TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, 19161. THE NEWS' AND OBSERVER 3 r 1 ARRESTS FOLLOW. BIG LIQUOR HMD Warrant Out For Sherwood Upchnrch, Charged With Having Liquor For Sale 125 PINTS CAPTURED Oris Branch and Ray Williams Arrested, Branch Furnishes Bond But Williams Is in Jail. Warrant Out For James Branch; Other Arrests May Follow Following the rapture of 128 pinta of liquor yeiterday about noon In a room a the second floor of the building at 407 Fuyetteville etreot, warrants were swora oat by the police against Sherwood Vpchurch, former city sanl tary Inspector and well-known politi cian. Bay Williams, Oris Branch, and James Branch. Williams and Oris Branch, were arrested. Branch being later liberated under $300 bond, but early this morning Vpchurch or James Branch had not been, apprehended, Williams is held in default of SI. 000 bond and is charged with selling liquor. Oris Branch is also charged with sell iag liquor. The warrant against Up church charges him with baring liquor in his possession for sale. The raid on the Fayetterille street building, made by Officers Lloyd, Beasley, Pierre and Foster, is the be ginning of activities by the police de partment that bid fair to result In one of the most sensational liquor eases in Bnrrighmncrnh"tginntng of "prohT- bttion. It was not until W. F. Brock well, key expert, was employed by the police, that the raiding party gained ae eess to the place. The liquor was found packed in two sample easea and waa la 117 pint aad 18 half-pint bottles. It is now aafely.storsd away in the police station until further investigation. ChLelEosBiS4 itated laatnight that the raid aad arrests were made after careful work and along well laid plans of the police department. He stated that the liquor found in the Fayetterille Street building was the property of Sherwood Upehureh, but did aot give any Information that will throw any light on the nature of the evidence the police have secured against the men under arrest and for whom warrants have been drawn. Other arrests are expected to follow today. Chief Koonee has several man working on the cases now and develop ments may prove intensely interesting. Confidence in Camps of Both Rival Claimants (Coatlnaed from Psga Oae.) For The Democrats. Chicago, Ills., Nov. 6. Senator Walsh, manager of the Westers Democratic Na tional Headquarter today received a somber or telegrams from Democratic leaders in Western States predicting access for Wilson and Marshall at to morrow's election. Claims For Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. fl. Campaign managers on Pennsylvania, devoted their energies to the final preparations for getting out the vote at tomorrow's election. Estimates of the respective party leaders have not been changed. the Republicans declaring thai Psnnsyl- vanta will go back to the Republican presidential column with at least 200,000 plurality for Hughes. The Democratic leaders say they expect a greatly in creased vote for President Wilson over 1012. The Democrats have been making an exceptional effort to Increase their rep reeentatlon in Con grew and are pre dicting success, t The Bepublieaa leader say they will elect at least 31 of the . 88 congressmen. There are now six Democrats" in Congress from Penary! vnnia. Casspalga la Laalslaaa. New Orleans, La., Nov. 6. A hard fought campaign closed tonight in ths third Louisiana district, where , Wsds O. Martin, Democrat, is stehiag to wia back the seat in Congress won two year ago by Bep. Whit Martin, Progressive. la the seven other distnete Democrats were unopposed. Victory for the Dem ocratic presidential electors was eoa eeded. but Bepublieaa and Progressive loaders claimed results would show gains for their parties, the Progressives expecting John M. Parker, candidate for Tie president would receive several thousand votes. Missouri Elector Commit Salclde. St. Louis, Mo, Nov,- 8. Frank B. Buhr, Bepublieaa candidate for Presi dential elector, from the tenth Missouri district, committed suicide today, there by leaving a vacancy on the Bepublieaa ballot. The Republican Bute committee met and -nominated Henry Ke rating to ill the vacancy. The nomination of Eersting waa too lata to get on ths official ballot, aad Bepublieaa voters will be urged to write ia tho nam. It ia aot thought possible, however, that this information will reach all the voter of the State, and it ia predicted that thousands will vote for the dead " The Aaalh. af Ruhr anil tha eleventh hour nomination of Eersting, it is - thought may result in a division of tho ---rpituimM . sue cmivi iiuw uw Tenth district and even if Hughe tnr f rice the State it is possible that a Demo era will ba elected ia that district. Should the Stat go Democratic the death of Buhr will hav no effect ia the . electoral college. ' Republican Culm It, Chicago. Ilia, Nov. . Alvta T. Hart, .' manager of western Bepublieaa national headquarters, today received telegrams froat national committeemen, state chairmen aad local leaders from every State ia the jurisdiction of tha wester campaign committee predicting Victory for Hughe d Fairbanks at ths poll tomorrow. - , Ckstag Apaeala la New York. . Hew York. Nov. 6V With Governor Whitman aad -' Senhnrr. Renahli. eea aad Democratic candidates for Gov eraer, respectively, making anal appeal t the vter af lhl eity ta Xew lark State campaign cloosd tonight Tks head waea mate uexet joiaa aia campaign manager la professing eoafideae la ths outeom of the balloting tomorrow. Besides voting for presidential ejec tor aad a State ticket tha voter of this State will elect a Catted State Senator, a eongtrslonal delegation aad will pas oa tho proposition of a (10, 000100 bond issu for a site for a State para ana aeeiae ' whether to call a other constitutional ennvaatina Forecast of ths result tomorrow varied widely, but it waa generally arreed that tha tide far tka aatinael ticket would be turned by those who voted a Progressive four year ago. tee esauus tan ana - Boosevelt - oti ia IBIS waa 845-SS0 aa MannJ aritk 633,373 for Wilsoa. Ia Greater New xora, waiea ta Bepublican concede will return a Democratic plurality thla year, ths Taft and Boosevelt vote to gether exceeded by 3,092 that east for ... . miiaoa. Ths Republicans eontend the greater part of those who supported Boosevelt four year ago will awing to Hughee una year, it was asserted at Demo crat ia State hen4 nnartar. that a ful canvass of every eounty indicated serious inroaas will be mad by Presi dent Wilson on the normal Republican Pluralities UD-State and that tha Damn. rati plurality In Greater New York will more i nan onset the Bepublieaa lead down to tha Harlem river On tha ava af toAnrma1. v chairmen of both the Bepublieaa and democratic Biat committee claim vie wry oy at least 100,000. Faetleaal Fight la Florida. Jacksonville. FIa Nov. With l-.A or predictinc a heaw vote tha la Florida eloeed tonight with meeting ia every section or the But. In the rae for Oovernor Sidney J. Catta, who appears on the ticket h. nu;.. . group of Democrats, and as Prohibition canaiaaie as well, is opposing W. V. wno receivea tee Democratic nomination over Catts aftar a run..i Of Meond Choice nrinarr ant fln auen or aey west, th.. Bepublieaa nomiaee io r uovernor. Is expected to POlI a food Vota in anma M.j.t!An. T. is freely predicted that the Deraoe'raU nauonai ticaet will (weep the State. Heavy Vote la Mlsanarf. Bt. LoUia. Nov. A nnnhll. say the heavr reviatraXnn in at i.-;. indioate a Bepublican plurality which wui orereom ut Demoerati vote ia ine rural districts. Both Democratic ant InnMU. ers tonight claimed the Htate. The fact that prohibition is to be voted oa ia "Pwo to onng out a heavy vote. Democratic leaier. ara ..ilj..t wrn son wUl carry the Bute and that Jaae A. Beed. for Hanatnr aJ r,Lli.k Gardner, for Governor) will get a vote approximately a large. Flaal Appeal Ia Connecticut. New Haven, Nov. 0. With the final appeal made to Connecticut voters, both Bepublican and Democratic managers to night reiterated their claims of victory tomorrow by wide margins. Bepublieaa leaders assert that 95 per cent of the Progressives of four years ago hav returned to the fold, but the Democrat dispute this. The Progressive vote ia iv in was 34,129. Fight Ia Tonnes. Naahvilla, Nov. 6. While ram pain manager made their final appeal to night to the voter at rallies in orao- tieally every eounty in Tennessee, plan war perfected at Democratic and Be publieaa headquarter hero for bring ing out a record-breaking vote tomor row. Statements issued by both head quarter reiterated claim that tomor row would bring victory for their re spective ticket, both National aad State. Aside from the Presidential campaign. on of the most active In recent years, the contests for United States Senator and Governor have been especially hard fought. Kenneth D. McEellar, Dun op eratic nominee for Senator, ia opposed by former Governor Hooper, Bepublican, and Governor Bye, candidate for re-eleo- tlon, 1 opposed by John W. Overall, Be publieaa, and L. D. Wiles, Socialist Both Democratic and Bepublieaa candi dates for Congress have been named la seven of the ten districts of tha State. Big Vote Ia Massachasette. Boston. Mass.. Nov. . With fair weather tomorrow political leader pre dict the record of 515,000 votes, east ia Massachusetts last year, will be broken. Bepublieaa claim of a plurality in ex eess of 75,000 for Hughes, and Demo cratic forecasts of at least a S0.000 rio- tory for Wilsoa in tha Stat wr na changed tonight, Oovernor MeCall sad Senator Lodge are aeeking re-eleetioa opposed by F. W. Mansfield aad J. F. Fitzgerald, Democrat, respectively. Officer On Guard. Charleston, W. Va Nov. . In an ef fort to secure aa honest election, rep resentative of the Department of Justice hav been assigned for duty at various voting preeiasta ia counties la Southern West Virginia tomorrow, ac cording to an announcement made her tonight by W. G. Barahart, United State district attorney. Political lead er predict the heaviest vote ever polled in West Virginia will be east. Joseph H. Gaines, Bepublieaa, and Clem Shaver, Democratic State chairman, re iterated their statement tonight that their parties would carry the State, the former claiming a plurality of 201100 and ths latter from 22,000 to 25,000. Both Side Claim Kentucky. Louisvills, Ky Nov. 6. Bepublieaa and Demoerati campaign manager re1 sewed their claims tonight that Ken tucky would, give its electoral vote to their party candidate. Bepublican leaders claim tha State for Hughe by at least 9,200 vote aad declare they are .certain to elect five oat of eleven representatives. ' A plurality la ths Stat of aot lea than 15,000 is claimed for President Wilsoa by Demoerati managers. Vet la Mkhlgaa. Detroit. Mich Km. a Pranaaatinaa were complete tonight to handle and safeguard the election la Michigan to morrow, which is expected te bring oat tha heaviest vote in tha fmttaa hiatanr The fight to make Michigaa dry by a eoBstitatioaal amendment aad t k Counter contest to let each community rmlaftf ' fts lianer trafXa mmAm aa ameadment providing for . home rule. everanaaowea even ue presidential struggl.- Dry aad wet force were each claiming victory. If both amcadateata are adopted the home rule law eaa be aaaita afltata Cm aa OtaA .M.l. 1 il . : . . i t . . . , I m ruwrnei yivvwua T'm 'I taa laav prosidsatial ' candidate would carry VQekigan, - -- , ' : Btreaaee la ladlaaa. Iadiaaapolis, lad, Nov. 6V Ths last word la ea af tn moat strenuous cam paign la the history of Indiana waa aid tonight, aad all ovsr tha State leaders of various parties prepared to devote their energies tomorrow to get ting cut the vote. Leader of the two major partiee reiterated their opinion that their respectiv parties will carry Indiana for President, and both United State Seaatora. There ia keea interest ia th election of thirteen Represent Uvea, Ia 1912 the Democrats elected all thirteen from Iadiaaa,' but la 1914 th Betmblieaa sleeted two. Ia the fifth district Eugea V. Deb is th Socialist candidate aad his supporter predict hi aleetioa. Vic President Marshall aad Charles W. Fairbanks, th Bepublieaa vice presl deatial aomiacc, will receive the return at their respectiv home tomorrow ain-ht. Th Prohibitionists expect to poll a heavier vote than ever before la the State, leader ia that party said tonight Both Sides CUlm nils. Chicago, Nov. 6. Bepublican aad Demoerati campaign managers each claimed Illinois by 150,000 oa the eve of letioa tonight. After receiving final reports from vary county In th State both Fred E. Sterling. Beflublleaa Stat enairman aad Arthur W. Charles, Democratic State chairman, announced they were more confident than ever of success. It ia estimated thr are 1,800,000 voter la UliaoU. of which about 000,000 ara womsa who will cast their first vote for President at tomorrow's eleetioa. Both the Bepublieaa and Deraoeartie leader claim a majority of the women vote which may be tha deciding factor. Ia all th poll taken by party organise tions st least 30 per cent of th voter declined to say how they intended to vote, and each eld claim a majority of this silent vote. Chicago ha 808,119 voter registered. 604,421 mea and 303,608 women, aad party leader admit that tha presidential candidate who carries the city by a large plurality la almost certain to sweep ths State. Bepublieaa manager claim Chicago by 55,000 while the Democratic leaders expect to carry the city by 75,000. The normal Bepublieaa plurality ia the State I between 75,000 and 150,000. Large Vote la Georgia. Atlanta, Ga Nov. 6, Despite the fact that little real effort has been made to get out Voters. Democrats predicted to night that Wilson would be givea one of the largest popular majorities vr accorded a presidential candidate ia Georgia. Reports from several sections indl eat that Bepublieaa and Progeeaive, who hav united force ia the national election, are counting on some sucDort from that faction of the Democratic party knowa aa tha "Torn Watsoa fol lowing." Many Democrats, however, deny that there has beea a split in the raana. Big Tote In California. San Franeiaea. (VL. Nov. fl Tnil tions wsrc apparent today of a tre- maaaoua vote throughout California to morrow accord in e to nnlitleal laaitara. issues waits seemed to outline them civ most sharply oa the srs of ths eleetioa were Hughea or Wilson, wet or dry. aad Governor Hiram W Jnhnanm Bepublieaa, or George H. Hat ton. Demo crat, ior too uniua state (Senate. The headquarter of the prohibitioa force here nredleated a laarfaliHa tnw amendment No. 2, restricting th sale or liquor in puone drinking place and retail store, aad a wianina vote of BOO . 000 for complete prohibitioa in a state ment aiven out uuiav Both Bepublican aad Democrat are claiming u mate. Wet aad Dry Fight Dc Moinea. Iowa. Now. ft Final diction of th outeom of th general election in low were issued tonight at utate Headquarter by Republican aad Demoerati State chairmen, the Be- puoueaas claiming 40,000 for Hughee whil th Democrat predicted a plural ity or vjjjuv tor WUsoa. While aurjnartera nf W. T. Republican eaa Hi Hat a Saw ni.raAv n. dieted hie eleetina Avar K T U.Mith Democratic candidate, party lines had' beea so far erased by factional "wet" and rfrTH Mtrral.. a. tn .V. k. plurality foreeasta of th two partiee wrgeiy guesa wora, it was said, intense Interest ia th State campaign. It was expensa, would Drtng oat a Heavy vote Prehthltlea la Nebraska. ' Omaha, Neb, Nov. . Th "wets" and 'dry ended their vigorous campaign tonight with both equally confident of victory. Bepublieaa leader claim th State by a majority of 10,000 to 20,000, while the Democrat claim tha 8 tat for Wilsoa with a lead of S5.000. Interact la th United State Sena torial rae ia keea. with both caadi date, Senator Gilbert M, Hitchcock aad Joha Ia Keaaedy, eoafidant of success. rVshiMttea la Maryland. Baltimore. Nov. 6. Democratic and Bepublieaa State chairmen tonight claimed Maryland for the respectiv head of the aatioaal ticket and the candidate for the United State Senate. While the Democrats expressed eoafl- dene that they would elect Coagrmanea from four districts aad placed th other two la th doubtful so rum a. u Beputm- caa said there waa a good chance for them to at least divide the Congressional delegatioa. . The prohibitioa oueetion will be voted oa la th remaining eleven "wet" unit a the State, including the cities or Baltimore, Aaaapelia, Cumberland. Has rote wa, Frederick aad Havre d Grace. Bhsae Ticket. Columbia, a C, Nov. . With five electoral ticket la th field bnt with the Democratic ticket virtually certain to wia by a" large majority. Interest in South Carolina tonight ccatered ia the sis of ths vote, which th so-called bolters will east agaiaat Governor Maa alag, the Democratic aomiaee for re- electioa. Though former Goveraor B lease has aot announced himself aa a candidate tickets bearing kia asm la stead of Goveraor Maaaiag's with th rest of the Demoerati ticket, have beea distributed. Thr Boclaiiste aad Pro. grssslv also have State ticket. All the Demoerati aominaes for Cos grass express themselves as certain ef boa. - .TrentonN. JJfon ft, With both Dome rat a-Bepeblieaa -811 clmtr- msa prof sssl ng eatire eoafideae ia ths . " X outeom f the election tomorrow ths Nsw Jsrsey 8UU camtadga ended late toaight, Walter E Edge, Bepublieaa candidate for GoTeraer, and B. Otto Wittpena, hia Demoerati eppeaeat, did aot ataka thai final speeches until aear- 17 mideight. Bepublieaa predict thai ths aatioaal aad State tickets will carry th State by at least 45,000. wktle Demoerata de clared Wittpcaa weald be elected by at least 10,000 aad that President WUsoa'i margin of victory would be larger thai that. Besides a Governor aad United States Senator there will be elected IS Con (Tearaiea, , , Local Optica la Arkaasaa. Little Bock, Ark, Nov. B. Democratic leaders predicted tonight that eaatomary overwhelming Democratic majorities will be rolled up ia Arkansas tomorrow for Wilsoa aad Marshall, white Bcpubli eaa headquarter eoa tended that th vot ing will show Bepublieaa lain. Ia terest center chiefly la the proposal to substitute local optloa for state-wlds prohibitioa, which will be submitted la tomorrow' lectio. Rallies la Mlai Bt Paul, Miaa Nov. SV-Old faahio ed rallies eloeed ths campalga ia Ml nesota tonight and both Denioerati and Bepublieaa leadsrs reiterated predic tion of victory for their ticket ia this state. TL. rtal.kaa.a Va Oklahoma City, Okla, Nov. 6. Detao eratie leader here toaight were pre dieting that Wilson would carry Okla home by 60,000 or more tomorrow. Re publicans claimed th state by 5,000 to 23 MM). It was generally believed the Socialist vote weald be large. Medest Ia Wyesnlng. Cheyenne, Wye, Nov. 8. Rival pa rade her tonight closed the campaign la Wyoming. Bepublieaa state head quarten claimed the state for Hughes by 3,000 while tks Democratic state rhai rmaa dec lard Wllaoa would, wia by 2,800. Claims la Seat Dakota. Sioux Fall, 8. P.. Nov. Sv-Tk paign In South Dakota eloeed here to aight with both partiee holding large meetings. Bepublieaa headquarters claim the state for Hughe by 10,000 vote but Democrat assert President Wilson wUl win by 8000. Beth Claim Colorado, Denver, Colo., Nov. 8. The campalga In Colorado ended tonight with speeches by Governor Carlson, Bepublieaa can didata for re-eleetioa, aad aad J. C. Ounter, his Democratic opponent. Be publican leader predict Carlsoa will wia by 40100 votes aad Hughsj by almost aa many. Democrat claim a 4Qfl00 plurality for Wilsoa aad a sweepiag victory for the State ticket Rallies I Ki Topeka, Ken Nov. 6, Bailies la every congressional district closed ths campaign in Kansas tonight, Democrats asserting they would get seven out of ight representative to b ehoeca aad th Republican claiming th entlr list Wilson plurality Is placed at 10,000 to 12,000 by Democrats, but Republicans say Hughe' victory is assured. Hsavy Veto la Wlaceaela. Milwaukee, Wia, Nov. . A heavy vote with a eloee eontaet between Wilsoa aad Hughea ia looked for la Wlacoasia tomorrow. Republican toaight claimed Lav t oilette would be re-elected to th Scant and E. Ia Philipp would be ohoaen for Governor, but Democrats said Wilson' strength would carry both State aad national ticket for them. So cialist axpeet to elect two repreeeata- Uvea la the Milwaukee district Fight la Alabama. Montgomery, Ala. Nov. ft. latereet ia the eleetioa la Alabama Tuesday eea tare In th ninth aad tenth eoagreaaloaal districts, where the Democratic aomi a, Oeorg Haddlestoa aad Wat. B. Bank head, are opposed by Francis Lat- ady aad N. H. Freemaa, respectively, the Bepublieaa nominee. Bepublioaa also hav candidates in th fifth, aev enth aad eighth districts aad th Social 1st seek representation la Conavss from th Meond. eighth aad alata dis tricts. The electoral vote of the State for Wilsoa ia generally conceded. Hot Casaaaln la Okie, Columbus, O- Nov. 8. On th ev ef election day which mark th sloee ef one of th hottest preeideatia ea paign vr waged ia Ohio, both Be publieaa aad Democratic campaign manager iued sUUmsat dcelariag that they ara going to watch each other for illegal voting tomorrow. No new prediction a to th eutcem la Ohio ware made today, tha Demo cratic managers standing by their pre diction of 100,000 plurality for Wilsoa aad ths Bepublieaa leader slaimlag wiia equal eoa n dene a Bepabueaa vl tory by "from 80 MM) to 100,000." Nevada DeehtfaL tar a i m urn i n m Reae, Nev, Nov. S. With both Be publieaa aad Democratic parties holdiag rauiea la the larger cities of the State, the Nevada campaign waa .concluded to night with tho outcome ia oabt vlg orous campaigns for United State Sen ator hav beea made by Key Pittasaa, setilag r -eleetioa ea the Demoerati ticket. Samuel Piatt Bepublieaa, aad A Great Millar, socialist. Women will vat ia Nevada for tha Brat time to- Wsahlagtam Saewa Anxiety. Seattle, Wash. Nov. & Former Owe. Henry MeBride, BepubUeaa candidate for Oovernor aad Oov. Ernest Latter. Democrat eaadidaes, pk at ae iag here tonight. This eleventh hear campaigalag waa regarded aa skewing anxiety ea beta aide. WU Watch Beetleae. Charleston, W. Vs Nee. Fifteen men from a detective geay arrived ia Martiaaburg toaight te watch the poll tomorrow. They will be paid free a fund raised by local cltlaea wk formed aa orgaalxatioa to aerar eleaa politic ia Berkeley eoaaty after a Jndg ta la st meting a grand Jury hare reeeatry had criticized poHtieal eoadltioaa la the eoaaty aad declared that th veto of a large percentage of th artiaea could be purchr- V CU- .. vtah. Bait lake City. Utah. Now. te-the campalga ia Utah closed toaight with both side claiming a sweepiag victory. while party leader war admitting the ta eleetioa would be doe. tavTbglala. - RlfhrnoadrVtrN; -V7rtk fk ea- optjoaef the, d 6th7J.a4.A trlcte ae partienlar affort ha keea mad to get th voters te th pell tomorrow aaa virgiaia ia aot expected to east aa uausually heavy vote. Chief latereet throughout the BUte ia la th ninth. where C. Ueseom Slemp, Bepublieaa la eumbet, ia apposed by E. Le Triahle, backed by the full power of the State organ ixatiea. Secretary Brenemaa of the State Demos rs Us committee, toaight predicted the clsctioa of Triakla. Ia tha asveath district, where Themaa W Harrlsoa, Democrat, aad Joha PaaL Re publican, are contesting for th neat made vacant by the resignation of James Hay, thsrh ha been a bitter re currence of th old wet and -dry fight aad party alignment has beea largely shattered. The Democrat claim that Harrison will wia by a substantial ma jority. Claim ef Chairmen. New York, Nov. 6V Eleetioa eve elaim af Virterv at tha nail taaea claims ef victory by Vaace C. MeOor- mies aaa wuiiam a. millsox, e li airmen or tn Democratic and Bepublieaa aa tional rmamiHaaa Before atartina tnw hia k.a. la ttaa. risburg to vote Mr. MeCormleh declared there waa a fla-hthi eh anaa Praai. dsnt Wilsoa having the electoral vote vi viae ana en or two oxaer hitherto rock-ribbed Rannhlicaa (ttataa la aitHi. Uea te th 364 vote h already ha eiaimaa. no will return to this city sariy tomorrow night "On this elaaln. rfa. air h. ..-.I said Chalrmaa Wllleox, "I eonidsntlV state taat tns battle baa beea woa for Hughes aad Fairbanks aad that they win dc aieciea cy a majority of not less man ivu ia in electoral college. Rata Aad Saow Ia Idaho. Bole, Idaho, Nov. S Heavy rain aad wet snows over all of southern Idaho today made tha roads bad, and promised rontmuatloa of bad waathsr oa Tuea day is expected to curtail th rural vote Oovernor Alexander, Democratic cnndl date for re-eleetioa, and D. W. Davis Bepublican candidate closed their paign Wtth'Targe meetings. Hsavy Vote la Oregon. Portland, Ore, Nov. 6. A heavy vote will be cast throughout Oregon tomor row according to ladleatloa toaight In the final statements, leaders qf both parties claimed the Stat for thslr re spectiv presidential candidate, th Democrat by ijDOO veto and tha Be publieaa by 15,000. Large Vote la New Msxlce. Albuquerque, N. M Nov. 8. The largest vote ia th history of New Msx leo I expected at tomorrow' eleetioa at which a United State Senator, Gov eraer and a full Bute ticket will bo chosen. Both parties are claiming tha State. Record Vet la Montana. Hslena, Moot, Nov. 6 Montana1 earn paign 1 being fought up to the last hour with speeches ia Butte and Hslena tonight by party leaders. It la ex peeted that a record vote will be east throughout th Stat tomorrow. Merahsll At Toledo. Toledo, O., Nov. 8. Predicting that the Democratic party will ba victorious at ths polls tomorrow and pleading sup- pert for President Wilson and his ad mlalstratloa, Vice Preeldent Marshall closed ths campaign here tonight ia a rally la th coliseum. Beth Claim Delaware. WUmlagtoa. Del., Nov. 6. Both Re publican aad Democratic leader toaight ar predletlng victory la Delaware to morrow. Republican State chairmaa Benson declared the State will be carried by that party by a largo ma jority, wall Harry T. Graham, Demo- tratl Stat chairmaa, predict that WU son will hav 3,500 plurality. Fir Ia aiftea Forge. Ollftoa Forge. Va, Nov. 6. Fire, said te have beea ef laeeudiary origin early today destroyed six business buildings ta th heart of th town. Th stock of sevea store were loot aad maay familie living la th apper storiss had aarrew eaeapea. H. & Callahan, after neaping frocn kia reomc, returned aad waa burned to death, The flames were sxtlnsmlsksd with aid ef th Coving tea departmeat Th low it about 1150100. Waken, ntefeai Kansas dtv. Ma.. Nov. 6 raah P Walsh, former chairmen nf tha Federal Industrial rslatloas commiaaloa, tonight said he would aot take ahargc of ths defense of ths Industrial Worker of the world la JU la Seattle la connection with the riot yesterday at Everett, waaa. crxoru to agag Welsh were east ta a u l err am rrom wm ii Hav wood, general secretary of th L W. W. eat from Chicago. Welch laid buaiaeas at ha.a .M prevent bun from taking tka ease. Hit Gevwaaa Drsadaaeght London. Nov. 8. A Britiah aailral'tw stassmcat issusd today says: "Oae of oar swbmarlaaa nneratlna la the North Sea report that h fired vsrpeaoe at a uarmaa battleship 0r the uauuvpi typo Bear taa ianin coast VSSterdav. The vaaaal waa hit Tka amount of dam age la unknown." Th British announcement a-ivc no intimation whether any eonaidarabl portloa of the Oerataa high sea fleet was ia th North Boa yesterday. It was K tb Danish .-aeeat that th mala British aad German fleet ssrared ia battle last May. On several occasions the Oerataa fleet has Isft Hs base for short (raises la th North Sea. Ordl eerily a dreadeeught weald aot be era ployed merely for reaoeaoitorlBg. Cuba aaa at la Havana, Nev. aV-Tk Cuban Scant epeaed ia regular asssioa this afternoon aad listeaed to th readiag of the pres ident a aseasage. a metloa to meet te st errow la extraordinary aaealoa te eoa sider alleged eleetioa Irregular itiee aad th haadliag ef pubU fan da was aa preved. Regarding th lectio tasgl the arssident's message aaidi Ths Seaeral election hav beea carried out with 'perfect Una anility aad order, the complete liberty aad iadrpeadeaee with which all were allowed to exerela thslr right aa elector being reeofnrsed by all eoatostaate aad th aatioaal aad forvixn press, th aatharitie having eoa ae mere thaa asrar equal guar aateea te all. The deeiaieaa ef the eonrte ia th respective esse of the central aad pre visiamal aleetoral board assuredly win be accepted with the respect aad se renity proper ia all free people," 1 Toverty with contentment ia better CaHflmaunajik trirhawt UftUtm, ' EVACUATION CHmUAHUA CITY NOT CONSIDERED (Btqm ti Ifveml Chihuahua City, Nov. 8. Evaeuatloa f thla eity by th Car ran aa fereea 1 sot being soasldered, and if aa attack is mad by the Villa bandit the gar rison will repulse th bandits. General Trevtno declared to tho correspondent of the Associated Pra yesterday. "Wa have .snore thaa 8,000 seasoned fighters ia the garrison her aad our fortifications ar Impossible to over come without artillery which Villa doe hot posse,'' General Trevtae stated, "Wt ar prepared for aa attack and my mea are ready to fight to th last. Th spirit of th mea i aabrokea aad I am determined' to remain In Chihuahua City and repnlse th bandit horde." It la expected th Junction of Oar raasa force at Eseatson, south of Jlmi asx, trill be completed tomorrow- whea the force ef General Maycotte, those of General Anteta another eoluma un der General Margie aad tha force from Parrel under General Lula Ferrer will moot aad form a divlnoa la command of General Murgia. The offsasiv against th Villa bandit ths will h resumed, according to a statement mads at military headquarter. It 1 expected Oeseral Murgia will hav approximately 11,000 troop la hi division when it ii completed. BERNSTORFt IS Ta VISIT DEUTSQILAND f7 M AjeeauM Pnaal New Londoa, Conn, Nov. 8. Count Vea Barnstorff, th Geraiaa ambassador, aeeompaaied by his wlfs, arrived here tonight from Washington for the pur pose of visiting tomorrow, ths under ssa freighter Deutsehlsnd, now being loaded for her homeward trip. Th amhaaaader, It ta understood, brought a suit ease filled with official mail for the emperor. Count Von Berg rtorff said his srmndls entirely a social ons. He decided to tak advantage of Washington's official Inactivity on elec tion day, by giving ths eouates an op portunity to inspect ths Deutsehlsnd. The ambassador and hia wlf were gssst toaight at aa Informal reception at their hotel attended by Captain Koealg, the Deutsehlsnd' commander, and a number ef German Americans of Baltimore aad New Londoa. Ths work of loading tha eubmarin weat forward steadily today aad Indication eontlnuod te point to a start for Gsrmany on Friday. Arrangement hav beea completed for a eomplimeatary banquet here Wed nesday night to Captain, Koenlg and hi crew. Governor Holcomb has promised to make an effort to be pres ent aad speak. VILLA HORSES AND ARMS IN PROSPECT 17 aw tuatnat ma) El Paso, Tax., Nov. 8. Francisco Villa aad his mala command are march lag toward Meea Do Saadiaa, 38 miles southwest of Parrel, where a quantity of ammunition and arm aad a large drove of horses ar kaowa to be hlddea for tha Villa forces, according to nn American refugee from Chihuahua City. These ar hlddea la th ranch of Gen UrblBa, th Villa geasral who was hill ed by Villa treopa because he would aot divide hi loot with Villa. It was la th directioa of Mesa da Sandles that Villa was going when hs waa being pursued by MaJ. Tompkins, who was suhsequsntly attacked by crowd of civilians in Parrel. Passenger arriving tonight from Chihuahua City said that th feeling of apprehension among tha people there had been grsatly allayed because of ths arrangements of Oen. Trevlao to pro tect tho eity agalnat a surpriss attack, No report bare beea yer received re gnrding th Amerieaa In Parrel, they said, but refugees from Santa Rosalia confirmed th death of Dr. C H. Flahsr, aa American, at the head of th baa dit who raided that place. CITIZEN STRUCK BY SHOWMAN, IS REPORT With blood flowing from two ut oa hi face, W. F. Newtea, who bald he lived oa Oak wood avenue, was fouad lying on the ground in a daaed coadl Uea by police last night at ths 101 Ranch -show ground. According to by- tandsr a showman struck Newton ia th face and knocked him down. He wa carried to the poliee station whsro aa iBvestigatioB by City Physician Joha McKs found that hi condition I not serious. Nswtoa was undsr th la fluenr of liquor when he reached the police siatloa, the police aay. The showmaa who, It la said, struck Newtea was aot Identified last night, Colonel Talk to Neighbors. lairlmlriml Oyster Bay, N. Y, Nov. 8. Theodors Boosevelt delivered hi usual eleetioa v addrete te hia friends and neighbors here tonight urging them to vote th Repabltcaa tiekate tomorrow. Referring to hi campalga for Charles E. Hughea, be said: It makes bo difference whether Lave beea oa a trip to the Biver of Doubt, on a hunting trip or a political trip, I hav to tell my neighbor about It" Cot Beeoevelt predicted that th na tion, state, Nassau couaty aad Oyster Bay wo id "go Bepublieaa." Man if est Beed to Poiee. l a I mi Hm Warsaw. Saaday. Nov. 5. via Berlin. Nov, S aad Latadoa, Nov. 8. Tho msai fte- of Emperor William aad Emperor Francis Joeepb again calling Into exists th ancient Kingdom of" Po land, waa read at boob today to th s em bled Polish representatives ia the Royal Palace by Goveraor General Von Beeeler. Tb ceremony waa deaignated as ta re-but of th Polish aatioa. Whea General Vea Beeeler had eon elsded the Polish Count Hnttea-Csapekl, tb palace ceamnadaat, readXrom a let ter be sad pamphlet to the Polish aot- able a traaslatioa ef th manifesto ia their ewa las gssge. Deebt Aa Te Famed. lV4l Hi l Heap ' Berlia, Nov. SWVka Londoa. Nov. TJ Th Bewepapsrs discuss the Polish proelamatioa broadly but with soma reeervatioa. The Liberal. CathoUe aad Socialist organ favor it, while the Cea- rvtiv arc more diapoesd to ee ob Jeetioaa The latter, affected by the Blamareklaa tradHioa that Germany must jnvo-a firm- friend ia B-assia,-TX- press goubt whether th present solu tion -wilt prove, ta ths loaf run. wIm. ""j q rn r nniT nc I J UUItl lULIf I Ul USUAL MAJORITY Democrats Will Send Ten Con gressmen To. .Washington, Says T. D. Warren WUL (aASiYOTES. TODAT C3uman Bronrium CLsims County For Demoerata By Fifteen Hundred or aTw Thousand; Polls Open at 6:43 A M- and Qose at 5:13 P.M. Themaa D. Warren, chairmaa eratie executive committee, eloeed hi one yesterday afternoon with a thorough conviction that North Carolina will plls up today a De si oe ratio ma jority of over forty thousaad,' ead a complete delegation of tea Demoerati Congressmen to Washington, and make galas la tha House ef Representative and th Rennt of the General As sembly. Mr. Warren will not go home to vote but will remain her to keep hia office open. Today is legal holiday throughout th nation. All tha State and Federal of. flees will he elossd. Tho Supreme Court, which todsy should ordinarily have be gun hearing appeala of the thirteenth judicial diatrirt, hrs postponed th hearing until Thursday whea tha ealea dar will be taken up. Practically all tho State officer hav gone horn to vote. Poll open In- Rctcigh and Wa eounty at 8:43 a. m. aad close at 6:11 p. m. With fair weather predicted, ea of tha largest votes in th history of ths eity aad county la expected. "I am eoa 'drat that wo will have a majority la Wake couaty from fif teen hundred to two thousand," declared Mr. J. M Broughioa, Jr., Wake couaty Democratic chairmaa, aa he eloeed the campaign. Speaking at Neus bat a ight wast the last shot oa tha part ef Democrats. Mr. T. E. Holding, legis lative candidate, W. C Brewer, eaadl date for county commissioner, aad Mr. W. H. Pace spoks there. The Democratic State ticket te be voted today is: For goveraor, Thomas Walter Blekett) for Lieutenant-Governor, O. Max Gard ner ; for Secretary of State, J. Bryaa Grime; for State Auditor, W. P. Wood ; for State Treaaurer, B. B. Lacyj for Superintendent Public Instruction, J. T. Joynsr; for Attornsy-geaaral, Jam 8. Manning; for Commiatloaor af Labor aad Printing, MitchsU Ls Ship. man; for Commissioner of Agriculture, W. A. Graham) for member Corpora tion Commlastea, William T. Loot for Iniurnne Commissioner, Jama R. Young; for Judge Superior Court, third district, Joha H. Kerr; for Judg Su perior Court, eighth district, W. F, Stacy. Couaty Ticket. The couaty Democratic ticket 11 For State Senate, J. Wilbur Buau for Sheriff, J. H. Sear; for Begiater ef Deeds, Arch J. Wood; for Treasurer f L. P. Stepheasoa; for Auditor, H. 0. Holding; for ths House, T. E. Holding, K. B. Johnson, B. W. Winston, Jr.; for Coroner, Charles A. Separk; for Sur veyor, Joha B. Bray; for Commlaaioa r. W. a Brswsr, J. J. Bernard. Fear Aavsadmenta. Th four amadmBte to the State constitution to be voted oa la th State are i 1. Te prohibit eertala sped fled Icon! aad private legislatloa. I. Te prohibit special legislative char ters to cities aad towns. S, T prohibit legislative charter for private eorporatlona 4. To provide for th appointment ef mergency judge. Polling r laces. . First ward, first dlvUioa I Wlggl tor, Harriagtoa aad Jonse strset. First ward, second division : White's tor, Johasoa and Salisbury treta - Second ward, first dlvisioat Bara tore. Blood worth aad Laaa strset. ' Seeoad ward, second division t Psrsoa Street Pharmacy, Psrsoa aad Pace street. Third ward, first division i Ftre House No. S, Bargett aad Blount street a. Third ward, seeoad division: Royal Knight's Hall, near corner Person aad Cabarrus strset. Fourth ward, first division I lire Houa No. 1, Morgan street. Fourth ward, aeeoad divuioai Fir House No. t, Salisbury street. Outeid East, aorth divisioai Williams stead. Pilot Mllle. Outside East, south dlvisioat ball Park. Outaid Weat. north division I-te7 W. X. Bonner's Shos Shop, Wast Raleigh. Outside West, south divlaioai Mor gan's ators, Caralaigh mile, ADMIRALTY DENIES GERMAN CHARGES -H nai snv j London, Nov. The admiralty night ia a published communions agaia, denies it ever issued order that mw", vivor of Oermaa submarinec need aot be rescued. The eomm unique states that the German press "la tryiag to mak capital out of what they dessrfb as a aaeoad Baralong eaa. possibly te ordsr to incite American epialoa agaiaeS Great Britain or as a pretext for aa" unrest mined submariae eampalga." The communique eitea th alleaed facts of the rase, showiag that a Britiah auxiliary flying a aeutret flag ea 8p- lember It, 1915, approached a German, submariae . in th wsstem channel en gaging ia sinking a British merehant maa. Whea witaia raags th aaxlliarr hoisted a white ensign aad fired ea aad ask th submariae aad thesT renewed th crew of th mereeaatmaa from their boat. Whea this was deae ah also rescued two of th submarines wear wk had climbed Into a drifting boat, The eommnmqu claim taat the ae of a aeutral flag was justifiable aa shown by ths German practice la tha f te Moewe aad la ether in stances, aad says that "aobody but German could base aa allegntioa ef brutality oa tha lap ef a few min utes betwee the reetue ef Britisher and Germans-- Bock suftahls for Kthegranh atcme ha beea diseovsxed la the rhiiippiaecv