ni-aiD aw., I aii ft alinm st lite dOa se, ear earn, A vf aaa ream a as. Uacmr'- ev see r-e--. r-l ml ta rat mt aea ta Aa aeeeh of Waist eaj. Of Hast lavs that Mt Aa Bsrmat treta Stealer-1 OW asanas sow anal J .at asam, n mm I M'ar Iwnl, 1W Ml Ml ear vee vela. Kf we a taMlkairti yetl "!- -Over fwesat the mM. Fat Mm will Save Ue war, mt Mi Ant w-ra, as ear far taM Aie wwV se smart r :" TU1 mVe fair eea aaa- eeV, Bat BMil etlu mt Mtawan tares, se we era naiiarn ret I B is rennud that those wishing to telpha matter (or thia put do m after IP. M. ICa ITelea Bonner, of Blrmlng Hi Ala, ll vlaitlns Mr. Ernest Oiiik. Shank at flt. Mary. Cs Ansa Bold Andrews, of Char lotta, who it teaching ia Wait county, peat the week-tnd with MIm An nit Shaw. . Mr. George Lewie and family, of TaUshaaeee, )1t, art visiting at the home of Dr. A. D. Bawkina oa Hlount atreet- Mia Mary Wlm hat returned f ram a abort via to Durham where aha was lit neat of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Hib berd. -Mrs. E. A. Klee yesterday returned M Bar tome la Baltimore afU'r remain ing her for two weeks after the X her mother, Mra. K. E. Tucker. ICao Kst Steven, of Ureentboro, aaa returned home after spending the weak-ead with rriendt and relatives. Mra J. T. Barber, of CharlntU, haa arnred ia the city for a stay of several Oart with Wen da. fr-Anm How -eotirnai and'Httl daughter were (a the city Buaday night ea root irom unapel Mill to New York. Miaaea Mary and Ileasi laulkner, of Bmitb-tld, aad Miss Kffle KarHry, ox uominoro, epent yesterday in lfl igh aa guett of Mr. A. V. Buth. Thia evening from to 11 la recrea tion evening at the Woman'i Olab, rioni iku, ana reserve a table. Ad. Coatlsaea Critically I1L Mia Iltti O. Freeman, daughter of Mr. Patti I). It. Freeman, continue aritically ill ut Rei Hospital. Taraday Afternoon Club. The Tueaday Afternoon Club will meet at 4 o'clock thia afternoon with Mr. Carey J. Hunter. Announce Bagagemaat. Mr. aad Mr. B. B. Icy anaounc the engagement of thtlr daughter, Ague, to Mr. Juliaa J Laut - Tht wed diag will take place la December. 011a Podrida ab. Th Olla Podrida Club will meet at 1:45 o'clock thia afternoon at the horn of Mr. A. J. rUd oa North Blount street. PaHalghtly Jterlew Qah. Th Fortnightly Review Club will meet Friday afternoon lnetead of thia aftamooa with Dr. Delia DUon-Carroll at her home, "N'ordel HiU," la Bloom bary. Jobato,Pttlgiww Chapter. Th Johaeton-Prttigraw Chanter, palled Daughter of th Confederacy, postponed its regular meeting to Wednesday, Norember 18. when it will be held at th bom of Mr. T. IL QalTart, Wedding Invitations that are distinctive not alone because of the recognized superiority of the engraving, but for the high quality of the work in general. The) authoritative booklet. Etiquette of Wedding Sta tioMry, and samples will be sent on application. Edwards & Broughton Printing Company Serial Rutter aad Engravers KAUC1GH, NORTH CAROLINA i Heller.Bros. WRITE FOR OUR NEW HOTEL AJae . Th L """" Taylor aav m am 600Iooii40rjihT II , 3aB' - sasjeeateat for lamsiia, sees4af I TheBrobchis Fashionable It is the YOsTue among smartl dressed women because it is beautiful, useful and appropriate for street And evening costumes. The style is to have - brooch to match each - costume. Come 'into Jolly & Wynne's and see the new brooches. We have a wonderful stock to se lect from, if you are seeking a stylish orna ment for yourself or to give a friend. JOLLY & WYNNE Jeweler aad Oateatetrists 1M Fayetterill Street Fla Watch Repairing a Specialty Attended Daaea Bar. Measrt. Carl Daniel. Wilber Joyner, Earl Wnitherby, Claude Trogdrn, and Pain, of Urecaaboro, who - came here Saturday and attended th dance at the auditorium Haturday night, returned home Sunday afternoon. ... WiU Attend Wedaiag. Mr. and Mr. D. B. roindezter left yeterday for Iynehburg, Va., to attend the marriage of Mfi Poiadeiter'a niece, Mln Betnie 0111, to Mr. Bradley Thomaa. After November 36 th bride and groom will be at hom at Bant F, N. M. - Miaa Herring Betnraa. Mia Eat M. nerving, of th Bureau of Education, Bute Board of BealUi. ha returned to her a flic after having attended many of the eoaaty fair of th State with a health exhibit of th board. MIm Herring last week was ia Fayrtteville and Bonkingham. J Dr. Wnltaker Improving. , Mr. Joel D. Whitaker returned yee terday from Indianapolis, Ind., where he viaited hi son, Dr. Joel V'hitaker, who 1 confined la th Msthodiat' ITor uital there, reeovering from injuries re ceived in aa automobile eneident. Th many friend of Dr. Whltaior will be glad to learn, that he la steadily Im proving. e Appreciation For New aad Obeerver. Th Ntwi aad OIrvr aeknowlcdget with thank and appreclatioa th re ceipt of th following not from Mr. Pvii1!a A. Nnrrl. ehalrmaa of th eorreepondeaeo committee of th Caa- well Nash Chapter of th Daugntar or the American Bevnlutlon: "The Caawell-Kaah ChADter. D. A. R- wlahe to eipraei keenest appreciation of Th New aad Obeerver't gneroua apace given to publicity, aad full re port of all aetaion of th Stat con ference and mention of the function! given complimentary to the vlaiting Daughter. LADIES' TAN LACE BOOTS "ONE OF THE NEW ONES" STYLE 7029. PRICE $6.00 TAN LACE. IM'P TIPS, FRENCH HEELS, HIGH CUT. All Sises in Stock Now. Raleigh, N. C. FALL SHOE BOOKLET MARTINIQUE vei iMwesway, jM M jjg 3 NEW YORK. mmss4 weta srae aw -ggegQ PER DAT 83.0O PER DAY AttretS., Reaes tresa It SO. tcoTuyp ygcK. - SeotUad Nsck, Noy. tA delightful wMtLihl iag Mrs. U. U MePowU, a reeeat bride. aad Mia Hilda Haaeoek. a eoajUg bride. ookwataamntemBt forth' afternoon, there being aix table. On ash tabU ware fomr little boaee ef mint, whU th table marker aad teerc card were eat aad witehea. Mr. Bin tor ana was givta a beautiful ylkw roKMa wora bag. Ta koaoree wr . a . T . . - , Ikreeented with bMntifK vallow aaa. broidered fudg aprena Aa elogaat ealad coura was trrved. All were tar a Invited to th dining room, which watj aauauallw attractive. Ia th eeater ef imhv was m auaiauin wvj. twwm which red ribbon, ending ia as little bell, reached to the edge of the table. The were drawl aaff appropriate for tune wane attaeoed, which war read. Mtit Haneoei palled the last ribboa. Iaatead of a fortuae ah drew aum bera of dainty erepe d ehiaa aaadksr ehrafa attached at interval ta a. rib bon, tthe thanked th gneste meet charmingly for the evidans of their lov. Arouad th edge el the table were witch Blled with aalted aaU A th guests war departing they were given on of the. Th Hound Tabl CInb waa taiaed by Mr. O. Hoffman Tavaday afternoon. Th principal baeineaa was th dUK-ussioa of plan lor a pontic library. Monday evening at th hom of th bridt't parents. Mite Phob radhaw wa married to Mr. 1. T. HarrelL It waa a quiet affair with only a few latl mat friend present. - Arriagtaa Barrett. Wilson, Nov. 8r Saturday afteraoea ia Bt. Timothy' lipiasope) churoh at th hour of 8 o'clock waa aolemnltsd th marriage of Mis Anai Bynum Barrett, only daughter of Mr. and Mr. J. . Barrett, aad Mr. Charles Hammond Ar rington, of Rocky Mount. The church wa moat artistically decorated. At th appointed hour the wedding party arrived aad proceeded to th altar in the following order t Th uahera. Mr. Richard Bynum. of Farm ville, with Mr. Scott Bill, of Jtoehy Mount, and Mr. Tom Hackaay with Mr. Tom Aver, of Rocky Mouat Th maid of honor, Ml Amy btookard, of Kaleiirh. who wot a beautiful gown of browa aatia with gold trimming!, and Dictur hat of brown aad gold. Bh parried an arm bonqnet of hag yIlow rhrvaanthemuma. Then runt th bride, leaning on u arm of hr f atbmr, wearing a aaadaom snlt of blue valour with Hadsoa trimming, eorsag bouquet of valley lUiea and orchids Bh earned a prayer honk with a thower of valley U Thev were met at the altar byth groom and hi brother, Mr. John U Arrington. f Korkv Mount, wa aetea as dssi man. The imnreniv ceremony wa per formed by Rev. Joseph H. Hynum. el Wiatoa, eoaU of the brids, aad Be. Morrison Ikthea, rector of th ehureh. There were originally two eerrieea, hetrnthal and the marriage t an Inter val separated three servioe aad tay era made at different time ia th Tn tha EnitroDSJ Chare MrU . nreaervsd a different Part of ii aarvira enlv a few MOtid aad alla-ht chang of posiuoa maraug FAB. P. BROWN IL J. Brown Company, Funeral Direrton. Egtablithed 80 Years 1836-1916 Autumn 7oslloiu inspire the dominant thought of the moment In the feminine world. Hats, faclnating and original at MISSES REESE & CO. Phono 596 109 Fayetteville Street r DON'T NBGLECT TOt'B COLO Neglected eolda get worse, lnetead of better. A stuffed head, a tight theet must be relieved at oaee. Dr. Bell' Pin Tar Honey 1 Nature' remedy. Hoaty and glycerin heal th irritated membraat, aatiaepti tar looeena the phlegm, yon breath aair aad your old la broken up. Pleasaat to take. Dr. BeU't Pine-Tar BBy Is aa ideal remedy for children at wen a pa. At year Draggiat, Ittev Adv Tho "Smarf and "Unuaw!" In Millinery Millinery that eom bines th chie aad martaesa of youth with th conser vatism of good tatte. MRS. FRANK REDFORD "nTUItaerr af DietlBetlea' etLt -Nai m FLORISTS Correspoadaase SolWfted - .VAN LINDLEY COMPANY OSEENSBOaO. K. CC PAUL D. GRADY J Attornef-at-Lme flMlt Osa aattlal Bsak BalUlaaV Raleigh, N. C JBHLI7S and obshiver 1 School Day! aro1 ''Joy Delyil tO It bof or whose body is prpp-j ttYf nOUTfehed With food . 1 .i , tQAt BT riCh Ui nJU9Clw; , malrfrw brain buildinsT elal 1 T" T? .TT' ', HientS toat T CaSUJ Glge8tj - f trMted. YoUHgteTB afed OD' Sbrtd4e4 Vheit Ehcoit e9 rbS of the boanco nd !' buoyancy that belOOg tO t ., , , ,. , m. tx..t KA tm gTOWllljT CalOdreD bff BTBt it contahn afl tht material needed fcr boikHns; rncade. - bone and brairi, prepecred h "a (Ugretibie ianrC One or two rSatulti fcf breakfast with tnCst tfv a boy cc girl a food Mart for ibu6$jji Readj-mked and rmAy to-eere. liade at Kksam FaaXR Y. . . . . . t tha akaage. Th betrothal ia made at the ahaaael step aad the Baarriage' proper a la altar rail. Loasagria' weddlag marefr waa ased aa a prnrtttaal aad Mtadalaaoha' for a rtttawoaal. haadsoms array af preeeat from mead of awral Btats attest the wide popalaity af the brida aad free. They left lotatedlately far aa astaai d trip North. They will be at ken after November IS, Chare street, Soeky Mosul. The out-of towa gustta wares Mr. A. W. Antagtoa. mother of the groom ; Mr. T. J. Hackaey. Dr. aad Mra. M. a Braewetl. Ml Emily BrsswelL Mr. and Mra. E. U. Johaaoa. Mr. 4 ward Johaaon, Mia Mary Smith. Mr. aad Mra. A. W. DowdJag, all oX sVx-ky Uonatt Mies Maria Moesiay. af Kla atoa; Mia UU Beet, of Alleadala, & O.j Mr. aad Mra. a 8. Bhepaard. MIM Ta bitba D Yisneate, Mr. Jtesph H. By num, all ef larmvUJ. Th poll ar epea from 0:il to 6:1. vote early. INVESTIGATION OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE RIOT AT EVERETT Witnesses Claim First Shot Came From Boat; I. W. W. Will Press Murder Charp Everett, Wash. Nov. t-Invastigarlea tarts d today to determine reopoaalbihty for th death af lint Char Is Curtis, deputy sheriff and reserve officer af the Washington National (Hard, ahot aad killed yeeterday wbea oa auadred and Ifty armed tltitea clashed with 150 or more Industrial Worker ef th World who war attempting to land here from a steamer. The death today ef Jeffenoa Beard, ef the itlaa poss brought th fatalities ta seven tee of tha poea and Bv iadoetrial worker. Wit esse tasUSed today at tat aera aer'a lsqueet that th tret ahot am from th boat soon aftr it tid ap at th pir. Th Iaduatrial Worker am here oa aa xurieu eaarteriag th ataaat Taroma for th trip from Sea tie. After th shooting th Verona re turned to Seattle, where nearly tOO of th esenrsioalsta were arrestsd aad are atiU la UL tXreet meeting had beau planned la Everett, where a apiadl wvr' atrik ha been ia pr pgr ass aad th ettlsta poos wa orgaaued ts prevent the peak era snd thaig frlead from lead ing. Arrests Ia Salt Lakt CKy. Bait Lake City, TJtak. Nv. eWBia 40 SUITS Values to 857.50 Special $33.75 TAYLOR'S Furnishing Company Strictly up to the minute in style coupled with popular prices. Only the most' fash ionable materials associated with guaran teed linings. While up street today drop in and look this ite yet once over. It will pay you. The Bat Coat Suit Stylas Arc Har. mea have bsea arrested within the mat two weeks la connection with ta ran alng down ef aa orgaaited gang of dynamite auepaeta, tt bsesmt known ts- day. Nitrfflyria, fuses, caps, powder aad ether txylosiv were fouad oa thm of th mta uader arrest, th pcAea toy- Asoordlng to th poUee, U mea ar under euapieioa. It waa arat thoaghl that thee mta wr oa tktir way t Krtrett, Washmoton. A aaa wart dropped by a.of the priaeaera about th aaaivaresry of Joa HiUitorms deatk going to be aalabrated tala msata. ha started aa laveetigatMa which may reveal tha real abject f tht band ef 1 at pet ted dyasmitera gathsrkig her. HUlMorat, aa Industrial Worker af tt World, leader was executed her a year ago for the murder af a caul UM merchaat. LW.W. Will rraaecate. (kattl, Wash, Nee. eV-Srbert Mahler, aerUry-trMrr af the Seat- U hsadquarttrt ef th Industrial Wrk- tr of th World, today gav th folltw lng tlgaed ttatemtat to Th Astoeisted Pret coaeeralag Soadar'g riot at Cverettt "W are going to tharge every ea f U vlgtlne tommKtee at stverett wttk murder, aad If poaaibla, bring a flaUlar eharge agalatt vry member tt th Everett Commercial Club ea ah ground that they organised a bead ef maa baadlara aad Inttrueted tksm what tt do. W hav ywitaaa af Suaday't elasa rrom among tas ma ea shore si well aa those oa th beat, by wham w eaa prov that th first (hot wat f red by th vigilaaee aoatmittea. Thia Ight, really, ia a part of tha epea akep em palga waged by th aftaafaatiirwa Aa soeiation all along th Pat ill aoaet, -(cUgaod) H&BEBT U MAELM. Effort t Udoee Fraak P. Walth. former ehalrmaa of th fedaral Indus trml Sslatioaa Cesmlaioa, te tak chars ef th dsfeasa af th laisetrlal Wrkr of th World In jail here, ar belag aaade by Wa. XX Hayvaed, ga ral teeretary-trsasiiTer of th organ lia- tloa, aeeerdlng t a tslagram reesived tossy ay atahiar rrom Mr. Hayweod, wk ia tan Chicago, JOHN h. atuaiKy died whili TtATlNa IN BAUD AT BALLY Beesfart, Nov. 0v John H. Skarroa. chief of police af Beaufort, alee a mem ber of ta Beaufort bead, d rapped dead a th atraat tesight wall plaViaff with tna oeaa ai a peirueai rally, air. ( ra bad been thief of polio far twenty year. B leave a wife aad va htld- rem, beside a beat ef friend. B wa ifty year eld. t . Navy BeUaf Society Ball. ' Waaklnrtoa, Nov. . air. Joaaokai Das Is Is, Mrs. Qlenaon, wlf of th om maadant af th navy yard, aad Mr. Oeo rr Basnet t, wife ef tht sommtadant at ts marus barracks, will he la the roeeivlng tia at th ball to; be rlvea Thasksgiving aigkt U tha sail loft at th asvy yard nndar th auapl af tha Navy Belief Soaiety. The ball, wftlch ia aaa af ta Urgeet aad mt brVUaat ef tt charity ball giva at Waablar tea vry aeassa, has heea edvaacsd U daw thia year, wbca tt will b aaa af tt art of tk large aaaeo. Final Inspection Looks Good For President Wilson (Teartlneiid frees Page One.) - 000 mark lav velum af monthly xporta. Ia Beptsavbec, Mtortlag t agnre jaat pablM bp tt Uepertmeat of Coat- ue jurtp-ay axpon reeord rase ta SfiOJUlMh whiek 1 far aad asrap gv eater tbaa any aatlon oyer before expert, ta a aiagla mea Ik. la 10 dajra Amertaaa prvdaeert nr lac abroad, saer good tbaa seek aatloaa a Italy aad Japan aaarfcat la a pear, aad- more even tkaa tk United Btato axported la aay pear , ! - L Bring Out Your Hiddea Bemurj k ta fkkr m hnh aasa. Ms. j lm I am 1 1 is tkl ia-jlii vesta Nitr tnaa, vaut a4 ltmsifia skat esti we frmtl 1 uiDAY no;::a:G, no vein VALUABLE ADDITIONS TO OUR COAT STOCK You can't buy the best Coat for the least money without purchasing from The Fashion. " CoatS-'o'thfldren ConiStor Juniore CoatS for Misses CoatS for Ladle THE FASHION Kaplan Bros. Co. Raleigh, N. prior to 1879. la'Augnat aad September tk export total amounted to 11.022.000,. 000. TW U rtaUr than any full yesr'i record of tk Calted Btatet prior to 1897 aad greater tkaa th aanual record of aay foreign aatloa except th Uniud Kingdom, Germany aad tt Nether lands. Moreover, it equal tk erarag lx moatht' record of tk United Kingdom or of thia teas try uadar th Paynt-Ald-riek tariff. If .w coaaidtr tha full IS mea tat trtending September SO, we have aa export total approximating 15,000, 900MO. Tki la greater than th BrktUb aad Oarmaa xport lutali embined, aad about tBOOfiOOflW largtr tkaa aay tar year uader the !aya-Aldrtek tariff la thia tatry. , Tk wojaaa vot 1 going to Mr. WU aaa. Tha rsasea for tt. Mia Ooastaae Praaal say, iai There are many reason! why woman hwald support Wilson. Th new lrg islatioa under kla ad mia 1st ration which a-Pretldsnt EUet of Harvard character ise aa ranurkabla laeludrt muoh of apeelal iaUresV to tain. His thild labor bill, th rural credit bill aad th rderl reserve bill all directly affect th hom, tk averag koma, th in daatrioat people' hornet ia eity and touatry, ror vr forty ysart th aaor progvttsiv part of tk Republican party Beta trying to get the taing don. Prteideal Wilson' Democratic admialatratloa at last accompUkd them. "Ia tki splendid record women see prom 1st of U11 better thing to some ia aaothtr four year of Wilton admin is- trattea. But it U, afUr all. bU atti tude ea tt peace aad war question wktaa U appeallag to them moat keenly. Ha la aafely guarding ear herder while, arauad tk eoaasil tabl. thre duly appaiawd epreataUya af liaxlso and tare from America ar trying to Sad 1 nght solution befor iactead ef after aetlea wsst af live aad prop erty. If thia aot a woaderfal example hi tha ailln uM ll.t MA- M . . . . ' I - I I WW- -N. wwMWW mm xsr tae pox ox wemsa ia ia TlvNatwvt Shortening" I IMM1sTm11lBIllmKlf NEW" 1 I Cght and appetL(ing ' in appearance and I I 6avor. : I' r I V gfocer will da-hrer CottoteM rego- I i ' mm T- V I lari In larga or amaH paHa. Oiva him your I rv:?ll - order today. . V,,,,, I ' IjL-a TtuntsrTisi aTTaTrr-Ti i-r-iri rT ' - PictuTM Excloalraly ' a Tday Columbia Pictures Corp. -" Premcrnts Tha Wall lSnoni Screen Faworiia t - VIOLA DANA V. "'IN THE UGHTOF aPIWESSw A Metro Wonderplay. ADMISSION 5e AND 10c r T- m 1 ill t-m line the mot exquis- North Carolina' Leading Ladies' Clothier. C. world' events, no maa mor tkaa Pres ident Wilson haa to a early grasped th real aascaee of th new awakening among them. In hi recent speech be fore the National Buffrag Coavsatloa at Atlantic City he told thtm that the movement was a 'great viaioa of da womea bad n' sad that h wasted to fight, not against them, but with tkm In Chicago, till mor recently, ke de clared that, to him, la thia crisis of the world' affair, it aetmed women must contribute those qualititt of medi ation so greatly needed. "Cloe to th Proiidenf f heart ia the , vital problem confronting aot only our country but all of humanity, a happy peace and prosperity Iaatead of ased lee alaughter. Womea are rallying to his aupport in hie efforts. They, area mere thaa msn, are the heaviest loser through war. It 1, therefore, meet it ting that they, uphold the Preeideat ia thia great problem, and that they iaaiet that hi teadfat leadership should be allowed to eoatinoe. Womea with tha' ballot will vote for him, aad those atill without it ar utlng all their influ- nc la thr dlrcetioaa" Beeretarj Baker waa bore today. He laid that President Wilton would twerp the Wet, A prominent Bepub- aa leader told m today that he would aot be aurprieed to as a Repub lican laadalid for Mr. Wilson. Fashion Choice A toft, tefles. warty . wans a 1 "tt. llfllll. u chairs of Ladles ef socloy, U n eMained by iGoiiraud'w u Oriental Cream' that tiaatacv the tna. The LUee rTwn. T. HOPKINS a SOW. NewTert fwy ALMO gjsajataemmneBjnpaBaBal r GyttoIena as a shortening toakao Uscoha jf that brown delicately on top, that break I open with a snowy whiteness that are : I J. .ri hit ir

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