WTDM2DAY MORKLNG, IS, ISIS. TllE UZW'S AND OBSERVE! J HlMlTiiiiii M I .g We're Holding the J QUALITY LINE I Absolutely ' No 1 RETREAT s M Deal Experimeat la Clothes g now. You n Ay hare .enough g money 10 that you ran spend it S on doubtful quality, but you can't 5 afford to wast resource bow. H Make sura yon are right or you g will waste labor and wool as well J as your money. 3 At Boone's wo have laid in a 5 good supply of Clothing. Shirts S and Furnishings that right for 5 you like a true Ameriran and I "COME AND SEE" g is all we ask. ff We are just on tip toe for yon s to "Come and Bee" how much you j will save in good money at. s Boone's. You may not under H stand bow we ran do it but we H can explain and when you ac- H tually "Come and See" you'll be g satisfied. g Men's Suith . $5 up to $40 Boys' Suits. .$3 up to $12 i Shirts 50c to $10 s C.R.BOONE "Good Quality Spell. What Boone Sella." m;niiin:iiiiiiiiiiiii!iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iin The City Bank Sound, Safe anT Progressive. Burg lar and Fire-Proof Vaults. Courtesy, Con" sideration and Service Our Specialties. We will be pleased to serve you in any capacity. J. T. WEST . R. G. ALLEN ....President Cashier mamm Economy Week The Foolery Shop All Goods Must Be Sold. Owner Going to War. i x Mr. Man Come in and see the many values for you. 20 Redaction On All Shoes Tntr y US FayeUevill Street Mer Beslaees sad Bettor Besiaea Is a direct roaelt f aatsg Th yaw aU Oh-orfog CUssiA4 A, E Wm7 PATRIOTIC ACT OF YOUNG FRENCH GI Who Faced Danger To Carry important News To Ameri can Headquarters (Br The Associated Pre.) With the Americas Army in Lor raine, Sept. 17 The devotion of a French woman to her country was re corded at one of the American head quarters to which a woman whoso same cannot be mentioned had mad her way through shell fire and over a region tiled with gas and traps to bring to the allies Information regarding th Gor man. With her mother and younger broth er, the young woman, who is not yet since the day it fell into the hands of the Germans four year ago. Four other brothers are in th French army. The mother and daughter were forced to remain within the German line snd witness the day by day conversion of their property into a German club house. Daring those four years the two women endeavored to placate rather than to antagonist their raptor. From German officers who frequented th farm the yoaag womsn learned in formation which she recognized to be of the utmost importance. When she heard the barrage Thursday morning she determined to run the risk of cross ing the nearly three mile separating her home from the allied lines. Telling her mother and the others that she had work to do in the garden the young woman left the house. She slipped away toward the Ameriran lines although every road was swept by al lied and German gunfire. After many UtfflT0ltfe-Tinrmrt6w-Scapes the young woman reached the American lines, and told her story. In return for the information she brought, she asked that every effort be made to rescue her mother and brother. The Germans attempted to maintain thoir position at Soulevre farm but the Americans overcame them in desperate fighting. The mother and brother were brought to American headquarters to day uninjured and there was a joyful reunion. EARLY CONTINUES TO AVOID CAPTURE (Coatiaaed from Page One.) ington. "I have been a lifelong Repub lirsn, nut I expect to cast mv vote this year for a Democrat for Congress, I believe that if the Republicans should succeed in carrying the House this elec tion the news would be flashed abroad that the President, the commander in rhiejox our army and savyjhadbee.il repudiated by the American people. L. D. Giddens & Son iRm i. r.idd.M) Jewelers and Opticians Goldsboro, N. C. Special Attention to Mail Order. CHAS. N. GOODNO Certified Public Accountant . 1M9 COMMERCIAL BANK EtDG. Audits Accounting Systems PRINTING g M. J. CARROLL ? Raleith. - N. C j 0- PRINTING -O WM F. EVANS Attorney at Law BALEIGH, N. G 501-502 GUzeas Bank Bids;. DR. C. D. BAISS Dentist 2BS-2S4 Mamie Temple, Thoao 1487. Sealdenc. Phase 42. T BROMO SELTZE.R ; for HEADACHES. Raleigh Floral Co. r.alefga, N. c , Under N w Manaf e ment Mia Ethel Haynes, Mr. J. H. -Weather. Proprietor Choice Flowers, Satis factory Service. Special Attention to Out of Town Orders. le Mef This would heartea the Germaa .official class aad the Germaa army, and th war would 11 a result be eentiaaed sil months or a year longer thaa H would otherwise aad' ear bey la Frnsee would be kept from retoraiag home that much longer. There is ao argusseat ta this, and while I am for the war and for decisive defeat of autocracy. 1 it0 want our boys back horn a sooa a possible. Hence I shall sustain ear com mander is chief by voting for s Demo crat for Congress this fall aiy first vote of the kind." Reveaa Collect lew. The fifth internal reveaa district of North Carolina, with 8tateville as headquarters, more thaa doubled the internal revenue receipts for 191 S com pared with the preceding year, accord ing te a statement today by Commia noner of Internal Reveane Daniel C. Rnper. Th collection f.r ltll war $22.287,18.37, while the receipt for ISIS wer $49,88440.83. Th Xoo.ru district, with Raleigh as headosarters, collected $19,777,494.49 for 1918, com pared with a reveane of SS,B10W5.04 in 1917. These figures represent the fiscal year" of 1918. " Comparative receipts from laeom ana execs profits tax la North Carolina for th year 1917 aad WIS resulted ia u following showing: For 1917. $1.793.79.6: for WIS, $20,- 251.704.10-an increase of $18,457,903.40. Tobacco taxes, which is shared largely br North Oaroliaa, produced a rovenn of $156,188,859.90, compared with $102, 57,aJ4 la 1917. ' Soldiers' Iasaraaee. So numerous have been th com plaints, th inquiries and letter asking for information concerning war risk policies that Eepresentativ Edward W. Pou todnv sousht official information resulting in the issuance of the fallow ing statement from his office! "Many relatives of onr soldiers aad sailors hsve not received from the gov ernment the policies of insurance taken out by th boy in the service. This is a delicate matter and people hesitate to make any inquiry or iavestigation whil they ar. hopng and praying that their boya will come hack unharmed. "I hav looked into this matter and have ascertained from the War Bisk Bureau that the possession of sp olicy or even a receipt by the relative or the oi dier or sailor is not at all necessary if the premiums are being deducted from the salaries of these men. The govern ment keeps a record which of itself is full protection to the man in the service and to the beneficiary under hi lasur nee. " "It is said that in course of time poll eies will be, received, but any one can readily understand what an immense task it is to issue policies on the live of three or four million men. In any event, the government keeps a record and both the man in the service and bis benefi ciary will be fully protected if the pre niiums are paid. That is all that is eeesaary. "The war risk insurance bureau states that the policies are being mailed out s rapidly a posible. Tsr Heels la Washington. Among the North Carolinians in TCaxhinirtan today were : Mr. and Mrs. J. U Carter of Duplin county, W. Ei Brock of Wadeshero, H B. Varner of Lexington, who was re turning home from New York City: Alf Scales of Greensboro, Walter E. Edger ton of Reims. Mrs. Edward E. Britton, accompanied by Miss Gludys Pollock, niece of the late George F. Pollock of the New ork Brrald, have gone to New York City on a visit. Whilo in New York M Pollock will sign the necessary paper to obtain her bequest from' the estate of her uncle. They were accompanied to New York by Edward L. Pollock S Chicago business man. Marriage license was issued in Wash ington today to. George W. Mote of Wilmtngtnn airtAliila B. Lunsfnrd of Hemp, Va. Army Orders. Second I,icutenartt Horace W. Oshea, infantry, is relieved from duty with th United Htates army training detachment St North Carolina Htate College of Agri culture Ind Engineering, West Raleigh will proceed without dtlay to Roanoke College, Balem, a., for duty as com manding omcer or tue students army training corps unit at that institution Lieutenant O'shea is appointed acting quartermaster for this unit. The following named officers of the dental corps are relieved from their present duties aad, accompanied by their authorized enlisted dental assist ants, will proceed to Charlotte, and report in person to the commanding general, Camp Greene, for duty with base hospital number 132: First Lieutenant Harold 8. Coadit First Lieutenant Leander 0, Crall The appointment of Private Chris C. Hansen, quartermaster corps, as second lieutenant, quartermaster corps, U army, for the present emergency, with rank from September 11, 191., is an nounced. He will proceed without delay to Baleigh, reporting in person to the commanding officer, Camp Baleigh, for duty as an assistant to the camp quar termaster. Cost .f Malatalslng Soldier. Under direct loa of Brigadier General B. E. Wood, acting Quartermaster Gen ral of the Army, statistic have been gathered from the clothing equipage subsistence conservation, reclamation, and hardware and metals divisions of th Quartermaster Corp to indicate but what it eosts a year to maintain soldier overseas and la the United States. These statistics show thst th soit ii 1423.47 a year to equip and maintain a soldier oversea and $-127.7 H to equip aad maiataia ons ia the United States. Th War Department snthorices the following from the office of the Provost Marshal Geaaral; " "Concerns engaged la th tranvporta tiea within cities and along the public highways lswher of necessary com' modules my claim deferred classifies tion for their necessary employees na der th provision of th recent act of Congress referring to 'parsons engaged in industries, occupation ar employ went, including agriculture, found to be necessary to the maintenance of the military establishment, or the effective operation of the military forces, or the maintenance of national Interest during th emergency.' "In such cases, a In all othiri where claim for deferred classification made on this ground, evidence must be rabmttted to the district board to show (1) that the particular concern making th elalm It 'necessary to ta tnaist nance of the military establishment or th effective operation of the military forces, or th maintenance of aatlons interest daring th emergency; aad (2) that the individual for whom the claim 1 made Is s accessary employe of that conesra.' It' s peer role that won't work both ways. Th early bird gets tnt worm bat U's st wor,- - CLASSIFIED ADS. RATES 1$ Costs Per Lis ($ wards to th Um Black Case, 2$ Cestta Pee Llae; Bleak Sears. 1$ Oats Per Llaes Classified Displayed, tlM Per lack. Caih With Order Tveaty Coats Miahwam Ckargei Tea Per eeat dlseaaat allowed aa aevea or aaare Csasecativ laser tieaa. Cask mast aeramaaay all orders; Claasited Calamaa net gaaraateed after S:t p. at. 1 FOR SALE FOB SALB QUICK STTREOPTICON acetylene generator, bnraer, forty elide of Englaad, Fraaaa, Italy, reel of moving pictures. Mind reading act for two people. Old style Remington typewriter. A ay er alL Most be sold quirk. Address 4ewmav.Box.104. Holly Springe, N. C. 1 It NORFOLK. SELECTED OYSTERS, shrimp, clams, trout, bin fish aad mackerel today, a D. Arthur, City Market. it FOR SALE ONE MULE, ONE HORSE wagon, one spring wagon, one buggy Will sell right to quick buyer. Apply to C. C. Mangum, Pilot Mill, Baleigh, n. a is st FOR SALE BLACK PET BEAR, FOUR months old. Price $40.00. Mrs. H. P. McAdams, Mebane, 7f. C. B. 3, Box lof. IS 4t FOR SALE IN GOOD CONDITION Oao M horse power - Buffalo Pitts traction sngins, $1,000.00; one SS horse power Titea lnternstional gaa tractor, $800.00; ons number 1 Little Giant peanut picker, $200.00; one saw mill and Huskaa carriage. $200.00; one John Deere E-12-inch gang plow, $100.00; one lS-ineh Rosa ensilage cutter, blower pipe aad self-distrib utor, 250.00. One Ton Brrfith Forma Trucks $000.00. Address E. 3. Con klin, Plvmonth, N. C. 17 IS 1ft 22. MERCHANTS WHO BC Y COTTON seed from wagons should be supplied with our duplicate record and bill books. Prices: for 600 loads, $2.00; for'1,000 loads, $3.50 i by parcel post Union Bupply Co, Printers, Marsh ville, N. C. 14-7t FOR SALE WILL DELIVER THREE cords or more slab wood; four feet lengths, anywhere in Baleigh for $4.50 per cord. L. C. Ellington, Cary, N. C. 11, 15, IS, C FOR SALE RIDING SADDLE (PIG skin) and bridle, practically new, Apply Room 23, T. M. C A. Building, Kalelgh, N. C. ir.-lS-22 FOR SALE 1 Jaeger Gasoline Concrete Mixer. FOR RENT 2 27-E Foote Street Paving Mixers, One Cubic Yard Drum Capacity, with Traction Power and Distributing Chute. 2 Five-Ton Tandem Steam Boad Boilers. 2 Keystone Steam Shovel with Trench Attachments. Also other Contractor's Equipment Norfolk Equipment Corp., 601 Paul Gale-Greenwood Bldg., Norfolk, Yir ginia. Phone Norfolk 2117. 9-14 tf FOR SALE NATIONAL CASH REG- isters, latest models, 20 to 90 per cent less than factory prices; guaranteed Write for catalogue. The Store Bne- 1 1 , f 1 i Tl 1 ruuur. Kwswnj, hid nrouusay NeW Yflrf XrYr -T4t7 FOR SALB CHEAP ONE HUNDRED second-hand sewing machine; bar gain for right man. Marsh Le Co. Marshvtlle, N. C. 14-7 1 FOR SALE l&.SOO TO 2$,0f WASHED fsrtillrer bsgs, ia good condition. C. K Hardy, Msury, X. C. . 14-9t FOR SALE SALT MULLET IN BRINE rieventeen hundred pounds, delivered by express, anywhere ia North Caro lina. Cash with order. 8. D. Brown, Box 502, Pascagoula, Miss. 12 lit BRICK! BRICK! BRICK! PLENTY OF brick, Beady for immediate deliv ery. Box 797, Raleigh, N. C, Phone 452. -31 tf FOR SALE A NEW CORONA TYPE- writer, never used; will sell st cost, $50.00. Mrs. Jame 8. Rhodes, Wil llamston, N. C. 1.1-Mt LOST AND FOUND LOST MONDAY ON HIGHWAY BE- tween La Grange sod Benson, ladies' tan mixed coat to coat suit, tan kid belt and tan (ilk collar.' Beward. No tify Mi Velma Goodrich, Benson, N. C. l2t STOLEN SEPT. 14TH OVER- LAND AUTOMOBILE, MODEL 75, FIVE PASSEN GER MOTOR, NO. 37529, LICENSE NO. D-27. FISK TIRES, SPEEDOMETER READING ABOUT 4,700 MILES, TOP BLACKENED ON SIDES AND REAR, STEERING WHEEL. RE CENTLY REPAINTED, RIGHT REAR WHEEL LEAKS CREASE. $25 RE WARD FOR INFORMA TION LEADING TO RE COVERY OF CAR. A. W PHILLIPS, CARE UNIVER SAL AUTO CO., WINSTON SALEM, N.C. 17-61 FOUND IN CITY AUDITORIUM HON day service pin with insignia at tachment. One star. Owner can se ears asm by. applying at New aad Observer and pying for sd. ' 17 It STRAYED OB STOLEN FROM MRS. W. D. Buffalo farm, one brown mare mule, 7 year old, weigha'1150 pounds. Beward for return oV information leading to recovery.' 17,-3t LIVE STOCK POULTRY FOR SALE 1 BROOD SOW 14 month old, $.15.00 ; 2 pig 10 weeks old, $13.00. , Boy Yarborongh, Ban feed. N. O. - 1$ It PERSONAL TWENTY DOLLARS BEWARD FOR the arrest of Homer Odom, convict. White, Sg SO, weight about 140 lh., light hair. Last sees wearing bine shirt, yellow overalls, tennis shoe and whit cap. Henry Tsnt, Bnoer- intendent, MUdlesex, Korth Carolina. J J CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTED WANTED, GOOD UNDERWOOD. HoyaL Kemingtoa or L. C Smith typewriter. Give full desrriptioa, best cash price. P. O. Box 318, Ral eigh. N. C. 9-1 Wed-Sua tf WANTED B LICK OR DODGE RO A li ster or touring csr; give full deeerip tloa and 'lowest caah price. Bos 37S, Raleigh. N. C. WANTED DIICK CB ALTAI QUA tent aiaaagen; fia work, good pay. See George Frank, Bland Hotel. 1H It WANTED: NATIONAL CASH REGIS- tera. Will pay spot cash. State Bum here, description and lowest price. Write or wire, Ganger, 147 West atnd Rt, New York, N. Y. 14-7t WANTED IS.tog CLEAN. SOUND second kaad 9-bashl bags 20e to TAs each for immediate acceptance, stat ing how many you will ship. N. C. Hid and Fur Co, Rocky Mount, N '; - 13 71 ., iOB PRINTING ALL KINDS: PROMPT ssrvtea. H. & Start Ok, Telephsa ft. ll.4W.tf WANTED GOOD BURROUGHS. Walea or Daltpn adding machine. Ie- , scribe fully,' state cash price. P. O, Box i vi, Kalrigh, N. C. S-1S Wed Bun tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE FARM OF IM ACRES situated betweea Richmond aad Pet ersburg in Chesterfield county, Vir ginia on good public road. About 130 acres of open farm land that has been rested and Is in good shape to make heavy crop. Tenant house and very food barn on property. Trice $40.00 per acre, with reasonable terms. Write or call oa F. A. Burnhara, Chester, Virginia. S Bt FOR SALE 40-ACKE FARM. $J,W.; will take $1,000.00 auto; balance ea.ih or easy terms. Address "C-220," care Tr ws an iT TJbser verT IS TtTET GOOD FARM FOR SALE. THREE miles northwest of Louisburg; con tains 125 acres; well adapted to usual crops; especially suited to live stock Attractive offer to quick purchaser paying maximum cash and minimum in notes. Farm Owner, Bos 412,' Ra leigh, N. C. 17-.1t FOR SALE tt-ACRE FARM CLOSE to eity of Raleigh, 4-room house, 2 room tenant house, large bare, fine grove, good spring and splendid bot tom land. Baleigh Real Estate and Trust Co., Baleigh, X. C. 17-2t FARMS FOR SALE THE WILLIAMS FARM FOR SAI.I containing 725 acres of good high to bacco, eorn and cotton land, 350 acres cleared, with creek on 2 sides and navigable, 6 miles from Washington N. ('.. 3 miles from Grimeslatid, 1 mile from Coast Une railroad nd siding, with 6 tenant houses, 0 good tobacco barns and all outhouses and barn necessary, and plenty of gi"d water and as healty a locality as is in eastern Carolina, good church with in half mile of farm and srhoolhouse 1 mile, will also sell stock and farm ing implements, all cheap with one fourth cash and balance to suit pur chaser. , ALSO ANOTHER ARM, PRACTICAL ly same location adjoining the Wil liams farm containing 1,000 acres with 400 cleared, S miles from GrimeMand, with all necessary tobacco barns, ten ant houses and outbuildings, and stock snd fnrming implements, with same tnrms fend conditions ss the aliove Williams farm, known as th B.ak.ley farm. J. O. PROCTOR & BRO., GRIMES LAND, N. C. S28-.1M FOR SALE US ACRES WITH A ltd IT three-fourths elrarrS; three small dwellings, plenty outhouses, two to bacro barns, on one of bent roads in Wayne county, three miles from Fre mont. On reasonable terms. Writ Frank 11. Avcnrk, Fremont. N. C. 15-7t HELP WANTED (Male and Female) WANTED AN EFFICIENT AND Ex perienced bookkeeper; willing to pay the price; if yeu mind work do not apply, as it is very heavy at times; would prefer a personal interview at our store ; ae believe it would be bet ter for all concerned; you can get an idea of t tic Kork, and the way our books are kept; system, double entry installed by licensed public account ants; give reference and experience. Peebles A Purdy Co., Inc., Lawrenee ville, Va. 17-6t WANTED, AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED grocery store clerk, a man forty-sit years, young man under eighteen or young lady, age not considered; per manent position to right party; small town where living expenses are rea sonable; apply in own hand writing, T. I). Mender, Madison, X. ". 17-41 WANTED. AT ONCE, TWO WAITERS and two waitresses for first-class cafe. Address, Kaleigh ( are, Kal eigh. -14-tf WANTED BOOKKEEPER WITH EX- perienc, man or woman, for Bank of Dover. Good salary. Write 0. V. Hichardson, Pres., Dover, N. C. 10-Tt BOOKKEEPERS AND OFFICE As sistant seeking position, apply to the Burroug Adding Machine Co., Capital Club Building, Baleigh, North Caroline. ' 7 lit TEACHERS WANTED TEACHERS WANTED PRINCIPAL for three-teacher school $fl.i; primary sam school $00; several teachers for one-teacher schools $50 for first grade certificate. 8. B. Underwood, County Superintendent, Greenville, N. C. IM St WANTED PRINCIPAL TWO-TEACH er srhooi, $63 per month for 7 month, Good community. One teacher for intermediate- work, threetearher school, $55 for 7 months; good com munity. Triehrr for part at 7 and 8 grades, $fi0 per month for months. Steam-heated brick building. Write E. M. Rollins, Buperintendent, Hen demon, N. C. l-4t SEEDPLANTS PRODUCE FRESH MOUNTAIN CABBAGE, $2J$ per hundred pounds; crate contain 110 pound oa average; can ship by freight or express; expres prererihle, Cash with order. Winston Grain Co. Winston-Rnlem, N. C l-7t CRIMSON CLOVER; NEW CROP Durham county grown; high test. Robert Hackney. Durham. N. C. CUVSSIFIED ADS. POSITIONS WANTED WANTED POSITION AS STINO- grapber, young lady who has just fin ished business course. Beferences on application upon request. Address W." care Piedmont Business College, I.vnehhurg. Va. IS It WANTED POSITION AS SI PERIN- teadenl of good farm, eaa give best f reference; 40 year old; with fami ly. Have had eight years as superin tendent oa farm. Write P. O. Box Sr.. Battlehorc, X. C. IS 3t MIDDLE-AGED WHITE WOMAN wants employment as housekeeper in mall family. - Beferences. Address "C-23,,'vare News and Observer. It NURSE WISHES POSITION; PR1- vate ease or institution; give full par ticulars. Address "C 216," care News and Observer. 17-2t WANTED, POSITION AS DEPOT AS iataat by young lady srhooi teacher; UM .lvntwxiUlL.K!mf jmaJLlawS preferred; best of references. Ad dree "Iadustrious," care I U Gra ham. Bnlphur Hprings, X. C. 17-St AUTOMOBILES SAVE GASOLINE Install Holley Vapor Manifold on yonr Ford. Manufactured and guaranteed by Holley Carburetor Company, which company make !! carburetors. " for Ford automobile aad tractors. Absolutely guarantred by them and us to give rive to eight miles addi tional to g.Ulon. Will also use half kerosene and saves one dollar each time tank is filled. Insures easy -Starting and flexible motor. Simple to install. Money cheerfully refund ed by us. at any time withi ntwelve months upon return ' of manifold. Price $13.50, money order or cashier's check. ou take no risk. We person ally rcfjind..your money ULnuLjati- factory, rend for literature. r H. Ar PAGE, Jrv ABERDEEN, N. G 12-t. FOR SALE PRACTICALLY NEW nineteen eighteen Ford roadster equipped as follows. Dossier shock absorber, Yale lock, twin seats. War. ner lens, extra tire and rack, vsntil ating wind shield been used about ninety days. First check $600.00 gets it. Address C. E. Kogers, Wrights note), Bsleigh. IS 2t FOR SALE IS PERFECTLY NEW Ford cars, 9 tourings and 1 road'ter, Just unloaded and ready for deliv ery; will sell anywhere ia the State, JW. Gerald, Dunn. N. C. 15-M UUICK FIVE PASSENGER SEDAN, 10) i model; rua less than 1,000 mile in erfeet condition, with eitra tire and bumper, for sale;' $2,000; this car is practically new and has never been art. V. I). MacMillan, Jr., Wil miueton, X. C. 15-5t NEW MODEL OLYMPIAN CAR, ROLL- ing flow, best buy on market; we can get plenty of them at tljis time but don't know how long, so investigate, some open. territory for good agent; write us. Eure Motor Co., Inc., Stat Distributors, Ayden, North Carolina. 10-Pt HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED: AN OFFICE LADY OR TWO AT ONCE TO ASSLST ON BOOKS. MUST HAVE4 SOME EXPERIENCE IN OFFICE WORK AND BE ABLE TO ADD AC XURTLTELYV GIVE EX PERIENCE AND QUALJ. FICATIONS IN FIRST LETTER. GOOD SAL ARY TO RIGHT PAR TIES. ADDRESS BOX 503, FAYETTEVILLE, N.G. 18-31 SIX WAITRESSES WANTED FOR Collego Court Cafe. Apply at build ing. West Kaleigh. 1 2t W ANTED BOOKKEEPER AND STEN. ographer, capable of handling depart ment store, books; lady preferred; alary satisfactory to the right party. Address The Capitol lH-partment Store, Fayetteville, N. C. 17-L't MEN AND WOMEN WANTED, IS TO (10, to till thousands of vacancies and new positions in government service in Washington and elsewhere. I'er ninnent, higher suluries, iistriotlc work, easy hours, paid vacation. Quirk appointments, Write for fre book Nb listing positions. Washing ton Civil Service School, 279 Marden 1Mb.. Washington. D. C. 1 4 S II 12 15 If) 22 25 2f WANTED A SALESLADY EXPER1 ned in dry goods and ready-to wear department; stale salary want ed, when can come and givs refer rnces. Address "0-117," ear Nw and Observer, Raleigh: N. ('. 17-.1t RALEIGH CORPORATION DESIKF.H yriung lady office assistant and typist. State education, qualifications and salary rxperted in first letter; good opportunity for advancement, rust otlice Box 28, Raleigh, N. C. 17 It WANTED COMPETENT STEWARD ess for American 1'ian Hotel. Must be aa expert caterer, capable of earn ing a good aelurv. Give references in first letter. Address "C-tyfi," esre News and Obeor.er. B-U-tf GOVERNMENT CIVIL SERVICE EX- aminitions everywhere October Cth 12,000 women clerks to be appointed at Washington. Salary $1200. ex perience unnecessary. Women desir ing government positions write for free particulars, J. C. Leonard, (for mer Civil Service Examiner), 600 Ke- nois building, Washington, D.'C. 12 lit - HOUSES APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED TO KENT $ UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. Ad dress "C 218." care New and Obser ver. 1 3t WANTED SIX. OR SEVEN-ROOM house, close in; modern improve menu; will rent by month r lease for year. Address Room 303," Tuck er Buildins. Raleigh. 17-10-22 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CONTRACTOR WANTED TO CUT I million feet of pine timber by the thousand. W. B. Pope, Wingate, N a ...... u-rt CLASSIFIED EMPLOYMENT HELP WANTED L: l Lindtype Opcrtt Wanted Apply to Foreman NEWS AND OBSERV1 Raleigh, N.C WANTED. A BOOKKEEPER, subject to war service for f tor. Apply Box 655, Lambert C. EXPERIENCED MAN WANTED mall mill, te look after th m ry ia a sawmill and cotton gin weighing of cotton... Apply to Iavia, (!oswsy, N. C. 1: WANTED, AT, ONCE, PRINTER pressman. Apply, stating exper . with references and salary want, ths Herald Printing Corporation, folk, Va. WANTED TWO OR THREE i class- auto mechanics; ao Ford ialist need apply I if you desi " make a change and eaa deliver goods, call us over long-distant write I A. Clayton, Greenville, Carolina. . WANTED ONE FIRST-CLASS Wi barber at 70 per cent ; best job in Btate. Write of wire J. I. Lane, City Barber Shop, Bocky Moan C. WANTED YOUNG OR MIDDLE A man tinf anhieet tn Hraft. Inr fiyig department of wholesale bouse; prefer one with som k edge of retail or wholesale d Address- "C-219," care New and server, " -. 1 WANTED ONR OR TWO GOOD I or. Write at once. The M Bakery Co.. Fsyetteville, N. C. ' WANTED TWO LINOTYPE OPt tors and ad man; evening and ; day morning; union ; .: compe Foreman, Dispatch, Wilmington, C. WANTED SHEET METAL WORK One or more experienced men inside or outside wora, whs are able of laying out own work; pr mea experieaced in furnace and oral shop work, who will aot o! to roofing oeeaaioaally ; good : good living conditions; ten-hour -State wages expected ia first le The S. Ji. Parker Co., New Bern C. 1H7-18-1 WANTED CAPABLE YARD f and shipping clerk for band i cutting about 30,000 feet of pine, press and hardwoods. Address 212," car New and Observer. 1 WANTED . EXPERi L, ED DRY GOODS M CAPABLE OF BUY! AND MANAGING D GOODS AND NOT! DEPARTMENT FOR O OF LARGEST STOF INSTATE. ADDRES: COPLON & SONS, NI BERN, N. G II WANTED ONE FIRST-CLASS Tf mer for general upholstering and building automobile tops; must v deferred classification if in the 6 IthrboTTI tfSTHTfS 5 J: Transport Co., Goldsboro.'N. C. 1 WANTED-JUNIOR DRUGGIST ( t who is familiar with general r drug store; good salary; give r enees. Address L E. Bcoggia, L. burg, N. C. 1 WANTED A PRACTICAL FL mill man for manufacturing roller process flour. For further f ormstion. address P. O. Box Calypso. N. C. " WANTED REGISTERED DRUG good maa for general work. $125. Also soda clerk, salary $75. dress "C-201," cars New aad server. " i WANTED TWO FIRST - CI moulders; str.ndsrd pay; good ing conditions. New Bera fre V. and finpply ( .p., New Bern, W. C. ' SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN NOT f jeet to dr,ift, or ia deferred cln work retail trade ia North Car riling a well-known grocers' t ty; reference required; one wit' tail experience considered. 3. Fprd, Hales Manager, General 1 ery, Kaleigh, N. C. UP-TO-DATE MAPS, PATRIOTIC i tares, beautifully colored i war r world maps; wonderful sellers; profits; fasrvest for worker-, f era Mnp Co., Atlanta, Oa. HIGH GRADE SALESMEN WAN by largest company la th world realizing in accident and healt uranc; new policy pay for lo time from one day to life-time f tion ; you can build independent time income for yourself by g in touch with us immedistely. tinental Casualty Co., 281 Sou Itldg., Washington, D. C. 15- OFFICE SUPPLIES TYPEWRITER, NEW," REBUILT, boy, sell, exchange, repair all r H. S. Btorr Co, 122 W. Mart la I S-7f. RUBBER STAMPS WB MAKE Tl H. 8. Ptor- Co.. Raleigh. N. a 11 . BOARD L0DGIKQ BOARD AND LODGING; M furnished rooms, 105 South Wil, ton Street, Raleigh. 132 Fsyetteville Street Vis. - RAHEcCHy

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