niunsDAY r.: :;:a MARCH 7. isis. i.. .r-T 1 V7J , , ,,; , u. .I.I1..,,-..J."'-.-. . j TL3 News end Observer ' s . ft IBekei Kxrr Day m me Tw my T-X KXWI AND OBSIBTI1 rCBLUHIKO COMPANY jonravs Duntuk VfTlCBl Krws an otsnvBi ttnumi lie-Ill W Part I UMorW Item M Atvrt1its !. ...UT 140ml fws Dept. ,, . CuvWt Deri. . ..UT MKMKK Of T AMOdATZ new The tmHilrf Pre, b ! I awlso t tke as far resablleatiea st H M aWtWkes 4tto4 at H ss Bet etberwiae srsslw la Oil end ala is! am nAUM kmk. AH rttaw at tuats-i Mae el as "11 eaieeatfcee hares an asm imnit PULL ASSOCIATED PBESfl KKPOBTB uMOumoM rucBi : tv Ikssfr aad awmy Dev Oat On Tw . ....... .rr.H Oh Tar .........MM fts Meat I.M 81s Months ...... a. Tare ateatks ..... 1.71 Three Mentke US Oa Maatk M Oaa Maatk .. - M Om Tar O.M Bis hfsatka ILM fk Km aac Otwrni la ashvsts1 ay ssirlin at tslstt aaa1 saaarts at Huh esaw ser weak Dailr see Baaaar. Daily only, twelve esaw at .wssk. aaiajai at "tha PaaMaaa M BaMch. Nana CsriHaa, AO aatiaaal eenwenlratbae win k rataHai. Ne ewaeacris wui a muM aanai I pJedg ajlagjaaca to MY FLAG and lo tke Raps.Uk for wkick it stanoej a nation indivisible w 1 1 .'4 Liberty and Justice far aO. MORNING TONIC (Nieaelae Mwssap Bulla.) rFHESS ve characteristic 1 afar a evideacet i u education cetseclaoet aaa xurecauaa ia the aaa of tbe mother tongua; refined and gra tia maaaere, which ara tha expression af fixed kahit of thought aad action) tha power aad habit of raflactioa; tha powtr of. growth, aad emaieaey, or iho power lo do. UNCLE WALT MASON 'THt WORKDAY "WORLD TfHlU wa aro bent aad a waa ting wrfmm wk'c W tke eturel T wertima care lot' not ka suite ferawtwag I wrU, krawa- a 007 day affairs. Tka spring was ka ant. hut keforn wo wiat ar net, aad wa tkowld al ka atrivmg to Vara gardoa plot. Ok, aaada tka yairdaaj a dor, apada ovory Iwall aaal tor, aad tw atrfof kaaai lika tkuaJar, for kaaai will Hm tka w, Tka aprkag U faat approatkliig, rita ajOd roarrnag rtia, aad aaaaciaaca tkoaUd U kraaakiag a alaaaiag ap aaipalga. Ok lat aa, aMifaUr, rally, to hoar tka traak awayi tka a4 Cat ht tka allay, tka aaaitarW Uayoa aad MW tkaroll ka a plagua to awal aa, aad an wr aajBDara dowa, if wa doa't kuaap, dod rat H, ad artgktoa up tka Iowa. Ia laagwag kigk fluaa wa aaay, wkoa work ia daaa, daaawan fka looting Tauten, wkoaa couraa will aooa ka raa. Bat aack a cauraa ia dakkiak kaa tkara if work to do wa Uould ka cartiag rakkiak tka aMiaaaaa ajloya throagk. Naw caaaaa tka nana ; FaraaJ, aad wo should aQ prapara to pUat a aood Varaal, or raiaa a Balgiaa karat to aaaka two , gaccptaikaa grow up wkara oaa kaa growa, that if kka atuaT tkata aiaakoa tka Kaiaar fraai kk I aVraaa. Ok, kuckla dowa, fair aoigkkar, tkoagk o8 yea aaay akkor) got down to atoful lakar, for Work will win tko war. I f. No 00a ia thy a food for thought. I,";" S Maa you bought that War Saving Stamp) j Cat raady for tko next Liberty Laa. Tka war kaa prorad a gaavia. graat atiiaalaa to m ' Tka kumkla paaaat ia tka food plaa ia akR lag pat aa kaat it (a a. la handing out fino kraad of waatkar March a far ia outdoing tka good record of February , Japaa would lika to gatkar up soma of tka yjioaaa. TV maa who ia drilling an oil wall ia doing kia part to kalp tka army. Having miaaad tha mark. Trotiky and Co, wiD aw akoot tka thutae. 1 wnilo tha aap M bomg changed Japaa i af Tka ppiaioa that aha ought to hare a little part Witk aa many authorities talking it ia raaDy aUCaak to under etand jut what oaa' eupreata duty ia a tkaaa day. Of coaraa it will ka a cod jqk kut tha ica adailaiatrator will ataka it kot for tka coaaiuaat tka) aaaainf, awauaar. f ftutaiaa tarritory for tka Coravaaa fonaod tko kaat part of tko peace term made With ika Bolakayiki. a . "-ll: .1 . .1 oaaiwT uaumaer e aaaeTimi mac taaro ara laaa) ia tka government aenrice drawing $6,000 yaar wko could aot earn $1,500 elaowkei really iaa't now. Tkal Nw York avaa who ia growing four gjadg af applaa oa oaa treo kaa aotkiag oa tko atarckaat who w ckargod witk eelling tkraa gradat af dotk elf tka aaao koh. Probably ona reaaoa for tka dolay ia tka pro pad Carman, etfenarra o tha Vaatara front W kotaaaa it ia aa aflaaaiwa to tko rank aad ila of Taatoaa wko kro got to make it. "Now tkal tka war ia koiag foagkt witk gaa hella, why aot aaad lot af Congraeeaaaa to tka front m Franca aad halr aakl tka Florida TiaUaJoa. Vaald tka Tbaao-Uaiaa add tha kocrara af tka war?. "UUN TAlXi TlIXRfS A IXASON pLAIN talk akaractariaad tka diacaaatoa of tka Social Serrico Coaioreaoa. - Qn af tko plaiaaat and moo) ootoaokaa addroaaaa of tka aaajwaatiaa auitad tka aoriaaa aad mtaaaary aara oat parpoeaa of tka maaakaiakip ao complataly tkat a rising yoto of thank waa tan dared tka apeak er. Nor waa tkara any fa lea modoaty ia tko Governor 'a atirring addroaa of Tuaaday night. Racognixing and raajixing tka osteal af aa avil ia aa aaeaorial pralkaiaary to combatting ft, aad if pubBa apaakar aad aawapapora aro aokaraod ky mistakes notions of propriety from diacaaaiag tko aril, raoultant from social vice, tka full facta will aareTke grasped ky Ika paopla and Ika cor rection of tka aril will aovor ka attained. It i merely another incontrovertible argument for tka "pitiless publicity' which ia tko greatest agoat for reform kaowa to maa. Turn pa tka igkj ao tkat maa and woman may aaa precteely wkt It ia tkat they ara trying to dot la kia apaock before .tko Social Senrico Coav foaoaco Governor Bkkett called for tko abolitioa af tka doukla atandard of moral. Ho ia on lastingly right tit kia demand. Woman akoald rotjuiro af maa tka am kigk moral charactar tka maa damaad of woman. Tki ia dona aaw to a greater as teat tkaa ovo? before). Tko growtk of this aanaiklo aad wkoloaorno aantimaat will ko accelerated ia proportioa aa tka public awakens to tka truth of tko Governor' atteo3Qt tkat "practically ovary immoral panon ia a diaaaaad poraoa. Tkara ia no mora excuse for impurity oa tka part af maa tkaa tkara ia for impurity on ika part of women. Tbia ia .a day of woman's righta and. tko principle of woman's right inv puoa justice ana tha complete absence ot. any apacial privQega for maa. All tko proposal made ky tka Conference looking to tka reariag in this State of a stronger, cleaner, aaaar race should have tba roost careful attantioa of tka mambora of tka pest General Aaaemkly. Tka legislator wko undertakes to sponsor tkaaa prograaaivo measure and will get tkem written lata tko atatutee of kis Suta will write himaalf dowa aa a public benefactor in tbo yea of all posterity. MRS. BOOTH'S ADDRESS tkat aack ia tka caw ia aot oaa ia tea thouaand. Germany' action balia any evidence of fair pl tkat may ka supposed lo He coacealad in voa Hart ling' apociout warda. THE COMING RUSSIAN CONGRESS ri sua of tko audiaaca wkick greeted Mrs. s in ti n ' . . . maua oauington Doom at night waa a com pliment botk to Mrs. Booth aad to tha audi ta iteetf. Mrs. Booth came witk none of tko ueua! claims to atteatioa. Ska did aot coma aa a graat linger or a groat aotroaa. Ska came manly aa aa apoa tlo of asrvica. Tkat ao large aa audiaaca, ona tkat practically ailed tko graat auditorium eeet tag aeveral thousand paopla, should com out to kaor a priaaa warkar wa flattering to tko au- dieaaa, for it ekowed tkat at momkora waro alert tka aew eoacoptioaa of tka purpose of life Ikal tkey wero abreast of tko kaat tkoagkt of tko of diatiactioa oak aa wa Mttenni to tha speaker because it bowed tkal akkoagk living ia a distant State aad walk kar activate coaiaod largely to other sec tion of tko country, kar fame kad goaa kef ore kar and kar We-work of aneelfUk service kad kooa observed aad appreciated. It is a kaa thing for tka State tkat euck a groat galkeriag of paopla could ko ptaaant to toaoivo tko meesege krougkt ky Mr. Bootk. Nortk Carolina ia dealing more sanely with tko prisoner than it kaa dona, yet there ia a long wny to go before the prieon problem will have booa solved lad solved right ia thie State, Tka inspiration of n message aack as tkal breaght by last night's speaker will bo felt ia tbo hearta aad activities of tko prison workers ia tko State and will take practical form ia better conditions for tka prisoner. A wholesome, tender appeal such tkat made by Mr. Bootk cannot be made before a reepoaeive, earnest audience of thou aand without there beiaa sowed the seed of future substantial reforms. Tko addroaa of tka famous prieoa worker was kttiag finale to tka sessions of tka Social Service Ceaforoace. NEGLECTING NO POSSIBILITIES f ORD LANSDOWNE. England, leading pack. - . I ' I .1 f t . mints ino answer 01 l ounl von rtertltng, the Imperial German Ckaacellor, to President Wil aoa'a addroaa to Coagreaa akowa a percaptibla advance ia peace discussions. Moat statesman of all tko aatioae ueder pledge to defeat Car man aim recegaixed ia tko speech tko voice of Hortliag kut tke purpose of flindeukurg. Still it ie possible almost anything ia pos sible that Germany ia disposed to start making concessions aad keep oa making them until tka Allies ara ealieaed. Thie. kawever, ia vary un likely. Tke Kaiaar. after tbo signing of the Rua aiaa peace pact at Brest -Lit ovtk, aent tbia mes sage to Count voa Hurtling : Tke Carman award wielded by great army leaders ka brought peace witk Rus sia. Witk deep gratitude to God. wko kaa been witk us. I am ailed witk proud joy at tke daada of my army and tke tenacious perseverance of my people. It ia of especial aatiefectioa to me that German blood and Carman Kaltur have been eaved. Accept my warmest tkanka for your foitkful and atrong co -operation ia tko groat work. Tki ekeere tkat aa far aa tka Kaiaar ia coo cornea, ha t pertectty content to cootmua to place kit reliance in tka German sword- Looking at tka aaaatity of territory tkat tke award kaa krougkt under tke Kaieer'a dominion, it im aaay to aaa tkat from tke pomt of view of a would-ha world ceaojoaror tke Kateer kaa aaate lie ansa to (wear ky kia award. Of cearae tke work of von (Urtling unimportant. It ia a part of a woll-tkoagkt-owt plaa of campaign. Tko Kaiaar leaden tkaake for Hertlieg'a "faitkful aad attoag opomtioa ia tke work. Tke Carmen policy eeema to ka to aaa Hart ling to cause tko Cerataa Socialist and other pacifists to tkmk tkat tka Carman government ia trying to negotiate peace wkea, aa a matter of fact, tka Carman goToaameat ia aa determined aa over to agkt it war for coaqoeet to tka kilter aad kloady end. Bat ao ftsstility' tkat Germany will yield kafara keens, campaDod ky tka arbitrament of arm to da ea oagkt to ko aeglectod. Tka Cer ataa government may noma to its esnsss. Tke Carman rulers may kave even ia - tke face of recent succassss ia disp ailing kelpUee people, made up their mind to try to gam keck tke favor af world wkick Count waa Hortliag myt ia prejudiced against Germany. Bat tka ckaace QERMANTS traaklag k Raaola ara pot over. In fact, tkey kave oa."y aguq, Instead of Carman y swallowing tka portion of Russia tkat k a appropriated to itself tke Germans ia tkaaa portions of Russia, may ko swallowed ap ky tke Russian. The All Ruaeiaa Con greet of Soldiers' and Workmen' delegate meat pexj weak; a Moscow. Tkat It wilt reject the kard peace term af tka German i said to ko very prpbgtita. Refusal of the peace treaty would result natur ally ia tke downfall of tko T'tky-Lniae regime ad tke eleratiog af tka eection of the Bolskeviki that ia friendly to tka Entente Allies davalop- nent wkick of caurf )at) met"; encouraging aspect to ine siiuauun, t The Russians are, from all aocouata, ratkar dens lot, kut even tha Rustisn must aadaratand tka aignificancs of tk peace term thai Cfrmpny is striving to impojo oa Rusti. Tkf dullaat Slav mind most be akl to aomprekepd what It maaaa wkea a country permit hlf to k robbed of wat of it territory. Tkoro ie hops long tkerg k) Ufa. Soma good may come out of Russia, yet. h ia 'gratify lag at all event tkat there ia reepectakly-ilzed element of tke Russiaa people wkick will raiua to yield to th unrigkteou Germaa demands. This element may muster strsngth. enough to repel tke. invader. It it a war af eu,rprie. ' GOOD FOR WISCONSIN rT,HE Wisconsin lower House yesterday pasted the resolution tenturing Senator La Fellette. Tke majority wt decuiyo j3 to 3). Tka San ate previously by large mojority kad passed tke raeolution. Wisconsin kaa partially at least demonstrated to tke reat of tko country tkat it ia loyal to tke gave rnm ant. Tka State will apt completely clear ita skirt until it retina Sanntor La Follotte from further participation in tke national council. Ha ia not, wo believe, purposely a traitor to kit coua try, but ia ao obsessed witk tke notioa af h own infallibility and i so stubborn in aa attitude tha unnaturalnes of which appeal to tke veriest tyro ia tko nature of tke relation tkat ought to oklaia kesweea the citizen of country and tha government af tkat country ia time of war, that kia usefulness long ince ka ended. La Follette, ia view af ika action of the. Legislature of hi Stale condemning hi course witk respect to the war, oagkt to get dowa and aut. Hi voluntary retirement, now that tka Witcontin Legislature ka acted adversely te kis contentions, would be at least aaa atep to hi credit. NEW PRESIDENT OF SERVICE CONFERENCE JJR. HOWARD RONDTHALER, of Winston Salem, tka new preaident of tka Social Serv ice Conference, U loyal, energetic aad efficient public servant. No atan in tka State ia more enthusiastic ia ki devotion to Nortk Carolina tkaa ko ia aad no ona ckeriake higher ideal for the commonwealth than ke doee. Ha ka already rpderd distinguished service a tha preaident of the Nortk Carqliag Literary and Historical Association aad ia other capacities, and ko will make goad us of tka opportunitia for serving tka State tkat ki position a bead of tke Social Service Conference will give him. DEFENDING THE CONSUMERS ''WHITHEIl ARE WE GOING?" " . 4 ' ' "es ,,vww' " ... "T- . ; .. i I . ;t..... ,,Z-"W4iii.MViv s- I 1 I 1 11 1 I . W2 I - TI r it to, ko hoped tkat Congrats will give the Federal Trade Commission all the legislation it naeda for tbo Investigation of the meat industry. ' The packers kave extended their operation uatil tkara b hardly any limit to their power. Tkay owa public asrvica corporation, tkey kave gathered ia the cream af tke Industrie allied with tkeir own, they dictate price of a large part of tke food aupply of th nation. h ia klskly deiirable that full publicity a to what tkey kave done and what thay ara seeking to do ia tko direction of strengthening their grip on tha food aupply be available. Tke Federal Trade Commission i fighting tooth nnd nail tha powerful organisation which are growing fabulously rich at tke expanse of tka doodIo and without acruple a to tke mean employed. Tke commission i a body tkat kaa tke rigkte of tke eeaeumer of tb country at heart. Few Federal agenciea are of suck great service to tko general public INDEPENDENCE WITHOUT STRINGS T tTTLE Belgium repeat it condition of juet paace aad tkay are condition wkick might Wol ko adopted ky all the little countries which kave kooa pereecuted by Germany v Tka Belgian government aayti Tka integrity of the Metropolitan and co leaial territory, political, economic aad mili tary independence without condition or re striction reparation for damage and guar aptaae against repetition of tha aggression of HI 4 are tke inditpentable condition for a just peace a far as Belgium ia concerned. Tke present indication ara that tha foaa of Germany are quite atrong enough to prevent It from limiting tke independence of any country. Tka Bolakaviki in Russia kave certainly proved a "bull ia a ckina shop." SPIRIT OF THE PRESS Ckicage and It Mayor. Brooklyn Eagle, Chicago' repudiation of Mayor Thompson fa the Aldermanio primaries wa emphatic and de cisive. Ctilcago may not be able lo rid itself of a bad Mayor, bul it ka no hesitation in tailing kirn what it think of him. Why Aeroplanes FsJL Meraphai Commercial-Appeal. Asked the causa for the falling of aeroplanes, aa expert replies 1 "Defect in the aeroplane, error of judgment in flying, loss of head, brain fatigue or lethargy, fear, physical illness, unavoidable causes." Outside of tbeae we presume th fall ing i merely a matter of gravitation. Tkat Strangely Working Russiaa Miad. Pkiladelpkia Record. la Russia tke Belakeviki tamely aurreaderod to tka German, wkila ia Siberia tkey ara said to ke destroying railroad kridgaa ia order to prevent tka anticipated advance of tko Japanese. Tkay kava million of aoldiera in Russia, kut will aot (gkt gainst tka invader. In Siberia, wkara tkey aro ouppoaed to be week, tkey aeek to put up held front. Wky teak to egpkai) it ) Tko working af tke Russian, aad eapocieily ika Bolahevikiet mind, ara too involved for tka ordi nary American brain. Tba new Socialistic states manahip, a interpreted by Lenine and Trotzky, i a law unto itself. Tka Navy Not tko Senate. Louisville Courier-journal. Soli Solomon O'Henn ia a Spaaik-lrik Jew. He appeared at tka United Stat Marine Corps recruiting' station in Twe'nty-lkird' sfreetV "New York, and said ke wished to enlist. The pre liminary examination akowed thet Solia Solomon stammered slightly aad oa that account, tkougk n fine strapping fallow, ke wa about to ke re jected wkea, according to tha Herald, ke thus exploded : "L--aok here, d-d-d'you w-w-want a t-t-talk-iag m-m-man ar a f-l-f -fighting m-m-man ) I'm a M-f-nghting m-m-man, k-but I c-e-can't g-g-get my word out q-q-q-quick enougk to ---aay -a-a--urrnder if tke whole d-d-d d H-h-hua army's aa t-t-top ' me." Soi Solomon' case waa taken under advise ment. Here's hoping tkat ka pastes, ft ikould k kerne in mind tkat ka ia trying to enlist ia lbs United State Navy, not tha United State Senate. THE WORLD WAR IN PROPHECY (By S. i. Beta.) O country in all peat history ever kad tke coloatal kurden of reepontibility banging over it tkat America now ka. W must feed our soldisrs, and feed tkem well witk nourishing food, while they fight for us and the rest of ths world. We have also tha burden of feeding oar Allies, wko for tkree and a half years kava been sending their men from tbo farm by tb mil lions, leaving, in thousands of instsncss, only tk womsn to till tk soil Wkea we realise tkat tkey kave keea a truly fighting for America a they have for their own native land wa can bet tor enter into mutual ympethy with tkem aad make every sacrifice for them.. This prophetic war waa to ba world-wide; aD nation are to become involved are it come to a close. It ia a battle of the aatioae tkat love liberty and the equal right af all maa to live ia peace witk unhampered opportunities to develop the beet within them, regardless of atation in life, race ar creed, ia a free democratic country, against autocracy, governed by the moat detpotic, arrogant, militaristic ruler tke world kaa aver known. Tkat tke Kaiser' purpose, was to conquer tke world at tka cost, it need ka," af tke attar destruc tion of all people wko presumed to oppose kim, is generally conceded. First, Belgium tkrew it self before tka oarusking wheel of tka jugger naut, wkick ia it blind rage ground beneath it weight innocent women and ckildrea. Until tke curtain ia drawn in tka graat day of judgment, end tke korrible atrocitie of tki instrument of human slaughter, as perpetrated in Belgium, are revealed, tka world can never form tke faintest conception of its korror. Wkst Franco ka ui fsrsd only tk hundreds of thousand of bleeding hearta can know; loved onea asperated aad takea away into slavery of tko worst kind, and tkeir komea waatoaly destroyed. i .. Tk kt war far of actual self defence oa tke part of the Entente Allies. We are fighting only lor tba Inalienable rigkl to govern ourestvea. We must not allow bitternes or barred to enter our kearta daring tki conflict, ft wil re quire aa ef art aa aut part aot to kale our oppo nent in tki lira .aad death struggle, kut wa must remember tkat tka mats of Germaey aro mis led ky thlr autocratic ruler threugk falsa prop aganda, aad aro net allowed to knew aaytkiag of tko true motive tkat prompud America to enter tka wer. Wa would ka at tka mercy ef tko Germaa Kaiaar Russia is today if ke ceuld deceive ui by "peece' parley a ba ba Russia. Let a aet forgot Deaiel I $45. "aad by PLACE ka akail destroy auaay," aad ka led into an armistice wkick waa o clearly demonstrated ia Germaa dealings witk Russia, aad ky tka Turkt aader Carman ottter recently, wko began kostililia before tko armistice kad expired, to ka nothing more tkaa play for time to make bettor prep aration for furtker carnage. Wko can doubt tkat wa will lots ikousands of soldier threugk this artful trick of theenemy by ki promise, f peace on fair terma with Russia) Tka armistice aad promise ware kut aaotker "scrsp of paper." Tka whole world of intelligent tkioker kaa forever loot all aoa&daace fa tk kaUea. , Lat every farmer wko cultivate tk o3 realise tka bjnpertaut part ke ie performing fa tk win ning af tha war, aad ika good housa-wif also, a k tax ksr brain kar heroic affort to conserve food that th starving people of Eu rope may kave a little. Tka farmer, the me chanic, k merchant, and lee) kut aot least, tke eon, all kava an important part fat tl)i gigaali struggle for tka world liberty, ( RACY OF THE SOIL Oa ef tba Old Gasrd.i Oxford Public Ledger. Capt J. A. Daria, of Route 3, a vet eran of the War Between tk States, pent a few hour in Oxford Saturday. Tlal anfl-'btarty; 'hwonw of'-thev'beot preserved men of the Old Guard. Saviag Meat ia Warm Weather. 8mitkleld Herald. Tha warm weather of the latter part of last week caused a little nneaaineat on th part of those who had Juit kill ed pork. Pome say that there i ao dan ger of loting meat if all the animal heat passed out before the pork U salted dawn. Mr. W, A. Lastiter, one of th county' bett farmer, aari kia exper ience ka taught him that there la not much danger in losing meat If It la dry. Ba eeya it it the damp day that cant neat to sour and inoil. Mr. Lat iter ay that hi grandfather who raised lot of meat used to any that there waa ao danger of losing meat If th night were cold enough for water to get cool er during th night. TAR HEEL BRAINLET3 On of tke chief thing tkia war ia doing ia this. It ia bringing ma of all condition ia life closer togethar. It ia removing more than ever before elaaa distinctions. It la taking dowa barrier that kar been existiag la th past and giving mea a new sea of haaiM brotk arhood. Winston-Salem Sentinel - And now witk the eomin of Spring, tha "plant a garden" drive It opened, gad lota of wise guy who don't know mustard seed from eabhag will tell us all about how to feed our families and tha neighbor oa a 10x20 plot of grou b d- Ft yettev ill Observer. e e In his owa eouatry Mr. Bryaa is new known at a real patriot, evea by thoae who disagree with kim es almost all publie question, aad tka Toronto aoi dier only (ueeeeded in attracting at tention to their bad manuert. States ville Landmark. nee The Rustiaaa must kave been unus ually well armed to hate been able to lose all those guaa to tka iavadera. Hickonl Record. e e e Trotsky, Lenia and otker Bolahevikl ara putting up a pretty good bluff bul there ia eviJenee that tha Buxtian mase ss will toon e through tk mask and abaerv the Kaiaert phyxiogoniy. Kia ttoa free Press. A POEM FOR THE DAY NOT MTJCa OF A MAN! Ea may be a rich at a millioaaira. Or a scion of noble name; No Sage with ki wisdom may compare Re may thiae ia the blaxe of fame. Be may be the most maxveloua tkiag la eight Tkat our bumble eye eaa aran, But if kia heart la not ia OUB TIQUJ Ha lent much of a MA"! Ha may U aa aquar aa the day ia loaf lnJ iumt la kia everv deaL He may aeek the right aad eschew the wrong And to rolt of aQ uret kneel. Be may be a taint ia hit holy ways, . . - 1 noul para ataee a is uie organ, But if out of HIS COOTBV8 WAB ke stay, H laal muck of a MAN! A man may ba true to kia akUd aad wife Aad loyal to afl maaaiad; He may ie ao 111 in kia whole kag life, Aad yet, to kia korror. Bad, Wkea ao patriot fervor Sood khj breast At the threat ef a f oemaa a elan. Be lackf to Ut "Web, of all,! btft, ' for ke lint mock of a MAXI LubaaA SlAdoa' U RlvTork Times. AS I WAS SAYING Tha difference between lupervUiow wkick a eouaty tuperiateadaat tax x ert witk th meant at kia disposal aad that whkh city mperintenden exert without the bowl of too mneh rnpervi ioa, atraiiaaUoa and kaadlaf dowa' of order from tka man higkar ap, ia pointed out 1 early by Mr. L. 0. Brof den, State Agent for Baral Schools, wkt haa aloaaly Uvrnti gated tk aitoatioa to fad out by eampariaoB jutt what It paasibl fa tk way of atrperriaioa. "Ia tha fall af J8W," ay Vtr. Brof dea, w mada) aa Uvastigaiioa to a raa repreeantative aountia aad ika aevea eitiea-ia thoee aouatiM for th pnrpos f imertalnJag th need la sack par tlaolgr aitoatioa for tka direction aad tkg iraperriadoa af th work, of tM akll dren j to nnd wkat waa being done la each aitoatioa to meet tta meed aad also to fad Ua par test of iU" total school fuad aack waa apeadiaf far tka rapervixlo of ita schools." Tkaaa eeuatie and eltica, K. Bror dea explaiaa war Wayaa, aad Oolda bora; Bobeooa gad Leuabertoa, Oabar ru aad Coaeord, Clvlaad aad ffkalbj, Forsyth aad Wipton-Balm, Buneembo and Aakerilla, kfscklspburg aad Ckar lotte. "Wkat wa found," Mr. Brogdaa aum marUes, "waa tkat aaak af tka aevea eouaty aupeiiiitaBdnBU kaa oa tka average approximately fifteen time tka amber ef white Mparato aakeele, aad not than twice tko aambar of white teackera to direst and to raperviae than haa kia eity achooi aaaoeiata; tkat each af the aevea eouaty super in tea dents kaa oa tha average 69 per cent lee af kia teaekorg eellega fradnataa aad TS per teat mora ef tkem teaekiag their first Urma tkaa kaa ika eity an per in ten den tj thai aafih aounty aupor intendent kaa rural aohool term thirty-tarea par aaat laaa than that of tka city achooi auptriateadenti tkat the average area of tke aevea eounty (uperiataadaata district ia 571 qnare mile while th average area of tha city school superintendent' district I only T aquar mile; that aab of tk eouaty uprintekdna - kaa oa aa average of fifteen time aa maay separata schools, mora tkaa twice tka number af teaahora to tupervise aad direct with a aehool term thirty-three per cent leas witk these teackera aad achooi scattered aver aa area mora tkaa eighty tisja aa large yst, nst witkstandiag these facta, aot oaa of these aevea eouaty superintendent kaa a supervisor to supplement kis work, while kia aevea city eekool associate kav 19 whole time aad part tin su pervisor to supplement their workj. aad while U eouaty ia apeadUg oaly Li per cent ar loag tkaa two aad oaa kalf eonta out of each dollar of ft total atkool fuad for tka dlreettoa aad topcrviaioa of tha work ef if toaatry children, each af th aevea aitiat It, an tke average, spending fourteen percent or fourteen eenta out of each dollar of ita total eekool fond for the (upr vUloa aad directioa of tka work of tta eity ckildrea." , "I am heartily In favor of tka Oar ers or proposition for $ keatlasa earn paign said Co). H. B. Vara sr. "Th patriot! demaada af tko koor are fufl eient to take np all our tlm ' aad trengtk. We bar too big a Job fa our heads ia halniae eanonar flumiss to waste oar eaergiee ia petty politleal Ights. Ia ales eoaatiea tbo executive committees of tk two parties akoald get together aad put out a bl-partltaa ticket aad let tkat be th amy ticket. Tkia plaa la perfectly ptaetieabU aad I beUev tkat tka pstrioti leader of tbo political parties would ckearfally ' put H la sacutioa. Tkia la a tlwe for patriotism, aot partisanship. Th mors partisan atari W put forth tka leas painoue snort wa will DO a til to iut forth. Tke keatless' eampaiga la ka only sort tkat will be tolorabla tkia A -. t .-.