The News md Obse THE WEATHER Fair la cut, eBowere la nat port lea Taeaday and probably Wedaesdsy. Beit Advertising Medium in North Carolina rver VOL, CIV. NO. 39. RALEIGH, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, Al GUST 8, 1916. PRICE FIVE CENTS BIGGS AND BRQWN GALL ON M'ADQQ Begin Campaign in Washington To Secure One of The Rural Credit Banks HEARING FOR RALEIGH This City, Will Be Given Chance To Present Its Claims With The Board On The Spot; Raleigh Commit tee Visits Secretary Daniels and Congressmen Nvws and Rarssa. 4N Dtotrtft Kattsaal Bank BalMlas. By H. E. C. BRYANT. (SpsrUI LMHi Wlrs.l Waahinaton. Aug. 7. F.I Judae J. C Biffs, chairman of the general commit tee to secure for Raleigh one of the twelve land hank provide! for in the rural credits art, and Mr. J i llnmn of the Clearing Home Association, at Raleigh, were here todav to begin the campaign to have a hank located at Raleigh. They made a favorable im prevssion and it is believed that Raleigh has a fine rhanee of auereeding in this light. Messrs. iggs and Brown visited See rctary Daniels early this morning ir company with Representative I'ou. and got him to make an engagement with Secretary of the Treasury MrAdoo Thev found Mr. Daniel enthusiastic for North Carolina, and in favor of his home eitv Mr. Dan 10 Ik thinks that Raleigh would be an ideal place for one of the land. hank and so stated to Secretary Mr Adoo. The eonferenre between Messrs. Ttiggs flrown and I'ou and Hccrctary MeAdoo waa very satisfactory. Mr MrAdoo an thorired them to nay that he favored the holding of a hearing at Knleigh n discuaa the question of locating a I '.ink there. He spoke for himself Imt hoped that the rural credits hoard would he of the same opinion. Mr. MrAdoo. who ia chairman of the "ural credits hoard, told the North Caro liniana that it might he after the clcc tion before the Kuleigli hearing could he held, for it is the purpose of the members of the Imard to first visit the North and W est with a view to locating land hanks in those sections. He mdi rated that Knleigh would be reached Sometime in November. Mr. MeAdoo did not say that he fa Tored Raleigh as a location for one of the land hanks, hut he was greatly im pressed with the. showing made by Messrs. Biggs and flrown After the conference with Mr Mc..ho, Messrn. Riggs an ! Rrow n went to the Capital and saw Senators Simmons mi l Overman and Representatives Hood, fstedman. Doughton. and Kitrhin. Th. v called to see Representatives Jo. twin I'age and Small, but found them out of the city. They also called on Repre eontative Itritt, whom they missed. "I feel certain," sai l Mr. Higgs to night, "that most of the North Csro lina Congressmen are in favor of Hal eigh. Senators Simmons and Overman said that they would do all they rould to have one of the banks located in North Carolina but expressed no prefer ence for any city. "Tt is our purpose to work for a dis trict composed of North Carolina. South Carolina and Virginia, and to locate the hank in Raleigh. The literature we furnished the Treasury Department makes a strong pull for the State tirst "The rural population, we told Mr MeAdoo. of Virginia. North Carolina and' South Carolina, amounts to 4.7ii0.ii The entire rural population of the I'ni ted States is but 4!.nnn.0iav The three Southern States mentioned have more than one twelfth of the rural population of the nation. We think that the three State mentioned are entitled to one of the land banks for the reason that they have the population, and they have kin drcd products and should lie in the same district. Editor Myrirk, of the Orange Jud I Farm Publications, thinks that Raleigh is n ideal place for one of the land hanks. Richmond has already declared for us. and we think the prospects for jetting one of the banks is very bright." YOI'NC. ROl'SE KILLED BY "Sr MYSTERIOl'SLY PAINTED PARTY lS(Cll tn TT. Nw. Si.l CH, . I.T 1 Kinston, Aug. 7. That a party of whom one member fatallv shot Ijvarus Rouse. a negro, at I.iddeH. Inoir roiintv. several days ago, were dis gnired as rebras. Fiji islanders decor ated fof wer 'I"'"''. "r something f the sort is apparent, but whether they wfTf white or black the local coroner and sherlirTiave beeir nnarrtV tn nSw foTrr. J lie coroner n jury say nfiim came to his death at the hands of an trving to lycate Joe Cooper, colored, sup unknown person. The authorities are posed to have been held up by four men on road " before the shooting Cooper told nnother man that the quar tet were "strange," that their faces ap pearel to le painted black with, white rings on them, snd that he was forced among several things to promise to lesve the community. JThe latter promise yeas certainly fulfilled. Other evidence iaa been had that thp party were ' painted to disguise their identity. White persona in the Ijdlcll section denv that Rouse was killed by whites for improper remarks about a young woman, which theory has been enter tained by authorities, hat think that colored members of a temporary law and order league took vengeance on him or that men influenced by a negro of the section conspired to put him out of the way. Soatsi Carolinians Leave Far Border. Columbia. K. C Aug 7. The 8 rat in fantry regiment, South Carolina Na tional Guard, entrained at Styx, 8. C, 4 for the Mexican border today. The regi ment is aadcT tha command of Colonel p Blvthe. CONFEREES AGREE ON THE ARMY BILli Complete Agreement Reached While Naval Bill Conferees Disagree TWO POINTS TO SETTLE Vote To Disagree On The Big Construction and Personnel Increases, Only' Remaining Points of Dispute in Meas ure; Administration Back of Senate Amendments i tlj Tit. AMurttlcd Prsss 1 Washington, Aug. 7 National de fense legislation in Congress is ap proaching completion. Today the con ference committee on the army appro priation hill submitted a complete agreement and the conference on the naval bill voted to disagree on the big construction program and personnel in creases, the only remaining points of dispute in the measure, so that the is sues might te referred ha.-k for qitiek settlement by the two houses them selves. Members of the House, the majority of whom are sway on vacation, will be called bai k to Washington for a vote on the disputed sections of the naval hill. Tuesday or Wednesday of neit week. President Wi-lw.n. Navy Department officials and othtr adequate defense champions of the Administration are eipectrd to make a dett rmined effort to Induce TTo"use leaders t7i'yie77I fo Hi" enste program for construction of rW vessels, eight of theni to be capital ship, during 11(17. The House provided for only five capital ships If it votes to insist mi its original provisions it is id the Sennte conferees will offer to give up the three year continuing pro uram in the Senate hill as an induce ment to House leaders to reroiisider and accept t() log progiam for the first vrar. Agre. in. n! a reached by the confer on a m in iM i jtive f.-Ht'ir.s ot the personnel section, but ! In y coul.l not get together on the question of nicreiise of enlisted strength. The Senate pro vidod fnr a total nlitcd Mrengli of s.iaxi and the II use for only (il.ii. Secretarr DanioK' plan for promotion of navy otlicers by st-le. tion msteal of by seniority wrw aceci'ted, but irn s- aniemled that it would not apply to of fleers lower than the rank of com tnander. Provision is made for n board f nine admirals to pass on promotions and six must agree in enrh case. If nl-o as agree. 1 that captains not promoted hefor.- reaching the age of ."7 shall be retired and that commanders wt pro ted be retire, 1 at 4o. nnd heuti ti:i nt commanders at 40. The enforces ;ili raised the grneral retirtment a;e liuitf from ttj to 4 ears. equator Chamberlain will call up the army appropriat o n reKrt in the Si-r.:te tomorrow The bill as agreed on car ried $?t7.";7.ISSI. OT $S", iMHI.lMMI in t ICCSS of the House bill. The War Depart uieiit made an unsucctssful effurt ti in- luce the lh'iise cllf ret s to recedt' from their insistence on the Hay amend meiit making retired others eiempt from provisions of the military rode. Among the big army appropriations as agreed to are: For aviation. 1.1.L,1 . 'ieVi. pav of oflicers of the line, tPl.MHl, i. -J.'l.(Mm.iii . cloth itlg. flll.'MNl . SUtSIStcnce. fJi'.IKHl.tKHI. uriance stores nnd ammunition. lt'.- l.'l of which $.'i.'i.iioi:I be eipellded for purchase of munitions, tin' rcn.niti ler to le used for manufacturing ; ord- iiance stori s i.nd supplies,,isi . armed ni'ttur iurs, J.ssi.imsi, reduccil from fl .mm.isMi ; field artillery and am munition for national guard JJO.ihki.issi, from ';O0.rt''i; for automatic machine ftes f i;.'ki.i', reduced from l'i.''. iXsl. Por training camps, such as that at Plaftbtlrg. the lull appropriates -. iSKi.iswi. a reduction from J-4..T ki.ikmi m the Si-nate bill An appropriation of 4.ri4i.iioo in the Senate bill to reiniburse the State of New York for expense in mobilization of the National iiuard was stricken out A .'"si.ixl ' appropriation is included in the loll as agreed to for relief of depen lent families of guards men and enlisted men. TRIP OVER ROAD FROM ASHP.V1I I E TO TENNESSEE Sprcisi to Tl m snj nima IS f I Ashcvllle. Aug -K P. Coble, state highway commissioner and H. K. Craig. of the I nitod States office of pTTTillc r.iads. have returned ftnm a trip over -h-e-ctrad High mi frunx this aeefion he Tenness.-c line, inspecting the roads leading from tlV Volunteer State to North Carolina, and seeing what damage was done by the recent flood. Hth the ertg.'neers are enthusiastic over the condition of Buncombe county's show road, the Weaverville road, built of concrete and Iwith pronounce it the best stretch of road on the Central Highway. The worst stretch of road was found on the banks of the French Broad rier for about a mile above Mar shall, and this road will take some Ex tensive repairing to put it in shape for travf again, they declare. Retween this, city and the Tennessee line, the en gmeers found some ld stretches of rnayl. bnt in every instance, the people of the section were at work effecting the necessary repairs, and with proper aid from the State and government, the road to Tennessee will soon be made leasable again. De asanas Recoast- Ohlahoma City, Okla, Ang. 7. Con g-ressmsa Murray, who. according to na- official returns, waa defeated f ot re nomination in the fourth Oklahoma dis trWrt by 297 Totes in last Tuesday's pri mary, today (led application for a re- coant of tl-s bsvUota. , I is s - HSIDENT PLANS Goes Over The Situation With Chairman McCormick and Homer Cuinmings WAITING ON CONGRESS Will Not Wait, However, Later Than September 15; If Con gress Doesn't Adjourn By That Time Formal Notifica tion Will Talke Place and Campaign Will Begin News snS OWrttT Porss 4M DUlrWt Nattansl Bsnk B.IWIn. By R. E. C. BRYANT. (Bsctal Wlrs.l Washington. Aug 7.- Chairman Vance McCormick. of the Pcmocratic National committee, ami Homer Cumnungs, chair man of the Democratic Campaign Sjieakers' P.urenu, conferred with Presi dent Wilson for more than four hours at the White House today on the rarty program for the next few months. They went over every phase of the approach ing campaign. "We conferred about evcrvthing of interest to the Democratic party. " said Mr McCormick as he left the White House at 4:1i o'clock, "but we did no' come to a final agreement as to what part the President will take Much de pends on the time Congress adjourns We were nnnblo to get anv definite idea from friends in Congress when iin adjournment ml! come. We want t start th,e campaign in earnest shout th first of September, and cannot w;nt any longer than too loth. If I ongress sltoulu hold on until after September l." we will have to go ahead sitli the n t i fi cation ceremonies, and the campaign' President Wilson tnld Messrs. Mc f'oruiirk and Ciimniings that he still thinks that he should stick close to Washington until Congress quits. He .Iocs not want to n.nke anv political en gagements N'foro the I lenioc rat ic pro gram is carried out bv Congress He ill go to K n'ueky to make a speech en I.inco'n. September 4. and mav go to St Iouis for the I " nderw liters' Convention but has not agreed to make any politi (! Th understanding is that if Congress quit by September l.". the President II be notified, and will then go into the campaign. He will go clear to the Pacific Corcst if time permits. Prcs dent Wilson is not serried sliut the threatened attack of the suffragists fill ti i in because he will not endorse their plan for the Pederal amendment He thinks that he hns the right side of that proposition He is standing on the St 1Oiiis platform declaration At the White House conference today t h in mat ter was gone over by the President and Messrs. McCormick and Cninmings A sub committee of the National commit tee "ill have charge of tin- suffrage cam paign. Organizations in the equal suf frage States will take care of the locnl conte sts It is not l, liovod that very many pemocratic women voters will go for Hughes liceause of his disposition on the Susan It Anthony amendment. It i known that mntiy men will go to Mr Wilson because of the Hughes state nn-nt . The three Ieinocratic lenders in their meeting at the White House todav BCTo.d that Mr H iglies will be trailed by able and speakers. The Republicans will be answered in their every effort to discredit the Wilson ad ministration The President is anxious to get in the fray, ami will do so if Con gross adjourns in time to let him get the right lick before the election. It is sail by h.s friends that the Presi lent is elated with the lieginning made by Mr. Hughes. T Discrepancy in Accounts, Pbssi blv Caused By Loans On In sufficient Security (r4sii' to The- Neti I 'rtmrti r N Brm, Aug 7 -T. A. TrrU. jirrii )rTit of th liank of Boaufnrt, a? ll(au tort, tmlav out ft statem! to th1 riTt that!H Thomas, cashier of the institution, hai resign'tl ail that there was ft disrejiatify in Ins sreounts ..ut that the amount waa not known. Pr 'anient l"arU tnt"'l that the aiount vi Nfr Thomas nL wria aev rral timea, ,ut-reess f the anntint he waa short. Mr Thomas is one of Beaufort's most prominent eitirrns an1 is the I -erno rratir nominee fir rntitity treasurer. It it rumored that the shortage was causeo! by lons on inadequate security. Mr leil is now in charge of the institution anl wilt remain until ft new caahier la aecurl. Ho as (-keen Speaker Dark iRf Th AMM-lsted hsi Washington. Aug. 7. --When Republi can Leader Mann reminded the House today that Speaker Clark has just passed his SSrcl anniversary as a member of Congress, Republicans and -Democrats rsse and cheered the Speaker for sever al minutes. Responding. Mr. Clark said he was not sure he wanted to remain in the House snothcr thirty three yesrs, hut did know he wsnted to stay as long as he could. ProhlbUlna Vote la Texas. . B? Tbs Aiaor-rVd Prsw I Houston. Tes, Aug. 7. As official raarass here today of the vote east in the recent Democratic primary in Texas showed that the proposal to submit a constitutional amendment for Ptate-wide prohibition referred a favorable major ity of 2403 Totaa. OF) BIG CAMPAIGN BEAM RESIGNS FROM BANK GOVERNOR GOES 1 FL000SECTI0N5 Will Visit Wilkesboro, Marion and Morganton To Confer With The People RELIEF FUND $3.,3.7.73 Chairman of State Relief Fund By Direction of Governor Craig To Visit War Depart ment To Get Details of Dis tribution of Federal Appro priation The contributions for ha flood suffer ers of Western North Carolina through tha State Relief Committor and the News and Observer hsv bow reached the total of M,15T.73. The additional subscriptions oy esterday amounted to IS.'.afl. The State- Relief eiecutive commit tee met yesterday afternoon) in the of fire of t)eraor Craig, and discussed manv matter eoneerrtln(r the further handling of the relief funds for the flood sectiona. It directed thnt s cheek fir ,Vi.nii b sent to Mr T I, Hares. iooneville, for use in Yadkin county telegram was received from Connns oner of Ijifxir and Printing M I,. Iiipman. now in Henderson county as s representative of the Htate Relief Com Itiittee, telling of pressing needs nt Hat Cave. He will furnish details so thnt aid may be given to that plnce at onee. Goreraar to Flsod Sections. After hearing of reports slid the dis tribution of supplies snd money in the food sections, (Jovernor Craig nn nounced that he soulil go to various parts of Western North Carolina im mediately following the conference with the representatives of the county com missioners and the county eehool super intendents of the devastated counties which is to take place in Kaleich on Pridny. He jmrposcs to gii to WiTkes nn Saturday, and as quickly hi train schedules will permit then to Marion and Morganton. eipecting to be in those places early next week. His purpose is to have conferences with the people in those sections concerning measures to he taken to overcome the effects of the flood. Another matter discussed at the meet ing was that of 'he appropriation made by I'ongreas -w the relief of the suffer ers. It was felt thnt full information concerning the time and the plans for the distribution nnd use of the fund should he presented to the meeting here Priday, and Kdwnrd K. Britton, chair man of the (Mate Relief Committee, was directed to go to Washington to confer with Secretary of War Haker and the officials of the War Department who will be in charge of the use of the funds nppropt.ated. To I nlfy Relief Work. Plans. were made so ar, to have a corn plefe unified organization of all the re lief forces at work, so that there might l.e no duplication in distribute, of re lief funds. At the meeting on I'rol.-iv (Jovernor Craig ill arrange with the ounty commissioners of the aff.-rted counties for the formation of commit es in each of the counties needing aid. one member in each count v to lie named ly (Jovernor Osig one by the hoard of county commissioners, and by the local rriur committee of the count v. On the appointment of tin so committees (lovernor Craig will issue a statement to the people concerning the furthei needs and the plans to he pursued Report of Mr. Joan Sprant Hill. Mr. John Sprunt Hill, of Durham I font In 4 Pars Xm EITHER W. CARTWRIGIIT MARRIED AT TUTI ILA Vrws Brt-t m ri llirsn 4" PUtrl-1 M.iai Hank l'!it!.lin. By II E. C. BRYANT. iS.-rlil mp. Wr I Washington, Aug 7- Mr. I.utlicr W. Cartsright. of Hertford, secretary to (Jovernor .1. M. Poyer, of Samoa, sprang a surprise on his friends at Tiituila on L--..1 1 !.. : ' rriiiav. ,uiy i Ml ov sit-rt-iiv marrving Miss Hammon-I, the daughter of the chief narrant officer stationed in Samoa. News of the nisrnage has just reached Washington in letters to Secretary Daniels from 1 lovernor Poyer and -Judge Alei Stronaeh. ( . Mr. ("nrrtwright wanted to keepjthe marriage see-ret nnrl get off tn ApiarT n.45 .. ma .1 . -"""" ..u. f. ., ti,mI. . . ' . morning at S:lo. the engine and one car tulles from Tutuila on a vessel sailing on the afternoon of his marriage. Cir enmstances appeared to favor him for nearly all the women and children of the station w.ere off on a picnic and most of the officers were busy with their various duties. (Jovernor and Mrs. Power were the only ones invited to the marriage and they pledged secrecy. Cn fortunately, however, in clearing the vessel for sea, the passenger list had to he looked over and the names of "Mr. snd Mrs. Cartwright" attracted the attention of Lieutenant McConnel, the chief customs officer. The news spresd like wildfire. Telephones were used, messengers sent, and in no time every one except Mrs. Poyer and the Governor were hurrying to the vessel's wharf. Then too, as if to swell the fervency of congratulations, the pienie party cams back just in time t . join the crowd. Everybody got busy and secured the band to come down to the shore and give a serenade. The embarrassed Csrt wright, who thought he had stolen a march on everybody, was greeted, with bis hrlde. on the whsrf by a crowd of prartirslly all (he officers of the ststion, their wives and children, while the band played the wedding march. Their bag gage hid gone down ahead of them and the crowd got hold of that la some way and delated everything with rice. Mrs. Cartwright is a very fine girl and both the bride snd groeim are Terr po pular oa tha station. Governor rover kindly gave, the couple a week's leave woic thev spent at Apia, PRESIDENT LOOKS TO MEDIATION BOARD TO AVERT BIG RAILROAD STRIKE fit?'- Wiih 'v Vvfr kiOKllH H KNAPP HMD W W i''sV V jsV-V A SEVERE FIGHT ABOUT HILL 1G0 German Troops Were Ordered To Retake It at Whatever Cost (Ml TTw AM.tetl t'rvaal Paris, Aug. 7 A dispabh to Iji liiberte, dated North of Prance, s ys: "The Germans yesterday furiously counter attacked positions taken the day before by the British north of Poieres An order had been given to the units in the Porieres sector to retake from the British at whatever cost lull K". as shown bv the order of the dnv issn by General Von Huelow, and 'ea 1 to ti e troops yesterday. The order said: "'We must st whatever price regain possession of the Porieres plateau, which, if it remains in the ban-Is of the English would give them a precious a I vantage. Attncks will ! laid bv ie crssive waves, sejiarated by s distanee of eighty metres. Troops whhh first gain footing on the plateau must remain there nnd ;aait necessary reinforce ments whatever loss there may t.e Any officer or man who fails to resist, een unto dentli. will be summoned imme diatoly before a court ma rt ml ' "A number of copies of this document were taken from prisoners Two d 19 ions participated in the heavy attack 'The Aiistralinns again covered them selves wilh glory. Une regiment mIicIi occupied advanced trenches to the left of ltupa mo- Bimd on the edge of th plateau, gave pioof of mak-niticent l.ero ism Hi resisting the assaults thi r-' " Bavarian and Siixi.n regiments, holding out stoically under the deluge of and shell and yielding riot an inch ot ground. The regiment siistiiinc-l up preemble losses. I ut Its 'nurngcous r. sistance enabk-d the Pnglish rottiman dor to make the incessniv .! ispos.t o u to check the German count r off. nsi c "All enemy attacks ugainst ;:il 1ft and the I'o.o-res hill were repuUed. th enemy sustaining severe loss, s Tlo Germans scut forward three strong cl umns of fine bnttslion each Tlo- Bnt ih artillery ininiediatelv Isjpiii a bnrri ending fire of remarkabl" precision which cut down the assailants' ranks. forcing them to a precipitate retreat Profiting by the confusion of their ad vcrsaries, the Fnglish. with much pres ence of mind, vigorously Attacked the Germans northwest of Porieres "Australians nnd troops from County Kent charged and st the point of the bayonet captured two lines of trenches In all. they made progress al-out metres in the direction of Martinpuich." SOITIIERN TRAIN IN WRECK NEAR MARION f rttsstrt' t.r TV ei arte tthmmwt l Marion. Aug. 7, Train No. .Ifi waji rtvkrv, thrre mile rut of Marion this leaving the track. Nn one vat seriouslv injure-1. though the engineer snd fire man received slight injuries The train was in charge of Conductor Parker and Kngineer James. The passengers were traferre4 by sork. trains anal a wrecking crew was rushed to the place Train No. II got through about two hours lste. This trsln crossed the tem porary laridge at Catawba. The line is opened now from Salisbury to Old Fort. The latest estimate is forty five daya for the completion of the line to Aiherille. Mr. Smith, a representative of the War Department, Nashville division, reached Marion tonight, having walked through from Asheville. He will make a prelim insrv report to the government of the conditions in McDowell ectunty prepara tory to the expenditnre of the Federal appropriation for the relief of the d?a- titiste. CARR NOMINATION IS CONFIRMED BY SENATE Slevs tM rs i iw U mii S"S TVSNrM Nsvlkaul llsnS r-niidiag. By H. K. C BRYANT. (Hcial leased Wire i Washington, Aug. 7. The nomination of J. O. Csrr for IMstrtet Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina, was reported favorably to th (senate by the Judiciary Comailtte this morn ing, and later ia the tmj the 6eaat tonfirmed the nomiaatlon. ING rV'Ni I'r. .. nt l.-v I. -1 thnt t" :ir l j'Ti't cut iiitf , if 4' r Mr-m t n 1 1 w n v It hiel t ci ii hmvii " ct, ill ii n k n- m u t ), i ri.f.t-ct it t- jitrikt trainiiit'ti until after t tint t Kc rni Iroti'l int'crc n -Mi if itt cc cf in:i iijtjri rs it ii'l t n h" IDlUlil I , 1 1,, i 1, ,, New Writ . n A tKu-i liariii"ii m M,p .lif rr. n if fj.c .cnT,.lw cf tl rc. i'-it hm cf N , llH'i't I II sT III 1 I'r'-fruJ.-iit WiN.tiiV 'I 1 Tl t Ti-t Ml the ii? 1 r he j in I rffi.rl t" T' c:it thr (itctc. w h- n .' - nt for .-'.'Itfc WW I. 'j.iiilHT ci. it mishi.'ti. r -f Mi'-iM-iir.. of mt'iliftticii mil ' nn.-1 1 inn : inl atsln .. In m t c i pin in t hv : f uM ion Im (l-'tail II;" two .-tlicr mnn'cr. .f ti.r "ar-i rc M:.rt,n A Knaj' an I W MILITARY BALL I.argt Number at FirM Hall of The Enranipiiieiit ; Brigade Rciew Today ll FRANk SMKTIM KST (SlatT Corresponded I I'arnp iihnn. Aug 7 Tin .ntm- if ft- ml personnel of the North Carolina briga-b. together "itli a larire luiinl-r of friends an I iiili-t'd noli, uttito.-. the reciptioll au-l linlitiiry b.-ill at the Atlantic II,.-. I t ought It is tl,- "r-t military lull of the e:o r oipr --nt NiiTtibi rs 'im,. frooi point- -ii t'i- .'-ite to a'en, t t . n T it !:- :ifte-uoon at f , ,ti r o' 1,-. k tl,,- in'ire I r itad'- will be r.HW-, I V Itr i-a-lo r l teii.rul Youiii; and Jhc three regular arn.v ofiicers o ,w in camp. Mi"r ll-nry J Hunt. Major (ie-l ; -ngs 1,1; .1 i Hp'. I II H.'-h. At the l.of., the receiving line toliijfl.t was co!,,.ov, ,) of licneral i-iiireiiec V VooHg. in I Mrs 1 ,,i,i;j, Major ordon smith and Mrs th. V II Stone and Mr Stoi-e. I.ii-iitenanf R ('. Young and Mis I!li7,abeth Colonel .1 T dar lner and Mrs. I at' a obnson of I'l.ariotte, l.'ellten-ilit I', .Ion, 1 K. T (iiluii r an 1 Mrs Fisher of Si,-ith port. Colore! n Ho.lman n ! Mrs Rodman. I.o nt. naot lone mule Mc i.hee and Mr M-i.'ie. Maj,,r K.i'-igh T Pamela nnd M-s PatreN. M.-Jr llaiter Ibirhnin and Mrs T P Nibs of Minor S (letin H',,v Mrs. Hrr.wn Mn.w J A T-.ff Mrs Carl Ilia les of P i .' n and r and '.tv. W C Major Kavter Hunter. Captain Morton and Miss Marv II .r'l.n i f char lotte. Csp'ain James iv.vthr. ss mi l Mrs Council. Captain Stanlv and Mrs Marly Captain (ivrn ani Mrs Cra n,- 1 . oi tenant Jul nK T?av HnT'XTss lint Canfleld Following 'he reception .anie the Grand March and bs'-l. Major ..r don fsnnth. brigade adjutant, and Mrs fsmifh led 'he march. The Third Kegi ment Bsnd furnished the music The secern! infantry, cavalry, field hospital and amhnlsnce company re celved their pay today while it is e peeted that the third infantry will get its moncv ei'her Tuesday or We.lnes day. Aceompanied only by Captain Jenkins the body of I.yjall Ilacon. private. C Company, third iflfantry. who shot him self to death 8unday night in csmp was csrried to Henderson this rnorning. No letter written by the man l-efore h s death hss been found ti give sny in dirstioa aa to the cause of the act. P. E. Iiaiiey, third infantry, Raleigh, has been sppointed battalion sergeant major of the first battalion. ' Major Henry J. Hunt today received antiflcation that th War Department has .accepted the resignation if First Lieutenant M. L. Elmore, Co. K-, Ashe horo, third iBfaatry. It is to this office that (second Lieutenant York Colemaa has bssea appoiBted. H wirl be muster ed into service as aooa aa he returns from recruiting duty. ATMOREHEAD CITY OVERMAN SPEAKS STRONGLY AGIST CHILD LABOR BILL Favors Just and Humane Labor Laws But Would Leave It To The States FEW CIIIIJ) CRIMINALS IN NORTH CAROLINA Ranks Iovver Than Any Other State in Thin Repert; Thinkf ISext State Legislature Woald Art and Give People a Model Child Labor Law If Lei Ahrjie Vrsi ip OtM nil Sw. 4,4 nuiri.-t Nfttt-sis: Ssas Mwil tinSj D) II. E. . BRYANT. , Sis. I w'e ' Washington, Aug 7. -Senator Over-' n an t- oke against the child labor bill today. He is, I to the mcaturs for fiiadaineiital ruiv,n His heart if in the tight hevr ral years ago, when :he iriiosit ion first runic up. he voiced his iis, and Ii-- d'd so again today. Tin days airo n h. u the DemoeratJ held their (aliens to decide whether OT not tiny xiotild 'sasipport the President's pro, ion to vote this session rsther ihjni Miit -intil P,mbir. Mr. Overmaa told of the paid lobb that had hea kept in Wah:ugton to keep the child labor bill l-ifoie Congress lie de-plor.-d the ! ii-b ncy to send Federal ins,,-. t,,rs ii. est igste things that tins Mates -hoiil.l look after. M n.i'or ('virtiinn has been persistent and niist.t.t The people of the KtatS ai,- , livub- I on the pending bill 8oma mil! in. n -as C at it is not just, and pn li, t that :t "ill hurt cotton null and ther industries m 'he State. Julian 8. I nrr. .Ii . t.ik-s the opposite view. Ha is i.r'nii that it "ill not injure his l.'irjr,- and g'iom ii.tcrprise ami stilt ii. Ip the ill Mr. n of North Carolina. Mr i err k.I.oiiics 'h. I.g.slation. I,', il III. re has been lilt OB ipos'i n al , ut 'He pit .sage of the meas ure that was il.c month. August or Da remU r II i agreed that the hill should le ote.t on. and it knerwm ti nt it Mould pass by an over hclmiaf ihajority In h:. h todav. S. nator Overmaa I I i,'. r ! 'I ut. t. to state that I favor Jos! on, I humane idilld labor laws b 'I., '..t, Mi on r-tate has a .ii l liibm la" It is ii., t nhat I sould I. ,m- it to be nn 1 it is not what it sv-rH be if to. Mate IS .. rt a'oiie Koms , ii :e;, J.i" l an lo't ill relation to .l;i!, an 1 grad laily e hsvs I.e. ii making a stronger and stronger art , , ;ir I have no doubt when tha in t I. islnture inc. Is it ".ill enact as good a child labor law as there it Bv in anv S'.i'e. if e are let alone. "1 do not favor the pending hill. 1 think it is an uujust interference with tin- buiisfi- affa.rseif the States. I I n l ii , narrant ill tl.- Constitution for l . Ill,, I Tlo re IS 111 the I oust .tlltlon IB nit. r oaiit of pior conferred on Con-g- to ena t ,ir!i I. g slation. I, thers f,,r. . tlnnl; "i" I. ill urn .institutional. There ii a .iiv is.:, n of s-nttment ia inv st it- III r.i:iir-l to T b is lull, hut no a ili g.. .- ',. inv par'v or to its platform vouid coi.,p. I in e to .,,pport it. If every iiiiin. voiiiiui and chiol 111 my Ptate houM ask sir to support this bill I rould not do so. Mr I'resident, for I wo-il I then .- violating the eotema oath hi. h 1 Took M that desk to sup port tl..- Constitution of the I nited Mai.-s r--.ra! Senators l ive spoken depre ca' r.tiv of North Carolina. Mr Presi dio'. I -"i going to p . some statistic- lilt . li e ri eo-d which are s'artllllg The S. iint. r fr-m Idaho - Mr lioiah'. spoke a'., nt moral s'andar Is I undertake to sir,t- lor.- i,,!io that, with regard to ehil I i 1 - r . North ( arolina haa as high n oral s'an lsnN as bai any other Stats ii I'uio'i ('ir children tre aa well .-a" I for sn-l. perhaps U-tter cared for, t . in tl.. se :n anv .."o r State in the I no n s. .rl y ars ago I invited and iiif, I the ss.n-it. of the I'nited Htatee :. i n v p.-, i !,- wo-re being slandered to s.-n l a -., mitt-e to rlisjt State and 1. 1 th-in investigate conditions there. We lav,- ask.! the f.,:iaprrr - committee to se-n.l a coninnt'ec to North Carolina to see what m being done in that Btate 111 r. f. r- ee.- to our ch,!. lalor. ' Mr I'r. si !, nt. w-.u! I you believe when I . !1 mu That between the ages of four'. . n -i-.-l suf.-. n years there are fewer chibi" n m North Carolina in the "jaTbT. ""in "TTe prrTI Irr.rfsiHr. md" TIT the work hous. (lian There are in any other one of fort live of the great States of the Cnioii I ask. Mr President, to print ss in appendu U nv remarks eertaia statistics 1 hsve here from the census departmen 1 am proud to put them into the r.-cord. s far as North Care lina is concerned, but I am ashamed te put them ill the record in regsrd to forty o. I o'her States of the I'mon, and esti.-.- aliy as to this model city, the District r.f Columbia. . "In !! we passed what is called the moid child labor law for the District of Columbia In 1P-1 we passed a law j.rnr i-Iing that no person should work in -re 'nan eight hours a day in thisj citv. Not longer sgo than last week, a Senator passing along the street close to a drug store here, saw a beautiful womaa crying bitterly He asked her what was the matter. She sat.) 'I have been selling soda water in that drag; store, getting tea dollars a week to sup port my widowed mother; hot aa ia apeetor has com around sad tamed ane out. What am I to dot Where am I to got Phsil I starve T Ia the years te come, if erim should overtake her, ahe could say, I presume, with the noted (Csattaasd ea Jjraas Tasajj v