THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 19, 1916V 12 THE NEWS AND OBSERVED The Newt and Observer tUKI LEAVE BALKJCB MA BO ABB AJBJ UNI Maeeaw . - fakf i lltTa.av u M p. am, 4Mb. a. . llSa.a., 11 tt . av. 4:11. m. sdtsiaa. SOUTH CBN BAJLWAT. :Sa.av ...... J : B-tV.w 1 :za Ph aa. ...... ui,B nobfolk BotrrauN. Uvdk. inbi laMfi Ttta.av (.. t:a.a. i:t :. aa, .. sake East Arrirm UmUUk. a.Bv 'rSia-aa. tieS.aa, U:Ma.aa. .. :!-as. DbUf saiajl rutv. AU MJun IN AND ABOUT THE CITY , Mr. Maxwell Beck. Mr. A. J. Maiw.U returned yesterdsy Afternoon from "Pamlico county where he made two po . litirkl speeches to two Urge crowds. Mr. Maxwell will leave to-morrow to mike speeches in Washington, Tyrrell, Hyde, Bad Beaufort counties. ILilly at Ztbaloa. Tho Firtt Voters Wilson League of Wake rouuty will bold B rally at Zebulon. Tuesdsv. Gov ernor Kitcbin will make the address on tail occasion. Mr. K. R. House, leader of tho league at Zrbulon, and Mr. Man ly Rollini, leader of tho league at Wen rdell, aro enthusiastic and uy that the corns unity ii going to giro a good turn- out Csrtis Yates Gives Bond Curtis Ystes who lives three and one-barf miles east of Raleigh, and at whose hnmr on Tues day deputy sheriffs seized ) gallons f liquor, earns in yesterday and gave bond for bib appearanre before Squire , K. H. Plummer, on Tuesday, to answer to the charge of baring whiskey in bis posscssioa for the purpose of sale. Yatea said that as Virginia was going dry pretty soon lie hail laid in this big 'apply for his own use. Has Another Good Day.-Dr. Joel Whttakrr's condition was better yester day, a telegram from Indianapolis re reived by Mr. W. B. Drake. Jr.. stated. The telegram added that five physicians, one a specialist from Chicago, agreed in the favorable diagnosis of Dr. Whita ker's condition. It also was stated that it by rest the patient gains Mrength to tide him over. Monday the rlisneea for his recovery will be good. Dr.1 Whitaker baa bees critically ill several days fob (cocker Jipes lor womea rElONINE graes marks evsry line of this stylish model. Eyelets and vamp are outlined by a scalloped .stitching and minuts per foration la keeping with the daintiness of this season'! rylea. This boot is ideal for tbs daytime daaeo, matinee or the reception. JULEICtCNX.1 LCDOckerShpes womea Welcome to Raleigh The Commercial, extends" a i Special Wel come to all visitors and . invites them to make our bank their headquarters while in the city. Come in, we would like to meet you and talk with you, and if possible serve you. Call or write for one of our booklets, "Banking by Mail." ! " - , ' r v TheXomm .. "The Welcome Bank" DISON'S GREATEST WONDER Before the end of Edison Week, hear Edison's greatest invention. NEW EDISON t e instrument which re creates all forms of music. Learn the difference between Re-Creation and mere mechanical re production. Come to Our Store THIfl WEEK Come at any hour THOS. A. EDISON, Inc. Orange, N. J. J. E. Crayton & Co. US West Martin Street, Raleigh, N. C. 107 8. Tryon St, Charlotte, N. C lowing an automobile accident in which both of his legs wars broksn. PERSONALS iir. vv. u. uowd, jr., or mnriotte, is in the city to attend tbs fair and wit ness the football game this afternoon at Kiddick Athletic Field. Mr. V. M. Fallon, of Durham, was among the visitors here yesterday. Hon. O. Max (lardner, who spoke in 'be auditorium Monday night, is now hers attending the fair., Mr. M. Ii. Hall, of New Bern, arrived in the elty yesterdsy for a visit of several days. Messrs. W. C. Mills and J. V. Banks of Rirhlands, is visiting in the city. Mr. U H. Smith. Jr., of Lilerty, ar rived here yesterday to attend the fair Mr. W. (1. Bheppard, of Farmville, was among the visitors in Raleigh yes terday. Mr. Herbert O. Sink, of Leiington, spent the day in the city yesterday. Mr. W. H. Dail, Jr., of Charlotte, was here yesterdsy. Mr. U. P. Tyson, of Charlotte, is spend ing a few days in ths city. Dr. Henry Best and Mr. Lea R. Mayes, of Wilson, arrived last night to attend the fair. r ' Mr. ('. A. Horns of Norfolk is in the rity for the fair. Crinkley's Garage for Autom o b i 1 e and Motorcycle Supplies. Firestone Tires, Texas Gasoline Free Air And Water Come to see us when at the fair. 209 5. Salisbury it RAPID NCREASE fir J904 $80,000,000 Spent For Road. ; In 1915 Over $280, 000,000 Was Spent By H. E. C. BRYANT. (Spwlal Lmt Wire.) Washington. Oct. 18. "Bapid. in creas -rn--total-eapsBditureo. f or .oads and bridges, growth or builbng ana maintenance activities under State su pervision, and a aharp decrease in the proportion of contributions in the form of statute labor mark the development of highway work in the United Htates durina- the oast twslve years," aaia xue Department of AgTleultura today. "The total length of puoiio roans in the United States outside tho limits of ineorrjorated towns and eitieo waa about ?,432,0OO miles on January 1, Jlfl. Of this, about 277.000 miles, or lU per cent, were improved with some form of surfacing. Tho mileage of surfaced roads has been increased at the rate of ubout 16,000 miles a year, and ia 1015 approximately one half of this increase was made under the supervision of ritnio biffhwav deDartments. In addition these departments nupervieed the main tenance of yearly 5Z,U0U miles oi mam and trunk-line roads. "The increase in expenditures, for road and bridge work in the United Htates has been from approrunathifer ),000,000 per year in 1904 to about 282,000,000 in 1M5, an increase of more than 250 per cent. Tha expenditure of Btate funds during this same period in creased from about $2,500,000 to more than .').1.000.000. In addition, more than t27,000,0O0 of local funds waa pent under Htate supervision in llo bringing the total road and bridge ex penditurea managed by the States to 80,54.69. Thia amount is greater than the total expenditure for roads and bridges from all sources in 1904." North Carolina Is among the States thst have providoJ a bighwsy depart ment. Tho department says: "The growth in importance of the fitnfe liig'ia' de partments hits been rapid. Tim first of these agencies was created ia 1H91 in Nsw Jefsey, and uow some form of hinkway dennrtment exists in every State except Indiana, 8outh Carolina, and Texas. Since their inreption these departments had expended to January 1, 1!16, an aggregate of r-O-vwOA-o n State fubils for road and bridge cob struction, maintenance, and aduiinistra tion. They had constructed over 60,- 000 miles of roads in co-operation with the Htates. Moro than 40,000 miles of these roads were surfaced. "The falling off in the value of road work performed br statute and convict labor was from J0,0OO,0ti0 in 1!M4, when the total road expenditures were H0.000.000 to about 1!),000,000 in 191.1. when the total expenditures had grown to 282.000,OT0. This was B reduction from 25 per cent of the total in the former year to less than 5 1-2 per rent of the total in 1915. "An increase in the ue of better and mora expensive types of roads also is shown br the recently compiled statis tics. This development has been due. in large part, to the great increase in automobile trafSe. It is estimated that there are now approximately two and one half million automobiles in use on ths roads of the country, or one car for every miie of roadt This present motor traffic is I nexcess of traffic of all sorts twelvo years sgo. "The essh road snd bridge expendi tures of the United Htstes averaged only 2 per mile of rural roads in 1904. In 1915 this average had grown to 109 per mile. New Jersey led all other .States, both in 1904 and in IDlX, with 221 and M75 per mile, respectively. Nevada, made the- least expenditure in both years, $.T.72 per mile in 1004 and 17 per mile in 1915." EXPECT HUGE CROWD AT EPSOM SPEAKING Iouixburg, Oct. IS. Tie Democrats of Epsom and that section aro making slaborate preparations for the great political rally scheduled to take place there Friday when Hon. Thomas W. liickvtt. Democratic candidate for Gov ernor, and Hon. Kdward W. Pou, can didate for Congress to aucceed himself, will address the voters on the issues of the day. There will lie a big barbecue dinner free to all and this attraction, together with the reputation of the speakers as men of grest oratorical ability and per sonal popularity, ia expected to be the means of drawing a large crowd. Istrge posters have been gottea out announcing the event, the Franklin ruiiuty Democratic committee being es pecially desirous that the occasion shall be one successful in every way. ATTENTION. t-ta""li BOMB-DRESSMAKER! ritiH and tlf rnul uira ruwe on ww, rs. r . Button wimwl Mall eSM SIM MM B SMMMM Ca. ;i i-i sMs, an. at, a. anaata BACK TO HEALTH BT NATURE'S ROUTE Tkia Is the title of a most interesting booklet issued by the Celebrated Shi- var Mineral fpring.' The booklet con tains the strongest lettera of testimonial from men eminent ia ths professions of medicine, law and theology, from bank- era, anerehanta, maauraeTurera ana otherm, telling bow this remarkable water has relieved ' them of dyspepsia and indigestion, nerroos headache, rheu matism, gall atones, kidney aad liver diseases, urie acid polsoatBg aad other ailments doe to impure blood. Sign aad mail tho followiag letter aad yon will have cause to regret it. Mi i var Bpriag, " Box 91 D, Bfcettoa. B. C Gentlemen i I aecept your guarantee offer aad en close herewith two dollars for tea gal loss of Bbivar Miaeral Water. I agree to give H a1 fair trial, ia Beeordaaee with ia functions contained ' ra booklet yoa will Bead, and if it fails to benefit my case yoa agree te refund he pries ia full poB receipt of ths two empty demi- i Name Address Chipping Point ... E liD-MGIE No Simple Test Has Been De "vised; None Is Likely To Be Found Satigfactory News ana1 Ofcaerar Boraaa. M UUWIet Mauaaal Baat BalUlaa. By H.. C BRYANT. ' Washington, October 18. Tbs Bureau of Standards of tbs Department of Com mere announced today that there is bo simple test for ths quality of gasoline. "Ia view of the fact that statements have appeared ia the press to the effect that ths Bureau of Standards will for mutate a test which may be applied by any purchasers to detect at once aa in ferior product, it becomes necessary to correct any falae impression that may bars been aroused and to add a brief summary of ths situation. Ia the first place, no such simpls test is known in ths present state of the science of petro leum toehnalogy. In the early days or ths rtetroleum industry, when all our gasolines, kerosenes, fuel oils, and lub nesting oils were derind from one I source. Pennsylvania cruds petroleum a simpls measurement of ths specific rrsvity. or what amounts to ths same thing, the Baume number, by means of a hydrometer, served as a fairly re liable indication of ths qualities of aliese' products. Today, however, the Decifle gravity test is practically worth less, as a check on -the suitability of a gasoline, for example, for a given motor equipment. The reason why thia ia so is that many new oil fields have been opened up in recent years that yiei. petroleums of very different physica and chemical properties and new meth ods of manufacture have been intro duced that yield products having very lifferent properties in no way relatea t othe specific gravities. "The problem ia an extremely com plicated one. and presupposes a defini tion of gasoline. It is highly probable thst the specification or definition or standard insoline and the tests trial will be necessary to determine whether toe gasoline complies with the specifications will be quite complicated and win re auire the services of a trained chemist to make them. It seems most probable that the definition of gasoline will have to be baaed on the percentage that die tils over between specified temperatures, when the distillation is1-carried out tin der specified conditions. This distills tion test, speaking in non-tecnnicai terms, is a measure of the Ireeilom with which tho gasoline wilr vaporixe 'The gasoline must not vaporize too freely for two reasons, one that it would not be safe, and secondly its loss in storage, by evaporation would be. too great, nenee, the specification mny have to contain limitations of the per rentage distilling over below a certain temperature, coupled perhaps with a provision that certain percentages shsH llsfil over below other fixed tempera Hires, in order that requisite amount of low boiling constituents shall be present to Insure easy starting of an engine, Likewise, ths specification mast contain a provision that all moat distil over below a certain maximum temperature in order to exclude from the gasoline the heavier petroleum distillates, such as kerosene. l r. AltarS N. m. Unit W. a. Yaat THE HARRY M. UZZLE UNDERTAKING CO. Clear Bad Skla From Within. Pimply, muddy complexions aro due to impurities in the blond. Clear up the akin by faking Dr. .King's New Life rills. Their mild laxative qualities re move the poisons from the system and brighten the eye. A full, free, non- griping bowel movement in the morn ing ia the reward of a de of Dr. King's w ljfe Pills the night before. At your Druggist, 2oc. Adv. Bmllwsrs Water Ftwar LaaS Bamvhit alrtaal lateravaaiaata JNO. J. WELLS Cii'ii Engineer Beckr at Mat . Karta Caraliaa PAUL D. GRADY Attornej-al-Laic T14-T1I Ccanmerelal Bank BaUdlng. Raleigh. N. C GILBERT C WHITE Consulting Engineer Darham. N. C WATERWORKS. LIGHT AND POWER, STREETS " FLORISTS Laadaraa Designers CorrespoadeBea Solicited VAN LINDLEY COMPANY CBXENSBOBO. N. C Frank K. Thomson Architect and Engineer Masonic Temple Raleigh. North Carolina. GASOLIN DUALITY L, C Weathers, D. C Dr. Specialist of the Foot X 1 7y FayeiteTvIle Street - - Raleigh. N. C , VAIJT ADS -ilOcPerliud (IX WOKDS TO LINE CASK WITH OBDEB aatsad a tar (sit p. LOST SUNDAY OS STREETS OF Jtaleigh or between Baleigh and Dur ham, pocket memorandum book. Gray MM-r rovers. He ward of 13.00 for rs turn to News and Observer office. lrt-IH 7t. ri.NE BIG BHR1MP, SELECT OYS- ters, Norfolk Hpots, Trout and Blue fish today. C. D. Arthur, City Market. I'bone 255. 10 17 .It APFLEU OAT3 SEVENTY-SEVEN Bust Proof fcSeventy-five, Winter Bye One Fifty per bushel. Bobert Hack Bey.Tiurham. 10-14-7t EXPERIENCED SALESMAN, BUYER and manager in general store and eommis.utry wants permanent position now or Jan. 1st. Box 105 Battlehoro N. C. ' 10 15-7t NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: BIDS are requested on the re-construction of dam for the Little Biver Manufae turing Company, of Bougemont, N. C Plans and specifications can be ob tained at the office of J. B. Mason Citizens National Bank building, Durham, V C, by interested contrae tors. Bids must be accompanied with certified check for ("00, successful contractor to file surety bond for the faithful performance of the contract The owners reserve the right to reject any or all bids, llids open 21st day of October, 1918. Little Kiver Mfg Co., J. B. Mason, pres., Durham, N. C. 10 15 5t BRIGHT TOBACCO LAND FOR SALE in Amelia County, Vs., two thousand acres, ran be cut into small farms, large amount open land suitable for bright tobacco and grain, on Anpo mattox river, good water and healthy location. Homo good new buildings. Price ten dollars per acre, easy terms Piedmont Lumber Co, Lynchburg, Vs. 10 14 7t WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH RED Vlar Lumber in car lots. Describe what you have, running lowest price f . o. b. cars. Mcr.wen Lumber t om nanv. Arnica. X. C. 10 14-14t WANTED MEN TO WORK IN FUR niture factory. Goldsboro Furniture Mfg. Co.. Goldsboro. X. 0. 10-14 7t. TYPEWRITERS, NEW, REBUILT. second hand. We buy, sell, exchange and repair all makes. 11. a. btorr Co, 122 W, Martin St.. Raleigh. 1-7 tf GARAGES AND ACCESSORY DEAL. era. Chiefs of Police, Mayors, Con stables. Insurance Agents snd others need copy of Directory of Automobile Owners in North Carolina. Now ready for delivery. Pries S5.00. Special pries tj subscribers paying six months is advance (2.00. Write Circulation De partment, The Ncwa and Observer, Kaleigh, N. C. S-2S tf LIST OK OVER 24,000 AUTOMOBILE owners in North Carolina, bow ready for delivery. Listed by counties Bad towns alphabetically, also listed nu merically by Btate License Number, Price $5.00 per copy, sent postage pre paid. Hpeeisl rate to subscribers pay ing six months' subscription in ad ranee, (2.00. Free supplements, keep ing the book up to date, sent to origi nal purchasers during the year. Mail orders to Circulation Department, ths News and Observer. Raleigh, N. C. 8-26f FOR RENT ROOM APARTMENT; modern improvements. Phone 237. 10-1. tf. WANTED SEVERAL PACKERS AND cabinet men: steady work for good men. The White Furniture Co., Me bene. N. C. 10-1S fit LOST OR STRAYED: SATURDAY AF- trrnoon from farm near Garner one black mule, weight about 1,100 lbs. frWn two miles northwest of Garner Hntiirday night. Notify J. W. Griffin, Jrner. 10 15-tf BOOKKEEPER WITH SEVERAL years experience in bookkeeping and general oSiee work vn lumber business wants position immediately. "Book keeper" Box 7S4, New Bern, N. C. 10-15-71. W ANTED BOYS TO CARRY NEWS and Observer routes; good oppor tunity for bustlers. Apply between 5 and p. m. 10-18 t.f. WANTED WHITE WOMEN FROM J5 to 40 years old to work ia laundry at Dix Hill, State Hospital. Apply to Dr. Albert Anderson, bupt., Raleigh, N- C. 10 17 tf. WANTED LADY TO DO GENERAL house work for small family, agree able surroundings. Address I. F. IMtryesr, Farmville. X. C. 10-17 3t. WANTED ELECTRICIANS CAPABLE wiring all classes building. Apply immediately with full particulars. Tbomaa Beynolds, general manager, I.illington. X. C. 10-17 3t- FOR 8ALE FRAME BUILDING CON. taiaing considerable amount - good lumber.' Bargain for prospeetivs builder. Apply Agent. Seaboard Air line. H17 4t ' WANTED A MAN TO CLERK IN general time store. One with expe rience, sober snd willing to work. Good salary to a satisfactory man. Ii rtnt givs A No. 1 references need not apply. Ths W. H. Griffia Co lae .Fpring Hops, N. C W-17 7t FOR SALE NICE PIECE OF PROP. . erty; sacrifice price; need tha money. Address "X," ears Ness and Observer, Kaleigh. , f 17 Jt WANTED. JU.WR DRUG CLERK NOT married, rt f sssa i s required. Fairrisw Jrng Co. WW-W Salem, KG. inis-st POSITION WAMCD BY COMPE- tent, sxpsiieasaft lady steaographer. afactaphone prerVsered, but eaa use wnsre. Address "Dictaphone," sars Twenty seats SMauaaas cfcarfat A Sawseat tea ear saat Is allewes aa all ass. taeartaa far sae weak (ssvaa times) FOB KENT THREE COMMUNICAT- ing offices on- Marti a street side of Tucker Building. Apply to Cary K. Diirfey, Executor. , 10-18 St WANTFD- GOOD LEA chorea building. Wages right for ths right msa. W. R. Wyatt, Tarboro, N. C. 10 l-3t. WANTED TRAVEL INtT SOLICITOR for daily newspaper; commission basis ; one who eaa writs news articles preferred. "Solicitor, ears News and Observer 10 18-Zt. WANTED AT ONCE WORK IN drug store by junior clerk. . Box 548, Chapel Hill, N. C. 10-18-3t WANTEtr' AT-ONCB P8ITH)NB lady stenographer fire insurancs of fice. Several years' experience. Box 21, Vaneeboro, N. C. 10-18 7t MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE, 114 Model, Harley-Daridaon ; excellent condition, including tires; eheap for cash. Address J. H. Chandler, Johns, X. C. 10 8 2t REGISTERED DRUGGIST WANTS position. Eleven years' experience. Competent,- ears News and Observer. 10-18. It BONDS FOR SALE TWENTY THOU sand twenty-year road bonds of White Oak Township, Bladen county. Endorsed and payment guaranteed by county. Writs E. F. MeCulloeh, Jr, Elizabethtown, N. C. 10-18 7t FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TO Fair visitors, 440 X. Salisbury. 10-18 2t laUTOMOBILR OWNERS DIRECTORY of over 20,000 automobiles in North Carolina, saving asms and address, make of car and Btate license num ber. Now ready for delivery. Listed by counties aad towns, alphabetically and also numerically by Stats license number. Writs today, Circulation Department, Ths News and Observer, Raleigh, N. 0. 8-28 tf . FOR SALE JOB BUSINESS ONE OF the Urgent and best paying job print ing offices in State. Address "Job Office," cars News and Observer. 10 18 2t. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BARBER. Write or wire J. H. Murrell, Hender son. 10-17 3t. DELICIOUS FRESH STRAWBERRIES April to December. Plant food and book making success certain given free with plants. No fake. Full erop first year. Come and see acres red with berries now. Catalogue free. Con tineatal Plant Co., EittrelL N. C. 10-19 It. FOR SALE 28,000 POUNDS BURR clover seed in the burr. Price 87.50 per hundred delivered. Sixty pounds 85.00 delivered. Smaller lots 15c per pound delivered. ?s'ot too late to plant. Am shipping each day. Can ship promptly. Cash with, order. J C. KiHebrew, Pcnelo, N. C. 10-19 dly ex sun 12U MODERN EIGHT ROOM RESIDENCE for rent. Phone 1.191. 10-19 tf. LADY WANTS POSITION TO SUPER. intend hotel dining room or cafe at once. Address "Experienced" ears News and Observer. 10-19 It. TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE GOOD locations near good school and church and near a good town. Sea or write G. F. Peterson, Clinton, N. C. 1019 It. SALESMAN WE DESIRE A FORCE- ful and aggressive salesman to sell our 1918 line of high class calendars, leather goods and novelties in Raleigh and the vicinity. Will consider ap plications only from men of reliable character and real selling ability. Thos. J. Beekman Co, 310 N. Eleventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 10-19, 22, 24. WANTED PARTNER WITH ONE TO three thousand dollars to join adver tiser in the automobile business. Ad dress. Auto, care News and Observer. 10-19 It. THE LAST OPPORTUNITY YOU WILL have to buy lots in Boylan Heights at your price will be on Thursday, October 20th. Sals begins at the corner of Boylan Ave. and South Sts. at 10:30 a. m. . J. D. Newsom. 10-19 7t. WANTED YOU YOUNG MEN TO know, that the Durham Barber Col fege is the only first, class barber col lege in' the South, as her boys are holding ths beet jobs, Snd more calls than we can fill. Write for free cata logue. Durham Barber College Co., Inc. Durham. N. C. 10 19. 22. IM CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS IN Boylan Heights to be sold at public auction, Thursday, October 26th at 10:30 a. m. Sale -begins at ths corner of Boylan Ave. aad South St. Every lot offered will bo sold regardless of price snd on very easy terms. J. D. Xewsom. 10-19 7t. LOST TIRE, IS BY 8. UNITED STATES smooth tread, between Raleigh and Leesville school building; inner tubs in tire. Return for reward to A. T. Aiken, Creedmoor, N. C. 10-19-lt BLANKETS WOOL, 72x80 8 POUNDS at 85 JO. Order the color deaired. On half dozen or more pairs we allow good discount. United Distributing Co, Leaksville, X. C. 10 19 It. Two More Days , When you're ready to start for home, stop at Berwanyer's and get fitted, up in your Fall and Winter wants. The stock is all complete and you'll be surprised at the selec tion. A complete line of Hand-Tailored Suits and Over- ' coats in all New Models, English Semi-English, Conser, vative and Pinch Bachs. Plain Patterns to suit the con servative and fancy patterns for Young Men. Suits and. Overcoats from....".:.. ......$15.00 to $40.00 ,t : : : - Headquarters for Full Dress Furnishings. - S. BERWANGER . Tho One Price Clothier. FOB SALE FITE DRAWEE CASH register, first elaas condition, irldram "National" ear Nsw and Obssrrsr. 10-10 St. HU8TLINC SALESMEN FOR BEAU. tif nl new msps. Ktate Maps; World Maps; War Maps. Big daman; special offer. Workers coining mosey. Hudgina Publishing Co, Atlanta, Ga. 10-19 t. FOR SALE A HUNDRED AND FORTY arrs farm, forty cleared with build ings. -- Near Washington, , Box 85, Washington, N. C. 10-10 St. WANTED A LIVE. WELL EDUCAT ed young man, to sell stock of ems of ths beat paying manufacturing con cerns In North Ciarolina; ''MttJjt !)' energetia aad of eat appeaiaes. Ths right man will be wall paid. Ons with soms sxperienea preferred. Ad dress Box 285, Coates, N. CL 10-19 It. REMEMBER WHEN THE VIADUCT is boiH Boylaa Heights will be less tkaa Bins hundred yards from Fay ette villa St. Buy n lot ia tha moat progressive suburb in. Raleigh at ths auction sale on Thursday, October 26 at 10:30 am. J. D. Newaom. 10-19 Tt. WANTED LOCAL DEALERS ALL ; over North Carolina to handls ths f wonderful Detroit Vapor Oil Store, "Works liks gas". No wicks. Writs me. W. A. Blizzard, Dillon, 8. C 10-19 It. FOR SALE 184 ACRES OF FINE farming land in ths city limits of ths hustling town, Springhope; on easy terms. Tot information see J. D. Finch, Zebulon, N. C. 10-19 7t EVERBEARING STRAWBERRY plants three dollars per hundred, de livered. Cabbage and col lard plants ons fifty per thousand, express, col lect. Five hundred by mail, ons dol lar ten. Baleigh Plant Co. 10-19-St FOR SALE ONE FOUR-YEAR-OLD registered Aberdeen-Angus bull, not vicious nor mischievous. May hatch ed Aneona pullets, 81.25, eoekrela 81.00 each. Also soms purs bred Bel gian Hares and Flemish giant rabbits. John 8. Milne, Henderson, N. C. 10 19 2t. LOST A - SIX SIZED OPEN FACE Elgin' watch. Bibbon fob with W. F. C. pearl pin. Finder please return to News and Observer office aad re ceive reward. 10-19 2t-- WANTED A GOOD LOCATION FOR an up-to-dats drug business. Answer, (Salol) ears News and Observer. 10-12,15,19 Have You Tried Our Special Noon-Day Luncheon From 12 to 2:30 35c If Not, Blsure To Do So Today. If So, We Feel Sure You Will Coma Again. Barbour's Cafe West Harg-ett Street C. B. A C D. BARBOUR, Prwns. RECEIVER'S SALE OF MERCHAN. DI3E. FIXTURES, ETC, OF QUAU 1TY SHOP, INCORPORATED, . By virtue of suthority conferred by an order of ths Superior Court of Waks Connty, North Carolina, catered oa October 3, 1918, ia ths action entitled B. S. Finger, in behalf of himself, and others, against Quality Shop, Ineorpo rated, I will on Saturday, October 81, 1918. at 11 o'clock a. m offer for sals at public auction, for cash, at tha store room of said corporation. No. 214 Fay ettcville Street, in Baleigh, N. C, ths entire stock of clothing, hats aad other gents' furnishing goods, aad tha store snd office furniture and fixtures of said corporation. Tbs stock and tha furni ture and fixtures will be offered sepa rately and then as a whole. Ths right to reject -any and all bids is reserved. -Thesale is mads subject to eonfinaa- tion by court. This October o, mo. J. C LITTLE. Receiver of Quality Shop, Incorporated. 10-6 lot of Fair Week r News aad Observer. I (Pleas writ distinctly J Adv. 10llt - . I - SB ' -a.