iy .1. ! Rev. .1 P. Pate. The liride, a liaiiilaoinc l.runette, wore a dftrk hlue ailk dreaa with hat to match Thev will reaide in thiM city. a a SMITHFIKLD Sniithlield, May 7. The Tueaday Bridge Cluli woa entertained thia week hy Mra A. II Roac, in her accuatomad charming manner The houae waa lar iahly adorned with cut flowera, pink and white heing the colora iim-i. Bridge wua played nt four tallica, and a dclichiua aaln-l . ..urae waa aerred with hon l.ona, ' ' IleaidcM the clul- uiemlnTa. Mrs. Boren, of ( Jreenalioro , Mra Koynll, of More head ; Miaa Nikea. of Manteo, and Mra Patterson and Mra Ward, of Hinithfleld, I enjoved Mra. Uone'a hoapitul it v on thia lelightful tH'cnaion Mra tTliwu'r'd W. Prtii wn. hnatraa to the Ham Houai Hook null on Thura.luy afteriKioii, and her grnciuua ci.urteay made Una ini'("ri!i K nieinornliK' for ita pleaaifrc. The tieniitiful new home was decor ated In wild flowera, which aeemed to I. ring with them a hint of the freslincaa and aweetneaa of the woods Fancy work and congenial converaa ti..u made the lioura paaa rjiiiekly, while aoine choice selection on the phono Ifraph added the aiihtle charm of innate. Heaulea the ineml.era of the cluli, a largo nuuiher of Iniited gueata were .reai-nt. mid dainty ref rosh mcuta were Her ed I'he m. nil. era of the Piipheatc Cluh .rc t'..rtiiuate in heiug the gueata of I H. Hlan.lv on Thuralay even Iiupliiatd vrhlat waa. pluyed at two . mid an i-fognt aupiwr was served. Mrs lug tal.li LITTLETON Littleton, May 7. Miaa Hcshi. Hal. . atiidrnt of I.lltldun C.l lcrc. fell fruin tho third Ht..ry of that tmilditig laat Hutt.lay iLfli'nn.i.ii an. I cived vrry p.-iiiifu injnrica Khc i? l.(Mhi treated at a It i.' li m. n .1 h..a).itul Mra I'l-r.-v 1hu..ii i.f Portsmouth, :i , ia lisiiiu lu r ihi.lh. r. Mra .1. K N.iai.ini nil. I i. tiler rehitivca tins Wl'ck Mra .1 II Nei,mie im isitina rein li ea in I hiir l.'tt'V Mra .'..lui Y:iy lor cut ert a i ued at rook T'lead.'iv nfteriioi.ii in honor of her (fin , ,M laa Kui.y Xim t'tit or Itiomaa N .Shi. arrv.Ml dclieu.ua cream. atianlMTTiea and nkc Mra Hen Hri.Mllllilf entrrtniiie.l unite a nuniler of hrr frmeda Monday after noon. The guoata enjoyed many games of ruok after lmh the hoateaa aered tempting ref realinienta. Mra. W. K. lilark, arrnmpanird l.v her daughter. Mra Tmo tlant, liaa returned home after a short visit at Hidgeaay. Miss Ktta llclle Htevena ajio has leeii visiting for several months in the west rrn iart of North Carolina, bus returned home. COI.1V MINING PLANT FOR THE ISLAM) OF 81 MATRA. R) Iha AuM.ito.1 Pr.-aa 1 The Hague. Netherlands, May 7. A big order for gold mining plant is likely to be placed In Aniorfcri shortly hy the Dutch government. This plant ia re quired for the important gold mining enterprise that has juat been under taken in the province of Denkoi len, on the uland of Sumatra. If thia state eiplditation seheme prores successful of which there appears to be every irospeet It should bring largs sums nto the coffers of the heavily burdened treasury of the colony and help to pay for the big naval and military rein forcements that are declared to he a necessity of the near future. Gold bearing ore has been proved to a value of 8,010,000, and eiperta report that there ts probably another $.12,000,000 worth of gold ia the fields. The Drat year's expenditure is esti mated st some $240,000, and the aeeond rear's at some JISO.000, the largest item of expense being the necessary ma chinery. Dutch industry is nnable it self to provide this highly specialised plant and Germany, where the order would no doubt normally be placed, is too much engaged ia other directions. A State engineer ia expected to arrive here with ore aamplee early In May, which aamplee will then be duly sub mitted to American sad British manu facturers to serve aa basis for definite tenders. Seeing, however, that British industry; la an largely monopolised with the manufacture of munitions of war, it is pretty certain the order, to a valae of some hundred thousaad dollars or acre, will he placed ia the United Btatea. WOMAN WEAK, . . DIZZY, NERVOUS Health Restored by Lydia E. Piiikham's Vegetable Compound. Jamaica, N. Y " I iafTered greatly with my jiead and with backache, waa weaa, uuy, n-t-V 0 U . with hot flashes and felt very miserable, as I waa irregular for two year. On day when I waa feeling; unusually bad my ister-ta-law eai In and ttld, 'I with yea would try LydiaHPinkham-i Compooad.' So 1 began takinf Hiailu now in food health and ajn curod. I too ttw ub- noond three times a day after meal a. und on reUrihg at night I ajwajskeajp a bottle In the house." Mrs. U ri. Burnhah, 36Globe Ara., Jaaaaiea, N. Y. . Women who recorer their health nat- uralW tell other what helped them. Some write and allow their bones and photographs to be published with testi monials. Many more tell their friends. If you ned a medicine for Wo men's Ailment, try I.yau. l.. Ptnkham'sVeRetableCompound. Write Lydla K. Plnkliam Medi Hne Co. (confldentlul) for any thing; you need to know about ( lieso troubles. II. E Thirty Members And Guests Have Lnjoyable Kvent At Hotel Fairfax iBprv-iai In Tha News ual Otaartar I Noifolk. May 7. -Thirty mi'mlx'ra and gueata of the Alumni Aaaociation of Tidewater Virginia of the North Caro ina A and M. College were present nt the semi annual smoker ot the orgam ration ill a private dining room at the Hotel Kairfai laat night. In the courae of the informal meeting following the dinner, plans were discuased for im proving the curriculum of the college, with a view to equipping more thor ouglily the men graduating from the in atitution to handle any contingency that may ariae in connection with their work in various engineering fields, and s Com roittee of three waa appointed to col leet atiggeations for tho improvement of the curriculum and report back to the association at ths next meeting early in tt.e fall. These suggestions, after they have been approved by the association will 1 submitted to the faculty of the college for consideration. The commit tee appointed by I'resident B. M. Wag staff is composed of the following: W. I. Faucett, chief engineer of the Sea board Air Line ttuiiway, Portsmouth; K. O Hmith, chief of the orSfr depart ment of the Newport News Ship and Drj Iook Company; and W. A. Par ker, of tin Careleigh I'hotipliato Com pnny, Norfolk. Letter From Klddlck. It waa anticipated that Profeasor W. (V Hiddick, of A. and M. College, would b present at the smoker. Professor Hiddick, however, was unable to leave Ha'eigh. but an interesting letter to the iisaoc lat ion from him waa read by E. I' Rngwell, aecretary of the organiza tion. In ths course of his letter, Pro-f.-ior Kidiluk had the following to sa y i "If I were present at your meeting and should be called upon to make any remarks, I would talk to the boys about the need of self confidence and pi ide in their profession, or, as the hmih put it, '1Kspnt de corps.' I believe that your supreme obligation la to the com inuuity in which you live and to your selves, and when you perform thia duty successfully, you are doing the col lege more good than you can possibly do in any other way." The writer emphasized thnt the A. and M graduate should never permit himself to gnln an Impression that his education Is not aa thorough as that of the grnduate of a classical college. "In addition to the mental training," the letter continued, "our boys have aeijuired a profession which enables them to go out Into the world snd take care of themselves, and at the same time be active agents in developing the Ht:ite and community in which they live." Preparadneea and the Eagiaeer. The question of preparedness and ths part the engineer has to play la the general program was ths theme oi dis cussion on tho part of several speakers. Among those present at the am.ok.or were some who, ia their college' days, woa renown oa the gridiron and diamond. Among the speakers of the evening were Vance Bykes, star tackle of ths teams of 1903 "fl and 1007; Joe Oulley, cap tain of the football team of 1903; I. II. Farmer, second baaemaa of ths base ball team of 1907, and, W. L. Dardea, half back oa the football team of 1903. It was voted that the annual meet ing of the association next fall be held either at the Chamberlain Hotel at Old Point or at Newport News. Eroaemy la I'aa of Paper. Berlin. May 7. The various depart ments of the Prussian government have issued detailed instructions for the ut most economy of the use of paper in all public ofiires. Officials are ordered in all possible rasee to use small sheets of paper, snd slso to amend the style of official communications by omitting all unnecessary phraseology. Pay Aaatrallaa Soldiers. Sydney, Australia, May 7. It is es timated that Australia, with a popula tion of S,000,OCK will be paying her sol diera in June at the rate of more than flno.000,000 per annum, plus the cost of maintenance, transport, equipment, and waste. Thia is exclusive of liberal penaiona sad allowances. Ths salculav. tioa ia based on a force of 275,000. Twins occur about ones in every 1,006 birtha. AND M ALUMNI AT NORFOLK SMOK TKE .TUS AND OBrRVEIL lUlRHi A! DR., JORDAN TALK Make Addresses in Bladrn; Big Basket Picnic Also Feature at White Oak School Cloning Elizabrthtown. Mar 7. Mai Baiter Durham, of the State Auditor's Depart uicnt, Raleigh, aaade the commencement address at Whir Oak Arademv oa Fri day and he asade some speech He has a fine voice with aa abundance of magnetism aad his address was chock fall of common sense eipreesed in so common war. Dr. T. M. Jordan, of the Mate De part meat of Health, who is conducting a health eamMiara ia Blaulea, upon ia rrtatioa also spoke. The doctor, wrta a geaial smile aa his fare, dressed old statistics in sack attractive costumes that he nude them real living interest tag flgarws and hia hearers heard htm with aseat delight. The doctor by his thorough kawwfedare. tact aad Trajaa tike efforts ts doing wonderful work. He ia deliveries; the good a He's getting results. Tke picnic dianer was also oae of tke attract loss that was shared ia by all. Here Is what "Oeae." who was there aad aired arp oa the speeches, the tesnpt ing v urn rfa from the heavily ladea baa kets, containing the best products of ok) madra, aad beak cat la the sunshine of the pretty girla, had to aay about the trip: White Oak Academy has juat been celebrating the occasion of the winding up of the past year's work, with muale debating, declaiming, oratory and pic n icing lea there were a goodly lot ho sauntered over to that neighbor hood on Friday the f'h Not being vaccinated against snythlng save for typhoid and small poi noue proved I in mune to the general good humor that prevailed in the place. We helped our selves to the fellowship of White's Creek township. When Mr. Baxter Durham had finish ed his address but juat a minute must not make so great haste. It s a failing common to many to hurry on to a fine picnic dinner Vet I am sure there were none at White Oak that day with such a keen anticipation for the feed, as not to wait most willingly to hear all that Mr. Durham had to say 'The courage of the couuaon place' ts a topic which none jf ua found very bor ing or rather It did Ix.re iato con sciousness of those who were privileged to hear the leading address of the pro gram. When M. Durham had fniahed hia address let me continue- the good people of White Oak and the surround Ing country opened np their baskets and the feast was spread. This feed O, you have been to picnic dinners before. Well just let your mind wander over the various onea to which you have been, select the very best which your memory brings before you and think of it for a while. Do you remember the chicken and barbecue and pie and cake which you know t..cref Now juat you add about fifty per rent to all those things --there you have a fairly good idea of the enjovvnent that ass ours. "After tllnner everybody sort o' Is red around over the grounds, aa usual, till they began to become accustomed to the unusual fullness that was generally felt. Thus all were assembled again to take in the remarks of Dr. Jordan who is conducting the health campaign in Bladen county and who had been in vited to have something to aay. The good doctor surely whooped things up ia the line of disease prevention. We people of Bladen are especially interest ed in this work and consider ourselves entitled to a great big brass button, be cause of being the first to organise a health campaign in our particular way. Dr. Jordan Is a most interesting lecturer on things pertaining to public health, and can hold an sudieaee as well as anyone you will come across, la this instance he touched oa the duty of the Individual to the community and the community to the individual respective ly, then he bore down heavy on disease prevention as a much neglected unit in education, developing the idea of guod citizenship fro.n ii public health stand point. He also threw several pretty bouquets to White Oak Academy be eSuae of their lelng the first, to hi knowledge, who have been progressive enough..!.! have a public health address in a commencement program. "Kliznbethtown follows suit in that they will have the doctor to talk to them iu their commencement next Kn day. "Just take a look at the war Bladen doea, and go tlu.j and do likewise." School of Mi are la CUsa. i Ht thr A.m-laul Ftaaa 1 Haifing. II. .nan province, China, Mav 7. One hun.lr.d .tu.l.-nts are ia attend ance at the g.. vrnmint sew school of mines, which has juat beca opened here. Honan provin.. is especially rich tn minerals, but the population ta poor and mining operations arc so expensive that little development work aaa beea doae until recent years. AGED GRANDMOTHER Be Weak She Cos Id Bardly BlaaaV Made Stroaf By TtassL Bu?ht here in Baletfk are nave seen soch ricellent reaults fom Vlaol that it is a pleasure to know it is doing so much good for old people la other parts of the country. Woodbridge, N. J ''My fraadms waa recovering from ths grippe aad was so weak aha could hardly staad. and as she keeps house for any father aad myself, she could not get around at all. She had takea eod liver oil aad many other medicines, bat aothing seemed to do her any good. At last we heard of Vinol aad tried it, aad Grandma commenced to feel better right away, and gt stroaf vary soon, so she gets srnnnd aa well aa ever. We all praise Vinol for It ta a splen did nifKlirlne " Myrtle H. Bonn. The reason Vinol is so sneeeeaful in restoring strrngtk to the aged ia ta?cause of the rare sosabiaatioa of tonic iron, the curative saedkriaal extractives of fresh cods' livers, beef peptone snd; mild native wine. It supplies iron to the blood, quickens the appetite, aids digest ton. promoters proper asMmilatioa of food, aad en rirhrs the blood, and brings back tke Strength of renewed health. Ktng Growall Drug Co, ' P. 8. In your home town, wherever row llvs, there ia a Vinel Drag Store. Look for the aigm. adv. Sweeping Of AUWomen'i Spring Coat Suits Beginning TUESDA Y MORNING Buy your Spring Coat Suit now and cave from $5.00 to $15.00 on your purchase. Ntw Spring; Suita we sold JJ AfJ up to $15.00. SaU Pric. . . spOeatD Spring Suita, sold formerly - r up to $20.00. Sale Price 4 1 1 && HUDSON-BELK COMPANY 1 3 Stores Sell For Less 3 SHIPPING BILL IN HOUSE TODAY All North Carolina Democrats in Uou8 Will Probably Sup port the New Measure News aaal Oasarrer Bareaa. 4S4 Dblrlrl NaUaaal Hawk BalUinf, Washington, Mav 7. By H. E. C. BRYANT. Bsaarlal t aaaaS Wirs.) The Administrations shipping lull, oaigned to create a inirrliant marine o meet the requirements of commerce ill be introduced in the House tomor row by itepreseutative Alexander, or Missouri, (.'hairniau of the Committee on errhant Marine and Fisheries. The measure ia the result of many weeks ork on the part of memliers of the committee and after extensive hearings held upon the matter. A I'nited Htates shipping Iniard is ere ated under the terms of the bill, cum posed of the Secretary i f the Navy, the Seretary of ('oiiirnerre and five com missioners to be appointed by the Pres ident. Kach member is to receive a salary of 1 10,000 a year and the board is authorised to employ a secretary who ia to receive W.000 per annum. Not more than three of the roiumissionera shall be appointed from the same po litiral party. The board, with the approval of the President, ia authorized to have con structed and equipped in American ship yards and navy yards or to purchase, lease or charter, vessels suitable ss far aa the commercial requirements of the marine trade of the I'nited Btatea may permit, for use as naval auxiliaries or army transports. The President may transfer tn the board aurh vessels be longing to the Wax or Navy Depart meats as ars suitable for commercial uses and not required for military br aaval use in time of peaee. All vessels owned by the Panama Railroad Com pany and not required in Its business, ars likewise to tie transferred to the board. The board, upon terms and con ditions prescribed by it and approved by the President, may charter, lease or sell to any person, a citizen of the United States, any vessel so purchased, constructed or transferred. Whea the I'nited State is st war, or during any national emergency, no vessel registered or enrolled and licensed under the laws of the United States, shall, without the approval of the board, be sold, leased or chartered to aay person Sot a citizen of the Uni ted States or transferred to a foreign registry or flag Any oae violating this provision shall be subject to a fine of SS,000. In case of emergency, the Preei dent may take possession for any naval or military purpose sny vessel leased or chartered from the board. The board ia authorised to form one or more corporations for the purchase, construction and operation of merchant vessels ia the commerce of ths United Btatea. The total capital stock shall not exceed M,0O0,OOO. At the expiration of Ave yafira from the conclusion of the European war ths operation of vessels oa ths part of aay sack corporation ia which the Uni ted States is then a aotekholdcr shall eeass . aad the rorporatioa staad dis solved. The date of ths soaclastoB of Slaughter Coat Salts that M, aad Ufl. $20.00 Silk Dresses At $9.49 New Silk Dresses A purchase made by our buyer on Saturday enables us to offer $15, $17.50 and $20 Silk Dresses, the newest styles and beautiful shades at $9.49 the war shall be declared by proclama tion of the President. It la believed that all of the North Carolina Democrats In Congress will support this measure. Those who up posed the bill at the last session of Ci.n gross would have voted for it had there been a provision for a sale at the end of a number of years. Representative Page will lw for the present bill, lie waa one of the opponents of the forniei measure. It is believed that the (.resent mens CASTOR I A fortefaitsantlCKiJrtii The Kind You Hare Alwajs Bought House Peters and - J "The CLOSED ROAD" 1 (World-Brady) V Y. Evening Mall eaya: This feature Is one ol the few faultless plrtnrea we have ever seen The story aa seen through the Sim ia owe which O. Henry might be proad to have written." Frank Daniels in "Mr. Jack Trifle" (V. L. S. E.) Hearst Vitagraph News Pictorial. TUESDAY 'The Gods of Fate" (V. L. S. Pathe News. ALMO Today HAZEL DAWN THE SALESLADY Extra Syd Chaplin IN . tussles Rivals Jonah Tomorrow ANNA HELD -LN- Madame La MONDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 1916. k fev if 1 - S3 Sprinf Suita, sold formerly d A (r up to $25.00. Sale Price J 1 TT s e7 O sold ap to SIS, Sale Price $16.95 ure. which is favored by the President, would prove of great benefit to ths Houth. To Improve Water System. Wilkeaboro Patriot. The town of North Wilkesboro has had Mr. J. N. Ambler, a civil engineer, inaH-eting Us water plant and system this week, with. a view of making some improvements and extensions. Knglund owns Trinidad Island. Bears the f Ke4te Barbara Tennant E.) HOME OF BEST Pbotoplaxjs. Presidente