8 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER nmtSDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 23, 1&6V Get the greatest poasJhle Tab f tMjoat nonejr wr SocksMcn iHt Mate SS.Ue an Knit-to-fit the feet without itraicinf or bagging any where, four-ply heels and toes. Of softest, finest yarns, in virfo range of beautiful cotor-shadea. Tbey are always omfarm and fjv twice usual wear." Guaranteed by your dealer and tht factory ' TRUE SHAPE HOSIERY CO. f HILAOILPHI A. . Sam, ' I V rF IMPLI DPU TIL IHITIlI) - . - . . . N. I will eouuDi most of tit aext torn o Uirl Civil Court. I A f f I AOWWOMI JlOmS IWBMIulUOl lilUS i - nun - totae tue the 1 m - ia ths Usual Wear or Another Pair Hearing at Goldsboro Will Probably Come lip Saturday Morning teacher quits ms JOB lias -Disappeared From Tht Community For Second Time in Recent Years ; Land Home Robbed of Wearing! Apparel; . Interesting Will Case "Faulty tiOQ ; and TWO CANDIDATES FOR lATEADINGJXERKS Two candidates have appeared for ths position of trading clerk ia th Rat Senate. They are Paul Webb, of Morebftad City, and C. C. Broughtoa.'of Troy. Mr. Webb, aa attorney, was caa didate for tht Democratic nominatioa for Seaato ia hia district, but lost in the second primary. Mr. Broughton ii formerly an attorney of Troy, and of Kalrigh. Thus far David P. Dolllnger. de feated candidate for Democratic norht nation aa Commiaaioner of Iirtor and Printinf, appear to be the only candi dal tor reading clerk in I ho House. Coal deposits that have been discov ered in Ireland are being developed satisfactorily and scientists are Investi gating deposits found oa the IWr Ie- landi, between Bpitzbergea aad Norway. Thanksg iving Day FOOTBALL GAME Car olina vrVirginla Richmond, Va.,Thursday, Nov. 30, 1916 $3-Round Trip-$3 SPECIAL TRAIN T1A Southern Railway ' Frini Chapel Hilt Station aad Darnam, N. C ' Schedule aa follows: Leave Chapel Hill Station 9:30 p. av, Wednesday, November 29th. Leave Dot ham 10:00 p. m., Wednesday, November 29th. Leave Oxford 12:S0 a. m, Thnraday, November 30th. Arrive Richmond (Hall Street Station) 6:40 a. ra. Thursday, Nov. 30th. Returning Special Traia will leave Richmond (Hull Street Station) 11:30 p. m, Thuraday, November SOU, 19 ML. Passengers' from points Gibsonville to Durham, also ronTTlaTeTgirio Durham will use regular tralnXTo- Durham, Wednesday, November 29, and special train ' from Durham. Passengers from Henderson and Dab ney will use regular trains to Oxford and special train from Oxford. Pullman Sleeping Cars and Coaches. Make Your Sleep ing Car Reservations in Advance. $3.00 Round-Trip From All Stations $3.00 This will likely be your last opportunity to see these two great teams play at Richmond. Co to Richmond and m Carolina Beat Virginia Tickets at the above round trip fare will also be sold for regular trains Wednesday, November 2Cth, good returning to leave Richmond on regular trains up to nd including trains leaving Richmond prior to mid night of December 1, 1916. 'For Sleeping Car Reservations and f urthcrinfonnation ask Southern Railway Agents, or address J. O. JONES TraTeling Passenger Agent Raleigh, N. C New aad Observer Bureaa. Chamber of Commerce Rooms. By BYRON FORD. Goldsboro, Nov. 22. Contrary to ex- peetatioa the trial of Sherwood Up ehorrh, a popular man of Raleigh, for alleged implication in the larceny of aa automobile here 'on the night of No vember id not come op for trial before Mayor John B. Iliggine this morning. It haa bee a continued aad it ia believed it will be heard here Satur day morning. Indicted with Mr. Upehnrrb la Ouy Williams, a man of many aliases, held, it ia aaid here, in Raleigh jail until yesterday, when he waa bonded out, when Sergeant Dan Norris, of Golds- boro, went to Raleigh to bring him here for trial today. If Williams faila to ahow Up here for trial Saturday it is thought the ease against Mr. I pchureh will fall flat. The only other witnesa against the Raleigh man la Orim, the detective, whoae affidavit exonerating Vpchnrrh from Implication in the Ral eigh whiskey-selling caa discredited hia subsequent testimony. It ia not believed that the testimony he will give here will have any deliteriona effect upon Upehurrh'a eauae. E. M. Land Home Robbed. Six valuable dreaaea and a quantity f otlrer-f emtnino-weariBg apparel-were lent night atolcn from the home of E. M. Iuid, in Park avenue. Hettie New- kirk, ex cook in the land home, ia ac cused of the robbery, but haa not been apprehended. Mr. and Mrs. Land were away from home whea the robbery waa committed. Late last night they re turned to And a back window and door had been broken open. Because of the manner and time of entrance, Mrs. Land inspected the rob bery had been perpetrated by some one familiar wiht the borne. Thia morning Mr. Land visited the home of Bettie Newklrk and found the etolen gooda. While he waa phoning to the police the aeareea eecaped. Bettie had practically ruined all of the etolen art idea, by stuffing them in the chimney of he room. School Teacher Dlaappeara. Ellie Pearson, a 55-year-old teacher in the achools at Pinkney, haa disap peared. He left home Saturday. All effort to locate him haa proven fruit- leas. Thia ia Mr. Pearson's second mys terious disappearance. Several years ago he left home and waa not heard from for two years. After traveling through the west for that period he finally communicated with Mrs. Pearson and returned to their home in Wayne, Knr the past several years he and Mrs. Pearaon hnve resided with Mrs. Pear' aou'a lirotJur, llasklll Kdgerton. Mr Kdgerton waa here this morning looking for a new teacher. There are no irrrgularitica in any of Mr. Pearson's accounts. It is thought thnt the wanderlust, with which he haa always ; been very strongly affected, proved too atrong for hun. Price Hobblee Out. Policeman Price, victim of the assault which resulted In the imprisonment of Richmond Hines, hobbled down town to day for the first time since his alterca tion with Hines and another negro. Ia the fight between Mr. Price and the two negroea Jiis leg waa fractured and he suffered other serious Injuries. Hines escaped, but waa subsequently captured in Norfolk, brought back to Ooldsboro and lodged in Wayne Jail, where he stayed until one Sunday night about three weeks ago. On that Sunday night, following the removal of another negro named Hines to the penitentiary to prerent his being lynched, Richmond Uynea disappeared Since then nothing haa been heard of him. Strange Will Case To Be Heard. To solve a most puxxling legal prob lem involving the status of a man of illegitimate birth whs willed his estate o his heirs whea, la the eyes of the law. he has no legal heirs, the eaae of the Haywood Bixtell estate will have its initial hearing in tha next term of cause of the most of the aflrnents thai afflict human beings. Too much Indiges tibl food and lack of power to throw off the poisons that come from indigestion these lead to a long una of distressing disorders. Avoid them by eating Shredded Wheat Biscuit a simple, elemental food that contains all the body, building material in the whole wheat grain, iQ eluding the bran coat which keeps the intestinal tract healthy and clean. Delicious for any meal with bananas or other fruits. Made at Niagara Falls, N. Y. Wayne Superior Court for the trial of civil coses. The Ulrzell estate is valued at be- tween-S4500-aird 60,00,-wt-WasHeft by Haywood Bizcell to hia widow, Betsy Bizzell, for the rest of her life. At. Mrs. Bizxell's demise the estate was to be handed over to Haywood BizzeU'f heirs. Haywood Bizzell waa of UlegimaU birth. The law says hia only legal heirs would have been hia mother or his ehll dren. He had no children and his mother died before he did. When Mrs. Bizzell died it was found that she hsd willed the property to M. E. Cox, E. A. Stevens and others. M. E. Cox was named as her administrator. (tcorge C. Eornegay had been named as Mr. Bizzell's administrator. So the estate now has two administrators, as well aa three aeta of claimants. Messrs. Cole and Stevens are not. it is said, blood relatives of either Mr. or Mrs. Bizzell, but under Mrs. Bizzell's ill are , contenders for the property. Mrs. Bizzell's nearest kin are the Cole's, of Smith field. They also are contend ers. Another set of contenders are the McCullcn'a, nearest of kin to Mr. Biz zell's mother, who maintain that tha property is rightfully theirs th sough their being the natural heirs of Mr. Bizzell's only legal heir. A large and strong army of legal talent haa been employed by each con tender and it ia thought - the- hearing I wood Thuraday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. The meeting ia to eb ia the form of s donation party, every mem ber being expected to bring some article of furnishing to be need in the com munity room to be established there. Establishes Recrnetlag Office. Corporal Henry C Goeseh, of the United States Army, is' hers) to eetab- j llah ' a permanent recruiting office for ine army, uia emees are being estab lished in the postofflee. Corporal Goeseh will conduct the office alone for s short while, but expects to have an assistant soon. Tax Collector Sick. City Tax Collector Joe Warrlek eon tinues quits sick at his boms here. Mr. Warrick has been too ill to visit his office In City Hall for several days. For some time his condition was considered quits-serious. Today, however, it ia re ported that he is much improved. To Play KlaeUra Friday. Ooldsboro high school's football team will meet that of Klnrto Friday af termoon for the third game of the son between the two trams. To date each team has won s gams from the other. The game Friday decides which will b elimniated from partici pation in State championship series, and the local boys are determined to put np their best game of the season. 1 Restaurant Licensee Revofci Ree tan rant licenses issued to- Ad Ham and Dade Hawkins, negroes, were thia week revoked by Mayor Higgins here use It wns proven that the negroes were using the licenses to cloak the sals of merchandise from their stores on Sundays. The two reetajtranni have given rise to much, complaint from resi dents of the quarters la which they are located. They were congregating points for Idle negroes oa Sundays and gave mneh trouble to citizens. Bsraett Case for Ssperlor Ceart, Cases against Elizabeth Burnett alleged conductor of a bawdy house, will not be beard by jury before Re corder Bland Friday; Judge Bland transferred the eases to Superior Court to save the county expense of sum moning jurymen. The eases will eoms before Judge W. P. Stacy In next week's term of court. Monday's Coart Profitable. Nearly I2O0 was paid Into the hands of Chief of Poliea E. 3. Tew as a re sult of costs and fines imposed by Mayor Higgins In Monday's ' term of city court, It waa discovered today whea ths chief finished his compilation ox receipts. Personal. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Faircloth moved IE A "CASE TONIGHT Anrr r i Aim cm UIUI I AI I I f llllsl UaLLs) Children Cfy for Fletcher's sj.-ywue i in i iihwuhhii , i in i n i , , i i mmiwe The Kind Too liar Always Bonsrht has borne the rtgnav sort) oi uuas, si. w irtcncr, una nas seen msas nnaer nisi personal supervision for ver SO rears. Allow no no to deceive yon In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as -irrifHl are but experiments, and endanger tha steal th of CMldren Experience against Experiment. What fs CASTOR I A C&storla Is a harmless wnbstltnto for Castor OH Pare Korlc, Drops and goothlncr Syrnps. It contains neither Opium, Morphine) nor other Narcotic substance. It de stroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. For more than thirty years It has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Trots hies and Dlarrhrra. Jt regulates the Stomach and Bowels, Mnniiuiinta Ji UVU KI1"S UtKlI.J SUU IIAV1UM JMSKTfP The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. Tho Kind You Have Always D ought Bears the Signature of Snend a Dimpl I ivpn'"d tm sour why dot yes o ,HC,,U .a IVIIIIC. U VCII 10-eent bos of CaseareU at ths drag Your Liver and Bowels and Feel Rne. Enjoy life I Tour system Is filled with an accumulation of bile sad bowel poison which keeps yon billons, bead achy, dizzy, tongue coated, breath bad store and feel bully. Taka Cnaearets tonight and enjoy ths siesst, gesUssS liver and bowel cleansing you ever a 1 perieneed. TouH wake np with a dsns? head, clean tongue, lively stop, rosy skis and looking and feeling fit. Moth ers caa givs s whole Caaesret ts a sick, eroas, 1llioua, feverish child say time they are harmless never grips or sicken. Adv. . today into their new horns in West Aahe street. Mrs. raircloth sad chil dren arrived yesterday from their for mer home at Norfolk. Mr. Faircloth has been is Goldsboro. for several months . George Gardner, of Dunn, wnsaurja itor to Goldsboro yesterday. Senator Matt Allen returned yester day from Raleigh, where he had busi ness before the Corporation Commis- W. Faisoa Thomson returned yester day from a visit to bis eld boms at tat son. E. 3. Overmsn, of rremoart, was visitor to Goldsboro yesterday Mrs. F. T. Carr and her son rV A. Carr, of Aydea, wars hers ts visit Mrs, O. J. C. DaiL "Good morning. Nora. Rogers. "Was tho grocer's boy bsssa. dent to yon again this morning wham yon "phoned ths order UP UGH I CALOMEL IS HORRIBLE! IT SHOCKS YOUR LIVER, IF BILIOUS Calomel sickens 1 Don't lose a day's work I Clean tout Liver and Bowels with "Dodson's Liver Tone." TJghl Calomel makes you sick. It's horrible I Take a does of ths dangerous drug tonight arid . tomorrow yon may lose a day s work Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, whea it comes into contact with sour bile crashes into it, breaking it up. This is when yon feel that awful nausea sad cramping. If you ars slug gish aad "all knocked out," if your liver is torpid sad bowels constipated or yon have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's liver Tone tonight. Here s my guarantee Go to anv drug store aad get a 60 cent bottle of Dod son's liver Tons. Take a spoonful and if it doesnt straighten yon right sns and make you feel fins aad vigorous I want yon to go back to ths store aaC get your money. Dodaoa'a Liver Tssss ia destroying the sals of calumet 1 it is real liver medicine i esrttrely ' table, therefore it caa ast snJrrsss s make you sick. I guarantee that cms spoonful of DsdV son's Liver Tons will put your slimlsb liver to work and dean yoar bowels en? that sour bils and constipated wants which is dogging your system aad asakv ing you .feel - mieerable. X gnarantuO that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tana will keep your entire family feeling; fins for months. Givs it to your ssaV dren. It is harmless; doesnt grips natal they like its pleasant tssts Adv. S7 w In Use For Over 30 Years vmc ecwTsoe eonesaVi wew veasi erw. I TSOSHf 0 turkey, so aelidously . V 1 i2L flrry U cooked end so . tender m i ia. r i u n nut it mit tsiis-s.4-t-n.s s i j touch of the knife, what a V&l - moment of triumph It ia for tT you anJ your f M Notice to Taxpayers. The State and County taxes for year 1916 have been due pince October 2, 1916, and all are earnestly re quested to come and settle at once. . J. II. Ser SHERIFF OF WAKE COUNTY. 3IUTT AND JEFFOnc Has to Use a Different Argument. to Sell Tape Thant to Sell Silk HANGED ui a anno mm wa rrvTyatry delignt. Ibsevsn nMlntains a dependable, perfect baking neat at all times. The reservoir adjoining fire box, ivin instant hot water, only one of the many exclusive features that make for comfort and convenience la the Itlfelf, fnj sr a coo. slant delight to the housewife. - Way ae get ywar Range aww t Aaywar, sail and ask to ess the GOODWIN-SMITH FURNITURE CO. COBB BROS. & COMPANY BROKERS Members of Kow York sad Norfolk Cotton Exchange. Prompt attesT tion to telegraphic aad pboae orders. Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Pra. 1(1 Flam Street, Norfolk, YlrgJnla (Copyright, 101S, by BL C Fiaher. Trade Mark Bee. U. & Fat. Off.) By BUD FISHEF

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