r r THE NEWS AND OBSERVER MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19, 1917. Our Br BCT"T JOHN HATWOOD. 1 - - - AMI Uiagled bit Mil pity for her W. wha tried M to adore bert Es though Aaarch elfwe were round her Aad the fangs deceptive bound her, Still we hoped and helped, that ibe Might ria from all iniquity 1 Snw the niht ia fall boob her. Kisht that ahuta oat faith and honor; Now the craven elondi hare ta'ea her, Now the lip of traitori itaia her, Now tha fetid breath of treasoa Bob her of her acoae and reason. Vile tho oerpetita creeping to her From tho twamp anil from the sewer. Vaia tha hopes of those that think They hare gained 'for her a goal Khe la loot. If from the brink bhe tads aot again her soul. - Lost! and all the day that brightened Orer steppe and over stream. Fades the heart of hope grows fright ened Eht bst,wonand gold, her dream; Cast tt forth with wanton tcaaioa la a drunken harlot's fashion. Seat aad sundered, tossed for Ufa In tha throes of civil strife; Whipped and spurned by those that bought her, Lawar than all tents e'er thought her Oed, at last in pity listen To her prayers through tears that glis teal Previa g, soma of her, at least, That from vandal fang and feast, 8ba may yet In sunlight rise With true vision In her eyes living yet for future ages Chapters It for stainless pnges. - "entitown Bard- ' Vrs, W. B. Wuiinins and son, War- Glasses afford RELIEF Relief from Headaches, Re lief from Nerv ousness, Relief from Dizziness, Relief from many forms of defective vision Jolly & Wynne Jeweler and Optometrists G3 the Wake County Committee of the Council of National Intense will speak to the- mother. ami there tail he on "HwibI serviie ly Mrs. J. w. Hies ett, and "Child Welfare" ly .Mrs- T. P. Uarrison. Engnfemem Announced. Charlotte, Nov. 17. Mr. arid .Mrs. II. A. London, Jr., announce tho ntrane nient and approaching mnrna'r of their daughter, Mias Mury Norcutt, to Lieutcnnnt Kdwin Thomas Canslcr, Jr., U. 8. A. The marriage will le solemn ized in December at 6t- l'eter's Kpis eopal church. RaUr-Loftln. Kinston, Nov. IS. Miss Ruth C. lyif tin, a teaehi r, nod J. M. linker, a young farmer, both meinhern of wcll-knonii Bouthwcst families, were married nt the residence of Msumtrnte liiehard Kins res. Jr, and Miss Mildred Williams, of i ,h" Thursday night. Mr. King olli Kanford. have returned borne after vU-. 'l",eJ- The ceremony was witnose, Ui. uU W A Hand. b-T """ l'ar,v of relatives and . - .. :,;.., i. ti. Mr. and Mrs- W. H. Walter of Knox- lurnuge was a surprise villa, Tena, are spending f few dayi Baieiga. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. McKimmon, Sliasea Margaret and Mary MrKimmon, of Hartsville, H. ('., were among yes terday'a visitors in Kuleigh. Miss Nan Kogers, of Hartsville, & C, ia a visitor in the city. I- to moat of the. bxiuVKjnniaa and briilfi'l , acquaintances. s f l-onr-Thompson. The following invitations have been issued : Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Long request the plenaure of your company at the marriage of their daughter Alarguret Allene to Mr. William Ernest Thompson on Wednesday morning the twenty eighth of Novciulier at half after tea o'clock "Oak lawn" Graham, '. , Carolina ft Delightful Dinner Party. Faiann, Nov. 18. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Purcell gave a delightful five course dinner on Friday evening in honor of Irr. and Mrs. O. H. McCord. of; fitateaville, were here yesterday. i Mr. aad Mrs. It. O. Hill and Mrs.) F. P. Bill, of Birmingham, Ala., arc! visiting friends in thia city. Mr. aad Mrs. C. T. Boston, of Man-j eheter, N. II., were among the arrivals I ia tha eity yesterday. : Mr. and Mrs. KarreU N. Mc.Guire, of Greenville, 8. C, have returned to Ureeaville after having spent the week end with Mr. and Mra. T. Clarkson a Olaarwood are-- - t - :. Called to Charlotte. Mra. Charles N. Howell left yesterday afternoon for Charlotte, where she wss called oa account of the illness of her father-la-Uw, Mr Howell. Co To Ml. Louie. Visa Amie Smith, Field Secretary of tha V. W. C. A., end Mrs. Josephus Daniels left yesterday for Ht. Ixiuis in interest of the V y C, A. war work. Housekeeping Sal. Rt. Monica'a Auxiliary of Christ Church will have a housekeepers sale Monday, nineteenth, at 131 Fayette villa street, next to Brantley's. At tractive housekeepers' articles will be oa sale. Adv. Basal Bob rase Leagae. The Raleigh Equal Suffrage Iaue will meet this afternoon at tha Worn- i where a salad course was served. Upon an vino at o cioex. ut. iteiia uimn Carroll will make a talk, and the pubis ia invited to attend, whether members of the league or . Family Patralt Exhibit. Thareday afternoon and evening there will be aa attractive exhibit of family portraits at tho Woman'a Club. At 4 ociocb an tnoae interested will be given DICK COMPLIMENTS MARGIE lick got up thia morning looking, and he said, feeling better than he has done for a long time. "At what hour, my lady, did you get ia last sight t" he said la mock rage. "Don't you know it is very wrung fur a virtuoua married woman to stay out till all hours of the night with her husband's best friend, while that poor husband is 111 in bed, to make it worse." "Yod were sleeping the sleep of the perfectly content aa well aa the Just. Dirk." I said. "When I returned. I sat up hours aad wrote in my little book." "What kind of a confcMion, Madame, did yon have to snake that it took yon so 10037" "It was no eonfession at all, Dick dear, it was just a little hyma of thanks giving. Dick enme over to me swiftly and with his arms about me, he asked, looking eagerly into my face. Have you renlly anything to be thankful for, Margie f Do you know I thought If st nii;! t as you went tM the door so lenutiul and happy, that I was a brute to tie you down to poor old me. Why, Mirgie, I am afraid I will be an invalid all my-life and then what will you. wit your love of gayety dof" Virhaps, Iick, I'll do j.ist what I did la-t night, go out with your best friend," and then na I aw a ahadow iross his face, 1 added quickly but I won't do it often, drnr." "Whut ure we talking nliut such aiily things for, Dick, of course you are going to get well. You know you are -U-tter thia morning and from now oa you are going to be better every day." "Wi.iit are you going to do today, Marg.ef "I am going shopping." "trr, F ,1n 11 'r rmr wnit un tl vow sot home i" "H-iaiiMe I think Chi". mo holds the most leautiful store in the world and you know I lmrn't bought any clothes -'or ages." "Why. I thought that exquisite gown you had on last evening was absolutely new." ... Now. Dick, you have admired that frk at least ten times and every time you have declared you never saw it hefor.'." "Well, go ahead and spend some of your dividends from the book concern if you want to. I ut I tell you. you don't need to, for you alwaya look good to me." "Always, Diekt" I cuu'.d not help asking. He looked curiouilv surprised as he answered. "You ol course know, Margie, that I think you the most beautiful woman I ever saw." And. little book, I believe he meant it. Some times' I think that a few months' illness of the husband would make .,.,ri,.e. nmrn .uecessful. Dick lias never paid me aa many compliments or made so much love to me-as since he haa been sick. When a man has nothing; cite to tnke up his miud he Legins to feel his Heart beat lor tne woman wno is near him. ... . . When he gets well a woman must tnke her place with the other interesting thing" i" his .mind. , ,. , , . If a woman little book, could wnly understand thia, she would not alwaya be trving to sweep out everything from tho mind of the maa ahe lovea but herself. bhe cau never do it. little book, never. (To be eontinued.) B. Willis of this city. The ceremony wai performed nt the home of Mis Tetany's parents by Rev. C. E. Vale, pi'stor of the Methodist church of that P The bride is well known throughout tin., e 11.111 of tho Ktate. Khe is a very rttrm-tive mid accompli, hed young wom an and her friends are those who know 11 'I recently .Mr. nuns wm "THE BIRTH OF A NATION To Cive Foer Perforssaacea Here Thia Week. sistant cashier of the r.ew wta wim- out,joor staging of the Civil War and 11 1 .1 irust Company, and he is con- j j,,,,,,,,,.,,,, .eccs in "The Birth of a sidercd a banker of a great deal MiXltimlf. whicli will be shown at the, u....... u.id he has a bright future., Academy of Music Friday and Saturday, Immediately following ihe ceremony , ynvf.lhrT o, 4, he was confronted the briile and groom left for Washing- with ge,.,,,;,,, Insuperable difficaltiea. ton euy, wnuro uu iuouukj ....... Au OI r,vat. ar , required will Income associate; wan 1110 nomr ,Ik)U, (, , eornpr f foi Havings Hank. giam occupied by the Anglo-French Celebrate Silver Wedding. Windsor. Nov. 18. Mr and forces. Thousands of cavalrymen had to lie shown, in an historic raid of the North Carolina clans. Their run iuibs iteasiv j errrii hiiii nir. a. rt. iiieas. i Jr. Tho color scheme of white anil WU..I.,,, Nov H. Mr and Mrs. gold was beautifully carried out in Richard liiyloe cclebreted their silver ' was to be over many, many miles of iroldcn chrysanthemums and shaded lnsi nli-lii Tln v entxrtamed 'JP'cai eouinern aanuy roa'is. 1 nougn can. lion. Those present were Dr. ni.d two hundred friends in their beautilul acknowledged wizard of the films, Mra. I'ureell. Mr MiClore Pureell. M ns i. .... K. tt..el H..f reahmenta Mr. Onffith is not a "war lord," with Kva Fnison. Mia Alma Steedmnn. Mr, wrre aerved. Ilcautiful. costly and nu- power to commandeer. Tom Rhine. Miaa Bessie Perrett. Mr. A.I rn.i. silver ifta were disi.lavod ia1 ,n ,hl emergency the county R, Hicks, Jr., Mi?s Knla Witt Mr. Nor wood I'ates. Miss Mary I'crrott and Mr. 3un Faison. Ohhamia Club Meets. Faison, Nov. 18. The Ohhamin Club met with Miaaea Rallie and Annie I.u rie Ou tea Thursday afternoon. Mini laura Murphy Faison read a paper on Isnae Irwin Avery. Selections from his "Idle Comments" were read by Miss Bettie Taylor. The guests were invited into the dining room, which whs benuti- fully decoruted in yellow and whit the return to the drawing room the guests found quite a change. There were many beautiful and useful gifts for Miss Bessie l'errett. the president of the club, who ia to be married on November 21. a a a Mra. Clifton Ilosteaa. Louiahlirg, Nov. 18. Tho Tueadny del ght '11I Microns silver gifts were dixptayud ia tne u: aw lug room, r rienus aim rela tives from all parts of the county were present. t ' - ' '- Gardner-Usrdner. The following invitations have been j issued : Mr. and Mrs, Winfield Scott Oardner invite you to h prest nt at the marrinijc of their daughter Kute White to Mr. Jesse Oardner on Wednesday. November the twenty eighth at twelve o'clock Gardner's Baptist church Macon, North Carolina. Baleigh High School. The chairmaiTof v oiv. mu iduh luirrrsicu will D given I r i. r.i u l. aa oppertnnity to listen to the informal i Afternoon Book Clnb had kalf aa hour's talk oa "The Develop- "'' " -" ent of Art la Agea of Antiquity" , on l home on J'l'urch street. bT Uin yf, fj. Stone Beautiful ferns decorated the drawing ' 6 dt 4 I room where the club assembled. Meeting for Mothers. I The study of Americtn Life and Let- A meeting ef the mothers of children !tr" rtiirued in the most interesting la all Ihe white grsded school of Hal-' ProCrm- elgh wUI be held Friday afternoon at ! Currnt Events and War Summary o'clock ia the auditorium of tha Mi" 8a"i Will'ama. Review of Chief Historical r.venu, iuou-huu. Airs. j. 1 B. Yarborongh. Paper: "Witchcraft In New England" Mrs. W. H. Yarlwrough. Vocal Solo-J-Without Tou." Mra. A. R. Fleming. Delirious salad course was served. The club will meet with Mrs. A. II. Fleming Tuesday afternoon, Novem ber 87. " Willis-Pet way. v- -i a marriage of Bauinal interest to the friends of the ' youug cuupie ihrougnuut the eastern : part of the State took, place in Jnk ' sonville at 4:.t0 o'clock riaturday after noon when Miss Olivia Orrtrude l'et i way, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John H. Petway, became the bride of Mr. Henry w 0 Jccmembrances PaeMoskt ekantek Tho gift of today snay be ducanksd lonoo (eassian FAB. P. BROVii II. J. Brown Company, Funeral Directors Established 81 Yean 1836-1917 in this emergency tne county au thorities of "The Birth of a Nation' n,iiieing locale were applied to. They anally consented to mark off an area of ten square miles for the use of the horsemen. Along all. the roads within this area the county commissioners post ed notices forbidding all traffic on "the day of days." Pedestrians were also warned off. But the roads themselves did not look Southern. David Griffith handled this difficulty with the au thoritics' permission by re-marking A lm Today Marguerite Uark i : TT nista mil w mnrB WIMI f , Ne tw-aat mlih thap rmt rar auaiij, Minlo Rings Never Out of Fashion Thwsi k, biiiiK, otk. mmtm yJisrss niyiikla1 ' ri"j ewsJZya,.. 'TVara p,ywl Ml f ,.T fcekai Um wm wTiUm at ttt VTATCB. CLOCK AND jXvrtXtT RETAIILNG - -. -Mile FiM tugk sMeaa ' - ,l,...lf. . .I.-.I, II.P.IS1I I I H.l ! 1,1 i ... I I ' 1 ! r '. " " ' s ! ' T-i rw-T , n w . cr vv BmlNwl laMaS riSmi la. "I NM!? Jr GreaiL ale 7i5 Morning One hundred pairs North Carolina Wool Blankets, con tracted for months ago, but delayed in delivery, will go on sale THIS MORNING at prices away below today's prices. $5.00 to $6.00 Blankets $4.29 This is an exceptional lot of Fine Wool Blankets. The most of these are White, with Blue and Pink Borders, but also in cludes a few Grays. Blankets that would sell on today's mar ket up to $6.50. Our $4.29 Wool Plaid Blankets! $4.98 One lot Fine Wool Plaid Blankets. These are made of fine Kentucky Wool. Values up to $7.00. Our Special Price $4.98 Fine Wool Blankets $5.79 Blankets that Would cost more to manufac ture today, and this price only made possible by our contracting for them CQ Cf months ago. Values. up to 4)OeOU Hudson-Belk' Co. MARTIN AND WILMINGTON STREETS Wo Sell For Leas For Ch tt n The Big, Busy Store 4 .CI such of the highways aa would come within the camera's eye. Many tons ut aaml anil gravel were spread by fangs of his workmen. Landscape engineering changed the look of. tne landscape to the rounded hills, piney woods and deep gullies of the Old North Htnte. The race of the Northern clansmen to rescue their South Carolina brethren took place on the appointed day, without an ae culent or a flaw. Alter It was over. MEURALGIA I For quick results rub tha Forehead CSnA d and Temples with fe'fjffj CONCERT by tho ' OXFORD ORPHANAGJE CLASS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20TH 8 P. M. Admission 15c and 25c aesjafaaej IN bsBuiaf vjnaxj Roberts Riuehart 1 Screen Opinions They doat make better pictures than "BaVe Burglar.". It ia a perfect piece ef work, full of good eharseteriaatioa, fanny aubtitlea, good photography aad maialy Marguerite Clark, Thia ia the kiad. ef picture that puts a theatre Is the better class. It ia a W- lsW guerite Clark play aad evea goes "Bab's Diary eae better; - ; - 1 Ride ef the KaTXlui CTaa, a thriving scene ia The Birth of a Nation. eca lag to the Academy- .f Jiuaie, Friday aad Saturday, Koveaiber 83 4. autiaeea! beU days, . I ( .''', . lOc & 15c 7 Mr. Griffith's men scraped the sand off the macadam roads, took down the signs, and life in the aleepy country side resumed its normal course. It cost about $39,000 to do the trick the pro ducer thinks it waa worth all it cost, particularly after bearing the enthu siastic ' comments of "The Birth of a Nation" patrons on his work. Press agent. JA STO RIA forlnfanfttndrawi. In Use For Over 30 Years Bears the Signature of lyililliliillp-ff 22 NIUUTS MATINEES Here Again By Popular Request 20 Symphony Fn. & Sat. Nov. 23-24 The Ever- Velcoza niagnifi- cent Spectacle Orchestra 20 The same great orchestra aad produetioa here last year. Prices Nights Lower Floor. 75e and $1.00; Balcony, 50c, 75e and 11.00. Matinees Lower Floor, 7Se. and $1.00. Entire Baleoay 60s. 10 per eeat war tax added. Beats oa sal. at Tucker Building Pharmacy. Tuesday, November 20. SUPERBA TODAY ' Wiffiam Faraum . IN 'The Conqueror" A story picturing tho life, adventures, and ro mances of General Sam Houston. One of tho great pictures of tho year and one that will give Joy and thrills to airerybody. - His thrill in life among the In dians. ' . ' " Admission: lCc and 15c leitlVs .vStranil 4 Keith Act? Today - Tues. - Wed. ECKHOFF AND GORDON, Comedy Musical Trio. DE WITT YOUNG & SISTER Clever Manipulators ofEv txjUang I Classiest Singers. PATHE NEWS CARTOON SCENIC REEL DEONZOS Norelty Jumpers. AMANDA GRAY & HER SINGING BOYS, VauderuV. Incotnparahle Strand . Orchestra Matinees at 3:00 P. RL 1 Pricee ....... . 1UL Prices and 15 Nights 7i45 and 9:00 J-- and i)C .. .......... AUle strfejl