TUESDAY MORNING. AFRIL 22, 1919. rebuild:;:g world IISI!I DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK! III Hnvt You Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver and Bladder Trouble?- THE frffiWS AIO) OERVER CA1IAI 1 SUPREME TASK 15IIIIGC01SI Ouldren wake up with a dean Toiviue, Sweet Stomach, dear Head. All Feverishness, Diliousness and Constipation Gone! Delicious, Laxative! MANY COLLEGE ALUMNI v . FOR EASTER EVENTS former Student Here Tor Baseball Gam and Big Fraternitj Dance . Th htata Csllego-Wtik ("orent base ball game toil the Phi Kuppu Alpha dane proved to Iw big attractions lo hTNeria ivruilng Bin nrnmm wt ) nnd nearby Mutes. Many cumo lo kaleigh far (hen Lanier Monday evcnla. Among those seen on the campus during the day were A. Htewnrt Bo Ihune, Clinton; Aubrey R. Wadildl, Duke; E. C Bugwelt, Hamlet; Nnthan - LeGraud, Hamlet, Capt Herman K. Winston, Youngsville; George V. Strad lor, Hoaaok. Va.; W. M. Cbambera, Xlabca, W. 'a.; J. M. Parker. Con way; L. C. Flouraoy, Darlington. 8. ('.; Raymond Crowder, Pittaburg. a.: John II. Hippie, Lesingtoai Joeeph G. De Berry, Rponcer; Lt. W. r'owlcr Morri. on, tamp Bragg; W. Weynian Price, Dayton, U.; Ewing 8. Millupi. fitttre ville; Joel B. Lawrence, Statesvltle; U. W. Baker. High Point; W. Preesley Davie. tMovnll; Wm. H. Corbitt, Mender soa; Charles W. Parker, Savannah, Ga.; Charlea D. Milver, Greensboro; Hm ell P. Harris, Louiaburg; J. S. Howard, ttory; A. Kdgar Harxhnw, Newport News, Va.; Harry T. Rowland, Hen ileraons M. S. Martinet, Baltimore. SJ.I.; Runsom Handera, Hmilhneld, and Jamei Cooper, Henderaon. Habitual Constipation Cared In 14 to 21 Daya M.AX-F08 WITH PEPMN" ia a .specially-prepared Hyrup Touic-Uca-kite for Habitual Constii ktion. It re ' here promptly but alieuld be taken regularly for 14 to SI dayi to induce regular action It Htimulatea and bVgulntev Very l'lcnaaut to Take. (We ier bottle. Adv. Germans To Send Six Ministers To Peace Conference (Centlaaed Iran Page One.) way trek to begin with, without await ing tho action of (he government at Weimar. The text ot the treaty nnd riifiicult pointa ai they arise would in the meantime be communicated to Vei ntar. There la little eipectation In compe tent conference circle that it will be possible to flntah the discussion with the German delegates and have the treaty alaned within a week from the tlate died for the first meeting. In- Iced, the completion of the .icgotiatlotil within aurk 'period waa declared to be - a phyaical impossibility. Similar Situation Before, It may be recalled that the conroca I on of the Portiimoiith Peace Confer' tare wns somewhat delayed by a simi lar point regnrding the competence of the rredentiala of the Ruaaian dele rate. Russian official atated after President Roosevelt's invitation to the conference had been accepted by the Kmpersr that delngste were bclag aeat merely to learn on what bane Japan waa prepared to enter into discussions ad that a dec i ion whether the ncgo Pa told the grocer "Send up six boxes of POS' TOA5T1ES in the morning . I don't want in m 44 1 I! V laWe tU.tiae would be continued en such a basis would be taken at Mr. Petersburg and not by the Russian representativee at Portsmouth. Japaa immediately aaaouneed that alio would not exwd repraaentativee ei-j eept to meet with fully aeeredite'S plen- j tpotentinnes authorities to negotiate peace, and after a aeeond iulerview by the Ameriran Ambassador Georg. Voa I Meyer, with tha Russian Emperor it waa riluctsstly declared that the rep- rcsct(atiys would lie plenipoteMiariea. A preta reprirnTlJivenio"wer,'Wni!a llk.t Ml.i i.rn m tttttt nln iliiil AH t ilir til tku epigraai that a plenipotentiary waa a representative fully empowered to do UK he u told. II a yea' Healing Honey Stops the Tickle, Heals the Throat and Cures the Cough. Price Me. A free aPV-.TBTK HAI.VK tnr Chest Colds. Head Colds and Oro.ip is enclosed with every bottle.-Adv. . ; , i Italy Postpones Her Parlia- l rL-ji-.i. ts:n Am i mem; ueauiug. dim uu tCaatlaaad fram Page Oae.l that the allies would le nl.lc to give the German niore tkau a summary of their peace conditions at the drat meet ing at Versaille owing to the length of the decumeut. Tnlk of the German government send ing merely ''messenger to Versailles to receive the pence treaty is discounted by offiriat information received by Mnrsliul t'orh thnt tin German delega tiou will consist of aix high personngra, , headed by Count Von Brockdorff-Kant rati, the foreign minister. New Treaty Prav'siea. A new provision of the peace treaty, Intemline ta make i IB doss i bit anv at tempts of the Germans In utilue out-, side forces to re-establish their military machine haa Wea approved by the council of foreign ministers. Thin ia prohibition of thi sending b Germany or military inatruciora io toreign coun- . . n' i . mi t i . i .w President W.l.on e.nferred at leagth Monday with Baron MaHa aad io - count Chinda of th Japs esse peace delegation. The general atnke ih Berlia hi od. , , n . ., . . .rf!"U,,r v To the Editor :-The 534th Engineer I a colored argaaiuttion, officr aad non-commiMioned officera white. The officera and non-eommiasinned omcer of tbl organisation ar mei of profee- sions, and trade such road builder, lectrieal augiaeera, automobil ma - eliauica, construction engineers, con crete worker aad bankers. Kinety-flv per cent of the white men of thie or ganisation ar from the Mate of North Carolina aud ninety per cent of the col ored troops of this organisation a re farm labor and are from the atatea of North Carolina nnd, South Carolina and It Is np to the State Highway Crm miaaion, eontrartora and farmera to urge upon the War lVpartment tbe neces sity of having thi organization aeat home immediately. v GEORGE H. HARR18, Sgt. Co. ' B." SHih Engineer. A. P. O. 731, A. E. r. any riot my house. ....... , st do love Ihese corn flakes. Secretary--Glass Appeals To Country in Behalf of a Pi tnotisnr ot Peaci Cincinnati, ,0'o. Aprir Jl.-jt-tary of the TreMury Carter tilaaa ad drenttl the r fWiNnitetig of the peeaent Vietvjr lata d.tv at Muile Hall kera tonight, telliaf af ite pur poeae aad need. Re at g;i a tre uadoua wekome, the tall being ailed ta eeerflawiag. It. Clajea urge4 iadivldual aubaerlp. ttoaa a4 atated that U waa the aureet meana in the world of "ahooting to deatH tbe apirit af Borsheviem and of impreeaJeg wpoa the peeila tha wpreaie impurtaawe af good ardela govern ment ' facratary Had Baay Day. Tka aaeratary arrived here early la taa day an4 waa eeatinuoualy fcqay la eeaaeellaB with Ua loaa drive- The (tncinnati committee having In charge taa km! fampaic, M if iaapired by hit praaeaee, epeeded ita verk, and bad tka pleaanrg af reporting to Mr. Otaai pereonalry that aubeeriptione totalling $10,656 A, or over one-third of Cincinnati and Hamiltoa county ' ajuala', had haen pledged beere aean. la kia Mualf Hall addreaa Mr. Glaea said': "A werkl la ta le rebuilt. Should we timidly puaa aad debate aa to who hould rebuild itt Not far aa hour, gentlemen. Tka eaterpriae aheuld be etarted 'fight away, here ia Cincinnati, by the blare af year furnacea and tha whir of your nulla and the dia of a thousand Rentjal Industrie. It ahoukt read, In henlthy progression, to tha attermoat parte ef the land. ' I Maet Meet Obllgat; r ThTTknierreaa people L I .L. - . Ohllgatleaa. ehouid aup- plement tka pafariotiiaa of war by the patriotism of peaoe, aad juat aa Ameri can soldiera da the fields of battle made notable conqueata for liberty, ao Ameri can business men 4a different way and through different inatrunientalitiea, should now give txpraaaioa to their l"otism by promptly. a,d eheerfully obligation of MUseaship which engeatly laralv triumph of ,MlTjr whwj foneaquenee, ta the gt their nlti- greatest vic tories f war. Council of Four Proceeds To Take Up Other Issues (Ceatlaned from Page One.) . the rouneil was prolonged through Hi day. K alf eat Tenalen. Tb second -meeting of tb council wi Held at o clock.' Ther was ma feit teaaion ia nil quarter over the acuteaee ot the issue. Premier Or lando waa prepariag to take traia at i o'clock In the evening for Roma to . Isy tb aituatioa before parliameat and only a few hour remained t de termine whether be could carry tba re P,T wn,IB nwauea wnn miense I " 1 ,0, !' toulr ouncment I mV IBde provement In ;;Vin. " - . The President s visit to American ! hdquartera at noon lasted about an j B0),r ,t WM w,d, tletr hi th, U. Jurthm WM Mriou, ,,d th th, PrMi, j dri determination was irrevocably 'against aay recognition ef th secret S treaty of London, on which Hal? largely j bs her claim for th eastern Adriatic coast. Th delegation gave it full tr"1 t0 lh FwideBt'. attitude. j, lh, wtttiat efforli l0 W0Beii, th, difference in th council proceeded, i with Premier Clemenceau and Premier Lloyd George atill hearing the iaeieteet ' presentation of Italy' claims by Prs- j inier Orlando. . ' COl'NCIL Or MINISTERS APPROVES NEW PROVISION. Paria, April 21. The council ef for eign ministers today approved the pro posed prevision of the peace treaty ia tended to forestall any effort the Ger mane might make to re-establish a mili tary machine by utilizing outside forces. The article prohibits the tending of German military instructors to foreign countries. It waa referred to the draft ing committee. It was realised that, however, com plete might be the restrictions upoa I Germany by th limits) ioa at her force j d armament she still had ia her , i power ronatdr rable force that might "be Indirectly employed at already iadl- I rated by the deapatch of Gcrmaa effieer ta Russia. It ws pointed ent thnt n- less thi practice wa cheeked It would be possible for Germany to ereat a practicable fore ia Russia. Thi menar ha become particularly signifirsat in view af report of aa al liance bctweea Gcrmtay aad Russia. Th miaisler alio approved tw rot mmadatioa af tke Suprcm Eco nomic council. The Irst rccommcaded that tha Germaaa be requested t toad as aooa at poaaibl te rreace tKbaleal ctperta on food, rhipplag raw material, trad sad eommuaicatlon witk full power to negotiate end expedit eeo aomie relation bctweea Germaay aad th allied ead aatociatcd power. Th teeoad rcom mended that an la lar-allied commiatiaa be appointed t eo-ardiaate th ad lnlt ratio ef th economic, Industrial sad food ques tions in th occupied regions la order t bring these civilian function aader a aingl bead and t tk same time af ford a rhaanet af eommuaicatlen for th military authentic. TO CONSIDER PROPOSALS TO GIVE CERMANY RAW MATERIALS Pari. April Jl. Tks ' suprmt c smi counsil will meet tomorrow te consider proposal to great s limited supply st raw sutcrialc, sstably sol to, t armsy t enable the factories LOST PEARL BAR PIN, AT YAR barasgk sr Aesdcmy f slsmi, but sight. Reward. Retnrs ts Bot S44, Pranklinton. STOLEN OVEKLAND MODEL II Tcuriag car, State llctsM sambtr eS frost tJlcOi lieeuM ssmber SB rear i left rear feeder badly beat, bet Itralghtcatdi gatsllss task smsahsd s left aids ; tsar is top ss left tldsi gssoliit Has repaired wltk rubber . lubiag ssd sdhceiv tap. Reward for Isformatios Jccding t retnrs. Wire ar phone Dr. B, B. Bsywosd, Jr, Raltlgm. -' Fosuin FonoES ail ii;g SKID to ir:.pno'JE Te ea rtat af nnetghUr skin trwable ameto leisrsnesd aeMe, Mmtw-t, eatisfaetiea. If jwe aatwiaa freaa Sinn's dtstosee has lHa asnanee, pan are eatttled t real svtM, tke rstsnf tJurt fmbm aa aemg row awtsklr. It maaaj the nmrll ef kaHg shert and fleasaal A Utile a a leaf wey aad asei a areal den tha tkta rssfeaes e tiiekly ItaMag Irriwtioa etsae. PNalei and Janhse ge, tad. hart of alV Peslam will ant, enit aet asrsa. Held everrwatre. f free, aae write H EOfswrs Uhoraterlse. lit WoM 'U H. New Yert CHjr. I'aslwi taa h) the tank Me fee the skin arts wUI fmaea and boutifr four comniealoa. ( Adv. I there t atert werk tad taTeliava tha nnemplcyaieat which ia Mid to be at tha bottom af much at the disorder la Germany, Tbe caaaeijit la laid lta wtll reTiee rag yUxtleai for Uermaa u part rejqlrd ta pay for food import! aad probably will discuss the aew eco nomic situation created by the slacken ing af tha blockade regulatioa aa as plied ta Germany's neutral neighbor. (Shipments may be made freely after April 23 from tha Vailed mate aad associated eauatriea when eonsigBcd t neutral control organisation uch as the Netherlanda etreraaa trust aad tb Swiss society of surveillasca without the necessity of cabling application back and fartk across tbe Atlantic. ITALIAN CRISIS. OB9CTRED IY INCIDENT WITH GERMANY. Pari, April SI. The Italian critic I tn negotiations with th Peace Confer tnte waa obscured for th moment by th Incident ever th German delega tion to Veracities in which the German announced thai they were sending dsl- filet ' 'Wtlnawf - pltpWtWiy " powr aad th Caua.il ef Four promptly r piled requiring delegate with full pow er to lga thi peace treaty. Thla ia eldest was "vtrlously interpreted, th Preach and British view being that it waa another effort to deity tha ett le nient and to par tha way tor a refusal te iga tha treaty. Th view takta by th America a delegation ot th inci dent however was lea serious, it be ing believed that th German would promptly accede to the allied request and send the proper plenipotentiaries. "They will do about anything wa want them to do," said on ef the America dulrgate today. "And if w want trleai- .-.:-! . L 111 A tk II raivqnwivi mry win kmii mem Tbera wae little doubt that the allied : military and, naval authorities had taken i measures to meet the possible emergen-' cy of a failure) to tign th trety though It wa caid these mcaauret were. purely precautionary and without any eipec tation that there would be oecaaio to put them la operation. SECRETARY LANK GUEST AT LYNCHBURG MEETING. Lyaebburg, Va, April SI. A pared thi afternoon led by a whippet tank firing blank cartridge li in which vetersaa of tha war participated, and a rally tonight addressed by Secretary of tbe Iaterior Laac, opening tb Victory Lean campaiga her today. Caavass rt will begin work tomorrow wltk th purpose to secure Secretary Glass' horn eity quota f 12,380,400 by Wdnci dty night. STRENGTHENS KONEYS-A PURIFIES BLOOD Toe ceat ipet weak kidney to Iter tk acid and aeUan eat af year . fta Bale tbey arc give a little kelp Daa't allow tkem ta ksfsm diaaaaed whoa Httl attcatiaa aew will pre vent it DttVt try to cheat nature. A aeaa a yea aammana ta kav aaekaek. feel Bervaaa and tired. GET Bl'SI. Tkeee ar wauallr warainti that swat kidney are set warning set daisy e mlaate. O eftae th can af year allacaU ar yea may dad yenraelf In tke grip af aa bearable dis ease. OOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil ras cal will give almost immediate relief trait kidner troubles. OOLD MED AL BatVlem OU Cepaul will d tk wark. Tbey are tba pore arirtnal HaarUm Oil Cspeuls imbartecf direH f rem th labaratarfe ia Basra, Hal (sad. Ask year drwggiet far GOLD MEDAL sad aeaea B (whatitBtea. Leak far the Sam GOLD MEDAL aa every et. Thra aiaaa, ld packaga. Moaey rvfudsd U Ucy da sot ewkfcjy klpya. Sheet Metal Work SkyHgkts TssAUatscs I Catai Roofing SBjwsr j Worm Oanlma Derasta. K. C George U. Baucom.Jr. Attorney-at-Law 111 Cssnmsrclsl Natlaaal Bank Bids, .Gilbert C White " CONSCITINO BNomxn WATERWORKa. UORT A9B , POWU, aTTRXXTS i ' NOTICE I wisb I. tksak tks very few voters, wks adord my 'platform for a cleaner city morally ssd physi cally ssd a sqwsrs deal t sll, by votiag far ms far Cammitsisssr sf Public ftaftty sb yesterday. Very respectfully, fHARLE L. WOODALL. Presbyterians Put Up Stiff Fight For Honors in Base- -. ajUnlwinjCity WitloJBlem, April fl-Orcr tw ikeusaad witaeaKd a omwht weird ball fin ktri 1b.ii iftcrnooa liotwce Carolina and Davidtoi College bs ball teams, the eptst nionJng fiftec innings befor tb Ulvrtity boy were able to bom ui g vltry, tb eor btiag 4 te 3. " Betk teams eomltt4 aiaty alai af emittic aad commit,!, tb Carnlln arrorg aoHat btlnf vntotkd, kw vr. Tkrt rt gone beautiful pltyi during tke leaf drtwe evt eeetni 4 botktaamtktd lumerou pprtuilti t i the ttrnigle ie tke Irat fram. Tke evuteadiaf faaturee el wik at ef tke f ri6ytrim wm let htvlng ike kUf witk tke proper punek witk m btMt. Or eumtrout etaioat, witk mtg e ev4 see tltlr4, with oaly m iii .own, pividtc wtt unebl te kid wkts hit would ccuri fr rue. Dtvldwa wai tke fret te get 1b tke roe eelume, tblr one tally suiting from ps i4 ileele te catr wkUk wtnt for tare beggar when th lldr permitted tke bell t gt ewy from klm I tke mob4 rmti Carolina tied op the aore wltk keme ma drive etr tbe lft 14 fnt by Robiatoe, He tere) twe Mere Is tbl fourth ee tingle tad tkree error, It wtt ia tkt eighth ga wit 4 that tb Carolina ialeld went te pl end permitted Pavidtoa te eeore twlew witk out anything that rmbl4 a bit. I tb iftccnth frm t, tiagl by Jcyncr 4 e twe beggar by Yountt brought ie th ully that proved-tke wlaaer, Tw 4 e walk allowed -two Pvt4 ton ma t perch ea ood ed third wltk oaly aa aiaa down ia hr half of th last f ram, Th pltehlng by Clark for Davidson who want the eatlre rout and th twitting of Joyntr for Cttollm were tb euteUadlng feature of th contest. The boi Here which fellow tell itt ewa ttery. MAJ. MILLER HITS WIRE WITH AIRPLANE UNHURT Aviator, Who Oava Exhibition in Xaltifh, Eunia Bad Luck in Alabama y th Aswlsted Pnss.l Fort Peyne, Ala., April 21. Major Henry J, V, Miller escaped unhurt when hi airplaa struck a telephone wire and turned turtle between Fort Pay aad Valley Head, Ala., lat thi afternoon, Rub-MyVTuni ie a powerful antiseptic; it kills the pottos causae! from infectecj cute, cures old torat, tetter, etc. Adv. WANTED Aa eastern mnnafactnrcr af ataadard typewriter rlkaea aad rka paper daMrwe rpasl hi eacrgvtle dealer or canvassing representative t baadla lie pradaet I Raleigh, N. C. CROWN RIBBON AND CARBON MP6. CO. Reekeeter, N. T. uiiimntniiiniRm NEW Goods Arriving Daily New suit models of all the wanted pat terns are hanging on our racks for your selection." $20 to $47.50 MANHATTAN SHIRTS $3.00 u $12.50 BORSALINO HATS $8.50 i II X . MIDg Temporary Quarters, First Store South of Pain or dull acb in the lmek is oftea evidence of kidney trouble. It i Na ture's timely wsrniag ts liow you thnt tk track af health is not fleer. ' 1 Dasgtr llfaal. .;' . If these daager signals r unheeded more tcrieu recnlt -r ur (o follow; kidney trouble In It worst form may tl npoe yeu. . ' ' Thousand of ieopl hav tent i Bed that the mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Boat, tk great i kidney, liver and bladder, mtdlaia i soon realized that it tttldt tb highest for it r. markabl rtlv ff et In th most 4ltrfln rtscs. If yeu need medl tblss, yu ibI4 beve tbe bn Mm Bck, Lset beck U enly ewe ef mty lymp- temt ef kids trouble. Other aymp toeti ibewlsg . tktt ysti my need wsinp'Kot in, blg subject to m- IPE&AL NOTE Ysu mty obtain tampt ize bottle ef Rwgmp-Root by doling te eente te Pr, Kilmer Co., Pinghsmton, N. V. Tbl gives yon the opportunity to prsvs the rmirkble merit of thi medicine. Tbey will also tern! yen s book; ef valuable Igfprmatlnn, conUiqing msny pf th thousands of grateful lotter firt4 from men tsd women who aay they found Bwatne-Root to b Just tbe rsmsdy seeded is kidney, livr ssd bladder troublss. Thar value aad tuattM Of wsmp'Root grt at wll knows that our readers sr sdvi4 te send for g ssmpl lite bottle, Addrccc Dr. Kilmer Co., Binghamtos, N, Y. B sura te say yeu rMd tkl offer is the Raleigh Daily New aad Obeerver.-Adv. Tke sushis wtt bsdiy isttihcd nnd wet skipped t New York tonight. Th mtelitnW wilk Msjsr MiUr wa alas sshurt. UtJor Miller wit is eamsund of tb tansdres wbisb give ss sibibjtion is tttrmlsgbim ytiterdty ssd lit was n routs ts Chstlssotga wbs th iceident seeurrcd, H ksd hid esgint treubl til the wty from Birmlnghsm ind hi st tempt t lead bfer reteblng here wa bit tkird leidisg s th trip, lad Dy fsr "flyTsg Clr. Chattanooga, Tcnn, April IleOf the tvts sirplsse which left Birmingham this morning to take pert Is the open ing ef tb Liberty Losn drive here, five r missing, Including Major Mil)"', whs it is ebtrge of the "(Msg eireut." Up ts S lite hour so swt htd bee received of tb gvistor. Women Find In Simple Laxative IS nmttm t-ZOt.T!" 9M0m Waastis osvs s wman from the habitual ua of Imdacka wamasas, asaa totkaa and similar tastesaifts. Ohvaa thm rSlTLTll. "I tint U i tas rticasLTsm!wa - Ji,aP" Joes s faaaUy a ksstg tame, tmd nfteSalSf T " 11 PRJCR AS ALWATS "FRANK ft WILLIS" ET-Sg-S 7119 Ff SZUmmmZli Wtam aVtMPU;,, SJ?E?t p C.law, Sen,. MJTLTkl, list sm- IT, ai sum .si sun. HwiiZJSl Imrraosiqg n (ilea dny mul meut. ate. frequ4tMrlirflilrTroui' night,; irritation, sdi lack af onlmL"triartig, uti ci1 rhcomttiwo, blunting, iay-balpt ot flesh,' anllpw eomplfien, - Prevalancy af Kldaey DieaSecv Jlnsf peopl do not regli lk slsrrii leg increase gnrf remarkable prcvsenry ( pf kidney disease. While kidney dis order ar smoag the moat common din , ease that prcvil, thry ar sometime lh last recognized by patients, wk very aftea rwatcnt thtnuarvea witk doctaripg fba effarts, while the srigtBal diaaaao' may constantly undermine the tyttem. Regular mdium end lrg ties bot' tie at H drug ttor, 'Don't mak aay mistake, but remem ber tlie.name, Dr. Kilmer' tjwamp Root, and the i addreaa, Binghamton, S, Y, whicb yeu will ld o svgry ppttlc "A prohibltiesitt,' says tb br-rom preacher of persons! liberty, "is th But (iinda inf th ealeadsr. Thc Optimist NAI thing com th man wh wait." Th Pessimist- ' "Rut ho i generally drd by tb t)Sd tby rsch bim," etXLAMI Hot wter BELL-ANS roR. jMpiacOT-Qri Clear Skin are dua arWtly ttanae!vs have laaraad titat hrnd Oyrup depsn : Yarborough Entrance. V t 'llrir? iir' ntitili jixnranmnniimnnniiiisiratniiiniin

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