- "v l- . Monday i:o?.M:;c,i!Ai:ai 12. i$n. ll.a ' News nJ Observer " luUtK X. C c ... ,i V L'ltlea Bw (1 . ' ml .1 KlU'miiWi n n i "lint rr i TT"iiif " "iTTTt TTT"' S.RABOA1D A;Ufi" y, V- Monk' -i - SwBta -It? & m. .............. ..It 4 a. M, 1:1 a. a. Ik aa, a......,,..,..., I :4lavaa. : a. m .....I.......... 4illn. ' 4;M p. av ................ !-a. 4ASa.ee. .. ia.en.v .; . SOUTHKKlf SAILWaT ' , CMrsaaet OetnrWert : c 4 a. M. l:Ma.av 1: a. av :lla.ea. , 1:0.IB. 4iOa.M. t&i a. at. 'iSSB.ee. : ' . v NO&TOUl MOniU : Sofa Boata A lUiitefc '1 -1 it ai en. a. aa .,' . t :t a..a.4v..,..l.f 1 iM a. sr . f avy...j...5 .fi4a, aa. J OtW iaei Asilv nalelsh. Ma. m. ................ Trt a. aa, a :m a, m. ...v...:.......ltiA. aa.' ' , S.S W- B,"....,...-..... e;ex. new na, ssai. daily. . ,-'-.v ' w ; Dr.1 Pm WlB SpsaluDr. Clnrenea Pos wfll be ths apMker next Sunday before tit mooting for men- t tbs Toacg Men ChrUtiaa Aaoc4atin..Dr, Poe: Baa before spoken) at tnase abss lag which are krfljr attended, i g. j - Talk to Tsachetn'-Sapt. P. 1L Harper Saturday entertained the Balelgh pcia erpsJs and supervisors arMnackaonvis tha Yar borough Hotel, talking ta then there about his recess trip ta Kansas Ciky Wto aa taspsetsd ta lily school G personals. :; f . 1 f Mr. H. Regan, si High Pslnt, spent tbe.dayla the sily faatordaj with all ttw waVwlp Vf jJ!lela at, if tat . Mn P. O. Xnckw, of OollAoroS.iHu aanoar tftt Tialtor la JtawigH 7w' Mr A. JI.-.Barria, af WUmtaftM, 1 apeadiac mam 7 aw y buaiaeaa. -m" : '" . Mr a R CvanBlai. .Higtt Fbtat. arritMd fcrxtUftta 4for a ft V anrai daya.- - v . Mr. U U Jordaa, of Charlotta,' apaat th day la Bal&igo ' yeaterday ,with frieada. ' . ' ' - Mr. M. H. fienell, formerly , of thU . ,cftyr; ytarday ratnraad to 'Atlaata aftari'.Tktiaing Heads here for.,;Xei ...iayawrt. . v -!.- Mr. J. fl. twia, of Boeky Moaat, ! peadiag a few daya ta the oily. . - ' - Mm, Eaatlr WalM Jead. (RpacW to Tie Kewa aad Obaerror.) H Kinaton, Uarma Ur-AJra. Emiiy watto, widow ,Ut;p8V!;2t,yrhUe, JJediora-tttTaayVia .BCT.jrw Hh wa well knowa la the elty. - II n. "ft'hlto had bean 111 WTaral weeka fol-Itta-ing- aa attack of ptomaiao poiaoa lag. She tu the mother of Nornaa W'hHe, Miaa Liesie WMta aad Ura. B. B. MaUiaoa, the first two reaideate of Kin ton aad. the Jart aamod .tjl forehead tiity. Mn. White RM ' ft bimbW-?! the Methodlat eauroh. Baa a a native of Craea eoanty.. Her arriaaa ee carred in the atitlca, Her aofbaad died nine yean ago. , -. 4 HKXKT CUT THOaUl Aged OU (. Taaaaaarine ' Dead .faaatal TaaterdMr Afteraooa.'" v peoial to The aad.Ubtarrot.)4 ' "'ThomaavOle, Mareh Xl-Uenry CUy Thomaa, yonagoM toa of the lata Joha W. Thomaa, ionndet. of Thomaaville, died early yoatarday tnombr at the Soldier1 Horn ia Baleiga, aged 73. Bi . remaina were brought bore and-funeral wrticeawera Held at Alain tjuect. Metu odiet church, this afternoon Bade? the uepieea of Thomairilla lodge of Maaoaa Interment followed U the ThomaerUle tsemetery. : . . . - Be aa Married ia early avaahood ta Mine Carrie Butner,' of Salem, he preaaded him. Jto the gfa,13 yfra ago. oar ehildiiig.werbrait, Ir. and 1 Mrai ; Thomaa. aamoly. ' Miae - 'Mamie Thoaaaa, ,of . Winrtea-BaJenj! Mra. Ira . Irwin, of Aihebero; Mra. w. J. Beget of Wiaaton-Saleat, aad lawreaoa U. Thomaa, of Thoaairllle, . Thea all ear ia. ' Two -brothers aurrire, P. C. Thomaa. of ThomaiTille. aad J. Weelcy . Thomas, .ef Oraeaebons,, also, a , sister, Mrai J. T. Cramer, ft .TbovatvUls. ,' ' . Mr. Teeataa was for naay jaaro on of Thomaerille's most netful eitiseas and one of tha most active tad earn est Christina la the Main Street Metho- , diet shareh, as well aa a aef ol Maaoa, TCriSTr LAW TO REST .v , ' - WITH TENDER CEREMONY . f$i1al ta The News aad Obssrrarj f .Vf ilmiagtoa,' March 11- The rawtalas it Far. Wiiliam U Eexfard,' a-radaat of Trinity College, !aas of , U9, aad ' aln years pastor of Trtatty and Sladea Street UMhodiat ehttrraai of thia-eity. wars laid te rst ia Oaadsle Osnatary , yesterday afternoon following funeral - serrlees front the Trinity Church which war attended by laadrsd of sorrow iag- friends, many - eoanlng .front ths woefera rrt .of -the JBtats aear.Mav thall.'K. CH where tha 4eeaMii feeld.t charge far almost -twa-yaats prUr-to, . breaadowa la aaalth araich ha aaffartd ia 1916. There wss literally Jk wilder bm. of flowers that alanott eompletely . I.s1 the eaakst aft tt;TKa"'t 1 Trice was eendoetod by Bev.iW. V. VIUs. pastor of Trrairy -CSlarth and a graduate of Triaitr Cfiliega also. , tetl tj toe entire Methodist aia i ey of lha aity and with ou of. tow ri.!ft'rtrs parucirsung. t . H There is no place In the mnstay of iro for tha nonprogressive... t 1 rzojw '" tm MX-an, neanaie ! a MillsrV Aatissptls, Oil, Ki Snake; Oil Win resltiTely EUrw ' Pala la Tares Try it right now f o fehswMriann,. Ksnralgia, ' ibsgo, ' sore, ' stiff , aad ewollea Joints, pains ia the head, back aad limbs, earns, bsmkr,, ste. . After one sppUeatioa pain' disappears as if by "jfaorerfalllng rewady, used intern ally aad externally lor Coughs, CoWs, Crop, Brn .Throat, Wither! aad Toa ailltis, " ' . t . This Oil Is eeaeedad te be the most naaetratiac remedy known. Ita prompt aad immediate offset in relieving pain Is dee ta the fast that ft pe set rat te tha affected parts at owes. As aa lllus tratioa, poor Tea Drepa ea tha thickest pisas of sola bather, aad H will pene trate thla sobetaaee - through . and through ta three annates.' '' . Aseept bo snbetitntOi ' This great Oil la golden red eolor only. . Every bottle gnaraataed; S9e and fiOa a bottls..or money- refnnded. At leading Aruggista, SOS bottle mailed on roesipt wf price. J Get is at Tucker Bid. Pharmacy, Wake Drag Store or Ekks Drag Wore, Bal- igh, M. OoAdv, , ' ' DAVIDSON APPROVES STAND OF PRESIDENT rrsaideat Martin, at Bamasst af FscnUy aad BtaaWata, gone) Utter VolcJsg Coaftaanaa. (Special to Tha News and Observer.) I)avidoa. Msreh 11- The following paper formally adoptad. by faculty and stadents has bees forwarded to Presi dent Wilson i :,: ff.- r,". Ths faculty sad atadeats of Dnvid- son College rejoice that yon will guide oar aatioa through another adminietra- Uoa. we aordially support yon la year efforts to protect' America Ufs aad Uberty.- . . -- . n. -We heartily condemn thn Attitude of those who, ia the last session of ins Beasts, defeated your request - for au thority to place the natioa ia stats of armed neutrality. "Whils ws sarasstlw dssira and con- tlanally pray that ws may be pressrrod ia fcoaorabls peace srtu all men. we are glad to support yon la every way in Drassrrinn our national li bartieo end tha rlehts af humanity, , Your way is dUCeult aad yonr path rough, bat thS D ravers of a host ara going an that tha- Ood of our f stbors, and- our God, win' civa yon wiedom. 'eourage aad strength -continually -tj ' "Ijsad nn. at: rrestaant, in tne patas af ' aatioaal rightepaanaas, .rhetoerbay bo Ue paua or. poae or no.- - "By request of tne racuity ana stu dent body. ' '.'. - - "irUjUiAai J. MAm in, -. . . .President ASTORIA For Infant aad .ChMm InUis For Over 30 Yeart , ' INSURANCE; The Harm CucHaa SJiHbiI ssl BSoVt. . - seat AeeedewM, DarKam, K. C. Est Ats,Stst Inearaaie' la"roce GILBERTCmUTE ' n-..1:t?aie'iii-i,i Consulunai cjisuleer . " pastas. M. a' -L 1 ' WATXSWOEKA, LI GET AXS ' . ., POWER, STREET! , Undertaking Comp'ny PhenS m W. G. R.ORDECAI - Attorney vht-tw'.'f.. V'-; EM Tncast BMg, f sUWgK' ' K. C SEABOARD Air Line Railwa lb Piufuwi giPaas af JM - i' i -I in"'- - IMm ta -smat Paasasv Ma., U, ISIS. -Tiaaw hmaa BakWIi aw fellewai , , Ifa. t, IStST a. at Tbiaasfc PiH far teaaa,,Waatowua aaa Mra Trait. M S. 4:SS a. ab Thtoaab Naaaaa m l . Waahtaswai lStlilshm end Mew Vata.' . , . . , -. Ma. a, 4ilT a. m-TVraash Srasa tm As knta aad blnaiaaham. 1 - ' No. t. l:s MMfc Taraasb Palhaass tar fowmsay aavaasen.- if aenewinn Ma. L nt a. m. Thw rVOmaat bw Bsvmauh. JackaawriUe aad Taaaea, rlarMa. Btnuawaaai aa4 M rata.- gluewe htaSad bom HuM an Ma S. Ma. II. iS a. m.-Thwarh warn tar Chas latia aad Bathaifwetaa. Si. A - Ma, U, Hi a. aw Taawaah trala lar War. talk. Ponamaata, . aa Uwaash farac Oar awKBW aan ee Ma. 4, U:S RlnSmaaa,, W Ma. . in a. nv Tnieaas man Mr Hi aa4 ntHmaane.1 - ' J ..- r train tar A p. I to nM aa Tkiaash PaTanans ta v,1r aa4 tea talk Ma. U. u a. j tanta. Mirwrtiicfeaai, &m:m Ma. te. 'b rsmsds f saw! aw mala ataum. amivt uwt mnaur Ma IS., A. - aa. UW afaja (rest Wi4aa, sails wvt ln-f. I A'-Uwa aJanita- haanS aa I . f s tXM 1 HlvppV heAiK eVYVd. : view apwt woar . . t ' ft IT T0U-- spend yonr ' tl . ; properly you're apt to en- ' joy tha proper allotment af health' that happy Spring time. If- yen; ! spsad . some ,of your money on the health arseseories sold lit this drn ators yonll' feel quit .cheer sd np over tha result sf yonr pal-' ehssea. 1 - --.' HICKS DRUG STOPvtS l7AriT?Ap& .rOcPer Ltas. MX W01W -TO UHB CASE WITH 4UDXE ; Jlr..xl.,--.vl: ' aa gar' east -as sBjest ' owWS ss.- bmmril n;' '" " T" Waal eshast .atat aaasv . awtaal efmrSsM sa.; " rr nevn ' unni' iTflS '. WW ITS! trade -wanted at a . . No boozer J iaeed -son. 3.19-lt. apply. Addrsss xl Jones, yd- PUANINtt MILL K,MA WA2f. . d First -class . - combination planer -and. nvnchinistIavtnahi;'appU4 'j tioa give 'jefereneoand -sigeU' paeted, , JU, U. .seSJ, aaroure, v. w ill in . ,i. ' . f 1 "1" " - ' - v aw ami UWANTUM WEMARUM - RUBBER , stamps; mads daUy Barnea, Baleigh. E-io isi eoa Special Summer Prices . 0 , t,t WALL PAPERING atid Interior Dcoratiac Call and see our larsre as sortment of new samples Penys Art Store IsS B. Wllmlagtea Straet rHONISl , . J) 5 SPECIAL EXCURSION FAEES ' ' : 'if iVlA -!i.ajaiiis . " ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY FROM RALEIGH' ' ' f27JS New Orleans, La. Account Laymen's MiMioaary Movement, South ern Prssbyteriaa Church. .Tickets, on sals March 11, 12 an 13, limited March tu mit,; ' : - : glsJWshingtoa, D. CV ieeenat, Daughters af the Amsrieaa Bewolutloa Tickets aa sals April 10 to 15, limited April SO, 1917. . ' i tzTAS -New Orleans, La.. Aeeotini flnnthara. Baotist Convention. Tickets on sale May 11 to 1, Umited.Mav fl. 1917, tin I e ne estentfou, ; SIJU Waahlnston. D. AW'odht Annual Reunion, i United ' Confederate Veterans ana nons or veiemns.. iiceis on sale Juss S to T, limited June 81, lP17,-antes extended. .. - -IISAt Atlanta, -Ga. Account Inter- aational . Associstion of BoUnr Clubs. Ticket, eals June ,13. lfl Md 17.,lim itedtine 3,'19W.-' I ; nouna ri aiva aiwi vwtc, --puutta on nam basis. For farther information caul on any Agent Southern Railway, or Baleigh. N. a The Southern Serves th Eantk Frank K. Thomson Architect and Engineer llasonie Tempi- - -'. Rjtftigh; North Carollwv., .Pftlai,.! Southern Railway System Traia laava BaWsh aa ttllewei Bi' tlf." Vile '. ia- fa 0aaawBare.eaa Meting tor pwrna-emna, aoata aaa wen. atoaaar OataSaora ta W tartan Saiam aad BaW aish e tiraaartom- ' -. W. 1U, a. aa nr wraaoeva, SoMaaora wttb A. O. U aad M. S. - - , Ma. SI, tl a. aa for Aafcaaine aae Waraaavtlle. eoanaetlaa at Oaaabare for aetaw North aaS Bevtk ane at, Aaaevtiie raf Uaaiaaatl, ? vm am am w"r - Ma. 101. MM a. aa, for ' ''ll'a, 4"-V '. Ma, re iswv j k at B.iaw ,whh A, C. vita a. T tie. a, m, iw ww""sw nantlns wt'-h tkroash sralas for aaath and Hart, rwe raUialaa akair ear, KaMsh a Ma. 11, TM- a. av, tor Ornairtrra,'' eanl aartiaa at trinitira vrith thraosh wain tar WMklaslaa. RaltkaMra, PhUadaipMa a4 New Tare, alee throws tear., riiejet . ' a wttb A. a C aB ins aad wi-k A. 0. U N. a. at Gelstbere. Parky Car AaaavUle i flelaibara. ... j . x. a. lowcs. - 1 bf Fasir Ares, KwtahA, E. O, JfTlW nnAJsTal JavVaMS waW snWSaTlB .. sad. Ootff bat OpaaaMS Paaiaaai TraJsa tram Nafta Cats. ,ln.nna TwailBal ataMaa, Merfelk, WmVt ' irtas' ' -'He., ft- a ill.r.lt. 1IUL ' TBAIM UtATB aALRICRt Ma. a a a. x rwiw nan a at N Sara via Cbeaawlattr. . Na, s 4 a. aw Oails far VU . flhisn vtlK WaaMasaa aad NorteOL- -J Ma. So t te a. at. Deilr tnr Tarnw L4 liastan aad FarcMrvUla. , . , j , No. IS tS . aa. DaUf saeaat Suwiay let WlUoa awS WeaalaatDa). t ' na ea aa a aa. waiij an anaauai n Variaa. Ulltnstaa sad fafattrvtte. f M J !;.. "Sin! " warxaia. aar rata Paihaaa slaasma- Car. . i I BAINS ULAVn BALUOBl He., 1:0 a. m. Daily raat Morfo&. an- aia:t a. TlaU. laiail Bailn SteaaSkavilak.,.-. - . ' ' j ' ', i Ma. H tliU a. aa Paflf sales gaaSay Ma. s tin a. ea. Xtalhr tiwa rwistla. t Ma. S4:4 . m. Dallr from Panttaeubv Ma. StlS a. ea. Datlv frna Norfalk. -raltaaaa aleevtaa aare emlelt aw tneM ea. S aa4 Mm RaMck aa4 Norfolk. - V hfanuttaa aall a 4 r I I ll ml SaiaUaa, ec 'l"'-. . : 4 . . , . , A P. MTfCEILU T. P. A. , ' tcWick, n. a . . v : m. s. lEakb, q. r. a, . l-" . Hestale, Ts Nea. Ttaeare vmaie aarrv all otaol ilnJilierii He-VtoS aipriiw-a Smb etaal tvm; am a ta ai - - rnnmc (at) aenl) anew tmrm iiieaas eehinatna. D. an4l Jack- t- inhale, ragman . tmm , 'p.wa end' tw f nr-iietlMi, "0 a ha. I V , a a--n (tla ar aa aay wwiaartl '-.. . .. C S. i.A5f.'C- P.-.. ' , ?.-t, a. fa tcsJiJf. wrr -'r. r. , . ROOFING Pne;. Or Tel. Tin, Tile and Slats. 3-M Asbestos Hhlnr let sTe)et; I WATER PROOFING TAR CONCRETE FLOORS SHX-ET METAL WCrjC , Eiylights, Tsatrtators, Cnmiea, Blow , Pipe, Outters, I la. . . rrro-PirER . Room 3 ccarr, . Drkv J. C ; ar4 w fiar alaae tar aw-aj. - Can tracta exeivuiat aarhr ta a. WANTEIM-l'OSITlON AS MANAGER af pUning mOLnThbrotighly aompe- tent in all branches ,af mill work. Klevsa : ysarsi prnetfeaL, sxparioaes. -Bars held present posities as manager asvsn . yssrs. Will mans, good "My- rhere; ' Best- ef ref srvaees supplied. . Address Mill Expe-eare Kews and " Obsemr.- : . S-S-eod-dt ' BAYS , HALF PRUIT TREES, abado tress, hsdgn pUnts, strawberry plsnts, rose hashes, -sUC Buy direct, Catologua free. Continental Plant Co Rittrell. N. tt ' S-1S It OLD FALSE TEKTH ( PON'T MATTEB , . , . w ,im aK nn M Jrtfeiu - A pai W-W r set, Mail ttr I Bay. sOS - Audubon Bldg, Ksw Orleana, La, Win send mh bw return' mail.'- S-12HR. WANTED PHYSICIAN TO ASSIST in office t work easy, no eutsias won; sspseially v suited far elderly, doctor sntitled to euy hours. Addrsss W. R.. ears Ksws and Observer. , S-12-St ' ' . . ' WANTED .COMPETENT ; CLERK Booaaeeper, xnompson longer, youag Apply . ta i own. handwriting, RECLEANEP, HIGH CRADE, SE lected Clevelsd Bi Boll cotton seed for sals, t78 per buihd T. O. B. ears Shelby. 0. Max Gardner, ' Mt 15, 80, . ?. SHETLAND AND BANK PONIES FOB ;sals. Dr.. Julian O. .Baam. Poplar Branch, N. 0. ' . -, 'HfrTt. PORTO RICO POTATO SLIPS . FOB sale; 80 cent per bushel. U Middle ton, Wsssaw, N. C '"'' SlMt. Foil , KENT. OK SALEt. DESIRABLE V ive-roonii cottage, V recently psJAtd, - good repair, eleeurta. Jignts, gas eon-, auction, bath ' with . inntantaneon heater. "Owner, Ban S7, Baloigh. . --M- .. .. SI . I WANTEDPOSITION . IN A DKUG , store by alor. drnggist,!. Pour t years experience. - rjsn xnrnisn ta ! best of rafereaees. Pmg Mbnesr J News-and'Ohmrver- 'M ,-'-a-.ia. OAK LUMBER WANTED ONE -AND two inchss thick, well air dried. , New berry . Bros, and CoweU, ' Pnan, N. C S-ll-7t.' ''' ' . ,t WANTED-TO BUY A DRUG BUSI ' - ness.in tqwa of 2.000 or mora Ad dress Cash, ears News aad. Observer.' 3-11-Ot.- BUPP ORPINGTON EGGS FOR SET g. Fifteen HJ0O. Mrs.' Cry J, reen, Halelgh. ' B-Il-7t 11 tir WANTED SALESLADY, EXPERIENCE eA, aOollee.'r. rsa-dy-tarwssr.appntej. (itato eperieua hud tamnrrxpeoted, Fleiahman's Big BtOTe, Fayetteville, S-ll-St WANTEDA CASH IKE FOR BANK IN small town in prasperous eommnnity. Must be phis to furnish good refer- 'onees." 4dd"rsj epUi"to Trprt Co, S-ll-8t - -..,-.-.-. WANTED! A GENERAL ALL-AROUND earrings trimmer, who " understand cutting. tnaklBg backs, onihions, tops, etc, for bqggies. ' Good position 'to right nvtlW-jAddrasa Richmond Boger ennf apAng lS. a. , - i.' - - - ,3-il-Slt. WANTED SAWMILL OUTriT, 4 RE. turn tubuler boiler, 80 angina. O. W. Lane Bco Fo an tain, K, C v '"T Sll-2t - ... WlNTEPf V POSITION AS BOOR. Jassper pV.Mitant, willing to." begin . twith, imall, islary. Ags- 83 " single, - Address, Hon eS, ACdiUesex, N. C. - !-8-lt-3t WANTED t APRIL 1ST, PERMANENT position ss junior drug clerk by Uni llyetiity" phArmsey atndsat; 1 1-8 years ;xperiiMY A-l references famished, t "Rhubarb," Newt ahd Obeerrs. ' "S-Tl 3t - v-.,i vs COOK'S IMPROVED COTTON .SEED. Rick' Improved Cotton Sssd. Biggs Ravaa ITaa Cat. VTa.AfTav aaltMtad , seed for sale. - (reo. A. Holderness, TarbftKuJavC. 1 3-11 ?t WANTED YOUNG. GOATS, , "KIDS.? , mats, or female from. 3 to T "month! old state hew many yen bars for sale . and lowest ' pries f. o. .b, year station. Address -M. Centrella t Bros, 14S a 11th Bt, Philadelphia; Pa. . 8-11-tt 11T CADILLAC AUTOMOBILE FOR 'ale. Never been need. Number XXX, . Care News and Obseryir.-' WANT TO CONTRACT WJTH PARTY owning mill and .team' for sawing le- -1 cation ef ti. G, Pin In Johnston conn . ty. ' Address Bon ..Ka., 433, Raleigh, : K C. , . ' 8-ll-3t WAN TED OK B LABCE,. NJCB RE. -.' f rigeratoc for a tanrkst and ens 'pair . computing scales. . Graves Co, Car- - tnage, . u, -10-3t '' ' - - : REGISTERED PHARMACISTS WITH SSOOkOO and U year drug' experience X waats to lnvst in drug store. -. Must be- In town of 5,000 or more people, . either in North Carolina or Georgia. - Paanei, ears nswn -and Obssrvsr.- 311 -t. - '".1"' MaCRAY REFRIGERATORS QUITE i,a aamber taken lis exchange for, the New B, A B. lea Klag. Lees ' than half regular pries and easy "terms. - C A. Cury, Kalslgh, N. U.. . . 3-11-8 For Comrnitsioner of J. 1 Public. Sftjfety i - : ' t with t' nASonates) that I Am a Aaa. didnfo 'for fntmlasiener ef Pnblis Safe ty f the -City of Baleigh. . 1 am: aot pnt forth aa a candidate by any faction. It the peopls ef tha aityvsse St ta elect me to this 'office, I shall not only en deavor - to . euceeaaf oily . effect - further eltr imnroTements. 'but to serve - the WANTED t TO COMMUNICATE WITH man who has - sonipment -to log ana ' manufacture five million . fast : of hardwood, timber i Eastern North Carolina. JAtlaatie Coasts Realty .Co, " Petevsbarsv Va., .w- -vS-f-lt CABBAGE PLANTS EARLY JERSEY Wakefield, . dollar seveaty-Bve rpw thonsaad, f. e. b. ahipping poiat, Bhipment March 15. Order quick, sup- r ly, Umitsd. B. W King, Baleigh, . . 7, 7t stnts sge, -last ooeupaUon, references, ate. -- National Beak of .Kiaston. K. C. GARDEN, FLOWER. FIELD SEEDS Belsetsd stack. ' frtces lowssw w iafaetion guaranteed. Mail' orders promptly tiled. " P. W. 'Parker Drug Cs4 Raleigh. . Old Reliable Boedssaen, C-89 80 -.' ' .- -'- -? SMOKESTACK, . FOR BALE RHEET steel. 100 feet high. 3 feet diameter. rivatad ia ssetioas, in good condition, thickness about 1-4 inch. J. . La tham Cs, Real Estats, Greensboro, Na G .... ,.' .vc.', I -S-.7t ':. FOR ' SALE i ONS .RIFLE, NO. 15 doable acting rami one Caldwell fifty foot tubular ' steel towsr; one . 3,000 "gallon nf ess tank j one 1 H. P. Gen eral El cc trie motor t ons Myers Bull' doser No. 601 pump. Address W. B. Bovdi. Ws!rrenton. N. - CL -- --7t. The, arborou JL v -.' t ,'-RataWs tewJtww and tare nta f. ' ''. , , ' '-. ... -. i. i t j ', European Pkn,; v ; ' Rooraa without balh. .... . . . .$XX) and vrj ' lltoonkaSri vp 'J; 4!. j4 ;r ffcT w sxi w u v Pur Cafe is cprice3efl to rje'tho best in tKIs c Q Hon. Make The Yarborough your a-. f-a.. a - - -et. . cgrOUrMO UI aASUBIgOa BUM! WC Will pwaK "OU." 7 ILtL GRIFFIN, Pres. ' ETa SPeiCEliar- " 4 " - - A v..1" vl . , Vr '" T ., f i-- Ii ' ' - ', N... V '.-.' -V at ' OWJNOv TO THE .FAILURE OF THE ! - prenons -owner, i mmwm ivt , amra .at ' bakery, located in ths town ef .Wifc ' son. Populstlon 1000. One other bak " ery. , Anyone -interested may comma ' nicats with , nuk ThoC B. Usaell, Trostes. -. ' , t -T-- .'. WANTIDr BAW MILL-LABORERS, i sett Co, Creedmoer, N. C. ' , . . a-s-iot: -' -- - . TYPEWRITERS. JIRW. REBUILT. seand-aaad. Ws bay, sell, eseaang and repair all makes. B. a Btorr Oa. m W. Msjtia et-IWfflgh. . , - oTciF WANTED AT er. Apply J. H. leigh. 600D MOUUti Gill's P&ondry, Ra - 3-4, S5t FOR SALEt LARGE MOSLER SAFE. Insids dimensions: 60 inches high, 88 inches' wids, IS inches deep. Money " chest- protected withj donbls burglar- prsef tjmeloek ia bottom-' Banji of " VarinaV Varina, ST. C. . -T. Tt WE SELL LAND EVERYWHERE WE eaa sell yours. ws , are prepared. National Austins Co, Aydsba N. a S7t ..-,-- . ... FOR RENT SEVEN . ROOM BOUSE one-hslf JJiaOtatjCrsjitol. Phone --2BS3. ' a-7' .. TURN1PS1 , TURNIPS! TURNIPS! Just received ear Canadian Butabagn '' Turnip. t)clrs ssnd as- your, .or ders. Bear Produce and Merchandise Co. (Wholesale). Wilminrton. N. 0. JCOYFTIAM WHEAT FOR SALEt TVS. est -poultry feed- gvown. Enough to plant one acre, two - dollars. J. A. Davis, Bouts 8, Tarboro, N. G. 3-S, 7t ,.,.-'- WANTED OLD FALSE TEETH. DONT vvutOer if .broken-. I pay I LOO to diOO .nn -aet. Mail to-.L. ..Massr. X007. R " Fifth" Street, - Philadelphia, Pa, - wilfl 'send cagn return maiL. . : -. FOR SALEt STOCK GENERAL. DRt goods, notions,, ready -iowear, etst .sasrinee. If i sold In nest few. flays .-. will sell for .65s on dollar. Tour oo- (" poTtnniry to go in buaineM. ' Addi set H, News snd Ubeerrer. t EXPERIENCED . PLAN ER , MAN BE. sire ' position" at ones.' Addrsss ' Planer, News aad. pbssrvsr; " 3-IO-St - - - . . - - WANTED! BOARD AND LODGING , - for the- teachers whs will bs in St- ? iaaaaia ;a - tha -.A, --aa4 M. anvaaMi ' school, Juns 12th' to July Hth, 1WT. Parties Uterested will ' plsase .'com- : mun-icate at ones with W. A, Withers: "Director Summer School, Rooms 819- sit Winston- tisll. ' s-iw FOR SALE ONE M'CRARY COUNTER BefrigBTStor in -nss sia months, cost -ties aad freight j will sell for 100 cash. : Address P. 0, Box 618.. Wilson, N.C. .--r : 8-10-7t ' - - ' -"-a-. ' . '-, FOR BALE GROCER --'.REPRICERAr '.- tor;- excellent condition. . Bo'713, ,- Reeky Mount, 17, C.,. - FOR SALE ICE CREAM PLANT, . - nraettcally new,- Barcaia for .oub-k bnysr. M. 8. A-t.- cars News and Observer. . 8-10-3t ? (f A '? B6c& This Interest i6ti? Two business lota 40x150 on Sallsbnrjr Street,- sxt tej Aeademy of Mosie on terras io buH pntuexTfielnr-' -lotB CRn7 b bouftrnt as a whole or swnpateiy.r Askr for ceBoathera. - " ... ; ,0 p;JA p. . v - ... ; . t"";vV:; r:'T T""' "" !(- Rdeigb Real .Me & Tmst Co. OFFICE Na 4 EAST MARTIN ST. - , i- - ' ; . - - : vav- - -t - ,-- j THINK OFTHINGS TO Ai - You : are tain .z O shortest posfof efft J P I? v toward r results when : ; 'you use a News arid V,lc I .!- TftllW 'ATn 7w -mvin ' . I ByAllMeans t r. I . ) . ,.' . , . . , mi II firyCent You SpvFocIisiylT " - - By oomevne ( . ,j . WWY NOT BAKstlT -VOtJSSSlMIXf.Z': brllT'-lS.1 YOUR' MOKEYVE-m-Y - 4 "6tatt:Aecount With YlawWiWJeJ ftlECHANICS SAVINGS BANS FOR SALE SMALL ROLLER FLOUR . mill, ' Good reason for selllngv - Mill, ear News aad Observer. ; -S-10-7t-. " -- , ' WANTED TO BELL PART INTEREST - - in paying drag toro good reason for .: selling-, don t answer nnlsss yea. hav 'th eaah; will take S2.0OO to handle, ' P. Cm Nsws aad jObserrsr. j-A LUT.:ai -V7ANTED ! a i- a tu .a.-j: e. 'ej jNtng t - i r e t a. a,' co..'. r i a. c a. - Aa ma Sana. . r.v x . c . - T r v : - t--f '- -- J . -i v-kttr c--- AJ.rtf ; . Nomina ti o K a 1 1 ovt Counts 10,000 votes for any -aiw toomlnM, only one credit. en any canaiaate . rfSrPSlfaiajygA t i I ' - ralstich :' , ,n.c 7 I ; : ate .t , 4 - ' - I NOMINATE: ... ?-r J . M. Htinii aa-"a'e-a ;;.: e.aateee.a;aw:5tJ,M SL or B. R D.. m m o it..;.yU ; y ".T0Wn e e V-eTre a"T. eVa .V X VW-- "ajaaj l iasitasIIMaia fci)wient I'm i4 I, .. .. . .V . - . . . . V: .... AT- I . - if. J ....... " --. - tw -5 . i i. - i ' Address....... ........ a. a .? . ri:i c-rt ecr.d in today.. 2Tcrr.!r.r.3 3"r-!f cr rrjr' frli or rtlitire. You l3.r:t r-T3 tM'sr4 r'.' r.

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