t FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 20, 1916. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER " j "" : f L. : !kl i Reproduced from an actual photograph of. MARIK HAPPOLD, the famous ' aopraao of the Metropolitan Opera, einiriaz in direct comparison with Edi eoa'a Ba-CreatioB of her voieo and proving that ont U lodlstinguinhnbl from th other TO-MORROW IS EDISON DAY The great inventor's favorite invention is a new musical in strument with which, the New York Tribune says, he "has snared the soul of music." It is the phonograph with a soul. It is the instrument which literally Re-Creatsa all forms of music. Special Concert To-morrow TO show how perfectly this won derful new instrument Re-Creates the greatest voices and the artistry of the greatest instru mentalists, we give a special concert Edison Day. Come to our store at any hour in the afterjaoon and you will hear the literally reincarnated voices of the great Metropolitan Opera start, Deetinn, Matzenauer, Case, Rap pold, Heinrich, Urlus, Middleton and Gorltz, as well as Zenatello and Chalmers of the Boston Opera Com pany and also the masterly bowing of Spalding, America's greatest vio linist, and Carl Flesch, the wonder ful Hungarian violinist. Come at any hour. THOS. A. EDISON, Inc., Orange, N. J. J. E. CRAYTON & COMPANY 103 W. Martin St., Raleigh, N. C 207 S. Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C r I . 11 ll Ty PRESIDENT MAKES THREE SPEECHES IN WESTERN CITY (CmUimI fran Pat One) priae." He did aot touch on vote for The President declared that aom of the difficulties) in the foreign relation hip ef the TJaited State have been due te the fact that other nation have aot realised that thia nation waa di" Interested. "When the aatione of the vreaid eome to love America," he aaid, .."they will obey and follow America." Bia speech follow in part : There never wa a time when it waa tor necessary for the nationa of the rid to exercise )f powuioa, to s- " uir self-knowledge, to determine their irwctioa and purpose and to relate tkeaaeelve to the general work of en tabliahiag jaetire amoag mankind. I think that everyone of na aa Amer eamea weald be ashamed if America did . aot know exactly what she waa boat and by what means and instru meatalitiee ehe waa going to act. I therefor thought that you would in ialfe ne thia afternoon if I tried to point ent what teemed te me the lead ing peculiarities of the taik that lies before me. - Tan ran beat ill ust rats k by the re latione between employer and employe. Justice eaa ao longer be eold. It ia be giaaing to have warmth and aympathy and emotion ia U. And there ia earn ing the time, nnlee I am very much miatakea, whea natioae shall agree with nation that ah right' of humanity are greater thaa the right of sovereignty. "Therefore, modern aeciety haa a new . net ef problem to meet. It hasJto say If the employer will aot voluntarily es tablish the proper , conditions of labor ; ta law meat oblige him to establish the p roster eoaditien of labor. "I hare aaid before that one of .the thiags that moat deeply ditrewd me in th recent conference) of the heads of the railway and their employee waa to Sad that there waa a profound mutual ' alawnderstanding, distrust and hostility. "It aught net te be se. Bomethiag ia wrong what) th men who are working together at th same thing do- truet am anethe aad that wrong thing vesta, ass profoundly convinced, upon igno rance; H reets apoa aot aaaoellating with neh other ia th kind of conference which will enable them to understaad one another. "Politics, my friends, consists of nouiothitig that you can almost eiprea in the , formula 'got together.' Try to understand what the common task is. You sen not understand society unless you understand the component part so that after all the formula 'get together' lies at the base of it all, aad the first step is for the elements of society to understand one another. The next thing is that the elcnu ntH of society should understand their common relationship to the society of which they constitute a part. Ntu'n I see some gontlemea run ning amuck I am perfectly aware that they do not see that by running reck lessly against the intereat of ether peo ple they are really chocking the enter- LOOK AT CHILD'S ; TONGUE IF SICK CROSS, FEVERISH When constipated or bilious give 'California Syrup "" of Figs." Look at th tongue, mother If coated, it is a aure aign that your little one's stomach, liver aad bowel need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peiyish, cross, listless, pale, (Jocsn t sleep, dorsn t eat or act natu rally, or ia feverish, stomach our, breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore throat, diarrhoea, fuU of cold, give a Figs, and in a fsw hour all th foul, teaspeoafal ef "Calif ora la Syrup of Figs" and in a few hour all th foul, constipated waste, uadglestcd food and sour bile gently move out of ila lit tie bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. Von aeednt coai sick children to take thia harmleea "fruit laxative;" they love ita delicious taste, and it always makes them ferl splendid. ' Auk your druggist far a 60-eent bottle of "California tiyrup of rig," which ha directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware ef counterfeits sold her. Te be ar you get th genuine, ask to see that it la made by "California Fig Syrup Company." Kef na any other kind with contempt Adv. . It's a Pleasure to Work witn tk System tWoly deajisei oi Constipation GCNUINE tans SIGNATURE 1W1 6 y? W i - " - - ., f -X: ' CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS prise' which they think they are pro rooting. - "If you are wTong, you will get it knocked out of you and if yen are right you win aelp in or it out or other pee "What difference doc it make that you think a thing ae a kepwaliean, if it ia wrong! What difference does it make if you think a thing a a Democrat if it ia not truef And what different does a party make, or a party's later est make a compared with th Inter est of the nation itself f "Now, it occurred to me that yaw would permit m to suggest what th particular function of women ia in this new age. Men have tried their hand at it aad. ia the opinio ef a great many of you have made a meat of it. Aad it must be obvious, if what I have al ready avid is true, that th function that hav to be detenuiaad by those who lead opinio hav taken oa aa en tirely new character. "The whole spirit ef th law has heea to give leave to th strong, to give op portunity to those who could dominate, but it eeema to me that the function of society new ha another element ia it, and I believe that it is the element which women are going to (apply. It i toe element or medication, of com prehearing and drawing the-element together. It ia the power of sympathy, aa contrasted with the power of eon test. "I take leave to say that soma of th difficulties of our foreign relationship in th last two year hav heea due to the fart that it was not comprehensible to some foreign statesmen that th United Bute was really disinterested. "They had never heard of such a thine. And ia proportion a th United Rtates demonstrated te the world that ita influence ia the family ef nation is disinterested It -will have that part of power which doea pot come from arm. but come from the great Invisible pow er which well ap in th bnmaa heart. "Whea th nations of th world come to love Ameriea they will obey aad follow America. "Slowly we are setting the stag! slowly we ar marshalling th forces; slowly we ar growing together. The in soros happy day Ameriea will ae slearly, h saw at I ret. that riaioa of justie sad freed aad right nee wnlrh gave he birth aad distinc tion at the flnrt!" , la hia speech before the Prat Club, President Wilson said la parti "Oa of th thlnga that has struck m recently ia that ao many men hav aid to me, when I have asked: 'What 1 all thia about r That they want to top all thia 'progressive business.' Th thing haa amaaed m because what they call thia 'progressive business' is th la svitabl proeoa of life; it is a praera of adjustment things will net stand till, and if things will aot td still, law eaaaot etnas still. "Therefor it seems to an that ao matter how we are going to vote en No vember T, we ought to make ap our minil to thia oa fact, that what we tall progressiva) aetloa, aot ealy la America Put la tee world, Mr tsm to ray. - Thewerd that we waa t to dwsTT up on fa our thoughts I the word 'Light Contribute light to thia thing, pat light npoo. It. Whenever tt Is deserving of criticism, criticise it, aot ia order te stop rt, bat la order t totter tt, "That ia the olivet of th tariff eoea nuseion which his heea mated, to throw $ght npoa what everybody ha been confident he knew all about, aad JOINT DEBATES I 5 DAVID COUNTY Candidates For The Legislature Furniabiog The Fireworks and Making It Warm jtftpj!t- .il.rftoroay wark- rd the second as the aerie ef joiat debate that carry th candidate ef Uemocrati and Hepuburaa parties ia the rounty to every township in David son. The candidate for the Legislature. Bayard f. Wink. Democrat. anJ . U. Ic- t'rary, Bepabliraa, ar furnUlilog the flreworka. Ileeeher lonard aad hi Im mortal S-100.W0 bead iaeu ia fura'wh lag th iaeu ef tt campaign, for Mr. MrCrary, 1 hi opening srH-och at Cot tea Orove Tuesday, made this the crux of hia Sght, aad hia opponent gleefully accepted the challenge, l-eaard was the lit-publican elected two yeara ago, and Hlak charged hieCrary with making speeches for Leonard and urging the people that Wad faillipe, lawyer, could not be trusted for frar he would "elip over" a bond issue. It appeara M Crsry did not deny thnt charge. He attacked the board ef road cemmiesion era, deelariag Lexington aad Thorns villa township aad rosalved oo per cast or more of all th -lund epenv, declaring further that the roads cost VttvXI ptr mile, "whea they eeoJd have been bailt for SW." lie admitted yes terday that he received a fee from the "iadignants" for his services In flgbtlug the Load bill in the Huprame Court, but tried to justify this by tolling how be spent it. MoCrary stated yesterday morn.lnc that he would pitch his speeches from tins Urns on upon a higher plana, but the Deuiocrate declare he had the cUanee to dw thia the Srat day, but that be rievotrd hie tret apeorh to abuse of tbo record of his opponent as a private citizen, trying to prove he was favorable to the passage of th bond issue aad attack in bis party fualty. Hink led off the opening clash aad mad no reference te personalities. - In rvivtader ha anawersd McCrary by pulling ut the House Journal uf lV7 and confronting his opponent with the fact of hia having voted for Abe Middleton, a negro, for assistant door-keeper, against H. t Brown, a Confederate soldier. McCrary' excuse was that rleaiag spittoons and toilets wsrs principal duties of this of fle. but the Democrats refuse to be lisve this to be th eaa. They have accepted the calienge to eompara ree orda. hieCrary. ia epeeehas to Bepub lies a audieaeea before the opening ef the ioint canvas, dwelt much oa "bed bugs aad head bugs" at th eld Boldier' Home, aad now the Umorat bring un the ahoet of Abe Middiotea. The board of road commissioner is composed of three Bepublisaas and thre Democrats, with a Bepubltcaa aa caair masu There ia much speculation on what the Bepubliean member of the board ar going te d about sicCfary's stand. Hs want them elected by pop ular vote, instead of being appointed by the Uorernor sad mate highway omaniasiua, aa the Democratic platform favor. - Th aaadidate apeak today at Tyre, th bom of htiak, who i a farm boy and young ainging school teacher, ale Orary I a skilled politician aad went to the Leglialature just twenty fear ago The Democrats who have bsen follow iag th debates are pleased with their shampioa la his first dip into politic. Th Jtopublisaas ,arsnt talking muck. Saturday th eaavsat com to Laini toa aad th battle royal ia anticipate Nobody her is thinking about much else except the joiat canvass, with both idea claimiag they will carry the coua ty by reason of it. The Kcpublicuu war challenger, but tjie umorrat ar glad they aocopted- Blas th withdrawal of UcCara a Bapablicaa aaadidate for sheriff the Democrats feol sure UcMilUa will havs a walk -ever. Dot flghts is Davidson are not woa by any pa rty in a day and the battle will he one of the most interesting ia the Mate until the last vet is sast. vary few people have kaowa anything about it t H. "That is th object of the Federal Trade Ceoimiosioa, too. Yen know the lawyer badth bvaiuee mea very nailly cared about the anti trust lawa, chiefly because they had an unpleasant way ef keeping the bamnees ansa gueeeing. "I am Dartienlarlr Utereatod in aome thing that w ar just doing, to which yew gentlemen or the press do not seem to hav paid muck attention, I aieaa ia tha appointment of thoee seven men wham I selected the other Kay to be as oeiatad with Th -vstui.al Couscil of Dofeaae. They Sri th nerves by which th government I to roach ue profr ! aad industries which they repre asat. aad leara bow the dnty of eupply lag th gevernment in case ef necessity eaa be best distributed among them so as to bring all resource to ths aasiataaa of the natioa. "I predict that this ia th beginning af a renaissance ia this country of the ease af patriotic rsapoaaihility aad patriotic intimacy ef relationship. I belhev it is awing to lead te a kind of a cooperation and a kind f development and a klad of enterprise ia time of neaeo which w hav never taewa be fraj:.-. -. A deaeaetraties luting mere thaa lea aslant greeted the President at th Htw CltUens meeting. 3tea stood ia chairs aad sheered, waving thalr hate. The President stood and hawed gaia aad again- The applause ended whea a clergyman began aa invocation. Whea th President entered tb hall tonight, th audience atood aad sheered J Tae atocs yard pavilion, arr ine r.lORE RHEOHATISn THAU EVER BEFORE Clsswrsssa, lwf ess, aieaaes. Vessemtse atsnhsals sXHese Owe eU tfUsjd atta hssuc Ms 1st. aisay xM tsar. M a few wwvai tt eesUM tram oa who knew aft sheet M saar net he Weea ratos a aw (w4 drr I drmh ptmmtt ytjtm hi si ea4 etit ; almbslls drtnto. haes soar twIepM. aawia- ( swillsa rs or maseiss. ewe eaa aat im ef sfl ! M- M a fcw dais hr sAls caw-heat sa- Ussehil ef ens AH dnawfc. anew sbssn Sheaaasi dsr. he ami . rst wsirslws, M savw, sad a lliel hsttl wifl last a km skwa. Ash tia OcwsmU Orm Ce. we ear ! aa. We urge all farmers especially to attend the hearing of the Federal Farm Loan Board in federal court room at Raleigh Tuesday, Oct. 24th, at 10 a. m. We heartily endorse the Federal Farm Loan Bank, believing it will be of great benefit to the farmers of Wake county. " " ' 1 r 1 1 1 Che JJudson-BellCo. THE HOME OF HIGH-GRADE MERCHANDISE AT LOW PRICES, WAS NEVER IN BETTER POSITION TO TAKE CARE OF THE NEEDS OF THEIR THOUSANDS OF CUSTOMERS. OUR STORE IS STOCKED FULL OF GOODS OF ALL KINDS, BOUGHT WHEN THE PRICE WAS MUCH LOWER THAN TODAY. 10c best Apron Check .. sjPriced 7sc 10c Sea Wand 86 in. wide Priced. 7 Vic Heavy lilc Pin Stripe Outing Priced 8Vc 10c dark color Flanelletes. Priced 8ac L0c' Dark Suiting Priced 8te 18c 86 in. Shep. Check Suitings Priced 12 Vac 1 2 'ic short length Cannon Cloth ...Priced 7Vi Fast color 32 in. Gingham . Priced 10c 121 c Gibson Plaids . . . . . .Priced 10c 10c Short length Percales. . Priced 5c 10c Curtain Scrim Priced Sc 12 Vic Curtain Scrim . . . .Priced SVc' Wool Dress Goods and Silks Priced for Less for Cash 35c Quarter Serge Remnants Priced 25c 85c Popular Cloth Remnants In Black, Navy, etc 25c 86 in. Serges in Navy, Black. etc Priced 35c Yard wide Araoskeag Serges in Navy. Black, Brown and the other leading shades 59c $1.60 values fine French Serges in Navy, Black and other shades. Priced 98c $1.28 values 40 in. Wool Poplins in all the leading shades. Priced98c Silk Specials $2.00 Belding Guaranteed Taffeta in all shades! Priced $1.68 Belding Guaranteed Satin. .. Priced $1.25 Black Messalin, 36in. wide priced 98e $2.50 40 in. Charmouse in Black and the leading shsdes: Priced $1S Writ for Sample. Writ) for Prices. Wa Sell for Cash for Lass. 31 meetiag waa bald waa decorated with American Sags aad passed with people. Judge Clarence hi. Ueodwin presided. Governor Dunne, of Illinois, spoke for "America flret." The preliminary speakers wsr con stantly interrupted by abouta of "Wil son, Wilson," nnd when the President rose, the crowd led by Onveraor Dunne, atood and cheered uproariously. "I com here tonight to addrree those wbe have newly sworn allegiance to the 'iiited flutea." said the President, "but I realise that I cannot do an without apeaking to my own reaseienre and to the conscience -6T" other people at th nation." The President then declared that foreign-horn citiaens of the United Htata ahould put their American -allegianr above all otbera. He praised the ideal that bring new eitiswia to ths I'ntted Htatee and outlined hi belief that In the determination of the future of the world after the preseut wsr America will ploy an important pert. The President pointed out that the Qi' citizens had chosen their new alle giance. "Wiihin the )at few month ho adiletl, "sonis distinction hve bsen drawn. A man or woman who becomes a citizen of the t'nited Htate Is not cipected to give up hia or her love for the country of their birth. "Bui people who ceme to this country an- expected to put their urw alle ginncc above every other allegiance. It puts an obligation on them. "The future of this natioa depeuds upon the self control aad loyalty of ita rltiaens. Only by coneeiene and by toyalty felt ia every throb of the heart ran yon become trae ritiaens. "A free, aelf governing people la a people which does not nerd te lie watched." The President's address wss frequent ly iutrrrupted by applause, "tioy it agaia," people la the crowd ehuiiti-d often aa he spoke of the aeed for loy alty. "It I necessary that new ritiseas wh com to thia roe a try should not live by themselves. That I Importing the old country here. "The strength of a aatie doea not rest ae much ia its thinking as in its feeling. Outside the heart there is a life. Yea mast see u it that yea lo not hsld aloof. "You must remember that the t'nited Btatee haa a great part to play in th world. Caa you imagia a nation more fitted to play a great part f A nil-ion made up out of the world should under stead the world." He aaid the United State stand for the rights of mankind everywhere. MWe ar prepared te uaderstaad other nation. "I like to think that ia the days to come America may Interpret the thoughts ef th world.' I like to thiak that tb ealy thiag that disturb Amer ica are not things which interfere with her ambitions, but with her sympathies, "I like to think thst when It comee t the settlement of the present war, we shall be able to assist ia Interpret ing the need uf th future." lie added he did not mean the United States should hav any part in deter miaiag the terms of settlement. .lt a never allow owrsetvss to do thiags against our ideal," be continued. "Left in never allow ourselves to wsnt a single foot of foreign territory. I jet us stand by the little nations that need to be stood by. Let na show that we ar not interested in th geography of politics. "Let us show that w want no boun daries to the right of mankind. -i "I believe in you a 1 would have you believe ia America, I bid you welcome to a partnership." Third Regiment Takes Long Hike Into New Mexico (Coatiaaed Pram Pag One) expressed desir t eater the aviation corps of the army and may be truna ferred to that branch of th aervire latr. It will tie remembered, that Ueut. David B. Byrd, of th caystte vllle company, ia now ia the aviation rorpe aad I a lireaaed ajrmaa. He iv still carried oa the roll of hia company as flrst lieutenant but ia now with the aviation braaak of th service some where in New York (state. The examination for provisional sec ond llriiirnants in the United ritstcs army begina tomorrow at Port Klin. Hover!- members of. thia brigade will take th examination and a'l are hope fill of passing. This lamination, it ia expected, will he the easiest ia year. It waa ordered to meet an emergency. th need of the service being urgi-ot just aow According to a r.atemcut mad recently in en tl Paso psiier, there r a many colonels in the regu lar army a there are aecond lieutenants. Ia th entire infantry arm f the (or ris there are now only 0S second lieu tenant aad there are not enough Sret lieutraint to fill the place. The men who are successful in pawing the rumi nations now will be placed on prelmtioa and if they make good within a eperined timefhey will be retaiaed in the ser vice. Otherwise, they will be dropped. Ccaeral Yoang ha been aki by Governor Craig to nam tw Masted men or th ftrst Aorta aroliaa Bri gade to tsks th esamiaatlea for en trance at th If. a). Military Academy, West Point, aeit March. Under th rw defense net provision is made for th appointment of mea from tb Natioaal Guard aad North Carolina la entitled to two. Oeneral Youag will aame tw sits woa. - - - - -: Dr. C. W. P. Brack Dead. Richmond. Va., Oct. 18 Dr. Charles W. p. Brack, SC one of th meet widely kowa Bargees of th Sooth, a former president of the National Aeeoelatiea uf Hallway Bargeona aad chief aargwos on the ataff of hlaj. Qen. Jam L. Ken. pK'during the Civil War, died "at pis home here tda'. CASTORIA fwiirt03ftT TbiKlniYcaHuiAiwajs Bau.ht Bear thai Signature) of For Catarrhal Deafnet and Head Noises Here ia Amsrtea there Is meeb frsaa catarrh sad h4 aslase. Aa el weuM o wall vs s illie the mataed ass Blared by the BaIMi to samast ski toetaV ess hini Cverraae knew haw dam Ike Cnllh ellsseto Is sad haw aameaam asTasts Uum aaaTeras frem aatocrh. la Baslaad (her tresl (storvhal dsarnaae aad haad ailisi aa a saesMterlaajal diaaeea sad am lalnssl .as ear far M that is mil very eWescleni Suffers wh aaW asecmly bear a waaah tick toll haw ther had thatr haarin r tsrvd br this Kaeltsh tfveUaent to, each aa astost taat the list at wetoh waa aWahr wtiUe sevan ead aa lin awew fsam Hhar ear. TWaTar. tlJ ree knew isaniai who h troubled with aaurva, satarvhal dfn ar kajd nalass. cat oa this fermla aad kwad It la Ihwa aad yew HH hee has the maaea ef savin earn eaar suffarar earbep tvam iuul aaafnasa. The eaaacrtouaa eaa h aaeilF praparad as haase lac aaaat 7s aad Is mad u follows: I n. yaar dnwvhit abtola 1 aa. af Parmiat (riJuW htreanb. aboot Tic worth. Ta Ikh haasa, ead add to M S pint af ha wsiar sad 4 saaiss a rsaalaia1 uari cue aaUl dwaoKad. Take Ublaapoaatel lea tiaias a daj. Psraslal at used a thia was eat oalv to e ay. ae tonic aaUaw th knaamssatiaa aad wallin ta th Euatacbiaa Tubas, aad tbws to aauallse the air prassare an the dram, bat to roirart aap aacass at imllnas la tko aiiddla aav, sad the sasalss fct elam are asw ilr remarkably eatck eed csTsrtlae. Evarv pss.se wh ha aetarrh la aav term skoald i Ibis raatp e trial aad free them, selvss tram thi aastracUv dwaaac. Adv. FLORISTS tandacapo Deolgaera Crrspadae Soliaitad VAN LINDLEY COMPANY OREEK8BOHO, N. C Cross & Linehan Clothes FOR YOUNG MEN AND MEN WHO STAY YOUNG. Schloss Brothers Society Brand Wckey-Freeman Pricas 1 . i i . . .$1S, $25 or up Pull range of dress accessories1 for particular men who Airanl to m eorrtMrtlressed . ;, . Manhattan Shirta, Dent Glorcs, Dun- .-. Iap, SuUoaiuI Crofirt and KaafT If att CROSS & LINEHAN CO. Tha QotJkiers 0