TUESDAY .MORNING, NOVEMBER 7. 191& .J-'- THE NEWS AND OBSERVER ppHffiy KLs is more than Shoe Polish ixlAl It Is composed of wax and oils so combined as to giro- a brilliant, lasting shine and to soften and : preserve the leather. . The ShkoiA HoftE Set Tha handiest, most efficient shoe shining set yoa caa . buy- at- any- price Sold at a nominal cost to SssoAusers. FOR HOME, GRIP CR ' AUTOMOBILE It all Dealer Take no Bubstltnta TAFT HOOTED DOWN BY NEW HAVEN CROWD Jfew Haven, Conn., ?Cov. 6. When former President Taft attempted ti make a political speech to a crowd of workmen at a local munitions factory . today he was jeered and hooted to such ' an extent that he was obliged to nbnn ion hii speech, after talking a few , minute. ' Speaking of the affair afterward, Fro . feaaor Taf t aaid : "I have no complaint to make. Such f demonstrations I am disponed to think. Intake rotea for the Republican party." Mr. J. M. Hod res Dni, Einitun, Nor. 8, Mrs. J. M. Hodge wife of a leading LaOrange physician and connected with several prominent families in this section, died a few days ago. fihe had beou in poor health for some time. Dr. Hodges arrived in Lfl Grange from Richmond, where be had. himself been in a hospital, a short time before Mrs. Hodges' 'demise. Fire sons and daughters survive her in addition to the husband. Mrs. Hodges waa a popular, gracious and religious woman, and her death is regretted by hundreds in this and neighboring counties. A large number of relatives and friends gathered at LaGrang for the funeral. . V V "0 S3 Xt aL- or Narc3TIC. SfcaVSrJnatWot WAV "'V7f 1 riftffiSy WOW For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears tho Signature of l IK ClAllr y Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years THE PAINT STORE Devoe Best Colors in Oil. Ground in Pure Linseed Oil In Paste Form. We have In stock the followlrijr: ; IS Tb Cant J imib Caa f Venetian Red, French Yellow tb caaa I Ochre, French Zinc, Roman Green. 1 Caaa " 1 lb Cans Lamp Black, Coach Black, Prussian Blue, Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Indian Red, Rose Pink, Scarlet Vermilion, Chrome Yel low Light, Medium and Dark, Chrome Green Light, Medium and Dark. " r L Vi lb and Vi l& Cana PniMlan Blue, 1 lb, Vi lb and U lb Lamp Black, Dry. Also complete, line Devoe Lead and Zino Palmar Stains, Enamels, Shellacs, Roof Paint, Floor Paint, Deck Paint, Hard Wax Polish, Brushes, etc. . Pratt and Lambert "Vitrolitt?" Enamel, "61" Floor Varniah, Exterior and Interior Varnish,, Auto Enamel, Hard OIL Japan Dryer, etc Trua-Con" Technical Paints Concrete Floor Hardener and. Enamel, Stucco Paint, 'Waterproofing' Compounds, etc. "Keygtona"- Flat,' Sanitary. WaahahU WnTy Taint. Large stock Uevoe Artist Materials. "TRY US FOR ANYTHING PERTAINING TO PAINT OR PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. Mcdonald & thomas, inc. RALEIGH, N. C " ' ; ' '-' joax c. Mcdonald .. . jim thomas I1J B. WUsslagtem St. rkmtuTtftt: GREAT RALLY HELD IN ANSON COUNTY KCenUaaed free Pag One.) which tie ' speakers faced nor than lira thousand people. The first speaker of the occasion waa T. C Coxa, wno inrroaucea lion, xa ir. Robinson aa tha next Congressman from the seventh district, "ilt. Bobinsoa made a happy apeeeh expressing Implicit con fidence 1b a victory lor toe uemoeratie ticket la both State and nation. He in troduced Solicitor W. E. Brock, who in most pleasing manner presented tha guest of honor. Secretary Joaephua Daniels. Mr. Daniels speech waa lis tened to" with ct6B"atteha6n: " Ha was applauded frequently and vociferously. Beginning at 11 o'clock he expounded pure Democracy for nearly two hours and coneluded bis most entertaining speech only because he waa compelled to catch the Southbound train for Winston-Salem.; Following Mr. Daniels' speech, Mr. James A. Loekhart told the audience he waa going to introduce lhe best speaker in the State, presenting to them Hon. Hallet S. Ward, of Washington, TJ. C. I'gr more than two hours Sir. Ward entertained this vast audience in a manner as amply to justify the in troduction of Mr. Lockhart. When he would make a pause, as if to conclude the erowd yelled "itood," and ho con tinued his "hot stuff" Democracy to the delight of his audience. The audience, which had been on its feet for about five hours, showed no signs of fatigue at the conclusion of Mr. Ward's address. A Wadeahoro audience has never heard a better speaker, and a speaker has never been given such undivided attention. k Highest Shown Up As Dodger. Secretary Daniels was effective in bis ridicule of the masterly footwork of the Republcan presidential candidate in his seareh for an issue. In these acrobatic acts Hughes was followed by the long list of leaser lighte in the party at trusts and monopolies and periodical panics who could only argue that the things President Wilson has done ought not to have been done, but beyond this they could dance to no other tune. First, said Secretary Daniels, Mr. Hughes got out his harpoon to use on President Wilson's diplomatic policy, but wiser counsel prevailed and he shied from future, indulgence of criticism of the ap pointment of an ambassador to France. In criticising Mr. Wilson because of his Mexican policy he sounded another false note, for immediately the Ameri can people asked the question: "What would you have donet" If Mr. Wilson refused to recognize Huerta and Mr. Hughes said he did wrong the natural assumption was that Mr. Hughes would have' done so, but Mr. Hughes would never commit himself. Conditions, the Secretary said, would be much better in Mexico today than tjiry are but for the encouragement Republican papers and peakera are giving to the era of as aassination that has proven popular down there. American agitators have persistently stood infahe way of a peace ful settlement of not only Mexican af fair but have brought about a relation ship between the United Ptates and Mexico that has required all the tact and diplomacy of Wilson'a inaterly mind to prevent leading to war between the two countries. The Republican campaign apeechea have been belligerent and if they do not foreshadow war in event of Hughes' election they do not mesn anything. The people in every section of the country are not willing, said Secretary Dsniels, to have conditions changed: with the honor of the country fully maintained they want no war ; they are not 'willing that the country shall be plunged into a bloody and wealth , des troying conflict that can serve no pur pose other than to meet the will of a few whowould reap the profits'. Tho fathera and mothers of this country do not want their sons in the trenches at the behest of cattle men and mine own ers, and if Roosevelt's bloody policies are to prevail a million American hus bands and sons will be at once convert ed into cannon fodder. "If the Hughes recognition of Huerta and his so-called 'firmness,' which should be called jingo ism, with the German emperor In.l pre vailed, "who", asked Secretary Daniels. "doubts that war would now be cursing us as it curses Europe 1 It was prevent ed and American rights secured by firm diplomacy, and it could not have been prevented if the Rooseveltian and Hughes war theories had dominated the aian at the White House". Jostle of Bight-Hoar Law. The speaker referred to the attempt to make an "issue out of the eight-hour law. Pointing out the dangers that threatened the country when tho eight hour law was passed, he said: "The eight-hour law wa passed. The first step was taken to secure, a better 1 situation and avert the possibility of such demoralisation at waa narrowly averted. The President and Congress were praised by patriotic citizens for having averted a catastrophe. Not a word from Hughes or any Republican! More Republicans In the House voted for it than voted against it. Not a word' from Hughes er Roosevelt! The President signed it. Only faint criti cism from railroad circles, high-up. Suddenly the Wall Street ownera of big railroads thought they aaw in the eight hour law aa issfie to vitalize their cam paign corpse. Then was raised the rry that the President and Congress had been sandbagged and held up by labor, and appeal were made to the country to resist government by force I For a few day that Issue waa exploited valiantly by ataadpat eratora, and the Republican campaign chest waa filled with contribution from those who re sented the right ef organised labor even to ask for an elgbi-hour law. They de manded aTaoaopoly of fixing the hoar of wage, ranging all the way t aixteen. It was U right for Booeeveit, la a pan is, to promise immunity to the steel trust when It violated the law. But it wa all wrong for Coa grass -to accept the verdict of society that leek te aa etght-heut lit Industries "havis g labor that to constantly employed. Bat. yea. ha sot heard that Isaac paramonnted I mush ef late, have youf The Re publican boose raised it .to get big cam paign contributions. The shekels rolled la like in Mark Hanna' day, T&aa they woke np one morning; to find that so ciety approved the legislation, that business men refused to become excited ever the beating of the tom-toms, and that th. men who toil for wages had resolved to vote for Wilson' because he saw the justice of the eight-hour pre-' vision for which they had long contend ed. Now whatt Moat ataadpat orators, whe declared If was an eight-hoar day and therefore wrong, are new ' telling thtt 4t i mna aa ighi-hnnr law nH ;Sj 'r C B Mi : .. . '?..) :Gluck - - IP BS "Zimbalist yts? H: til am ... .;-.- v i w m- - -w I It i r a, t m - - M h 11 Si H mmm mm mm. m in an exquisite lullaby A new Victor Record Among the- many charms of Victor music arc -numerous iehtfuLscleciiQns internreted bv world-famed ill 1 jSf S in rntrim btnation. , : Such a record is the new Gluck-Zimbalist presentation of the favorite little hillaby. "Sing Me to Sleep." Gluck sings it with a clear and simple beauty that is superb, He throbbing notes of Zimbalist's violin express exquisite emotion. Through their united artistry this dainty, touching number takes on a new and greater appeal. Sing-Mo to Sleep Alma Crack and Ef rem Zonbnllst Victor Red Seal Secord 88573. Twelve, $3. Gluck and Zimbalist both appreciate that only the Victrola is able to bring their art into your home with unerring truth, and so they make records for the Victor exclusively. It is this absolute fidelity that has established the supremacy of the Victrola; that has attracted into the ranks of Victor exclusive talent the greatest artists of all the world. Go to your nearest Victor dealer today and have him pUy for you the new Gluck Zimbalist record or any other Victor music you wish to hear. He will alto jladly demon atrate to you the various stylo of the Victor and Victrola $10 to $i0& Victor Talking Machine Co, Camden, N. J. Important wainanav Vlcsw I Victmr WnHu er Ti k eaSst? alayMl aa , rW Vaster im V ictro raaCairlsSsilianf-playadaalywuSi vviitisl . VtctsrRaoonl i with J m ,l,s or etkw npredodat patnta, mi X a iUm aa the XSak af sack SMata to tTy to sliow them up when they were wrongi for it docs no" good becauae they are so nimble fhey are on both aide of this as every other question. "And now on the eve of the election. the standpatters find themselves without an tame except that unless tb KepubU eana are returned to power the country will go to the poor house after the war ends in Europe. They nay fool a few superficial worshipper of. the God of Kstortionate Tariff, - hut nobody else. No thoughtful American who reflects that fifteen million men have been kill ed or wounded in the European war, fear that American industry will be destroyed whef the war end. They hnow this country will have to eiert itself to furnish machinery to help the warring countries reconstruct their dee- 10 cents -Yo Lowell-brewed afternboneiTyoiir rich chocolate, your fragrant coffee,', til taste the better when terved with Social Tea Biscuit. Delicious biscuit; delicately flavored, ' always, fresh and wonderfully good. Social Tea Biscuit' enhance tho enjoy ment of all refreshment NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY " troyed industries.- Nobody can be artrri into voting the Republican ticket by this "bogle man." It la a ware crow and Americans have eye to see the wooden arm and wooden head (ticking out They also eee that it Is only wooden head who Invent inch ghost stories to frighten voter. . j "What remain for the Eepublkan hope of victory f Only on thing n eiample in arithmetic. They take down the vote of four year go, add Taft'i vote and Booeevelt's together, find that it exceeds Wilson1, and then pin their faith to uniting these two vote. That and a big campaign fond is all that is left. They have forgottea that this 1 a radically different world from that of 1912, and that the man who supposes men will vote In 1916 upon the old is sues ef lOK dont knew the silent revo lution that ha been going on in this country a revolution against blind partyism and a revolution that makes men desire a continuance of Wilson's peaee and prosperity cnor than they ear for the aueeess of sy party or any candidate. It fs this revolution that will confound Bepubllcan arithmetic and peeaimlsm. It is tht revolution that will justify faith la our eonntry a ln caraated in Wilson and his administra tion." Mrs. Magri McGalre Dead. pci.l MM Wira.) MeOulre, mother-in-law of Charles U. Martin, secretary te Senator Overman, died at her home here this morning at 7 07 e'eloek. 1 tier remains will be car ried to North Carolina. The funeral will take nlaee at Hmithneld. her native town, at I ;S0 tomorrow. Interment will be made at SraithfleM, ' ' hlra, UaUuire leave a husband, two daughter. Mrs. Martin ad Mr Wil liam IL law iter, caa sea. Milton a ifsOeiM ef Warreaten. a sister, Mrs. Williams, wife ef s-6euator A, II. Wil liam ef Oxford, aad two brothers. hfra. MoQuir had been in feeble haeJth some time, Bhe wae abeajt 00 year ef age. -The poll ar opea from 6:43 f CiU. , f HELP ORGANIZE CHARITIES.- Rv. B. 8. Btephenson, superintendent of the Associated Charities, at Greeav ville Wednesday night will assist in or- ganizing a charity board at that plaev Mr. Htepbenson received a talegrmm yen 1 terday aaklng him to be present an4 aid in the organization and he ented. - , 31 Good Old Home-Made Family Cough Regtedff eek Bettsw tfcaa tts 1 Haste Klasl aatly su rnea4r rwmt hs2SZSZ525ZSZSZ5Z525Z5ZS2SZS2SsTi If yoo combined the curative uiutsarvj tie of every known redr-sdV oooarhj remedy, you would hardly nave inythass) all the curative power tai Re in tau) impls "hoine-made" eouifh syrup whiefcj takae only n lew ulnoUe to prepare. Get from any dnunriat SVs otmeea 4 Pines (50 cents worth), poor it into pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. The total eosi la about 64 eeoU and give yon a fall pint of really better cough syrup tha) you could buy ready-mad for S&ttty lasts pleaaaat and never spoils. l his rtnea ana ugrwTcp prepare, tlon vte right at the cause of a coug ! aad rives almost Immediate relief. 1 scope tne aaaxw loosens the chiasm. threat tickle and aeala tha sore, lrrw tated mrmbranee that line the throe, chest and breoehial tube, so mU and easily that it ia really astoeisainei, A day's as will uauallv overcome the ordinary eonre. aad for bronehttia. croon, whooping eonrh and branch ml asthma, there ia nothmg better. Fines la mot valuable eotceatrst4 compound of reaulne Korway pine en traei, combined with roaiaeol aad ha been used for generation t break a eever eougha Te avoid dlsappolntinetit, be euro te) ak year ennrist for "24 eeraos ol inner" with full directions, and don't accept anything else. A guarantee 4 abeolute eatiaractioei e mower promr-sa It refimaea. wo wrm Ui TfeBankfc U Ia Co, It, IVarne, lad, H llVl in $ha patten M f god, J i Ul