THE. NEWS AND OBSERVER SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 8, 1916V MS The 'Newt " ind Obserrer KKirt xd OMitm muss, wo company ' MmVI DAXIXLS . - . ornca IM-h "wist aimr-tla SUwl " ' Mtertal Klin M Local News OrpartMmt. M AJi list IhwtMit It? Cuwwlauae, Departsmt lit Pall AmattsUd rrm KcfM .v.. ii MCTimoN raicti F;W la Um ft Tser tr.e K" Un'Ja ..MM -'. K Mmihe . t a MMih 7. .1 J Onnsnf Wfc mo o S Et(m4 at the restafae at lUMck. Marta Ceiwtlee, as ssssa ilsis Mttar. MORNING TONIC (Psalm lixltl-2 3.) Is thee, O larl. ilu I put my trust; let me never I nt to confusion. Deliver ma ia thy righteousness, and cause me to eecejie: nn line I tune i ar an to mi, and save me. Be thou my strong halitstion. where aato I may continually resort : thou hast gives commandment to save me; for thou ara iny-rock and my fortress. Reflecting Reflections BACK TO NATl'RS. . Ju'1-1 I.ewi ia Houston (Tex.) Pott, Sometime I hope to rise and go where lean lit my ii inkers grow. I want to aide away some place auil grow a brush heap on my fare; 1 want to waar paata cheap ami etrongand grow my hair ai whiskers long, ami Irate my shoe -off, and my socks, an. I be a brother to the ox. t want to wesh iny fare once ore in a pan by the kitchen door, snd lean ncrose the fence ami stare when autoa paaa my cottage fare. A simple lifer I would be with nothing but Llua kiaa for me, and dayaif tubliing my bar toei along the corn and tater rows, aad 'driving up the cow at Bight. I'll cad them 'till their hides are tight with new mown hay and clover I. looms, natil they breathe the swet perfumea the night breere, then while they haw their cuds I'll bring a pail or two aai take their milk front them by hand. Thin country life ia something grand 1 And I'll repose beeeatk a tree when the aua geta too hot for me, and While the goata aeek out that place and eat the whiskers' olf ray face I'll dream of eltj irtreeti and waya of high-col lared city jaye. Greece still atanda at the toboggan top Wondering whether it ia time to elide. -Hughes and IVirlianka will proceed to free re out some mora this week. Both Hughes and Fairbanks ara fond of rake, but it has to be iced rake. Tbe blow that President Wiiaoa struck Jeremiah OXesry haa made that profes aioaal politician quite leery. Tbe billionaire Womaa'a Special trav eling across the continent in behalf of Haghea is a reason why women voters ahoulj not vote for Hughes. It is to laugh when tha Republieaaa talk about tbe "vacillating Wilson and bia Mexican policy." l'leaae note that Pershing la still ia Mexico. "Hoars Bra lacy" ia able to staad all the attache of Bepublican Candl data Linney. He baa made a record that deSea Republican slanders and T . (alar hood a. , The voter of Wake county should give the Democratic party such a ma jority thia year as to knock out the hum four-flushers who parade themselves boot the irounty as "leadcra."' , 1 Tha "First Voter" who this rear casts Republican ballot ia North Carolina will be ashamed of it in the coming ream. The Democratic party is tbe party ef reapeetability In North Caro lina, . v-. -i- . . Edaratioa goes marching on In North Carolina nndrr the guidance of the Je mocraey. The record made ie thr pride f that party. The Bleeders of the Re publicans cannot deceive the people, for the record of what haa brea duae ia as pr book. i -- ' Tbe North Carolina Republicans who ara atumpiag it seeking Mate offices of eoorae deny it, but if tha Bepublican party electa .its national ticket watch them line tjp-'at tha pie counter.. And ' hww would North Carollalaaa Wk A are Uat crowd back ia eharge of the Trderal offices ia the Bute f , Hare yoa eeBtribwted to tha Wllaoa Varahall campaign f uadt The time grvwa short la which to drive home the truths of the Democratic record, aad the Drraoeratia National Committee ia in nrrd of money to pre aba campaign. The New and Observer will forward ta it all contribartioaa aeat to aid tie party. Iid you ragiater yesterday f The book were open at the poll all day. Juriag thia week yoa eaa register by looking up tha registrar la your pre cinct. Next Saturday the registrars will be at the polling placot all day. To ought to be ecrtaia to ae that your i.iinc is r th book or yen may loo yr.ur vnt.' Delay la registration 1 - WILSON GKOWS STKOXCKK. Ia the Mat tea day tte eauae Wood row Wiiaoa before tha Jury of the people ha eerUialy grows etroager. The Aaaerieaa -people sro bring aaore ssd ore sronaed te the fact that tha Ke publieaas are playing ta put tha affairs of this country again in tha bands of the Special Interrata. As the Now York World put it, the lepu UTk-S aea nTpafg rrtr base trpoa wo theories: "First, that the American people are fools; aad, seeoad, that moaev can elect n Preaidcat." It ia iipoa that idea that the Hepublican man agera are soaking their campaign te elect Iiegbea. The Hughes part ia to bam bootle tha people; the strikers for him are to do the busiaesw with money, and the Bepublican campaign managers are wallowing ia money. Will the people be deluded by the sophistries offered by Hughes and tb other RepubBcaa pi!rr,f Will the Old Guard be able to aeduee tha electorate with ita dirty dollaraf We think not. We think that the news which baa been coming ia from all parts of tbe couatry hows an increasing determination on the part of the people to elect Wiuton We believe that once again the MAN is going to beat the DOLLAR. Not easily, mind you. It is to be hard and close 6ght (r the mastery Hut having roefldeaee in the Americas people we look fur aueh a majority for Wood row Wilson an to show that the J'coplo, and not the lateresta, control li be I'nited States. Hughes offers noth lug but scoldings and worm or vague promise to thr American people. Wood row Wilson offers great deeds in their behalf. The America people ara not a body of ignoramuses, and we refuse to tielieve that a pussyfooting campaign ia the dark will he able to deceive them. The people, we are more and mora aeeing. are awake to what ia being at tempted by the Kepubliraaa. That sc counts for the reason that Woodrow Wilson is growing stronger .that Chtfrlos E vasion Hnghej is growing weaker. DEMOCRACY SCHOOL RCCORD. With false and vicious statements con cerning tha management and direction of the publie arhoola of the Htate, with unwarranted and misleading speeches concerning the distribution or the school' funds. Republicans are peddling tbelr opleea against ths Democratic party of North Carolina. If they are at all honet with themselvea they know that they are playing the demagogues, and that they are doing thia only with the hope of of rice not State office, iniuoyou. for thai- know that thry can- ot win in North Carolina, but with hopes of a Federal job If Hughe should -in. y Democracy prides itself upon the rc ord it haa made for the education of tbe youth of North Carolina. Under ita benrfirient administration of affairs pub lie, eduratioa haa been the open door of opportunity to the youth of the Htate. School buildings going up at tha rate of more than one a day, the length of the terms of the publie achoola in creasing, teachers better prepared for teaching ia charge of tha schools, th courses of the higher institutions of learning broadened, rural arhoola and the farm-life achoola growing in number and in usefulness, school libraries doing a service of grrat value, th betterment of th schools ever to the front, are some of the thinga which are Demo cratic achievementa. Against this record of forwardness the Republicans offer tbelr slander and dr nuneiation. Thry ought to be ashamed of themselves, but they have no shame when they .are in pursuit of an office. The summing up of the splendid work- of th Democracy, tbr vrry spirit which drives forward the affairs of public rdu eatioa ia North Carolina are well aet forth by Attorney-General Tbomaa W. Bickett, ths" Democratic nominee for Govrrnor, who in- his recent address at Smithfirld aaid: The Rrpsblicaa leader eoarea. trale their attack span the pahlie arkeoi record of the oast aixteea year. Thia ia the record to which Charts B. Avrork gave hie very soul, aad while the recital of Ita glorte waa baralag spaa his llpa, he "walked with Cod aad waa not." If thia record does not clothe North Careliaa la laasortal honor, the life of Aycork ' a failure and his activities a fraad pa th peo ple of the State. rOR ST. MARY'S. Raleigh will make bo mistake ia giv ing with open-handed liberality to the fund which ia balag sought for St. Mary 'a School, for 8t- Mary's is aa in stitution which deserves the very best of treatment by Raleigh for what It haa meant and mean a to the )if of thia city, outaid of the material matter in has been a benefit la our busi ness life. The Christ iaa training and education of girla rounta for betterment and up lift ia life, ia every sphere of lif. That Rt. Mary' in a marked degre has had an influence most elevating on the home and social lif of BaJaigh' is recognised. That has been also the aflueaco ef th other college for girls la this city, aad BXlgh may -efitit It self fortunate ia being th location of three iaatitutions of suck arrant worth iar ths edueatloa ef young woman. St, Mary's waata to da aa Uereaaed arvie. To d that It suet improve it equipment, add new building, pay eff Its debts, and begin aa endowment fund. Tb men la charge ef its affairs have aet tha f gur of their aoeda for the things aa brine t-230,900, aad a rpro- SSOttvc mtN mi SaJeigh man save expreeeed thaaselvos ea feeling Oat Raleigh ahouid giv ee-teaU of this amount, $25,000. Bearing te axtad what St. Mary's meaas to Raleigk St shoold not b diftValt to raise this amouat, aad mora. It U a eetimat that last year aJon tn aet vara in ansa Mary's to Raleigh waa 50,000. Tha eaapaiga for aecuring coatribn tlons for IH. Mary's in Kaleigh begias today, aad will b conducted systenati eaHy "durlnfTJirTreetlr Tacvtrt year there has been marked advancement at at UarVa boaina of th Bsw money " , '"rtk" l"TTrt: ment thia achool of a service so splendid to North Carolina and the South eaal readdr evra a greater servics. Our poo- pi will b. doing th rigbt thing to at v m m it free from debt aad send It fofward on a career of greater useful neaa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. There ar iacreaaiag opportuaitio for t xpandiug the bastneas affairs ef our neoole both nt bom and abroad, aad there ar ma wko ar making a ap eialty of showing bow this best may be doae. Two of theae nea will be in Raleigh oa TnMay algtit. hob. iiarene J, Owens, managing director of tha South era Commercial Congress, and Hoa. David B. Bo, general counsel of th Chineee-Americaa Product Exchange Compaay. Both Mr. Owens and Mr. Boo ar la touch with th commercial aad maaufaefurlng world, and what tbey will hare to say at the meeting her oa Tuesday night is eertsia to be of value to our business man. The topi of th meeting will relet to opportunities for direct trad with China, aad ther U aa lavitatloa to all business men to be present ia th halt of th Chamber of Commerce at eight o'clock Taesday night. It will pay to attend th meeting. HELPINO WILSON WIN. Ths peopls of this eonatry have been blessed ia th four year now pasting to a cloee because Woodrow Wilson has been the President of the United States. Clearly it ran be seen that he has con ducted the office in the interests of all th peopls. Ia ths esmpaiga bow ia progress tbr Republican party has overflowing money chesta, for the interests t but want tbnt party again in power are sec lug to It that its rampaign managers not lack for the money for which they call. On tha other hand, the Democratic campaign nianajgers are relying aolely upon the contributiona of the people it h which to finance the Democratic campaign. Because of the Republican tactics of misrepresentation and worse the Democratic managers are finding it necessary to get out inereaaed amounts of literature, aad to send out larger umber of . apeakrr than heretofore. Thia means that they need money straight along, and the men who want to are Woodrow Wilson re-rlrrtnl should furnish that money, and furnish it quickly. . . The chairman of the finance commit tee of the Democratic National Commit te baa placed the natter of securing rampaign funds from North Carolina in the hand of Hoa. A. W. Mclean, of Ijtimberton, the North Carolina member of the Democratic National Committee, Mr. McLean, and Secretary Treasurer Hugh MacBae, of Wilmington, have named rommittrrs in all eitie snd towns in North Carolina to get at the work of aecuring contributions, and thry urge thah the work be preaaed. It It is not long till the election is here, and what is done must be done quickly Th committee to which has been as sigtird the collecting of funds in Ral righ Is now at work, and its members should meet with liberal responses when they aak Democrats to contribute. Ral eigh haa helped with such generosity In other years that It la expected to be moat liberal ia its contributions for this rampaign. Kach Democrat in the eitv uuuiu give Bomeimug to me 'cause. MORAL GEOGRAPHY Rev. W. Pruncta Irwin, D. D, Pres. byteriaa Church, Irvlngtea-oa-HBd. Ma, In New York Herald. Unto a far ceaatry. Lake artll The young maa known to kiatorv as the Prodigal Bon made two chart of his travrls ib of his aoul, the other of cities snd barren lands. Thry do I no aot coincide. Be was ia the far country mentally aad apiritually leag nriore ne spent ni substance in rlotena living while "aceiug life." Ixt waa ia Stdo brfor h catered the gate. "11 Ditchrtl bia tent toward Bodom. PirUt- eouiB is not a thin of diagram aad cirenmkiances Had I been bora of worthle and vicious parents in ths so-called slums, or forced tb live there through nnavoida-de (lroroaeioas. I think I shoul bitterly rc-1 cBt tb of Bcioo aad Superior good-1 ae or maay wne eagage la th aivqrt, I ing aicuraioaa called alum m in. It In I oay for us to clnaaify th aiaaei who J are conspicuous law breaker, social aa I area una, Moral ana ental defoetiv : I th dealtOB of th haunu of vie aad I crime j me oonoua wretshednes of thai raggeo, aomc leas ana auagry. It Is eesr I W aay that tha saving grace of Christ and hamaa HpHft,t aro neceaaary and I win d welcomed ny th 'Submerged I Ferhap for th fitst time, except ea teath and tha maa who Is down aadloceaaisa of trip east, will th people out "What via has hs got t, Not muoK, J of North Carolina got aa Idea of what that'atrn. 4 ...Ja, iwaL a modem earaivaL looks like. me matter. However, fa deeper than I external conditions. Th far eoantry s I a mental attitad! th sums ar te tha I sout. Wtckedac la no lea off easive I to Ood if dreaasd 1 silk aad satins. I Mir-iaauig la a pauve as damn-1 attractions wtTl maay rro featare are ing aa ta a hovel. Bel1 shnees I a ecr-1 effered la this (.iggeat and west eoatly reding te royal purpl aa ia raraiiaf all ih enraivai OBDaniaa sua ths wrau, mauc,xvu aaonung, ataalUg, irnXmuf, savy, hatred, godleseaea aad Jl th reet of th brood f keU ar not excaaable beaa faahionabio, re spectable aad eoaventional. . -Whea Chriat earn to aeek aad save th kwt, k looked for aiaaer wander ers la th couatry far from Ood. He did not look for elothea and equipage and prdlgr. Whea Ho died apoai th eroa Ha prayed aot for elaaeea, for all had sinned aad needed His loving nerp. But the Gospel haa always had a hard time with th well favored, raalt- trjr Tuutffit,irfi I null they have everything, why ahouid I reel taa aeea or Detng aaved T Belf- MdV UMnV Ood". bleVTnhe; wemJ,v romfoTt. h,BDUeoa in home and power in eduratioa, a Adam and Kv hid themselves from th Lord Ood la th f" which H gave a.d when He I woulil have m mt thmim No mas ta aver himself aati) h Dads Ood. The far couatry ia any place where Ood ia aot. The aatnral way of living ia in submission to God's will. All els ia Hlin.f Mr. I V rn a 1 mmtJt Ikbmha XV ,h mlinl' . to himaolf. ha return..! ha bis Esther. - Find yonraelf ad yem will and (rod. AS I WAS SAYING" Th Democrats outlook la sld John ston Is rosy;" d Judge T. H. Brooks, of Smlthflsld. eaadldat for r-ltloa ss recorder, who was te BaUsigh Thurs day. "W expeet to run th Demo cratic majority from tha two or three huadred of two year ago to eight bub dred or -mora. Th party Is te good shsps. Ws bar had Mm rattling good speeches already and ar going to have meay mor befor th campaign Is ovsr. Soms of ths biggest gun Is ths State mpalgn will speak te Jehastoa. ui course au us argument la on oar aids this tins. Aa apt illustration of this has cons to my attention. In ths spring of ItH Jo Ingram, a tsa ant oa ths farm of Jo lleLamb, a few mile Mat of Bsnsen, fonnd himself needing a mala, Ingram was formerly a Democrat whU McLamb was a life long Republican. A mate was struck with a dealer te Benson who agreed to tek for a 9230 male tJSOU pounds of eotton. This was figuring ths eotton t ten cents per pound. McLamb ad vised his tenant to aeeopt th propoai- tion, aa-crtlng that it was a cinch that under Wilson, eotton would never get beyond ten cents. So Ingram took tke mule. Well when 1915 rolled around Ingram still owrd considerable cotton on that mule. ii cama across witk soms 'of ths staple, figuring it at tea cents drspits the fact that the mnrket price was twelve seats or thereabouts This fall he is tumtng tn sons more cotton on that mule at ten cent with the market price of cotton around aix tern rents. Tou can Irangin he ia more than sorry that ha took hie land lord's adviro. "It is calculated that whsa tb mule i finally paid for th animal will have cost in tb neighborhood of fonr hun dred dollars, the Incident showing that it ir bad business to proceed oa the principle that Democratic ascendancy mean a period of low prices for farm products." Judge Brooks said th county Joint ranvnas would span at Clayton Mob day and that soms warm discussions were anticipated. He brought ever with kim in his car T. W. Ward, secretary of Congressman Pon; E. Hunter Creech, secretary of the Johnston county Dem ocratic executive committee, sad J. M. Bestty, one of ths editors of ths 8m 1th field Herald. JUDGMENTS GIVEN IN SUPERIOR COURT In Wake Superior Court yesterdav me aiercuanis .-national nana waa given judgment against B. M. Williama, . i . , t . . .. . - A. J. Mrllianon Co., James Mc Bride, A. n. White, Mra. E. W. Henderson. airs, name tirui, J. L MeKlnnoa, u. It. B.irxpatricx and A. J. MrKtnnoa for 7.501.73. In the case of the New and Obaerver Publiahing Company in behalf of itaelf and other creditors v. Th Raleigh De partment more aa order waa issued al lowing tha receiver of th Raleigh De partment Store to institute suit against a. r icisnmaa tiros. Ths Aem Knitting Mills waa rivsa jndgmeat agninat Ernest Martin, ad ministrator of J. B. Mart ia, for 9650. r-d. . Trie ws anvea judgment against J., Lv Heawell for IVK.67. This wss on bb eadorermrat for A. C, Hi ton and other. A. W. Hnrrttt Co. waa riven jodarment for S.19.M against J. M. Rlaloek aad J. T. Ogbtira,' administrators of C. B. King. A. W. Bqrritt Co. waa also grunted judgment in the sum of t-UTufi against IS la lock (jo. .In th rase of A. G. Blaarhard vs. W, H. Blaarhard a decree waa issued confirming th report, of dividing th land. Ia th can of Nrvia v. Cupp aad wif as rder wss issued striktaa? out the judgment ia tn can or th fern defeadaat. . . AMUSEMENTS WILL BE DRAWING CARD . eCenaniBsl trees Paaw nbMa. rat th ra) merltoriou from th garish feature that whea studied closer waa fsh te fart. , Leadlag Carnlvsl Cmalng. Thia maa with his coabinatioa la camlae ta Baleiarh duriae tha -! Btat Fair la North Oaroliaa history. It Is hta first veatur In ths farther south. A wild west show, a trailed anl) show, a riding caralvna, aerobatia feat of th hlaheet karar. htnah -.r. lag nTHia of th sat original kind, twenty shows rsptatlag 101 aer-rm- road. Raleigh, Ni G., Oct 16 to 21, 1916 Very Low Fares From All Stations In North Carolina . ' Via NORFOLK- SO UTHERN ON SALE OCTOBER 8FICIAL TRAIN Lv. Wiiaoa " Biams ; Bailey Middleeex ...... " Zebuloa Returning Spoeial Trsia will SPECIAL TRAIN SCHEDULE MT. GILEAD TO RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 111 Lv. Mt. OUsad WadevUl Troy 8Ur Bpies .... Hemp .... Hslliaoa . Putnam .. Olendon ., Carboatoa ..... ..... Returning Bpseial Train lear SCHEDULE AND RATES Loavs rayettoriU " Lane " linden .... " Huahrvol .. i BaraU i " Lilllngton I " Cap Fear I - Kipling 1 Chalybeate j - Rawlcs j " Fuquay Springs " Variaa " Cairo - Willow Springs UeCullers Ar. Raleigh Daily. Polly except Sunday. RetAirniar Jre RjJeig h All Excursion Tickets good on regular and Special Trains and include one ad mission to Fair Grounds. State Fair Tickets will be on sale from all stations in North Carolina and from N orfolk, Va., October 14 to 21, inclusive, final return limit October 23, 1916. For further information call on any Norfolk Southern Agent J. F. MITCHELL, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C E. D. KYLE Traffic Manacar. H. S. LEARD, General Passenf ar Agent North Carolina's Beat Exhibit Yet Comes Next Week (CaatlaaW tnm Pas Tlilrli .) so that whsn ths fair closed te 1015 and the work for 1016 was all before, th society had the little 83,000 la haad with high hopes sad unlimited energy, The reeulta of conferences aad th adop tion of little economise has) worked wonder out nt th fair grouad. Agri cultural halL which many thought das gerous, aad which aay have been, waa Judged aa on of th fair buildings that had to come down. But it did not, be can ther was a mosey la hand with which to put ap BBothrr hall to houss agrieultural exhibits aad bee th mea at th head of th Pair weat stead ily ahead aad fouad a way' to accom plish ths mnte objeetivs by a system of sutotitutioa, of reiaforcosBt to foundation aad aidawall aad by chang ing windows o aa to giv mora light to the interior Not ohty wn this much dene for . a building that ' waa thought should bo abaadoaed, but a aew roof was added, th interior rhnnged and bettered aad a connecting arch tmlt between Floral Hall and th Agricultural Buildiag to do away with the objection of paaaing from one to the other buildiag daring a period of bad weather. . By employing day labor aad fivtag each job prreonal a'teatioa th road way wer rebuilt. They have ' bee raised ia many -place from two to three feet, fully crowned, well sanded aad good bys waa said ta mud te 1016 if rains should com. It waa possible to bvaia at aa exeoediagly low price quantity of draia pipe. Thia was laid where water waa diapoacd t aeenaa- late, so that with a assail appropriation from ths tlnj f aad of t-IJXM thee low- grounds war gives permanent drainage. Lmler waa needed acre and taere to ah certain repair imprevwaoata, ' It was fouad that loag year ago am wholly unmrsssary anutU buildiag wer left here aad that, unsightly, nn saved. aad down the ease, net saly provid ing th needed lumber hat very greatly Improving tha general appearance af the plaat. Secretary Pago aad oeeedlg preai- deat haws are approved of th ar rangementa i ewtaid th gat where trect cart, crowding aad puahteg men and wont em and aa toes e hi lee wen li mixed up doting th rwak kvar snorniag and aftayaooa. Soasetkiag needed ta do oaa aeon n. rmierv- ara was ue ate idea. Ke aecldoat had ewer oc curred thar, ht the f8ora feared H eary a ustlea af tias bafor me tragedy would throw a shadow r tha antir pregram. Th street railway aTteiala wor called late confer and a pwa agreed to whereby th railway was to erect s Wlr nelosur and t iimteatlng, State Fair 14 TO 21 LIMITED RETURN SCHEDULE WILSON TO RALEIGH, ... 1:00 a. m. ... 8:23 a. m. ... :S4 a. m. ... 8:47 a. m. ... 0:03 a. m. Lv. Wendell Eagle Bock " Knightdal - Bouahall .. Ar. Bclelgh (Union Station) leave Raleigh (Union Station) at 3:20 8:00 a. m. 6:11 a. m. 6:30 a. m. 6:64 a. a. Lv. Gulf 8:18 a. no. " Cumnock 8:28 a, m. " Colon 8:40 a. m. " Roster 8:51 a. m. " " Corinth 0:04 a. ra. " Duncan 0:24 a. nt. " Varina 0:34 a. m. " Cairo 0:38 a. tn. " Willow Sprinp 0:43 a. m. MrCuIlers 9:87 a.m. Ar. Baleigh 10:30 a. m. 7:10 a. m. 7:14 a. a. 7:37 a. m. 7:39 a. a. 7:31 a. m. 8:0 a. a. Baleigh 6:00 p. m. nOM FATETTETIl LI AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS TO RALEIGH STATIONS I Trsia 17:33 8:08 8:28 8:32 6:42 8:61 8:37 0:08 0:12 a. 0:21 a. 0:30 a. 0:38 a. 0:36 a. 0:40 a. 0:64 a. 110:20 a. ml Sf35 p. m. Daily excat StuvrJay and 7t30 ru-Dailjr- Norfolk, Va. . danger from both ear aad automobiles. There will bo ho rushing across tbs crowded atreat car tracks at ths en trance to ths ground this year. Gates will shot off automobile until ears ar out of ths way; there can be no loading of maa aad women aad children oa the car until th ear ia at a standstill. COL. POGUE HAPPY OVER FINE RECORD (Cvaaaaajsd Tram Tit Thirls) number of men but is their fair from sad to aad. Not oaly haa tha ameers and depart ment beea abl thi year to carry out soms of their plana of last year that could not put Into execution, but th community schools, ths educational and historic departments of State, ths MBU-aoeJal aad sgrteurtural organtxa Uoas through oat North Carolina have taken action to justify th statement that they aow believe th Stat Fair ta b their- fair. Everything points t success. With greatly improved grounds, substantial baildtegs, enlarged area for outdoor dosBoastrationa and a mor attractive ait, th But Pair this year takes on a lif nnd nergy that only th cordial backing and eo-ope ratio of tha people ox ivorta uarouna could giw it. PRESIDENT TUFTS EFFECTIVE CHIEF sVeaa Pass ThsrteeB.) tsruiisa of tb people te neighboring counties, lis hss preached North Carolina aad her invitation t capital for maay years aad to him is da th traaafsr of much Northern cap ital aad hundreds of Northern people ta his delightful aoetioa of. th Old North 8tat. t H took hold of th RUU Pair with amractariati esergy aad atarprla. Ia th me at Baleigh a fouad a secre tary who himaelf waa gifted with a vision f th thing that could b a- mplihd by uaited effort. President Tafia Joined hands, began t throw hi indomitable lafloence in favor ef th people aa a whole, -getting behind the (Mat Pair aad te every way holding p tb haad of Secretary Pogo. B eeatnbuted very - largely of his personal meaas ta ths fair of 1016. Bis checkbook has boea ready at all time te supply addsd premiums, to enable tho-aotre ry ta offer special awards and to hta teflaonea, time sad money du In large, a very larg meaaur. tha srUndid bailding just completed at ta fair UronndTa, whsreia will h nasi aad shown t many thounads of poopl th thin n the qavad Hillers aa aespUaaod. H far aa agwaey f great nower In CnreUaaa affaire that can be oaatod most worthwhU and has mors TO OCTOBER 23, 1916 OCTOBER 18th aad 1Kb 0:17 a. ra. B:23 a. m. 0:33 a. m. 0:50 a. m. . 10:13 a. m. p. m. No. ttTraln No. 34' a. tn a. a. a. n. a. a. 1:50 p. 2:23 p. m 2:36 p. a. 2:47 p. a. 2:66 p. m 8i07 p. m, 8:12 p. a. 8:23 p. a. a. a. a, m. a. a. a. mJ m. m. 3:31 p. m.l 3 :40 p. a. 8:40 p. a 8:32 p. a 3:57 p. m 4:02 p. a. 4:15 p. m, m a, m mJ a a. 4:40 p. a. than justified th oaSdeaea placed te him by men who wr looking tb Stat ovsr for a aaa who had ths ability aad ths aggraasivsnes to accomplish things ef importance for th poopl of, his . adopted State. COUNTY TEACHERS HOLD INTERESTING MEETING. The first meetiag of th new school year of the. teachers of ths county y terday was largely attended and waa very enthusiastic Superintendent Oils -conducted tbs opening lereise and in troduced the primnry supervisors. Miss Daphne Carraway, Miss Cathsrtes Vr- non and Kiaa Martha Hudson. ' In th sectionnl meetings which fol lowed. Miss Vernon aad Miss Carraway, in ths primsry section, took up ths sub ject of reading 1a th primary grad. Miss Hudeoa dteenssed writing te ths ' grammar grade. Superintendent Giles held a confer- race with th high choot tnchT. i At a joint meeting Superintendent . Giles 14 in a diaenssion of language te ; ths elementary achool. Mi as Carraway asked th teachers to j.get 1a touch with th vie president - of tb ncttcr Assoc la tlons aad rqnstod that each teacher to be sur thst a Bat- tcraent Association waa formsd at hat school if there was no sueh orgnnlna - tiea ther. .' One hundred and thirty teachers ' registered. Why Buy A 1 New Suit? Ws make a new on out of your old on. LADIES' WEAR A SPECIALTY Th . most np-to-dat . th South. plaat , te DE FKEHCI D1T CIEIHIIS CO. PtoalW 4H rayetterlUa Street , Baleigh, N. C- r

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