WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22, 1916V THE NEWS AND OBSERVER KMW 1 aF I Mm' lias Wm Roys! Hawaiian Have you head the new fascinating Hawaiian music? There's a quaintness and charm to Hawaiian music that makes it appeal to almost everyone who hear it. And the way to hear it ia on the Victrola. .. The three organizations largely respontihle for the introduction and popularity of Hawaiian music in America are the famous Hawaiian Quintet of the Bird of Paradise Company, the gifted Toots Paka Troupe, and the Irene West Royal Hawaiians. It is these three organizations that bring this captivating music to you in your own home on the Victrola. Here are a few of the many numbers in the Victor Record catalog: rXilissa Walts (CmHmDml) Pdf ltUiiri David KimenEiTNMrWt RTsJiUw.liaaa Hawaiiaa Walts Madia? (Guitar Chutt Pal ICLu ia) David KaiU af thm Iraaa Wart Royal HasraBaas fHIlo-Hawmiiaa Match Iraaa Waal Royal Hawafiaas noWailaaa Walla Iraaa Waat Royal Havraliaaa , Alaofca aal HawaBaa Qwiatat K.aa Hon NtUem PlmltUti Sang 8. M. Kaiawa with Qsdatat n.: T-.1.;.. Taai P.U. H. Tni.. ,n7Taata Paka Maolay Taati Paka Hawaiian Travpa SJa AmVw Taait Path hsi Victor . TS I VkMv-SIUh4uiJw EMMMiiaamii 8EE PAGE THREE lltt vstbasslrUsaf Darnell & Thomas Co., Inc. The One Price Muaic House . RALEIGH, N. C. v BERNARD EXPECTED AT ORGANIZATION OF COUNTY BOARD Granted Furlough of 30 Days, Beginning Friday, Old Board's- Last Meeting Dyspepsia -. Gone Forever Tha Staple, Safe, Sara I'm af Stoarfs Dyspepsis Tsbleta Will Brief Jay Ta Aay Stasaaeh 'Salfersr. llaji. Joseph J. Bernard, county commissioner-elect, having been granted a furlough of 80 days, beginning next Friday, it is Hkely that ho will bo herajwhea the board of county commis sioners meets oa Monday, December 4, to reorganise. Messrs. Bernard and W. C. Brewer are the two members elected ia the recent election, succeeding Mr. John A. Mills, the chairman, and Mr. E. C. Beddingfleld, who were not candi dates for re-election. As. Major Bernard is with the North Carolina troops oa the Mexican border there has been much speculation as to whether ho would be here or not in time for the meeting of the board. Until the message received yesterday it bad been understood that he would not be in Kaleiyh until Christmas, and that a temporary organisation would be per fected with Chairman Mills holding on. However, the information received last night would indicate that the Major will bo here tot the reorganization. Unless something unexpectedly turn up the last meeting of the present board was held on Monday. At this time it was ordered that the road lead-1 ing from Stony Hill down Nruse river j by the way of J. C. Bay's residence, be adopted. Henry Jackson, colored, and Thomas 1 I I.,,... U.I;V. 1 Jk l initted to the county home. Messrs. Mills and Ueddiafffield ex pressed regret that they were soon to be separated from the other members of the board and referred to the cordial relations that tisd existed during the many trying problems that the board had bad to -grapple with. The other members expressed their regTet at hav ing to give up Messrs. Mills and Bed ding-field, who have been strong members on the board . The board felicitated iteelf that while it bad spent a lot of money for the eounty the county had aomethlug to now ior it. iney were proud of the xaci mat tney bad the nerve to build the eounty home and the court house which are monuments to, the progressive pint ui nui county. in discussing tbe eounty future it was agreed that ths greatest problem that the new board would have to en counter would be that of roads. IIow many quiet, afraid to-maks-s-noise, unhappy homes there sre due to cross. Irritable, miserable, close-that-kitchen door kind of dyspepsia suffer ers. Such men and women cannot help their peevishness, for they suffer terrl- oiy ana snouia oe pitieu. Dyspepsia, bad breath, gastritis, fa. tarrh of the stomach, pains in boweh nervousness, heartburn, belching, bloat ing, etc., come from wrongful conditions of digestive juices. When tbe system exhausts its jnlees, when the liver, when tbe pancreas, the stomach become thereby unfit to fur nish ths proper digestive fluids, one cannot expect this same system, with out aid, to do anything else than keep on making their improper digestive pro ducts. There is relief in Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets that means a restoration to nor mal health and a building up of correct digestwe juices. Go to your druggist today and ob tain a box of Htuart's Dyspepsia Tsb Iftt, price 50 cents, or mail below cou pon for free trial. GOVERNOR REAPPOINTS JUDGE STARBUCK I'pon recommendation of the entire bar of Forsyth County, Judge Henry Btorbuck, Winston-Salem, was yester day reappointed by Governor Craig to preside over the Forsyth County Court created by the legislature of 1913. I'nder the provision of the art, the court was created and Judge Warburk appointed by tha legislature with the machinery added for the appointment of a judge for tha court at the end of eat h successive two-year period by the Governor. REAL ESTATE TRAN8PERS. The following real estate transfers were filed with the register of deeds yesterday : J. G. Ferguson and wife to J. D. Bal lon tiae. lot in Fuquay Springs; con sideration. $400. Uraie B. 8tell to J. W. Stell. three lots in Wendell; consideration, $200. -ASIWASASAYIN' Mr. W. B. Cooper, of Wilmington, was a vaiitor in Raleigh yesterday. Mr. Coop er ia connected with a string of banks in the south and east of ths State, and his trip brought him to the towns where they are located. Beaching oat to the southeast from Balcigh is a territory which escaped the bad weather of last summer and in those counties Mr. Cooper says the cotton crop is turning out to be full measure, if not bigger than usual, and as a result the high price of lint is' bringing money in a way that is astonishing ths farmers, ths bankers and everybody. In one town hs tells of a darky who brought bis cot ton in a couple of days ago and was grieved because of the size of the roll it commanded, "for," he argued, "only one qua't ia fifteen days, whs' I gwine depa't fm all dat money t" COAST ARTILLERY RECRUITING STATION HERE DISCONTINUED Recraiting Force Under Captain Doda eade Will Proceed to Fart Ogle, tharae Far Master Out. Capt. L. M. Dodameade, in charge of me recruiting omco or tbe Coast Artil lery established hero to recruit men for the National Guard now on the border, yesterday received notice that orders havs been issued by the War Depart ment for ths discontinuance of the Raleigh office. Captain Dodameade and the party under him will proceed to Fort Oglethorpe for mustering out as soon as orders arrive. The force under charm of r.nt.; Dodameade, of Henderson, is composed of Sergeant le O. Layton, Balcigh; Corporal Zollar L. Beese, Henderson- Free Trial Coupon F. A. Staart Co, 237 Stuart Bnlldlag, Marshall, Mich, send me at onee a free trial package of Stuart's Dys pesia Tablets. . Sams , . . Street City , State Adv ville, and Trivate Otis C. Powell, Ba IClgD. Half a hundred men have been sent to tbe North Carolina National Guard on the border from the recruitine of fices in the State since the movement of troops to El Paso. Whether ths order issued to the Raleigh office wss issued likewise to other recruiting offices this State is not known. Whether tbe number of recruits secured does not justify eontinusnce of the office or Mttlier Hi. if i in i:e oiaer nreparsv ticii for iho removal o' North Carolina f .-itiomil tiiwrl finni tm border back boms is purely speculation. WILL CANVASS STATE VOTE FOR PRESIDENT The State Board of Elections will meet in Raleigh this morning and ap point rour members as a canvassing bosrd. to act under the chairmanship of Governor Craig to canvass the elee, toral vote of the State. Tho board will then adjourn until Thanksgiving, meet. snd adjourn again until December when the State ticket will be canvassed The Board of Election is composed of Wilson O. Lamb, Williamston, chair man; R. T. Claywell, Morganton; Mr Wall, Yadkin; Clarenrs Call, Wilkes A B. Freeman, Hendersonvilla. Oa Way To Caarereaee. Rer, J. H. Abernethy. Mr. H. H. Rate man, or Creswell, passed through the city lsst sight on their way to the Meth odist Protestant Conference at Winston- Salem. CASTORIA foMKtoiMUitm. Bears tha Til Kind You Hm Aiwajs Bought "f They let you know you Ve been smoldng and yet they're MILD In other words, Chesterfield Cigarettes are MID and yet they saUsfyr This is something foully new to cigarettes. It goes further than pleasing your taste satisfy does for urmolun .nsfhat. a- juicy slice of hot roast beet does for your appetite. Chesterfields satisfy they let you - . U t " But they're MILD, too Chester fields are! If you want this new cigarette delight (w'WEfi', yet mild) you've got to get CLheitcrfieldi, because no cigarette maker can copy the Chesterfield blend. This blend is an entirely new combina tion oi toDaccos and tbe biggest discov- Know you ve been smoking. ery in cigarette blending in 20 years. "Give me a package of those cigarettes that SATISFY" CX CABLET fey ffiVfflStW : mm W l 'ill III: 0 iCs-ir : TWQMUNDRED BABYr LIVES LOST IN FLAMES IN STATE ANNUALLY State Board of Health Urges Precautions To Prevent Such Fatalities Last year ia North Carolina 192 babies were burned to death, all of which wers accidental. This winter the same tragedy Is sgain being enacted, tha daily papars carrying ths story of a child burned to death almost overy day. Tbesa deaths are classed as deaths from preventable causes, according to tha Stats Board of Health, in whose judg ment this is too treat a price in baby Uvea to pay annually for this form of carelessness. In ths opinion of ths board much can be dona to 'protect babies from the firs and asvs them this horrible death. As one mesns of protection it suggests ths use of a baby , pen. It says: "A baby pen can bo easily made which will not only protect the baby from fire and other injuries but will keep it off the floor, clean and com fortable, and at ths same time will allow it freedom and exercise and the full use of its limbs. The pen can be moved from room to room and thus allow the mother to do her work and at the same time bs in sight of her child. " "Tho dimensions of a eonvenlen form of baby pen are 18 inches high snd about two yards square. Tbe pea msy be larger or smaller, according to the size of the room or space to be given it, but the spokes in ths sides of the pen must be placed so close to gethor that the child's head may not get through. Another suggestion offered by the board is that in case of an open fire place, which ia exceedingly dangerous both on account of the Are popping out and tbe child falling in. that a wire netting made to fit the fireplace be used. The use of a fender is not enough, tin less it prevents both the child's falling into the fire and the fire popping ou into tbe room. ACTIVITIES OF WORKERS OF EXTENSION SERVICE Mr. T. E. Browne, of the Agrlcul tural Club Work, will spend todsv and tomorrow st Greensboro on attendance at tha meeting of the North Carolina Drainage Convention and at a meeting f tbe negro boys fsrm clnbs. Friday he goes to Gaston eounty where he attend a meeting at the Gaston county farm-life school with ths eounty agent, Mr. J. hi Gray. Saturday he goes to wWjincolnton to attend a teachers' meeting with County Agent W. L bmarr. Mr. 8. G. Rubiuow, assistant elnb sgent, is spending the greater part of the week at his office st West Balcigh Saturday he goes to Plymouth to attend s meeting of the agricultural clubs. Mr. Allen G. Oliver, poultry club sgent, spends this week at Wadesboro with County Agent J. W. Cameron. Ms will ba on attendance at the Anson rnnnty fair Snd will hold a poultry Judging contest at this fair during the week. The members of the poultry clubs bava been giving a distinct feature to the various eounty and community fairs by ths fine exhibits of birds that they have been showing. Most of the birds entered in the different open con tests have taken the highest prises of fered. Mr. A. K. Robertson, corn club agent. spent yesterday at Rockingham, in Richmond eounty, aiding County Agent J. B. Hicks in awarding the prizes for the 1913 contest to tho corn club mem brrs of the county. Saturday he goes to Albemarle to assist County Agent 8. J, Lents ia tbe ssme work. Miss Grace E. Bhaeffer, of ths Home Demonstration Division, is this week at lattimore visiting the different canning clubs in company with the agent. Miss i.lliot. rridsy she goes to Lancolnton to be en ir gen In similar work. Mr. 8. C. Clspp is inspecting orchards in the vicinity of Canton for tbe Di vision of Enromoloy during this week Mr. K. C. Blair, of tbs Agronomy Division, spent Monday at tha Iredell test farm ,at Htatesvills for tbs pur pose of puking the cotton on ths ex pcrimeatal plots. Today hs will bs at ths Baaeombs test fares for the purpose of gathering the experimental corn. Thursday and Friday hs will ba at ths Trsnsylvania test farm harvesting eora on the experimental plots, and Saturday bs goes to ths Jamestown farm-life school to ba engaged in ths sasss work. Ths Division of Agronomy af ths Ex periment Station is doing considerable work ia improving and testing tbe different farm crops. $x$l, tha. Btata and in the worn experimental rarms or the agricultural schools are being nsed to good advantage. Mr. II. M. Lynde, of the Drainage Division of the Experiment Station, will attend the meeting of the North Caro lina Drainage Convention at Greensboro todsy and tomorrow. Hs will address the convention oa "Some Problems of Tils Drainage" as found ia his work over ths State. CONGRESSMAN K ITCH IN HERS. Believes Dewiacrsta Will Ba Ia Peal- Hon ta Orgaais New Hons. Congressman Claude Eitchla was in the city yesterday. Ue believes that ths Pemoerata will be ia position to organ ize the naw House. He ,a!so railed at tention to the dispatches which show tbst tbe IVmocrsta msy possibly gain two Democrats from Pennsylvania. He is confident that the complexion of the House will ba Democratic at any rae, thus assuring progressiva legisla tion slorg Iemocratie lines. Art DcparUieat Maetlnf. ' . Ths art department of the Woman's Club will meet on Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. This will bo ths first meet ing of tho season of Jlbia department. Miss Rtth- Hnattngtoa Aloora- will give most interesting talk. She will give a survey of -the accepted ni'es osed by tha great painters ia judging paintings and homo decorations. A full attends oe is desired. Light refreshments will ba served. Cut TlqwtTs Tut All Qciaalsaa. Roses, Carwatieas, Valleys, Violets, and Orcbtdk. the loaders. Weddisg Flowers arranged ia latest art. Floral designs artistically arranged. Fall sad ' Winter Bulbs aro new ready. Plant early for best result. Boss Baakea, Evsrgrsers, Shrub beries, Shade Traea, aad Badge Plants ia various variisties at J. L OQUINN t CO., Ffcaas lit Bakigk, X. C THE OLD MYA3L Absolutory Puro fMDE F7ZCT.1 CREAM OF TARTAR ORPHANAGE WORKERS TO MEET V RALEIGH TUESDAY, DEC. 12TH Association Committed To In teresting People of State in Needs of Orplians Tho North Carolina Orphan Associa tion will meet in Raleigh on Tuesday, December 12, at 11 a. m., in the Senate chain tier of ths Stats Capitol. The association is committed to in teresting the people of the Mate in the needs of tbe orphan children of North Carolina. There are no dues in tha association. It is composed of orphanage workers and of delegates from religious bodies, fraternal orders, benevolent societies, socisl clubs and all others interested in the .purposes of the organization. Special subjects bearing upon the proper provision for the orphaned children of the State will be discussed at this session. Ths officers of the association are: President, Bev. Zadok Paris, Lincolnton; first vice-president, B. S. Royster, Ox ford; second sire-president, J. R. Voung. Raleigh; secretary. Miss Daisy Pin son, Raleigh; treasurer, M. L. Shipman, 1U loigh. Executive committee: Archibald John son, chairman, Thomasville; W. F. Evans, Greenville; R, L. Brown, Ox ford; Right C. Moore, Raleigh; C. W. Pender, Clayton; W. J. Smith, Char lotte; II. K. MrPherson, Elan College; R. 8. Barnes, Raleigh; C. H. McNairy. Klnston; W. L. Walker, Barium Springs. MARRIAGE LICENSE. following marriage yesterday by the lieensa wsl register ot The trailed deeds: Mr. Henry C. Gregory, of Croret, Va., and Miss Annie U. Duncan, of Bay lcigh. - Mi . W Ti CliEtk, ut Aydffl. passed' through the city on bis way to visit in Mebane. OUCH! LAME BACK. RUB LUMBAGO OR BACKACHE AWAY Rub pain right out with small trial bottle of old, penetrat- ing "St. Jacob's Oil." Kidneys muse Backache No! They have no nerves, therefore can not causa pain. Lislrn! Your backache is caused by lumbago, sciutira or a strain, and the quickest relief is soothing, pene trnting "St. Jacob's Oil." Rub it right on your painful back, and instantly tha soreness, stiffness and lameness disap prnrs. Dont stay crippled! Get a small trial bottle of "St Jacobs Oil from your druggist snd limber up. Ar, moment after it is applied youH wonder what became of the backache or turn bago pain. Hub old, honest "St. Jacob's Oil" whenever you li.ivo sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism or sprains, as it is abso lutely harmless and doesn't burn tho skin. Adv. fa give Let . " Every Cent You Spend FooIijhl Is Banked By Some Owe Why Not Bank It Yourself? It Is Your Money Save It! Start An Account With Us We WUJeIOmi MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK A Remarkable Collection of . - - - ' mwm Men's and Young- Men's Suits and Overcoats The nobbiest and best looking clothes you can find anywhere every Suit and Overcoat of, the newest style, and most dependable all wool, fast color. fabrics. ' The models and ma terials are in a variety - larg erroujh'-.'to-please' every taste, and the good tailoring and clev er styling are such as to make your satisfaction complete. . - . "Cross & Linehan" Clothe Are Moderately Priced. Cross &. Linehan Company 1)3 Clcaisrs