10 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER THURSDAY MORNING, NOVESIBER 23 1916. The News sod Observer K. C TBAnra uun mnn lUMitl AIM UNI U:rr.a. .........llsi ; tMia. ..........4. tit4a.s 1 1 l a. Bk ..... 4:44 a. UIUk Sill, a BV ..... I 4 Bl S 4:H. m. oirrauN aailway. 4 ! B, SB .........a. a. .)4el t4na.aa. ............a vies.! 1141 tit ....... j41b., til4a.aa. 44a.l , , MOKTOLK MUTaBKX. M Mk, Art- I liHia. 144 a. bv V :4 a, bb...,..,...... 1 f4 a. am, " tiMB.aa. 44B.a. giaal KaaL, Ant KMA 4 199 tV M ) T iM s) Mb :4b.bv 1144a. as, 44 a.m. 4:14 a. av UaUT SBSSSJ aU. lft AND ABOUT THE CITY Tardauster at BlcassoatLA. C. Yates, formerly freight conductor oa the Baleigh division of th Seaboard Air line railroad, has gone to Kiehmond to - aeccpt tha position -u-yrdmastcr -for Ma seaboard at that place. lMki Erosioa. Mr. T. B. Baker. Assistant Drain sgs Engineer of the , h'orth Carolina Experiment Ptation, in attending tho Drainage Convention at Greensboro thia week. Be speaks to tha bod oa tha subject of "Erosioa and Jt'a Preveatloa." JUtary Leaches Tedare Because of tha absence of a number of Botariaas from tha citr oa aeeonat of tha Unit ceremonial sesion of tho Bndan Temple in New Hern the regular luacheon wsi postponed from yesterday at 1 oVIork ntil today when it will be held as auuai in tha Varborongh Hotel. r I Secretary Collla Hcr-8rrrctarv J. B.Collie, of the Democratic State Eiee Stive Committee, was here yesterday at tending to aome left-over business of -Ml CWUWU. MIC IViUrDfU lO IOUIB Vorg yesterday afternoon. He will re ' 4ura to Waahington in December when CongTes meet ta resume hi work -a Hrrtary of tha Huta Committee on iClaima. 1 la Writing Bnlltla.-Mr. J. M. Joha 8ob. of the farm management work of 'Hi liorin larouna experiment Btatlon, has returned to hie offlra from a trip to Waahington, D. C, where he went to attend a conference of the farm man agement workers of tha United 8tatea Professor Jobnaon ia engaged at pres nt in preparing a bulletin oa aome farm management itudiea made in sev jaraINorth L Carolina count iea, Confer With CeaimlHeev-Mias Anaie Soda, of tha Development Department of tha Southern Bailway will arrive today to confer with tha f'ivie Depart ment of tha Chamber of Commerce, which haa charge of the matter of beau tiiylng tha railway approaches to the suy. ins following compose the com mittee! N. L. 'alkcr, J. 8. Manning ad J. H. King. - Win Attaad Laacheoa. Former Prea tfdent William Howard Taft haa accept ad aa invitation to attend. a luncheon Report af the Caadltiaa of the rnMMCDn A I MATinMH n a XTir vwiiimuivmLi ShA llaL!-L 1 4L- 4?Vl a,. . . 'Vi ,7 ' irr worl l aroliaa. mw j mwatji w 1 Loan aad discounts , Note aad bills rediseounted (see Item S3). Overdrafts, unsecured. aiTtiOl.t . U.S. Bonds I tT. 8. Bond deposited to secure rireulatiojipar value).. 150,000.00 V. 8. bonds pledged to secure I". 8. deposiU (par value) . . 85.000 00 Total V. a liond Bonds, securities, etc ouaua oiaer inaa u. o. Donas pledged v ou i;. o. oonas pledged to secure postal savings deposits ..: , Boads and aecuritiea pledged a collateral for State, or ether deposit (pretal excluded) or bills payable Securities other than V. 8. bends (not including stocks) ewaed unpledged. , Total boads. securities, etc Stock, other than Federal Reserve Bank stork Stock of Federal Reserve; Bank (SO per cent of sutierrin' tioa) Furaitur aad fixtures Net amount due front approved reserve agents ia New York, Chicago aad St. Louis $ 107,37.49 -w - - -'''- . - l . . w reaerve rltie Net amount du from banks aad banker cluded ia 10 or IS) Exchange for clearing house Outside checks and other caih Items, Fractional currency, nickels and cents Note of other national banks Federal Beaerva hank notes Federal Reserve aotes Lawful reserve ia vault and with Federal Redemption fuad with V. 8. Treasurer I. H. Treasurer Total cash and due from banks. Total LUhllltiea. " Capital stock paid ia 7 Furplus fund Vadivided orofita ....... Lea eurreat expeaaea, iaterest, aad taxes Circulating Bote autstaading et amonnt du to banks and banker 29 or 30) Demand Denosit: ladividual depoaita subject te check Certified cheek Cashier check outstanding 7. United State depoaita Poatal aa via g depoaita -- wJ rpvita Total demand depoaita, Items, S3. 34, . miL aad an . TimjdepoaiU (payable after 30 day, or subject to 30 daya er more notice: Certificate af deposit , .........-. Z10JtB 63 Total of time depoeita, Items 4L 42, aad 43... $ 210,699.63 Total deposit 62,44536 Liabilities for rediscounts, laeludiag thoaa 1 re-th Federal Reeerva Bank .... , .63 ,036.225 26 State of North Carolina, County ef Waks, s i r - . I, E. B. Crew, Cashier of th above-Baa. e4 baak. do hereby solemaly swear that the above statement ia tra t thesat'of u aULapWg aad belief. ' ' ' "N. t a CBOW.iCaaala. Bubserioed aad twvrm t before aa Jfr eommlasioa erpire December 22, 1917. Correet-O-tteat: la Your Stomach Well It's tho Sccrot of Good Health HOSTETTR'S Sioaacb Bifftrs ia hia honor, nader tha anapiean af tha Chamber of Coamere at 1 o'clock oa December 7, aa tha eccaaioa of hia viiit here to make aa addreea beforo tha North Carolina literary and Hiatorieai Association. Dr. C. O. Abernethy ia in charge of tha arrangement for the luncheon. , Aakad ta Bring Baakota, The achool eaildrea are naked to bring their gift bank eta . from , tha , acaaola for the Taaakagiviag offering to tha poor of tha city to tha rooms of tha Associated Chnntiea oa Taeaday, tho Sftth. Ua Wcdaeaday, tha 29th, tha baskets will be distributed, automobile baiag need for tha purpose of carrying tha baskets to thoaa unable to come to the rooms of tha Association. Superintendent aoat asks that thoaa who are ama to do so to call at the rooma of the Association and bring their basket. DeHvera Addreaav-Ur. W. B. Camp. Chief of the IMvisioa of Markets of tha North Carolina Eiperiment Btatloa, de- iverce aa addreea -bef ore the north 'aroiina Drainage Aaaociatioa at Greensboro Wednesday oa the subject of "Iioaas for Drainage Purpose under the Federal Farm Loan Act." Today Mr. Camp goea to Old Fort in McDowell county nnd tonight to Ellenboro, where he will doUver aa addresa at the Wall school house. Friday he goes to Phelby, here he will deliver another talk. All of these meetings will be oa the sub ject of Credit I ' a ions. PERSONALS Mr. Charles V. Harris spent y est or day la lioulaburg oa business. CoL Harry Skinner of Greenville ar rived in the city yesterday for a. atay of a lew "days. Mr. William H. Eatwistl of Rocking- ham waa among tha visitors here yes terday y Mr. M. O. Bauadera of Wilmington is pending' several days in Kaleigh oa ualness. Mr. U. & Toon of Bed Spriag was Int be city yesterday. MrW. P. Matthews of Henderson la ia th city for a short stay. Mr. W. C. Walker of Tarboro was among tha visitors ia Baleigh yesterday. Messrs. M. w. uoodwin and Bob Bax ter of Greensboro ara speading a few daya ia tha city. Mr. Bumpier C Brawley retimed yes terday afternoon to Durham after speed ing a few hours ia the city oa business. Mr. r. T. Hrinkley of Winston -Salem waa among the visitors here yesterday. Mr. Cameron Morrisoa of Charlotte haa returned home after a stay of a lew days la .Raleigh. "He waa that," complained Nora, "but I Bxed him thia time. I sex: 'Who la blase dn yea think you're talkia' tot This U Aim. Kogcrs." Harper's Maga- xine. 1 lUltHLi DiniV, at the close of business en November . .91.fl00.752.92 -4100.752.92 1,780.13 185,000.00 to eecar TJ. 8. , . : woo.oo 7,000.00 10,000.00 103,500.00 141.100. 00 103,000,00 12.000.00 3594.95 ,a vmer (other than in 308,888. 09 416073.38 , ". Rcwrve Bank and due from 382303.45 40W2.95 198,73 173.21 2,871.98 10.000.00 1,300.00 2.000.00 181,753.32 700.00 ..lA77.2t$- - $3,0M23.2e 300.000.00 , 100)00TuO 36.601.30 144,600.00 692,690.58 -ttviV paid 33,975784: , (other than lacluded in 1H "90 57 l!s93 86 8 777 64 I!!.!. S9J7722 4i)8l!54 wkiti vj nesaa aa aaa 33, JUti, zi,' -6.0U.90 . v.. thia 224 day efTCeeewiber. 1916. : B. H. LITTLE, Notary PubBc CARET J. HTNTER, ALP. K. THOMPSON, B. & JE&MAN. Iiractara. ANNOUNCES DATES FOR DAIRY SCHOOLS Mr. Alvm J. Beed, In charge of the dairy Held office ex tha Korth Caroiiaa Agricultural JSxpenment Station and Extension Service, ha announced 'the dates aad place) for twenty-flv dairy schools in eight eonnties of North Caro lint, beginning November 20 and elos- in December 23. Following ia a eehedul of the schools: Uuilford county V School House, Julian, November 20; Pleasant GardeB School House, Novsm her 21; Hall School House, November 22. Boekiaghani county Cros Key School House, November 23; Mountain Oak School House, November 24; Daa Valley School House, November 23. Stoke county Pins Hail School House, November 27; Palmira School House, November 28; King's Mountain School House, November 29. Forsyth county Belew Creek, De. ember 4; Mount Tabor, December 6; Clemmoas Fans life bchool, , Decern bar 0. Surry county Dervln School House, December 7 Antioeh Bchool House, Do rember a; Bask School House, Decern' ber 9. Wilke eounty Pleasant nome wenool House, December 11; Bound Mountala School House, December 13; Miller's Creek School House, December 13 Mount Pleasant School House, Decern' ber 14, Davidson county1 Reed's School House, December 13; Enterprise School Hnose, December 18; Bower School Houae, December 19. Randolph couuty Marlboro Bchool Houae. Edgar. December 20; Why Not School House, December 21; Shady Orove Bchool llnus, Staley, Decern ber 22. RED CROSS SEALS TO GO ON SALE SOON According to Dr. I B. McBrayer, executive secretary of the Red Cross Seal Commission of this State, every town in the Bute is expected, to hnve I Red Cross Christmas Seals on sale the day after Thanksgiving. He says he does nofcj believe that there is a town ia the State, regardless of its sire, that hss not some man or woman in it in- terestcd enough to put the seals on aale ciKCU.AR 8AWYEK WANTS POSI and act aa manager, and it's just this tion December 1. Address "Sawyer" mnn or woman he wants to hear from. It haa been the smaller towns, ho says, for the past- two jesrs that have won the pennants and prixrs for the largest per capita sale of seals, even as waa the case - last rear in onr own State Clark ton, with an -estimated population of only 27A, sold 2.H.V) seals, which was per capita sale of 10.127 A man or a woman r n club in every town in the State, preferably a woman or a"cTiib," says Dr. McBrayer, "Is what we need to increase the sales or ilea Cross Christmaa Seals this year over last year. We want every North Caro- tiniaa tobava at least an opportunity to buy Bed Cross Christmas seals thia season, not so much for their money I value, aa great aa we need that, but for the value of the mesnuge which the seal carries. We consider the Red Cross Seal movement probably the greatest educational campaign that haa ever been conducted agninst tuberculosis.'' One and one-half million seals were ordered for distribution in North Caro lina aad, according to Dr. McBrayer, the prospects are bright for the State's largest sale. Large order are being filled daily aad many town that have aever before sold seals have already placed their orders. . REaV ESTATE TRANSEFERS DeVds were filed yesterday to be re corded in the office of the register of deeds as follows Clyde V. Beck with to r urman Smith, tract ia Holly Springs township, forf :o. W. J. Peele and L. McNeill, commis sioners, to R. E. Buffaloe, traet in Swift Creek township, for KO0. Sally H. Busbee to Raleigh Bcal Eatato and Trust Company, property in "South Park," for 8100 and other con siderstions. Lucy A. Moore and T. E. Moore to Mrs. Mollis O. Deaton, property on Hillsboro road, for W0. H. JL finch aad wife to Maggie Lee Q. . -It b 1 V .V. .. 1 3 ,1 I 000 W. H. Stephen, to Henry Campooll, tract ef nine acres, for 91,000. Purman J. Smith to Arrenner Norris, two tracts on the New Hill riad, for 150. , J. B. Mason and J. R Rogers to H. J Bailey, two tracts in White Oak town ship, for 25oo. Oeorge B. Montague to Lee Mormg, property near Garner, for r75, Apex una ana improvement ira-IW luiny to J. F. Heith. tract of la.id .n pcx. for 870. John - Judd to James P. Kstr, pro perty near Apex, for .'100. . , H, B, Baker to J. FJKeith, property a Wake county, for $T0 and other con fident ioas. L. Mitchell ta J. F. Keith, tract of two seres, for $100. , Trustees of White ' Stone Lodge to rustee of Wakefield Junior Order, one I sere at Wakefield, for 11 and other con- derations. V HITS -TIIE SPOT 7 1 V SATE ABSOLUTELT J, V Sc AT FOCKIADtS ' f '"at. Ja ta v'- '" ' BBBanwaasBB IP e? 1 -r. - - MQi a y-... mm 17AI1T-ADS .lOcPerLhw- BTX WOBDf TO UNI CAsal wm OKOEB eiur liM p. m. WANTED AT ONOt, POSITION BT young lady stenographer, graduate of Steward Business College, Washing ton, D. C. Have had oaa year' ex perience. Caa furnish good reference, aad requested. Address Bos 19, Jonesboro, N. C, B. P. D. 8. 11-23, 8t. I STOLEN TUESDAY BETWEEN and 11 p. m. from Fayettcville St., Baleigh, 1B17 Ford Touring Car. N. C. license 32917. Engine No. 1404084. Liberal reward. Notify Chief of Po lice, -Raleigh, 4J-23;-at; FOR HALE 100 H. P. BOILER AND engine, now in operation. Durham Iron Works, Durham. N. C. 11-23, 7t. WANTED WE TEACH YOU THE barber trade and get you a position at good salary for 25. More calls than we can fill Placed four last week. Write for catalogue. Durham Barber College, Durham, N. C. 11-23, 2fl. lost in boylan-pearck's store a lady's go!dv wntch, hunting case, Suitnble reward if returned to Mrs H. J. IIunt117 a Boy Inn Ave. 10-2.1 nt. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER . AND practical store man, now employed wants position January 1st. Good reason for change. Address Business, Hrrx 231, Greenville, N. C 11-23, 23: 27. 2, 12 1. wyer cure News and Olmerver. 11-23 It WANTED YOUNG MAN WITH GOOO education and good mixer desires pa suian in ww omcs with nrominonl lawyer; am thoroughly familiar with court work end procedure. Can begin work-January 1st, 1!U7. For panic mars nna rerernre audreM Z, care IWw n ml Observer. 11-23 It WANTED HY A YOUNG MAN WITH hnslnrss foltege trdtnifig, i position as noos Keeper or ssHistnnt. Am wil ling to work, flat if not inn gnnrantecd A-l refernce. Addrcts "Willing,1 ears News rod Observer. 11 23. 4t. REGISTERED DKI'CGIST, II YEARS experience, wants position. ond mnir, hard worker. Address "Satis fnetnn," care News and Observer. 11 23. .If. r-OK SALE SEED WHEAT. PURPLE trw and Leap's prolific at 92.00 per bushel f.o.b. Baleigh. Apply to Cary i. i mercy, exec. 11-23. 3t. COTTON STOLEN THREE BALES, numbered 3.14, 338 aad 339 and mark ed H. B. and 8. Taken from D. A A J. W. Saaser's gin; 625 reward for information leading to recovery. J. W. Sasser, B. 1, Ooldsboro. N. O. 11-23-Ht. WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH, SEC ond hand sewing machine. .Must be in good condition and a Wraln. Ad drew Boi 127, Baleigh, N. C. H - 23 2t. WILD DUCKS AND UEESE TODAY at C D. Arthur's. City Market. 9 23-lt WANTED WHITE GIRL, TO CARE for three ear baby, 616.00 per month ana expenses, references required. I tor W4. Wilson, N. C. ll-23-3t. FOR SALE YOUNG IRISH SETTER 0r Pointer, nicely started. Either will nna birds O. K. Prieea reaaonnble Harold'C. Brtnn. Rrn nn.rt., k- f , ... , . P.R SALE THE CITY OF ROCKY Mount aving Purchased an auto fire truck, wishes to dispone) of their big fire horse and hose wagons. The horse is a splendid animal weighing YMi pounds and in good condition. rr particulars write D. D. Dauaht ridge, Chief of the Fire Department. or u r. iiliery. Mayor, 11-23 3t. ANTEI1 - Tfl m-v no i n-aas- three milea of 20 or 25 lb. rail ..4 small locomotive, and ca.s. Address Bogus Sound Lumber Co, Morehead City, N. C. ll-23-7t ABRIZZI RYE ONE HUNDRED bushels nt three forty. Also Carolina growa winter Bye. Robert Hackney, Ihirham, N. C. 11-22 7t BIRD DOG FOR SALE POINTER two year old; white with spots; well broke; good retriever; first check for twenty-five dollars gets him. J.' E. Benson. I our Cteks, N. C. 11 22 2t FOR SALB PIECE OP PROPERTY worth three thousand dollnrs; will sell seven hundred and fifty dollars cash, balance te suit purchaser for twentv- even hundred and fifty dollars. Ad dress "22.' New aad Observer. Ba leigh, N. C. 11-22 2t GOOD 88-NOTE PLAYER PIANO: good bargain ; leaving for. Florida Dee. 1. Ueorge Baker, Ooldsboro, N. C. 11-22 2f " REGISTERED DRUGGIST WITH 6 years' experience will consider change January 1. Now managing store ray- tag good profits. Addresa "Proflta." h'-eare-fieaa ana 11 22 21 Twky easts attabaaw sfcarsa, A dhusal at tan par seat Is allawas ' an all aas. SMarta far . aas araak (ail ' va ) en aanBMatfvs dam Wan eatasaa aa saar I GRAPES! GRAPES! G RAPES 1 Just received several thousand bar rels Malaga Grapes. Send us your oruera. nesur I rpooce ai JurrcBaadia Co, Wilmington, N. C . 11 22 30t - YOUNG MAN DESIRES BOARD AND as ia private family. Mnst be dress "B,- ear .cws aad Observer. - 11-22 ft WANTED AT ONCE EXPERIENCED soda maa; salary aad recommeada tiens must aeoompssy applicatioau Be ready for work by December L Calomel," ear Nw and Observer. 11-23 it . . TYPEWRITER, NEW. - EBO?LT. second-hand. We bay, aaH, exchange - aad repair all makes. H. B. Starr Cav va w. Martia Itt, stale!. l--tf' SKYLIGHTS, VENTILATORS.- COR aice, roofing Barrett specifleationa; J-M. ' Asbestos, tia, tile aad aiaxa. write a for prices. Budd-Piper Boor ' ing Co, Durham, N. O. Contracts ex ecuted anywhere in tha State. 11 l-tf. WANTED 23 MILLWRIGHTS AND several bridge builders, all with took. Apply Virginia Lumber, aad Box Co, Uoldaboro, N. C ll-18-7t SALESMEN FOB NEW INTERN A tional Encyclopaedia, just completed. Bustler earning 1100 weekly. Ex pense guaranteed. Dodd. Mead Co Ine, Atlanta, Oa. ll-l-7t COMPANION.HOUSEKEEPER Po sition wanted la horn of elderly per son or invalid by wall educated South' era womaa. Befereaeee exchanged. Box 0, Saliabory, Maryland. 11-19 7t TURNIPS TURNIPS TURNIPS Just received ear Canadian Bnta baga. Send us your order. Bear Produce V Mds. Co- Wilmington, N. C. 1M7 7t LEND ME YOUR EARS YOU WILL need rubber stamp after New Year. Why not let Terry the" Stamp Man make there nowf Bead for catalogue and price.- W. TV"Terrj, Box 139, Kaleigb, ri. C. 1J-Z1 tr BARBER WANTED AT ONCE MUST be first elaas. Lafayette Barber Shop, O. E. Hall, Prop, FayetteviUe, N. U, 11-22 3t WANTED POSITION AS JR. DRUG clerk; best of references Addreea "Phenol," care New and Observer. 1 1 22 St WANTED AGENTS FOB A NEW life insurance proposition that argue its own rase. A splendid opportunity for men of ability who can prove a clean record and furnish references. Address Monthly Premium Depart ment, Jefforson Standard Life Insur ance Co, Greensboro, N. C 11-22 7t BOARD AND LODGING MODERN conveniences. Prices reasonable. 119 West Kdenton street. 11-19, 21 7t WANTED HOUSE MAN SERVANT. Must have references. Apply 115 Park Ave. 11-21 St. WANTED OLD FASHION FURNI ture and old feather beds. Write me. V.. M. Moore, 109 South Blount St, Baleigh. n 21 7t FOR SALE ONE 2-TON AND ONE Hi ton Corbitt Truck; completely) . overhauled; newly repainted; in fine condition; either rash or payments. W. Z. Bush, Bland Hotel, Baleigh. N. C. 11-2A, tf . WE PAY FROM 21 TO 23 CENTS pound for beef hides. Highest price for metal, rubber aad all sorts jun. Write for quotations. C Swart x Co, Durham, X. Cm 11-12, 13, 16, 17, 23, 24, 3012-1. Cut lowers For All Roses. Carnations, Valley, Tloleta, and Orehlda, th leader. Wedding Flower arranged la latest art. Floral designs artistically arranged. , Fall aad Winter Bulbs are bow ready. Plant early for best result. Boee Bushes, Evergreens, Shrub beries, Shade Tree, and Hedge Plants la various varietiea a J. L. O'QUINN & CO, Phoas 149 Raleigh, N. C FIXTURES For Your Home WalkerElectriaStore Taraereagh Bnlldlag PhoaU3l n L. . AHW4 . . Mara) W. a, Va) THE HARRY M. UZZLE UNDERTAKING CO. GILBERT C WHITE Coruulting Engineer Darhaas, K. C ' WATERWORKS. LIGHT AND POWER, STREETS Hugh A. Thompaon, M. D. WOODWARD BCILDIXO '' OOc Hearai IS tie lit t Is L Paeaasi OSlc. Kit Rca, 117. BALEIGH, K. C FLORISTS ' Laadscaa) Deatgasi ' Correepoadeaee SoUcits4 . VAN LINDLEY COMPANY OEEENSBORO. K. a Frank K Thomson Architect and Engineer Masonic Tempi f -Rsleigh. North Carolina. Goldtboro's New Hotel HOTEL SWINSON OPEN NOW. EuroprtFir8t Gas Arcommodtion 75 Cents All Rooms 75 Cents Convenient o trains and business iection. - In The Heart of The Gity New Furniture ETcything Thoroughly Sanitary w- POPULAR PRICE CAFE W. Swmson - ... Manager Here' spur Recipe for Your Thanksgiving Dressing For the base of your Thanksgiving D r e s sing, use Boone's De Luxe Clothes, one, two or three button or belt sack, to .suit taste; over this goes a Boone's DeLuxeQver-coat. For seasoning add a smart silk, and wool Shirt and one of our new four - in - hands, garnished with a new hat. soft or der by. We're ready with all the "necessaries." Prices and styles are right and whisper "Come again," for your "Boon" is at Boones. DVLuxGRT-BGGNElothier The Home of the Smart Clothes of B. Kuppenheimer. Stein-Bloch, also Hart . Schaffner & Marx. You All Know That FOOD IS ONE OF THE NECESSITIES OF LIFE. WE SERVE YOU WITH THE BEST. PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE. t Barbour's Ca 17 West Hargctt Street Just Received Large Shipment of TANLAC Tucker Building Pharmacy Both Phones Thanksgiving Proclamation -.. . W shonM be thankfnl for tit man; Messing rajoyed daring IftlS. i "W ekoald b tnankf ni that r have Wilaoa aid proprlt7 a rU' a peae''aasnraaee for onf yaare aior. W ah on id be thankful for the substantial growth ef Balalgtt aad the effort ef ear City Officiate la their continued effort to keep op oar Citr BeaatifaX Let oaa thaakfal la Joining th erovrda oa thia. th Greatest ThanL- igiviag af aeir career la aaakiag it aisniorable day. . S. BERWANGER TBI OXS PKICX CLOTBIXK, . . , raa la thaakfal for avsT M yeara. 4 I- fU miM nun y V llir4-v -xa CajsBsttaVanAat ftatsas Rleih, N. C Or Mrrlatf jor cloth e iqolrcmeaU tor 'I