THE NEWS AND OBSERVER TO FREE LATE CZAR ELECT OFFICERS DURHAM REPORTED SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 9, 1918. DISCOVERED PLOT THE SECRETARIES A DAY'S EVENTS IN Scheme Was -To Take Nicholas To Sweden and Then Bring Him To America SERVANT'S INDISCRETION SPOILED ARRANGEMENT Prince Dolgoroki, Who Was Fi nancing Plot; Had Staked 800,000 in Bribes '. . (By the Associated Press.) Kn.sterdatii, June 8. Tim discovery of 'filof. to free tlie former Kmperor of J;.;sfia wuiir nvr iuhmhvh in i u- .;.i.:l.. l... ...... ......fin... I ... . T,i. 'i.uUk, t take hini to fiwedeu ami thence 1.'. America, ia repotted in German nt'ws- p -i icr. received nore, flciMin( to rue a .Tiuiirt pdblisneTd the chief coiiMiiiia t.,i was Prince Pan) Dolgoroki, grand marthal of the Imperial Russian. Court under Fmperor Nicholas, who placed MHIHHUi ll'lblfS lit hid llisposul, W'itll which to bribe all the infill )o r of his g.wrd. The plot failed, the papcis say, owing to the, indiscretion of a scrvunt, v ho iKvulged the plans. A dispatch from Potrograd to Lon don on lay la said that the Soviet government had officially continued re ,,,,rt s that Nicholas Iioniiinoff, the for mer Kmpcror, together with tho former liiupresx and one of their daughters, mis removed from to Kkuter iuluir!i in consequence of the discovery n: a peasant conspiracy to assist in his i-..p-. Mix.." HonidiiofT, the former i,r ir apparent, remained at TohoNk nr Z tn ill health, the dispatch paid. ORDER NO. 28 WILL SOON BE MODIFIED (Continued from Page One.) home in Wadeshorn for the week- Thomas I'. Johnson, of I'liiln ;:i, hni retornoc! home nfter spend few days in Washington with her , Mrs. A. W. W'elli, upon their from Wallace, V ('., where they led the funeral of Mrs. James T. .niiiiander and M' -. I;ivid Haglcy i w.ilirg nt the li'Hoe el Secretary I Mrs. Daniels. The ship under tho nuaiid nf Commander Hagley will ' i he ready for serviee. M. H. Heainan, Secretary of the Ra f!' Chamber of Commerce, it a victor. Mis Margaret I'ou, of Smitlideld, d.'.i'ghter of Representative and Mrs. I W. I'ou, is visiting her parents in v - h i n sr t f ti . . V, McLean, a director of the War I ..inn e Corporation, has gone to Iiiitn berton to spend ft few days at his home. I i response to representations nude r in yesterday by ft eoniinit'ee headed I v Dr. W. K. Rankin, from the confer rue of secretaries of State and Pro i ii Hoards of Health, Senator F. M. Nimmnns has presented to President Wilson the necessity of co-ordinating the state boards and departments of I enlth with the office of the Surgeon i.cncrnl of the Army and for enlisting 'he oflirers of the health departments of the several states as members of 'iie reserve corps. These officers of I'-nlth department would receive no i-"mpcn.ation unless called into active nice. It was represented to Sena tor Simmons that the desire of the per sonnel of these departments for a mili tary status lind to (jet into active ser- ;ce isijo gregt that unless they can I e enlisted itl the medical reserve corps 'i ce departments, will soon become so S'catly depleted to impair the efficiency these organizations. AUSTIN H. CARR WEDS MISS LAURA W. NOELL Well Known Young Durham Man and Beautiful Danville Girl Married Special to News and Observer. ,' Danville, Va., June N.- In the pres enre of a large number of friends and relatives of the two families, Miss Lau ra Williamson Noell, one of the five Vnell sisters well known for their beau t ' in Virginia and North Carolina, was married tonight to Austin Heatou Carr, of Durham. The ceremony took place v !':.10 o'clock at the home of the i"ide'j parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Noell, on Main street, and was solem r cd by Rev. J. N. ltliam, D.D., pas 'r of Main Street Methodist Church. I he bride had as her attendants her ' j sisters, Miss Seashols Noell and 't - K. H. Miller, Jr., of this city, Mrs. 1 H I. von and Mrs. James K. John- u n!. Durham. She entered the living ni nf the home, which was ft Bowery --geH,T-J-lJi-Rt00IIU.5l'.P..Jr'raJ t service uniform ot tne i. r. ne ptu., n,J she was given in marriage I ' hrr fnfher.' Tli bride wore white tucked rrep ''.rT..n with overdress of white antla '"I I'crtlm of old point lace, which formed side panels for her skirt. N't veil of tulle was garnished with 'Muse blossoms and her bouquet was 1 i. lies and orchids. 'f'cr the ceremony the gnes.ts re 1 I ' the dining mom where punch -rved and where the old euktom ' ' itting the wedding cake was ob Ute tonight Mr. and .Mrs. Carr left 'r a Khrtft bridal touT. They will '! at Springfield, Mass., until the Koom leaves for Prance. The bride is a graduate of Randolph- Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, d is widely kuown in this State for ,,pr beauty and culture. Mr. Carr is "he youngest son of General Julian o. ' of Durham. Among the North Carolinians attend ing the wedding wer General Carr, Mr. nd Mrs. J. S. Carr, Jr., Nancy and Margaret Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Claiborne ' art. W.-P. Carr, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. 'Ton, Mr. and Mrs. .1. E. Johnson and Misses Vaughn, all of Durham.' Clemenetaa Oa Battle Front. ( Fir The Associated Press.) Taris, June I. Premier Clemeneean paid another brief visit to the f nnt. He left, Paris early this morn ul aad fetarnsd tonight. DR. GEORGE BRAXTON PEG RAM Mr. (leorge Bruiton Pegram, son of V. II. Pegram, and grandson of Dr, ilraxton Cruven. founder of Trinity College, whom Trinity College Wednesday honor by conferring on him the degree of Puctor of Science. Ir. Pegram is a graduate of Trinity College, received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Columbia I'nirersity, studied in Cambridge I niversity, KngUnd, ainl Berliu I niversitv, and is now dean of the faculty versity. New Vork. He is a writer of materially asi stiug tho government in With Women and Chilren On Board This Steamship Raced For Week To Escape Submarine- ' on tin ued from Pnge One.' officers and men and to the coiirnge of tli nomen passengers. "1 don't know when the captain first heard about the I' boats," said Mr. Dun yon. "We didn't hear until Wednes day night. "That ewninjj the women und chil dren were holding n concert in the mu- M'- loom. All of the male passengers, except ii lew who were asleep, were in the looking room. When the Lights Went Out. "Suddenly every light aboard went int. Must of us thought something had happened to the ship's dynamo, but sev. eral minutes went by and there was no improvement. "A few of us Weill out on de. L and linked a deckhand what was the trnu ble. "'Pin not sure' lie said, 'hut I think it's submarines.' "That was u jolt, but it was not any thing like the jolt we got n few seconds later when the captain appeared on deck. 'Throw cigars overboard and get inside -all of you.' he ordered, and a few minutes later he rejoined us. "'I don't want to be harsh,' he said, 'but it's my duty to warn you that all nf us are in deadly peril; until further notice you must keep clear of the decks. Any passenger found on deck will be taken into custody. If you men must smoke I'll break the ship's rule and allow you to smoke in here. A n I for (iod's suke keep voiir nerve.'" Tak'tig up the story nt this point, Mr. (Silroy said the women accepted the situation splendidly. Ran Away from Each Other. "About twf'ight. on Thursday," he said, "tin lookout sighted smoke on the horizon. sou a lame steamer ap peared in the ofting. We took her for a raider and steamed us fast as we could away from her. A few hack ward glances, though, showed us she had mode tl'" same mistake about us, for he was rapidly fading out of sight. "The incident raised our spirits a bit. but they sink aguiu a little later when we passed .1 pile of wreckage. It must have been from a vessel recently sunk as it was new and bright. Next morning we were told we were in the vicinity where the auhinariuca were op erating. ' The captain had not left the bridge since Wednesday night for long er than two minutes. Now he was glued to it. They deserve medals- these offi cers. "We didn't sight any lifeboats, but we steered around several objects which might Have been mines. At last we saw the coast looming larger and closer. Nobody cheered, but I think we all knew what it wss to take a good long breath." SUPERBA MONDAY PEARL WHITE and ANTONIO MORENO in The House of Hate i . ' i, 'J . - o of applied science m ( oliirmna I ni note on scientific subjects and is now scientific work. Solar Eclipse, Pulled Off As Foretold By The Scientists, Described Continued from Page due. tires might obscure the corona, but that observations could be made. Seen at Knoivillr. Kii'uvillc, Term.. June H,- The par tial eclipse was plainly virible to the naked eve. although many observers used smoked glass. During the period the temperature dropped from to In Alabama. Montgomery, A'll., June H. Moiitiroin ery viewed the phenomena this alter noun. Obscurity of the orl i b its greatest degree at ti;7 o'clock aud lasted one minute, at which time !' her cent of its S'irfa.'e was covered. At Hrewtuii, Ala., the e. liee total. Many Witness It In Florida. Oriando. Fla . June a The solar eclipse was total here nt ti:-4" o'clo' and hundreds of persons I' i this state and scores of others tiom ne;rbv States were here to witness the ph noniena. Most of south Florida was affected by the eclipse, it being almost total from const to coast. The direction of the tifty niile wide astral pencil across this State was from northwest to south west, crossing the peninsula from about Cedar Key on the (iulf Coast to about Melbourne on the Atlantic. 90 Per Cent At New Orleans, New Orleans, June A !Xi per cent eclipse of the sun was risible here at C:.'IK this evening, thousands of people lining the business streets to view it. Cloady Weather In Colorado. Denver, June X. Astronomers from the staff of the Verkes observatory of the I'niversity of Chicago and other observatories who gathered here today to make observations of the total eclipse of the sun found that their elaborate preparations had gone for naught. Heavy clouds covered the sky during the greater part of the eclipse. TO BUILD 8M HOMES FOR NAVY YARD WORKERS. Norfolk, Va , June The housing committee of the Hampton Koads Naval District announced today that tracts of land on Paradise creek in Norfolk county, aggregating about fire hundred acres, had been acquired and that the government will finance the erection of a model town of tax) residences for working men employed at the naval base, army and ordnance depots. lVsigns for the village by reorge B. Post, of New Vork, have been approver and work will begin at once. The prop erty is located about three miles from the Portsmouth postoffice and is reach ed by trolley. Rear Admiral Harris, head of the housing hoard, will direct the construction work. Commercial Convention Jhen Adjourns; Roberts Re- elected Sect'y-Treas (By the Associated Press.) Charlotte. N". C. June M. After elect ! for the hnhI.,. cur u,,.i I ... i . . i resolutions .tifru.i.,g the pa triotlsin of the organist ion, the Kiev- f nth Annual ( onferen.'e ot the South- em Conimercial Secretaries Association! was adjourned late tod.u. Atlsnta was I Selected as the neit coiiM iitiiiu iluce. New odifers vt the assoi'iatioii are: of Morgau Richards, ' Sclinii, Vts., pres I ident; C W. Roberts, Henderson, N. C, reelected secretary Liid treasurer. Viee-Presidents tor the respective States: H. P. Henley. Aulmrn, Ala.; in H. R. Keesler, Jacksonville, Na.; . U. at Itartlett, Publiu, tia. ; W. A. Morrow,- Louisville, Ky. ; II. T. cross, Monroe, Loiiismna: H. J. BcaclKim, llultimore ; I Mrs. M. D. Martin, ClHrksdale, Miss. ; H, H. Dunn, Winston Siilem, . C; Miss Marie Pewell, Mock Hill, S. C. ; P. Roger Miller, Morristown. Tenu.; P. D. Henderson, Oainesv ille, IViai; 11. ft. Watkins, Danville, Va. Mr. Bartlett pres. nted ;i prize for snowing I lie nesi riry umcrusing nis- i play at the convention. The retiring president, H. P. Johnson, of Wichita Palls, Texas, was given a trawling bag. The association adopted n resolution requesting the. directors nf national campaigns for war funds t confer with local ehambers of commerce before se lecting loeal directors." WASHINGTON GOOD DISTRIBUTING POINT Oeoree J. Hackney, Jr., Sells 500 Trucks in State Since January 1 "WasViugtoni -Willi Washington as the distributing point, Mr. ueorge j. uaeaney, jr., nas sum eV. M (.FORCE J. HACKNEY, JR. five hundred Mewart trucks in North Carolina since January I, .Hid this town ia getting on the automobile industrial map. Mr. Hackney insists that he can sell f..ur times as many trucks as the factory iuu send him. The motor enr Imsincs", iu war i.r peace, in fast Incoming the leading in dustrv of the age. Since the I nilcil States is such an agricultural and in dust rial country the motor trucks, or cars for service, are of Increasingly great value. Mr. brii. Hackney, Jr., of Washington is selling cars of service ami mailing an enviable record for him self in '.is work Mr. Ilaikiiey and his father are the ones wlin T"r a milliner or yenrs nave supplied the public, with the famous ltu. Wn. v ipn which thev manufae- ......1 .1 VA,l.,o When' I he times I bunged to such an extent that the use fulness of wagor.s began to wwne, Mr. I 1a., ll'.iliiiev' Jr. aeleeteil the sue- eessor of Ins first product and went to I work with a vim to make the success of it In had made with wagons. Ac- cording to Mr. llaiknev, the Wewart truck is the most serviceable for gen eral hcivici', so that is the one he selling. Ls neuter -I pock. New licru, June 8. --Of much social interest to friends and relatives wus the mar. rage of Miss Jessie lpock and Mr. tirin. r . iJiucasier, which wss soi- emnieJ i" Hccrh drove church vvednes dav morning at eight o'clock. The cere mony win performed by Rev. J. W. Au trev. the bride's pastor. Preceding the ceremony Mrs. Otho A. Dim"! snug in her rhirmnig manner. "At Dawning" and "I lve You Truly," irrompnn'ed- by Mi Harness Mell- wean. Hon the bridal party entered to the stif ins of lohengriu's Wedding March and Wl In hwcll U Miiukla shon s Wedding March. 1 he organist! STiT-Tl.iMa-4la.i 1 I eeremonv The ushers wfre Messrs. Tull Rich ardson, l.d ltugliiughouse, .N. M. I Jill raster and J. ! Hoberson. After these came the traid of honor, Miss Ade laide Flora, guwned in ehstnpagne ereiie de chine with hut to match, carry in ir Dink rariiBlions. licit Mrs. C. D lncaster, sister of the bride, as ma tron of honor, in taupe eiepo d chine with black picture hut, carrying pink carnal ions. Then the groom with his brother. Mr. R. C l.nicaeter, as best man, i-anie up ine ngui aisos sua mei the br..le nt the altar with her brother, Mr J. C. I pock, who gave her in mar- .1 . -!-t . ' I I ,;.,- The bride wore a going away gown I nf dark hhe taffeta with accessories to mstrh. and. carried a shower bouquet of bride's roes. She is the youngest daughter of Mrs. l; lpock and I has a host of friend-. The groom is popular business man of Vaneeboro. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. anil Mr'. I-ancnstt r hoarded the train rt New Hern for imrtheru cities. After 1 their return they will be at home in I Yameboro. (OMFDF.RATK MEMORIAL DAY AT ARLINGTON. ' ''.X ' Hv The Associated Press.l Washington, June s.-Memorial Day escrcises for the Confederate dead will be held tomorrow at Arlington ceme tery. Representative Padgett, of Ten nessee, will deliver the oratioa. k V ' ' 1 W ' ;l . s ! se Q 1 Location, of Zapanti and His Bride Not Known; District Meeting Jr. Order, Etc. By JAMES A. ROBINSON. Durham. June 8. Prusetuting At- torney. Janirs . Mtixtt h rexurnea i i .i. i :.u....l ...It iroui luiieiuu wuvis u iuiiiuvu i .... . - ... ... .,,,. rfx J, w00j, register of deeds of Wake county. lu the action Snipes alleged that Mr. I Wood issued marriage lirenaes for his daughter, loiia, and l-ouis Zarmntis, 1 tins city, illegally. The father al- leges the girl is under H years of age. I The hereabouts of Znpantis and the I girl is unknown."" It "is believed, liow- ever, that they are ill Norfolk. While Durham Zapautis ran a weiner staud Five Points. The suit is for M. W ill Join the Navy. Walter Uyrd, a Durham bov. who ha beeu away from homo for four years,! during which time he has aided Norwar supply Prance with food, is back. He will spend a short time with relatives here and will theu volunteer for the l uited States navy und will devote his time uud energies to helninu his Dutiva I land. At the outbreak of the war over four I years ago Hyrd heard the call of ad I venture. He went to Euroue and soon enlisted as a sailor on a transport car rying rood from Denmark and Norway to trance. He eujoyed the rollicking life of the sea and the excitement and adventure brought on by tho presence i siiiuiiarinrs in the Atlantic. Hyrd is now wearing the'elothes f Norseman, but admits readily that he will le lad to don the sailor uniform of the i .S; When the boy left hers .our jears ago he was a mere strip nil?. Vns he is full grown man, and one that will be added strength to the forces who are fighting Kaiserism and auto.rac v. .1 'w-ltfittTrsifrJ, Orald llryunt. well known et t ri i - city, and son of Mr and Mm. Vv . Irvant. direct or a nf th M,,,,,,, rn I onservntory of Music, has beei trunsfernd from regular army duty to i'p in.. I'l-liip iu the army band nt Fort 1 hoinn.'' Mr. Jliyiint recently volunteered In in. ainii, nun was sent hi rort I nouns from ihif city. Cpon Ins arrival Mm liier niiiricii.ii learned of his inusi"ul bilitv, and soon secured his trnnaf.- Thus liiiiluim adds to the miisu ul bto ol tl.. I . h. Aruiv. Junior Convention .... I . ...f . .... ... . L mii, ..i, .in in Niieecnes ana reim-?s Matured the annual district mectiue ol' the .1 ii li lor Order held in this citv yesterdav afternoon and evening The iiieeuug was attcmlcd f,y more than IP-legates from Orange. Person mil Durham count id. Aiiiires..s relating to the war anil tins country were delivered by Messrs J I-. legnini and K. M. linntt. The address of welcome wns delivered ,v Mr H. W. Sorrell Kvery lodge in the Durham district with the exception f (wo wus repre evoieu ai me meeting. The meeting came to a close with n soed.l I. ..or M which delicious refreshments were served Reapeet Col. Flowers' Mrmorv Resolutions touching upon the faith ful service rendered to the county by Col. I leorge Washington Flowers, dur ing his term of office afl chairman of the county board of commissioner have Ih-ih drawu by a committee of the board. The resolutions read of ain cere appreciation for the efficient work done by of. Flowers. Thev sr. as follows Whereas, death .has removed from otir midst our -noser and associate Col. George W. Flowers, Chairman of fhe Hoard of Commissioners of Dur ham Countv, und Whereas the members of this board are deeply sensiLle of the loss ens. taincd by his: i,ow luereiore (h- it Kesolved, I. That ""aru uas lost a sale and wine counselor, the countv of Durham a 'avitliful aud efficient officer, and the ol r.orth laruUna a true patriot, a uevuieu sou, an ideal i-itnen 'J. That wa eipress to the members vf Bis family our high appreciation of Ins worth and that we tender to them our sincere sympathy in their great bereavement. 'i. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the nu mbers of his family; that a copy be given to the press, and that a copy be spread upon the rum- utei 0f this board. U. L. Carver, F H. Thomas, R. P. Ueade, Committee. Itag Army Career. The sudden death in France of fjen eral Robert F.. Iiee Mirhir, a cousin of Col. J. C. Michie, of this city as was announced in the casualty list pub lished carried grief here. . Oeneral Michie had a long ami in teresting military career. He graduat ul 4 U; . Ik. . . i 1 . . . , r . . , .. . . T h!" P'omMion. became fro- ouent. He went through the (Spanish- quent. He went through the (Spanish American war; saw service in Meiicn, and was on the stuff of (leneral Hugh Scott. He ydtstingiiihed himself in many wavs. Uu hia visit to Durham Ceneral Michie met many citizens here, and Ins death announcement caused genuine regret. When the world war started tieneral Michie wai placed in more active ser vice than he had ecru for years. When America entered the war he took an H, til.. ,,nrt I n ,.,,,, II,. Ir.,n,n. .f , ... ,H a tremendous army, lie was sent to 'mp Wadsworth, and was in general charge there for many months. Re epntly he received orders, to e mm and New York state troops for ovwrsens diiX. Arriving in Prance, it is said, th(iL, the rleeeased wrote friend hero that alius health was good, lexin in the ser vice, he was greatly pleased with active duty, and seemed in splendid spirit, His troops were ordered moved to near the scone of lighting. When thev reached the city of Rouen his death oc- curie 1. Misa Frsiee Will Sing. Miss Jiucile Fraren who will have charge of the singing at the series nf meetings which will be held at the Central Methodist church beginning to day, will sing the .offertory at the church this morning. Miss Praiee comes from Florida ncj hat beauti ful soprano voica. New Summer Blouses The variety of Hop kins' styles is so all-inclusive that every per sonality may be becom ingly served in our pres ent collection IN .- - Crepe de Chine, White Flesh, Black and Novelty Stripes, some with large collars, oth ers with exquisite roll effects to .50 -New selection of Dainty Collars. Collar and Cuff Sets made of clever combinations of embroidery, organdie and lace. ' r . ttVrtn M tpT o Cotton Acceptance Corpora tion, With 5 Million Capital Is Organized New ork, June S. - Cotton nmnnfar turers and planters, meeting here to day, decided to organ ie a "i.issi.disi ronipany to rte Known as the American Cotton Acceptance Corporation, m or der to make raw cotton phv incuts more liquid by the use of bankers' accept ances, instead of sight drafts. This method of payment was advocated here recently at the annual convention of the National Association of Cotton, Manu facturers. It was said that William !. McAdoo, Hecretary of the Treasury, was eipertcd soon to issoe a formal advo cating the acceptance of the plan as a war measure. REPUBLICANS WIN POLITICAL GAME fContinaed from Page One. I ed Miss Ji aunctte Rankin, Represen tative from Montana, as their nms.i.:. North Carolina was represented- on the Democratic team by Ueprci n'-it iv . Webb, whilo Representatives Wli.ilev and Nichols represented Houtl. I ari.m;i. YOTTR ofiVo fim'e will t irn otit more work in ti givfn lima and make fewer mistaken if 1liev nre conifi)rlrililo. IV.ns jmvv for tlirmselvcs in incrcruv)! accuracy ami volume of work. Speed up with G-E Fans! Carolina Power and Light Co. "At Your Service COTTON PLANTERS AND Mil FORM CO Comfort and VmWWTX hand m hand Vftci mm m 1 1 a r ; ' - - - - - - -- - - '7"aJAJ - t,chisrvc WAR TAX HEARINGS GO ON TILL JUNE 20 Committee Extends Time at Requests From Numerous Persons Interested Ry The Associated Press.) Washington. June H. Hearings wa the new war ta legislation liefov the' House Ways and Means committee will continue to June J". Th committee tod:.v eitended the time limit tea day because of the large nunilwr of re quests for hearings which have come from corporations snd individuals who would be affected. SecreUry McAdoo. Internal Revenna Cnmiiilssinner Roper. Chairman Darof h. of the War Industries Hoard, and other officials are yet to hw loard. Data upon which the new bill will he based now is being assembled by ta eipert for the Treasury Department tad wtfj be submitted to the committee. h;r Mr. McAdoo in the near future. Suggestions msde to the committee at ".1,'iT s hearings included an increased tat on moving pictures and a heavy 11 ciise t.n on autoni ibiles to le paid by owners of the mail. ines. British Wnr Office" has purchased as nianv mibs of cloth nnd flannel as" would ev'end or M'ten times round the i nrtll at the equator PPl" i .-v.. mi . : i Ar Tit.. U ' MS . t .'A ' i I W , l '. . ! i I ii is i i i I'. u