FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 20, IWtS. ttfE NEWS AND OBSERVER a : 'hat Glance Out of the corner of glTher eye is to see if he brought YaVlUVJiJ GANEJES ?,ftV1r''",l'''"'H ,lW;WMi',,llfl'i(','"'W,''1' SS53 iH';.m WMuafcwias mwwtiuiu , itp'tityiaimtVtiaHStmtl. flHaau!ii.jl SKiaiainiai , aaiawuws'ias'suiar x -" ii . wi- 'in TltVi",'l,;l"1'h'1l',l' r-' 1 1 i aVaSjeaa miiiimniiMijiniiiiiiiiMji ELLINGTON'S The Gift Shop Something For Everybody Come to See Us. Ellington's Art Store Raleigh, N. C. KDMKY Mad to Grow Long, Soft and Silky by using LENT Price 23 eente at all Drug Item t by mail om receipt of tamps or coin. EX CLE NT O MEDICINE CO- AtUita. Ca. Pomade Quench Your Thirst Where Cleanliness Prevails Our newly installed sterilizer and soda fountain in sures Sanitary Service. We carry, also, a large stock of Drugs, Candies and Toilet Articles. J. C. BRANTLEY Druggist. MASONIC TEMPLE PHONE If T REYNOLDS F AVORS PRESIDENT Win6ton Man Writes Strong Letter Advocating Re-election of Mr. Tilaon The Union Central Life Insurance Company LoWer Net Cost for Policies . Means the Same Insurance for Less Money Can Use Half Dozen A-l Agents See CAREY J. HUNTER & BRO. Agents, Raleigh, N. C -idrr R.-J.-lteynolds, t Winston-Salem not only (rave a very larpe contribution to the Wilson-Marshall Campaign Fund, tin thousand dollars being thr amount, tint he also wrote hat observers of the progress of the campaign ssy is one of the very stronirest letters that have been prepared on the reasons why Mr. Wil ton should he re-elected. Kecretary-Treasurer Hugh MadUte, of the Democratic National t'lnioior Com mittee for North Carolina, says the let ter ahowa the bigness of conception and the elcar siirnte.l point of vicar of the man of large affairs. Mr. letters was as follows: "Mr. Hugh. MaeKa?, rVety-Treas., WilHou-Marariall Campaign KuiiJ, M'mington, N. f. "My Dear Mr. Mae Rao: "It. wTia with a grtat deal of satlif ac tion that I eontriliutcd to" th " Wi'isolS' Marshall National Campaign Fund, and your letter acknowledging the"' rclitri hution was received with much pleasure. "To make a change of the administra tis, under the uattng eon.tittons, t my mind, would he nothing short of a calamity to this nation. "American history does not show, since Washington's time, that during any one 'administration such a large number. of good constructive laws, for the liencfit of all of the people, have .been tuuued as enacted under the n son Administration. The elimination of the lobbyist prevents the Government from being controlled by My eliqne or set of men, which would encourage the bringing about of financial depressions for personal eelfljh gain. "In addition to the beneficial legisla tion that has been enacted under Presi dent Wilson's guidance, he has succeed ed in keeping the country at peace with the world, and at the same time, mam tained its dignity. "President Wilson's Cabinet is one of the strongest we hare ever had, and Con green hss upheld the administration in working for tho good of the whole nation. "I hare never permitted myself to be a blind partisan. My custom has been to assist the party which was, in my estimation beet qualified to render the greatest service to all of the people, and I beliens that tho Democratic party, with President Wilson at its head, is SELTZE.R m HMHiaTa-asssMBVBTaTaTaliaiVV FOR HEADACHES. vfO-CCNTS, EVERYWHERE. JOHN PUETT DIES WHILESPEAKIN G Democratic Candjdate For House From Gaston County Dies Suddenly No. 666 This It a proscription prepareo! podaffy lor MALARIA or CHILLS 4k FEVER. Fir or sis doses will break any cats, mi U takes tbea as tonic aha Fsvar will not rstora. Il acta oa ths liver better thao Calomel and docs sot gVipc of sickxa. 25c IHpacUl t Th. Kaan sod OUrmf ) - Gastonia, Oct. 19-. John. Pue tt Ilctno cratic candidate for the House of liepre sentatives from Gaston county, dropped dead about 7 o'clock tonight while mak ing a speech at Cherryville. Jo com pany with the other Democratic candi dates for county offices ho was making the rounds of the county. This aftcr noon they spoke at Landers Cliapel, near Cherryville, and Mr. Puett appeared in his usual health. He had made no com plaint of feeling ill. The body will be t.'ikeu to his home in Dallas tonight. N" funeral arrangements have luen n.Hde. Mr. Puett whs a native of I-in cln county, having been born near Iejter ni'tiut 6.1 years sgn. He moved to Dalian in 1877 and had resided there s:uie. ile was one of the county l most prominent and highly esteemed citizens, lie was one of Gaston's Representatives in the House two years ago and would have hern re elected to that position in November. He was for many years a me-'ther of the board of eounty commis sinners and also of the county board of education, lie is survived by hit uidow and several children, among tlieni Mr. John J'nett und Mrs. Unlieit .S. Lewis of Dallas. Ho also leaves three sisters. Deceased was the sou of the Hi'v. .lolin W. l'uett, a roiiiim nt Koutliern Methodist minister of this section. Tho bosrd of county commissioners in special siMsiun today authorized the building of two temporary toll bridg'-s over the Catawba river, one nt Mount Holly and one at Belmont, by a stock company. The toll will ins fixed by tin board. This action was taken as a means of immediate relief and in view of the slowness with which the Mecklenburg commissioners are moving toward re- S lacing the bridges wished away by the uly flood. It.'iston has had a hundred thousand dollars in the bank since a few days after the flood with which to replace these bridges, but has been utterly un able to spur the Mecklenburg board to action. They agreed to rebuild at onee and then sat down to wait for some thing, it does not appear what. DOCTOR ADVISES KITCIIING TO CANCEL SPEAKING DATES iapU U TtM IMl and Obaarrcr I Wilson, Oct. 19. Hon. Claude Kitehia. on the advice of a specialist, has deem- FOR THROAT AND LUNGS STUBBORN COUGHS AND COLDS Eckman's Alterative SOLO BT ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS d it best to cancel bis speaking dates in the West and many- in this State. 'or some timo he has been complaining of sevore pains in hi head. The mut ter gars him so much concern that he decided to consult a specialist, who advised biin to leave off speaking. Mr. KitchLn Informed hire that it was not only his desire to make a num Iwr of speeches for the national ticket in the douUiul states of the West, but that hs also wanted to make a few in his own district After much insistence on tho part of Mr. Kitehia his physician informed him that he might make a few speeches, but EST he must hot' uteri ImnecTF To "any great extent, and especially at night. With this advico he canceled his en gagements in the West, snd so far has only made two or three speeches, snd those in this Htate, While at Mount Pleasant a few days ago he expressed himself as being some what annoyed at his condition, and stated that he hoped to he himself agnin in a short while. He regretted exceed ingly his inability to muke uioro speech es in the campaign. With the arduous duties of house lead er ou him during the next session of STOP .'"V Tskina plain Cabsasi that i4 Csth&rtics that not tousfc S Lfwsr s all. .If mi Liver Is lautivw aa4 ymm sssTar frum t4ntipauua or uiusssa nswsav Ml hadmc)ML Induration, Foul Brasta, loaf1 autniea. Diuiaaae, fllliwiHM ta amy ftaaa, or if too fcl out of Borta, Koril Linr IVbtots f. whmt you nmmd. Oa takssi at tMdtlaM timulstM roar IJ snd wumtm tear ham , rU, thus th rowin off all raiismnas isttw kmw yuur Stomas sad llussls. No Oriptaur aav HirknoM. KvroemiMr iw dsmm Mvw-uar ivlld Ituckwarrta. Laraw bottlss at Dnas Sturas at tb senta or aofit "T ssu. Frea. KKVIi. MCDICOIB CO. S-i. i kAvt-i- Congress which opens in December it of course behooves him to taks ears of himself. GILBERT C WHITE Consulting Engineer Da r ham, N. C. WATERWORKS, LIGHT AND POWER, STREETS everything that any party could ask, be it Democrat, l'rogressive or Kcpuli.icaii. "I cannot conceive of how it mould be possible to contribute tn a greater cause than to the Wilson-Marshall .Vstion.iJ Campaign 1'vn l. I commend you in the great work that you are doing, ami you have my licet wishes for unlimited suc cess, "With kindest personal rejrds, I am, ''Sincerely vours, "(HigncdV K. J. HKVNUI.D." LAST EXCURSION to NORFOLKjVA. Friday, October 27, 1916 via WOMAN HAD NERVOUS TROUBLE Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound Helped Her. TTeat Danby, N. Y. "I bava had nervous trouble all my life until I took I.ydia 11 l inkha-Ti V'egetabls Com pound for nerves and for female trou ble and it straight ened me out in good shape, I work nearly all the timo, as we live on a farm and I have four girls. I do all my sewing and other work with their help, eo it hows that I stand it real well. I took ths Compound when my ten year old daughter came and it helped me a lot. I have also had my oldest girl take it and it did her kits of good. I keep it in the house all the time and recommend it." Mrs. Dewttt SlNCEBACGU, West Danby, N. Y. Sleeplessness, nervousness, Irritabil ity, backache, headaches, drsfginp; sen sations, all point to female derange ments which may be overcome by Lydia . Pinkham's Vcfretabls Compound. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients cf which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a most valuable tonic and Invigoratorof the female orfranism. Women everywhere hear willing; testi mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. I'inkliaai's Vegetable Compound. vat i NORFOLK SOUTHERN r:. Account Foot Ball Game October 28 A.&M.V VP v on O JLlO SCHEDULE AND ROUND-TRIP FARES i RA LEI Gil 10:20 A.M. . 3.00 KNIGHTDALE . . . . . . , .10:56 A.M. 3.00 EAGLE ROCK 11:07 A.M. 3.00 WENDELL 11:13 A.M. 3.00 ZEBULON ....11:23 A.M. 3.00 MIDDLESEX 11:38 A.M. 8.00 BAILEY 11:48 A.M. 3.00 SIMMS .11:58 A.M. 8.00 WILSON 12:23 P.M. 3.00 EVANSDALE 12:35 P.M. 3.00 STANTONSUURG .. 12:47 P.M. 3.00 FIELDSBORO ....1:02 P.M. 8.00 Farmville .. 1:17P.M. 8.00 ARTHUR ..1:27 P.M. 3.00 GREENVILLE 1 :48 P.M. S.OO SIMPSON 2:05 P.M. 3.00 GRIMESLAND 2:16P.M. 8.00 CHOCOW1NITY 2:35P.M. 3.00 ARRIVE NORFOLK 7:00 P.M. Returning; Special Train Will Leave Norfolk (Union Station) at 8t00 P. M. Saturday, October 28th For full information ask Ticket Agents j. f. Mitchell, t. p. a., Raleigh, n. a E. D. KYLE, Traffic Manager H. S. LEAilD, Gen. Paw. Agt. Norfolk, Va. iIUTT AND JEFF Sea Sick Sailor Squibb Seems Some Sick Sailor. (Capyriifkt, 11116; tr V-CXmber. Trade 5 Mark Jic.:L Hi'st. UXJ Br BUD F KMSTGR SCiUlBei, t Wlm Tl&T "rHINWftfe UiHtKT A U0N0Gr5.FL,HeeCYrn;t. , STtm Tr-R; f AJR. AND fliiVtA.- . m w i i tr a frw VOU SOcMS Of NcpTUNe ' -' v .V r ' .t; -m' lp:ViH UM-M M -rcwr'- v' ' T pi q ' to Ltt-v ppojK w tack n l?? gvTem -; ti l r . i . -- i i" ii . ii ts ri I - "i i - t-i i -