THE NEWS-AND ODSERVEIt WXDNI2DAY MORNTNG, AUGUST 7, 1S13. "41 ;H l I ;j Gabert C. White txrxsffTUfG sxeiNii WATEkwdxu, light and rOW KB. STRXSTS STATEMENT Continental Fire Insurance Co. aiw ve city. - - r r TTi i tl, lair. a Mima to Suia- Aiaeua af Capful Pl ua'u CaaB, IlltMNtM tierinl af Ledaer a inn IXWlal Hat of aretluua W, tll.tea.:. Tl Lie, a. rnaai PrferrkaldBrB. IU.U4SI1 40; Mla- ii m iiiii iiiu. Tout, tii tii raii DnMnmw-h fiv-7iTv H.rau. W nil m. l.ll J;7M: Ttrtet. II 4.141. 1HU " 1UITI. Tabu af Baal Bate. - MsnBa Loan oa Feat 1.TNW Yiwa af Bond end wk c an to tamn tarno Ieepoeltal t Treat Coeajanlae and Bnk Bel M hWNi DmiM aa Truat Campena and Bank eelane, laiaeeoimnt huatuaeB wriuaa t inn ianl a. uct 1. HIT.-. Aaaou be late, reajreaentlnt bueliiee written prior I lecL L HIT Htm aeoatrUba. taken far are tab.... l iviiii end Beau due and arerued.... I la 4U Ma .mm. Total . 1eaa mil aet adaaltud IM.WH) xVna.nift LIUIM ri n 4141.131 B l.tTt.lll M 4 11 J M m.m u 111 ll 12 t.fia. Ml ist9t hi is ler.ia it 3t.iM.I54.M fantlnienl ceBaa.1oni. at other cbarfe fatal tdm tiled Aaaata ........ Wet mil ef ami aaaae and elllatt I t4 TIM tf V aaamed Prmaltua . I1.IJ7.MI 47 Bauraair raette; - mm. rerbv ee- ; eimnle, fee, etc , due or aorlued IT.IM.M AetlBtetad araoeeei parent fur Federal. Num. MHints Bauntclual IA1M due V iit.tsi r Belrauranee end man premium, dial , aha Carapanlee . . ItlTtt: All ether laaMIHiM, ee abuilad la Mala- ' - moot lot. alt M Total amount at all UaMliUM aicn lanital . lll.HJ.Ml 51 Capful Actually pu up , ... yi , fit ww. ww w taitto a m Uabuiuw I.Tti ia i torpiw u mai FalWkoUm lt'.W.T'? Tiaal UaMHIMa . . !l UtlNtM IN norm CAROIINA DURIN llf. rira Hiika anuaa, la.ilM.iWl IN; t'xauuiaa - U . kawrad FIN. IU.WM!; Tald. ll.7IO rijdal H'sry Erana. a mlary Jaoi A HwlBtifrlaa. lfa Nw Tort rM) ailgaa? tar gcli Jaawa 1. Toun(. luuranct CrnMMmf . -Kaiaiah, N r. Uaaaaaf far Nurlli Carolina iluma orQra. ttlau o Knrlb I'lf-llna. Intrant lliilittiiriit aUuo. rbrua.T 21. Itll 1. Jamaa ft. Teuna. in.uiatK-a. rutunilMi4ir. An lplit cvnlf that ilia aluia la a triar ami .'iprn-ct aMrart 1 Iha alalrnviit Ilia rnitlnatal l'lrr In aiwaiHa I'mapanT. a N? Y(irk riu. aktl with tkla llapartiaaftl. ahoalng tlia fuudllloii vl aaid lUuupany u uia (IK day ca Darrmlitr, lair Witnaaa air band and ulUclal aaal tha day and dava atiura wrltiau JAS. R TOl NU. Inauranca ('nmaiatbnirr. HTATKMEVT Fire Association of Philadelphia PHIlADtlFHIA, PA. Caodltla Damu-u ji, I'll, aa Muam by Rtala fnMt r'liad arawnat at fallal aauj u la tub. I1.M0 00 w AaMtaiil vt Lt;t A-u W.-anitM'r atat uf initio yrar, SU.U4MI6 13; ln-raaa nf pa d u tati.tal. a: T"tal. Ia.3.i l3 luuaa itna hnnluuWi, la.vM Tf 73; Ulaalla- ajaaaa, l -Ma l: To'al. t;.3l7.3ln la Dlaliamiuv-T folhtnuUlara. H.b.l T; ilia aaliaaaaam Ub.IW a, Tnul. i.Ml. W. AaliTS. Tahw af Kaal K.lala t TVlln "m.-aja I, i' i .m R al Km" . . :..(. UU (u Loana arcurad by aledaa uf n.'tidi. .,., - ...a., .. .. MIMM "- V i i. a J c t.aiixuioi Caak t Canvaur'a txlka a nsa il ..w.i Cuaii.aiU.'a atl llanka 'm a ktlaraat. l.oi:il Ja.-puiltf-d In Truat Comba:ilfa and Itanka an atuaraa) ... IM.MI S3 Ami!' tlaiua. rrpTjatittiia ttilnaja rlltau aulaniwnit lu l I. lull 1.09. ai 33 Auuta lAlanraa. rvtvraan.lnt bualuaaa rtttca trn to tit-l 1. !a!7 S.lii Inlaraat and HrUta dua ami aruml . . r . I '.7 3 . All aJaur Aaacla. aa datailad Ui alatcinaut ' 2U.17W a; ToiaJ ' Laaa Aaaata uol aUaalttad I! X 335 (32 51 331 lull IU tatal adatlltail Ai"i . . tlABILITIf 9. Wat ftfamiat of unpanl Ivaiaa and flalnia.t t laaaiaed . Pramluata . . liMaac taaMllllaa . aatarlaa rama. aapuwalt 44IU. - a'- wanu, laaa, ate. dua ur atvrwd . . aVtutatail aantunl!a fur avdtral. Utata, nmatf aial utuiurlpal lata d.aa r aivtotd &Mitnnit omaotiaaknia. ur atuar li.:l6 ui 3a 7s;,,i7 4: I ID M IS Uii.;l la lu; ooi) m Total amonut of all LlabtUllti airtu: Caattal I Ust.OIJ It Caalial Actually raid ap In ('aaa ll.oiifl.aon w auralaa avar U UalilUuaa I. I37.3W 411 aratua aa taaarda roUctboklan .... I 4.157,514 10 Tmal Uahllltiaa tisitt.ui 3 UtiNIU IN NOKTH CAROLINA OURma 1917. rn Ria avrluaa, J7.Mi.w) Uil; fiauiuma ra Caiaa.1. t 7l U.aa Incutm! rira. :'.I30 II; raid. t).::i Traanlanv-E- C. liti arratarv 34 II , liarraatw Mama otrlra,lna, ra Attnmar ftar artTt'v -lanira A. Taunf. lnauratfra CiHaiaiaalufiar. Raialah. N t' latiaaar far Nut Ji rarvllna W. E. Chanla A Caaapauj. Atlaata. (Jaorala . i , iHau ar Korla ranMlna Inaiiiawa laattiat " . Ralalali. ffknuuy 3S. Ilt: ' I, lira at Taana. Inauram. t'lNtiralainatar, da VraHv aartlfr that tha ataiaa h a trua and rvrract aairart af tha atalamanl nf Iha Klra Aaaufiallan. of IMilladrlpttta. Pa , fltad with th'l lrnarimaiii, ahna ln tba cortdltloa at aaid laapanf an tha Hat day ai rtaonbaa. llt Witnaaa any hand ami .afkul aaal Iha da; and JAS. aV TOt'NQ. iDturanca CanualialtmaT. TATtaUNT Michigan Millers Mutual Fire Insurance Company lANatNg. HICHUitl. tl, lait aa Kuoaa by ttaia- aaant riad Aaaaaat at taalaar 4 mil bacarabar llal ot PTarloua aaar. II o 113 aa laraaaa fia faiHThnntara. Wl n4l; lUaaalla nana, t47a.tTl.ll. Total. l. Ill, 05 SI) Plalmnaaiaiita Ta rolk)hol.lara. loJa 4)7 W. Illatal laaaaaa, KU.HI H, Total. AStlTI. Talua af Baal Satau IT tiff aturlaaaa Luana au Raal Katata ljrai.SS 73 Loana aararad Hr nladaa af tvatda. tlocka. a athar aallalacal , tt.ana aa Valiw af ttonda and Rtudia 43t) Ml 43 4'a ta Oaapanr'a Otrka l.ttttl tt aiiaaaliaa ta Tnaaa tontaaniaa aaa nanu nut tat tntaraat . Dafaartad Hi Tnaat (vaapanlaa and ttanka aa tntaraat ; i . . ' r Aaanta ta'anaaa rrpraaanllng tnialnaaa waltta. turaanitatat On I. HIT Aaanta' balancaa. liptaaatittnt baainaaa " arlltaa arlur aa Vt 1. lair lataraat aaal Baawa daa aad aamaad,... 191.(13 M 4t 144 48 latwrt 41 tl !l 11 It ... tl. 174 ST II :,ttti Tata! . laaa Ami aat auMKud . Total Mtnlnatl Aaaata . Liaatklltf a. ta aaawit ta? mtraud waaat ami tlaima , 117 Ml M 1 laarnad rraaaltuaa . . tul.ltlll laalaraa. rant, aapanaaa. Mia. aeeounla. 1, aaa,, dua ar armtad Kattmatad amount aaraMa for Vadaral. Atata. aauntt. and antoktaal taaaa dtaa ... 11.47). StrM IIH4.H Contanant aaaalaabia ar ataar eharaaa dua ar ancruad . a AU atkaa Uaiaiutlaa, aa datailad ta auta-. ' It.tMM I oot at til 4ii it Total aiaaaaA at ail LlaMMUaa auaat aaltal . 1.I3I.4S4 M aralua aa raaarda rollcyholdara ......t Ml.itl to T t1 jVtaMIIOaa . . II 171 r 3a UIIMtta IN NOtTN CAROLINA BURINI 1117. a-lra Baka amuaa, t4M.Na.ta; fmaiuaaa ra eataad. 14. 7M tl Luaaaa t-aar4 Haa. II 111 tt; raid. 11.13111. rraaiaVat Mabrrt Mantai B-arataTA. I Baaar. II. aaa (KfWw-lA-M!.;. Mlrhlran. Attornar for aarat.a Jamaa B. Taaof. Inauraaaa Cr-mmlaatatur. BaMr. 74 C. ' ataaaaar far ttvrth C'aroUnt lloaaa Oftoa, lata af 74 oath Carolina Itnaranea Danaruuant . afth. Man T. Itll. T. Jama B Taaral. Inaaranca TuaiBlaalanar. aa t,rvaa eartffT that tha aboaa la a rraa and anrVart .iraot f tha atauaatit af tha Mtrhlaaa Mtiian 1 tual Blra laauranca raaaoanr. at laaalnt. at leh . r 4 atth thla iMpartraaiit. ahtarlna tha aotidllloa at .. I tMrapanr an ha aaa af loraoahaa. IH7. A juiaaa mr hatwi awl aitVlal aaal tha oar and ita aMaa wrlttatt . An. B. lOUha ITATtat NT ETNA-1IFE INSURANCE CO. Aaaaanl ml Partial paid ap la taak. 13 aat Mt at Aaauuot of Uoaar Aaata Umaaiiiar Slot af aim roar. tl Croat Holn-yrmMara. 1T ITT Sat II: luaeat- huaaaa. la in Ml U , TuUI. ;1 3? 4T IS Dlat.u. Mwaata To f,m.-.hoKIra. !!..: atat- atuuaa, TutaL it.2a3.4 M. A8SIT1. Tana at Baal Batata taaa aaaoaat at amaaahranraal I 1 111 Ml tt M'fuaj. Uana aa Baal Katala a4.t4.74 34 Luana aanirad by piadra of Baarla. attocfca. ar athar cullatrral 744. S3t tt Uauia Kana w rollohuidm aa that Cuaataar a foUctta aailatad at awa- aataral . . - lltIT tit SI rraauiuaa aotaa aa rnrtriaa t fan.. . 71.741 71 Vaiaa af houaa and Mlucta i4l.l31.Tt2 14 raah an Curapany a Krka IMtaalUd In Truat Manaa aat aa tntaraat 13apu!tad la Truat 1'itarwA and Baiita dua and aocruad . rtaauaaa wuh4 Laaa fnan ouar t'uaapaaaaa for Inaana a rtaiaM oa mahlaa af uua taapai Liu! tt TM.M1M aitsilM Ltll.722 af l.lAUal.' All othar Aaaata. aa dauuad B.taiat 1 114 71 :';:::::::: 13.71M4 a4 n it aa Total adnttttad Aaaata Aaaata. AouUaat. UaolU and Uahlilv Total Aaartt . . ., Htl. LIAIILITII. Nat Waairaa. aa raanputad Iltl aTatBttatVrfe a llf pJHntt BvttV" ".Pa" 'VatataT- -3 on PitppamwfilaVry I'aNiirarts, w.. .... LiAV UiU wit tVwirtM rtBJMlr-i tu4 but UtoUidtNl In "NtH fimfWi" PKjf Citvlnw' . -v l um1 wiimu4 a luppteaMoUrr Cuntrtv-ta I1v.4rn.M Wl with ljrejitji t Mitrrwi 1 FrrnlunM ptttd la tvlitviMt, bicatWing KaATmataWr VJU atVtl ...... rrrri-rHi InurtBH aoU iiMit p. ta VlVftlM riMMiMlOlal tlU ta AtftHltl, Xa? tumfct-aiL A jy.,1iM far V4tt Hlu, ami vitatti fm v n.ntMKU Fulio Itultlrri 1, AwuiiU M apart. airvixliHtMfi. pro vtaitrtiallir aMwtaliNl. raic-ulautA, awaiitiki piBmtittiit, air All tnlvr UauilUaa. aa ttataiM iu ataicaMt . . 1 u.ui.m it ,H4.1N Wt.4.l4 f tm n !ui,4:.ti ts m IIHHX Tl J8JIT II IMS itW.II 14 41.M5TJ a ot all ldiabllttlaa. aioapt taimal . t. .......... rHflt.IM.MA-W Tutai tiahltur Arritlaiit, llraftM Vui Liahiliiv buaiiMNw . . 1101. -jl M Catat iaitl u ta fish . . . . ...... I S.tOt.tMM t'naaBiaivH fwiJa (urpliu; . . ll.3i9.lT3M I 11 -I.2M71M T.-al 'ftlaMIHIaa . .,! M4.444 tl UftlNCM IN NORTH CAROLINA DURINfl 1117 lollrl an ttm ilf of rliiwrw of !! Htaw in r )iMril-)r II" of pwtima ?af, Nmlfr, 4.- nrrr iiTct" mwr hum, m. uw Hta -w rHiawia vl .aid Hiat tutHj ittirt.t jrrar. NumNr. Rlt; AnuMint. $t.T3iMl . Total. Nuuifvr. 4n. Aittount, 11.13.422 craMnl to t Hi fu-i- rturinc jn-ar. NumtMr. 4-1 1 Anwt int, JI MT. tTIOt; rwiiflf In f'Kiv lttywiulhM- 11, Nulaber, 4,J . Aro-.'il, $ -tW IH J iM aiiti t'lainia unpattt WraNf .llM of lra Htirt yraf. Nwiflfwr. 4; Anvmni. fl.TMtM; U atwir" Ctoim -4iwffhI ir.-s At,- Niitultit. - -M . Amfmnt. llul.tat iM, TuUl. Nuiaiwr, T , Aaiouiit. Iaimm ami I'lilni tn--l (htrlnir yur In raal.. Numlf. J: Atmmnl. IIOT.T 0. U4m and i'lnm ui:ttui lcctulr 11, Itlf. Nirair. Anjwim. Itll m. trmitHnti i'!irt w wstiirMt In Vtrh anil Nnim nr (.'ixhu wiituMit any d tltwUim ff lx'. Uivt litMiB. ('lamitiiuWitMirB ur uilwr piue, :il,SI4.0t pr!fil"MifiiHi (1 Hurhclej. ' B-wtfT '- K Oilman. Tristirw- U II flratnartL AWitary- H;. Mt Manactr lur NuTUi Carolina W. t Vpthaw. Baieiaii, H. C. Ktaia of North Carottna. I ti titrt'ir) I ciitrtiui-pt lU'-tili, rxhr'tary Jfl. ifiii 1. Jirnai It Tmtm. V 'iirant-a rimimUBt'iiifr. in harvby i-fftlff thai tlio i a tru aiul ivtrrocl (ttjrt'i uf Hip nairnjem t)i Attia liisnrant-a r.nnvaJiy. uf liarUtkTtl. timniHilriit, dlrtt w'.tb tliu iMpit-tniriit. liitMiiiic lh ntmilta'H if (uiupattji on ttw Ut Uw of li-nrnvt. IKlT Willi iuv lniifJ anj ulQcial keal tlit ilay and data atHiv urttifn JAS A. VOl' NO, Inurame Cutumlnloiicr. tTATf MFNT The IVlutual Life Insurance Co. NEW YORK. Cuodiiiuii !(-emlir Ivt". a lit-vu. by Stait- imHit fliml Ani'Mint ot v(5r-r Awu UiHvni'jar 31 rt of prr'toui Ttavr, m.twS T8 Tl lumxtw- a"r-iM iVflryh .Mm. A4.TM Tin T:! : Mlsccl- l.?ry.TMt l),; Tutal, flfii. 401.Htr' Tt) tUwurwiifMU - Ti r.HI.-yh'-M'TB. $Tit.a.,lfil .'.(. Mil . wllaiitHMU. 14.3M,in -4; T,.l.l, t.4.'7.7TI 7i AbaiTt. Vahta of Rta1 Kiiata (leta ainnunt uf nictmilaiH) 9 H.Mi.iTn T Muruaic Imiu o-i It'-al T.iH loil.Ha(1.0S 61 Un ntiiit) to I'olicrli'riilfrB mt ihU ('tif,aiijr fuUciri aUrit a vaA- laiaral M.ITft.WI M Viu Hrti1t utii frh.-H lUG.U'fl.imH & (ttt In t:u(iiir)J Ot Hie on I it , ml tftl iii TruM t -mpaii let and I'.anki not on Inltrnt 402.139 4T ttitM!t4il iii Tpiit itmji4iiUi ai)4 , I (tut tit on tntr.t :.. 1,11(1 l Itiufr! HikU dua anil atxtiwd... IJ'H.STJ iTriiittnn uiiiwui 4.tf61.iait) T7 All mlr Am (a, aa driallvd in tauttifit. , IHI .mWijT Total Sillljan.TM It Uu Acaau ftiH 1 t.4Hj.H5 12 Tmal aamiitad An . . ,.. ..ii.i3 LIABILlTlliJ ft RwrTa, a ruiiiiwitnl rrMii vain if amtmuu nut ytt tl..a on H'iiJLiuiiri,iarjr rnuiita. nr 4 1,1a' tin mi tllata 'K-lpr idJ ii' t UirUidtl Jn "Nat He-vm, ' ct- .... TuliiT t.'!alni Un and ujt4id im 8ui(.lriiif!iUjy t'nntri'-U ItttiilfiiiU left Willi t''iiipi;ij at liilft-M Prfiiminn liaut In ailta w, li.Hnlnii tSiirrrinlr atuxa ti ati . t'nrarur1 IuU-rat and Rtiit iiaM tn ad-aitca . , . v. . . (NfHItlliBBrtHH (tlia III AgMliB, Uf ' . . . . Itimat4il AmMitii ptvaMe for fi'tJrt"t," Kiai. and uUir fkr tivnlil Jim Fit(fyli"lliT Anw.til 41 aiari. amKatilo'irti i.m aaatting anrtl.nuieu( ftc . - - - .? All Ml,-r ai Uoiailnl fttaitituttut . . is '37 0(lU,l:9t) 00 I IM MP 21 S.I.V4HI 12 "7 M 1 .171.740 .'(. l.3.7:l ji Ml, 2.7 99 ,'iri3.4.',J flf Tiial lalahllltlM M;i:s "in.'i T liajfcFaS IN NORTH CAROLINA OLUMNQ Hi;. rolitflM on th liffi fill th m , Ktiif In fort lh-cruitr Sim .tfUm Year, Niim'Tr. 10. 9tQ: Amtiint, 111 VTH fill) IMI. l'il.u-i ir ih IHf, of litlMii if Mtl Him linurd dnrttijc "tf, Nutnlw. I.S40. Aimvint. fi til mi n. T.ital. Knmhar, 11.500. AmaHinl. I'.l til 15 n ; 1'wlnrt iaard to hr tn fnrrr durlna tha w, Nmnt-r, trtj . Ainmmt. l,2tl. lUpi); rtilUVa in torva "ItwmUr 11, 10IT, Nit im. 11.117. AnKMiut. I2n.l..-J2tt0. IaMia and rtaima ttntiatd Itwamlvr Slrt ef fft ttixia yar, Numhrr. St; Amount, tl.'.MMi; JM'tM ami C talma tmnrml dun 14 yar. .V-imtwr. 114. Amwitit, 4aJi,Ji4 .H), TiMaL Nuiutwr, la, Amtiuut, IJHJ.1.71 2v Ums antl rtattna aatttad durtiif yar In rah. Nuinltar, 122; AmiiriL ISA f 7 J Jfi - - UmtM-a and i".aim uniaid lctiitMr tl, HIT. Nnntwr. 4; Ani.n.(. fiii on. I'rrrmtima rttHnifd ur (ilr(l In Caah and Xntaa fclita mtlhrul any rtadurllnfi ftw Ian, 1H-1' dMAri. m.lit'tt. ( otttor MuanaiM, $70,191 50. I'fr-iidwii- ( t,arle A fcabody. ftwrMars' W J fawn Trcaturrr -4.V 11 ' Warnm. Hiaa tMHt- Nw Yir Aihwiiav fur at-rvloa Jamaa It Tpuni, Inaurarvoa CpmrniMiootrr, Baiatah. N i' Manaaar fur ufU. raitUna- Milton McjDtM, Cttariiitta, Si. C. ttata of Nnrth Carolina. Inatiranr rnartiMnt BalatRh. rttmary 31, 1. Jam II Tounc, Iittnranra Cnnntlaitionar, do harbf mMfy that Ua atwfa ta a trua and rnrtwt ahatrait of tha matrmimt of tha Mutual Ufa Injur -aruw 'n.iattyt tnf Nw York City, Okd with tlili nfisartnifnt. hmin tna ?undltlon of Mid (Uitnpanf Ml tha Hat day ot I tow her. ItlT Wiura-Bt my hand and afflclal aaal tha day and data tT rltiu. J A I ft. Tor NO. InaurajM CoatMlialcMar. TATE ME NT Millers Mutual Fire Insurance Company MARRttaUM. PA Caudiuoa Dacaatiar II. 1117. aa Khoam hj luta- aiatlt fllad Araramt nf ladffar Aaaata Ltanmahar Hat af anrtoua . taar. 1171.441 tl. Innmir-a'rnnt rllThn!dara. IIS. 511 ; aflaealla- aaoua. HM tStll; Total. I.M.tal II. to rltoaaort, 1144. IM 14 Mtt oallanama. Itl.lTt.TS: T."al. llal. 134 AMITt. - Mortaara Tamna rat Baal Katata tl.tat ta Vatia of Hmitta and ttuwaa Itapnaltad la Truat Cootpanara and Banaa "Wr trrtarart ; r-I:inTr1I.rmrl'it M.tattt TtttaraMj and Bortta duo and antra..... . t.satrt rraralitaia atthloot to aaaaaaraanla' .. lOtt.tMtn Ail athar Aaaata. aa datailad In atataaMM 4,143 St ,l.tM.I34 S3 .12. 1 01.4.4 13 Total, . . . laaa Aaaau mot adatliud Total .lmllud Aaaata . I4I.1M.1I , tlARUITIIt. ' NH anttnint nf anpald naaat and alalma l.lSt tt Batlatatatl aataunt paaabla for fadaral. auia. mnnty and tauaidpapj taaaa dua - ltl . ItttK AH nlhat JJabtlltlaaj oa datatad ta ttatF apt , llt.Ml 14 Total amount at til Mabttltta. tmapt t apltal I ITt.Ttt tt arpiut aa raiarda rollFThoidara ...I ITt.tM 54 Tntal I laMlltlaa I tat.lta ra UtINftt IN NORTH CAROLINA DURIN 1117. flra Biaaa 0111140. 1114.134. l-raaaluaa rota, t. td III. 741 at Ixaaaa Irwurmt-rira, U.17I M; raid. IMTt tl. . John M Hata. RacMarr B K. Huatalnaar. Traaaaraa J. M Krtada. . fliona irrflra Harrlahtirt. ra ( Attornar for aarairo-lamaa B Tetint, tnaurtaea Cnmnilaanmar. Balalah, M 0. i Manaaar for North Carolina Hnaae Ofaot, ttata af North Carolina Inatiranro Paariraant Balatah. Marrh It l t. laatoa B. Totmi. tnauranoa Ctaataiaatoitar, do harota aarttfr that tho ahnaa la a iruo 'and romat aratrart af tha Mataraaat af tha Mlllara afutnal Fir Inoaraaaa Company, at Farraburt. ra.. lad with thla latotrtniatit. anovlnt th mndtttnn af a id Cnmnanr an tba Hat daa of fiaaaatlat. Itlt. Witnaaa ray hand tall official aaal tha tar tad data ahoao irrlttafi JAB. B. lOLh'O.flaattraaaa f mlnlrn a unuimmmraiiiiiiHiiArararara II MARKETS 1 L I . L J DHininmnimmnninmmmniiiininiiiftm New York tColton New York. Auf. 6. Ther wa a fi.rW aa-nsationtl BdvBneo of t"rn 7 to 18 ptr btvla in tha cottoa market to day, with all active monthi making new high retortl for tha teaion. Tho gen eral liat e luted steady at a aet adtaaee. of '137 to U jiointa. There wti a good deal of reactionary Ulk around the ring at th (tart. Th early weather Bew held out. tome hop of a break in the Texaa drought and there was tolling oa a ' belief that the recent buying had weakened the tech nical poiition of the Biarket. The open ing wai 2 points lower to 7 point higher and active month (old about 10 to 20 points under yesterday' final figure shortly after the eall. Offerings were well taken on thia decline how ever partly by broker who were be lieved to be buying for English and continental interest while there was also some talk of Japanese buying. The presence of this demand seemed ti alarm early sellers and later the cov ering became more active and excited on iiitlitatioBi that the- tropical storm which had lieen counted uponTfor re lief from Texas droupht was more likely to reach the Central or Kaslern belts where dry weather is considered desirable Brokers with Wall Htreet connections were heavy buyer on the advance and numerous stop orders were rnn'Off iftl as prices wekela4tv)-.tlitvj high levels of y esterdoy. The close war"scvcraipoiiits off from the bet under realizing. Tho foreign trade buying vas attributed to tho continued crop deterioration reports from the Htiuthwest. ' ,' Cotton futures' teb'e: . Open. High. Ixiw. Close. L'8.10 9.50 27.77 2.;io 27.45 29.00 27.117 28.9:1 27.47 2H.05 27.30 28.80 27.43 28.76 27.25 ..... 28.00 27-40 8.7C :8.75 October . pecember 'January . March . May . . rtpot, steady; middling, 32.85. NEW COTTON COTTON. New Orlepns, Iji., Aug. 6. Worm wnruiug for the Gulf coast put the price of cotton up for giiins of nearly a cent and a half a pound today, causing heavy short covering ond a large vol ume of fresh buying "for long account. The .market hail it reactionary teudfiicy ear'y in the t'.ay but this soon tli.wp penred. Highest prices eiiine late in the session ami closing quotiitions showed net gains of 11"' t 1 4-1 points. Around the opening thero was much on the part ' of ' longs and prices sagged under the offerings un til they were 15 to 2fi points below the level of yentt-rtlay's close. Tho posting of a statement by the weather bureau that the tropical disturbance was only 150 miles off the intuit h of the Missis sippi river changed the tone of the market and resulted in buying which wiped nut tho Initial decline and put prices to a' net advance. With small relictions, this iidvanc.e was widened un til it amounted to 125 to 145 points. From tho lowest to the highest there was a rise of 151 to 160 points. High est prices came following the forecast that the hurricane would hit the Gulf coast somewhere between Galveston and tlin Fnbine river. Kpnt prices were marked up 50 points which put middling to 28.75. While there whs no trailing in August, 29.05 was bid for that month, thereby wiping out the discount on eontrncts, compared with spots. Futures closing bids. October 28.15 Her-eniber 27.92 .1 miliary .... .. 28.07 Murch 28.08 M:.y 28.07 ISpot, steady; middling, 28.75. COTTON SEED OIL. New York, Aug. 6. Cotton seed oil was featureless and unquoted. Prime crude, 17.50; prime summer yellow, .nominal. New York Stocks New York, Aug. 6. Tha stock market today reflected the more uncertain moot! lata advance being partly cancelled. " Trader apparently deemed it advis able to adopt a mora eoaservativ course in view of tha notice issued by the local Federal Ke serve Bank urging financial institution to conserve credits. Oa tha surface this admonition was without material effect, money rate holding at recent quotation. It was generally believed, however, that time funds may toon be entirely withdrawo from the market for other than pro ductive purposes. Business was broader and more active than on the previous day but note worthy movements were again restricted tc specialties. General Motors was a notable instance, advancing an extreme of 5 12 points, Sumatra Tobacco was less in evidence, yielding a small part of yesterday's gains. United States Steel made its best price at the opening, repeating its recent maximum of 110, but reacting 1 14 points, with only a nnminal rally - - - Independent steels and the active equipments lost 1- to 1 1-2 points, ship pings altout at much and oils about 1 point, although Mexican Petroleum "en joyed B brief period of strength on its favorable annual report. Kails - were in .the Imckground until ftro fiTntf-tftiiif, when neadittg an4-4r Paul developed moderate activity, but transportations played "no part in the day's dealings. I'tilities Improved, es pecially Ohio Gas and Columbia Gas at 1 to 3 points advancos. The bonds' market was mixed, interna tional showing a stronger trend, while domestic issues effsed irregularly. Total tales, par value, nggregntod $6,525,000. " Old -United States bouds - ere un changed on call. NKW YORJC STOCK LIST. halat In Hundreds. Hijrli, Low. Am. Raat Sutrar . . IS tT't , - Ml, 2 66 7 42 1! 78',, NEW YORK DRY GOODS. New York. Aug. 6. Cotton goods nmrkels today were steady and quiet Yarns also were quiet. There was little new offered in wool goods markets. The local silk trade was quiet, NAVAL STORES. Savannah, Oa., Aug. 6.. Turpentine, steady, 54 12; sales, none; receipts, 509; shipments, 22; stork, 27,667. liosin, firm; sales, 397; receipts, 1,920; shipments, 446; stock, 80,317. Quote: B I) K ,10.30; r, 10.40 1(1.50; Q II, 10.50;- I, W.6010.0f K, 11.05(311.10; M, 11.25; N, 11.50; WG, 11.55; WW, 11.60(212.00. . DAILY COTTON TABLE. Port Movement. New Orleans: Middling. 28.73; re ceipts, 1,103.; exports, 11,674; tales, 754; stock. 81,792. Galveston: Middling, 29.50; receipts, 1,505; sales, 565; stock, 125.8S5, Mobile: Middling, 28.50; receipts, 200; stock, 9,786. Savannah: Middling, 29.25; receipts, 4.944: sales. S69; stock. 167.4.19. Charleston: Middling, 29; receipts, 3; stock, 31,119. Wilmington: Receipts, 10; stock, 39, 407. Tesa City i fttok, 17,010. Norfolk: Middling, 30.50; receipts, 151; sales, 205; stock, 66,314. Baltimore: Stock, 16,000. Boston1! Middlings SS.SOp receipts, 140; stock, iy,ug, Philadelphia: Middling. S3 JO; stock, 6,621. . Philadelphia: Middling, 33.10; stock, 6,621. New York:: Middling, 32.85; exports, 22,247; stock, 114,573. J4iBQ3Mottj. Stock, ;2,nSt. Total today: Receipt. 8,664: exports. 33,921; Stock, 918,033. , , I atetior Movement. ' Houston) Middling, 29.25: receipts, 1.099; shipments, 2,922; sales, 1,500; tock, M,508. . Memphis: Middling, 30; receipts,: 1, 536; sale, 500: stock, 829,734. Augusta: Middling, 29.75; receipts. 105 1 shipments, 795; sale, 178; stock, 51,951. 8t. Loot! Holiday; reeelpta, 100; thipment. 200; stock, 13,110. Cincinnati: Receipt, 200; shipments, 196: stock, 14,438. , little Rock: Middling, 29.50; receipts, 171; shipments, 77; tales, 77; itock, 36,501. Total today': Receipts, 199: ship ments, 5.726. rtock, 632.242. f.( Amarican Can Am. Car and V. Am. Loeomotlvt . AmaHcan I.lnaecd . Am. 8. and K. . . American rAuarar . Am. Tel. and Ttl. . Am. Tobacco . . . Anaconda Copper . Atcht-n At Coaat I.ina . . At 0. and W. 1. . Haldwin Txx-o. . . Piltl. and Ohio , . Relh. Steal "B" . Canadian Pac. . . . Central leather 7 ("h... and Ohio . . C. M. and St l. . C. R. I. and P. . Chfno Copper .. . . Col. Fuel and Iron Corn Protlucta . . Crucible Htecl . . . Cuba Cane Sutar . Erie Goner, I Klactrle . . General Motnra . . Ot. Northern pfd. Gt Nor. Ore etfa. Gulf StaU-a Steel . Illlnoia Central . . Int. Copper . . . Int. M. M Int M. M. pfd. . . Ir.t Paper . . . Kenn. Copper . . , I Aula, and Naah. . Maxwell Motora . . Men. Petroleum . Miami Copper . . Midvale Steel . . Mlaaouri Pacific . N. Y. Central . . . Nor. and West. . . Northern Pacine . Ohio Citiaa Gat. Ponneylvania . . . Plttabura Coal . . Ray Con. Cop. Readlnr R. I. and Steel . S. A. I 8. A. l. pfd. . . S. O. and R. . . . 8. 8. S. and Iron. Southern Pacine , Sou. Railway . . , Sou. Ry. pfd. . . 8'urlebalter Cor. . Tenn. Copper . . Texaa Co. Tab. Product . . Union Pacine . . tl. C. Store . . . United Fruit . . . U. S. Ind. Alcohol . 17. 8. Rubber . . . IT. S. ftteel . . . . V. 8. Steal pfd. . . tPah Copper . . . Vlr. Cars. Cham. , Wabaeh pfd. "A" . VYaatem Union . Weat. Ktaetrla . . Willya-OvwrUnd . Total aalaa 2HS.S00 ulea. 4'-j 41, 66' -j 41 'a 78 10 92 'i IS . IPS . 10 . 81 . I . 4 . 3 '. tt . 1.1 . 17 '. 19 ', ti AbO '. 22 '. 6 ! u . IS .ect-i 85'. 102', 92 -, t83i 8Si 153 H 39i 46 lt 4i'-t .6H 31 It'. US 157', 81 , 80', 5?' 2IS t'l 36 34 27 102S zs'-a. 601, Iu',, 102 l- 6S'i 83', 152 4614 49 66 30 141. 145 1(2 31 1, 301,. 2IS 96 86 13. 57 101 28 62 Ui 52 234 2S 1 03 V-i M 30 44 51 2Si ss 92 S. 7 22 32 i . 13 . 2 . 1 . to . , S . 20 . 12 . '. 25 . 4 .833 . I I 13 84 . 53 'V " 44 10'a 153 94 121 1001, 12S', 110 110 33 7 42 li 103 88 887. 41 61 23 7'i 1 7 82 84 ,4V.) 12 44 151 69 120'4 99 127 61 108 110 17 7 l 19 Clnee. -I9 46 84. 66-i 41 78' 110 la 160 66 85 92 102 91 63 V. R 162 7 65 44 s; 46 43 66 80 14 145 187 IM) l 80 62 2S 97 84 112 27 Ml 23 52 23 71 103 88 89 44 -81 23 87 91 7 19 82 61 84 23 2 44 19 151 19 120 100 128 127 l lomj 110 81 51 87 79 41 19 NEW YORK PRODUCE. New York, Aug. 6. Raw sngar, steady; centrifugal, 6.055; fine, granu Hed, 7.50. Butter, Arm; cheese, firm. Coffee, spot, quiet; Bio 84; San tos 4', 11. Are YOU subject to be call ed to the colors? If you are, and have a butineu you wish to sell, or other commercial matters you wish to close be fore going, you need the ser vice of North Carolina's Great est Market Page News and Observer Classified Ads. STATIN! NT American National Insurance Company (AatUant aa rtaarrk ) SAIVCSTON. TIXAS. Condition PooHauar 11. ItlT, aa Known hy Btate- . aaat XtlatL 4 Amount of Capital pala np la caah. tntl.toll tt. laroma rrota rollrtrhalaara. ai7.T7l II ; MlaaaUa- namia. ta lSS HJU: Ttaal. 14,707 781 St. Dtalniraaeaaata T rolleThel.trra, ll7S StLAIunL iaaooaa. 1.S7.II14I Total. 11 111. 7)1 U. -r AtSITS. rmnlirma In oouraa of Colaaeuea ts Tot M rraa Ufa ttalaaaot , , I.IH HI It Total . . W tot TM II Tow m.m.m.n rsnalA naiata . . .1 ll.lll .1 I naarned PMthm,. tl.Tlisi Baaaraa an natural daa la aarUSaalaa. . lT.I.Mtt froai Ufa Buteaaal . l ilt IW tt I4.MI11I4I twt.oot no 171 ttt tt ltt M SM 4t Total amount at ttl tlaMltUa. t'apttal Capital actually pal ap tn Cart.. Surplus eear all liabUIUaa ...... Total TJabliWaa , Is snt.fst II tUSINI IN HOST ft CAB0MNA DURIN ItlT. Praaaluma Rar-.tNd. laaaaa Paid tonoen. ... .......... ..i.or aa aaalth l-ttT It ''treat . ............. .11,114 Tl Sof rtaal.taatt W. U Moorly. Jr. Srarotan W, J aaiaa. Homo Ofrl". flaraaatan, feiaa. AtKirner for aaraira Jantoa a Taint, Inaurnn Corarataatoaaa. Balalrh. 14. 43, . Manaarat fat Norm rarollna Boat OfSoa. - . Slat af North Carolina lueuiain ttarartaaant. ' Balaljh, Man 24 ll I. Jar a Taana. Inatrarn. Ceaiailaaloaar. Aa rarahr oartlfy thai th ahoa I t Irua and oorraet aratrart of th atetoaiarit af th Araarlcan National Utt liaaaranaa Cooipanf, af Ualtaaton. Taiaa. flad with thla iNxarunanl. ahoatna tha aandlttna at aald torn nan at th Hat daa af nemiahar. isif. Witnaaa atr hand and afrkial aaal iha aa and data aboe WTlttn. AAAV a. lUUatt, Chicago Provisions Chicago, 111., Aug. 6. Belief that tha bullish effects of the hot wave had been sufficiently discounted lor the time be ing had B restraining influence oa the corn market today. New advances la price took place but were not held. Tha close was unsettled ' 1H t lower to U aet gain, With September 161 to 162',. and October 163. Oats finished V off to Vta op, and provision vary ing from 15c decline to a rise of 2c " Provisions market closed; : CORN , ' September .. .. .7 .. .. .. .. 161Tb October .. .. 163 OATS September .. .. .684 October ...... 69?, PORK September. 44.70 LARD September .. ......... .. 26.70 October 26.70 BIBS September 24.77 October .. .. ,. 242 Casfil Corn, No. 2 yellow," nominal ; No. 3 yellow, 170Q177; No. 4 yellow, 163uU70. :.::.;. LIVERPOOL COTTON. . Liverpool, Aug. 6. Cotton: Spot, fair demand; prices, strong; giod mid dlittg.' 82.01; middlinjr. S1U1S; lowBiid tiling,. 20.W ; gtiotTortiinryrTOJB sires. l.tNiO bales, including 800 American. Re ceipts, 29,000 bales; American, 28,600. Futures, closed firm; August, 22.35; September, 21.96; October, 21.70; No vember, 21.51 ; December, 21-14. WESTERN UVE STOCK. Chicago, 111., Aug. 6.Hogs, lower; butchers, llt.OOtJj 19.65; .light, KUOfiJ 19.75; packing, 17.90ISX; Rough, 17.5'Jft 17.90; bulk of sales, lS.10tS19.o5; pigs, ehoic!-, 17.75$. 18.50. Cattle: Steers, steady; others, slow; calves, higher. Beef cattle: Choice, 17.00 18.00; modiuni, Ip.OOfil 17.00. Butcher stock: Cows and heifers, 7.00(5,14.00. Tanner and cutters, 6.OO(fi7,0O. Stockers and feeders: Fancy, 10.0013JXI; medium, 7JOfi.10.00. Veal calves, choice, 16.50(3 17.25. Sheep, steady to strong; lambs, choice, 17J50J318.1U; medium, 15.500: 17.50; cull:i, 12.001,14.00; ewes, choice, 13.25(9 13.90; medium, ll.OOtj 13.23; ulls, 4.50(ti9.50. NEW YORK MONEY. New York, Aug. 6. Mercantile paper, 4 and 6 months, 6' per cent. Sterling, 60-day bills, 4.72Vi; commercial 60-day bills on banks, 4.72; commercial 60-day bills, 4.71; demand, 4,7543. Cables, 4,7645. Bar silver, 99: Mexican dollars, 77. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, stendy. Time loans, etrong; 60 days, 6 bid; 90 days, 6 bid; 6 months, 6 bid. Call money, strong; ruling rate, 6. BRO'MQ SELTZrlB FOR HEADACHES. STATCMCNT The Equitable Life Assurance Society NEW YORK CITY. Condition Decamtar 11. ItlT, aa Shown by State ment filed Amount of Capital paid up In C..O. tlOS.SOO M. Anvnuil or lalarr Aaate llocenitar llal of tirlou yrar. S5J,0J MT tt ln.-oir Pollrtholdara. 114 004,005 tJ: Mitcal- lanaoua. I2t.rf7.2l i M: Total. I'.i .SSI .117 .11. IHahuraatnatit To rnltovholdrra, $elaal.l73 84; Mia- Mllanaxnu, l.tl0.S7 S3: Tarti. lrs.ITl.MI 21. ASSET. Valti. of Baal Batata (laaa amount of onrumliranoaa) I lt.IM.MJ M Mivtcaaa Loan on Baal EaUta . ... 112.a7b.3U8 73 Loan, aacurad hr piadra of Bond., Htorka. or other collateral 15. tot 00 Uatia aiada to PollejrUoldara on tale t'urapanr'a Folld aaalttuad a eoi- lalrral I3.4SI 4t JI Bar Uani ; . v:v;.. si.S4 SS talua of Itonita and atocka Ill, 111. Ml 00 Caah In Comnanr'a IXnra j,t2.ia Daia.ltrd In Truat t'ompanlea and Hanka not on itiuraat 14I.I&4.2T Depueltad In Truat Conpanlaa and Hanka on lntetaat . t 101. Til IS Intaroat at:d Ranu dua tod aoeruad.. f. int. Til tt Praraltna aVpald . 4,17,I4 U All other Aaaata. aa datailad la atal- aaaat 7S157I 54 ...1510 Tit, 4.4 15 ...I l.lll.lStti Tola! . . laa. A Mala not adralttad Total admitted Aaaat 1571,117.111 4J LIABILITIES. Nat Baaaraa. aa computed HIT. 511011 tt Praaanl aalua of amount not yet due on Supplementary Contract, at. . . 1,175. til. tt Liability on Poltflea renoeled and not Inrluded tn "Nat Baaaraa." etc ... TI.41S 4 Collar C'almi 4,554,111 IT Due and ttupald pa Supplenwntary Con- traeta r 4.114 4i nietdenda left with Comparay at tntaraat 1,714.161.11 rratnluma paid In adrenre. tncludln Surrender Valtae to applied 4IMT1 tt Cnaarnad Inlaraat and Baal paid In adaanoa Lt40 44tl Cowiralaalont dta ta Aaente. ate Katlmated Amount paraou) for radaral. tat, and other Taiaa l llt lTIM ntaidenda dua Polleyttolrler. IT, 111,031 tt Aatouttu aat apart, apportlonad. pro- atatonally aarartallaad. caleuUUad, i awattbia apportionment, te H,li.iSI.M All 'lu-r Ltatilllllea, at detailed la , Statap.,ljAjuAl..,i..Aul,.,.,.,,,.. i.nt.lNtl Total aatoant af all HahUltlav at- apt i anial tiU.Nl.lll IS Capita, paid . la - - . teu.eve.ea Ii.i4i.isi m I 8 t'JUMlanad (not . raurplual. . . ... Total t.laMlltfaa . I5TI lT 141 II BUSINEM IN NORTH CAROLINA DURIN 117. Pollcta en tha live af etllaen of aald Stat. In fnrnt laeaanoer tlat of paealou. year, Nurarar, f, Ml: Amount, H4.lTt.M2M: Poliolea an Ua llaaa of dllaana of aald Btat taaoarl r!ur in. year. Ntna her. 1.1M: Amount IS ITI; Total. Number. 1151: Amount lit J5J.TTI l: Padnct eaaaad t be In fore, durlnf rear. , Number, tlT: Aotount. II. 171 lit It; Pollda tn forr laeamhte II. lilt. Number. I tit: Amoaftt. IH.ITt lot ot. . Lsaa. tod Claim np!d Deoannw tlat it -rteut year, Numnar, 4: Amount Il.tll.o0; Leain and CUMine inenrrad durtna year. Number, tl : Amount; Total, Nttmbae, II; Amount II1I.4MI1 laaaa and ClatiM aatttad dttrtns year ta taak. Kurarar. IS: Amount ltl,t4U laaaea and Clalmt unpaid THoambar II, HIT, Nutnlaa. It: Amatnt IU.4SS tt. Prambtra eolt. la ta ervrd tn Caah and N"4e or Cradite withotit .any rlediarttott far Loaaa. pin. dand. t'nramlMlona or athar axpanaaa, tlet 174 71. - rnatldont WUlUm A. Ilay. Rotraurr ' ta Aaaiandar - Rome tartl'e New .Tort City.- Attorn, for aeirire Jtmot B. Totm, Irawahe Commlaalolter. ,Bal.h. N. C. ' Manaer for North Carellna John U Cut. Balatik. N. C. Btat of North Carotlna Inntrene r.patmnf . ' Baalth. Harrh 11. Itll f. Jem a Taunt.. Inaurarer t'oraaahatonaa. d fieeahy eerttfy that the aboa la a tm and rorreot abatraet of th Mteraant of th Edtilteble Ltf In auraaee Corapany. of Nea Tor CKy. Sled with thla Drrtmnt ahowlrit th condition ai laid Ceaa panr an the tlat day of leefjhe. ItlT. Witnaaa my haiHt and efflVtai aaal lot day and dale ape written JAB. a TOUNO, tatuaaa Cera rtlllai real. STATEBINT ETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO. (Accident Department) NAST'eRB. CON Condition Saraauar II. ItlT. aa a Araearnt at Ctpltal paid Bp la Caah. 85 tat a aa Ajoouut of l-u-r Aaata Dm mum Slat at pre. aaal 'year. II 147 .54 M. ,! rreeo. Polarjboldera. Ill 531 to. 54; attaorlla- ravtaa. 1755.711 21; Total. Ilt.t.7.4. 4t. Dtaratr-amanu T Pll' uol.lara. 7J!4T5t: Muv- aallaraioa. Kttllt lt: Total. J.UI 11 Mill. Vabaa af Baal Batat I Btoriaaae L,na a Aat Batata Leeue aacurad by pledr at Booda, rttueha or other eotiaieral Valu of ItotMia lot Btoraa .......... Caah la Company. OtV blolu la Truat Cempaal. and Bank. not oa latar4 Iranuarta ta Tnaat Camiianl aaal Banaa at tr.taaaat I.MS Ut II r-iora ., tat. ,a t -..1 la.t TaT ay lua- t lit tl BlltJt. aa IsT.tsa tt t. al.Ul.ll ttJt.Tlttt Permian In ceuna af L'ollecUua ttllt Boiareabaa . B-lnuraaxe Co AU etaar Aaaau. aa aataued In Mala- 41,1.1 W Xt.tlltt Tol.l Lea. Aa.Ha net adauued Admitted Aaaata U.tJI Mt Toul Maltt4 AMrtt . LIABILITICL rnttaM Clalw v-,. Cxisrtw, 1uv4bWMsU01 wd A4tUStsW 01 ( 'MtiM r tr ..r, "i";vai'i r. .iraTr VivstrvvtM. Pirflilttme , CutuMMktea. . HtvkM n itlstt rbmtvm dua . . Bftlria. tUiif, txpetrttata. Bills. A ftttuMtta. lee. tr., dtM or MCrf4 . KsafjMt?tl ankount fur Fetlntvl. III. it, 4.a.btiiu. 4uk1 Muaklintl Tsuee . ..... RiHurn Prvtsiiiuu . . B f i ntii rfi rYTe ......... All othw JlUliM''aa''dalailad'ia Siaiaaaaut Total t'aptial Capital actually paid up ta) Caah. l-iartlltte l4ie , Hrtineta ,. Burplua m aU LiabUlu. .1 It 5T tt. lt .llO.7JT.lH7t ist,aa S.ttl K l.tM.IUl M lll.ltl Tt T1.4IHJ ttt tt. It 4 19 tl l.tlt.TT f III litbllltln. .leapt . I IMSI.I51 II 5,000 001 tl ....Hot tst.ttl It ....I n.ia.niot Total Mabllltiea 114. 5S4.444 tt BL8INES IN NORTH CAROLINA DURIN ItlT. Fretulunaa helaL Loaaa Paid 1 Ml S l it) .7 Health . . . Iloftj It t.tot t L aUlilty TJ....;..Trr1tl.t4f . tr4V4t US.tlT.lJ Total. Utt.slTIl i-roKidani itontaa tl. iiuraawy. Ra.-rtary tl E lillbert llonee trrnre Hartford. Conn. Atuiriay fur aerate Jantea a Tounf. Inauranca Ctnmtaatuner. Baatth. , N. t'. lianaiiT for North Carolina-W. M. Mtrrha A Coatpauy, Graenauere, harth Carolina. , Stat of North Careltn Inauranc laparttaent tUlai.. - yabmarl il. Ull. Touni. lnauranoa Coraraiaaionar. uo la a trua and correct If (Accltlrnt -I. Jatrtea B. herehy certlfa that tlM aboa atreet of Ui. atatemMit of Iha tna Itaparlment) Inauram-a Company, of Hartford. Conn., fllad ith Iha ltepartaaaiit. ahowlng the condition of eatti Company on th Slat daa af Pemrar. 1117. tt line my hand and olflotal Hal tla d.y auu date abuaa written. JAS. B. YOVNQ. Iniuraoca Coram Ualorar. STATEMENT American Central Fire Insur ance Company ST. LOUIS. MO. '' Condition December II. ItlT. aa Shown by Sllit atrnt riKd Amount of Capital paid up tn rath. 81.0ot.0trt tt. Ainuttut of lttaar Aaaata IHceaiber Hat of prariout W, 4,8,t(44 Tt In.iirn-rrtwa Polk-yholdare. IIT II; Mlaoalla neout. I1IW, 311 11; Toul. Ii.llt.7tn 17. Dlaotirarmanta Tn Pollcylmldera. Il.lu7.7a3 M; alla caUaueuua, 77.II4.J4 : Tctal. ll.m.HT.Il ASSETS. Mar taaa a Loana on Bral fcnae. ..: TS.nllN Iana on other than Bret Uan 71.50. OA Va ua of Bnd a-d Sfaka I, I IK Otll T4 C.'h In Comianr'a Offlc 10,141. tt UfPoattf-d In Truat Companl. and nana not on Intereet PeputV.,1 tn Trutl Companlea and Bank. on tntaraat . . Aleittt' lailancaa. repretantlii bualnaaa written aulaenumt lo Oct 1, HIT Arenta' balance, repreaentlnt buainaa. wrltlen to Oct 1. 1917 rnlereat and HenU due and accrued . . . AU other Aaaata, aj daullcd in auteejaat Total .' laaa Aaaata nut admitted ... . lS.TSI II 441.101 91 171,108 31 r.stttt 41.400 II 114.151.11 .I4.I4T.S04 tl .1 511755 II ,H.:i4,t09 II ToUl admlllad Aueta LIABILITIES Vet amount of unpaid lotaea and dalma l ITt.TST IS Cnaarnad Premium. 1.141144 tl Haarlea. ranu. eaianac. hlUa. account feet, etc.. du. or accrued 4.845.17 Eatitnated amount parable for Federal, State, county and municipal taiaa du or accrued Bt.OM tt All ether LlablUtlae. aa datailad In atata- aienl Total amount of aU liablUUa except t'anlial Capital Actually paid up In Caah ll.0tui.0o0 M urplua ea.r tU LlablUtlae 1,017.003 2 IlllT.SOt II .:,0I7 Mitt Surplut a. retard Policyholder Total Mabllltiea 14 W4.IM II BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURIN 1117. Fire Hiari written. I715.58I.IHI; premium re wired. Loam Incurnd-rir. It tltlT; Paid, II.MJ It. Preaitlent B. tl. Chapman, Sr. Recratarv D. K. Monroe. lltrme OfllceSt. Loula. Mo. Attorney fie aeraice lamea B. Tounc, Insurance CotnmlMlonar. nalelah. N. C. Ilaiiaeer f,a North Carolina C. B. Godfray. At lauta. liecrtia St.ta of North Carolina lieuranr Papartmant. lUlelali. March S. Itll t. Jamaa B Tounf, Inauranca Comralaeloner. do hereby certify llial tlia al.-ora la a trua and correct .detract of tha atatemetit of tha American Central Inmrance Compana. of - Rt. Lou!.. Mo., Sled with thla llepertroenl, ahowtnt th condition of aald Com pany mi tlia Slat day of Uacemrer, 1917. Witnaaa my hand and afQclal aaal the day and due above written 'i - JAS. B TOl'N'O. Inauranca Correlation or. STATEMENT Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company BOSTuti.. MASSACHUSETTS. Condition Dacembrr SI. ItlT. aa Shown by lull- Kant riled Amount of Capital paid up In caah. ll.50t.Mt tt. Amount of ladaer Am I leacenioer Hat af pratioua year. I.,. Out. 156 44 Income from Pollcjholden, 14 Mr. 142 IS; lllact:lt- nauua. IJM.M'Wi; Total, tl.ttl.llO II. Dlahuraemi-UU To rillcyhulrter. I2 I5S.2SIS4: Mia- cellaliauua. 12.557.524 J3; ToUL 4.710,lll 4T. ASSETS. Valu of Baal Batata , I 14 111 IS Value of Honda and Stock. 1.737. 101 tt Caah In Cotnpany'a Office 1 11. Iltl U Depoalta In Truat Companlea and Bank. ' not on Interaal 1(0.301 12 pepoella In Truat Companlea and llanka on Intereet TT.5T5 tl lntrrrat ajul Bent. due. anil accrued . .., 43,:t3 So Preinluma In couraa of CollecUon . . ... . . . , T79.41IH Rllla Bicaltable . 2,171 II Inapactlon Hoard. 1.S40SI All ether Aaaau, la detailed In llatemenl 172, 700 10 . -4t- tolal M.mi.Sts St Loaa Aaaau not admitted ........I 24 lit 65 Toul aUraiUed Aetata U.t5.154.aj LIABILITIES. Cnpald Claim. I1.I15.TM tf E,r.p-. Invaallfatlon .and Adiuatmant of Claim. 82, 1ST. 11 Vnearned Pramlumt . 1.444.M7.I3 Commuwion, uroiaraa. ana ouir cnartH du Balartea. Rent. Expenaea. BUM. Ae eounta. Feea.'etc, due or accrued .... EaUmatad amount for federal. SUI. County, and 51 unlet pal Taaa Bautauranc lSO ISt 07 11.121 04 M.lfT ST 84.711 1: aatouna ea u jiooiiiiiaj ,11.1 13,134 1 actually paid up ta Caah Il.50t.0i orar all Llablllue I 171,1 Total .mount at ttt Ltabilttle eicapl Capital capital Burplua Tint Tt.HHtla. IS WKl.tM 8 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURIN Itlt. Praml'ima R-calatd. Loaaa Paid Accident .....Ill i 14 3 tll l4 Hantllty . laa ill 1444 40 ridellty . 1.114 If l.ItT 3 Huraty T.oot a. Plate-tlaea . tot 04 ttl SS Burtlary and Theft ISO St . . lea T3 Auto Property Hamated ..- 45.51 IT tl Preeidint-T J. Kalrey rVertrt--Jno, T Burntt.. , Traaaurer J T Burnett. Haute Offita H" tn. Maft Attinea f aarria Inaurane Contra la tonr, B.leuih. W C . - at ai aaar for, North Carolina Home Offlc. uu of Norta Carolina, Inauranoa tiepartraent.. Jtalrtah. January It. Itll. I. Jaaae B Towns, Inaurane. Cixnataalonar. d hrnbr certify that the ebore la a true and correct anetreet of. th autcmant nf th Maaaachueetta Bond in and Inauranca Company, of Itoatoa. at aaa , Sled with thla IVpartmant ahoerlna the condition of lal CiM.Mina en th Hat da of neeamrar. lilt. Wllneea my hand and efActai aial tba day and dale ia .rlttM JAB B. TOtrna. Inaurane. Cot TATENENT Printing that reflect a high degree of elass and refinement. FOLDERS, PAMPHLETS, BOOKLETS as 4 CIRCU LARS. Let us give you an estimate. M. J. CARROLL Academy f Maaie Ralelah. N. C r .,. ..... ,, , State Life Insurance Co. IkAisaiMi I a a. fr llT (UU taatAt Stat eauaneeua. ll.fll.lW; T,l. Uial.tij,." f . -UU lal'. rf Moetaaa laaa ai Beal'lUul.'' I i.m in it L--,"r: - "u. "--4 v7Z?2 iJ" 't.::::: lka,ta and etc..,... ta Coauanr a tars,--. inaeil,1'"4 Aod' aaaa Inuaw and Brnt'ts daa'and'aceranj'" Premium, appeal . . "" ... aa atlkd ui 4.M1.1M n 13 l 1 1.I3I1 IS r la ti to tT II Xit.eiT at 171 3 a. aet adauued Total adaaUBal - LIABILITIES. aptrua !lt.t9ISTII ltf .tit. II .lll.t3l.Mt.ll Vaham m apptud laaludliai and Beat paid hi Cncaraad -tuled Aimrnnt viS?t r.Y Bute Ud outer Taiaa - " Kffnk. Dtndanda du Policy uuluara' Tefal ataount af an LUbiUUaa. aiaant" cam-i n'iiW),v,:::::::::rt5J;t2j ... ... rcV'1 . aia aa n Mr a tl HI 41 tt.J54.7l ' at.llXH It. ISA U.75t.U " is tii 4 " 811.14. II M4.IH.4 re-rr'Ntmioer. ulT .iA'. force Ileormbar II, . ...(,.. a. mnL I1MM1M- Itlt, Ktamber, 111; rtaua yaar. Ill.itMM IiSmI? "' T an- nd Claimn tniaiid ewro. it 111 500 a - ' and Battled during ' . .unttar I; Amo-int III lot M. tnd tlauaa aiipald larhar IL, II. too ot Prornlom. rot acted or acur4 t, oel.re1lta wlOtout and ndueUoa .i'niin.Mi.. mr otner aapaoaa. PrwWent-N W. Bennett gerretary Albert Rahn. Home ItfrWlndlanepolle, bt AUornay-for aer.lceJ jf v, Commlaaloner. BlleUh. No aanaaer ror Hartix Carollnai lllta i "d Koea ".Laaa. Die, t U7.rM.SS. Baleiaa. aj,.. Stau of Nona Oarauaa, Inauranca "t -rim ltd. I. ... a T I'll. hereby certify-V . T """lonapona. Hid., Sad With Iha. rt. Mf1'?"'.1- ahowln. th. oondltliej Uld Uw, m tha llal day of December, tlt " rTTl? " dau1,.ncra. ",!,.n,, ,M i JAS. a TOUNO, Inauranoa Crmmlaalnnet. . . ... STATEMENT -Fidelity and Deposit Co. ., BALTIMORI, MO. Condi tloa DaoaaUar II. mt, aa Pnea ta men! riled. Amount of CarHut paid up In caah. II Ml Ml aa Amount of larurer Aeete I)oebr HalaalaiTiLji' . year. IS,4m, Hat af mwlomt, irmune-a-rom Pollcyhsldan. 10 43. 115 04: huwoua. Ion tar it. t.J-i Diabnraemanta-To 1-ollcyholdem, Illst triM,- I uellaiavua, 14,411.14141; Total. 17.171 tlilt . . - . AMET. aina ar Real aula ...a a (1 Moruaea Ixana on Real 4 it I'aa, tn r..n.n.H.-. ' " Depoalu In Truat Compaulal 'and Bui no on intereet Denuaiu tn Truat Companlea and Bank on Intereet "" Interaet and RenU due and Bcmi'ad ' " All ether Aetata, a detaiitd' W aute'eaent T.AJ- laeM.m.M t nudld Claim. 1 tiataaaai M.TSI.lf l.tSltlAM 1M.ITI H M.tll M mirft tr 105.Sll5.5r lM.tlt II 47.7tl0.0t 4M.TII.TI .I3S.0T4 19 rt,MT IS HIM' 1.571.11! II 1.500 0. tl5,l7t H Kaianie. InraitiiaUon ' and Adjuatiant of Clalma Unearned Premium !"!"" Ccunmlaaion, Brokara tad athar rjuutea Salartea, Bon't." ' 'lUrariiii,' ' Bill,' ' Aat eounla. raa. etc. due or vertrad.... EaUmatad amount for Federal. Stale. County, and Municipal Tate. .. . Betum Preralum. . . B.lnaurance . . .,,.,,.11'.. Borrowed Money All other LieMllUee w d.Uliad"ia Butemant Total amount r aU LUbJUtii tapital rardul actually paid up la. awpiu vm .11 Maouiuaa Total Mabllltle. . i nil ttl It BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURIN 1117, e-iveonima necateaa. Aioaaaa Paid. .'CAali;."."i:i I 1.1 tn let n M0. OH M H1I21TI Accident , . lil.tttl T3 Health , 21. ttt tl Liability 10.25T II ridellty 13,I)5I4 huraty , 13.115 i Pl.le-llaaa 115 44 Burilary and Theft I, SSI 21 Auto Property Iraraated . 1,300.11 Pre,ldenlc-I!dwln Warflald. Recmurr B 8. Hart Traaaurer Wm R. P BiiT.a Borne offloe Baltimora, aid. Attorney for arralce Jama. B. Commlaeiooer. Baielah. N. C. alanatar for North Carolina Bom. Offloe. I l.sti ll 11.141 11 1.274.01 11.52 4.114 IS I.MS IT -148 4.1 8547 Town, lnauilra. Ut.of North Carolina. Inaoranca DepartBamt ' . . ' Balelih. Fabruary 13. Ills. I, Jama. B. Tounf, Inaurane Commlmirmar. da hereby eerufy that the aboa. la a tru. and norrwt aiatract of tha ataletaent of the ridellty and Dpoll Inauranoa Company, of Baltlroorei Maryland, Sled wltli thla rtepartment ahowlna tha eondltlon of aald Company on th. Hal day of Ilerember, ltlf. ; Witnaaa my hand and ofOuial aaal the day ud dau Blair written JAS. a TOUNO, Inauranc 1 . 1 STATEMENT ETNA CASUALTY AND SURETY CO. HARTFORD, CONN. Condition Dacenaber il, 1117, a ahowa hp Buta. mrnt riled. Amount of Caplul paid up In caah. 81IM MO 0 Amount of ladaer Am.ii Iteeembee 1 1 at of present j-aar. l7.3M.04t 57; Iticreaae of Capital durtn yar. 11.000.000 00; Total, lt.3M.KI 57 Inrorae rrom Policyholder. l7.tol.Tlt tl; Mlaa.Ua- naoiu. ItM.tiS.M; fowl. I7.t4.00t 41. Dlburaamant To Pollcrboldera. It.lSt.SMTI; MK caUauaotia, tl.tST.114 l: Total. 14,017,11174. ASSETS. Mortiata lata, on Beat aetata Loana Mcured by pledte of Bond, ajlecka. or ether eollateraJ Vaiua of Bond, and Block. ... Caah In Comnanr'a Offlc . Depoelta In Truat Companlea and Bank on Intereet Depoalu In Truat OmtpaalM and Bank. on Intereet Intereet and Beetta due and accrued.. PreiBlirma tn couraa of CoUaclloa ... Illlle Bacalaabl . n-'lneilrauee . . . All olher Aaaau. a. detailed bl auumant Total .. Lea. Aaaau not admluad Total admitted Aaaata . LIABILITIES. rnpatd Claim I 1,544. lot. M Bit 111 M I.MI.TSI tt 1,121.91 lt . 714 IT 4S.IJS IT 17,10211 1,555 .171 31 IS 125 II ll.SSO 51 M.4S1.4I .tll.ltt.4M II 145.41ft! .110. 015. ttl II and Adjuelmont Eipanaa. InraatltaUon of Clalma Unearned Pre rehire. , Coraralaatori, Brokera. tad ether chary ea due , Balartea. Rente. Eiranaea, Billa. Aa eiMnu.-Faaa, etc., due or aorrued ... Batimated amount for FederaL BUU. County, and Municipal Taxe. BMrmtrranee , Inraatmant All otter LUblUtlea aa detailed la I I. III. 141 M 1144 II 1.144.104 21 a.m. ta 11.44 IK S4S.SSS TS' ll.fM II 1. 401.11 Total amount of til LlaMltrlaa Capital Caplul trtulllr paid up tn Caah Surplu. oaer all LlAbUlUe . ... Teitl iltbilitiea ...110 0.5.141 si SUHNES IN NORTH CAROLINA DURIN Itlt. rreouume HcelewL I iiaera paid. 11134, J.ono.i 2.155. IS 91 0O0 04 till 01 Inability , , rklallty .- Surely . . Plate-fleet Rurylary and Theft .. Sprinkler i. Fly-wheel .- Auto Pnearty Paraaeed prealdent at u. nunetey. Reeralary J N, Pare Traaaurer M, B. Bralnlrd Home Office Hartford. Cons Attieney lor aerrlce Jame. e- I Comraleaioner, BaleUth. N. l ttanaaer lor ronn t aroun vr. ompaivy, Green bore, n. t:. I2.JT1 7t .. I.I7T.Q1 .. TOUT .. 42T 4T ... 31 SI i.iit.u I 1411 '"'win 1 tm 01 HIM 'ttOVM a Teans. anwanal a Mtrrtataa S Stau of Worth Carolina. , , Inauranca laipirurarn. B.lah. February 11. Itll. t. Jaritae-& Team.. Inauranc tjrowmteetorier. hereby ami-, that the aboa a a true and correct aratrart of th afatctnent at Ut Aetna Caautnty and Surety Inauranca t cetpanr, of HarUail, I one , Siad wtt rhta I1epart1ne.1t ahowlnt the condition af Mai Company an Uu tlat dar of neeamrar. ItlT Wiuaaa my hand and afnclal teal tha day tnd dau .bora written . JAS. a TOu'Nfl, Inauranoa Commiaalonae. If . you haven't read thex Clsssined Ads today, you hare missed a food part of tht ' paper. ,, .J

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