Hit ILV5 AND OBSERVER rRIDAY MOILNING, JANUARY 3, 1D1S. i - i UilDSTOOSf.lALL 10 II PLAYFIELD Secretary Makes Biennial Be- r rnrt flft.?eetinrr cf Recrea- 1 lion Commission FLU CLOSED GROUNDS ' ' FOR THREE MONTHS But in The Remaining Time, Soma 4,000 Childrea Made Use of Play FacUiUe. . laek ef imimut fan4 to lave, ; H(tfM7 work dose that is what is i ; rodinf hack th Raleigh Rwfntisi Comrp issioa, according t tfc report j asad at th raawnioa meeting it 5 ; e'rlark yesterday after ia th aa i eeaibly room of th ChaasKer of Com j - a re. ; : CaiUrww Thirty Caaaa Ear. Over 3,000 ehiljr go to school ia 1 Ratoigh. to public aad prival arfcoolm. ' Tea appropriattoa e per aaaBaa. Ia other words, tha city allows about . thirty ceata for th reerewli af each f tha younger gBratioB : thirty real " ta keep tha yeas idea n k streets. , The 100 ia adraiBtatered fcy a -aiiaaioB consisting of thr rFBt- tivaa of the Womaa'a dob, eac froai th school board, tka ehif of poliee, the . Jndg of tha city eourt, oa frwaUie notary Club, one from the Oimlrf I - Commerce, th ' snperinten.Ieat ' of ; " aril oo la, flva teachers, oaa being .from tha high school, oaa from to mrr chaitta association, on from th civic league. Bad tha. executive of the lloy I ' Scout of America. Tha Paat Six Moalha. .1 Jaarlty', 'hiMn ma. as of ' ground dtfriag th moatha of Jan. ; - Jaly, AnfBet aad Hcptemtwr ; aad from i " SO ta tO a day were ia th Thompwa '- - field fro the ties it a orad. The J " report of the supervisor, Mia Hek-a r Adaat, reads; t - "Caataaaial playfrouad waa. opa every day, with th exceptiert of rainy day, j I from to II :1'l . m. atl from 3 to ! :T:30 p. as. Th majority attending ;wr imall hiWrnj oa account of the i f fant lhat -ry boy of any air ia ''th iiaitr of th piayirrotiad i ia ! aoTTlra. Quit a f grla of . high .i arhonl affc ram rrgularly. "Th aUendanr duriac t month i : of Jun waa: I'imt h ST1, wwd S work SH6, third w k 12, fvurth jrrt k j i 191 j total Ml. JiOy, th bat two anvks rwr raiay, and Ih laycTun. rlnnvl: 'f First rrk 110, neood w. k HI. Ihir- ing th emonth there a epi-lemie of whooping eotiRh, whith aff-trd very ,l ."rhitrf ia Ihe vteinify. i " . i "Atifiit, 6r) week ST, areoad o-k 5?UI,'lhinl week 115, fijiirth'week 1't; total UX Keiitfinlwr: !l'ir.t wo-, f wa:id week M , third k 113, fnorth i week l; totU Ivio, At raytM ArtiVltl Tfiini. hika aad Oaanag, kaittiog nd aeediework rlul for lb latgrr i; loy and grla; riag aad aingtng gwe, ( ,-liatehall, wiarblr and ruaa.aa P"1" - ' were rondurel for the malirr rfctl ) ?drr tliroiighont t) ratir aammrr. U'rh littl rhtWre-wr kC bBsy Jia -'lha annd-bol aaJwtth olher p- i ; "t'ljif.lrea from Iwth .jb.vground I hv aiilf d h RedTro- "lr karttMt I ad rollwtmg tinftiil; and ali ia wk- :iag eolton. - . tJ ' , 'Thnmpana playgroiio.! ' oired j "th thifd wh ia AugitafVad waa up4 , -every day after a'hol fd by the li'b 'hoo ftUII team. The aane 4 hour were olmerrrd u.U IVateaaial, i altli'iUkk th grouad waa full whether opea'd or elt'wd. There ire ."ij to ft rhildrea oa th grouad- mud of tha tima, iarluihng huaUy, aad gal hi r ' 1nr for moonlight wr at aght. 5 ""Th ground i ejui'H'l with two ; steel ili'Jea, two e-a, oa douM ; aand-boi, - baakethail aad volley tU raarta, giant atride, trama rourv-with-, oat harkKtopa, flae for football, aad horiaoatal Uar. irtl aw tag ara ld!y . needed. - Need Mora Maaay.. - fcTha taflaenaa epuiemie Horred work aa both groanda, aad it waa im ' poaaibla to. rontiau with work oa ap paratna, a th janitor himarif waa ill aad afterwarda gav hia lim ta th ' emrrgeaey hoopital. "With the..f rerJ.arpropritioa it i Qvercoats- With style and individuality built by the best known makers of high grade clothes. $20 to $45 GROSS & LINEHAN GO. Th Cloth wrM V The DE LUXE STORE Is the Store To Start the NEW YEAR With v Tor her you get "mort" than joat the equivalent for the money you pay. ' " fur, "rnor" it (K meri'hnndine '' at low pr'irra.and fine , quality. ie and tbnilutsautinfartiini to you alwaya. fur "mor7 i In K'v yni Hi lM la merrhamliw from "Tli Hn'"of .Kuppeiilieimrr," "Hteiii ..BlurVia :thvs. ;vnl attH in Shirt, ' Kdwui t'luip' and "flor'iheim" in Hlioea, and nil we ak ia "COME AND SEE" Y-u'll Find Yottr "Boon" it Boone's. C.R.10NE "Uood Quality Ppella What -I Boone Sella" It l.at nothler, Raleigh, N. ( . m-t to iinpoiuilile to iln itlitrivinr than to keep up Ih "wflrk already ttrd. A ay miKgi'Blions jirrtniniiiR to rrerration aiTtk that, ratri'-flftoe Hit h out un. will W ninretliaii unite fully rtH-eived." Th playgrounds nreentirely' inile iiendent of the arhonla, Imt il finHS" hmie of the rnmnti'iin Unit the new weretsry nf tH-hnnln will en-nperatf" with ihem to ihe grealfHt ritcnt, Hnlnili a one of the flrf Sniitl.i'rn eitiei la take up th playfirld i I 'li , and it in the idea of the eniiiniimtiiiii to ki'ep lier ha.l oitli thin miHlcru Idea of piny. - It Caa Be Done. With funds, lUpervinnra fur the pliiy groundu now in oieratin eon Kl lie c rured, and at leant two mure plnyAehU utarted. Mim Adiinn miRtfentii t lint the park oppomtu the iiiuim . market onuld l-e an eieellent jilnr for tennid Headache BMMiomach, bad braath and kindred dlaoidai mU0T BflOltA WW . ' The Clothier tkTi li BY il Evidence To Show He Was Extremely Radical and Not What He Claimed HITS FEDERATION LABOR. ALWAYS FOUGHT G0MPERS Proof That He "Advised Use of Shot-Gum and Other Un lawful Acts Chieaxo, Ifl., Jan. 2. On rroaa exami nation today f'ongreaaman-eleet. Vietor I,. Merger, of Milwaukee, at the trial of five gix iiiliirt leader eharged with x,o lation of tha eipionago law, waa 'con fronted aith an article printed orer hit gnat u re in the Hocialilt IVnioerut ie lleruld t Milwaukee, Jnly 31,' V.niJ, in whieh he adviaed working men to use rifles if necessary to obtain their right". Ou direet examination Berger had re peatedly declared that lie wan a eon nervative, and ronntruetive mM'iulift and that ha never adviaed the ue of ?:o lence. . After Berger hadjeiitified that he was opKed to thin country's going to war with Mexico, Ass'xlant District Attorney rieniing jirodm-ed a telegram' which Berger had sent to the editor of a New 'ork oeialit paper in Marreh,' IttIA, in isting t hot the t'ntted Ktatea aend ah army into Mexico to punish Villa. Co.iiitsrl for the government read to the jury au editorial written liy Berger in'the Mllwaukre leader, declaring-that capitalism Mas only one rauw of the ur nnd thiit the iiriiicipnl eMiae wat llerger ailiuitted that iiv llllti he fa vored a general alrike fo preveut this cou ntryj from entering the war. He sniif Hie I. V. V. hid stood the test as n cluxa orgnnizatinn and was aupefior to tha Ameriejin Kederation. Alwaya Fought (iompera. . " T'T liuii' fdiiglil S:iniuel Gnmper -foT thirty Veiirs," said Berger. "The An.er-. icnii Federal ion iif !,alor has always scild out to rnpihil.." Herger nduiitted Hint he was opposed to tha war, even after this country en tered it. . Attorney Fleming read an editorinl lev Berger in the Milwaukee Ijrader in which he demnnrled- that every mem ler of the parly aland (iiiirely on the lliiti-Hiir plulfonn of the Socialist, or get out of the pnrty whether he lie li'ivor or cnustalile. "Did you believe Hint Ainerienn r'lj' ts IiimI been vliiliitrd I y the sinking of the Liiaitunia " nkcd the Kedenil attnrnev "No, I did not," replied Berger. "ft nil an Kngtiidi vessel nnd she-waa car rylrrg war munition.- I t'.iiuk it wax e benstly thing to lo,btit nut auflieient rein-on for this eoujil rv' to gt into the ar." - '-' courts - if they, liml the money to build tlieni, The city commissioners miiko an np proprintion for keoping the children off the streets rvery June! lint appear nd verr trr inrrensing I lie uppnpriation. In fuel, it bus been cut in- the liift two yenrs from 2,tHH) to fl,,')"". The Hecrention t'omniission at the meeting yesterday cieclt'd lis oHirers: Dr. (hnrles. Ijee Hiuith, rhnirintinT ,1 uilge- V . 1 '. Harris, - vice-'eho irman t Miss Helen Ailniiis, secretary ;' Dr. A. fl. Hpinifler, treasurer. ". . . MASTER MKCHANK HAVE LET TOGETHF.lt MEETING Mr. C. L. Bunch Promoted To Master , Meehaalc. (HlKcisI to Th N. simI ObHrv. Hpeneer, .lanf 8. The master me chnnics of the Northern aad Kastern districts of the Southern Kniiway un der Huperintendent of Motive Bower E. C; Kassnr, held tt get-together meet ing with Mnster Mechanic H. MrHrida, in Hpenrer Monday, with all points represented.- While th husinea trans acted kiii routine, the meeting was one of much interest. , Th work of th past year on the Southern' Kail way y tern was reviewed and the lin up for thV'nrw year was gone over in detail, the .various officials taking a keen in terest in tha immense task before the railroads' of th country. Th lines un der 8iif rtintoa.lent Kasser include also th C. I O., ('. N. ., D. t W and C. 4 O. Tims In attendance included the following master mechanics, In ad ditionto Mr. Sosser, who presided: li: Me Brid. of friponccr: E. M. Hweet msn, Knoxvillr; (ieorg Akans, At lanta! J. H. Fetner, Colnmhia; J, 8. Breyer, fhnrleston t E., Fnller, Alexan dria; J. J. Robinson, Richmond j (J. F. Phuli,' Erwin, Tenn., and .Fred Simp son, Bristol. , An interesting feature of th meet ing was k dinner given by StiperintMd ent of Motive Power HassrJ;in his pri vate cat. This was a inmptuons affair and is thorough keoping with th holi day season and was greatly enjoyed by the master mechanic. i ; Effective January 1st Mr, V. Bunch, for several years shop superin tendent for the Southern at Hpenrer, was. promoted to master mechanic for the same company at Khet'6ld, Ala. This- ehango earn a a proraotioa for Mr. Bunch, who hs mad a good rrc. ord with th Southern at Spencer, lie" is regarded by his superior officers as a good man and the promotion was a deserved one. The . entire fore at Spencer regret to see him leave here but r glad to see hira win a nice promotion. To fill tli vacancy caused by the transfer of Mr. Bunch Mr. M. P. Stewart, for some years erecting shop foreman at Spencer, waa promoted to shop superintendent. B is a Spencer man, waa made. 1b, th Spencer shops and haa k host of friends who will be pleased at hi promotion. PtiH another rhang waa mad when Mr, ("has. Hum mere, for a long time the efficient tool room foreman, waa appointed erecting shop- foreman . ready entered Mr. W. C ." eol room fore th duties of upon hi n, Shoping was t man and hai. this position, It waa stat shot j that al keeping With tMflthrn RaJ -men and ma-- It lpossi " approprtalal? Charlt t th' Southern motions are in. I policy of th omote lis owa forcinea. i might be new Ragtf of Oyster if. BERBER POU EO PROSECUTIO CUHCUR4 HEALS PIMPLES On Uc. Caaaed tnibarraaarncnt and auflericf . Red and ewollen. Would break and run a watery cor ruption, alao burn and cauacreatleaa dcm and difigwrmnt. Taea Jus covered with pimple. Sent for sam ple Cuticura. Astonished at reawh so purchased mot. After ualng four cake Soap and two box Ointment waa healed in three wees. From signed atatement of J. S. Read, I (00 Alhburton St., Bakiroore. kid., Sept. S. 191. Theae fragrant cimollienta ar all jroo need for ail toilet purpoM. Do not fail to mrlud th julitty tevnted Cutxrura Takiun in yvu UmM prepantioa. 2hc Tnrwhr SENATOR LEWIS- ' REPLIES TO LODGE (Coatlnerd freas Pag Oa.) taking of the President of the Tnited States are, as eommnnder-in-chii'f of the Amnrii-an urmies. TtiAt he rein:iins in full power as couimauder until ithef full treaty or compact of peace has been finally accepted and peace deduced and the armies withdrawn as a result if that acceptance." Drawing a distinction between trea ties made by the President as head of the eivil governuieut and after the. war has ended and the making , of icace by .protocol- or opreenients, the rwiiutor I'reFidpnt serves as commander-in-chief agreeing upon terms of peace for the purpose of withdrawing the armies, and in doing so VxWutes the authority of the law and of the peace vested in him as executive and wholly apart troni th interference, the opposition, th at)- iNVVal,"OT reprrdiittmn of th SeuaiojL Senators Lodge aud Knox were hurged with heing inconsisteiit in tleir views. The Illinois senator suid postponement of the proposals for a league of nations and freedom of the seas would mean the war hud - lougbt in vain and aoiild bring uliout a repetition or the struggle. Each nation with claims and prin ciple at stake,i as-if believes Iheni, he continued, "seeing no method existing through hicli it ran scrtire peace and 1 1. tain its rights will turn to the only oethoil left and which has just been adopted war. lu justice to the distinguished sen ators, they do not mean that America should enter upon such cowardly 'rourse. They r only - anxious to secure the present, that it .might be charged against ilson that he failed iii securing the only thing of material worth for which the nation fought and her children died. Then a political ery to come forth proclaiming Hint the Republi can" Senate tntrr .constituted after the December session will undertake the If luedyiiig of this wrong, and make the presidential ismi upon the charge of erJidy agalnstr onr President -and in f.lmy agaiiuit our party." In closing Senator )wi -said Hie muntry must see "the emptiness of kliosa4irjitjiSts4Jhejajitjif substance in the rriticisms and urged united supMirt for the President while he is on foreign soil "contesting for the su premacy of the I'nited Slut.' To Relieve Caa la The Stomach which disturbs your sleep, just try on Star bottle of LAX-FOK WITH PEPSIN. A Liquid Digestive laxative for Indi gestion or Constipation, ricasaut to take; Now madu aad recommended by the manufacturers uf Grote'a Jasteles chill Tunic Adv. " ' . Place the curiosity of a woman be fore the earner, anrj the result will be a pietnr of some maa. . Put yourself into this fleecy warm Hanes I TwJrraao'iv- rvnrl clfllo You never bought greater underwear warmth, comfort or serv ice in your life at any price than is ail yours when you put your good money into Hanes Heavy Winter Weight Onion Suits or Shirts and Drawers 1 And, at a popular pricef You compare Hanes garments and Hanes prices with any other underwear, then youll realize Hanes is th greatest under wear value you ever got hold of I Read our guarantee ! Every desirable feature guaranteed unbreakable seams, elastic tailored collarette that cannot gap; pearl buttons sewed on for1, keeps I And, behind them all stands Hanes quality and workmanship in unoeafaofe combinmtion I Greatest Winter Underwear Don't delay an hour wear. Demand this year is greater than ever. You must take tage of your dealer's full greatest underwear bargain I Illustrated hera is the Hanes Winter Weight Union elastic knit ankle cuffs suits are perfection. Drawers for many years popular prices. They are Greatest Underwear for boyi! Hans Boys' Union Suits eaceBcl ia quality, warkaaanehip as4 aarvir any boya' undt war w have srt hw. Tay are ao partly made with an onoMsl Sntah and eorobin th hstur of th eves' (rmnt with cosy warmth ao ideal lor young.. Ia raiiy, ttviyV aB wlta ia boy tffm. if. ltj9r dr V met heratKawaa s.., . Uncfersswar writ imaasdMraaJ. $ P. H. HANES KNITTING COMPANY WinstotvSalem, N.C G Desperation of People Over Scarcity of Food and Bol-r shevik Outrages X ' londoa, Jaa. 2. ritish Wireless rVrvice.i Dlssatis'sctioa aad despera tion m Pctrograd, caused by the alavost complete d:saporac of th aeeea saries of life aad the aysteai f gov rnment ia effect BBder Bolshevik rule, are so widespread that the popa lace is oa th verge of aa outbreak, areurdiag to Daaish buaiaca sill who has retoraed from Russia. "Conditions ia Petrog-rad are ex (eedingly depressing, he said. "Except for the Red tiuard aad its agents, the whole population ia ia dirert need. Petrograd la far to fce wijh ola plefe starvafinn. "All the big establishments aad th fa'ctorie have bees aatioBalixed and are fit her closed or ia half working order. "The preaeBt svstera of govetwrneat is creating general tarnatroa and the misery in which the majority of the pi pillar ia living has fostered dissatis faction and desnf ration, which are grad ually spreading nad whieh a red only a spatk to break eat into flames. NORTHERN PACIFIC " j IS STILL AGROUND (Contiiiaed frcsa Page O.) . been turned into a ' huge emergency hospital. 1 ' Deep 1b th Saad. ie Northern Pacific waa tonight .. . ,m : tstinffl tier xCI. iter w-ueriine ia bow mnj feet above the -surface. At prvweat, there is no fear that her "lack, wUI I brok en, cs one naval officer' ew.trssei! it. It was remrted that the' vessel bad so far settled in tins sand that ter en gines ere offetticd. A heavy ground swell -spcoBg- oai of lirr picti.4l:lit a slight leak in her iMittom was repaired late today. Ridiag At Anchor. The rescce fleet toniKht is riuirg at anchor in a grest romi-eirrli- around the stmuded trausfxtrt. TUe.r lig'its soon from th" s!iore riace a luminous half-moon of t'e rea, whi'e ,c :i the beach, pntroX-4 by so'diers, from Camp Xptoa, huge bonfir- s are blaxing. The next timo you luy ca!otAel ask for The purified ccJsrse! tal let that ar entirely free of all sickening anrj tali, rating effects. . .idaai firt, wtl, kr.-wwtl Cesraati. ky yaw VisL 8e!t! Jyasclpstaage tduSSc PETRO RAD IS 0 VERGE OF OUTBREAK HA mMmsm CLASTtC KWT Underwear going to your dealer and getting Hanes Under stock and bay now ! Don t mtss out Suit. The closed crotch stays closed : tha assure snug fitting. In every way thesa Hanes H.avy Winter Weight Shins and have been the Amercan standard at unbent table for warmth and comfort I NwYk OHi, 16 Bwwtiy , : THE BAYER CROSS J, CP"Uk' 01 A eoi Aapiria. ttrli." i .. ., ,,,,, , T Byt Cms Imsgiaalioa ia responsible for half of our troybles and our fool actions tr responsible for the other half. Magjc Relief ' for . Bad .Stomachsifl ' - Eor:lndigenGas?an'dJWiJ3 When- yoor'mr1i-?wur'anifT4utri into - aid: and: pseij 'n. your food -1avj -lite 'Itad -"Tttfosiiij io till I Ll ill li.ll' IT- '"hT. v "Rc!iif is instant I i- Nolw. SL-k, sour, - jmt b crdcr - xt Costs loilittJc-AAdnisstof Pace's Urs r " ? "v T.W.DC . ' . 17' ' ' - Formerly Dobbin aad FerralL I ' ' !''.' J ' R A L E I G H'S ! YARD "GOOD S STORE We Sell Dry Good J"or Cah and Mark Our Goods At Cath'Wicea, January Cleiice Siale YARD Several Special ftliTlaOV ' ad wan on this Heavy SI I I :nir ' ;:. Vsx V - L-?u: !:7 f f' i . 1 S irBBf otfmrmt mm Hmnmm im ,f - -tfrwt Even the fellow who knows it all it apt to fool you. lie may kaow some thing, after all. ' . j . upset ;stomac!) -ere - onc. l-TnjJ I . D iapsin -cSl4tS?rec iBBIN CO. of GOODS Tables of Bargains CUAKAKTEI W raita Htmmt ' Vndmimr o(ljr rry thrmmd, mtitek mmd bittrn. Wm iumnnt r return four monmy er fVv vo s new iramnt H tmf :, ftnt nmS. , rauiaMM J,rmrf ontrma am nattaa ta m fafM wni m s,r IM tha Haima " labak wium it IBS SJ BBwk I M . " - s W t- ' ' '.. , 1 ! !!i ; ."wi. -awa I.ViSC'ti

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