Democratic SUU Ticket t For United Rate Senator F. M. SIMMONS : Tor Member f Corporation Com- Ters of Kx Teri SJ GEORGE. P. PELL ' Tern of Tww Tears i ALLEN J. MAXWELL for Chief Jastleo oprr Coart WALTER CLARK for Associate jaaticii Saprosi Court, WILLIAM R. ALLEN PLATT D.WALKER ' For Judgs Superior Court Third Judicial District JOHN H. KERR For Judge Superior Court Fourth . Jsdielnl Dtetriet FRANK A. DANIELS For Judge Superior Court 8eventh Judicial District THOMAS H. CALVERT For Judge Superior Court Eleventh Judicial Distnef HENRY P. LANE For- Judge Superior Court Thirteenth Judicial District W. J. ADAMS For Judge Superior Court Fifteenth Judicial District BENJ. FRANKLIN LQNG For Judge Superior Court SfTtnltrntu Judicial District T. B, FINLEY For Judge Superior Court- Kightecn'h Judicial D strict MICHAEL H. JUSTICE For Judge Superior Court Nineteenth Judicial District P. A. McELROY For Judge Sujierior Court Twentieth Judicial District T. D. BRYSON Democratic Congreaaional Ticket For Representative in the Siity-snth Congress First District JOHN H. SMALL , For Representative in the Sixty-siith Congress Scond District ' CLAUDE KITCHIN - . " FoFKif presrrttatiTr i the Sixtyitith Congress Third District W. T. DORTCH .For Representative in the Sixty-sixth Congress Fourth District EDWARD W. POU For RepresentatiTe in the Sixty-sixth ' ; - Congress Fifth District CHARLES M. STEDMAN For Representative inThe BixtyHfixth Congresa Sixth District H.L7 GODWIN For Representative in the Sixty-sixth Congress Seventh District L. D.ROBINSON For Representative ia the Sixty-sixth Congresa Eighth District . R. L. DOUGHTON For BepreeeBtatira la the 8ixty-s;xth Congreae Ninth District E. Y. WEBB For Representative ia the Sixty-sixth - Coagreea Tenth District ZEBULON WEAVER - toTBn roucntnuina or Om mt WtMit l tsCftr mt kimrk. rtkm mmnt- mt the Boar mt Dtnmn at miuI tecttea ml OiTmrtmnmttmOmmDrtmmmmMmmtk, . thirtssata ear at Juun . lsis. earaeratiaa rtri mt th, mt ttmtr-m rire er aewara mmd Wi pmUmr hmm mmu ImtonlMlMMilMHMlkllllt attti4 mm mmm iw m mtnmm T to urn, miXSTF.MTDtX gmw Mm-, mm tlamimy. the mi mi ml PiiiBil ;1H mi IWnf-iM mm. tW tea RATES is Lsm ( Cwpm, M Casts Pat It tall rr DM u se Cash With Order FOR SALE UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY CORNER DRUG STORE, IN crrroF 25,000 for sale. STRICTLY CASH BUSI NESS OF $25,000.00 PER YEAR, INCREASING EVERY MONTH. OWNER ENTERING SERVICE; AD DRESS "C-2," CARE NEWS AND OBSERVER. ll-3t. UK SALL Charlotte Brick Company plant, flrat tan, 8. C, is being dismantled. Hare llarMleiOarxainjrLcesxSi hand brick, lumber, dinkey locomo tire, pipe, rail', boilers, f limine pumps, etc. write I onsohdated Iron and Metal Co., of Chattanooga, Tenn., or write or call MR. I. MITCHELL, R. 4, FORT MILL, S. C. 12-7t FOR SALE FOUR-M ULE TEAM AND log wagon, together with harness; 1ho two-mule team, $1,000. Sanders Mo tor Co., Smithfleld. N. C. 12-7t NO. 3 CANS FOR SALE iS PER HUN drrd, $45 per thousand. Gardening Association, Wilson, X. C. 10-101 FOR SALE JO-GALLON GALVAN iied boiler with gas attachment for heating; suitable for cooking syrups, fruits, etc.; also ISO quart bottles, never been used. Box i8, Raleigh X. C. 1(1-31 BCY VOI R USED CAR FROM IS; WE give bill of sale and guarantee with each car. Auto Exchange, Rulcigh, x. c. p lot WHILE SUUAK IS SO SCARCE, USE molasses. Our Famous Sugar House Molasses, 60 gallon barrels, fifty cents; ten-gallon kegs, sixty cents cash with order. Winston Grain Co. Winston-Salem, X. C; 7-7t DISPOSE OF THE THINGS YOU DO not want; Get the things you do want. It can best be dune through our Classified medium. The result will take care of the costs. FOR SALE: ONE COMPLETE MA chine shop with all tools, one stenm vulcanizer, one two-ton truck, one Uve-pasSejiger automobile, one two passenger automobile. LIVE STOCK; Thirteen head, calves and heifers, eight head hogs, one milch cow. For cash nreajy -terms'. C. R. Marietta, Alamance Garage, Bur lington. N. C. -7t FOR SALE 6NESM ALL" SAW MILL complete. One complete set heading mill machines; 30.000 feet pipe one to four inch. Pulleys, belting, boxes, waives, etc. Weldon Sheet Metal Works, Weldon, X. C. 11 3t FOR SALE SEVERAL SHARES PRE. F ERRED STOCK OF ARTIC ICE A COAL CO, PAYING 7 PER CENT DIVIDEND ANNUALLY. S8S.M PER . SHARE. MRS. J. S. - LEE, JAMES TOWN, N. C U it FOR SALE MANGANESE STEEL Mosler Bank safe, triple time Jock , 6,000 pounds, used six months. Far mere and Merchants Bank, William aton, X. C. .11 8t TEACHERS WANTED WANTED PRINCIPAL , FOR STATE high school; an excellently organized with good salary attached; good po aitioa for good man. Address Sec re tnry School Board, JacksonH5rN. C, 10-St WANTED HIGH SCHOOL PRINCI pal; liberal salary. Address R. M. Wilson, Bupt, Rocky Mount, N. C t 7 5t WANTEI-PR1NCIPAL FOR RURAL Mate High School in Orange county Salary $400, term eight months. Ad drees Connty Superintendent, Hills horo. X. 0. 11 3t WANTED PRIMARY TEACHER, 1 and 2 grades. Land County Farm Life , Sehool. Steam heated building, sal ary $70 per month for S months. None but experienced teacher need apply. Address George A. Cole, MidJlcburg, X. V.. ll-t SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOL wanted for on of best schools in State. Present superintendent asking - for release. Address "C-3" care News and Observer. 11 2t TWO HIGH SCHOOL . TEACHERS wanted Salary $70.00; term V month. Writ full information. R. R. Ran ana. Superintendent, Mount Olive, N. C. 11 2t WANTED PRINCIPAL AND GRADE teceher for eight months school. Ad Twawty Cmm Mhsha Charavi Tmm Par Cmm bwjisshI mlimw mm hhs mw SMte Ceajasswtlve assart ttw. ' Cash mm wwiiir all eHmi ClniMil Cstasns wat ratuM af Mr t:H m. m. ' dmu .Box 94. KarriiUc. X. C. XI 3t HELP WANTFJ--FEMALE WANTED A COMPETENT XCRSE for an invalid lady and one who ia willing to keep house aad not afraid of work. Address "C li," aad Observer. It WANTED A SETTLED WOMAN TO rook and do general house work; whitewoman- preferred; good homo aad wage to right party. Address "C 15," care News and Observer. It MIDDLE AGE LADY WANTED TO keep house for small family; good place for right party. Address D. F. Jones, Tarhoro, N. C, Route 1. ll-lt. WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED waitresses; $3.00 per week, board and oom. McAlpine Hotej and .Cafe, p. Hollaed, Manager, OoldtboroJ X. C. 10-3t WANTED A REFINED, MIDDLE- aged lady to keep house for small family; n good place and salary for the right one. Apply with refer ences to "B 167," care News and Ob server. 10-7t WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS 8TEN- ographer at once; must be accurate; state salary expected and when can report for duty, in first letter. Ad dress "B 16V care News and Obser- set. !" '! WANTED GOOD WHITE WOMAN TO wait on my mother; good home for somebody. 0.- L. Jon-ee, Nashville, North Carolina. 9 7t GOVERNMENT WILL HOLD CIVIL service examinations in Raleigh in August. iWHK) women clerks needed at Washington. Women desiring gov ernment clerkships write for free par ticulars to R. El Terry, (former Civil Service Kxaminer), 315 Columbian Building, Washington. 7-10t GET IN TOUCH WITH -THE POS1- tion you want through the aid of a N. k O. classified ad; there' no - qTiirker, more economical tit more efficient method. The employer whom you are looking, is perhnps, looking for you. Your ad will .-nd him direct to you. THE DEMAND FOR FEMALE HELP IS steadily growing. If you want em plnyment, or want to change to a bet ter position, try a Llassiued Ad. in The News and Observer. ' i lest class of employers will sec ... Em ptoyer and employee alike can be benefited by reading and Using News and Observer Classified Ads. GOVERNMENT NEEDS 20,000 WOMEN clerks at Washington. Examinations everywhere in August. Experience un necessary. Womeu desiring govern nient positions write for free particn Inrs to J. C. Leonard, (former Civil Service Examiner), 6!0 Kent) is Bldg., Washington. 412t TWO EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES wanted at once; name salary In first letter. Address Wayne Cafe, Mount Olive. X. C. . 11 4t WANTED KIND WHITE OR COL ored woman to cook and keep house for family of three. Address 'House keeper," Box 4.T3, Wilson, N. C. 11 L't WANTED Y Ol-NG WOMAN OF Ct'L ture and refinement as private sten (igrapber and office manager, splendid town in .esMr-Carolina. Address "C-a." care News and Observe. ll-2t WANTED TWO GIRLS TO WAIT ON TfltttTxpjTTTOrrd nr irrrTtpprirnrpd, . v ill psy $K per week and board, and will pay transportation. Apply or write, Manhattan Cafe, Greenville, N. C. ll-7t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED A TWO-HORSE TENANT to cultivate a crop 1919, on halves party owning hia work stock; at tractive proposition to th right man Apply at one "B-165," car Nws and Observer. 10 1 FOR SALE 33-KOOM HOTEL; 4$ beds; modern conveniences; new hot , water system ) 4l tons eoal on hand Reasons: Other business and having to leave city ; will aeiraf i aacfific For full information address "Hotel," S.11 North Tryoa street, Charlotte N. C. ' 10-7t SEVENTEEN - ROOM HOTEL FOR rent; only hotel in town; newly pap ered and painted; fine opportunity. Address "Hotel," Zebulon, N. C. 10-10t FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH ONE 40 h. p. mill complete; good team; 12 million feet pine timber, or will give responsible party half to rut and rack it. Also one smaller mill at scrai'i Iron price. Lock Box 103, Mpnng Hope N. C. 10-3t FOR SALE MONEY-MAKING PROP osition in shape of going small ho iery mill with ample help, yrn near by bought ahead; goods sold at good profit; small town; good help. Ad dress "B-142,1 ear News and Obser . ver. 7-7t FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OF every description, watch this column, They are all sound propositions, Likewise, if yon want to dispose of your business, you owe it to your own -Interest to use a Classified Ari under this classification. , Write us about It Xew and Obserwe ClawH fled - Department, Raleigh. FOR SALE: WELL ESTABLISHED electric shoe shop, Wilmington, X. C, On account of being called to the colors must sell. Best equipped shop in State, doing twelve thousand dol lar business. Two Goodyear atitrh ers and other necessary machinery, located Front street. Term to suit Write or wire J. H. Sullivan, Fay etteville, X. C, or E. Z. Milton, Wil mington, N. C. 4 M FOR RENT PIANO STORE, CITY OF Wilmington, has been occupied by Stieff'a musie Louse for ten years. On Princess street, one of th principal street of the eity. Five hundred new residence now being built in Wil mington to take ear of th ship builder. Splendid opportunity and most desirable locution for piano an musie house. - Address H. . Bonitz, owner. Wilmington, X. C - IX St HELP WANTED MALE WHITE BARBER WANTED At ONCE, Wire IL M. Scaaa, Jiicks KoU, Borky Mount, X. C. 10-St DRL'ti CLERK, EXPERIENCED. L.N registered, wanted Not lubjct to drafts' Addres B-12, car News and Observer. 10 ft WANTED A FIRST-CLASS, EXPERI. eared bookkeeper for thriving manu facturing plant; a man that- knows how to keep a double entry-net of books and get out statements; good salary for same. Address "B loft," care News and Observer. 10-7t WANTED LINOTYPE MACHINIST. operator. Wire Daily News, Green viUe. N. C. IQrSt TWELVE HOUSE PAINTERS WANT ED. R. L. CURTIS, KIN3TON. X. C. - - ; " io-7t WANTED UNREGISTERED DRCG- gist; permanent position; good sal ary for right man. Address "B 1 37," care News and Observer. 9 4t REGISTERED; DRUGGIST WANTED at once. ' For attractive proposition, writer "B 159,1 ear New and Obr ver. 9-t JLNJOR DRUG CLERK WANTED Don't apply unless you mean busi nesa. E. L. Tarkeuton, Wilson, North Carolina. 9-4t WANTED JUNIOR DRUG CLERK Sjate ge, exerience, whether mar ried" or singld and salary expected II. R. Home k Sons, Koj etteville, X. C. -5t NOTICE! The Hate Board of Accountancy will conduct the annual examination tor qualified applicants who desire the degree of certified public accountant, at Raleigh, X. C, Aug. 20th, 30th, and olst. For detail information, ad dress, GEORGE G. SCOTT. C. P. A, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD, CHARLOTTE, N. C. 7-71 WANTED AN EXPERIENCED CLERK to work in general store and post office. Williams. & Taylor, llarrells ville, N. C. ' 7-(it WANTED AN. EXPERIENCED Bl cycle repair man; must be A-Xumbcr 1 ; married man preferred. Address ytieen City Cycle- Company, Wil ruing ton, N. C, stating salary expected. 7-7t WANTE D WAREHOUSE CLERK TO CARRY BOOK ON SALE. ONLY EXPERI ENCED MAN CAPABLE OF FOLLOWING SALE 300 PILES PER HOUR WANT ED. MUST COME WELL RECOMMENDED. G O O D PRICE" TO RICHTMAN ADDRESS P. O. BOX 342, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. 7-7t UNREGISTERED DRUGGIST WANT ed; state salary. Address Box X17, Raleigh. N. 0. 8 3 tf EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYE CAN GET in touch with one another by the use of A News and Observer Classified Ad; both watch these columns daily The wide awake class use this me dium for both help and employment. lift us help you get what you want. THREE SODA FOUNTAIN HOYS wanted. Apply to Tucker Building Pharmacy, Ualoigh, N. C. 8-2 tf WANTED AN EXPERIENCED Ft KN iture salesman, one capable of hand ling installment trade; none need ap ply, but those willing to work. W and J. E. Simmons, Tarboro, X. C, ll-.1t WANTED BRICK MASONS, SHEET METAL WORKERS AND PLUMBERS. PERMANENT JOB . AND GOOD PAY ON GOVERNMENT WORK. MASON & HANGER CONTRACTING COMPANY, CHARLESTON, S. C 0,11,12,14,16,18,19,21 LABORERS AND CONCRETE MEN, xcg number men wanted at once on government worn; good wage and free . lodgiug. Dcgnon Contracting ompany, isprtn ( liarlcnton. Mouth Carolina. WANTED THREE FIRST CLASS auto trimmers; steady work vear round. Big wages.' Crawford Trim miug Co., 1018 W. Broad atreet, Rich mom!. Vs. " . 11 2t WANTED: COMPETENT MALE 8TE nographer for cotton mill office; good salary for right man, with opportnn Sty for advaueing. Reply to Kinston Cotton Mills, Kinston, X. C. ll-4t WANTED MAN NOT SUBJECT TO draft, who ean handle Burroughs post ing machine, and act as assistant - cashier, in good bank ; permanent po sition to right man; give age, rxpe rience and price in replying. Address C-4, ear New and Observer, Ba leiga, X. C ii-et HELP WANTEDMALE WANTED THREE AUTO MECHANICS AT ONCE. DAIL-OVERLAND CO., RA LEIGH. 8-11-tf. WANTED FOREMAN FOR THE GOLDSBORO STEAM LAIN DRY AXD R YCLEAN tJMJ PLANTS. bULUSHOKU. J. C GOOD SLAKl a.u rii s.. i aub w ill. tie rAiu FOR A HIGH-CLASS MAN. APPLY TO B. H. GRIFFIN. YARBOROl'GH HOTEL. RALEIGH, N. C. 11-St WANTED FIRST-CLASS INSURANCE man; salary and ronimiss'on offered. Address Box 7tW, Rsleigh. 11 -St MAXWANTED-WMO-flrAS BAB-PR AC tical experience, and thorough knowl edge sf running a planing machine. tor further information, address Post Ollice Box 907, Culvpso, N. C- 12-St WANTED ASSISTANT CASHIER FOR bunk in town of 1,500 to liegiu work immediately; good salsry for right party; experienced man preferred Address "C.12," care News and Obser ver, Raleigh, X. C 12it WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS MA CHINISTS, WHO UNDERSTAND ASOXJXE ENGINE WORK; FIRST; CLASS PAY TO FIRST-CLASH MEN EMPORIA MACHINE CO, EMPORIA VA 12 -ant WANTED, AT ONCE COMPETENT giuner to operate Lummiia Air Blast Hystem ; state, experience, reference in application. Address Battlehoro Oil Co., Battleboro, N. C. 12 7t SALESMAN WANTED TO SELL A high-grade line of commercial cal rndnrs for advertising. C. H. Ham mond i Co., 30 Church street, New York. 12-.1t HELP WANTED Maie and Female WANTED HELP FOR COTTON MILLS Card tenders, drawing frames hands at 27 1-2 e to 30c per hour; slubber and speeder tenders at seventeen to eigh teen cents per hank. Address P. O. -Box-No. 128, Burlington, N. C. 10-14t WANTED EXPERT I.OOPERS ON 209 needle half hose; good climate, best of wages. Sunlight Hosiery Mills, Blackville. S. C. 9 Pt WANTED. AT ONCE. TWO EXPERI eneed salesmen ; one experienced saleslady'. Addres "B-145," care News and Observer. 7-7t WANTED WANTED SMALL POWER PUMP Myers or Gould mske, inch half sue tion inch Quarter discharge; must be good condition. P. II. Harlield, Calyp so. X. ('. 9-4t JOB PRINTING ALL KINDSi PROMPT service. H. 8. Storr Co., Telepho SM. ll-97tf "WANTS"-C-AXNOT EXIST, WHERE New nd,Oherver Classified Ads go they are the key to all com mere ial problems, exscttafftinr rim? ip!ntert sation for service rendered. WANTED AT ONCE ONE THOUSAND feet one inch second handed b!a piper;ticap. T. J. Ellis, Star, X. C li :;t WANTED TO BUY SECONDHAND furniture and household goods everv description. Koom-c Brothers, lit Fast Harpptt street, Rsleigh. 11 7 AUTOMOBILES, FOR SALE REMODELED FORD roadster in perfect condition ; dirt cheap. .101 West ( enter street, Golds boro, X. C. 12 3t WE WILL SELL YOUR USED CAR for you. Reference: Tii.firneTciarNS tional Bank, Raleigh, N. C. Auto Y.4- change, Raleigh, N. C. 9 10t FOR SALE FORD TOURING CAR Fxcellent condition; well equipped new Kellv Hprihgfield tires. Address Warren H. Booker, Raleigh. 11 -It PERSONAL . SERVICE TO TUE PUBLIC WHEN you use News and Observer Classified Advertising Iservice, you get tne bene lit of thejargent circulation in North Carolina, distributed into every coun ty in the btate, and going among people who are financially able to grasp the opportunities offered. Our co-operation, too, is such that .make your advertising pay. TOBACCO PLANTERS OF EASTERN CAROLINA Tarboro, X; C, i. now enndtdate "frrr 'the .sale of tobacco aad the Rufti warehouse promises the highest dollar for the weed. On Thursday, August 22, th Riiftin warehouse will throw open its dootr fur your putrounge Come on that date; drive in and plare vmir tolxH-eo ia rare f our niaiiairer.'Mr. W, C. Hudson, who will ace that you receive the very highrnt market prices. 11 14-18-20 LOST AND FOUND STRAY! D ONE BLACK MARK mule, sunburnt brown, seven years old, weighs 1 100 pounds. Left my home ' Sunday. July 28. Kinder will notify Joseph Bissett, Bailey, N. C, and re ceive reward. , 11 2t OFFICE SUPPUES TTPlfWRiTERS, NEW, REBUILT. WE buy, tell, exchange, repair alt make. H. S. Storr Co, iSS W. Martin St. -7-tf. KtBBEK STAMPS WE MAKE THEM. H. 8. Storr Co., Bileigh, N. C, 11-22-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE-ONE FARM, 1(7 ACRES; M0 acres in good state cultiTatioa ; 100 acre or more fixing to clear; on three-room house, new; on four room house, new ; oa two-room house good! two good aew barns; good water; one mile from railroad siding; -l mile northwest of 1'arktoa, X. C; gtiodsrboof fcHtt4est healthy, Thia farm has got to be sold as owner ia in draft and la liable to be called; come and look it over, for it' a bar gain. This is a fine tobacco farm. Writ or wire R. H..Hutson, Parktoa, X. C. . 10-3t HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE? OR do you want to buy real estate of any kind I If so, write us; we will show .you how it can b don tin quirkwt, best and most economical way. Ad dress Classified Advertising Depart ment, News and Observer, Raleigh, N. C. 81 ACRES. FOUR MILES OF 8EA- boafd, N. C. 200 cre open, good timher, excellent pasture. $20.00 per acre. J. 8. Wrenn, (ownej), fcm iHiria. Va. ll-7t POSITIONS WANTED WANTEIV POSITION AS PRINCIPAL Of twtl or thie teai hf r's school- ia pleasant locality in Piedmont r Vestern NoTth Carolina. Best of ref erences, experieored and have normal training. Addres "Teacher, Hubert North Carolina. 12-3t EXPERIENCED TEACHER WANTS primary work. Third grade preferred, Testimonials from best schools in State. Address ",," Box 44, Durham X. C. 12 3t WANTEDi POSITION BY YOUNG man bookkeeping and general office Work. Competent, efficient. Address, Hnx 25.1, Littleton, N. C. 11 -.It JiMIUjUtKTKAI HF.R. II YB4BH- f.-A pcriencr, want position in good town graded school. Address "B-1C4," care News and Observer. lO-Dt TEACHER; GRADUATE WAKE FOR t College; university trained; four years' successful experience; desires position principal or superintendent Minimum salary (1,000. Address "B 1H0," care News and Observer. t)-8t WANTED POSITION AS SHIPPING elerk or bookkeeper, with wholesale or manufacturer, thoroughly experi eneed with freight rates aiid'TaTirT married; not subject to draft. Ad dress ''B14u," care News and Obser ver. 8-6t WANTED, BY SCHOOL TEACHER, without knowledge of typewriting and shorthand, posit ion-ill ollic-e; perman ent preferred; good on arithmetic and penmanship; references. Address Miss V. Kobiuson, Skippers, Virginia. 6 7t SECURE THE HELP YOU NEED through North Carolina's greatest em ployment agency N. k O. Classified Ads. They reach scores of efficient workers who might be Interested in your proposition. EMPLOYER S IX YOU NEED MORE ' Help, or more Kfficient Helpt the bet; ter class of employes read our Help Wanted Columns. If you now need, or the next time you do need, help of a y--4H4rTSd- - -y4r A4; -you.'U soon have what you want.- LADY .OF EXPERIENCE, DESIRES A position as domestic science teacher or matron; ran also teach musie. Ad dress "B 171," care New and Obser ver. 11-1211-1.1 POSITION WANTED AS ASSISTANT cashier in an eastern Carolina bank ; can opcrhfe ledger poster; name Hill ary firt letter; good', reason for change. Address "C-ii," car News and Ubervrr. 1 l-4t EXPERIENCED MUSIC TEACHER. conservatory training, desires posi tion in high school or private class; good references. Address "C 7," car News and Observer. ll-.'tt f LIVESTOCK POULTRY PEDIVKEED KELtilAN HARES From si weeks old to one yearfjrrown hares weigh 12 pounds; more profit able to raise than hogs, chickens or cattle. Pair, 6 weeks' old, 14.00; pair, 3 months' old, ..;"0. Tested breeders, 12 months' old, 1.".fln per pair. W. D. Pool?, Care E. K. Wollett, Littleton, X. C. 12 7t. foil SALE NINE FRESH JERSEY cows; good condition; ages from 2 12 tri 7 years; come and e them, J, W. Griffin, Route 2, Knightdalc, X. C. 7 7t LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY DEAL-, ers Ijct us help you market your stock; if you will tell New and Ob server readers what you have, you can easily dispose of it. The demand is great. Send us your ad today. FOR SALE TWENTY HEAD GRADE Hereford calves and yearlings; twen- ty head of grade Hereford eows; two registered .Hereford cows; two reg istered Hereford bulls. Montgomery v Htock Farm, Biscoe, X. C. 11 2t FOR SALE SIR RF.KA HOMESTEAD No. J4::t!2H llolstein bull, four and a half years old; kind and gentle; from IiTkTi prodiiciHg SncestorTI; pflc 173. R4-t Over Dairy Farm, West Durham, N. VA H-'tt ft SWI I '"' Straight t From The Shoulder Believing- In "Prepared ness" I have filled my building-, every Story la It, with goods at prices very much be'ow the present markj and-1 anLjroinj to 'make my friends and cus tomers smile with' Satis faction by Riving- to them "the ruiTTdvanfagOf tBS good buying. Just m u... - "COME' AND SEE" Ia All W Atk Sport Shirts. . .50c and $1 Great Yalna. Shirts for $1.00 and $1.50 Wonderful Value. "MaDhattan-Shirts- $2.00 to $7.00 Suits ...... ..$5 up C.R.BOONE THE DE LUXE CLOTHIER " ood Quality Spell, What Boon SelU." HOUSES, APARTMENTS Wanted WANTED TWO OR THREE FUR nilied rooms w small apartment. light housekeeping. Addresa "C-8," care News and Observer. 11 3t FOR RENT FOR RENT MODERN SEVEN ROOM furnace heated house. Oood location, oa ear line. Phone 107.1-W. S-7L FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOI BE LOCAT- ed close up. Water, gn and lee tricity, large yard. Address "C Boi 426, City :. 11 St ,. HOTELS-RESORTS NOTICE TO TnE TRAVELING PUB lic The McAlpine Hotel and Cafe, (ioldsloro, N. C, is now open under new management; plenty of good thing to eat. D. Holland, Manager. SPECIAL NEARLY It PER CENT INCREASE New and Observer Classified Adrer tisers, during the Srst seven month this year, increased nearly 100 per cent over the in mo period last year. Service, Co-opeaiou and Result for the Advertiser made this increase po sible. Kventuslly you will na thi Medium to get what you want, when: vou want it. Start today. SEEDS-PLANTS PRODUCE 2St BUSHELS ABBRl'ZZI RYE FOR sale; t.l.SO per bushel. f. o. bj Oolds boro, X. C.j cash with order. W. Pv Hose, Goldsboro, X. C. P-7t FOR SALE LEU'S PROLIFIC WHEAT and Honthern (irown Bye. Hall k Savage Bros., Greenville, North Caro lina. T-15 PEDIGREED FL'LG HUM OATS, CARO lina Rye, Barley, Rape, Vetch. Writ Robert Hackney, Durham. ' 8-20t. FOR SALE BUR CLOVER SEED l.f the bur st IL'Vj eents pound, 100.' pound lots delivered; now i th time to sow in growing crop. J, C Killebrew, Penelo. X. C. r ' V . -T-Sttd. ex. Bn. to S-1J FOR SALE TABLE IRISH POTATOES good attyk.full barrels, F. O. B Prices reasonable. II. B. Mayo, Washing ton, X. C, 11 3t MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN OX FIRST MORT. gage real estntc. Khvell Insurance k Realty. Co., Pullen Building, Raleigh, N. C. 7-23-tf BOARD LODGING FURNISHED ROOMS WITH GOOD table board! repsouable ratei, No. 129 8. Dawson street. i ' 7-19 tf CAFES WHEN IN RALEIGH EAT AT THE Busy Bee' Cafe. 225 South Wilmington street. . Everything new and under new management. . 11-71 "From Cherokee to Carrltack' News end Observer Classified Ada produce real profit for both Advertiser and User lik.

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