THE NEWS AND OBSERVER BREMEN PROBABLY LOST IN ATLANTIC Cerman Of ficialTAdmit Vessel I If Month Overdue and Con- cede Destruction J . Washington. Oft I. Los of the Hu submarine merchantman B re nte virtually tu conceded today by ranting i eutonte diplomats la position to be familiar with the movements of the vessel. The Bremen is now one month overdue. 8h wii commanded by Captaia Schwarzkopf and carried a FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 20, 1916. J The Best of Every thing in Men's Wear. tt " Vogue . Suits'.. Me. mill, but other varieties of the county' resources included splendid exhibits of corn, cain and potatoes. Birhmond county ia certainly well rrprcse nted craw of BDOroilmatelv twentv-Ave man with attractive exhibits. - " " ' .. . . I , T M wa admitted that Carman officials Anougn nurnam, a wen a mrayne. vera without information as to the fate f the Bremen. All they know i that aha net ont for America from Bremer haven and that the should have arrived at an American port soon after the mid- -ale of last month. "" The disappearance of the Bremen will not cause abandonment nf the project to send merchant submarines regularly irons uermany to the Inited Mates it . said. There appeared to he reason to expert that another sab sea freighter would reach an American port sometime within the nent month. Oerman offi cials in Washington do not believe the Bremen eould have fallen into the hands of the Rritish unless the had some accident to her machinery and argument advanced in support of the belief that the Bremen had met with aa accident rather than capture was that she had aboard a number of 1m portaat documents for the German beasy here, which probably would beea made public hsd they fallen into tne hands or the British Cumberland, Chatham, Vance and other neighboring counties, hail no general exhibit probably on account of county fairs held so rlose to the date of the State fair this year, CaptainE. J. Par rish again drew the attention of the visitora to his exhibit of pniducts from his farm at Loehmoor. Canned goods. attractively arranged, corn and tobacco composed the majority of bis entries. Large Sweet Potatoes. Tloke county got in the limelight with its exhibit of large sweet potatoes and large quantity of soy beans. This latter farm product haa recently received a big boost among the planters of North Carolina and it waa only in the last two years that the fanners of the State learned the vslue of this profit-yielding product. The sample of soy be si. shown by Hoke county ia sufficient to show what progress farmers in that county have made in cultivating soy beans. Rugs and spples, 25 separate varieties of the latter bring shown, tell the peo ple the two principal hobbies exhibited N. C ribboa, fourth prise; Mrs. C. T. Howard, fifth prise. Commercial class, Whites Hardimoat I Poultry Firm, Raleigh, N. C, extras,! 1.50: C. R. Leonard, West Raleigh, N. C firsts, $1.00. Browns C. B. Leonard, West Raleigh. N. C extras, SLS0; H. Jl. B. Mask, Newton, N. C fl rets, 11.00. Students' class, Browns U Riser, I West Haliegh. N. C extras, SLSO: H. H. Broome, West Raleigh, N. C firsts, I 1.00. Fancy class, American Section Mrs. 8. P. MeNair. Tar - Heel, N. C, nret, S1JS0; Mrs. H. J. Daniels, South Boston, Vs., second, 11.00; J. Q. Oreen, High Point, ?f. C, third, 50 center B. A Zel ler, Tarboro, N.-C fourth, ribboa ; Mrs. B. T. Mills, Raleigh, N. C, fifth, rib bon. " Fsney class, Asiatics Section C. B. Leonard, West Raleigh, N. C, first, IM. Stations and Agricultural Colleges, Brown Poultry Department, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind, first; Poul try Ieartment University of Wiscon sin, Madison, Wis- second; Poultry De partment Michigan Agricultural College, hast Lansiag, third. Stations and Colleges, White Poul try Department, Purdue University, La fayette, Ind., first; Poultry Department Michigan Agricultural College, East Lansing, Mich., second ; Poultry Depart ment University of Wisconsin, Madison,! Wis., third. Bays' and Girl's Pes I try Clab Prise North Carolina 8taU Pair, October js-il. 111. Grown egg class Viola Kiker, Polk- High-Class Attraction White egg elaas-Ruth Luta, Newton, Presented Last Night at Acad- V I M . 1 .AAA. n-lfW - I ' i. v,., ufBi prise, e.w; r,v neii, juoum Mourne, second prize, SljOO. Six doxen display class Julia Cam eron, Polkton, N. O, first, 13.00; Eliza beth Carter, Polkton, N. C. second, 12.00; Paul Wagner, Newton, N. C, third prize, $1.00. regain; Your Norma! WEIGHT You can add one-fourth to tenotalf pound a day by drink ingoo pint oi this cinemas. fKosaSias eaai withi each snoaL SHIVAR GINGER ALE Ova. yo. atavfwxrwM. dsstiosv tick Wood. (ki complexion ao arm flesh. Your money backoa fast doaaas sunt. If yo as no fc. wed. At aQ grocers. Bottles. Jy y tna csUiasecJ smn KxaxLsnac, Snaro te ll y ;Uk L. j. ban to phone x"OaT.TEB CANDY CO. Dtatrf katora for Kalclaa. AMERICAN WORK IN TIIE PHILIPPINES 47 um AaMelatea Fnta) Mohonk Lace. N. Y, Or. 19-Anteri-eaa government in the Philippines waa cnaracterixed - as "one of the finest ACUTE AND CHROMIC Rlf EULIATISLf . Th sxaet easts of raevmatlsm Is nn. aaowa, laoash it is geaerally believed to I r." !" assess of arte aeld la Wis blood. I n DIOCESES rheo mas ba sis saia wllk eaoal tratn that no rrT" " oona whisk Is a speei -i j i . . I " "- M xaot the lltermtnra b rhi iwwjiwy, vy AISJ. UVI. now W Btt' dressing tonight iwaae Mobonk eon and other dependent Deoolea. Oea Wood declared, however, that people NOT ESTABLISHED th. delegates to tha 'T.Z"1 .VZt. nferenee oa Indiaas aaetioai others have foaa4 the aaanaremed dent peoples. Oea. S-l7k;.,po'n,B,- AU vb7' people lVZlVd c ngea overs lgnt and tbat the I TZT1: T rsueve the Mtn and alet problem would be solved UtrUS."? iooL .'r'' 8t. Louis, Mo, Oct. 19.-Keetio. by ;thl??le -?ESX&&&uA''! the house of bUhop. of . propoaj to been through the public are not c ban red overaiirbt and that ths I eome remedy to rsUeva u ui, mA !. I nuippine only . when homes have srhools. The general topic of discussion at to night's session was Philippines and the speakers dwelt upon the various means by which the United States can solve the problems presented in the ialaads. Dr. Wm. 8. Washburn, of Washing ton, criticised the present policy of displacing Americans in important Philippine offices with natives; aa leav ing me Lnued States with respontt THE SERENADE" MAKES HIT WITH AUDIENCE emy of Music Leonard Tufti Is Elected To Head State Fair Agin (Continaed From Psge One) six in the afternoon- Mr. Warren Booker of the Mate board, gave H. this in the space allotted to Alamance county I nrWE'D TW TCCC for its showing of resources. The rngs ArUilE.n rttAI3fc,3 attracted a lot of yt. WILSON DEMOCRACY (-nil IIJC. iraiuiv u iho rsiums wn oiinMums in ft miniature prrmmmon a -nM i inrwiii m iw urn aq uwaTftr i Btnnlev county joined other counties rayeuevuie, uei. iir u. Max uard - .i Likii e u . I ner. candidivt for Lacutenant Got wilil Krnrrni riutiiii aui hid ai v iiuic - i . . . . , , , , .. . . er1it.hl. .how. ernor, in a big Democratic rally here ,nl 1' raptures or ap Amona the differ-1 aay night, told the young men of M"""' Jo, Aaoro inee," The Walker and Stevens Opera Com pany completed their engagement at the Academy or Music last night with an ad mirably executed presentation of "The Serenade." The principals and the les ser lights of the opera were of course the same aa in "Robin Hood," given the nignt before and they exhibited the in telligent conception of the parts and the one mnging ability that made the pre vious performance so enjoyable. The piece was sprinkled with song hits riiJi In the EniSCODal Convention Refuses a eertata I I To Provide Separate ietboot . Dioceses nation of I ind quiet I 5h"'i St. Louis. Mo, Oct. of Drao i tohlsta sltMa a mTC JZ7Z -"W"1" i .noT ."ouao oi Disnops ox a proposal M .wVtlZJ'?ZV2r"" I divide the EoWoDar Chrch iIonmtlal all forma of rheoasausxa. These tablVu lines and a clash between militarist and aT7' .Vrrn'h'.V mZXLl l'fi't b.U .. pray, in th. aoasJipaia. Ask lor A-K IsAiaiaT I houM deputies were outstanding feat- urea today of tne general convention here of the Protestant Episcopal Church. The house of deputies concurred ia the upper house's action ia refusing to pro vide negro diocese under the super vision of negro bishops. The maioritv nf th MmniMtna -- ' Mrs. Jones Fuller, of Durham, is the eial Eni neonate renmtni.ii1.wl that tka bility for the ialaads. without corre. I fuest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pace durina i Church h Hivi,leH .Inn. r..i.i i:.. spoudmg control of their affairs. we. but a minority report said that such a crrrn I Mr. and Mra L. M. Johnson of Lit- division was "both unchristian and a- St t-KAL MEN ENTOMBED tMon ""tored to Raleigh yesterday to catholic." The minority report waa anena tne rttate i-air. I adopted. riDITir rrtmnivrr The house of bishops also amended tha tArllAli L,LiVtS UAISLitj I minority report providing for favoring; the appointment of negro suffragan bishops to give negro suffragans a tern- SOCIETY BY MINE EXPLOSION n tht Snoclam PrH x'airmont, W. Va, Oct la. Six men are known to have been entombed and nine others are missing aa a result of an explosion "of coal dust todsv in mine No. 7, of the Jamison Coal and ATTENDED BY VISITORS FROM ALL OVER STATE L"ry 5ul.0. uc""io,, house of hiihops. This amendment Ld by W. Langdon Hill, who was aa- probably will cause discussion on th Coke Company at Barraeksville, near I '"t'd by Arthur MeKimmon and J. X. I subject in the house of deputiea, for if here. The interior of the mine aa well I Jbs, the annual Fair week dance of I adopted it may result ia a negTO bishop phase of the health work at the fair hit ent exhibits were aluminum articles. ayetteville that it is probable that close personal attention. hnaierv from mills, hirkorv esns corn will never again have the oppor The eihiliit nf th. h. i. k. that attracted considerable attention tunity to vote for a man of the colossal booth to the rich! nf the I among farmers, hay and a splendid va- proportions of Woodrow Wilson. In the floral hall was of the usual striking riety of velvet beans, literature scat- nother portion of his add r cm Mr. '''T""10' JlLei1 s charactenhowlng the war the Htate among the exhibits, reminded one Oardner declared he believed Woodrow , h t n i board Is making acHin-t patent modi- that htanley has tnree railroads, iz cot- muoa 10 oe ine grcairsr man wno nas eines and againat preventable diseases ton mills and two hosiery mills as well served humanity sinee Jesus of Nara Miss Kste Woolfolk is directing the ex- good roads and some of the best hibit which as new features this year farming land in the State, shows in ministure form comparisons Wsks county also had its second col lective exninii ana again mipcrviaor n. IT. Chamblee brought together an inter between the old open top well and closed well with pump, crowded bed room and good bed roonm, proper con ditions for baby's health and improper conditions. Increase In Coenty Exhibits. Diversified farming, as exemplified by the numerous vsritics of farm and gar- den products, is the keynote of the county exhibits at this years's fsir and as a visij to the agricultural section of - tie west bifilding will reveal a noted in- reth, and his administration was term- Ied the Magna Carta of Democracy. He caustically arraigned the Republican party and the forces trying to defeat Wilson, and caetigated Theodore Roose- esting and attractive variety of farm velt in a manner that waa highly plras prodiirts. The exhibit this yesr is a ling to his audience. "Nnt sinee the big improvement over that of last year I day of Mark Hsnna haa the Menu Mi ami the prodits nre more varied and Iran party been more thoroughly under in larger quantities. The exhibit eon- the domination of the sneeial Inter- tained practically everything raised on eats than it is today." he declared. farms and ntltcr resources from hosiery duet by James Stevens and Cora Tracy, probably made a more profound impres sion than any of the others and second in appeal to the audience was the trio, Dreaming, Dreaming," ly David An ndrewa. The tenor, Ralph L. Brainurd, who so acceptable in the title role of the preceding evening's attraction, was favorito again last night, his "I Envy the Bird" in the final act winning the warm sppreeiation of his hearera. Herbert Waterous, as Romeo, nresi dent of the Royal Madrid Brigandage Association. Limited, used his niagnifl cent bass voice with bla customary ef fectiveness. Ivy Heott, Cora Tracy, Phil Branson, all had substantial parts in The generally favorable impression which the production made. - The costuming and the staging were ia keeping with the excellence of the to water ground meal. Corn, cotton and SATURDAY BIG DAY in large quantities. 1 UUlLfUKlJ LULK l I " perrormers. j ne tne- n..;ie-..i I I I at r leal attraetioua of Fair Week have eaae in the counties exhibiting their whirh K, mXut ...ppWented by sn Indi-' n,....Kr cTZZa.,.., v r"1 of clju" to trengthen the Fair resources. Urt yesr only .bout six Tidu4, hibit frPo, the farm of C. W. t ,u.rdy ,"'" with viaitor. in the city, theater goer counties were represented while this i t .i.- . -.4 ti.i ,B oo of two big polities! meet- emnhatieaHr deelared fter witn,...,n7 . at .i .1 I's Ull"" Vs. HO HlsH.LVCIT I st w Isa ek 111 .i . " " - . 7r uirre wn couniies Hhowinff at I . t. " lu-- juo wm n ina, or the wall in ahesves. while potatoes and display of work done by the Cherokee band of Indians probably attracted more attention than other county ex hibita, although the variety of prise ap , plea ' shown by growers of Hsywood eonnty is sn Important lesson in North Uarolina fruit industry. Ruga, grain corn and csnned goods are leading ar tides exhibited by the Indians. The handiwork in weaving the rugs is of sn perior quality ami visitors were also attracted by the aplrndid exhihits graia and corn. Among the articles shown was a large jar of peculiar heana which were found In the cliff dwrllingx or tha prehistoric Indians near Flag staff, Arizona. The Hwsin county ex hibit is in ehsrge of Superintendent Henderson of the Cherokee Indian reboot and Reservation. He has a mem ber of the Indian Reservation here as isting him. For several years past the henntiful apple exhibit from Haywood county has been a big drawing card not only for farmer but for all who have inspected with care the htate s resources and pro ducts. Haywood county, however, does . not eontln its exhihits to apples alone urain. hay and corn also, figure promt aently ia the class of products shown and all entries are arranged in attractive and -uniform manner, Ls Exhibit Far First Time. Lea. one of the baby counties in the Htate, nas a very Interesting and at tractive exatott and Its resources are ahowa in a manner that brought forth many comments from visitors. large peppor and a number of entries of vel vet beana constituted the most import at variety of farm product shown. In waa corner of the exhibit is a miniature tobacco barn while haaging around It appeared samples of bright tobacco. The exhibit ia ander the msnajremrnt of Mrs. J. H. Henley and J. R. Rives of Baaford, Bolts of staple cloth. Ineludln sins hams, sheeting and calicoes, represented ia a large measure one nf the most im ; portaat products of Richmond eountv ' which ia widely known for its string of How to Easily Shed 1 That Bad Complexion We asaaet stasis faasneisM tatial b saw snare than we ssa rasters a iort Hmk. It sswlaas he art i an I s asavtst a wcwueat saaailislm hrts s Hv mm. The rsthswl sr eawasw ia ( inn the eassplestos nm,- the inilsllnl asSMs. heaeiat. so the sulsiljtssi ssa aaaasr. ts wttWt.ii SI as Met W stowkwl swtia Ja tsae thia. w aswcmaT srswsiy aiarallsaS waa win t ra Ssa 11 ahsarh the sf?aa1a ewikla Br aV fmjas. a H, yt ea awsafsi t .W MmMf uta4 as a tmm bmkL Hm hwy sat haiitata tm twr tkw ar emu 4 was af tha S, .u. Baraaa) aa a thw lam hafavs raUrats. I'm u ln fa the smtac with aaas aa4 water. la taa aWs ta taw waaks the laii ll a u-i . . , " the Demoerata at Bummerfleld when At torney Oenerel Blckett will arwak. white the other will be held by the Republi cans at Colfax in the western""part of the county. Mr. Bickett will' arrive in Greensboro tomorrow night. Early Hat urday. he will visit Guilford College to meet the members of the Wilson Bickett Club, and from there he will go to 8um merfleld where he will speak in the af ternoon. Candidates for legislative and county officers will speak at Bummer field in the forenoon. A picnic dinner will be served. At night Mr. Bickett will speak at a rreeting in High Point. Bryan "peaks la Keataeky. Eliiabethtowa. Kr., Oct. 19. W. 3. Bryan, in addresses here this afternoon, and several other Kentucky towns dur ing the dsr in behalf of President Wil son praised the President's handling of the country's affairs, and urged his re- luli.H tfl..M . A tL. : Ola Htephou is agent. Johnson and M ?paZ Forsyth counties came with an exhibit UpkH t(m thosTof -futile so nearly equal that It required the (fjtijam " the events of Wednesday night and last night at the Academy of Music apples are plneed in a manner to sug gest cs refill snd enthusiastic work on the part of those in rhargo of the ex hibit. That TVaufort county is the land of "hsv, corn snd beg," as stated on a card displayed where all eyes could see it, was shown to good silvautnge by the attractive exhibit by Beaufort county. Hay and corn proved the most import ant rr be variety of products shown this yesr. Iteaufnrt also exhibit ed its products at the fsir lsst yesr. Canting Clab Presnlame The complete list of prlre winners in the exhibit of twenty two counties cf the Canning Clubs was announced yes tordsy after the judging was eomplet..l. The first prire for let county exhibit goes to Guilford, of whirh county. Miss closest judging to make any award. One of the most striking exhibits of the entire displsy, according to the ex perts, is thit of IJnroln county made under the direction of'Mra. Florence Winn, agent. It was a first-year display and as such was truly remarkable. Lin coln exhibited at the Gaston fair at On his arrival here, where he made his principal address of the dsy, Mr. Bryan waa greeted by a large crowd whirh escorted him to the courthouse yard. where ne apote. Cspt, Esmond Joaee Calls. Capt. Edmoad Jones, of Lenoir, who Gaston ia and it was necessary to haul ' among the Fair visitors, called at the three hundred jars and glasses by suto- News'and Observer office last night to mobile from Uncolnton to Gsstnnin a congratulate the "Old Reliable" upon diatanee ef forty-six miles. None of letting Into Ita new home. He waa very the jars were broken or -the - contents I fontplimentary about the new building, spoiled in transit and the exhibit- re-1 . . . . , eeived more than -eighty premiums. I , . . 7. , , ... The pr. winner, snneuneed First Clsss, for first year club girl .""".fc Z, T Z.. - J, V. making the beat exhibit In square glass ' " " quart jars nrst prize, aiiss Annie .vse Smith, Wayne county, second prire, Miss Lena rillingham. Ijncoln. Mecoad t lass, for second, third, or fourth year girl making the best ex hibit in square quart glass jars First prize, Misa Margaret Pendleton, Gran ville; second prize, Misa Mamie Niven Anson; second prire. Miss Ethea Cov ington, Richmond. MOUNT AIRY NEWS. Small Fire la Store; Farmers Astonished At High Prices. (Spatial w Th. lm and Otamvr ) Mount Airy, Oct. 19. The city firo alarm rauaed a great stir nn tho streets In this city yesterday morning, but the blase which was in the store of Mr. W. K. Jackson, was soon extinguished. The loss was not serious. The fire originated from a stove flue. ,: The farmers are simply astonished at the prieea they are getting for their to- hoc co on the Mt. Airy market. Never before in the history of the town have they been axle to realirjsuch high figures aa are now paid for leaf tol.aceo, Mr. J. II. Fulton is digging out the foundation for another big block of new brick stores on Main street nearly op posite the First National Bank; These new stores will All in a vacant spot on Main street thst will add much to the appearance of the city. . They are al ready rented. Mr. Tho. Nichols, a farmer of many good qualities of head and heart, died this morning, near the city of typhoid fever after a short illness, leaving a wife and four small childreu. The in terment will be at the Hollow church, aear Mt Airy on to-morrow. CLAIMS MANIPULATION CAUSES SOARING WHEAT Mines arrived tonia-ht About 250 men are ordinarily em ployed in the mine, but owing to a shortage in cam, they were not work ing today. as the tipple and other buildings were cPltal club last night waa easily wrecsea oy tne blast and although 200 1 feature that attracted one or the men are tonight working desperately largest erowds ever attending a social to clear away the debris, official, of event of the elub. Over three hundred the company believe it will be noon 'itors, including President Leonard tomorrow before rescuers ran enter the Tufts, of the State Fair, and other workings. prominent eitixens of North Carolina, The work of removinar the rki I contributed In makinr ths dance a part is being superintended bv H. H. Jml. I of Raleigh's social hospitality. "on, of Pittsburg, general manager of The ball-room of the club, whee the the company, who happened to be in dancing took place, presented a beatiti Kairmont today. A rescue car from the '"1 areao with its decorations of na- i-nimnurg station of the Bureau of I tional colors blending with the artistic painting on the walla From each chandelier small flags were suspended while in each corner of the room stream ers of bright colors added to the color schema of white and yellow. - In the dining room, where the punch and sandwiches were served, the deco rations consisted of palms, ferns and cujt flowers. A large vase of white chrysanthemums adorned the center of Kansas City. Mo Oct. 19. Atoms 1 M punch table while lighted candies siow and sleet greeted the special m. I spread a soft glow over the entire room. ing Theo. Roosevelt tonight as he enter- Presiding at the punch bowl were ed the west to advocate the election of rr Clarence Johnson, Mrs. James Me- Chss. E. Hughes for Presidont. Kimmon, Mrs. W. N. H. Hmith, Mrs. W. The only rear platform speech of the C.. Harris. Mrs. P. A. Tillery, Mrs. W. trip today waa made at Jefferson City, A. Swallow and Mrs. Bennie McAden Mo., where Mr. Roosevelt spoke for live Potter. minutes. He called attention k. I The eha Lusitama incident and declared "the Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. crime was the result of foreigners he- B. 8. Jerman, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Par ing of the opinion tbat Americans did sons, of Rockingham; Mr. and Mrs. not mean what they laid." Henry T. Hicks. Mrs. Jane MeKimmon. Ami they are right," he concluded. Col and Mrs. E. M. I'zzell. Col. and Mrs. J. E. Pogue, Mr. and Mrs. Gavin H. Dortch, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cross, Col. and Mrs. Alf. A. Thompson. Among those dancing were Miss NEW SUIT OF CLOTHES ,l,i' Pwd' of ChrIo"e. witb- H- J SNOW AND SLEET GREET ROOSEVELT FIRE DESTROYS AWNING AND COL, BOWLES LOSE In with r..tM TCkaaln. . Vfisasn Vfa.Ui. A, , iwnr, Wilis ii uiu vv iij7vi t as tw jsiaaai wu burning twoinff of tk CanitaJ Plnh I tt.... . vt ri... last night attracted a-lars-a crowd Hfl. n.,..r uu;... 4v people and also called out the entire I r-i...i. s ii. v.. ti vi.i. k ii . i r ?r,ua,n lnB Tfmrtyv. Davis, of Wilson, with Hugh 8. Lee; Rn f -11 .I" W,l .taneera, Miss Mildred Holding with Ben Temple; - v. . v 'wvvib inn riuo were aware that a Are from one of the win- temporarily presiding over a white dio cese. The house of deputies waa divided into two factions in the debate on tho proposal of the commission on the en richment of the Book of Common Prayer to add prayers for the army and aavy. The prayer upon which moat of tho discussion waa based, which was finally adopted was recommended by the com mission. It asked the "lord, God of Hoats to strengthen and protect tho soldiers of our country; support them in the day of battle, and ia timo of peaoa keep them safe from evil." It also pleaded that "in all things they may serve without reproach." A similar prayer suggested by the commission for the navy also was adopted. One faction, led by the Rev, John Howard Melish, of Brooklyn, held that any war ia unchristian and that no sol dier can serve without reproach. Tho other, which the the Rev. Leightoa Parks, of New York, was the spokesman, while not championing war, argued that it is tha duty of the church to pray for those men who forsake civil pursuits in which the remuneration might bo greater, for the service of their country. Previously, several delegate had urged tho inclusion in the Ritual of a prayer for world trace. The Rev. W, . H. Milton, of Wilmington, N. C, intro duced a report to thia end which waa referred to the commission. As a result of the debate, tha prayer recommended by the commission for tha army and navy, together with a sub stitute offered by Dr. Melish, wore rec ommitted to tho eommisaioa and when after reconsideration it reported in ability to change ita first recotnmeada- Blue ; Miss Julia Baxter Bcott, of Char-1 tioas tha prayers for the army and aavy. aa recommended, were adopted. If ap proved by the House of Bishops, tha Do Yea Suffer From Diabofes? tftjihainrtaw4Pra-l Chicago, 111., Oct. 19. Recent ad vances ia the prieea nf wheat and flour prompted B. H. Dahlhcimer, president of the Master Bakers' Association of Chicago, to make an effort today to present aa appeal to President Wilson to take steps to meet the crisis whirh tha baker say will follow. Mr. Dahl helmer and several members of the local association tried to see the Presi dent at his hotel, but were denied ad aiittaaee. Later Mr. Dahlheimer said Ths President's attendants refused Diabetes ia invariably th result of I to let me see President Wilson and impaired nutrition thia results in aa i therefor I shall present the protest to excess of sugar ia the blood and failure I our Congressman, Martin H. Madden Fourth Clsss, for club women ever 18 1 at th food to nourish, bene a gradual I As sooa as possible a meeting of the years of age making best exhibit in wasting away while eating welL I association will h held, at which for- squar quart jar First 'prize. Miss I Nymptoms of the disease are, in-1 "si protest will be drafted against the Mary Feele, Way n ; second prize, Mica I creased thirst, excess of ortae, emaria-1 manipulation which we believe is re Mamie Niven, Aaso. Ition and dry skin, oftea with sweetish I sponainie for in soaring prices ot Fifth Class, for club woman over Id I odor. . years of age, making best exhibit of I Notwithstanding the fart that medical preserve and awwets in snare quart I 'lne admits ef ao deft a ita cure for jars First pris. Mrs. rUf" T'eele, Diabetes, Waraer's Kef Diabetes Rem edy haa pee need with gratifying re sult and ia worthy of yoar atteatioa. Following' are a few words ef interest from a grateful user: 1 had been troubled with Diabetes for years. I heard about Waraer's Safe Diabetes Remedy and I tried some dows was proving a drawing card. However, Mr. C. T. Towles was able to locate the Are and gave the alarm. For his brave act in giving tho location nf the flames and trying to donate a bucket of water for saving purposes, he mined a perfectly new suit of evening clothes. Besides, the dnmnjre to Col. Towles' wearing apparel and the loss of an awn- Miss Katherine Grove, of Frederick, Md., with Stanly Boykin; Misa Kather ino Hmith with William Winston ; Judge and Mrs. W. C. Harris; Miss Elizabeth Telfair with Hal McKee; Miss Vivian Wooten, of Goldiboro, with John Ay rock; Mr. and Mrs. W. N. He Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Jamea MeKimmon; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson; Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Tillery; Miss Helen Tilley, of Norfolk, with Willie B. Lomsden; In, there was nothing th.t ..I ,ii I Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Jerman; Mr. and a catastrophe. Mrs. R. G. Allen ; Mrs. Addie Jones with ' . Oil. Benehan Cameron; Miss Betsy Strike In Edisoa Plant John Haywood with George Craig; Mr. West Orange, N. J., Oct. 19. A strike and Mrs. B. W. Baker; Miss Susie Tay that started yesterday in the plant of lor with.. A.- B., Oliver; Miss Rosa Par Thomas, A. Edison spread today until six sons with Garland Jones, of Georgia; hundred men, including three hundred Miss Jennie Parsons with W. C. Parsons, in the phonogmph department, were Jr.; Miss Julia Jerman with Dr. H. O. idle. They demand the reinstatement of Linehergcr; Mr. and Mrs. Julian Tim Neil White, secretary of the Edison Era- herlake; Mr. and Mre. J. T. Taylor; Col. pioyes rroiective Association, discharg- and Mrs. George L. Peterson; President ed automatically under an Edison rule of State Fair Leonard Tufts and Mrs. limiting the period of an employe's ab- Tufts; Mrs. J. K. Marshall; Mra. Ellen , Bailey, Mr. Russell Wiggins, of Boston; nt r.uimiu T-miMuyes are HOT Bull- iared with any labor union, and this is said to be the first serious strike which the inventor haa ever confronted. Faneral ef Mrs. Halgn. Fayetteville, Oct. 19. The funeral of Mra. Rebecca liacRae Raich, who died at her home on Haymount Monday night now tnta afternoon, the services Miss Elsie Haywood with Thomas Don aldson, of Atlanta; Miss Elizabeth Tel- prayer will be in tentative nso la taa next three years' and wilt be acted apom finally at the next general convention. Dr. Melish said that if theso prayer) were adopted an irreparable injury would be done the youth of the nation. "You ai--r(rtirgittg upon thia nation. in the years ahead, a catastrophe simi lar to that which Is overwhelming tha nations beyond the Atlantic," he said. "I want' to oppose these two prayers first of all on the ground that they have no vision." ".The prayer ia without aense. It aska for thing that cannot possibly b granted. It is impossible for soldier to 'serve without reproach' a tt pray er asks. We are asking God to grant something entirely without meaning, for war cannot be waged without reproach." Dr. Melish was supported by th Bev. E. L. Parsons, of Berkeley, California, chairman of the commission whiek made the recommendation, the Rev. J. B. Dunn, of Lynchburg, Va and Fraa L. Stetson, of New York. Rev. Dr. Parks, in his argument, did not sap port the cause of war, but said that it ia our duty to pray for the men ia ear armies and navy. 'Great numbers of young men In this HWH, ill mianut, ..ilea ijiiMiirm iti i . . - . fair with Fred C. Manning; Mis. Annie lZJJJJ Ihrie Pon with Ransom Saunders, of Rmithfleld; Miss Elizabeth Fountain with J. C. Dibrell; Jdiss Marie Jones with C. A. Saunders, of Richmond; Miss Holden Wallace with William Fleming; Miss Emma Lee with G. L. Dortch ; Mr. wheat sad flour." Thaw Alive and WelL Wayne ; second prize, Mr. J. . Wil- liamt, Anson. Sixth Class, best jar cucumber pickle and best jaivcmwa pickle -First prize, Mrs. Char let Ivey, Wayne. Seventh Class, for best jar tweet niekla naanrhea an4 Km! in . ,f melon rind sweet pickle, Mrary0, u ,,d f" food condition Aa sswiwaa Wiilanal ler wvtsklak la a Mas as iSwWm a. mm, mt m-tmrnt I mihm tm a half aaat af wHah heaaL n.ta , th fast IB tha aehttiea Winn pirmni aa !:Df5D:rgcbI!wU2D Stalling, Franklin county. Eighth Clsss, for first year club girl exhibiting th bee eommereial pack ef pearhe. Mis Xera Deis, Wayne, Ninth Claas, for rirl sending ia best history of how. 1915 crop waa market ed, to be derided later. Testa Class, for beat commercial ex- aad went to work again. One maa said he doctored for S year had that oa bottle ef Waraer's Safe Diabetes Rem edy did him more good than all-tk doe- tora. I am murk pleased aad wo thank ful for your lif saving remedy that I cheerfully recommend it to aayoa troubled with Dtahete aad I hop' thia u& ZiZZL "iT-rr"- will bftt " Plt maay n nieklea: and sw rZXmTlEZ ml2"- 8.ed) TlatC Nart Tarhorwngh. Wi. 2"'.'- , . a A- ,j I - - wwiea -a ," - " """"f I sad ward wlta- " " annual egg th. -a !f.!ZL .. .V t0T th' rtaM dicate. Werner Safe Diabet. - ' mm Awiivwai ea Rested !"".."T,TT, ie abeolntely saf a tt I d fro. Faris. Oct. 19. At the Paris horn of Lieut. Wm. Thaw, of the Fraaro-Ameri- caa Aviation Corp, it wta said today that th Lieutenant was alive and well. He arrived during th night from the front to attend the funeral tomorrow f Sergeant Norman Prince, of Ihe Fraaco-American corps, who died aa th result of iajnrte sustained in a raid oyer Southern Germany. A New Havea dispatch yeaterday said word had beea' received there of the death of Lieut. Thaw. , Faaeral af Jn H. Aasaaa. Scotland Neck, Oct.- 19. The funeral services bf ' Mr. Joha H. Ansbon were eosdscted her today hy Rev. L. T. BiagletoB. Th deceased had beea in arkabl tea urt dar. I HI health for om Jim and died at As the aame ia-1 Johasoa-Wlllis Sanitarium Tuesday. He was about fit years eld aad had beea for maay year a highly esteemed citi ea ef thi place. He is survived by tw brothers. Mr. 'K. H. Ansbon. ;of Robfeod; Mr. E. W. Ausboa. of Rocky Monat, aad a sister, Mrs. Cctti Everett, f Scotland Keck. . being conducted at St. John's Episcopal 'Bd Mr"- J- B"T11; Mia Katie Church, of which Mra Haigh waa a de- Moore, with J. E. Beaman; Mist Lillian voted member, by the rector, Rev. Ar- "ddick with V. C. Pritehett; Mis Sum cher Boogher at 4 o'clock. The inter- mrr witl1 C- W- Ayeoek ; Miss Margaret ment waa ia Cros Creek Cemetery, the ElHton with L. M. Bott; Mis Cor scrviees here being also conducted by " Barria with J. R. Mullen; Mis X. Boogher, with appropriate ainging, W"' Nicholson with Jack Johnson; by member of th ehoir of St, John's. MiM Ervin with C. R. Harris; Miss Mary Hyatt, of wayneaville, with U E. Wooten; Miss Katherine Sherwood with Charles L. Carter, of Norfolk; Mit Louise Baker with T. C. Gardner; Misa Frances Williams with Herbert Sink; Mis Sarah Sanders with W. 8. MeKim mon ; Mis Agnes Cottea Timber lake with M. Smith ; Mis Margaret Newsom with J. M. Bushee; Miss Jane' Burton with Burton Gallup. There were many beautiful floral trib utes sent by friends whom Mrs. nalgh's Sweet nature and unusual refinement had drawn to her. that would lead to great fortune aad devoted their energies to serving their country in our army and navy," ha said. "Whether it 1 in active serrica or in' watch ful waiting,' whether they sail the seaa or patrol onr borders, tha church should pray for them. Moat of them ar Christian mea; maay ef them are our communicants. We owe them our prayers." The com mission reported that tit prayer uttered by George Waahiagtot when he laid down the supreme com mand of the Federal armies eould net in their judgment he substituted for the prayer of our country recommended by the commission. The proposal waa tent baclrto the committee for recon sideration. . , i WOMEN SAVE $5 Say gasoline dry cleans dresses, enlta, silks, gloves, dra peries, etc Dandruff Surely - . . Destroys The Hair Fraaklla Haste Msrcaatlle Maria, New Tork, Oct 19. The new hn.,ll oirl ,f y Plenty ef thick, OOard u-. ;! ;ik- k-:- - - v - 7. Here's a way to make soiled or dlnrv- looking wearing apparel look like new. Any woman can easily clean and restore the original color and brightness to kid gloves and ahoes, neckties, ribbons, ailka, satins, lares, net-work. yoke, fur. shirtwaists, children's coats, suits, caps. wooien . garmenia, Swiss, lawn, organdy ana cniuon ureases, draperies, rugs, ia fact, any and everything that would be ruined with aoap and water. Get two ounces of solvite at an drug store aad put it in two aallona of gasoline, where it quickly dissolve, tbea put in th goods to be cleaned. ruo a utile ani out they come look In a clean, bright aad fresh as aew. Too will And nothing fade, shrinks er wrinkles, requiring ao pressing. It snly take a few momcats Ta do what dry -cleaning establishment would fkargeflye dollars or more for. Ik ia as simple as ordinary laundering and yon cant make a mistake. Aay drug gist will supply two ounce of solvite, which is simply a gasoline soap aad yon eaa obtain th gaaoliae at aay grocery er gang, ihea a wasa boiler or large dishpaa will complete your dry-cleaaiag ar. - of director. t th. Iaternitional Marin. ,,f al J':"' & ' Company today elected P. A. 8. Frank lin president of the company. Harold A. Sanderson, the former president, was elected chairman of the board. No other officials wsre elected. means get nd of dandruff, for ft will starve your hair and . ruia it if yaw aon i. It doesnt do much good te try ta brash er wash it eat, Th only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it, then yo destroy it entirely. To da this, get about foar ounces ef ordinary liquid arvoa ; apply it at eight whea re- Stepa Farleagaa T Reserve. 1ST tit, A a rra l Washington, Oct, lgA--Need of the available soldier in the regular army tiring; enough te moisten th scarp for continued active' service haa caused aad'rub it in gently with the flager tip. Secretary Baker to atop all applications Br morning, most if aot all. of year for furloughs to the reserve which, an- dandruff will be gone, snd three or foar der the national defense act, may be more application will completely die requested by mea who have served one solve, aad entirely destroy every sisgla year with (he color. Carraasa Family Oa Visit. tar tt aaaaaawa Prcaxl Mexico City, Oct.-19 Jea. Carraaxa ' wife aad daughter have left Mexico City oa a riait to Saa Antonio. Waat Embargo FaaJstaffs. sign aad trac ef it. Yo will fisd. too. that all itchlaw aad digging of the scslp will ton. mmd your hair will look aad feel a hundred time better. Ton can get liquid arrow at any drug store. It i ineinea.t and four ounce is all yo will awed, aa maner now moca oaadruff yon kava, Thi sim pis remedy never fails. Adv. -I- Philaaelphia, Pa, Oct. Jl. es5tri tioas asking Confrrsw-t decJar. aa em- barge oa the exportation of all food stuffs te Europe were adopted hv the Interaatioaai Ladies' Gsrwest Workers' I T7oTl- 171 a Oa te-1 AjicuLTiu -oiore Special Sale of PORTABLES Union at it aaaaal eonventiea here aight, following a dieeaesioa of way t Tarkaraagh BaOdlaai redoe tn high ot I living. 11H