THE NEWS AND OBSERVER SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 8, 1916. mttiii is Urlus doing? Special Concert Thursday Afternoon - : 4 to 6 P. M. - COME Look at this Picture la the great Urlus listening to himself) You have seen innumerable pictures of artists listening to their talking machine records but; Urlus is not listening to himself. - 1 1 4 4 . -ij He is Comparing His Voice with Edison's Re-Creation of it No talking machine manufacturer would dare to submit his talking machine to such test. It would be too ridiculous. But mark this : Mr. Thomas A. Edison has submit ted HIS NEW INVENTION ( 2& NEW EDISON to this direct comparison before two hundred thousand music lovers in the principal cities on this continent, and this multitude, as well as the music critics of more than two hundred newspapers, were unable to distinguish the singers' living voices from Edison's Re-Creation of their voices. r if . The New Edison Is not a talking machine. When you hear this Not a Talking Machine wonderful new invention, you will readily concede that it is not. We want you to hear it We are licensed by Mr. Edison to demonstrate this new instru ment, and we request the privilege of giving you an Edison Musicale In our store at any time that suits your convenience. J. E. Crayton & Company 103 W. Martin Street, Raleigh, N. C 217 S. Tryon Street Charlotte, N. C FINAL ACTION IN LOFJG LITIGATION Creditors in Norton-Johnson Receivership Paid 53 Per 7'7 Cept By BjCeiycr V ' MISTRIAL IN LAND CASE Favorable Showing For Dur ham Tobacco Market; Re publican Who Endorses But ler and Bonds Discovered in Alamance County; Revival at Christian Church Nirwi d OWirvai iim, tint f(Mul Bank Buiidiac. Br 8. R. WINTERS. jiiiiiM imiy ii mi Mini iiiiiii The feature of this dainty boot Is an ex quisitely inlaid design in kid, of a slightly darker color than the vamp and top. This style is specially suitable for afternoon cos tumes, tor visiting, and that variety of occa sions, when selected from our new styles in oes lor Yvomea Many other suitable models to accompany elaborate costumes. " mi' ) ' ii i' ii 1 1 i ll li d"" ' miiiMMiiiir " I ; I ; I THE lighting of the evening lamp is the sweet prelude t an enjoyable time with, luring books and home-mates. The lamp must be attractive and good the shade daintily colored in mellow tints. We've such lamps for the library, dining room, hall, sleeping room every nook in the house. ' -3f.2Zal)Ur5 Sorts, "3wclex$ EsfseHobed ISM ( - I t WILL MOBILIIf SHIPS OF COMMERCE DEPARTMENT. (IpMUl Lease WW) : Washington, Oft 7. The Southern Commercial Congress announced today that Soerstary Bedfleld will for the first tin mobilise' the ship ia the serrii-e of the - Commerce Department of the United Statei government at the eighth aannal contention of the Southern Com mercial Congress at Norfolk, December 11 U. Thi servlcs include four branch: The LigbthouM Service, the Coast Guard Service, the Bureau of Navigation, and the Bureau of Fisheries. Secretary Bedfleld ha ordered the "Surrey or," now Bearing completion, to arrive ia Norfolk eoineident with the opening of the congress. This ship, which ia under construction at Mini tower, Wisconsin, will be a steel steam vessel of a thousand tons, and her ea gtnes will generate on thousand borne power. The vessel ha been built for use on the eoaat of Alaska ia the sum mer, and on the Pacific coast of the United State la the winter. . FIVE MINUTES! NO GAS. INDIGEST1QN OR ACID STOMACH Instant relief from sourness, heartburn, headache, dyspepsia Tape's Diapepsin" is quick est and surest stomach relief known. Why aot get eqme bow this mo ment, and forever rid yourself of stomach trouble and indigestion! A dieted stomach geta the blue aad grumble. Oive it a 'good, eat, them take Paps' DU pepsin to start the di gestive juices working. There will be no dyspepsia or belching of gas er ernetatieas of aadigeeted food; ae feel ing like a lump ef lead ia, the stomach or heartburn, sick headache aid dlasi nesa, and soar food will aot ferment and poison year breath with aaaaroae odor. Pape's Dlapepsia easts ealy 50 cents for a large ease at aay drag store here. and Will relieve tua most oDstiaai case of la digest ion aad apes . stomach ia five mlautea. . There is aothtag els better to take fas from the tomah aad cleanse the stomach and ia testis, aad, besides. oa single does wtlf digest aad prepare for assimilation lata the blood all year food the mm as m sound, healthy stomach weald do it. When Diapepsia works, your stomach unto geta itself ia eraer, clean np and then yon feet Ilk eating wham row com t the table, an 3 what yen, eat will do yea good. Absoluts relief from all stomach misery is waitiag for yea as soon as yea decide te take a little Diapepei. Tnryoar druggist that yum waat Pape'e Diapepata, because yea waat t beeem thoroughly eared this time. Kr men her, tt year stomach feels ant of order aad nnewmfortahie new yew caa get rails! ia are minutes (AdvJ Durham, Oct 7. The final judicial action ia the litigation of the Atlaatie National Fire Insurance Company, of Chicago, against .ths Nortea-Jahnaon Company, of Durham, has been filed aod long' time pending suit terminated. The-creditors ia the receivership were paid fifty-three per cent by II. ii. lied' rick, reeaiiver. The Durham firm was plated in receivership in June, 1914, with SSUO liabiiitiea and Ho assets; To this original liability J. W. Neal se cured an additional judgment of JO. Then the receiver obtained a judgment for $800 from Watts Norton. From this litigation braashsd off numerous other civil action in which Insurance companies figured, and Durham became identified with the rases to an unusual degree. Judge Frank' Daniels has au thorized a payment of the creditors. Tea Jarymsa Hold Together 31 Hoars. The charge of fraudulent tactics ia wrssting ths home plot of ground from Dolph Parker, an unsuspecting negro, as lodged against Dr. E. H. Bowling, Dhvskian. lnnuranco man and manufac turer resulted ia a mistrial. Ten jury men attached faith to the strsight for ward tale of Parker and two young members of the jury placed unrelent ing credence to Bowling's statement. Ths twelve men hung fire for 36 hours. Mialstsr tl Ysara Old. Ths Her. J. W. Weliona. oldest min ister in ths Christian denomination and perhaps a claimant for the distinction in other secular organizations, visite.t Kev. W. L. Wells, pastor of the Dur ham Christian church, her today. He was sarouts to Suffolk to attend the "Gnreiling ceremonies of a portrait of hi brother. Vr. rv. n. vveiioni. ins Elon College pastor is 1 years old and his agility doe not betray his longevity of life. He is hale and well mot. Durham Deabtee Tobacco Price. The correct tabulation of Supervisor J. Scott Bureh of ths Durham board of Trads makes a favorable showing for Durham tobacco market of ltflfl on the comparative score. For September, 1013, the warehouses marketed 324-thouannd-ood pounds for an average of $6M a hundred pounds. For the eorre aoadlaaj month of (his season, the market sold 1,256,287 pound for an average price of $1721. The tales are holding up remarkably welt in quanti ties of the product and in prices. Champions "Betler and Beada." . H. farter, Jr.. of Uraham, chair man of the Democratic Executive Com mittee of Alamance county, has un earthed a bit of political propaganda that warrants a place oa the page of Democratic ' documents. d-Sheriff It. T. Kernodle, of Alamaaoe county, champion the cause of Mario Butler aad nil effort to extort from North Carols a redemptioa of those bonds. U is unyielding ia hia views that North Carolina ia under obligation to Butler for the debt. Mr. Farter chal lenges the State to produce another Ke pubiieaa who openly follows the ban asr, "Butler aad Bonds." Christina Chttrch KovlvsL Bsv. J. Lee Johnson, of Cards a as, Wake county, is assisting Bsv. W. 1 Well in ths conduct of a successful rsvlral at the Durham Christian Church. The meeting haa been ia prog ress one week aad will continue one week from tomorrow. Tea have pro fessed allegiance to the Christian faith, and numerous reformations have bees evident. J. H. Morlng, of Slorrtsville, has charge of ths singing. Monday night Mr. Moring will relate his remi aiseeaec of the Civil War. and the old soldier of Durham county have been extended a special invitation. New Cearfheess Committee. Judge Frank lmniels haa designated the committee from the Durham bar wkq will direct the arrangemsat pro gram for the celebration of the com pletioa of the S260 JX)0 courthouse. The committee consists of B. O. Everett, W. J. Brogden. B. P. Beads, J. A. Giles and Bnmpter C Brawley. . Durham Nosrleete Application. D. H. Winslow, United State road maintenance expert, was her today em phasising the importance) of Durham county entering its application for Fed eral road aid. The urgency of the ap peal was framed by the record on his rente ia which every county from Car teret to Durham had enlisted, sav Dur ham and Oraaville. Swera late Profession. Isaac B. Strayhora, deputy clerk of ths Durham county Superior Court, took the oath admitting hire to ths practice of law before Judge Frank Daniel yesterday He was educated at the Vaivertities ef North Carolina' and Virginia and obtained his less! learn ing at Trinity College. Hi Honor lec tured to the young mac with a par ticular fine feeling for the ennobling prefeaaioa nd bespoke for its high ideal and their future preservation. Beeaka at Aaigter. Victor B. Bryant went to Angler, Harnett eoaaty, today to maks an ad dress before the county's Democracy. The speech ef Boa. Claude Kitehin her yesterday afforded fine atimnlu te Mr. Bryant alssoa-pur Democracy aad h got into actioa. He labelled Mr. Kltehla' addreea likened nnto Baa sem great pare rations. HYDROPLANE SUNK - DO YOU REALIZE THE IMPORTANCE OF QUALITY? To dress well is a science, requirinT lots of study and thought. To be sure of quality, to attain sQpmacy in Style, to assemble a stock of Eeady-to-Wear that has no equal in our State, 4 1. A . . ii i -1.1 a m mm - j .11. p.... i uicb areine prune oujecw oi ine iepcnuauie owre. Htrndnds of North; Carolina Women Jeet their Suits Coats and Dresses at this store year after year because they appreciate a department featuring Dependable Wearing; Apparel that is selected with rare good taste and judgment. FALL An unusually smart SUITS collection of new Fall Suits is now being exhibited ; . Suits that are as authentic in every detail of style, mate rial and color as . they are lovable and beautiful to behold. THE NEW Featuring Fro-la-COR5ETS uU Redfern and Nemo Corsefe, and De-Bevoise Brassieres. A graduate, cor setlerre in charge. . . IS HAMPTON ROADS Pilot and Mechanician Rescued By Another Plane Which Was Nearby Newport News, Vs, Oct, tV-Thc) Cur Urn twin motor combination land aad FALL Distinctive Gowns FROCKS you,n be pr0ud to . possess. Featuring the newest novelties of the season in a be wildering array of, materials , and styles. THE NEW Bradley Sweat- SWEATER5 , , ers are in a class by themselves. Greatly ad mired by all who have seen them. They are proving good investments for" these cool mornings. FALL Smart in every COATS detail, Novelty Coats and those of the more staple effects, have been assembled in quanti ties. THE NEW Of unusual WAISTS charm these Crepe de Chine and Geor gette Waists delight the eye and add the finishing, touch to a correct Fall wardrobe. REMEMBER, if you are unable to visit this store in person, we still are able to take care of your wants when requests are sent us through the mails. We deliver all merchan dise to your door FREE OF COST to you. NORTH CAROLINA'S LARGEST MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT ' STORE. water machine being tested her for the United 8tate govarament wss totally wrecked this afternoon whea Pilot Vic tor Vernon sent it crashing nose first into the water while attempting a land ing Vernon and Percy Kirkham,' me chanician, were precipitated thirty feet through the air, but escaped withuot injury. They were rescued by another flying boat which was a short distance away at the time of the accident. The machine sank and probably will bs a total loss. Vsrnoa states that all eoa trola were working perfectly whea he attempted te land aad that th eoci dent was aimply due to th fact that he misjudged th distance aad th de gree to which h tilted the planes. Ths machine recently was successfully tested out here before the naval aero board, but later was alightly remodeled to ronfor-n with ideaa of member of the board. Th naval beard was wit nessing the test from th shore. $735 F.a&Ik4rtm4 H E3 Economy? Consider This Here is the surprise in motor car values for 19171 It sets ne economy standards. ' . It is light in Weight, but 2040 lb. Ex-V cepuoiTally long tire-mileage results. It contains the ingenious idea of tiny . piston ports for oil conservation. Owners report 18 to 26 miles to a " gallon of gasoline, governed by ' cbnditions. 1 1 4 in. wheel baae, -Tb our knowledge there is no other car you can purchase today that will : give you this unusual economy. This, m addition to strUring beauty of lines, . roominess' and 35 horsepower grit commend it to your use. ; Come see this forward stride ' in motor car ineeiing today at our showro6ms.'v - -- - Hadley, Harris Company, Distributors WUsea. Jf. C. ' Opea Terrttery Few Dealer. iJiaiiiiiiii lUiUiii Th Chilean government haa appoint-' ed a commission to make a study of the water pewar available for hydroelectric development. ' UNREDEEMED Diamonds . Watches Jewelry Shotguns Pistols Trunks and Leather floods Musical Instrnments At : BARGAIN PRICES CAPITAL LO AN GO. 207 S.WilmingtoaSt MONEY.TO LOMjON PERSONAL PROPERTY

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