T'Z r7s AM) CZZZZVUl AT THE SIGN OF TH "BLUE" TRIANGLE i MS BlAMOte GSARY. PtANMD Ri.KATHCRlNJ VfDDfcK.SUPH rMRfT HCSTISS MOUSe 1 MAR HOSTESS HOUSE. VTX VTS08 HOST1SS HOUSfS IH GA AGO. TD-OAYTMfRt 91 OfTHfM. new wrk crrv Kfl 1 HI lINA (W2V i r r jt - . w i : r iw 1 u .If :;iDATIiERO tain Tyrus Cobb Steps From Height of Baseball Fame fo Fighting Ranks Chicago, Aug. JL Capt Tyros Ray mend Cobb, who this week stepped fro it th potlight of baseball lata the chemical division of the army, took with him th 191S batting honor of th American League. A thi Detroit star stood bowing bo fort tha falling curtain of tho game, faadoav realised, that ho had taken these first hoaort every year sine 1912, with tho eteeptioa of oao araooa, when in 1918 Tti Cpeaker nosed him .out. Cobb't averages, aeeording to figure crleased today, i ?77. Burns, of Phil adelphia, i jecond with 340, and George Kfcler, th RU Loom first baaeman, third with S37. Cobb, however, did pot ! la ban stealing, for Sisler, with a total of 40, leaJs by si over tho Georgian. Chap man, of Cleveland, aaadwiehed betweea them with 34. Chapmaa ii leading ia am riflr hitting with 34, while Shean, of Boston, ii eloaa np with 33, and Me lon U, Sheaji's teammate, nut with 35. liabo Buthth JtonatarLJLD'J Walker, of Philadelphia, .remain tied for honon ia homo run hittir.g with 11 each. Boston, 1918 champion, leads tho loaguo ia elubt folding with aa averag of 971, but ii tilth ia team batting with 248. Cleveland, tho run ner op in tha race, topi tho leaguo in batting with 260. Leading batten: Cobb, Detroit, 377; Burn, Philadelphia, 348; Sisler, fit. louis, 337; Speaker, Cleveland, 321; Drip, New Yr-3Q4; Wood,, Cleveland. 103; Baker, New Vork, 301. 1 Batting honor la tba National League rare probably will not be de-; tided nntil the final game of tha sea son Monday. Eddie Rouarh, the Cin cinnati star, ia pressing Zaok Wheat, tho Brooklya veteran, for the lead, ac cording to today1 average, which in elude game of Wednesday. Wheat's mark- is 341. Rouach Is three point behind him. There are only two mem ber of .the Chicago rluh, champion of 1tie league, ia the select group of 300 hitters. They are Hollnoher, the youth ful shortstop, and Merkle, who eonsid ered hi playing record of thi season will forever Ueneo those who dubbed him a "bono bead." ITalloeher, with an average of 320, dropped into fourth place, relinquishing 'third to Heinle Groh, of Cincinnati. Ma Carey, of Pittsburgh, i eertaia to finish tho race with base stcnling honors. He. has stolen SI buses, while George Burns, of New Vork, next in the list, ha 39. Bouach 1 the leading sacrifice hit ter, his total of 33 giving him a lead of fire over Mollwets, of Pittsburgh. Tn home-run " hitting Crnvath, of Philadelphia, tops the list with sevlsn. Cincinnati is In first place In team hitting with aa average of 278, while Chicago ia ieeond with 287. Chi'njo slso is second la team fielding, New York leading with 971. " Leading batter! Z. Wheat, Brook' lyn, 341; Bousrh, Cincinnati, 338: Uroh, CineinnrT I, 333 i HoUoeher, Cliicsgo, 120; Merkle, Chicago, 304; Burns, New Vork, 298; Young, 'Kew York, 294; Jernsby, St. Louis, 892. ! GOLFING HONORS. Chicago,' Aug. 31. -Supreme galling honor of the Women's Western Oolf Association todny went to Mis Elaine Rosenthal, of Chicago, for the second time when she defeated Miss Frances Hadfield, of Milwaukee, 4 to 3, in the J mil round. - The champion won the dtl ia 1915. The. Ravlsloe player, in taking the msntle fr-i Mrs. F. C. Letts, of Indisn Hill, who waa unable' to compete this fear, did not display the spectacular rolf that had marked her game during ,l:o preceding rounds. Miss Hudfield sa also off her game. ; September The First Fall Call For Fashions This the first day of the Fall - season, according to ouralendar, will re-. mind stylish ladies of Ljiewisarrnents. To see our exhibit is to know that which is truest and r best. The earlier you corrfe the more varied the colled, tion will be. Fall Coats Fall Suits ; Fall Frocks , Millinery Well see ours. 3. Glass Sit rsystterill Si. vim- ' ii & v lit .A-t-A i lift VV - : r I !! IFT SHOP. V W C-A- MOSTt HOUSE - CAMP 3ORD0K ATLANTA GA A prominent Atlanta business man was talking the other day about ac tivity which entertains the soldiers. He said he thought thut one of the best pieces of work that mon are doing for men at arms is the entertainment given in the hnatess houses. The women he was speaking to eiclaimed: "Women run the hostess bouse, didn't you know that I"" "I knew they were run1 by Y's, but Red Sox Will Meet Chicago In 1913 World's Series This Week Boston, Aug. I)?! Boston clinched the American League pennant by winning the first game of today's double-header from Philadelphia, 8 to 1, Ruth holding the visitors to three hits. Wntsnn who was hit freely throughout the opener, pitched all of the second gnme, held Boston to one hit, and Philadelphia won, 1 to 0. Scores: .First gnme. It. IT. E. Philadelphia )M ono 000-1 3 1 Boston VOU 130 OOx-fl 12 1 Batteries: Watson and Perkins; Uuth. and Schang. Second game: li. IT. h. Philadelphia 000 001 000-1 8 1 Boston ....v;;;;..ooo ooo ooo o l a Batteries; Watson and Perkiui; Ken acy, Bush and Hehang. Indians Are Winners -. .,. From Chicago Sox Chicago, Aug. 81 Clevelnnd beat Chi cago. 2 to 1, today in a listless game President James Dunn announced to day that his tram will disband tomor row night and not go to St. Louis for a Labor Pay double-header. Score: B.IT.E, Cleveland .... 100.010 000-2 B 0 Chicago 000 000 001-1 11 0 . Batteries: Eniman and O'Neill; Rus sell and Do A ermer. Lavan's Triple Does v Work For Washington Washington, Ang. 31. A trlpl by Lava with the base filled in the first inning gave Washington a lead in to day's game which New York .was unable to overcome, and the local team won the eontost, 8 to 3. Bcoret R.TC.E. New York ........003 000 001-4 7 '. Washington Trrr, . 400 WO OOr 8 8 -' Batteries, Love, Sanders and Han nah; 8haw inM Picinich, Browns Get Another Victory From Tigers 6t Louis, Ang. SI. Hard and timely hitting by Tobin, BIsler and bmith, en abled Ht. Louis to beat Detroit today, in the first of three-gam series, Rto 8, Beor B.n.E. Detroit .........S00 000 OOt 9 9 d Bt. Loui ."...013 010 10i- 10 1 Batteriest Wallace and Spencer ) Rog ers and Bevsreid. LINDUEY MURRAY WINS - WAY INTO TENNIS FINALS Forest TTills, N. Y., Angust 31 B. Lindley Murray, California, represent ing the Niagara Fall Tennis Club, woa his wsy into the final round of the aa nusl Turf .Court championship here to day and Tuesday will meet either W. T. Tilden,. Jr., '; Philadelphia, or Ichilya Kumagae for titular honors. Murray woa hi place in the final by dsfeatiag H. Howard Yoshell, National Indoor champion, of. Brooklya, 8 4, 0-3, KumagM tdvaaeed iron tha fourth BOSTON C INCHES AMERICAN BUNTING do yon mean that They are really run by young women f '"Of course they are, and their use fulness is a great for women and girls a for soldier boys." lie tried to argue that the Y. M. C. A. runs the hostess house and even called up the co-operating organization to make sure. He was gaily eonvivneed by tha officials that the Y. in question is the Y. W. C. A. There are now a half dozea new hostess houses in pro round to the semi-final at the expense of Lyle K. Malian, winning at 4 8, 8 .1, 8 0, 81. The Japanese will play Tilden on Monday. Conditions were far from favorable for fast play Ms afternoon.. The largest gallery of the week gathered for the two matches, however, and war rewarded by spectacular play. Murray easily held the upper band . the first two sets, but with the match turning against him in the third set Voshell lifted hi gnme to remark rblo height. He ran into a lead of 4-2. It appeared aa though the match would' go into extra sets, but st thi stage Murray chsnged his tactics and anchored himself st the barrier and by spread-eagling first at one side and then at the other, Murray's great agil ity and net-smashing, combined with his service racing finally gave him the b ad at 7 6. NATIONAL LEAGUE. . Clnbs W. L. Pet ChlcsfO 81 44 .451 New York 7f U J74 PUtsbargh 84 58 J25 Cincinnati 84 4 Jig Brooklya .. 51 88 .451 Philadelphia .. 84 87 .448 Hostsa .............. SI 8f , 4I4 St. Lofli 88 71 UM - J - AMERICAN LEAGUE. Claba W. U Pet. Boston .. 74 89 J97 Cleveland ..71 (4 371 Wsshlngtra .......... 78 55 J68 New York St 81 U91 St. Louie ; S7 81 AH Chicsgo .............. 57 44 .471 Detroit SI 78 .428 Phllsdelphla ......... SI 71 U8S NATIONAL LEAGUE. At New York M Brooklya 14. ... fmiadelplUs X-8; Boatoa 5-2. At Chicago 4 Cincinnati 8. At PitUbargb-St. Loata; rata. AMERICAN LEAGUE. I At Boetow 8-f1iloVrprM At Washiagtea 4; New York t. At St. Loala Si Detroit a. At Chlcage 1; Cleveland 1. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. At Jersey City 1) Newark 7. At Rocaester-llsmlltoa, double-heed-er, poetpaaed; rain. At Biagbamptoa I; Baltimore 8; (aec. oal game, poatpoaedt raia). At ToroaU 4; Baffalo I. Prior to the outbreak of war la En rope tha world produced approximately 20,000,000 tons of sugar annually, about one-half of thi being derived from sugar beet and the other half from sugar eaae. ' After Vacation Peel Your Discolored Skin Women retontbtf from the miUi wWi brawnad, nMiKd r frackl4 wmplemkM will be wiM a hMdUMf Uklni up the mnsIIm4 ni toMtnwnl. Wamtlier-bMt i kin tmd bat sent eff, tor M amount of "beoutlfytnc" wtli over makm nek skin protty So look at. Tho tur tatmL wM war to tho tho 4tolM out tela la with tha tnat- mont eon itos. rat tha wax aa feafora ra ti Hn a. aa vow would cold mam. and rinaa It ag nxt marnbi wit warn watar. Mtnota partitla of ocarf skia will oat) off dajr or dr. s-reduallr hewtn tha kaaltar. youthful kla senoata. On autw of awraensad wax, ehtahubk st anr dm stora. t aaouih to make am alHalorad ar iaU4 aoonakstaa flaar. vkta. and aatirr snrt, Ita artion la aa aoatla aa harm kt aavaaaS as the faas skaws aa araai at its r ( " ( "ssn. w f cess of construction in these seven States, of the Southeastern Department. The baby in the erib sitting up be tween Mrs. VeMer and Miss Geary i a guest at the house in New York, but there are places to take care of ba bie in the hostess houses of all these seven (Hate. The Gift Shop at Camp Gordon Is a popular resort for mother and sinters, fiancees, and grandmothers, as welt a for men in uniform. New York Wins And Loses: Phillies Also Divide Head er With Braves Chicago, Aug. 31. Cincinnati got an even break on the eerie with Chicago by bating out an 8 to 4 vietory ia the final game. Score i B.H. E. Cincinnati 400 020 002-8 13 1 Chicago 100 000 201 7 2 Dattenea: Luque and Wingo; Douglas and Killifer. Both Teams Hit Heavy During Closing Days Philadelphia, Ang. 81- Philadelphia and Bostoa divided - today double header, the Brave winning the first oa me. S to 2. in the eleventh inning and the second game ending 8 to 2 ia favor of the Phillies. Beorcj First same : R. H. 8, Boston 000 020 000 03-5 9 3 Philadelphia . .000 000 020 002 8 4 Batteries: Neht and Wagner; Pender gait and Adam. - Becond game: B.H. E. Boston 000 100 0102 10 1 Philadelphia 110 001 30x 14 S Batteries: Crandall and Wagner (TJogg ana Aaam. . , . Tonev Is Invincible But remit is Loser New York, Aug. 31. New York and Brooklya today broke even in a double header at the Polo Grounds. The Giant took the first game, 3 to 1, and the Brooklya captured the second, 2 to 1. Score: Brooklvn 100 000 0001 4 1 New York ........100 000 OCx 8 11 1 Batterie: " Cheney, Grime and M Wheat: Toaey and MeCarty. Second game: B.H. E. Brooklyn ......... 000 200 000 2 6 New York 000 100 0001 6 ..Batteriest Smith and Miller; Perritt and Karidea. " ' " . DONATING TOBACCO FOB THE RED CROSS Wilson, Ang. 31. At ono of Wilson' tobacco warehouse where a solicitor for the Bed Cross was taking up dona tion for the worthy cause, an old negro maa waa approached and asked if he. too. wished to give a "half stick." The old man replied: "Half stick, Buthln1 dat little bacco wont do aobody no good, no how." "Old man," was tho re ply. you don get me, if true, on tittles bit, aa you aay .wouldn't do very much, but a half stick from every load that come to Wilson ia the aggregate, would " amount to much and will go a long way toward relieving our aoldier boy who get wounded while fighting for world freedom and the little bit that you and other give will not be felt by th giver. "louse mad it plan to m boas, aa' ah aha understands you bow; dar' my pile er bacco; take it all if yer want it, cause you see ah' got two big buck boy ober somewhere er flting and if ah didnt gib yon sumpin an,' dey should git wounded and die ah be lieve der spirit would bant me t"wh dying day." Only the usual "half (tick" waa aeeepted d th old man promised to give from every load he market thi aaaoa, er an til th war ia eve. ' REDS GET EVEN BREAK WITH CUBS Boys' StiirdpCIotE Boys you arecaned TipoTriatake the place ol men in many-buWesa Jnstatntlons. The way you conduct yourself, and your neat appearance are the two most Im portant assets to your future success. Boy's Suits in Cheviots. Cassimeres,' Checks, broken checks" and striped effects 8 to 18 years. Price seasonable. , MeLeod & Watson uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiuiiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiuiitnnimiiiiiuin PATHFINDERS VILL I To Insoect And Log Branch Routes of the Bankhead National Highway At the recent meeting; of the Board of Director of th Bankhead National Highway Association, at Charlotte, th official route was adopted from Wash ington via, Fredericksburg, Richmond, Petersburg, Raleigh, Greensboro, Char lotte, Greenville to Atlanta. The Board of Directors deeided to adopt a a feeder,' of branch, a naval road from Petersburg to Norfolk, and one from Baleigh to Norfolk. A pathfinding party will start Sep tember 2nd for the purpose of inspect ing and logging these two branch routes. This party will be headed by Col. T. 8. Plowman, of Talladega, Ala., President, and J. A. Bountree, Secre tary of the Bankhead National Highway. They will leave Birmingham, today and arrive in Baleigh tomorrow. In Ba leigh Messrs. Plowman and Bountre will be joined by Morris Eldridge, U. S. Government Engineer from Washing ton, C. M. Vanstory, Director-at-Large, Bankhead National Highway, Greens boro, and Col. Benehan Cameron, of Raleigh. All live will go by train to Williamston, while Highway Engineer W. R. Fallis and Maintenance Engineer D. H. Winslow, of the North Carolina Highway Pepartment, will go by anto to Williamston. Tomorrow night there will be a great good roads meeting at Williamston. The following morning the mapping of the route will begin, the pathfinder head ing for Baleigh. Boeky Mount will pro vide a luncheon for the pathfinder and there will be reception and speakings at Konernonvllle. Kethel, Tsrboro, Nash vills, Spring Hope and Zebulon,. Tues- sjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiiininimiiiiiiiiiiia -Mil Fr-a High Prtcea I The Most Beautiful j Conceptions II In high-class, diatinc jye Jewelry are here rings, pins, - pend ants, la Vallieres, I ' neck chains, wrist watchesembracing the. newest gold ef i f ects. Besides, we still -I have a very choice I . variety of platinum goods magnificent diamond - set pieces, duplicates of which cannot be had until after Urfcle Sam wins the war. Watch, Dock and Jewelry Repalrlag. " "'"""wwi;m;'mng'iimiiimiiinin.. STAR TOMORROW 3 "Tha Spot CoavlndBg ' day night th Chamber of Commerce of Baleigh will entertain the party. On the morning of September 4 tne tart for Norfolk will be madt. There will be reception at Franklinton, War- renton and Littleton, and luncheon at Henderson. The night will be spent at Boanoke Rapid or Weldon and next day top will be made at Jackson, Mur freesboro (where lunch will be served), Franklin, Holland and Suffolk, the party going to Norfolk for the night of the fifth where the Rotary Club, Cham ber of Commerce and Tidewater Auto mobile Association will be hosts. September 6th the route from Norfolk to Petersburg and Richmond will be mapped out and the following day that from Richmond to Newport News. BR'ER JONES' COMMENT By ARCH HUNEYCTJTT. WHAT'S TO WINB TEH DO WHEN DE WAR GITS DONET What you gwin ter do when de war gita don . ... ' An' de time come ter r-eontnict When de fight hit' past an' d vietory won " An' de rotm' hsids don all plucked When dey halnt no nse fer de sword an' gun Wid d last big war lord ehueksd Out o' his place in de thinln' sun An' hit's time ter reconstruct! What yon gwin ter do when d war git done An' de worl' mus be re-built When you find Me wuck am jet' begun An' do bean we' all dona apilt Mua' be pieked np an' d big race run Wid a super-human lilt Tell you ehil' hit halnt no fan When a worl' mus' be rebuilt t What you gwin tsr da when de war git done -An' de so'ger all git home When de worl' 'wake np rem d aw "'-"" f ul tun , . .. . An' be tin i ter rub 'er dome When de orphana cry fer de toothsome - burf An' de cartwheel speak fer gom When de worl' hit' Je a senseless pun All lashed ter froth an' foam! DAT DRAFT EXEMPTION. Forty-fir an' pushln on Nigh ter forty -six ' Bloom an' gist o' youth done gon But d pep what stick Til de job am don complete In defiance o' defeat Hale an' fearless tough an' stout Dat' d man yon' eallln' out Forty-ftv but wid heart Ter hardships Inured Trained ter bear a manly part By de rtrif indured Through d long an' toilsome day Limb t steel an' hald o' gray Toughened in de fambly bout Dat' d man you' eallln'. out. WHILE ITS HERE. Summer tim hit' here , , Flittin' long d way Better git ome cheer 'Ca' she's slippin' 'way . Dry dat bitter tear Laugh come-while you may Summer time she's her Boon h'll glide awy. GONE. Trouble' toock de bushes! In a powerful hurry When he beam de fiddle Chuned fer makin' merry. IX TROUBLE. Uncle 6am h com ter in An' ted "You dine on hash Ingerns, green an' clever .hay long wid cawn-bread mash Over haul yer last year shoes Let me have yer cash -So a I kin buy de blade . -.. William' flesh ter gash." . , Lowed he had a fambly grudge Gin hat uirly Hon 'Ca's he tried ter eonfisrat Alt de shinin' son - LowM "I tol dat ngly beast To' d scrap begun All de foil wool,! back m up .J tar see da fun. "Got my-e'f In trouble . An' I's got ter have yer dough '. Don't know how you'll mak it When de win' o' WThter blow Guess de eh ill will git you An' de frot may bit yer too Yit I need yer money Fer d blade wid which tr mow." A LETTER FROM HOME. Lookin' far a letter Tom de oP foTu 1 horn Halnt nnthfar? better fer de 14 'erosf de foam When he' feeHn' weary an' a trlfi blui Likewise dreary fer de horn heart trui Long far a hearfn font d eP homi land Enow youi eheerln' fer da tra bhil band Pttll he' a weary fer A right if you "v Jet a li'l dreary fer de home hearti . true. UNCH LAW. , ..,, Hang de Nigger tar a 11m' Bave d eitry cost Foolin' any tim wid 1m Rho' ia tim don lost . Daf 'bout what d mob fok say Giv 1 Imp no tim ter pray. . 'V . Better put ha la d pen Keep 1m safe an' soun' Mak 1m feed de pig an hen Likewise til d gronn' Lls'n Honey, dat' de way An d ober people say W i ft wastln' useful hemp Breakin' of hi seek Better pen de' white eyed Imp Safe an' onn', by heek Mak 'im I'arn ter wuck an' pray Honey, dat' de human way. . " New Fashionable Fall Frocks 'Abundance here "on the busy corner" in Serge, Jersey. Trlcotina. Taffeta, Satin, Messalines, or Poplin." Eemarkably good looking styles, with tunics, panel effects with fringes or tassels in every imaginable color though Navy predominates, at prices that will make you think "NOW" Is 1914. Won't you come and look them over?. Jersey Dresses $23.75 Taffeta Dresses $12.95 v ELLISBERG'S Year Drew Shop "On the B u s yGer" ii