MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 12, 1917. SILL E LOG FELLOW M E MBER3 ifint District Congressman Has Good Word For All of Stat t Delegation h " 1SATS T11EV ARE WORKERS i :. -rJt jSimmona And Overman Lead ". era in Moat Important Senate Activities; Each Represent' tive from North Carolina in 64th Congress - Has Been Faithful And Efficient By H. E. C BRYANT. Washington, March llRep. John H Smell, who lingered in Washington af ter sis colleagues had departed, made an entertaining statement today. Ho dis wed with Tar Hael newspaper men tae r.orth Carolina delegation in Con "I have elews of current interest," aid be, "but I mar indulge in a bit of reminiscence of the past two years, waica-I helieve will be interesting to the people of North Carolina. The Bixty-fourth Congress has just elosed and has covered a period filled with man subjects of large domestic im- rrtanee and international import If may eliminate myself and be spared the auspicion of egoism, I wish to say something about the North Carolina delegation in Congress. They hatamaAsJ good through industry and loyalty, and have reflected credit upon the people of the BUta. Membership in the national Legislature off era no sinecure. How ever it may have been in the past, a member of either body must work un remittingly and intelligently if he wishes to earn the respect of his col leagues and satisfy his constituents. "Our Senators have maintained the North Carolina standard. It would be difficult to And two men whose mental and other characteristics differ more - widely than Senator Simmons and Sen ator Overman, yet they are both actu ated by the same motives of service. A career in the Senate is not as spectacu lar as in former decades, because na tional problems have changed. This is aa economic 'era and the people de mand that legislation and administra tion shall more nearly touch the vari ous industrial and commercial phases of life, and the people demand laws which shall be workable and practical in their application. The Senate has'' only 98 -member, while the House has 435, and eaeh have almost the same number of committees. It follows thai, eaeh feen Mtor has membership in a large num ber of committees, of which our Sen ators are no .exception.. But they can not be equally conversant with the leg islative duties of all, and it is only natural that they should specialize. "Since Senator Simmons has been chairman of the committee onSnjuiee ha.Jias of necessity 3evote(U mueiu of his time to the subject of raising reve nue. His name is permanently attach ed ' to the Simmons-Underwood tariff bill, which became a law at the first session of the Sixty-third Congress. The great world war has curtained the rev enue from some sources and our pre paredness program has demanded addi tional revenues, and the finance com mittee has been very. active. No finer compliment can be paid to Senator Sim mons than the statement that he ia trusted by his party colleagues upon the intricate questions of revenue, and his political antagonists are cautious in their criticisms. He ia also an active and influential member of the great committee on commerce. Senator Overman ia chairman of the important committee on rules and stands next to the chairman on both of the great committees on appropri ations and the judiciary. He concen trates on the work of these three com mittees and ia an active and forceful member of each. Senator Overman shares honors with Major Stedman as the two most handsome and distinguish ed members of tha delegation. When ever a imile or a hearty handshake are needed to promote good eheer, or to -.410 'residents f North Carolina registered at Hotel Astor. during ! the past year. Bawfc taas. wttaaat bub. , tue aaa SVM . IMb . . - M-M mat I4.M Bust Imm, wtta talk, SJ-M - .... HM Prise, aiswim sat I (IMS SIS. TIMES SQUARE A. nAn j.m to 4th ! the center of New York, social and buanw actmo. In doat oroximity to all railway terminal. liI!!!!!!HU!i!!IUH!U!.:U!ninUrJ9 welcome a friend onr junior 8cnator is always ready. There is perhspa no more popular member of this body than Senator Overman. "Referring to the House of Hepre sentatives, usually regarded as the po pular branch, because they are suppos ed to more nearly represent the people, one first recalls the Majority Leader, Mr. Claude Kitchin. Whatever doubts may have existed as to hie capacity for leadership have been dispelled by four years cf serviee,in"-tbat position. His'tKMi.Uah "as" chairman of the 'Com mittee on Ways and Means marts him the titular leader. He has given the subject of the tariff and other sources of revenue most -thorough' sad unre mitting study and his familiarity with details has often surprised his friends. No one has ever suspected him of favor ing privilege or of imposing undue burdens upon the masses of the people in the raising of revenue, and eertaintly in this respect he is an ideal Democrat. In debate he is eloquent, ready, facile and amiable. It is one of the privi leges of members to interrupt a speak er by adroit questions or statements. with a view to weakening tne toree or his argument, but I do not recall any Instance where Mr. Kitchin has ever been embarrassed and in almost every instance hia questioner was covered with confusion and laughter, But there ia no poison in his arrow, and Be has numer ous friends among the Bepublicsns. "Seniority and the Tanking position of a member on the committee prevail in the naming- of chairman. Mr. Webb was fortunate in becoming the ranting Democrat on the Judiciary Committee in the Sixty-Third Congress, and siaes that time has presided over this import ant committee. He is a good lawyer, has a logical mind and knows how to apply the law to the various legislative propositions which come before his com mittee. ' He has acquired that most dif ficult of attainments, the respect and confidence of other gqod .lawyers, and there are manyi the- Hons ia -tou parties. "Mr. Poo is chairman of the Commit tee on Claims and stands next to the chairman 'on the Committee on Bnles. The Committee on Claims considers all manner of claims against the govern ment, except war claims, and demands laborious work from its members, very little of which ever'seeures publicity. 1 f THE NEWS AND OBSERVER For Skin Blotchet Thsrs i onii rcmnlv that Mirlnm f-:i to clear away all pimples, blotches and uncr nan cropnons ana mat makes the i - i . i i ... ,Kin soil, cicar ana ocaimy. Any druggist can supply you with enfo, which generally overcomes ail ikin diseases. Acne, errem. n,m ijes, rashes, black heads in most' cases ;ive way to xemo. frequently, minor ilemishes disappear overnight. Itching lsually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, ntiscptic liquid, dean, easy to use and lependable. It costs only 25c; an extra are bottle. SI IV). It wilt nn tot ereanv or sticlrv and nmiiiv.l. afe for tender, sensitive ski. t. Tne at. w. moss co, cisvelaae, O. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS SSc, 7S and f 1 Cartas paper prices from 1 to S3 -50 per 100 sheets. All guaranteed. Mail orders given prompt attention. Write ni for quotations on second hand typewritera, . .. GREEN & P.OTEAT Darhasx, Nerta Carolina The Committee Bale has for some years naked aa one of the aaique aad influential Committees. It has the power to bring bills before the House' aad have them considered without regard to the standing role, aad eaa make in order a bill which otherwise could not obtain eonsidaratioa. Mr. l'ou has been a familiar figure on this Important com mittee. "ilr. Page baa for some years been a member of tha Committee on Apropria tions and chairman of the sub-eommit-.tee making the appropriations for the District of Columbia. He has iaiaiatcd tax reforms in the District, while use less or extravagant appropriations have been almost eliminated under hia vigi lant leadership. Mnay of the snoot sub stantial and intelligent eitiaens of the , District regard aia retirement with s f cere regret, aad they eipreas the Wpe that the fiscal standard which j has established may continue in the future. "Mr. Godwin ta chairman of the Com mittee oa Reform in the civil service This is not a subject in which our peo ple take B large interest, but it eaters very uirguiy into the administration of the government and is sustained by a very intelligent type of citizenship "Major Stedman is a member of the committee on foreign affair and alao Indian affairs, but the firat demand the largest share of his work. Thin committee has assumed a large influence in legislation during the past several years, ia all of which he has been an active participant. Major Ftedman is perhaps the only ex Confederate sol" dier now ia the House, at U-avt I do not recall any other. He in handsome, suave, attractive and popular. His speeches are always well prepared and delivered with such grace and faultless diction as to demand atteution and ap plause. "Mr. Poughton, or "Parmer Rob," is always on the job and is aaid even to dream about hia constituent,.. He is etiairmaa of the committees on expondi tures in the Department of Agriculture, and a, JJuMIiher of the committed on edueatioiTand roads. He does not speak as often as hia colleagues would wish, but he is a clear thinker and has a forceful delivery. "Mr. Hood is young in point of ser vice, but his activity, zeal and loyalty have earned for him a good name. He is well equipped for fruitful service. "I cannot omit this opportunity to re fer to our mountain member. Mr. Britt. His worst offence is his politics; in fact he is a miserable sinner in this, re spect. However, it gives me pleasure to nay that he .is a clean man and hus ability and character. If the Democrats) of the mountain district shall ever in the future be recreant to their duty and permit a Republican to come to Congress, the rVpeWicans of that dis trict will havo difiieulty in finding a man superior to Mr. Ltritt. "Before concluding this interview I crave the privilege of an expression re garding the relationship between our Senators and members of Congress and their constituents. Occasionally legis lation is proposed about the necessity and wisdom of which there are differ ences of opinion, and the member must determine bis attitude. Each member must always recall that he is a public servant and that he acts in a repre senative capacity. If there ia no mat ter of conscience or construction of the constitution involved, the legisla tor shouldirvott in fOtdare wit- the desire of "his eOnWituTncr If he eaB as certain the same. If the question is one of conscience or concerns the or ganic law or some basic question of gov ernment, greater latitude should be given to a legislator. The most valuable characteristics of a public servant are integrity, ability and the disposition to seek the truth. He ' who prates most about his love of the people and deems it necessary to prorlani his honesty on every occasion, is usually the least trust worthy: If I had the ear of all the voters I would suggest to them in se lecting their servants to seek the man of modesty rather than the braggart, the man of conscience rather than one always seeking to do the popular thing, and the man of courage rather than the weakling. Every normal man wishes to please the people, but it is much more desirable from the standpoint of each to possess their confidence." GOVERNOR TO ADDRESS LIVE STOCK CONGRESS Promt. eat For Four Congressmen And Other ncnt Men Ale WIU Be Prce (Special to The News and Observer.)" Wilmington, Mar. 11. Bealinng the importance of the development of the livestock industry in North Carolina, Governor Bickett has consented to at tend and speak at the North Carolina Livestock Exposition and Conference, which will be held at Wilmington March 28th and Stth. Among the other speakers who will be present during the two days of the con ference will be Congressmen Bobt. New ton Page, Geo. E. Hood, Jao. H. Small and H. L. Godwin. The Secretary of Agriculture has designated the following Makes easy selling property You might as well not build the cottage if you don't put radiator heat ing in it," said the real estate dealer, "for when you come to sell or rent it, you'll have to sacrifice a great deal if the house has old-fashioned heating." It is now recognized by all that the greatest feature in any home is a comfort-guaranteeing, fuel economizing outfit of It pays big to give 15 more rented for an IDEAL-heated building MERICANx, DEAL PAHTATHPQ IX iRr.IT PDC inviruvuk Lb OILERS IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators soon repay their cost in fuel economies and absence of repairs. Made throughout of high-grade iron; nothing to wear out or rust out. Every feature of their construction has been tested and its value and efficiency definitely established in our laboratories, here and abroad. When put in your building we know that they will get full heating value from every pound of fuel. These outfits cost no more than ordinary outfits. Accept no substitute! No need to burn high priced fuels wait to build a new home In order to be rid of the wastes and nuisance of old-fashioned fceatxnc. IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators can be put in old buildings as well as new. large a small, farm wdtrx no tearing up 2U.. fref!b?ok " Heating Investment" telU much that it will pay you to know. Tell ua kind and size bunding you wish to heat. Puta you under no obligations to buy Act now, while you get the services of the most skillful fittersl A He. ISt tOBAt BMIsr SMt MS ft ef stVfca. -AMBMCAN kadtaMra, eoMios the mt $190. mra awd M beat tat esttaa. AS thi. sice the aoodt can be boot hi of say rapauMe, eoauMtmt ritter. This did ant toclnat rat af labor, pipe, ealra. freight. wMcb vary acrardtaa ta climatic mod This permanent Vacuum Cleaner it best to buy ") ' Installed in any new or old building without tearing up anything. Now also made in two. sweeper lixe for apartments, hotels, office buildings, etc. Lasts for yeara always ready for most thorough cleaning. Fully guaranteed, in sixes at $1 75 up. Sold on Easy Payment Plan. Send for catalog and know why the ARCO WAND Cleaner is best to buy. No eschxshre agents Sold by aU dealers American Radiator company Write Department R-3 IIS N. Broatf St Philadelphia wMsi at Oraad S!LIIoJ.iV.W.Tt Ph'1lp. WUkartrr BWtlmore. WetMattea. Brraene. Rorherter. Buffalo, Ptttttmah. Til i OMrete haad Rapids, ladiaaapol. ClaeinaaU. Atlanta. Bmnnsham. New Or Inn. asUwaukm, Mintwupolu, St. Paul. St. Uotin, Kaaaa CluDaa Mora. Omab Oo, m rrcaco, U Anattao. hMtk. Sookaiu. Portland. Toroato. Bnatiort lOot.) experts from the Bureau ef Animal Hus bandry of the Federal Department to attend and address the meeting: Geo. M. Rommel, Chief, Animal Husbandry Division, meat production, F. B. Mar shall. Senior Animal Husbandman, sheep production, A. J. Reed, dairying. Dr. F. D. Owen, hog cholera, and trs. E. P. Yager and W. K. Lewis, inspectors in charge of tick eradication for North Carolina and Month Carolina, respect ively. From this list, it is evident that the meeting will lu full of interesting and instructive discuHniona on the above subjects, and alTonls North Caruliaians an excellent opportunity to hear dis cussed! in a practical way the advantages In this Btato for the profitable develop- We Believe In Equity Regardless of the size of the account every depositor receives the benefit of exactly the same rules . We ac cord Fair and Liberal Treatment to All. Discrimina tion' does not exist here. Your account invited. The Citizens National Bank ment of the livestock industry. In ac cepting the invitation to attend and speak at this conference Congressman Kobt. Newton Page writes iroin Hiscoe, N. '., that "the subject is one, ia say judgment, of vital importance, not aloaa to the farmers, hut to the entire citi zenship of the State." . UASTORIA ffftefintsindChMrw. In Use For Over 30 Years Bears the t , The Rich Man The man who owns his home, free from debt, is rich. He is a lord, landlord, if you please, and master of at least one spot on earth where none dares to intrude. Be a home owner a rich man a lord ofthe land you live on. The Parker-Hunter Realty Company Dome Builders te the People ef Raleigh MUTT AND JEFF Jeff Went Past His Destination (Copyright, 1916, by H. C Fisher, Trade WurkHBcgm a Pat. Off.) By BUD FISHER

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