1 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER TUESDAY MOHNINC, NOVEMBER 7. 1511 'J and Observer M. C nuun Laura ninw agsaoaaa Aim una ' Uy.m. ........ llil.a. 4a.B. liMa.H. i 11 :t . k. ............. aitess. . UttSavaw ............. 4il.sn. , . ISB.SS. COUTHUM BAILWAT. ra.sw , IMia UMp,.l ............. ' V is V. R ...a......... 4 n en, -, MseS a. BS. ....... ...... t SJS SBj, . NOKTOLK MimiUN. Ma nvata, Arrtrs n,,sSj t It 4 a. a. t tSess. ............. IMiia ... . m. &9 V sat TlaVefaV 1 :.. 11 sM a. m. t . til p. mm. OmOr Hi AND ABOUT THE CITY lumiiuili At Pilot Mllbv-A picker bouse ii being built ud an ex teasloa it being mad to the warehouse ad dyeing plant at tn Pilot Cotton Mills. - Prograaa Oa Mnreky School Building. v Work ia progressing oa the Murphy school building and it was said yester day that it would be ready lor oe cupaary by the flrst of tb year. ' Par Mora Trackage. Excavation be tween the tracks of the Norfolk South era and Seaboard Air Lino railways from the Morgan street bridge to the Norfolk Southern yards is going on for additional trackage. Ealargiag S. A. L. Yards. A 'large Teres is at work beyond Pilot Mills en . Urging the yards of the Seaboard Air , line. The contractor who is doing this work has a picturesque camp just be yond the mills. . 1 The Newt Presiding For Gas. (Jss mains ars Wing laid from Olenwood to the Stats '"laboratory "of Hygiene. Th bnttding will be a two-story one of brick and concrete and will be completed early in Iteeember. Goes To Wllkes-Mr. T. E. Brown, assistant in charge of the Boys Club work of the North Carolina Agricultural - '.Extension Service, will spend the last "-part of this week in Wilkes county with " County Superintendent C. C. Wright. Progress Oa Vladact. Good progress ia being made in the construction of the concrete viaduct for the extension of Martin street to Boylan Heights. Con crete is being poured for the pillars and frames are bring set up for the road way. Will D la Aslaeder, Mr. 8. O. Rub . inow, of the club work of theNorth Carolina Agricultural Extension Service, will spend the last part of this week at Aulander. in Bertie county, visiting the farm-life school these. Saturday, he will be in Windsor. Colonel Nickels T Be Gaest of Honor. lien. John Nichols, the oldest living Graad Master, A. F. and A. M, will be the guest of honor at the annual con cart of the class from the Oxford Orphan Asylum here on Friday night. He will occupy a special seat and la expected to make some remarks. Attend. Charlotte Pair. Mr. B. P. Folk, Pig Clnh agent of the North Caro lina Agricultural Extension Service, is this week in Charlotte attending the Mecklenburg county fair, where be has pig club exhibit and where ha is Automobile Supplies and Accessories Blue. Ribbon Metal and Body Polish. Pres To Late Tanks Exchanged. Auto mobile Pumps, Jacks, Spot Lights, Vulcanizers. Com plete Motorcycle $15.00. Ford Roadster For Sale. Firestone Tires and Tubes. Crinkley'sGarige MS S. Sellebiry Street. Phew lUt Can I Five Hundred Dollars? . A deposit of f 10.00 a month for forty-seven oaonths in our Saving Department will amount to $505.89 or a deposit of $5.00 a month for eighty eight months will amount to $504.60. . - Start now and accnmulate $500.00 m the "Savings" Department of a bank which has SINCERITY AND SERVICE in-.ita every department - Safe Deposit Boxes for the ssfe -keeping of your . valuahle papers can be rented at $3.00 a year and up. TfiQ Conncrcial ' ' XAXEIGH, THE WELCOME BANK" CALOMEL TODAY SICK TOMORROW Dose of nasty calomel - makes you sick and you lose a day's work. Calomel emirates It's mercury. Calo mel arts like dynamite oa a, sluggish liver. When calomel comes late) contact with soar bile it exashs into it, eauaiag cramping aad nausea. If yoa fael bilious, headachy, eeasu pa ted aad all knocked out, just go to yoar.druggist aad get a M eeat bottle of Dodsoa'a liver Tons, which is harmless vegetable substitute for daa geroos calomel. Taks a spoonful aad if it doesat start your liver aad straighten you up, better aad quicker tbaa nasty calomel and without making you sick, yoa just go back aad get your money. If yoa take calomel today you 11 be sick aad nauseated tomorrow; besides. it may salivate yon, while if won taks Dodsoa'a liver to yoa will waks np feeling great, full of ambition i ready for work or play. It's harmless. pleasant aad ears to give to children : they like it. Adv. also conducting a hog judgment coa test among the elub members. Committee Msetiafa. Members of the various committees appointed to arrange for the North Carolina armarsr Union which meets here November 14. 15 and 10, will meet at 10 o'clock this morning in the Chamber of Commerce assembly room. The 'directors of the Chamber of Commerce will meet at 1 o'clock to day. Tearing Dowa Old Beilsiagev Con damnation of old wooden buildings la the city is being pushed by the city commissioners and some have boea.de inoliahed, the last of thee being one next to the Trade building oa Wilmlng ton street. Two others on South Wil mtnirlnik street and three on East Davtv street have been torn down. at a - PERSONALS Mr. E. T. Knott, of Farmvllle. who spent the week-end her with his moth er, Mrs. R. F. Knott, left yesterday for Henderson fin business. He will return to Fannvillo today. Justice Piatt D. Walker left yester day afternoon for Charlotte to Vote early thia morning. He will return to Raleigh thia afternoon to get th lee tion returns. Mr. W. II. Gurkin, of Wilson, in spend ing several days in the city oa bus! ness. Mr. John D. Waldrop. of Greensboro, wss among ths visitors here yesterday. Mr. II. A. Selhy, of Wilson, spent the day in Raleigh yesterday. Messrs. W. Hay Clark and P. a Swain. of Belhaven, were here yesterday isiting. Th polls are open from 6:43 to 5:13. ote early. Jockey Killed; Two Others Injnred. in, is imuMt rtML Baltimore, Nov. 8. One jockey was killed aad two others were seriously in jured at Pimliro raeetrnrk today. Harry Tanxey, S3 years old. of Brooklyn. N. Y. fell with his mount in the second steeplechase race aad was killed. little later "Tom" Parctte had bis ribs and wrist broken by a fall. In the last race Clinton Preere broke his leg when his mount fell. RHEUMATISM PQWDERS ars made for a single purpose, Rheu niatism in its various forma. If trau tiled with rneumatlsm, try tbera oa our guarantee. Sold only by na, Sue aad 11.00. A GALLOWAY DRUG CO, Raleigh. N. C Adv. L. s. anwe a. a. Bat, w. , Tssl THE HARRY M. UZZLE UNDERTAKING CO. Hugh A. Thompson, M. D. WOODWARD BUILDINQ 0ce Hearst IS to 11; S to 4. Phanesi OfBea, Itl; Rea, 1279. RALEIGH, N. C tlWIf iiauuiuiw Accumulate I i ii Ilatiotfal Bank N. C ' I s i! i i 17A11T AD$ ucreruae- FOE KENT LAECE, SUNNY ROOM with bath. One) block postoOe. Fhon 877 B. 11 Mt. HOUSE-KEEPINQ APARTMENTS for rent. Raleigh apartments. All conveniences. Reference required. -7-3t. WANTED UNFURNISHED ..RdOM and board near Raleigw Iron Works for man aad wife. Call 1034-W or see T. T. Causey between 8 and 4 at shop. 11-7 a CONCRETE MIXER POK SALE RAN. atoms Bantam. Bought new. Used about ten day. Pries $250. Ad dress Box 23, Greensboro, N. C. 11-7 St CASH FOR PEAS, ALL KINDS. STATE price first letter. Robert Hackney, Uurnam. 11-7 7t WANTED PRESSMAN. JOBBER AND cylinder. Address Southern Chrii tian Publishing Co, Elon College, is. 11-5, 7 FOR SALE SAWMILL. CAPACITY twrtre thousand feet-xy0 nets t,-or will trad for lumber good dimension mill. Address "Long Leaf," care News and Observer. 117 2t HOTEL WANTED WILL LEASE AT oac if furnished nnd in good loca tion. Address -Experienced Hotelist," care New and Observer. 11 7 It '- WANTED TWO SALESMEN TO SELL wast paper balers. Every merchant ia a prospect and it ia a money maker for th merchant and the seller. If yon want a good job write II. Bus man, Richmond, Va il 7 tt WANTED EXPERIENCED TKAVEL- ing salesmaa desires ehsnge January first Is with old established firm and raa furnish best references from same. Is familiar general trade Eastern North Carolina. Ad.lrcss "Confiden tial," ear News and Observer. 11-7 St WANTED JANUARY FIRST, PER. snsarat position in general store ; ten years experience as salesman; com petent buyer and manager. Box 105, Rattleboro. N. C. 11 7 7t LETT ICE. tlM PER HALF BARREL basket f. o. b. New Bern, from our famous lettuce fields. This lettuce is large, fsacy snd well headed. Arnold Bros, New Bern, N. C. 117, 10. 14 SMALL WHITE TERRIER LOST SUN. nay near depot. Reward for return Express Office. 117 2t STRAYED TWO DARK BROWN mare mule. Were lant seen near Cli quey Springs coming towards Raleigh. Will give reward for information leading to recovery. Address, A. J. Htarnes, FUquay Springs, N. O, B. V. D. No. 1. llMt POSITION WANTED YOl'NU MAN who has knowledge of bookkeeping and can nse typewriter successfully wants position as office assistant. Good character, habits and references. Salary $12.00 with chance for ad vaaeement. Address Typo, care News and Observer. 11-7 It DELICIOUS FRESH STRAWBERRIES April to December. Plant food and book making stirress certain given free with plants. No fake. Full crop flrst year. Com and see acres red with berries now. Catalogue free. Continental Plant Co, KittreU. N. C. 11-7 It WANTED AT ONCE TWO WRITE Barbers. Mast be sober and reliable. Twelt dollars guarantee. Lv O. El ks, 108 Princess Bt, Wilmington, N. c. 11-7-lt IF IT IS REAL ESTATE YOU HAVE to sell, let as subdivide it and sell it at auction. W can get you mors money for your land. Carolina Realty Kaleiga. ft. U 11 i Mt SS BEtlTIFl'L, HIGH-CLASS POSTAL cards, suitable for all occasions, mail ed oa receipt of ten cents. Brown Co. 720 Driggs Ave, Brooklyn, N. Y. 10-30 lot. LET US SUBDIVIDE YOUR FARM aad sell it at auctioa. Can get . you highest prices for it. Carolina Realty I, Kaleigo, N. C. 11 lot WANTEDS MALE ATTENDANTS AT th Bute Ilospiaal at Raleigh. Address, Ir. Albert Anderson, Supt, Raleigh, I is c. li-s-at LET US 81BD1V1DE YOUR CITY. suburban property or farm lands aad sell it at auctioa. Ws can get yon BBore for your property selling it this way. We gir satisfaction. Carolina Realty Co, Raleigh. N. C. . 11 3 lot KL-NECO CI6AES QUALITY ABOVE our aiekeL Ask dealer. Braaeh- King Cigar Co, Durham. SSi, ena, tuee, t. I. WANTED BY MAN THIRTY YEARS old. pesitiea ia store Jaauary L More taaa tea years' ezponeae. - (ood rafereaeee. Address "Bters," News .4 rtw... j..- ll-Sft NITRATE OF SODA. THE CHEAPEST - Ameaia aa th market today, Imma-1 dial, ahipaaeat or aay month from Jaaaary.sMdudlag Jaa, f . . b. aar Charleston. Wilmington er Eavaaaah, fcagged aad tagged. $-per ton. less J4 per eeat aJlowahe for tar la lota of not lea taaa SO tons, taV to aoaSraatiea by asUer. Writ or wire Jaa. J. Workman. Camdea. an wossa to lots Can wttti oaon asm ae ess as allewes a ess. sasiml far a ansa tsei thus) " aaaMeJ sftav SiaS a. aw. "WANTED, AT ONCE. EXPERIENCED foreman oa concrete sidewalk, street and newer work. Give reference aad Stat salary. Writ Box 739, Wia stoa-Salem. N. C." 10-Sl-10t LOST-sBLACK - POCEETBQ0K ...BE- tweca Fowler's Bridge aad Youngs- vUle, Friday. Contained tlOOSM. ash aad papers. Liberal reward for return to M. W. Perry, Wakefield, Rout 3. I FOR SALETHE THOMPSON STRAIN Kinglet Barred Plymouth Bocks. They are prix winners. (You can writ Mr. E, B. Thompson of Amemav N. Y. for information). They are from eggs at 93J0O each. They won all of the flrst at Madison Square Garden IB 1913 aad 1914. Cockrels $1M, pal lets $IM each. Buy your chickens early so they will lay ia January. J. W. Pool, fimithneld. N. C Bout 1. 111-8, mon, tuee, wed, thurs St. WANTED 1MMEDJATELY, WOMEN attendants between the ages of 18 aad 45, State Hospital for the Insane, Nor rietown, Pa. Wages ineluds mainte nance; begin at $18.00, increased to 820.00. Training School for those qualified to enter. Graduates receive H to 850. Writ Dr. Jessie M. Peter son. 11-81 WANTED POUR YOUNG MEN AT oaee to take a barber's course. . Po sitions guaranteed when course com pleted. Writ for free catalogue Durham Barber College, Durham. 11-8, 7 WE HAVE PAID OVER ONE HUN- dred thousand dollar to people ia your State who were sick or hurt. We want good reliable agenta in every town to sell our popular "Monthly .Premium" Accident and Health Pol icie. Cash compensation aad liberal renewals. Johnson A Adams, South eastern Managers, Washington, V. 0. 11-5, 7, 10 FOR SALE TWO ONE TON TRUCKS and two 1ft ton Corbitt trucks com pletely overhauled and in flrst class condition. Good prices, liberal dis count for eash. Can be bought for part eash and balance settled by rJniDlbly nbleeVW." Z.jBush,Btand Hotel, Raleigh, N. C. 11-2 tues thura sun St. ONE SET OP NORTH CAROLINA State Reports, on set American nnd Eriglish Encyclopedia, fourteen vol umes of Cyc, N. C. Digest, Thompson on Corporations, and lot of text books, for sale quicks Box 448, Raleigh, N. C. 11 5,7 FOR SALE 8-ROOM HOME, CAMER- on Park. All modern conveniences, steam heat, hardwood floors. Close to car Una, P. O. Box 448, Raleigh, N. C 11-5,7 FOR SALE ONE 7.PA8SENGER., 1111 Model, Chandler Automobile, good condition. P. O. Box 448, Raleigh, N.O. 11-5,7 FOR SALE LOT OF FILING CAB I. nets, book eases, one new Underwood Typewriter, one Printograph with type, Check Protector, several desks, and office chairs. P. O. Box 448, Ra leigh, N. C. 115;7 OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG Busi ness man, preferably with legal train ing, to get into business with splendid future snd no competition. This place requires ability, energy, judg menr ana common sense, will pay from xa,ouo to as.ooo per year, ac cording to ability and application, Requires an investment of from $750 to 1,000. $500 eash; balance to be covered by secured notes. Unless you have the ability to grow dont reply. Opportunity, ear News and Observer. 11-5,7 ' FOR SALE 18 TON 8TANDARD gauge Hhsy-Oeared locomotive in flrst- cIhss condition, and 10 standard gauge logging cars, 30,000 lbs. capacity, in good running order, can be seen at our plant, Belma, N. C 8ulma Lumber Company, Belma, N. C. 11-5-lot. FOR BALE FINEST TRUCK AND dairy farm in State; one-half mile from town; 44 acres; three dwellings; every convenience, only $3,700; less than value improvements. J.-1 Oonella, Oaner, Sanford, N. C. j i .i, o, , MONEY IN BOARDING HOURS OLD- est. best located in Chapel HilL seats 40 boarders, joins University, churches. fronts book store, banks, drug stores, postomce. Tables, chairs, stiver, crock ery; linen included. Possession Nov; second to December 1st for 12 months. Nine rooms. Large garden. "Mrs. rVafon Barbee.- 114 5. 7. FOR BALE AT ONCE STOCK OF groceries aad store fixtures below cost. Answer before 25th. One of the best stands in city, come and see or write P. O. Box 301, Rocky Mount. N. C. 11-4. 6. 7. HOTEL WANTED! CAPABLE MAN OF 35 wtth twelve year practical experi ence, having told hia lease, wishes to secure good hotel. Willing to invest Best references. Married ; no children. 'HigB Urade," care News and Obser ver. 11-5.7 WANTED TO BUY CAR-LOAD OF Box goat. Address, Chas. C. Curtis. 331, IlamptoB, Va. 10-3O14t . WANTED AT ONCE ONE OR TWO good iron foundry moulders. Ths John A. McKay Mfg. Co, Uunn, N. C 1U-4U x.r. "PREPARE FOR THANKSGIVING and Christmas: Tea pound home made fruit cakes, .$4.00; firs pound. $2.00; cucumber aad artichoke piekles, SOe. qt,j chow ehow. 50c. I write Mrs. Jessie Wilkinson. Hel-1 hsven. N. C : , 11-3-7tl IN LABORERS WANTED AT ROCK. ton and (iranita Quarries just east of Raleigh oa th N. 8. Railway. Good ! pay. good quarters aad th best of I treatment. Keport at quarries or at 1002 Cit, Bank Bldg. Raleurh Granite Company. J, 11 S 7U TYPEWRITERS, N1W, REBUILT. seeoad haad. We hay, selL eschann aad repair all makes. H. 8, Btorr Co. UZ W. Martia Bt, Raleigh. l-7-tf Clear Bad Skla Frosa WiUla. r imply, muddy complexions are da m impuruies- - ua oiooa. ' uiear nnJ ins aaia oy using in. rviag s Aew Ufa Pills. . Their mud laxative qualities re move th poisons from the system aad brighten the eye, A full, free, aoa- - , . . griping dow.i xoovemea la -toe morn tm g u reward ,of -a-doe-of-prrf K.ing's New Life Pills the night before. C Svartz & Co. NvW pay for th following t - Green Hides TT... 2e per Ik. Green Salted Elds S3 par, Ik. Sheep Hide ........Ms he LH each Hera Bide $XM to HM each Faying th highest prices for Pure, sueh a Mink, Raccoon, Opossum, Fox, Musk rat. Wild Cat, Otter, aad Skunk Hides. : YT Ht us for quotations on old Iron, Paper, Bags, Vetala. Refereaee, First National Bank. C. Swartz & Co. DURHAM. N. C. Cut Tlowers For AU Occasions. Rosea, Carnations, Valleys, Violets, and Orchids, th leader. Wedding Flowers arranged In latest art. Floral designs artistically arranged. Fall and Winter Bnlbs are new ready, Plant early for best results. Rose Bushes, Evergreens, Shrub beries, Shade" Trees and Hedge Plants in various varieties at J. L. CQUINN & CO, Phone Hi Raleigh, IV. C ENGRAVED WsMlns laWUMeas afiS VWttne Gates) .AUrscuV. Prfcss Bmt Qaslltr Write Us. The Bell Book and SUtiotv v erjr Company KiCHMONO. TA. special bale of rUi A 4irns.r-S Walker Electric Store ' Ysrborasgh RUldlng . PrwYWw" f f vS" " 1 L. C Weathers, D. C Dr. Specialist of the Foot U 7y2 FayeMeville Street Raleigh. N. C affective la trsatla Hiini aisenmrn! ss,aoa petsooM JUJHT U II sod will sot sirieiare. sl RsHsvesls ltetaays. Parsel Post if dsslrae-i'riM II, or 1 settlas tlla. Prepared sy THE EVANS CMBMltAL CilL. CtrWIIWATI. O. Here's bby And rrumm & na dlie .My son. . Thus vre the. Evcrweil stories began. MAMMA say everybody ought to be willing to take their medicine. 8ha says it' everybody's duty to look after their health aad that of their family and to investigate tbe fair priees and courteous treatment of our family drug store. They're wnitin' to wait oa you. WAKE DRUG STORE FIGURE ON RIDING with more earn fort and esse for your wheel will be in much bet ter shape than ever when we re pair it. Nothing hurt a maehia more than turning it over to fel low who only fool with the job instead of doing it. Well do what w have done. Our past work is guaranteed. They eant beat us at ths factory.' QUALITY BICYCLE SHOP W. C. LEWIS, Prop. Ill 8. WilaUagtoa St. RALEIGH, N. C. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of the late C. B. Williamaoa of Wak County, North Carolina; I here by aotify all persons indebted to said estate to snak payment to m aad all person having claim agaiast said estate will please present th asm te um for payment on or before O. Slat day of October, 1917, or thia aotie will be rlesd in bar of their recovery.'-- Thin Orfober SO, 1914. ELIZA L. WILLIAMSON'. Admta 1st ratrix-of C. ft vntttamsoa. ds- ' ceased. Kaightdale. N. ELECTION NEWS Who's BE A NEWS BOY IN YOUR TOWN AND EARN SQME EXTRA! MONEY. SELLING THE NEWS ANP OBSERVER, Every man In your town who is not a subscriber will want Th Nws and ObMrrr "some kinder bad" this week. They will be on "tip-toe" for Elections News. Thej News and OfWrr, with its spexaal direct tele graph wires will give it to them, fully, svccnrmtely and give it first Every man and many women in your town will buy a copy each day. . Look the town over and order as many copies of The News and Obaenrer as you think you can sell. Then meet the train get them and get out and sell them. Mea aad woman will grab them at 5 cents a copy. Our price to News Boyst For Daily issues For Sunday issue You see what a big profit you can make 8 cents on each daily and 2Vi cents on each Sunday paper. Hail order Today for number your want. Send money with order as no order will be filled unless cash sent with order. Stamps will do. , USE THE BLANK BELOW Circa la Um DeaartansaL. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, Raleigh, If . C ' i Bend ma the following papersi Tneday7Xovel" paper ' Wednesday, November 8 ............. paper Thursday, November $ paper Friday, November 10 paper Saturday, November 11 papers Sunday, November 1$ papers I enclose $ to par for nam. Hav them throws eft at Depot la a bundle with my asm oa it s I can get theaa soon as train arrives. Ky Name ia i T9wm - Keep the Youthful Fires Burning! ' Youth is not a period of life, but astate of mind. The American may mature, but he never grows old. He "fox-trots" at sixty. Men young in years and men whom the years cannot age will like our "College Chap Piccadilly" Overcoat immensely. Its sleek, spruce lines clip 1 0 "years ofF the oldster's figure. , - Tailored as soft as a bandanna handker chief and impossible to muss, though you pull ed it through knothole. WIiitiiig-Horton Co. 1$ R. MAETIN STREET 1$ Tear Raleigh Leealag Clothiers PURE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS at ANCTACTCRRD BT Tejiner iPaint and Oil Company P. O. BOX 4S . t- r' BJeasaoad, Ta. Volume 171 st N. Caroliaa ReporWKeady Oct 30th, price $1.50, postage extra. Subscribers will be supplied soon as from press. . - . MordecaTs Ibue--2 Vols. Ranaal 2 Vols. J1I.00. delivery extra ; Grarory Sop, pliment 191S $7.50; Gregory's Supplanent 1915 $3.75. WE SUPPLY EVERYTHING IN BOOKS, ' STATIONERY AND OFFICE SUPPLIES. AlaFREDWIli Elected? . s . . . .2 cent a copy ' 2 Vi cents a copy 10.00, postage extra; PelEsJ v " s -sM. 11 -a Tt 1 At yonr Drnggist, f.V.-dv,