THE.NEWS AND OBSERVER. FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 20,1916. The New and Obtenrer r ? te the ease r xrwa axs obsbbts rvauaa. uta com r awt JOBETHUI DAXIKXA omci RKWS AND OBSEBVEm' BUItOtNO ErfttOVfet Kiiwi Ul Mm Diiiint Acrtus DuMI W Cuislilns Dsssrf t ItT rn a ctstsd Pr Report CBscBirnoN fbicbi Per! aa UnM f r rut H hUetsa M M Vv Hlh 11.7s Owe Hank I -M Um Wsak t -U c MORNING TONIC (Shakespeare Othello.) 0 God, that mm should put aa enemy ta their mouth to steal away tbeir brain 1 UNCLE WALT MASON EXPRNSIVE pICKNEaS. - Th coat af dyiag atUI Increases) the rlc af plHs Bad salve aad cresses gee high every day. "Resells af war pr Boats, vary," I hear th learned apothecary, ia explaaptioa, y. "W eat Import tha barka aad blttara wt aa far healing, hsmaa critters, tha leave aaa raata aad hada; and aa tha delegate who' lylag apaa a couch af ithacaa, dyiag, aiaat awaliaw beme paads aad. Imported dope tha kind that cans you," tha gifted pharmacist aeearve yew, "coats mora thaa precious ptoaco; thaaa pills, that poor dyspeptics ewsller. aald by tha has far half a' dot lar; tby bow fetch eeveu bones." Til at a kicker ar a raarar. hat whstp I bar my hair restorer far thraa tlmss laat yeart price, aad wheu I'm baatad baying rations, I farl that all tha want lag aatiaaa abaald pat their swords aa lea. Tha aaat af Uvlag haepa aa aigh lag. aad bow they've raiaad tha prUa af dying, lha aaat af balag lch; wtfr ataag whea baying paraaa plasters, aad very day brlaga aav disasters that Jar aa ta tha palck. DEMOCRAT-RUliaTIR AT ONCE. Tha rrgietratiaa baaka close at aaact Strday, Octabai U. Each Saturday tha regtatrara are at the palliag plaaea ta reflate voter. Oa athar daya (bay aa be feuad at their baaiea ar piece af baeiaess. Ba cartala ta reglater ar yaa will laaa yaar rata. Oalytwa more Bst rdaya baft. Tha hat day of the Stats Fair. Go ant aad have p good time. - 1 Oreeep, it paw seems, ia hanging an ta neutrality by tha eye-lids. Another year aad another State Fair pader the direetioa of Leonard Tufta i aa other big tima far the Htate. - "Wilson Day Celebration" oa Satur day, October 2S. Every city and towa, : pad eaaiaiaaity ia North Caroliaa ' should celebrate. Tha Demoe ratio majority in Wake poanty ahould aarpaaa that of recent year. Tha Democratic record ahould , bring aat all tha Democratic vote a. No. dear Sybil, thera ara aa Bull Meoee ou exhibition at the State Fpir thla year.. They ara ant af eight for pwhile. . ' Tha automobile speeders ahould not , ploae ba fined, but rapetltloaa af tha affeaae should eead tha offender ta tha raada. Toaiarre-w tha registrar will ba at (ha variooa polling plaeea ta reginter aatera. If yatfr naasa ia not aa the - books yoa ran not - Tota. Better are ' about that thing tomorrow for eertaia. Tha Bapablieana Bra ia tha very I deptba at deepeir aa to tha election in ! Kaaaanbe. They fear that tha loafed for pie will get away from then anea Those British boats which were doae Bp or daaa deem . by the U-U are eoa riwwd thai the Oaranaa aubmaria aaaawd abwat by reaaoa of "invisible govai amaat. Hare yaa seen tha eihiblta ajid the dieplaya at the Oreat ptjtfs Fair af Ilf It act. the doat let today alip by without a visit ta the fair grpuada. Thla dar and lha 8Ute Fair for thia fear. r Hagae waa exported U ba ft great hi Bfara aa ft candidate far Preai deat. Ia place af Uat ba baa awak te tha level of a nioea ordlaary ward baeler politkiaa aad ft desMfogve who " has aa reapert far thar - William Jeanings Bryaa flada that ia the Middle Weet wbera tha pomUaJ figbtiag ia tha bettaat thai "thara is a Kighty earrrat af pablle aeatiaant that w3 sweep Pras id eat WUaoa ta a rktoriofta ra-abctiOB." The people fhroogtout the) antlra eoastry should are ta it that Btg Moaey, Monopoly, the f peeial latereeia. Bad tha favored few in at r. '.t bark Into sower pader the .' ' f ft servitw to Up pees!. A CAMPAIGN OF LYING. The desperation of tha Bepn'bllcaas ia both Btate and nation ia to be seen in the steadily increasing campaign af lying tbnt la being conducted by the men who ara prating of morality aad American honor. Beneath tho mask of "unililuteil Americanism" there is being conducted a campaign of vieiousaes un parallelled ia the history of America. Net eeaUnV-with political falsi flaiion of the records the Republicans ara ep gaged in personal villiflcation, abuse. lander. The distortion of the farts of what has been accomplished by tha Demos racy baa grown common. Bo unblushing has this become that whb the absolute untruth are shown Republican loaders keep up retailing the falsehoods. There is Roosevelt, for instance, caught red- handed by the New York World la his statements of what be had sera by par sonal observation. Re had declared that following tha inauguration of President Wilson, when times were normal that municipal lodging houses were crowded to overflowing, that there was no work to be bad, 4bt 'ew York had to go to eating horse meat. Conclusively the World shows that Roosevelt waa not in this country at the time he said he waa, that no such conditions dieted in "nor mal times," that it waa in the first yr-ar of the war that time were hajd, that the New York ordinance giving permis sion for the sale of horse meat was passed in Pccem ber, 191.1, when times were prosperous and there was work in abundance, simjily because there was a ahorta; of meat in the New York mar- et. But Rooaovelt having sworn that the horse waa sijteen hands high, keeps on swearing to the same untruths. Along come the Bepnhliean New York Bun and becomes sponsor Tor the lie that President Wilson justified the sinking of the Limits n in by the German submarine, when the Bun must know that It i ft tommen liar whea H pay such ft thing. And thea there are the Republican lie about President Wilson pad tho eight-hour day law, the lie about the Child Labor law, tho lies about Maiiee, the lie about the National Guard on the border. It would require much space to go over the list af the sain pais falsehood which are pro mulgated by th Republic party, which was caught ia. the dirty buainess of attempting to issue a movie picture lm of tha filthiest kind, abounding in lying representations of the President with relation to Msiieo, so shameful a thing that whea caught it was necessary for tha Republicans ta erawi out of the hole with attempts at ' eiplanatlons which did not eiplaln. In thi campaign U American public ha aaea, ft party that applaud Uaelf a Wag ft "great moral party getting to the lowest plan of mendacity Hughes aad Rooasvtlt have no shame in tbslr utterance, and tb pitiablo figure of Tftft, the man kicked and cuffed by Roosevelt, denounoed by the Rough Rider as a being of a gang of "porch climber," "burglars," "political thieves," is seen as a stalking horse for the ia tsrvsts which are trying to agaia grasp power that they may eiploit tha people The people of this couatry should not permit the achsuie of the mendacious gang to aucceed. The ballot boi shouUl show that decency, and truth la polities ar required. The Republican have oace again proven themselves unfit, un patriotic, unclean. PROGRESS AND A PRESIDENT. Yrars mean for progress only If there are forces behind the years wblah driv forward with grim determination to improve upon those things which have marked the pest. That -ia a reason why ths auaual North Carolina But Fair hss beaome greater fair with the yrars, for, men put at tha head of the nrirssUatioa have had it in them to build upon what ha been achieved by their predecessor. Lconsrd Tuft, of Plnehurst, ha been one of these men with the vision of betterment for the Btate Fair. Elected president of the North Caro lina Agricultural Society be took bold of - the duti of tb ' position with energy aad a purpose to aerv the Btate. A the result of what ha ha doae there ha been the glory of ft great success for the State Fair of 1916 which comes to close today. H ha mad good ia tha fullness of the eipreesiea. And so there cornea. ta him the de served honor of rs elastioa to the peai tion which he ha so ably filled. By a unanimous vote th North Caroliaa Ag ricultural Society laat Bight railed him again, to tha perviae of th State, aad it ia good to know that ba baa accepted the calL That mean that ia th com ing yaar w ar ta ara aa advaaeemeat upon the pchiavemeata of tha Btate Fair af thi year. Tha society showed it appraiaiuB of hi esrvicee jn the word of praise of tha eoa duct of the fair, aad la th endorsement of his ad ailaiatratioa by ft paaalmsu - tioa. . f- , - W congratulate th people af tb Btate that Mr. Tuft ia again at th head af th Btate Fair rgaalaatia. lis baa wwa th ana af a doer af -rtrwftlva thlsgs ta th Btaft ,5ea w poot that BBdtr.klg dJmtteft there wtU b w gT eater advaaaa . ths snaas Fair la th aasaUg year thaa la th pa, for b has tb axperisB af the past a pea which ball. It hi ft merited baaar, a deaereed, recognition C faithful avrrWe admirably Pf fsnaed, whlab baa eoms U blp. A fiwatar Buts Fair fat 1B1T if assured by th potion af 'Ua North Carslia Agricultural Society laat Bight. Th re-elect Ua sf CaL Japb S. Pegu a faervUr pad of Vlt. CUsls B. Dcnso treasurer also waa recog nition of service faitbfally performed. The name of Pogu aad that of tla Great Htat Fair really enanot b men tioned without the one auggcetiag tb other. CoL Pogue has given hi thought aad iffprt to' th Btata Fair and the supremacy which it ha attained must be aa gratifying to him a it convincing t. hi f riepd of hieaplendid efficiency ia th post of active manager of th Fair.. He b a avid a a itlUt Oimttm ant in tha person of Mr. Denson, the two mnking ft strong and well mated team in th work -of pushing forward the BUto great bjbit nterprlae. OFFER DEMOCRATIC BANNERS. There is every evidence that in .the various counties the Democrats are go ing to 4iake ft strenuous fight to win th State Democratic Bnar which will show that th ceuaty to which it goes ha made tha greatest percentage ia rsus aver taa uemoeraiia row ' 1912. Democratic Btate Chairman War ran I hear lag from Democrat all over the Btate who tell of work !rlng don in county pfUr county to win tha baa aer, which will be presented by Que eraor Birkett aa aome pkblic occasiaw There ia aa idea, la IbU which should be made pe of in every county la th State. Tha uggeatlaa a from Btate Chairman Wrea that ta an eouaty th . Damoaratie eissutlvs committ offer b Coaatr Pomes rati Baaaar t the township showing tha greatest par' sentage increase over th Daaiocrftti voU of 191J. That would put tb Daaa or rats of the various township a their mettle Ball would help te pwU th Democrat! majority thi year, tha matter Is oae which h14 M iuimsditly taksa by tb Demo emtio eouaty e bairns. Wt bav at doubt that ia every coanty ia North Caroliaa aa maa can be feand who will pay far th banner, or groups of men might deslxs to bav tb tymor of offeriag ths flag that will bp warded, Ift each county plan might well ba buvdf for ft VI( ecoasUia after th efcetlpa at each county peat whB th flag ia p reseated t th Democracy of tha auacaaafpl township. Such aa event eoa Id b mad the time of Demeeftti jollificatiea because of th vkctary far the party. We commend tb Idea of Btate Chair man Warrea. The thing aw for tb Democratic couaty chairman to do i to put it lata operatloa. That H will help I net te be doubted. Aad tb early sea see meat in eh auaaty will assist in getting lb Bams of tb Democrat en the registration book. With banner offered thorp will be lively work la sac h precinct to get the pf ait Democrat 4h books. and thsa to get awt ths vet oa alectioB day. CHRIBTIAVITY IN HIGH PLACES. Tbenaft B. Iftca, prominent la tb moving plstur world, ha give a put ft stronf InterrUw In which b duwaaaM th peace policy of the President. Mr Tata said ia part t I will vota fee Weodrew Wileoa because he ia saving elrlliaatioa by keepiag ua at peace, lie baa maia taiaed peace with honor. Civil aad rvoluUnry warfar -ba olvd great prahleia bat mil lion of qulst-thloVUg. copragcon People art soavlaccd that Interna iiaaal warfaaa WW abeelutely nothing. I sgree with tha Preeidsnt that It is us Ire ta fight until we hnve somothiag really worth while fight ing for. T talk af beiag held ia . eoateatpt by Bll th world because we have preeedd as we have is illy aad absurd. Watckfal wait ing" la applied Christianity. That la it, prwaioaly- Th President baa not been afraid to apply th da' trine of Christianity ta th admlBlatra tloa of government. There have beea plenty of ebaaeea sip tb European war Aamsd Rf) fat thi country to bftva become embroiled la the great conflict, but the teaching of applied Christina it y ta Bet te peek bloodshed. Th President ba felt pbpt there wa room for all th mapfol4 aHlvitlea ef the people af the Halted State la the pursuit of peace aad that thera we bo demaad worthy of atteatioa that thi country accept th first ehaaee that came along to engage in b war with all It traia ef debt, death aad ufferiag. Th right of th- na tion have not beea sacrificed er com promised, bat thera baa beea po blood thlrwtinWla the Preaideaf ops aer pf laaiatiag that thaaa right ba respected Thar also ba baea glvea by the President f pppliaptioa pf Christjaaity by hi Bttltada toward th raak Bad ilof the Americas people. Ia etrtk tag reptrast with the ambitiap af kisga lad. em per re ruthlaatlf sver-ridUg tb wih nd bape af tb poepl I Ui polisltud pf "Usoa far th meth srs aad father ef th natioa J n re fraining from b coarse la lateraatleani ptttrp ttt PjjIfM sweep thp.ppppfy Into war. Th Presidant baa beea eeol aade pseveeatisa beeaaap h ha keenly tH th reppoaaiMyty for U Uvm ef th mtUloa af mow wba wwald kv bad area had ft paiUy pf eaah aap ftpd kraetlaacfi beaa fellewad. Th frpaldsat h) U'posltlaB t aaswer ta B trtampAaat pfllrpMstv tb aga-pld la tarrotwtiea ef Cadp, 'Am I y heather awamN Thla i ftpf)2l4 tbrietlaaay la ita klfhsat peas. Practical ChriaiUAlty ft! bap guided tb Pewldeat ta hk) doaUsg wla. Mea Ua. Kto aa bp bsa dUsa4ly at taaal U tha arte firlfUsg free th trtft pa4 lurwtatl ef p Bi-bariaf re ptiblip ta th Uraeefaf ft eivil war pad htp heart baa peap ptettad Pgauut th s ' voice of those who would have had thi country crush a weak aad stmg gliag aatioa. Ia every public atop Wilson baa beaa tb type of the Christies in politics pad under hint the Goldewt Rule baa beea given a constantly "widening applicw tloa. . ' ' STATK FAIR VWDfi TODAT. It hpp been a really great Ktate Fair thi yer." IB erttMts, disp4ays ia eatcrtsinmont, in amuaemeata, it hai provea worthy of the splendid attead anep pf the people of North Carolina. The many thousands who came to the Btata Fair came with th expect tloa that there would be thing making tha aomlag worth while, aad this proved true. Evea the ear; raia af yester day aad tb threat of mora failed ta keep the people away, for they felt that even with raia that the Btate Fair would b worth while in Ha attract! ve la. But happily the raia quit and the people who wanted te enjoy Thurs day f th Stat Fail had tb oppor tunity. They aaaas by tb many thousand pad they war set diseppelated. Ner will tkoee whs osa today b dispp. pelsted,! for the flr la to go on thi laat day with all tba seat af ether day af th waa. Ta arc pa rations are for ather big tints today, so as to give epporteslty ta all who did not attead yesterday to get soma of tha real en joy swat tha eemea with th State Fair. Se If you have not yet viaited the fair group d se today. Jt will pay yon 1a atay way. It b a Stat Fair which baa proven Jtaslf oa af rar at- traetlvepaaa. Aad th Stat Fair Ball la the auditorium tonight la to bring the annual media of North Carolin ians to b bvilllaat close. : Short Tern Farm Loan Collcettww Action Among Fnraaen to . Isjprwv Their Sarrewlap; Capacity tba Third of a Settee af Powr Up. Waahtagtap, D. C, Oct 10-Wht ca operatloa pnaoag farmers caa do to im prove their borrowing rapacity at baaka 1 tawa described ia Bulletin No. ?. Factors Affecting Iaterest Bate pad Other Charges oa Short-Tim Farm Loans,- recently published by the V. o. Depaxtmeat of Agriculture: "la enma parts ef th country where farmers, if they obtained loans at all as iadlviduala, war compelled to pay very high rate af latere, plane have beea tried put uader which groups of farmer bav beea able olleetivly to establish improved relatleaa with baaka. In est- a raj localities of tho Central Western aad Rocky Mouataia region, farmer bar formed temporary agreement na aar whicb tbey pet collectively as guar pptep. Bprpbiepp far approved lopa of members. Tha added security froaa the poruvtloa baa eaaibl mem ber ta obtaia loan at reduced rate af iaterest. Another plan, illuatrated by what has bees doue ia Teiaa commun ity, involve a temporary paraement be tween p group of farmer and a bank. Put diners Irom the plan previously etioaed la tkat the added security eopaistp of p reserve fund left with the banker. Each borrower allowe the bank to retaia 6 per cent of his loan for a reserve fund, which is held nn a guar aatpe for all tb loans made under the agreement and is returned to tb farmer ai ths termination af the agrec pteat. "Under another pla, which baa beea employed ia several communities of the Nertpwea. a gVQup f buainess mea gr to deposit a sum of money with bank and guarantee the loane given to farmers for some specific aad approved psrpoee. Ia all sarh case farmers bar bee enabled to obtaia credit oa more faverabL term thaa usual. "Ia b BPmber of localities ia thla eoaatry, TruP af farmers have orgma isrd co-operative credit association ar credit anise a. Lpually each credit union make drfiaiW asrangemrnts with aom beuik by which th latter act as depositary and furaiahea loans ou spec i tod torma Thus oae of the nnloa la North Carolina receive 3 per ccat iaterest from it baah en deposits sub ject te check and 4 T"er eeat an saving peeauata left ea deposit thro months er losger, pad pay a per cent interest oa It loeaa from the bank. The credit uaiea la turn pay ita own members 4 per eeat au their aaviage Beeoaata and far is he thsa lopa at par cent. Such a credit unto not only accustoms it members to th ua ef check aad cav ing accounts bat also enables the mem ber to obtain loans for -approved pro ductive purpose u bettor terms thaa they could obtain elsewhere. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS Deplesbl If ItiU Philadelphip Record. Negotiations bet wee thi country aad w foreign pat loss bav for sews time heea la a very delicate position. Ia bntb af the frelgu eountriaa tb suwtlaei af Mr. Hughe would be re carded pa a repwdiatioa of the Prowl dept. Mr. Hughe might, if elected, etiu th policy f tho President, aad this la probably what bo would da. Us might tvep ba mors belbeose than th Preaadeat. Baut aebody at horn ar broad would know till March what hi ttitodw-wwuld ha, but ia tha meantime hi eteeeia weald deatssy tha lafluaaa f th FreaUeat. Th ? ppou tb eusjlap; d tha Uaitad Btata. pad it hiitty to sise narva it interactional obligathaBP, would be Sep lovable. Tba Oa Raata aaa, Pklladalphlp Reeord. , . rroap letter wrttte y the Preal- dent to the Governor of New York. with roopect t tb mueter out af tb regimmatp of tftal sRat ptiU pa thai Btrtircup poraev, at pppwara that . tap I amrauy . whle,uire4fh4rwa sac -urn forts aately UI1 oaiela" Thtl seaciU U Northern Mpaisw ar tsa prevtac hut the aosaibilsly af pgftaw sieft fraoa that paacter emtlanaa. aad -cur f reatiet -ueeds prstevCtea, Tb rresldeat belsg advfcmd by tb military aataertt that ft withdrawal ef tb mlllua at Bay time froaa ta date of their awtaHasi apU dwa ta the area) would, U aU naeUhe bawa aeoa. r al lowed by frath apWoa, tharp it p choice but to continue tho watch op the Rio UrauJ. To ropei invasion Is one of tba object for which th Cop titutloa permits the militia to b called, aad the beat Um to repel in vasioa ia before the prospective Invader ha crossed th frontier. SMILE AND BE HAPPY ECONOMIES. Dp Why wear yur Orouch don't you aoma of laat year ploth i? pabghtsr Wby, f t h r . Didn't I bavp my last winter fur Di ads over . pod Wear them alt last aummar. ' TTTH MEW CRT. Mim. W. Thing ar differ, put tiaa they Bsed ta be. Mrs. A. Wbafp th mat ter now? My daurhUr tall pa that bar liusbaaid ' eosn plalaa that b deeeat parv tb aama p p p p a d goods fete mother aad ta tsJia. 1IISUNPER BTOOD. Mr. Fussbody Did you call ua and ask bow Old Mr. Slekabed U. as I told youf ( - Friend Husband Tea, aad ah said It's ftoap of your business hew Id aha I. That anyway. SLOW. Sditb (stgblBa) rt. !.ri Tom i-7 . rt- Mart WII. what cma you ex. Pet at a chap wbp pwvar rum hia put over taw nail pa hut. OPHELIA'S SLATE - - THE GAME IS 0 RACY OF THE SOIL Davl Tebsece Now. Mocksvllle Enterprise. The farmers of Davie rounty are bow busy shipping aad marketing their to bacco. Price continue Very high tb highest they have been in thirty or forty year, and the fanrSer ar at laat receiving p just compensation for tbelr labor. Front at Maztoa. Maiton Scottish Chief. Another frost yesterdny morning (October 12). Sweet potato vine have beea pipped, but pot much damage don late cotton yet, i reported. - . Heavy Tobacco Break. Caswell County Democrat. Tolaaeeo has moved thi week, th breaks being the heaviest of tha season. As yet th farmer ar not eomplaln lag ef prices. Wbaat Ptouey. Chapel Hill News. Several farmer of the Calvaader section, hauled ft load of wheat to Bur lington laat week. Tbsy received $1j60 per bushel. Each farmer averaging 150.00 for hi load. Haga With Croup. Ljimbertoa Bobeaonian. Mr. Oile Davit, who live ia 'the Raft Swamp section, Is among tb visi tor ta towa today. Mr. Davi saya be has a number of pig about two month old and p diseps lib croup among chil dren ba attacked two of them. The disease is something new to Mr. Davis. None of tha pigu has died, however, and the Ant on to get sick is almost well. An Aid to a Uplift " "There la bo business so important that it cannot be told on one sheet of paper," said Cyrus W. Field. Tira ia very valuable. Punctuality, honesty, and brevity pre the watebword of Ufa. Never write a long letter. A bumai man ha not time te read It If you hpv anythiag to aay, be brief. "Tears pgo. when I was laying tb Atlantic cable, I had Occasion to end ft very important letter to Epglaad. I kaew it would have to b read by the Prim Miaister aad by tha Queen. I wrote out what I had to aay. It covered sevsral all seta of paper. Then I ra over it twenty tints, eliminating word her and there, making sentence briefer, until finally I got all I had te my ea ea sheet ef paper. Then I mailed it. I a du tim I received the answer. It waa p satisfactory na, tap; but da yep think I weald bv fared po well iA my latter had covered half a doaea shestsf N, indeed. Brevity ip a rare gut." A. T. Stewart a docs every progree aive? bust sees maa regarded hi time na hi capital. Na eae w admitted ta his, private sffies uatll he bad stated hi busiaa te a aewtlnel at aa outer deer aad the te aa other near tha effirpy If tb visitor pleaded private basin eoa, tba peattaol wsuld say "Mr. Stewart has na Pfivptp business." Whea admlttaaea wa gaiaed, ana had te bo brief. The ah' at least two husiaasa ef Stewarfa ptpblihmnt urn yar yeoogwr ditpatahad with a system aad prompti thaa you pra, tude which , purpriaed rival merchants. Thera wa a d wad ling r dally lag p fooling, but "baaiases" waa the watch ward from morning until plgh. B refused to ba drawn tat frlsadiv oou veraptiop during buaiaem hour. U had pet a momeat to waste. - Mapy ft youth ha failed te get ft r uatloa beepupp b tniksd toe much whea making hi applieptiep. Meet buaiaem mea have ae time ta waste aad they appree ite br v lty. Bcvvitf sf ilpr? siea alwayt mks a faverabl imprce do upo a good buslpoo maa. . Whea you havs'WcasioK to sail aa a maa during bualasm hour, Mick si nee ly te th matter aader discusta pad una a ft word aa pepaible Pad got away a quickly as you can. Every moment f hi working hours ta valua ble, and k lu BP tim fr prnl cow fwraatlea, .' . Orapap in New York Evening Teioflrem, TAR HFJX BRAINLETS- A candidate who cast hi vote for auf frogu ia worth two who any tba other fellow ahoaltL Durham Sua. ... j German ar amid ta tugard tha new British taaha a daagerou. Th aid ones ip thla country ar likewise; Charlotte New. e a It ia bow figured out that tb ColoBal used 12,000 word ta hi Battl Creek speech, 11,023 against Mr. Wlloep aad 73 ia favor of Mr. Hnghos Charlotte New. see . Whenever tb war new get dull over ia Europe, they mix ta a little pane talk. Aad pfter that awta tira- some, tney gtv us pom mora new. WashlngtoB New. s e A contemporary sneaks of isg" Hughes. A pretty bad Job te cor ner a fellow who takpp twenty thouppad vile jaunt talking vry mil of tb way without aommittiag himself a ia gl tlm ea a amglp tmportppt tpr ' Kinataa Free Press, see The Republican party's raeard I too much ef a graveyard of broke prem ises for aay oa to argup that fat would lie alive to th peed af tha poop! If placed bark ta power. Wllmiagtou Dip patch. e e o A philanthropist ef rar wrdar baa been developed. Th University ef Yir ginia has received p gift ef SeSOjOOo ta eaah from acme party wha request that hi -name be pot made pablle aad tho truatec are to do with th meaev pp they think best. That is what North Carolina get for letting Dorter Alder- eta a go a bread. Charlotte Observer, to Success or an Aid Successful Career Talk By Oriaew Swett Mardom (Copyrighted, MWJ . If tberp ip anything that emwperate businaaa snaa it ia to try ts d bam aew.with men who never get Baywhero, who never com t th point, wh "baa about tha bush" with long iatrodaetl aad meaninglam verbiage. Uka a dap which turaa aroupd a half dosea tim ad thca lie down wher bp wbp ta th first place, thy sir pop put wita aaelaa pplpaatioBP, iBtruduattapp aad apoiogi, pad talk about all sertp pf tiinga but tha btuinapp f tap momeat. Thera ar pomp mew you Borer eaa being to tb paint They will waade all arouad at. ever M pad uadsv H, as. way evadiag pad P voiding, but Btvwr quit touching th marrow. Tbelr mind work by tad (roctioa their meatai prow eases pre not pzact. They ar lis sail. drop ta thp play called "Ptooa" tbey try t avoid toaehlng the designatsd pw -jort. It cms waaeouatabU that PO pl will take pp muck trouble apnatwati? te atwid eoming tp tb point. Whea boy aid young me pp my ptataB about thai ability te ned ta busiacwa, I try to fiad out wkther they bavp thi pewer pf directaaea. of coming to th point clearly, pqupralw pad forcibly, without indirection, with out parleying, without uaeleap word. If they lack this quality, appareatly thr t little cjiana or thstr noaPwdiaf ta a largo way, for thla la characteristic of, mea af pcTah wbp aebler si thtaarn Tb Indirac paaa la always wwrttaff tei disadvaatego. Ba mbac bard, but Perot itp aajrwbcra, , Tb uaJltv af dlraetaem ia ckraa terteti af all men af great arosutlv ability bppup thy wain tlm to mech to squpadar rt lp uaelsm pad meaatsrlesa eon-veraatie i It is na indie- pcaaabl troplity af th leader ot pu Pger of ail Urn eaterprtsea. Many a maa bap goa dowa te faflurp beeuus he jacked ability ta arrivw quickly and effectively pf ft ronclunipar While h waa deliberating aad bp lap tap- pad Mbatiag pbout th bush." tha ppwrtpahy to av klmatif paascd Jaad ' tb crisis rulasd him. . - It do bat matter bow mmA eVItttw sdmjatioB. influence, ar ctareraes yea may have, if you lack th art pf com- lag t th poist quickly aad derUlvety. ef fecuaiarg yourself immediately. aa urpf bp vtry pecpif uX