-1 , 6 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER FRIDAY .MORNING, OCTOBER 20.1916V Society umi AB-sooN-ro-a. Ah. nttW AMml aw wtos ta ha bits tM hut UsM h th w fese. U a. i Pm"uu1 Ail ti ' 87 - . A Bttl All in. 'U to Ma4in ! aa4 wuHm yva all tae paa toiwaaa Oa, mt. will, warn .-to mi ing aa. tea, "Wear ilttia All to Bat ' Im EHaafcstk Davw, la Hiaitia rW. - Mrs. Brae Craves and Master r Braxton Craven, of Trinity, arc visit- lag Mrs. J. W. Kimbrough, 009 South Boylaa avenue. Miaa Beeaie Burdine, of Miami, Fla, is visiting Miss Gladys Ystee, at her liome ia West Raleigh. Mr. J. H. Edward and MiM Helen Edward, of Boeky Mount, were among tha visitors here yesterday. Mrs. D. 8. Boykin and Misses Hattie and Katherine Boykin, of Wilson, spent tha day in tha e.ity yesterday. : Mm. H. M. (ilover, of rabney, h pending a few daya hero with friends. -- Mra. W. H. Xirholaon and Miai Mary Nicholson arrived yesterday from Little . ton to attend tha fair. Miaa Eleanor Vaaa Vann ii visiting Miss Lucy Caaady In New York. Mra. Robert T. Walker of Winston Salem ia tha gneat of Dr. and Mra. K. B. flow oa Hillsboro atreet. Mrs. J. W. Halford of Lillington ii la the city Waiting her liater, Mr. J. L. Parham, on North Halisbury itreet. Miaa Elisabeth Johnson of Elizabeth City ia the guest of Mian Effle L'nderhill. ; Mr. and Mra. O. 8. Waters and rhll i J re a have returned to their home in i New Bern after attending the fair ' Mrs. W. J. Smith and Miss Lloyd of Bethel are the guests of Mr,. A. J. Mai wall. t Miss Elizabeth Scarborough of Wen kjall is visiting Miss Eftie l'nderhill. r Miss Codie Ruas of Portsmouth has arrived to spend several daya with Miss Minnie Batrhelor. : Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wand, of Bur law, and their daughter, Miss Dorothy Remove Dandruff Get a 5-eent bottle of Danderlne at any drug store, pour a little into your hand and rub well into the aralp with tha finger tips. By morning most, if not all, of this awful scarf will have dis appeared. Two or three applications "Will destroy every bit of dandruff; stop ealp itching aad falling hair. Adv. Vuit JOLLY A -WYNNES whilo her for th fair Pretty . Brooches You will admire the wonderful color effects and graceful lines. The new styles bring out the decorative possibili ties of the brooch as never before. That is one reason why it is the season's most fashion able ornament on all oc casions. The smartly dressed woman has a brooch for each costume. Jolly & Wynne are displaying a splendid collection of new style brooches. Come in and see them. J0LLY& WYNNE Jewelers aad Optoaaetrtsts 1?8 Fayatteville Street Fine Watch Repalrlag a Specialty Bland, of Meredith College, are the guests of Mr. aad Mrs. H. A. Bland. Bacraatlan Day Tsmarrew. . Recreation Day will be observed at tha Woman's Club tomorrow afternoon. Tables should be reserved by telephon ing Mrs. Howard Thomas by boob to day. Adv. Deaghter Ia Barn. Bora to' Mr. and Mra. Arthur L. Diekena, 130 Halifax street, a daughter. Mrs. Dickens was formerly Miss Bessie Riggaa of this eity. At Wssaaas Clab. Recreation day will be observed to morrow afternoon at tha Womaa's Club Bllllllill! Ill il in i if After You Take In The Fair K Take In Our Suit Show To style-loving ladies, nothing in Raleigh is more attractive. The many especially selected materi als in every known shade, and many new ones, present a collection most marvelous. You will find here the "widest range from which to please every fancy of your makje-up. If you have your mind made up on an $18 or $20 Suit, you will find us strong, or if you are going higher, even as high as $125, the values you will find here for the price will impel purchasing. Plush Coats The big, roomy kind, with wide collar and cuffs of high-grade Fur1 with beautiful linings. PRICED $18.50 TO $65.00 j The Fashion Kaplan Bros. Co, it - ti RaUifh, N. C building on Hillsboro street, and those wishing to attead ahoald reserve their tables by teiephoaing Jars. Howard Thomas by boob today. Mra. Mlaale Casts I1L The many friends of Mrs. Minnie Coats will regret to learn that aha quite ill at Bex Hospital, Red Bpringe, Oct. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Neill A. Watson, of Bed Springs, an Bounce tha engagement of their daugh ter. Hattie 8arD. to Mr. Thomas Aiken Smith, bob of Mr. and Mrs, i. W. Bmfln, of Atkinson, N. C Tha wedding will be in November. Fair Ball Tealgbt. Tha last of tha fair week dances will be held tonight when the fair ball takes plsee in the City Auditorium. This an nual feature of tha week'a social artivi ties always proves oae of the beet parts of the Htate Fair. A large crowd of dancers are expected to attend. Spee4-Weater. The following invitation has been re eeived by friends ia this eity: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buchanaa Wes ter invite yon to be present at the mar- nags of their daughter, Rebecca Elisa beth, to Mr. Plummer Davis 8 peed oa Tueaday afternoon, October .11, at live o'clock at home, Fraaklinton." Lancaster-Johnaoa. Wedding announcements as follows have been received in Raleigh: "Mr. aad Mra. Henry Earl Jackson announce the marriage of their sister, Miss Mary Claudia Johnson, to Mr. John Cary Laueajter on Wednesday, the 18th of October, nineteen hundred and six teen, lake City. Bouth Carolina." Farmaa-Wstklaa. Wedding announcements as follows were received by friends in Haleigh yesterday: "Mra. Kate Houtherland Wat kins has the honour of announcing the marriage of her daughter, Adelaide Laaaitet, to Doctor William Haywood Fnrmaa, on Wednesdsy, the eighteenth of October, one tnouaand, nine hundred and six teen, at Henderson. North Carolina." Plana ker-Braaka. Announcements as follow were receiv ed here yesterday: Mr. aad Mrs. Timothy Terrell Brooks announce the marriage of their grand daughter. Marguerite, to Mr. Nixon Bandy 1'lummcr on Wednesday, October the 18th. 1916. (ireen.boro. N. (Y Mr. Plummer is the Washington cor respondent of the Charlotte Observer, and ia a popular member of the newspa per fraternity. Ilia bride ia an nttrsr tiva young woman, a racmlr of one of the well known families of Greensboro. D. A. R. PILGRIMAGE TO EDENTON TUESDAY Next Tuesday, October S4th, the Danghtera of the Revolution will make pilgrimage to the hist or ie town nf Edentoa to be preaent on the ann'ver- sary of the famous "Tea, Party" of 1774. The following day the Penelope Barker Chapter of the Daughters of the Revolution will aaveH fonr tablets, aa follows: One of bronie, on the east side of the entrance to the Colonial court house, containing the tea party resolu tions and the names of the signers; bronze tablet on the south side of the entrance to the Edentoa Academy, dedicated to its founders; msjjilr .tab let, in tha interior old Kt. Psul'l Epis copal church, dedicated to its vestrymen who signed the "test" for American Independence; marble tablet in the great brick chimney nf the home f Judga Iredell. The Penelope Barker C1iaiter has done a great work in bringing about tha presentation and gift of aU these tablets. TO AID SYRIANS : AND ARMENIANS At the First Presbyteriaa church Bun day an opportunity will be given for its people to contribute to the relief of tha Armeaians and (Syrians. The following is takes from a report made by aa American board: "Of the two million Armenians ia Turkey one year ago, at least one mil lion have been killed, drivea from the country, forced into. Islam, have per ished oa the way to exile or been de ported to northern Arabia. "The Armeaians in the army were (rat brutally put to death; then fol lowed thoaa who had punrhae4 ex emption and. nearly all able bodied thui tha remaining men, women aad children were sent est upoa a journey of months, mostly oa- foot, to the arid males above twelve years of age. After regions of 8yria aad northern Arabia. "These helpless, hopeless refugees wars forced out from their homea with little preparation for .tha journey and with no shelter from the storms or pro tection front the cold or hesf . "A man fallowing one of these cara vans for twenty-Are miles reported to a United States Consul that ha counted over Ave hundred dead bodies oa the roars- "Women giving birth to children upoa tha road were forbidden to delay by ttte- tray,- and often die- tram, bemor. range ax they struggled on. "Children by the hundred were cast into rivers by their patent! to save them from mortal suffering. "A I'nited States Consul reported that he saw refugees brained with clubs be- cauaa they, when starving, crowded their guarda for food. "Armenian professors in American colleges, with university degrees from European and American universities. were tortured by pulling out their hair and beard and their finger nails, by hanging them up by the arms for hours. ana ny peaiing. jney were aiierwaras klilea. 'Comely womea aad girls have been great numbers forcibly taken into Mohammedan harems. Entire towns have been driven to accept Islam to save themaelveS from death," ARRANGING BREAKFAST FOR. LAND BANK BOARD Co 11 'The Natural Shortening" Tempting Biscuits You will make . them when you use Cottoleoo for shortening. Biscuits shortened with Cottolene are light flaky. pleasing to the eye and grateful to the appetite. Cottolene Is a pure food product that is a real aid to digestion. Use it for all shortening and frying. With , . Cottolene you are always sure of cooking better foods. For your convenience, Cottolene to put op in pails of different sizes. Ar range with your grocer today for a regular supply. IFAIRBANK2HEZ5D A breakfast is being arranged for next' Tuesday morning at 8:30 o'clock, at which the Federal Farm laud Bank Board will be tlie guests of honor. The local committee is getting mat ters in splendid shape for the hearing to be given by the board here on Tues day. In addition to many from sur rounding town, who will be here to urge the claims of Raleigh aa the loca tion for one of these banks, Richmond, ta., will send two strong committees to support Raleigh's claims. Subscriptions to the expense fund of tbe Raleigh Land Bank csmpaiirn. re ceived hy Chairman Crow, of the Ki- nh. V ii .. '"" Secretary Bowler Compliments City For Bill IT' saiMMSBBBBBwawi -Ja,s) A 1 I -4ZMjr. m ., Powder Biacnits Ioto two cups of sifted Boar, sift and spooa of aait and fowr le-vwl or tw rounded farmnmi baking powder; Chop in one Wvel Sabas spoon of chilled CcMoiaea,rwt naarffldtafffcwtthaboat)e) of milk, or half water and half mSk. Ton oat on a floored board, pat H down aad fall )f Inch thick. Cot intaarnall roonda and b ' hot oven. rasas "HOME HELM, a- "Cottolenm makes good cooking Utter a - He r f-TlBi, ,1S-:'v:7'1 faAAaarf..4el-- WAKE TROPHY CUPS BEING ENGRAyED News and Observer Pub. Co.. R. H. Lewie Walter Clark 25.00 5.00 10.00 Previously reported $40.00 ......UI57.50 Total to date $1,887 J50 As Raleigh must complete aJL of her work to secure one of these banks be fore neit Tuesday, when the Federal Farm I And Board will hold a hearina nere, those who nsve uot yet sent in their cheeks to aid in this campaign are especially urged to do so st once and aot wait for a personal visit from mem bers of tha finance committee. Way It Co-operated In Parade. The trophy cups won by the towns and firms in the Wske County Day pa rade are being engraved and the com mittee 'hopes to place them in the hands of tbe winners by today. , Mr. Alien T. Bowler, general secre tary nf tbe Chamber of Commerce, has written the following letter to Mayor Johnson : "In behalf of the joint Wake Countv' Day Celebration Committee we are writing to say that the committee ia ejrremeiy pleased witn the way in which the eity handled its part in the Wske County Day Celebration yester day and particularly the way in which the jMjlire handled the 1-ne of mien. The committee has nothing but praise for the splendid co-operation or the street about 8:30 o'clock. Miaa Jones, in company with Misses Kliza Higbt, Iva Butler, Beaaie Lowry and Foy Ia siter, were riding with Mr. H. T. Whit ley, the owner and driver of the car, when the machine was struck by a cor drivenN by Jim - Stordiraut, a. . negro.. helper at a local garage. The Whitley ear was badly damaged, the car driven by the negro being little hart. Miaa Jones waa given medical attention at once. Ktnrdjvant was arrested, tried and fined $50 for reckleas driving. OKLAHOMA INDIAN LAND CAR ARRIVES r"7 officU'1 ot K'pi'h-' YOUNG WOMAN INJURED IN AUTOMOBILE CRASH Cora Jones, of Falls of Neuse, me ukiaboma Indian land car. sent out by business men of Southeastern Oklahoma rr i vm. in Hli(,li ...ti...l afternoon. The niimnu nf tk. ,.' Mift visit is to advertise the cominc sale of Irrtlre me painful eiita on the face , t - . .m. . I vAmt IL. I 1 minion acres oi inoeiaw aaa Chicka-1' -j ""''" hm tun urvacn I iiiBiBiwmMWWHiimimiwimnmi Luuil.il. lMluMliJllllll.lillllilUUUliuUullillillllillllliillii --3 MisWUlMIMltlllsf? . c-,I, SPECIAL ATTRACTION IN A NEW SHIPMENT OF SEPARATE COATS $4.98 Also additional Qxat Suits from select materials at $9.98 and $ 1 2.98. No tfou- ble to show. . & L. Depart. Storo 1G Ewt Hargett Street DEMAND THE BEST CAKDXSrS CAKES are wholesome and nntrltktua. They are made In perfectly sani tary factory aad roans fresh baked three times a week. Your greeer has theaa. Order from him today. ALDERMAN a CO. Wholesale Cob fart lob era DMribotora SOT Booth Wilmington Street, RALEIGH. N. 0, saw Indian laads which are noon to be soli! by the United States aoverameat. "We do aot sell any load oa the car," said Mr. Bernard, the car manarer. "That ran only be boucht direct from the Federal government at the time of he land sale. However, wehave maps, geological surveys, plots, blue prints, etc,, and we ess give all the information necessary in order to put the prospective purchaser right aa to the value of the laads aa an investment. The ear is here to give Bueh information." The car, which 4 electric lighted throughout, cmtaina an extensive dis play of Oklahoma products, both min eral aad agricultural, aa well as numer ous handsome photographic views of western development. The esr is lo cated at tha Union Station and will be open to visitors from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. iso aomianion is charged. glass of the windshield of the automo bile in which (The was riding when the machine was struck by another automobile. The accident occurred at the- inter section of Harsvtt and Wilminaton IMMATTEA Sir) Knelem Digby (born A 1603) gave his devout readers Blessed the correct measure of time for Beverage infusing tea. "The water is to remain upon it no longer than while you can say' the Miserere Psalm very leisurely. Modern directions run: One teaspoonfuT for two cups." In- " fuse five minutes. India Tea Induces a thankful spirit LtJ PICKLES U ry As pure at they are A I Y go They add new ,1 J 1 V and rare flavors to U rhJ your menu. jrp I Vfc. wm . .af I I Ax rorywarsyoahavaen- 1 joyedjoSem at famoua ! I C Servw them oa T V T ycKa-owntsUc 'J ynn it i 1 FAB. P.BROWN I ' " II. J. Brown Company, ' Funeral Directors. nt ' ' ' 'r'" r " irrtTTrJ - Eitablished 80 Yean III 1 1 ii i,i I j 1836-1916 I II J (Tut "Jlowcrs For All Oeraaioaa. Rosea, CaiaatloBi, Valleys. Vloleta. aad Orchida, ;he leaders. Wedding Flowers arranged la 'latest alt. Floral designs artistically arranged. Fall aad Winter Bulbs are new idy. Plant earlf for best results. Rose Bushes, Evergreens, Shrub beries, Shade Trees, and Iledae Plants In various varieties at J. L. CQUINN & CO.. rkana lit , Kalelsh. N. C 3Vututnit 7osblons Inspire the dominant thought of the moment in the feminine world. Hata, facinatlnsr and original at MISSES REESE & CO. Phono 596 109 Fayetteville Street - - -- k Distinctive Garmonts i - - - - - - For Women qOur Coats, Dresses, Millinery Suits and other Garments are extinguished for Styles Quality, Workmanship and Moder- nuon or r nee, ray us a Visit. Jl.r.ywttovtna atra . - . BsWig, K. C ALMO TODAY ParainouAt PretenU Marguerite Clark "OUT OF THE DRIFTS" ; ExgaToday ';; ' Row FaihioQ Pictur i!- T ; ! Burton Holmes '. ; I! . 'Trawlojrue ;;f . - . i i 'X- jlWELErVS A sensible sugfreation to those selecting gifts, make it a piece of MAHLER "8 SHEFFIELD. Wedding Silver With "Lifetime Service" Tlcture this piece, beautifully engraved with mono gram, It shows up well for the money it re-preeeata. It is extremely practical, aa it is plated over extra hard metal and doea aot dent like 6TEKLINO. Wa show many pieces at moderate prices, slm complete service. , 1 This splendid piece. Sandwich plate . $5.00 STRAND EXTRA ATTRACTION MISS EDNA MAY Former Star in The Belle of New York SALVATION JOAN ThU la om of thai Bif goat Picttirat ci thm rr tip ADVANCE UN PRICE