( ( 1 SOCIETY THX MAKING OF A FRIEND. "We nodded ii we passed each day, And railed aud west along our wan I knew his name and he knew mine, But neither of oe made a signi That w possessed a common tie, - We barely spok at we passed by. , TTow fine he waa I sever ruessed, The splendid tool within nil breait I never aaw. From me waa hid Th many kindly deeds he did. 111a gentle way I didn't know Or I'd have claimed him long ago. Then trouble cam to me one day And he wai Drat to come and sny 'The cheering words I longed to hear, He offered help, and standing nenr I felt our lives in sorrow blend, My neighbor had become my friend. Mow many smiles from day to dy I'v mined along my narrow way j How many kindly words I've lout, What joy hat my indifference eoiit! Thia glorioui friend that now I know, Would have been friendly, yean ago. The bud but very little ihowi T tell the beauty of the rose, And hira we greet in passing by With scares a nod, the day we sigh May bloMom ai the storms descend With all the beauty of a friend. T in the Norfolk Ledger Dispatch. ; , Mi Mildred Turner of Durham spent several hours in tho city yes terday with friends. Mrs. Harry Hunt ha returned to the city from a visit to Athens and Atlanta, Oa. Mm. E. 8. Ferguson of Halifax ar rived hero yesterday .for a stay of aeveral days. Mra. H. 8. Jones of Fayettcville Is spending aeveral days in Kaleigh with friends, and 'relatives. Mra. M. P. ChamMee and little aon ) of Oxford are the guests of Mr. and Mra. C. B. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Boyd, Mr. n?d . Mra. J, E. Hooker and Miss Alice Hoakur of Warrenton were among tho visitors in the eity yesterday. Mra. V.. F. Harison of Littleton ia the gueet of Mrs. F. A. Fetter for a few days. lington la visiting friends and relatives - ia the eHy for a f cwdayi. -" Mies Thelma Medlin, of Mnnrure, is visiting friends at Apex and McCullors. Mra. Hendrix Returns. Mra. Joe W. Hendrix has returned home after a visit to friends in Durham. Returns From Durham. Mra. 0. T. Powell has returned after a visit to Mrs. Fred E. Latta la Durham. a C St. Cecilia Club. St, Cecilia Club will meet this after noon at 4 o'clock ia Christ church parish house. From Nashville. Mlaa Boehelle Oully of Nashville Is the guest of her brother, Mr. M. C. Gullcy, on Fayetteville street. Mlaa Woolard Improved. Miss Gertrude Woolard, who has beea quite ill at her home on AH Fayette ville street, is much improved. s G. F. Society Will Not Meet. The Good Hhepherd branch of-the Girls' Friendly Hociety will not meet Thursday eveuing. To Elisabeth City. Mill Eva Godfrey will leave tomorrow for her home in Klirabeth City to ipend Easter with her parents. From Durham. Mrs. C. C. Thomas and Mrs. T. I.. Williams of Durham spent Monday in the city shopping. . ill Born. Born to Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Daniels, , of Monrure, formerly of Knightdale, a girl Mildred hlirnleth. GtnU of Mrs. McDonald. Mrs. Thomas Fuller fiouthgate and children of Durham are the guests of Mra. Bouthgate's mother, Mrs. C. C. McDonald, on Halifax street. s Ketarwe From a Visit te Durham. Mr. W. M. Andrews and Miss May Aadrewa have returned from Durham after visiting Mr. Andrews' brother, Mr. St. V. Andrews. a Miss Smith Retorna Home. - ltlsa Mary Weldon Smith has returned , to her home in Kent hind Nec- after a viait to Mrs. A. M. Hnnff on Jones Ueet. a Retires From Florida. . Mra. Aihiy l.ee Baker and children have returned from a visit to Mrs Baker's lister, Mrs. W. II. Williams, ta Deland, Fla. ' a a St. Mary's f.alld. There will he a meeting of St. Mary's Gaud thia afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Engraved Wedding Invitations v Announcement artel VUiting Cwds .-. . , Cerreapendeae Stationery. Kssftwssed With Croat, Meaograsa er Street Addrswe WRITI FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES Edwards & Broughton Printing Co. RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA MISSES REESE & COMPANY i -'V 1M fayetteville Street ..... ',' JTha Kew Authoritative e STYLES FOR SPRING v An ArrMaf Dally Hat for all are here, little lota aa well as grandma, ran be had from oni anuiual ihowlag. Easter . means flowers in every home And flowers are always much more beautiful when daintily arranged in attractive vases. The new designs In Bud Holders' for the early spring blooms with long stem! are unusually pleasing. . You will enjoy aeelng them at Jolly ft Wynne!. A more delightful Faster Present for a friend, or for the home, could not be se lected. Prices of Bud Holders, Cut films Vases and articles - of Silver, appropriate for-Faster Presents are extremely mod erate at Jolly's. Come in and examine them. You will not be urged to buy. JOLLY'S Jolly & Wynne's Jewelry Co. Good Shepherd parish house. All mem bers are urged to coine aud bring their Easter offerings. Dr. Koyster to Lecture. Dr. Hubert Hoyster will lecture be fore tho-health department of the Worn au's Club tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock on "What Every Woman Should Know About Cancer." Guests From South America. Jack, has arrived from Georgetown, British (hiinna, Koufb Anient "aha are the guests of Mrs. J. Thomas Allen, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Wilson in I toy lan Heights. ' IIUker-Brewer. The following announcements have been received by friends in the city: Mr. and Mrs. William Harris Brewer announce the marriage of their daughter Mabel Blanche lu Mr. Emll Frauncea Hilker en Monday, March the twenty-fifth nineteen hundred and eighteen in Raleigh, North Carolina. Rammas;e Sale Saturday. A rummage sale will be hold Satur day for the benefit of the alek poor of the eity, by the Associated Charities, for the milk and ice fund. Friends in the rily of the Associated Charities are urgently requested to send in all old clothes, etc., to be sold at this sales, to Mrs. John W. Brown, chair man of sale fund, or to, the Associated Charities, or telephone them and they will send for such articles as friends will Ue. kind enough to donnte. The need for this fund is very great, a) a Attending Meeting In Aahevllle, Among those from Raleigh who are attending the North Carolina Baptist Women'a Missionary Union held in Asheville this week are; Mrs. W. N Jones, president of the Union i Miss Bertha Carroll, corresponding secre tary; Miss Elizabeth Brlggs, junior su perintendent; Mrs. Weston Bruner, of the Tabernacle Baptist church: Mra. J 8. Farmer, Mra. W. O. Biddick and Miss Elsie Uiddirk. The convention opened Tuesday morning and will continue through t nday. , On Wednesday evening Dr. T. W (VKelley, pastor of the First Baptist church in this city, will speak before the convention. Children of Americen Revolution A business meeting of the Children of the American Revolution wai held Saturday afternoon In the high school auditorium. The main feature of the meeting waa the adoption of the by laws, imring tut afternoon a report o patriotic work done by the members waa given, mrmems inmcn tor Kca I roils am1 individually, thirty one; Libertv Boml lK)ught, seven; bonds contributed through school, six; War Savings Stamps, four; Y. M. C. A. contributions, four. Plans were also discussed for the marking of graves of American Revo lutlonary heroes in this locality. The meeting was presided ovee by Mrs. Ernest Bain, organizing president, and Miss Louise Raker, president. Godfrey-Catsa. Tt will be of interest to her manv it Scene In Art I In the Plekert Sisters Slock Company, presenting "The Broken Butterfly" at the Academy of Music tonight. Special matinee this afternoon. friends in Raleigh to know of the mar riage of Slim Mary fates in Norfolk Sunday, March 1!4, at 6:30 p. in., when she became the bride of Mr. James Gol frey. Miss Gates went from Raleigh lint September to Norfolk to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Buffaloe. Since going to that city she has ma !e ninny good friends who wish her and Mr. (ioilfrey much success. Mr. Godfrey is a native or Virginia, once being in the fish and oyster bun sa,. but at present he w in. the em plovment of the United States gov eminent in eontruetion work. They will reside in Norfolk, The eeremoBy wns performed by Rev. Mr. Gorman of tho Bujitist churvh of Lnmbert'i a a "THE PICKERT SISTERS STOCK CO.' At the Academy of Music Thia After noun and Tonight, Special Matinee Today Presenting "His Broth, er's Wife." The Pickert Sisters Stock Co., playing at the Acm! my this week will present "His Brother's Wife," for a matinee at traction tmlny. This piny has been used for two seasons for the openi play mid is one that is particularly pleasing to the ladies. As Hie company opened on Saturday a large number were unable to use the Indies' tickets tlmt were distributed so by request the management have de cided to honor ladies' tickets on Wed neadny night on the same conditions as Inst Saturday. The play will be "The Broken Butterfly," and already a large number have reserved seat! for Wed nesday night. A special ladies and rhil dren's matinee will be given Saturday when tho "Three Juvenilis Piekerts' will appear In their specialtv. Vaudeville will be presented between acts of all the plays presented. Press Agent. One Two-Art Play To Re Given This Evening. The expression department of Feace Institute will present two one act plays this evening at S o clock t the school under the direction of Mias Alice Sue 11a rsh. The publie Is cordially invited. In "The Shoe That Danced," by Anna Hempstead Branch, the cst of char actera Is as follows: Wstteau, Marv Steele; Idiioret, his pupil, Minnie Hold ing; Cnurtin, Kelia Cnrliett; Failitfine, Mary McNeill; Pierrette, Annie Man ning; Columbine. Annie KlUabeth John son; The Queen, Sarah Fletcher Bryan; Irfidy, Lucile Bclk; Page, Margaret Mc Kinnon. ' Aria from Myerbeer's Opera, Rolicrt Le Diable, by Miss Esther Pate In "Food." a Tragedv of the Future, 1 !, by William C. dc Mille, the cast iff characters is as follows: Basil, a New Yorker, Mary Hteveus; Irene, Helms Fountain; Harold, sn officer of the Food Trust, Estelte Williama. Other numbers on the program will be: Waits Song from Romeo and Juliet (Gounod), Miss Theo Wooten, and a group of songs by Miaa Annie McDade; Night, Mary Helen Brown; The Star, James II. Rogers; The Night Has a Thousand Eyes, Aldridge B. Kidd. SCHOOLGIRL TELLS OTHERS How They Can Find Relief From Periodic Suffering. Nashua, N. H. " I am nineteen year old and every month for two year I Had aucn pains uiai 1 would often faint and have to leave achooL I had luch pain 1 did not know what to do with mv- nelf and tried so many remedies that were ot no use. 1 read about LydiaE. Pinkham'a Vega tab I Compound in the newspapers amfdeddedtotrTit, and that I how I found relief from pain and fed o much better than I use to. When I hear of any girl suffering aa I did 1 tell them how Lydia E. Tinkham' Vegetable) Compound helped me." Deuna Martin, 9 Bower St. Nashua, N.H. Lydia E. Pinkharo'a VcgeUble Com pound, made from native root and herbs, contain no narcotic or harmful drugs, therefore ia a perfectly safe rem edy to give your daughter, who Buffer from such painful period aa did Miaa Martin. The reason so many girt write I.vdiaE. Tinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Man., for advice, is because from their 40 year exprrienca they have a store of knowledge which to Invariably helpful ill i . ; Smart FOR Quick Cleverly Fashioned ia the Newest Eif ecta and Fashions. Sample line of Georgette Crepe and Crop de Chin Waists. Some slightly soiled from handling. All Siaae. VeJoea $3.50. $8.00 and $8.80 For SO. Miss Tyson Ta Wed. The following iron the Knoxville (Tennessee) Sentinel will be of great interest to friends in Raleigh of Mian Isabella Tyson. Misi Tyaon ii' well known here, having visited at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Paul Lee, on Blount "No wedding for several seasons will be of greater interest to a wider elrele of friends 'than that of Miss Isabella Tyson and Mr. Kenneth N. Gilpin thich will be solemnized Saturday aft ernoon at 4:30 o'clock at the St. John's Episcopal ciiurch. "The ceremony will be performed by by Bishop Thomas Gsilor, of Memphis, Episcopal bishop of Tenneasee, assisted by -Rev. W- C Whitaker, D. D. "All details of the wedding will be characterized by a simplicity appro priate to war time. Practically all branches of the army wiU-be represent ed in the wedding party, the United Ximbrellas With Amber, Ivory and Plain Handles. Umbrellas to match every dress snd garment. Incorporated. rVeosid Dobbin la .fsllll "SEJafV ' ." TJim. mm Thomas H. Ince present CHARLES RAY "His mother's Boy" A picturization of Rupert Hughes' story "When Life is Marked Down'' A THRILLING STORY OF ADVENTURE This is, without a doubt, the greatest story that Mr. Ray haa ever been "filmed" in. Love, thrills, intrigue and adventures knitted together "by master hand into a burning heart interest picture that you'll re member for many a day. You can't afford to misa it Waists Selling 95 States army, the navy, the flying corps and the national guard, as well at all ranks from a general to a private aailor. "Mias Tyaon will have as her attend' Hakes tie Complexion BeastiM SOFT AND VELVETY. Afoneg back if not mainly pltand, rVixftn b pan nd hannltm. Adhmsmttl esuaW Frsasnts snaearn mod Msm J JiMoimtfoM. A million aiInted nurs ftesMltsMlm. PotmUr Unlu FUtH. Pink. firasette. While, JJ W bseW Tsl CSm er KJ lbssl TsM Cswmv. rsife. W. D.I. A, XL Qi f sJ V Floor Over and Ferrall'a. Today J Kwsir anta Mis Cornelia Howell and Miss Es ther Smith, of Atlanta, aa maids o honor, and aa bridesmaids Misses Ann: Mages fianford, Evelyn Rose, Betty Car on and Charlotte Strong, of New York Little Miaa Helen Boss will be flowe girl. "Amona tho men In the wertdinr party and out-of-town guests will l Ensign McGhee Tyson, brother of th bride; Mr, Charles Rodgers, cousin o the bride; Captain Beverly Ober, o' Baltimore; Mr. Bowie Llpputt and Mr Alvin Emmert, of Clark county, Vir ginia; Major ilas McBee, of New York Captain Dorian Fleming, of Memphis "Capt Donald Gilpin, brother of th groom, who is at Fort Bill, Okla., am who was to have been .best man, ha: been detained and will be unable ti be present. Bishop Murray, of Vir ginia, i "warm personal friend of th groom, who had planned to be in at tendance, has also found it impossible to attend. ' . "The wedding hid originally beer planned for the first week in April but waa moved up to this week in ordei that Ensign MoGhe Tyson, brother ol the bride, could be in attendance- "Owing to the Lenten season and the exigencies of war the details of the wedding will be marked by a beautiful simplicity wholly in keeping with the solemnity of the occasion." ..' PERSONALS Mr. J. P. Moore left yesterday after noon for a short business trip to Dur ham. Mr. Robert M. flantt, of Durham, was here . yesterday to argue, a case before the Supreme Court. Mr. D. M. Bryant, of Benson, was among th visitors in the eity yester day. Messrs. B. T. Watson and T. D. Perk, of Warrenton, "spent the day in Bal eigh yesterday on business. Mr. Charles W. Gold has returned to Greensboro after a short business trip here. Mr. J. B. McMillen, of Greensboro, is spending several days in Raleigh. Mr. Henry B. Gordon, of Charlotte, waa among the visitors in the city yes terday.;- ' - Mr. L. K. Johnson, of Lumbertnn, ar rived here yesterday for a stay of Several days. Work Room Open Today. The Red Cross work "room will be opened today from TO a. m. to 5 p. m. All workers are urged to be present FAB. P. BROWN H. J. Brown Company, Funeral Directors. Established 81 Yean 1836-1917 TONIGHT PICKERT SISTERS Presenting THE BROKEN BUTTERFLY" Special Matinee Today Presenting "HIS BROTHER'S WIFE" PRICES: Matinee 15c, 2Sc , ' Night Me, 5e, Sc. Beata on Sale now at the Tacker Bldg. Young Couple Doire 3, 4, or 5 Rooms furnished for light housekeeping Address "URGENT" Care News and Observer Superba nmnimmiiuinmiuDtntunnunini TODAY Kitty Gordon IN "THE WASP" Stunning . Gowns and . German Spies Pathe News THURSDAY HAROLD LOCKWOOD jl ' IN "THE AVENGING TRAIL- v Mr. and Mrs. Drew - Hi!. ;he darkened her gray hair .Veil Known Lady Telle How She Dark, eaed Her Gray Hair By a Simple Home Made Remedy. Mrs. E. H. Boots, a well known resi leiit of Buchanan county, Ia., who dark ened her gray hair by a eiinple home made remedy made the following state- nentl "Any lady or gentleman can darken heir gray or faded hair and mak it oft and glossy with this simple re ipe, which they can mix at horn.- -To ialf a pint of water add 1 ounce of uy rum, one small , box of Barb , Compound snd 1-4 ounce of glycerine. These ingredients can b ptfrehssed at ny drug store at very- little cost. ApdIt to. the hair every other day until the gray hair is darkened suftV uently. It does not eolor the scalp; ' not sticky or greasy and does not rub off. It will make a gray haired" person look 10 to 20 years younger." adv. ?ATAL ACCIDENT ABOARD SHIP WHILE REPAIRING. Charleston, 8. C, March 29. Two men were killed and nine others in jured by the explosion her lata today if a gas tank in the forehold of a nereliunt steamer undergoing repairs at his port. All the casualties were among riveters engaged in making the repairs. The dead are R. H. Hawley, white, and a negro. Of the injured five men are white and four negroes. The tank which exploded had been installed only this morning. The cause has'not yet been determined. The crar's government saved Paris. The Bolshevik! lost Russia. . To brighten up gray, mornings a cup of good coffee is a great gloom chaser. To be sure of a good cup buy Maxwell House COFFEE At grocers, in sealed tins. Whole, ground (steel cut), pulverized. CHEEK-HEAL COPPEI CO. SataviO, lusts," Jackseavifls, liilwisi JVTEURALGIA il For quick results no ma r oreneaa and Temples with , . UU kit-Oiari IrTbr ICS Splendid Easter MILLINERY Chic Creations for Ladles, Misses and Children New York'a smartest atylea exempllBed by oar recent arrivals. Oar moderate prices will astaalsh yea. Beautiful Waist in all popular materials. Pleasing to every taste and at prices far below those elsewhere. The Ladies' Shop 11 EAST H ARC KIT STREET Ye$, we trim this pump, if you prefer, and it looks very well with either a large or small buckle or a small flat bow. Its lines ere so fine however, . that we ourselves like it best without any trimming at all. And it is a fa vorite among women who like to wear a low shoe with spats. PRICE $6.00 (Eockerjljpes lor womea present a number of de sirable long-vamp pump models so universally liked this season. tiMimiiimiiHiiiHiiiMiiiHiiiiiii'iiiMiniiiHiiniii (;