p;iEApTirtP .V - -v 7 ' i ...... " V ; , LITTLE WHILE: TIlIrTHE EMR: Section Two Pages 13 to 24 invar Best Advertising Medium in North Carolina .vol, ov. no. 98. RALEIGH, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 8,' 1916. PRICE FIVE CENTS v.. iRTH CAROLINA'S BEST EXHIBIT YET Great State Fair Will Surpass AH Previous Efforts A Re source Showing WORK HAS BEEN GOING ON SINCE LAST EVENT Consequently But Little Re main! To Be Done ; Many Im provements Have Been Ac complished Agricultural ' Hall Vastly Changed For The Better Beginning Immediately at the cIom of the IMS State Fair and the election not Leonard Tafta to the presidency, and -(tha reeetdoa of Cot Joe. E. Togue to fthe af flea of secretary, work oa prepar laf for tha 1910 aveat-haa never sensed. (Today little remains to be done. De- KaUa are la the background. Oaly tha (holding of the (reateet azpoaitioa withia (the history of the State la. before tha IpabUa. The Fair opens oa. the lfith, run- nlng through, until the Slat, days devoted tasaioamir to a display of North Care- Jinal unparalleled resotjroes aad to tothering of tha people Intern am oae rasa af unalloyed pleasure. ' ai ue aiooo or taa Fair laat year nee aad ground were aot la beet ef-eea l yea these i Tha poverty of the lair year past had prevented making phyatsal taroroveceeata aa aiaeh Beaded, hot tha- officers, led by the en largr and aaal of Leonard Tafta vent jrUch ahead vlth tha aola idea ia mind of aot eaty seakiaa anbataatlal baarove- meate daring tha spring aad summer of fivio. aaa warning up aa interest throByhonttheStataaodanilneHey that Sm Fair would prova-the aoeoesa which pith -Oaiottna aaaa, and-womaa aoald Jaakatt, ! From tha MUrFalr tha aoeisty had aa aet profit of 9S.0OQ. How :to spend Stale small amount of mnaey aa aa to Igst tha seaalta aeeessary waa a great iprobMca. Trip after trip, piaa after (plha, weaonads daring; tha early spring basatha 4a tha gaoaad ta study tha alt- ruanoa. Isrtmaroa were obtained, ae tnstocaoensoited. mtsrlal priced, erery liuaeeriaMe scheme was proposed ta do Kha saoat with tha Meat money. I Tha IsgissBtara had refused ta make jam aupsopriatioa la tha fees af tha fharoia atruggla of leading aaaa la tha Btata to giro North Carolina fair U keeping' with the wealth, dignity aad re oaraeof tha people. Argumenta were brooght ta bear shoertaa? how1 other States -ware engaging la developmeat work throagh State aad district falra. Facta were cited to show that several eitiee had raaehad to tmraaaae growth because they alone roee to tha occasioa aad aided with fineness a straggling fair ansoeiatlea. Dallas woald aerer have beatoa Waeo la popalatloa aad wealth had aot Dalles men fiaaaoed throagh 'eity bonds aad gifts of had tha fair that has aot only made Dallas tha greatest eity la Texas bat Tessa tha free test Btata, area aot included, la the oath. A State lair aoaverted Iadiaa apolia from a sleepy capital towa to a hoatUng eity. Whea Dee Moines met (lowa half way la financing the State lair aot only was Dea Moiaea made I bat Iewa Jumped into aa unprecedented 'growth. v Wonders Wreagat at Gtaaads. Thoas facts bora ae weight with tha General Assembly whirh waa aeked for oaly 10,000 to be put lata buildings, Contaas oa faaeSlmea j ., e if LEONABD .Tre1daneha FAMOUS FLIER IS TtTFAIR Jean Domenjos Has Sailed -Across Andes at Deration of Over 20,000 Feet Jeaa Domeajoa has written to. retary Fogue, of the Btata fair, that whea he eomee to Baleigh fair week he will attempt his fnmona aad danger ous falling stunt from a height of aot more than 4,000 feet Domenjos la an aviator of suphrb courage aad believes he has so mastered his Be riot that ha eaa pull off la Baleigh what ae aviator has aver attempted. Well, ha may aid ha may aot. Be aas aaver had but oas fall aad a kind Provideaee landed him la a Cubes sani tary ditch where the water was of depth aad consistency that his life waa saved. St went over the Andre, trav eling for hours at aa elevatioa of mora than 20,000 feet, where the air currents were so Mld they would freeie tha heraawf - a -goat, - and- pai fui mod this feat without a mishap. He sailed serosa Brazil and down the coast of tha At lantis to Argentine, aad immediately became known ta fame aa a flier. But he was aot satisfied, and began tha development of his eoatiauoua loops. Neat he tried the upside dowa trick that was invented by a French man who does aot any longer fly la aa airship. Accomplishing thooo tricks la air, ho essayed tha falling stunt aad managed to get away with- it or (i anion. Goes Vp High rar Tricks. But for those dsnsaroaa tricks Domeajoa has beea going pretty high aa. Bo has wanted plenty of time aa right his mnchiae if anything got wrong, it does aot take long to eoaeo tamuiag dowa throagh tha air sersa or alae thousand feet. It la oaly a few sooads at must, evsa at that height, that aa aviator aaa trust his rapid t to earth. It takes Just a few mora sea oads for a dead weight af 1,000 pouads ta hit the earth from height af 4,000 feet. 'And during this fall tha machine la plunging downward absolutely oat af control. It eomee with tha awiftaeea aad directness sf plummet. Ho . woadar men have turned rrav la taa zeoe aad women have sought support whea they looked noon tha sight. This trick of Domeajoa has par haps aaased more seasatione among peo ple thaa anything aver seen la the air. It waa a sensation at Coney Inland early la September whea the Bwlaa arrived there for flying. It shocked aad stirred the mea aad womea af Ohio whea tha people of Cleveland seat for bin to repeat his performance la that eity, At Cleveland 100,000 people aaw his fall aad witnessed the tricks ho performed la ue-air. Win Try railing Aet Here. Aad aaw ho Is earning ta Baleigh during tha State lair to try the falling aet from a height of oaly 4.000 feet. It is a vary, low altitude, bat Domeajoa seada word to Secretary Pogao that ho believes la this heavier atmospherie seetloa ho aaa get away with it. Certainly it will be worth aomlag good many hundred miles to m Periodicals devoted to aviation are go- lag to bo very much laterestad la the experiment. Some of the boot knewa judges of heavier thaa air aaachiaea think Domenjos eaa get away with it. Others are from Missouri. But it will ha weU worth while far thousands of people to coma hare dar ing the week and ere for themselves. Domenjos is going to make tha, attempt oa Tuesday. If ho eaa aaeeeeefully maneuver the trick ha will try it every day during lair week. J TUFTS . State Tale, y COMING PART OF ' View PRESIDENT TOFTS EFFECTIVE CHIEF Fair Executive Hai Thrown Ilimself Into The Work Unreservedly a year ago whea the aeuaeomeat earns that Leonard Tufts had boea slatted preeideat af the Bute lair the aewepepers without exception poke editorially of the fitness of the man for the high honor aad predicted aa sssneelis administration of tha af fairs of the North Carolina Agrieul tural Society, which was orgaaiaed M rears ago to give to the State with' out rof areaeo to locality aad distinction aa or ooaaty aad eity, a fair exploit ing tha marvelous prodaetiveaeea of soil aad tha variety of its growing maaa- faetarlng interests. Leonard Tafta was known as one of North Carolina's most sueeeesful aad far seeiig burin see mea. He belong! ta tha promoter class that seea a real development ahead aad proceeds' upon ths aaals that there is bonlaem-late rea. zor taxing aa vantage ox aatarai advantages. In tha8and EiU aovatry waere ae astablishsa hlnasslf for ae- tlvitlea that ware later to mean ths iavsstsient af millions "of dollars ia agrkoltaral, horticultural aad Man eial aaterprieee he ia known aa the father af many of tha most prosperous CLAUDE DEIlSOfl IS ABLE DETAIL State Fair Treasurer Always Smiling Spite of Every Crowfl- ingDuties There la always a -valuable aad ia Slspeasabie "JJetaU una" la every great bvsiaesa enterprise. Mr. C B. Deasoa is the "Detail Maa" of the North Carolina State Fair, aad a so ia differeat capacities since ha became connected with the big en tarprise ia 1903. for eeveS yeara he was continuously oa the job, thea other affairs railed him away. Ia 1913 he returned to hie eld love of helping to maka-Xerth.- Carolina greater throagh tha Instrumentalities of a State Fair, aad aa treasurer has filled the place with admirable akin, ability aad ears af details. Co is the buffer for Secre tary Pogut aad ths latter official's right hand maa aa all occasions. He stands between tha Very Important gen eral efflee reutiae aad Secretary Focus, whose work is devoted to more 'general subjects. A thousand aad ose office de tails are looked after each day by this competent maa; a staff of employee to be kept oa tha job. tha elasslfleatioa of subjects aad. .asslgamsats, putting the fair ca the map of men's minds, all thear" wearing tittle matters are crowd ed aa him dally aad aobody yet, oven the moat Importune exhibitor, has aver foaad "Claude" Doaaoa minus his smile. a caretaker af fair . funds aad guardiaa of tha expense account placed la Ws hands, he la a world beater. The Fifty-Sixth, Grt&t SUt Fair win be lonnally-. opened by His Excellency, Governor Locke Cralg-f at li o'clock," the mornlna; of Tuesday, October MAI ARTS' AND CRAFTS J. I d a - hWsi Ieoks Toward eled Agrtealtaral ,.V .'U V t ' f . . . v r f 'v. u vwee COL. JOSEPH Secretary of the FREE ATTRACTIONS TO BE OF A HIGH ORDER A Daring Flier, Aerial Revolv ing Act, "Gyp" The Elephant and Many Others The North Carolina public attending tha State Fair will be kept busy watch lag the free attraction alone, provided tha public does aot want to examine aad . become enthused over the aa equalled aaeortmeat of material re aourees that will be, oa exhibit. Secre tary Pogue has always beea aa advocate ef features free to the public hot he baa never put oa so msny or of such uniform excellent quality ai this sea SOB. Mea and womea whose nerves eaa stead ths strain will perhaps enjoy most the daredevil try of Jeaa Domeajoa, the greatest oi living aviators wno win bring to Baloich a Blertot machine. Domeajoa does everything la tha air that aay other aviator ever did, aad thea he does a fsw mora stunts. - Ths Flying Ghradales were at tha big eastern summer resorts ths past sum mer making -a daily and nightly hit. Their high eastta and trapese acts daily will be a aovclty. - A faa feature will be the aerial Mitch tils ia a revolving act. By some these mea and women have beea, designated the hnmaa raoakeys, as active ss those little animals, more agile thaa a squir rel, always drswtug aad holding a crowd until thir show ie ever. "Ovp," for twelve years a big elephant that has devoted ite talcats to enter taining children, will bo hers for the postal beaefit of the little onea "Gyp" levee the tots. Nothing smt to plenee k. i I In.! mam thaa tA Mva a whole Urov of them on his broad back marching ap aad dowa erswded aialee af maa and womsa. There ia gala g to be a atdewplittiag seream pat oa for aay everybody. . It is a 'bieyefs act, or ths aet of several blayaUsts aad their elewa work oa aad beea groaad keeps tha crowd yelling. Mlso Charlotte Bread, a beasUfiU lit- Us weman, will ahaxm masia lovers with her exquisite cornet work- 6h wUl Iplay daily. . - - Each any tnere wui bo a bend eoa- eert for thoas who .want' to tit aa ths a turf , aadT drlak la tha harmony lttJraipaihalxaio.aaJo7. ' BUILDING 'III: . HaU ... v- E. POGU State Falr.- COL. POGUE HAPPY OVER FINE RECORD Splendid Consummation of Fair Plans Fruit of His Un remitting Work Early ia ths summer of 101(T whea CoU Joseph E. Fogue, jf the .North Carolina Stats Fair, was preparing ths estaloguo for tha prees, hs made tha prediction that st tha rate of growth fcf the fair another two yeara woald see it rise to its fuhl proportion. Secretary Pogue could see light break ing -for the isrtitution thst has doao so much for North Carolina ia every way, thst has touched so closely the daily life and habits of the people, thst has exercised so full a control orer their individual and community am bltions. But even he could not see thst the end wss so near, that .the reeults for whiebr the finest leaders ta " North Carolina have worked and prayed for for many years was at hand. Even the , most optimistic , la July ecu Id aot forsses the wave of patriotism sad pride sweeping over ths State from the wavslappsd chores of the east to ths skyliaes of the west. He knew that rn the Sand Hill country bordering the South Carolina lias there were thea- sande- of loyal Tar Heals, but ho did aot know that durier the next alnety days their pride of State waa to rise to such height that a building of their own would go up st tha historis grounds near West Balsigh. Hs has worked and longed for years to see the live, progressive counties of North Carolina put exhibits af their best products at their State Fair, aad ke hoped at the time of ths preparation ef the .catalogue that mora af them would show this year thaa last, but hs did aot sea, aor could any maa, . the1 demands for spaea that woald corns from all sections. The fair this rear Ja already larger to date thaa -it has aver before been. Exhibits ars practically double la num bers, Tha attrartioaa are of a much higher slants das to ths prospect of Increased attendance aad tha added revenue to follow. ' Tha premium list waa broadened aad era money was offered, because it looked like the people of North Caro lina wars realising this fair ia not tha property af Baleigh st of a aertaia : .... f E FINE RACES Loversjof Fast Horsea Till Find Next Week One of Rare Pleasure Lovers of fast horses will enjoy ths rasa program at taa State Fair daring the weak October IS to fX. The stablss are fast filling ap aad while oaly two rases fare scheduled for Tueeday aad Friday, this has beea . deem ed so rficient la view af tha vary groat' number, af free attractions aad ether entertaining features at the fairT Taeeday thero will be a t:t3 trot aad S.SO fro each for a paras of $300. Wednesday tha pro gram calls for a t:l paea aad 1:14 trot parses S30Q. Thursday admirera ef hers see horsea will witaeea a Bill aad S:17 pace aad S:2S trot, $300 parses. Friday will be featared by t:17 trot and S:H pass. Banning tames wOt bs Wednesday sad Thursday. Tstrisa are stm aomlag ia aad it saaaurt bs deter mined atil later what tha pvegrsats for these days will be, but eobetaatial purees will be offered to gat tha beat hereee oa the field. Tha rases will bo ma aadar the rules sf ths National Trotting a ecictlaa aad an rasas wffl be sntte heata, three bast lafiva. Eatrisa f or theee haraess avaata m eloaa Taeeday. Tha Old Somas sports vthat have lighted aver elreaa geer, aad that everybody at-some stare of life. sxeHmg but aot altogether eatisfartory. The track aas appeared to mea ss being too limited 5 roand the sawduit eirels never eprve that chaaee to a real good pair or set ef fenre to get actios oa to salt tha fellow who wants to stand ap ia his seat aad make a big noise at Tha flute Fair this rear wffl satJsfv ttif eravhig fee the wld Bwmaa sports was sun iftm a ta breast af maa, A hlppodroma will bo a feature each Aav aa tha big mile track, a rfco ef chariot aad madly running horse that will draw the ercwd. from the youngest te ths most rheamat'r. ' Tha ladles aad gentler oas fiat raeea for one-ha If mile will bs rea with four thoroughbred Kentucky horsea, picked from a stable of forty high brad animals. Perhaps oao of tha most axrtting of too rreo race even to offered visitors to the fair will be ths great relay, erne aad one-half aflea. riders ' changing mounts at the aad of sack half-mile. For tha first tiata la North Carolina Tar Heels wiH bo abw to aaa the track work daily of that great bore, Daily American, winner, ef tha SfisVOOO Knallxa- noa makes, ens anff five-eights aUlea la tiSO a-. This mated heroe will wo agatast two raldelsaa horsea that have already beat to a frasalo some of the crack horsea of tha oast, smch aa St. Leonard, Sir Walter, Boasaea, Boaad lees aad Aeccodora. Those events ars smear the free fern- tares of tha fair ia addition to the re gular race program for purses) hug vjp ay tne assoemtioa. Following la the race program, run ning races beiaa oa Wodaoadav nnu! Thursday ' Taesdsy, Oetaaer 17th. 8:85 Trot g300 1:30 Trot 300 Wedaeeday, October 18th. t:l Pace $300 ta Trot 300 ThBTBBay. October lata. t:ll Pace $300 1:21 Trot ...... .aoo 1:1T Pace , 300 - Friday, October ZOth. 1:17 Trot ,...3N 1:14 Paea , XO0 - CLAUDE B. 1 ON CARDS FOR FAIR TTrsasarer aAJeti i!aa tho eteaj i AMUSEMENTS V.LL1 BE DRAV I. ITH . THE PEOPLE Fair Management WiH Proridel Many Diverting Feature t Not Week - CAKNIVAL FEATURE TO BE INTE0DUCEI1 Whole CoHectlon of Diffeient Shows Booked; A Coney Is land Combination That Ilaaf Nrver Visited State Beforch. Twenty Exhibitions of y" rifd ABaortmezrt : Whea all la said aad done tha meats at a Fair, it mast be form one af tha lea iliac puMasr iPeople want to sea ths exhibits af aad agrkmltaral prod seta bat they ahsal want to bs The nuageanent mt tha Fair haa ways realised that fact aad baa aaw to moot ths ilnmssl with a fiaa asa meat of paid attracttoaa that wU foaad entertaining by tha grant expected to bo in attoadamaa. Thai yea A ia additioa to aa axaepttoaally goad BsSi ef free attractions told of shwwheeo, sn4 eeptioaally thorough pmaa have mid to sea to ft that tha bast abls is secured ia tha way af paideaM tractioas. Ths plaa af tha past has parted from somewhat, .While thero will he many individual eoacneelnas wiH bo oaa ealteetioa af attracttoaa themj It ia believed will present tha finest aa-j eortsaoat af amaaamaata ev the Fair. Ja abort tha carnival ideal win bo ia effect oa the midway thlav year aad R is promised that it wd ba high class ia every respect. - -. -, The carnival is merely sn Americana adaptation of the carnivals that had f or suuiy years previous existed ta Geasa aadNiea. It was transplanted by bring., Ing aver the hluropesa players, or by,, theft of the -trick aad eateh-psaayt Ideas outright. The first to take thai field were big money makers, thea ethera sprung ap nntil shortly tha weeds worm full of them. Competition instead a Improving the fharaeter af tha caused them to deteriorate nntil a majority of the carnival eoar ing tha smaller towns of I lost steading aad were forced te tha name of aay hind af an tioa that win stand for them an dee whose auspices they oaa gat owtais sity privileges. , Hero aad thera smaag- the aaaa law te rested ta carnivals waa a maa of tha gaalus of ergaalantioa aad peswsptisai of a P. T. Banram, waa had tha ehrvcm imitaUon facilities aad aaanjuredal hmaV ss eapaef.y of a John BoWasom amo the judgment of tha Ajaerinaa teats aae aHllingaess te aopport aaorit that waa enjoyed by ths earber af tha Hh.g-s-i They bagna to seek the best ia thoomm nival idea. One mt thjae Hew la tkatleveS rjtrm ta have the finest aad best sasaagsfl sal these carnival shows. Ho got tha Idem of the American pablia that at wsuH support a show that was clean and fnK of merit but that it would have aoth ing to do with the company that was) otherwise. Ilin sagacity aad detcrminar tion took him very eloso to the ail mm plaa af ergnaiaatjoa, st ink lag has aim to the separate ahow as a means af tap eresaiag attendance aad holding dowa general orgaaiaatioa expense. Ha had seea enough of tha elreaa aad saialeal business to be able at a glanee taaepa DEXSQM CARD fsraeaJ " . - . . . - - s e

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