CUBA IS TRYING TO SUE NORTH ...-.CAROLINA TO COLLECT REPUBLICAN CARPETBAG BONDS. VOTERS TAKE NOTICE North Carolina Best Advertising Medium in VOL. CIV. NO. 127. BIGH1N.C.,T PRICE FIVE CENTS EVERY DEMOCRAT URGED TO HELP PILE UP RECORD MAJORITY; VOTE EARLY THE WEATHER Fair TmIv m4 Wedaao t eay i ee news wa oos CUBA ASKS FOR PERMISSION TO SUE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA TO FORCE PAYMENT F FILED YESTE " WITH U. S. COURT No Intimation As To How Re- pnblMJ BU Frauds ulent Issue CLAM CONSTITUTION PERMITS THE ACTION Soil Brings Viiridly Ta 3ILnd On Election Day What Re publicans Did For North Carolina in UirpetDag ways. Decision From Supreme CouVt Expected Soon B, B.LC BRTANT. H.i..l.l Vmmm Wli) Washington, Not. - The BepubUe of Cuba, today, preseated to tho Supreme r- . for U aPDlicatloa to ' M tit 8UU of North Carottna to foreo th payment of bod issued in 1 968 for tho hment of eertala railroads. Howard Thayer aUngabury, of New York, rep resenting tho law firm of Frederic iB. r- inrudr hrf or the eoart The - enit W brought ia the name f afareas H. Bnrmitiao. attorney- xor ine awpuuM. Cuba, who laai that the Btata.r faaed to pay for tho bead. Ia presenting hia appbeatioa, Mr. Kingsbury aald: 1 " , A. The authority of tho attorney of the Bepublie of Cuba to bring thia euit wae eoaferred by deeroo of the govern moat of that country which is ready to bo exhiblteVto Uii court u oesireu. la eenelulj. he added: "Tho me-:- Imm In bm aad to file tho it? .i.u. .knnlri he emoted aad the dart ihould aUo mak aa order direct ing the issue aad service to proeeae pur avaat to tho usual procedure la origin! aetioas." ' TAmk rat Recited. 1 fv. Miiu of aetioa ia set forth ia -:v.. .nlJt.Ts amounting to S2J88J30. The bonds ia queitioa were eigaed by Governor W. W. Holdea, and pubUe treasurer D. A. Jenkins. . The form of the declaration submitted with this applieatioa is modeled upoa k deelaratioa Sled by the Attorney- General of tho Tnited States ia the ease of the Tnited States versus North Caro lina 13 U. 8, 21L Ia that eaao aa . aetioa at bw by tho Uaited BUtes .i.t the Bute of North Carolina ..w.. hnuta similar to those hero in velved was eatertained and decided upon the merits. " The jurisdiction ia further supported by "South Dakota vernua North Care-n- and "Virrinia versus West ., Ylmaia,". ... ..; "There does aot appear to bo aay reported eaao ia whieh a auit haa beea instituted ia this eourt by a foreign State against one of the Uaited -States," said Mr. Kiagsbury, "but sueh a suit it within the express laaguag of the eoastitutioB.1 . . Mr. Kingsbury cites tho ease of Cohen varans Virginia, considering the eleventh ameadmeat whoa Chief Justice , Marshall said: . "It (the ameadmeat) does aot eoaaprehead eontroversiee be tweea two or snore Bute, or between a State aad a foreign State. Ths Jurisdie tioa of tho eourt still extendi to these eases: And ia these a Stat may still be sued.' The Supreme Court having jurisdie-1 tioa." added Mr. Kiagsbury, "eaaaot rsf as to exercise it MarakaU Qaeted la Support The attorney then quotes Chief Jus tie Mirtk-" ia Fisher versus Coekrell aa follows: "Aa thia eourt haa aever grasped aa ung rested jurisdiction, a will it never, we trust, shrink from the exercise of that which ia eoaferred apoa it," aad Justice Brewer, ia Minnesota versos Hitchcock; "Thia eourt. eaaaot deay Ha Jurisdietioa ia a ease t whieh it ia extended by the eoastitatioa." He also eitee that Chief Justice Tawaey aaid la the Steamer 8t. Lawrenee eaas, the eeert cow Id aot, eoaaisteaUy with Ha duty, refuse to exercise a power with whieh it was clothed by Ike eea tatutioa aad the lawn." Ia the South Dakota ease North Caro lina was required to pay the boada. The, Boprem Court ordered the payment "There can be no reasonable doubt of the validity of the boada aad snort , gages ia controversy," said Mr. Justice Brewer, haadiag dewa the decision of the court "There ia ae challenge of the statutes by whieh they were author iaooV - v -j : ' '' Of Timely Inter. . The aetioa of the Cahaa goremment Is of great iaterest to "orth Carolina. It brings vividly to mind, oa thia elee Uoa day, what the Bepoblieaae did for tC satUasa oa rage Twe : . QRMAL REQUEST Hi OF RECONSTRUCTION BONDS ft DAYPROVES ONE DFftCTIVITY Political Orators Active in All Parts of State On Eve of Election KEEN INTEREST IS SHOWN Vast Crowds,' Running Into Thousands in Many Places, Greet Speakers ; Parades and Torchlight Processions; Na tional and State Adrainietra tions Upheld The final day of the campaign in North Carolina wan marked by great activity. The weather was clear aad bracing aad tho political orators went forth to their task with vigor aad sf feetivsnesn. Senator Simmons was ia Trenton, capital of bis horns county; Mr. Bickett was at Newton, Senator Overman at Salisbury, Cam Morrison at High Point, Max Gardner nt Forest City, A. I Brooks at Jacksonville aad various others filled engagements all over the Stat. Bkkett Aad Overman at Newtea. Newton, Nov. 6. Senator Overman aad T. W. Bickett eloeed the Demo eratia campaign ia Catawba eeunty here today speaking la ths open to a mrew? enwd of enthusiastic Dsmssrata. Both ipeakera caught the big ami W11" eaaSltflts Jft their masterful address. Catawba JDem oerata go into ths election tomorrow eoaadeat of carrying ths County ' by from one to three hundred majority. Gardner To Mill Workers. Forest City, Nov. 9. Wood row Wil son is the first President who ever mani fested statesman -liks consideration for the welfare of the laborer, who arise at 4:30 ia the morning, declared O. Max Gardner, before more thaa one thousand people gathered from the cotton mills. of Caroleen, Chffnde, aad Henrietta at the Caroleen Hall tonight. It was Senator Gardner last speech (Cob tinned oa Page Two.) GREAT RALLY RELO Secretary of Navy Josephus Daniels and II. S. Ward Chief 1 Speaker PARADE TWO MILES LONG Naval ITead Heard With Close Attention By Crowd Which Numbered Five Thousand. "Hot StutP Ward Charms Hearers With One of Strong est Speeches of Campaign Wadesboro, Nov. 6. This has beea a red-letter day for Democracy la Anson. Xha 4jp!t aaaemblage of white mea sver gathered la Wadeaboro was her to greet Hon. Joeephaa Daaiels, Secretary of the Nary, aad hear political issues discussed. Ia the audieaee were seen Citizens from Richmond, Union, aad Staaly eountiea, ia North Carolina, aad Chesterfield eonaty, ia Booth Carolina. The town waa ia gala attire. Banting streaming from every business bowse aad public building, flags flying from residences, aad automobile decorated ia national colors, bespeak the in teas latereat being takes ia politics by the cltixeas of Anson county. Two-Mil rarade. A parade of more thaa twe miles la length lndadiag gaily decorated ante mobile aad gallant horse-back ridera, a bras bead of tweaty-eix piece from Mea roe, aad th local brass band formed ea Rutherford street aad pro ceeded to the station, where Mr. Daaiels waa met apoa hia arrival oa the Sea board at 10 M o'clock. From th statioa the parade, headed by a bead, immediately fellowsd by the Secretary, ia a ear, with Boa. I D. Xo biases, W. E. Brock, T. C Cose, Ballet. & Ward, aad Hector Allea, marched through the principal streets ef the city aad to the west entrance f the courthouse, where a platform had beea erected aad decorated aad from (Csadaaed am Page ThresJ ANSON COUNTY CONFIDENCE GAMPS OF GOTH Standard Bearers of The Two .leading- Parties- Remained. Quietly at Their Homes WOMHSPART IN ELECTION A FEATURE Have TueJVote ForPresident in Twelve States, With 91 Electoral Votes; Two Women Are Candidates For Con gress, One Democrat and One Republican New York. Nov. 0. Oa th eve of the presidential election general eonfi dence ia the result of th balloting to morrow was 'expressed ia the cam pa of th rival Republican aad Democratic forces. Political workers had completed their tasks, their leader had issued the usual final forecasts aad aothiag re mained but the work of bringing out the vote. Toaight the standard-bearers of th leading parties remained quietly at their homes, President Woodrow Wilson at Shadow lawn aad Charles C Hughes at hia hotel ia New York. Surrounded waly by immediate member of their families, the canffldgBw am Ji rsssln Ik slss tioa returns at their . homes.. , Tumor tow Mr. WHsoav will go ia Ttacetoa' to vote at ths old fire engiae nous .aear th Princeton campus. Mr, Hughes will vote in a unitary ea etta scree t, new York, aear his hotel headuartora. The weather man " baa promised generally fair weather aad moderate temperature ia moat parte of the country for eleo tion day and political Isadora said thia presaged the coming out of .a. record breaking vote. Official to be elected follow: -Presideat aad Vice-President. Thirty-three Uaited States Scaetqra. Four hundred aad thirtg-fiv ' mem bers of the Houss of Representatives. Thirty-flv Goveraora. Legislatures and other .minor State officers. A number of State will- vote oa cer tain amendments, chiefly of local later est The States of Idaho, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, SowtM Dakota, Maryland, Arkansas, aad Call fornia will, however, vote oa prohibi tion question, aa. issue that has loomed large oa the political horizon for some years past The territory of Ajalka will also vote oa thia question. In Arizona an ameadmeat for the abolition of eavi tal punishment will be up for popular decision Women's part la th presidential elee tioa ia oae of the outstanding features. Ia one-quarter of the forty-eight state women hav the vote thia year. The twelve state ef Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Washington, California, Arizona, Kansas, Oregon. Nevada, Moa tana and Illinois, The women la the last named six state have the vote tot Presideat this year for the first time. The states involved ' have ninety-one electoral votes, a little more, thaa one sixth of . the , electoral college's total votes. Mis Jeaaette Rankin, of Montana, ii running for Congress oa tke Republi can ticket and ia California Mra. Jose phine Fernald, of Saa Francisco, ia aa aspirant lor a Beat ia Conrrees aa Democrat If they are elected they will be the first women to win seats ia the National House of Representatives. Ths Progressives of Pirst Colorado Cona-ree- alonal district' also nominated a womaa, Battia K- Howard, but aha has aiaee withdrawn. (Ceatlaaed ea Page NlaoJ TAR HEELS LED IN DIVISION REVIEW Camp Stewart El Paso, jexaajtmr.- The North Carolina brigade led the seventh divisioa troops today la the big review givea by Major ueaeral Clement ia honor ef the Pennsylvania' electloa commissioners aad made a very credit, able ahowiag. The Tar Heel soldiers hav mad good ia the eyes of very body here, both la drUliag aad. ia field work. It is stated ea good authority that a brigade f iafnatry, one' rejri-, meat ef aavalry aad a field hoafRal out-' fit will be made up here.ta eeUave similar aalts with Ueaeral Pershing's eoluma la Mexico. It i met expected that aay national 'gnardsmea will be chosea for thia service. ."V u eaBBmaBssmnenmenaBBnwmBeaBaavenmaav . , Sharp Back" la FarW VI- Paris, Nov. 8. Wm. Graves Bharo. tae Ameneaa juBDassaaor to Irenes re- 1 turned to Paris today after a visit-Jte th TJaitodSUtea, ' ' - RIVAL CLAIMANTS W mi im DIVIDENDS I LUUKD fSSS35- rAs PRESIDENT svvrsn . t -hit- "w t j ii i . ii VlivV 4; rt L1 T 44 jfn vv Our it mer iOsJ TWIN-CITY GIVES il Veritable Ovation For Navy Secretary As He ' Visits ' Winston-Salem WREETED, BTtvTOOUSAJiDS Vast Throng Lines Streets To Watch Torchlight Parade. Four Blocks Long; Speaker Compelled To Address Over flow, Crowd of 6,000 Before Entering Packed Court Room ISsMtal k vm aa n l Wiaaton-8aIm, Nov. 6. Not less thaa 13,000 people lined the streets of this city tonight to honor North Carolina's distinguished son; Hon. Joeephaa Dna lels, Secretary of the Navy, as he head ed the line of men four blocks long ia a torchlight procession through the pria slpal streets of the city, finishing at the courthouse sauare. where Mr. imnten addressed an overflow meeting of nt least S.000 people for fifteen minrutee before beginning the speech in the courthouse. Bpesks to Crewaea atonse. Mr. Daniels spoke for morn thaa two bourn and held the undivided atteatioa ef hia audience, whieh packed every available inch of spnee ia th large eoart room, telliag of the great things that the Wilson administratioa has ae eomplished in three and a half short rears, winning mura applause when be told of how be bad saved tbs united States a million dollars oa three chips after he had established that meatal telepathy, had caused three armor plate companies to hid exactly tbe same pnee to supply a quantity 01 plate. He also won hearty applause when he told of hia Ceatlnaed em Page Two.) SAFE MAJORITY FOR WEAVER EXPECTED Believed He Will Distance Competitor in Tenth By 5 To 6 Hundred Votes Sn illl t W 4 OMIUM ) Aaheville. Nov. 6. Oa the eve of the slsetiea both partlee are elalmiag every thing ia sight la Buncombe county nnd the tenth distriet County tuarimaa Hayae predieta a majority ef from 1 SOO to 1.800 for Zeb Weaver aad the Democratic county ticket. Chairman Daa W. Hill elaims a majority of from TOO to 1 J00 for Jaunee J. Britt aad the Republican ticket Cvasmssional Chairmaa dob n. utae say that Weaver will eary th district while Conrressioaal Chairmaa Jaekaoa say that Weaver will carry th district by 1.500 while Coagressional Chairmaa Jackson say Britt will get every eousty except Hsywood, which Weaver will carry by leas thaa 600 majority. Be pablieaa elaims are eoaeeded te be gre teeque aad, private advice from - all parte .of ths distriet eoaeede the elee tioa of Weaver, though by a email ma jority, probably of from 550 to 600. The absence ef a a umber ef Dsms emtio voter at the border will aecwaat for this to com exteat Woodrow Wil son for President and , Thomas W. Bickett for' Governor, will sweep th district. The entire Buncombe eonaty DANIELS WELCOME SIDETRACKED I e e. RALEIGH FOLKS AND VISITORS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO SEE . SCREEN ELECTION RETURNS , On a screen in front of its building-orr Martin, street fat night beginning" at 7 o'clock The Nswa and Observer will throw return" frOffl' TB 6 UeTUbfi !ffirparlrof the State and nation. Th peoptt) rof "Rlleifh knd rialtort in the city are invited to come and see these returns. The full election service of the Associated Press will be displayed, one bulletin following- the other as the news pours in from the different sections of the country. In addition to the full service of the Associated Press the News and Observer will have its own leased wire as usual from Washington and will be enabled in this way to get much valuable information in addition to that given by the Associated Press. Still other facilities will be' provided In the shape of special service from the .Western Union and the Postal tele graph companies. Both of these great organizations have arranged to secure' and disseminate a great deal of election news. The News and Observer has arranged with them to secure their special service. Full State as well as national returns will be given, as every News and Observer corres pondent in tbe State will be on the alert to Tush the news of the battle of the ballots to this newspaper. The public is cordialljf invited to come to The News and Observer office tonight and see the returns thrown on the screen. 'Owing to the great amount of work the em ployes of the paper will have tir'do-pn the night of election it is requested that those desiring election information will content themselves with that thrown on the screen and not illquire personally in the office. The news will be put out as fast as we can get it ' BETTING ODDS NOV VEEBTOjtSIDEfJT Flood of Money Pours in Back- . ing Wilson; One Man Bets Half Million On Him - New Terk, N. T, Nov. Sv Hug see aad Wilsoa supporters asxious to eaah oa their firm eoavietibea a t whe will be the next President aaleaewaed their para strings today. Th reeuR waa the biggest bettUg day ths Wall Street dis trict has ever kaewa with approximately oae million dollar placed between the market's opening; at aiae o'clock aad ita eloae at three. - Wilaea money came lata the street ia appereaUy aaiiaaited amounts through broker who beadle eeeoaata lor stock eaehaage houses. Th odds were rapid ly backed from tea to asvea to tea te eight, thea to tea to eight aad a half. aad at the close tea to niae with both aide apparently aaxievs to get aboard at these figarea. Aa high aa two to oae wae placed ea Hughes during the early part of the eampaira. - Beta Have wise Bang,. The beta have ranged free large red apples, the staka with which CoL George Harvvy backs hia jndgmeat to half mil iars that Edward U Dohcay, a Leo Aa- LAI IS VERY M1STIC Much Good News Received By .1 he President During Course oi ,me Day. iBraw Loagr Branch, N. J, Nov. & After going over with President Wilsoa opti mistic msssagea from all parts of the eonatry, Secretary Tumulty toaight ciaimoa ine rreauuaf woald wia to morrow electloa aad woald have S7 vote la the electoral aollrge. He did set gve a list ef the State oa which ae based his prediction. Th Ptemdeat apeat the day quietly at Shadow Lawa, going out for a short time for a game of golf aad receiving a wnpuos xor a lew minute ia the alteraooa. To those who saw hia he expressed complete satisfaction ever the praepwete for tomorrow' voting. The rrsmdeat will be up sooa after daybreak tomorrow moraiag to go to rnareioa to vetss tie will make the trie) by automobile, aeeompaaied by ILra. Wilsoa. aad wxpecta to be back at Shadow Lava ia time for luncheon. In the afternoon he will play golf. Ia Priaeetoa he will east his ballot ia aa old ire engiae house aad may spend a few aala u tee visiting old frieada, - .- Th Presideat will receive the.ixa- SHADOW t T Looki Ai If Drmorrats Would Sweep The West and Part of East ' REPUBLICANS FIGHT TO CONTROL SENATE Are Making a Desperate Effort and Will Spend Much Money in Indiana, Ohio and West JVkpriia4-Rnarkabie Corn- test in Rhode Island For The Senatorship N.w, and OiwrVa, a 4H DUtrlct Nettaaal Bank Fallslng. By H. E. C. BRYANT. (Special Uaatd Wire.) ashmgtonTffovTTr It Is all over" ut the shouting in Washington, for peo ple in tho District of Columbia eaaaot vote. The drift is strongly toward Mr. Wilson and it looks tonight aa if ha would sweep the West and some ef th Republican strongholds in the North and test. F.verybody is watching Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and New York. The key to tho situation lies in that batch or Htates. The ItepuMieans are makinr a dee- perate fight for the Senate. They will spend much of their money ia Indiana, Ohio, and West Virginia in nn effort te defent Senators Kern nnd Tnggart, Pomereae nnd Chilton. Stiff fights are waging in California aad New York oa ee.natorsbips, A remarkable contest is going oa ia Rhode Island, where Peter Ooelet Gerry ia opposing Senator Lippitt, Bepubli aa. Ths coatest is close, aad maay Demoerata expect Mr. Gerry to wia. . - Of the forty-eight States thirty-oae will choose Seaator tomorrow.' Indi ana elects twe mea. Maine haa already elected two. Thirty-two raited States Bsaator wfll be elected tomorrow, . aad th Demo crats expect to elect 17, ia the following; States: Arisona, Florida, West Vir ginia, Texas, Nebraska, Indiana, Ten nessee, Maryland, New Jersey, Moa tana. New York, Nevada, Ohio, Missouri, Virginia and Mississippi. Bepublieaa leadera here claim that their candidates will defeat Messrs. Hitchcock ia Ne braaka. Kern and Taggart ia Indiana, MeKeller ia Tennessee, Lewis ia Mary land, Martina ia New Jersey, Myers ia Montana, MeCombs in Nsw York, Pitt man ia Nevada, Pomereae ia Ohio, Bced ia Missouri. Close contests are in Nsw Tork, Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana, Miaaesota, Wisconsin, Bhode Island, Tennessee aad Nebraska. The Republicans are. making a deter mined fight against Representative Me Keller ia Tennessee. Former Governor Hooper is oppoeibg him. The situntiom ia Tsaaeseee is mixed because of the ' liquor issue ia some of the larger cities. Mayor Littleton, of Chattanooga, is run ning as an Independent against Repre sents Uts Moon, and is said to have the support of many Demoerata. The rail- roads are opposing Mr. Moon because ef his position oa the question of railway mail pay. - la Florida the Democrats ars badly . split over the liquor question. .The, Democratic candidate for the Senate seems to here a good lead but it looks aa if Mr. Catts, aa independent can didate for governor, might defeat Mr. Knotta, the Democratic candidate. - In Minnesota, it is understood that many of Senator Clapp's friends will scrstrh Mr. Kellogg, the Bepublieaa candidate, aad vote for th Democrati candidate. Ia California, Hiram W. Johnson, former Oovernor and four year ago Roosevelt's running mate on the Pro gressive ticket now a full-fledged Bo publican, is opposing George S. PaMoa, Democrat Ia Connecticut Senator Geo. P. Ms Lean, Bepublieaa, is being opposed by Homer 8. Camming, former National Committeeman, Democrat. Ia Indiana, James E. Watson, BVpubH can and farmer "whip" of the House, nnd . right-hand man of TJaele JoeV Cannon ia the old day of the Big Four ia the House of Bepresentativea, is mak ing fur fly In his r: ce against Tom Tag gart Harry 8. New, who as chairman of the Committee oa Arrangements of . the 1912 Bepublieaa Convention, was credited with having a good deal to do with the progreasof the Bepublieaa steam-roller, ia fighting it out with Joha W. Kern, now majority leader ia the Senate. The Democrat in a final appeal la the voters ef the aetioa tell of tho Wil son wave of prosperity. Ia four months, under Woodrow Wil son and Democrati lawa, t'nele Sam aow exports as large a volume of American-made nnd American -grown pro- duets aa during a fnll year ef twelve moa ths under Bepublieaa administra tion aid th Payae-Aldrieh tariff. Though Meter. Hughe aad Fairbanks continue saying that American pros perity ia "temporary" aad a "fool' para-. -dise" each successive month beats ita predecessor ia breaking the world rec ord for volume ef Commerce. - Ia August the Uaited Statoo broke the record by first passing the S500XX). FINAL INS I00D FO WILSON C3lacra P ago SlxJ V i