Zs ' j$ RvT WEATHtR Shower Thursday; Friday geaerally fair, warmer. mm WATCH I . f . m fit fpt- '. ! an Mere trat strJ whig a stasis way. VOL CDC NO. 121. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 1, 1919. PRICE: FIVE CCiTS. - SIXTEEN B01S IN N.Y. JAIL MEN OF as- - " y Each Infernal Machine Cod' . teined Dynamite Enounh To Blow Recipient To Pieces CLEW LEADS TO BELIEF THAT FOREIGNERS ARE THE GUILTY PERSONS Insufficient Postage, Packages Being Sealed, Caused Them - To Be Detected; Description of The Murderous Engines; ' Two Sent To Judge, Landis and Alabama Congressman Suspected and Failed To Do Damage; Senator Hard wick's Clew (Br lb AuMUtad Frew.) New Tork, April 30. Sixteen bomb?. fa m reel pott packages, addressed to sixteea prominent men, each containing aniSeieat dynamite te blow too recipient to piece, were discovered among (lie K mail at tbe general postoflke bere to- A preliminary investigation con vinced tbe post office authorities that they bad unearthed a eountry-wlde plot - of terrorist to assassinate highly placed persons a a demonstration on May 1, "tr"" A" 'weeplng"fnquiry ' 1y floHBBcTIIP enactors, agent of th Department of Justice and police eipert wa begun it once into the aetivitic of anarchists uid "reds' In this city. . At the same time a warning was issued y the district attorney'a oflice to all lublie officials, especially judge, to vatch for package whieh might be de livered to them and a guard was thrown . iround the eriiuinnl court building. Th Intended Victim. ' Th address oa the iiteen pack age seised here ' ere all typewritten. - Th tyl and a couple of minor error ' . led official to heller that th nddresv . tag wa don by foreigner. Th ad- Urease wore: .'., . , , . WUliam M..Wood, Boston, Mass. Mr. Fredk. C. How, Comm. of tm iTtioa. New York. N. Y. '- Hon. Mitchell A. Palmer, l 8. At torney General. Washington, D. C. - Mr. Anthony Camminettl, Bureau of Immigration Washington, V. C Bon. Wm. B. Wilsen, Scey. of Labor, Waihincton. O. C. Senator T. Larry Eyrra, Chester, Pa. Mr. Wm. H. Lamar, Solicitor General, ..' Washington. D. C. Mr. W. H. Finch, Depart- of Justice, N. Y. Hon. A. S. Burleson, Postmaster Gea K cral, Washington, D. C. Hoa. i. F. Hyla, Mayor, N. Y. City, X. Y. Bifh E. Enright, Police Commissioner, - X. Y. City, N. Y. Job I Rnokefellcr, Toeautico Hills, Tarrytown, K. Y. Mr. Wm. I. 8chaffcr, Attorney Gen- ' eral, Harriaburg, Pa. Got. Wm. C. Sproul, Chester, Pa. i Hon. Oliver Wendell Holme. United .: ' State Justice, Washington, D. C. "tr. J. P. Morgan, New York City, X. Y. " - What Strang Trnmlslon. A slip on th part of tbe lender of th infernal machine, coupled with th sharp wit of poitoffic clerk, wer all that prevented th bomb from being - delivered. Th ixten package wer . mailed 8atnrday night in bos some- where in th neighborhood of 30th treet and Broadway. They had the . correct pottage for th parcel post but wer scaled with rd wafer and there for could be accepted only a first rlasa matter. Accordingly they were teat to th general postoffice to be re- (erred back to the tender. Each parcel tad th name of Gimbel Brother rintd en it, and th department (tore ai notified but failed to aniwer. Early thi morning Charle Kaplan, x pottofflee clerk, while on hi way some from work rd in a morning p icr of th bomb tent to Senator Hard kk of Georgia. The description of :h package containing th bomb (truck urn and he humed back to the post' jflie and examined the detained par el. H then notified th luperiatea - lent of hi uspieions and th package iter teat to Chief Postoffic Inspector W. E, Cochran. Export Called In. Eiplotiv expert wer called in by r" Inspector Cochran and on of tb par eel wa opnd. It contained mall phial fastened te tb top of a polished hawwood cylinder tn uca a manner that th cylinder could not be opened without breaking th bottle. The breaking of th bottl would release I chemical which in turn would ignite thro fulminat f mercury cap rest ing oa (tick of dynamite. Th whole bomb showed evidence of (killed work maathip. - Clmbei Bros. Repadlat Label. Later in th day a representative of , Gisabel Brother called on Inspector Cochran and after Hamming the par i -elrdeelsred th wrappings bad never origiaated in th department (tor. B pointed out that th aid coverings ' wa of highly glazed, expensive typo of ' paper, such a would not be used by "any department (tore for mere wrap- , piaf purpose. The Inner box contain ing th wooden cylinder wa alio made of very flu grad of green cardboard unlike any in ordinary .. Ecb of th parcel measured eight inchr in leagth, two In depth and two in width. On th back of each parcel vets in Red: Noveitie a Sample." Inspector (Coatlaeed on Page Two.). ADDRESSED TO PROMINENCE EARMARKS SHOW ORIGIN OF BOMBS Every Agency of Government j at Work To Track The i Anarchistic "Reds" ! New York, April 39. Every agency of the national and municipal govern ment wn nt work tonight trying to track the "Reds" responsible for the terrorist bomb plot; which bat startled the .country. From ill tbe information available lonirht It waa apparent th makera of the bomb hoped to exterminate every ono who haa been prominently involved in the proseUdtipn of deportation ol uieuibere of the I. W; Wc-'-.- " Mad Abowt Investigation Law. Not only wer oflicers of the immi gration bureau marked (or destruction out also author of the bill which would have (topped immigration for year. This measure .would have made it diffi cult for Russian radicals to gain; access to thi country. Agent of the Departmtnt of Justice said they believed the mailing of the bomb waa timed to cause a reign of terror ou May Day, observed through oftr ffie worfdnbr6nlyyT)Ca'c:ef 01 labor organization but the mo.t pro- nounced radical. It waa recalled that radicals in this country had threatened a demonstration on May 1 in behalf of Tlimn:ia J MnnnAV nnrlpr uinlnm.. n f life imprisonment in Californi for murder in conucctiou with a bomb out- rngc. Grievanc Again! Intended Victim. Tlio deductions of tbe government ... - - igenta were based en the list ot those wh have received the bombs and the names on the wrapper of the infernal niac-lncs seised in th postottice. Mayor Ola Hanson of Seattle, who brought to a sudden end the ''general strike" Instituted by tbe L W. W. la hi eity, wa .tb flrt to receive one of the. deadly pi1nmi&.tt,'. iL'-. tormer Senator Thoniai W. Hard wick of Atlanta, Oa., author of 1b Senate bill to (top immigration, wa th tee- ond. His wife was injured when tbe bomb ciploded. A bomb wa received tonight by Rep resentative John L. Burnett of Gad !cn, Ala., former chairman of the House t'ommitttee on Immigration. Another of those marked for destruc tion was Judge Kenncaaw Mountain Landi of Chicago, be for whom Wil liam 0. Haywood and his follower were tried and found guilty. uomD also were aent to Charle attorney of San M. Fiekert. district Francisco, and his assistant, Edward Cunha, who wer prominent in i tho (Continued en Pag Five) Total Subscriptions Victory Loan Officially Reported $1,130.697,000 (Br the AsMtfetod Pros.) Washington. April 30. -The Victory Liberty Loaa campaign waa one-half over tonight with only one-quarter of the total officially reported subscribed. Keports to tb Treasury up to tonight showed subscriptions of $1,130,697,000. Subscription by district and Per centages of quota are a follows: Districts. Sabeerlptlon. Per Cent. St. Loui ..... .101,437,000 62.0 Cbieago 22853,000 35.0 33.9 32.7 27.4 25.5 24.4 18.2 Minneapolis ... 63,395,000 Boston 122359,000 Kama City. . . . 53,639,000 Richmond 53,725,000 Cleveland 111,089,000 San Francisco . 54379,000 Atlanta 26,132,000 lew York 243,700,000 Philadelphia ... 66,977,000 Dull 14380,000 18.0 17.8 15 J If the Victory Loan 1 to be floated successfully ' subscriptions of $375,000, 000 must be gathered dailv until the campaign's end, May 10. At the close of tb ninth day n the Fourth Liberty Loan campaign tb time corresponding to the present in the Victory drive the nation had subscribed $1,591,556,000, or $,01,000,000' more 'than ha beea anb- scribed o far to tbe Victory Loan. The percentage of the $6,000,000,000 total of th Fourth loan (ubeerlbed at th time corresponding to the present wa 2tW2 7&XE?k"t'n'tt Victory Ship Raw Slowly. Because of lagging nberlption the U. a 8. Crane, the "Victory Ship" which is making the 8aa Diego-Paaama leg of th "Victory trmraey from San Fran cisco to New Tork, aa bee running slowly dowa th Pacific coast. Bear Ad miral Cewie, Navy Loaa Officer, today directed tb Victory hip to speed up her engines, however. "The eonntry ia beginning to 'match th navy,' " said a radio message from Admiral Cowie to the Crane, "and al though yow are aot yet called apoa to make full speed ahead, I expect that thi order will be flnsbed to you writhln the next few daye." Only the 8t. Loui district hi gath ered in more than half ef it subscrip tion Quota, 'i . ONE-HALF OVER ONE QUARTER SOLD SAYS SEHATE WILL RATIFY JJ E Bryan Thinks It Will Not Be An Issue In National Cam paign in 1920 EVEN HARD CIDER IS TOO ) WET IN WASHINGTON NOW ; New Tax Applied To Public Automobiles and Jitneys Ex plained; Tax Goes With The Vehicle; Movements of Tar Heels and other N. 0. News From Washington News and Observer Sanaa, (OS District National Bank Bid. -Br . R. WINTERS. (By Special UaMd Wire.) Washington, April 30. Hon, William Jennings Bryan, who ia pronounced advocate of universal peace, la a news paper interview today; forecast th ratification of th league pf nation plan by thi Senate, and declare "I haven't seen any argument yet mad against the league plan that deserve an answer. "While.the amendment have materi ally improved the covenant, I favored accepting it if necessary in tbe form in which it wi originally printed. I thought it better to risk th danger that might come in th old league rather than endure th certain evil of tbe old i system. Tbe proposed league U long tep toward permanent peace, and I am very glad the nation represented at Versailles have unanimously approved It in its final form. I have no doubt it will be ratified by the Senate by a "I haven't seen any argument yet made against the league plan that de- erve-'wM- Tkee wv-hgi ! mgA which merited consideration, aou SCTVrai Vl iua cuanyi-a ua.o aucau been made. But objection to the gen eral plan indicate an attitude which argument cannot combat. One objector, not a ator, too the position mat man I nimal, that animala will fight and ! that therefor enduring peace is ira- I KssiDle. ini is tne we 01 meisine. ' wn0 repudiated Dotn innst ana ooa. ' ..11 . e . . 'Soma even go so far as to regard war as desirable. Ion cannot expect inch a person to aeeept the league, be en use th league propose to furnish a ' substitute for war oa the theory that ' war is neither desirabl nor necessary. Wait until th lain is presented ia the j 8enat and tee how far lenator wiflj fk the ffnrpeiitibttity S voting igttfMtf tb league, I, doubt if there will be half a dotcn." Asked whether the league would be on Imu next year, Mr. Bryan said: "Only in th states of tb men who vote against it, and then it will be a personal issue, because the ratification of the treaty will have settled it a a national issue." Bard Cider Vender Fined. The stringency of the enforcement of the prohibition law ia th District of : Columbia is suggested in an illnstra ; tion noted today whereby Jacob Babtn, a grocer, wa fined 1300 and sentenced 1 tn thirtv davs in iail for aellinar dd1 eider containing more than 6 per cent iLim it i . . , ; Hlfohol. Tar Heel appl cider manu-i , tacturer. would term th. beverage a. ; hard" c der, and so did the police court justice. The Washington grocer i purchawd three barrels of cider three I months ago at 60 cent, a gallon and w retailing it for 80 eenta a gallon : when the oflicers halted his prottUbl. transactions. Public Vehicle Tie, Automobile owner and tbe operator of "jitney" line in North Carolina are subjected to a levy under the new revenue laws. Here are some fact that might prove handy to automobile owners: The special automobile tax, which be came effective January 1 last, provides for payment of 110 on ear having a seating capacity of more than two nnd not more than seven, and a tax of fcM having a seating capacity of more than even. - If a roadster i advertised by th manufacturer as having a seating capacity of three, then $10 ia due. The tax cannot be transferred from one ear to another. Another tax must be paid on a new car. Movements ef Tar Heel. Jonathan Daniels, son of the Secre tary of the Navy and Mrs. Daniels, is spending his spring vacation from the University of North Carolina at th Daniel borne in Washington. T. B. Ward, assistant clerk to th Senate Finance committee, received letter today stating that Frank Hamp ton, secretary to Senator Simmons, wa ill it hi horn in Rocky Mount 11 is confined to hi room with torn fever. M. R. Beaman, secretary to th Ral eigh Chamber of Commerce, and Wal ter Watson of Raleigh, are visitor to th National Capital. Reports to tbe railroad administra , tion today show 243,000 employeea in th Southern State bad subscribed to j $1,519,000 of the Victory Loan during ' tbe first aix day of tb campaign, ' 11 WEATHER AGAIN HALTS TRANSATLANTIC FLIGHT ! St. Johns, N. F., April 30. After aa aouneing intentioL to (tart their trans-1 Atlantic flight this afternoon, th two! rival aviator abandoned their plan for i a flight today oa tb receipt of aa-; favorable weather reports. RUMANIANS CONTINUE ADVANCE OX BUDAPEST Basle, Switzerlaad, April 30. (Hvs.) Hungarian Communist troop hav ; withdrawn east at Karcwg, eighty-flvt . mile east-southeast ef Budapest, be fore superior Rumanian forces, a Hub- ; garian official (tatement from Budapest ars.Th Rumanians continue their sdvane dowa th river valley leading te Budapest, east ef that city. ' j EAGU ITALY'S CHIEF IMPERIALIST J k . . ' SIONEY JOAWM? Sonnino, foreign minister, ha been consistently and nlway for greater Italy, without regard to th claim of other people. An Italian ministry resigned because of differences in the country over bis annexationist plans at th opening of the peace congress. But Sonnino stayed. Orlando, prime minis ter, at one time differed with Sonnino but be now is backing th position taken by the foreign minister. ElYlORi State Daughters of Confeder- acy Will Help Veterans of The world war SCHOLARSHIPS FOR WORTHY AT UNIVERSITY Reports of Officers and -Committees feature Business Sessions of Convention at Wilson; To Co-operate With Confederate Veterans in Arranging For State Reunion (Spsdal to the Hew 4 Observer.) ' .WUeon, pol JO,-. State division nt III TTaitoA T)aii1itr at' th Pnn. federacy today completed here tbe raia l.:g of money for endowing a memorial scholarship at th Cnlverity of North Carolina, which ia to be available for Tar Heel soldiers who fought for a "re united country" with t' e nam patriotic devotion that their father did for th ''Lost Cause" a half century ago. Thi fund of S1.S50 will be a part of tbe 50,000 which tbe Southern division of daughter of the Confederacy is rail ing aa a memorial to th Southern boy who died la tbe world war. Tbe completion of thi fund waa only one of many matter receiving at tention at today' lesaion of the 2nd annual . runvruuua u& mv iiviniua w .1 - ' i . : l. i ,omoow eveinJ. roilowing , 40m, eTening the divillioll ,ti , butiBet, M,Miori t0(1 and made en. did hMdway, M ot the officeri d ,, of ,hj eoBmiMwt' wi,h two eiccptiona b,?iBg mti9 thfir report, today, offl. will ,lceted ,t tDe KM,ioa t0. i morrow afternoon. ' n,.. b-ui Fot.rM. Tonight the visiting delegates wer guests at aa elaborate reception held at ihi Commonwealth Club. Maay social event, including aamerou dinner parties, are being given by the Wilson women and the convention is declared to be a great success. Tbe session today waa opened with the singing of General Lee' favorite hymn, "How Firm a Foundation," and the Invocation wa pronounced by Dr. J. M. Mercer. Former preiident of tb division were introduced to the conven tion aa follow: Mr. H. A. London, Mrs. I. W. Fiisoa, Mr. F. M. William, I Mrs. Marshall Williams, Mr. Eugene j Little nnd Mrs. E. Moffett. Many latereatlag Report. . I After th report of th credential j committee, Mrs. Jaekaie Daaiel Thrash, j the retiring president, submitted ar annual report, winch presented very completely the work of the division during the past year. Another interesting report wa that of Mrs. J. A. Fore, of Charlotte, retir ing historian of the division, who for th eeond time ha won th Raine hirto'"! banner awarded by the gea-j division. Special attention wa givea to tbe re - port of th committee oa education and on war relief, both of these being very ciuw 10 we snrw m wm iauga - ter. Mis Mary DeVan mad aa appeal ia behalf of book for tb aoldier aad sailor and th Daughter pledged to help ia thi work. Mr. Reid, of (CoaUaaed on Pag Twe.) f one yar ago today! Louden report rcaaasptloa f tr aseadoai artillery Sre all along the batt'a front la Flaader. A powar fal Haa attack la karld agaiaat the America who eecapy a short ace tor wewt ef Viller-BrtoaBMS. The attack waa rvpatoed, the German leaving maay dead la frwat of the American Ua. American ae re ported t b "rather aarer.' la a eallWea aotweea th City ef Atkea of the Savawaah Una, and a French eralaer, coat of (no Dela ware Capei the alahl wa anah aad ( nema drawaed, Incladlag suKirtri, aara at th crew, and ai a of the V. S. Maria Cars. . THKT PAID WITH THEIR LIVES RAISE IA AL FUND FOR SOLDIERS PLAt.S TO LAUNCH LEAGUE OF tIATIONS Defined at Luncheon Given By Col. House, Cecil and Drum mond Attending OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF LEAGUE WILL BE ENGLISH first Meeting, With Wilson Acting As President, Slated To Be Held in Washington Next October; Ool. House and Staff To Remain in Eu rope After Council Closes (Br the AwMlaUd pnw.) ' Pari, April 30. Plan for launching (ha League of Nation were fairly and definitely defined at a luncheon which Col. E. M. House gav today to Bir Jame Erie Drummond, the Secretary General of the League, Lord Robert Ce cil and other. The plana are divided into three main stage. First, preparatory details, which will be worked out at headquarter to be established at London during th coming cummer; cecond, the Inaugural meeting of tbe league at Washington neat October under th presidency of President Wilson; third, the permanent establishment of the league at Geneva next fall or winter. The preparatory detail will, begin soon after the ligning of th treaty and will be in tbe hands of the committee of nine designated by Preiident Wil son' resolution before the last plenary session of th conference. Colonel Houae, Lord Bobert Cecil, and the Greek Premier Eliuthcrio Veniielos, will be among the members. Leon Bourgeois will probably not be to rreoeh1 membera b doe not English and most of tb proceedings will b in that language. Col. House, with a considerable staff, will remain in Europe after the confer, ence close, and headquarter will be removed to London, which is more con venient for preliminary work. Presi dent Wilson will fix th data of th first meeting nnd ask th nation to nam their three delegate te attend the in augural gathering at Washington. ASHEVILLE OVER TOP IN TWO HOURS FOR LOAN Three Children Drowned When Cloudbursts Mountain Home t, Swept Away (Special to th Hews and Obwmr.) ' Aaheville, April SO.-Ashevillo wen, ver th top in two-hour caavas for tb Victory Liberty Lota last night with a total of 133,000 abov the city quota of 1677,000. Buncombe county xtill lack $100,000 of being over the top and an active campaign for the county drive will be begun Monday. A cloudburst Tuesday afternoon near Mar Hill washed away th home of Robert Pondera, hia otir family, bnrj and nil of hia live atoek. Three of the Ponder children, ranging from two to twelve year of age, were killed. Pon der' and another child were found nn eonaclou a mile from the home and are not expected to recover. The rain wns not henvy ia any other section A the country. E EXPORT TRADE IN TOBACCO Rocky Mt. Man Applies For Passports To Europe in In terest of Market (By 8. R. WINTERS.) Washington, April 30. J. O. W. Gravely, tobacconiat and a business maa of Roeky Mount, wa in Wash ington today making formal applies tipa for a passport to European coun tries where he hopes to increase th export trad from North Carolina and likewise establish new trade relations with foreign markets. Mr. Gravely ia president of th China-American To bacco 4 Trading Company, which nego tiate an export business of $10,000, 000 annually ia th sale of tobacco and several hundred thousand dollar year ly in .the. exportation of other mer chandise. 7The Rocky Mount citizen - it.. . J .jiVa to urgent busi- ! nM matter, and tbe pport will : jiFr he granted, Th War Department ha temporarily j rejected the request of Mr. Mrgret i jjushee Mhlpp ot Kaleigo. lor a pos- pirt to visit th devistoted regions of Franc aa a member of th American Relief Commission, bb ha two son la th service and although they are loeated ia the United State, th War Department has aot thus far seen proper to make an exception to the general ruling of the commanding officer, of the American expeditionary forces de nying passports to fathers, mothers and sister having relative ia the army. A cablegram to Secretary of War Newtoa D. Baker asking for aa ex eeption ia ease (imilar to Mrs. Shlpp baa proved .futile. Secretary Baker doe aot deem the urgency of th ap plication' a warranting a ruling from him before hi return to America. How ever, he prom bus to consult with th officer of the Wr Department whan a returns with tbe view of possibly j making om exception to the Iron clad ordef. Meanwhile, th Raleigh wo- ; maa ia denied tbe opportunity of visit- !ng Fiftet . j Daniel Dtae With King George. London, April 30. Josephns Daniels, Secretary of the United State Navy, ; lunched with tbe King at Wiadior to- INCREAS ITALIANS APPARENTLY WOULD LIKE TO BE ASKED TO RESUME V. 8. LUAJNS ITALY SSI,H,tM MORE, MAKING TOTAL LOAM Or OVER BILLION AND HALF (Br the AMMtotod Prat.) Washington, April St. Italy waa given a new loaa of !t,M, to day by the Traunry te cover a ansa br ef obligation Incurred by th Itallaa government oa contract for war material and food atuff from America arodaeer. Th credit ( tendon brought Italy' total borrow lag from th felted State to 11, I71M,M. Vote of Confidence of Italian Parliament Does Not Af- feet Paris (Br the Anoclatol Pros.) Official detail concerning th 1st at phaaea of the deliberation ef the Council ot Three ot the Pec- Conference In Pri nr tomewhat ebocare. It I known, however, that JbfiDf.jftia;"fi)'t aklao-Chaa ha bee settled. Th term of the grmat, according te anoBeial advices, lavelve the aar reader by Germany of Kla-Cba t Japan, bat la da conn Japan will r-trnfr thla stroaghold on the Bhaataag Peaiasal to China. Likewise It I ataied, also aaofll. dally, Uat there are Indication that the Ceaaell ef Three ha looked with favor apoa tbe re. Mat of th Belgian for aa Immediate advaac a their skar ef th Indemnity Which Germany I to pay la repara tion for damages aad given the delegate satisfactory aasaraac that th meaey will he forthcoming for th Belgian t begia the re . ast ruction ol, the. eaaatry aeor raa by the German. Therefore the aaly eatataadiag prblam af gnat Uanortaaca War the ceaaell apparently la that dae to tb claim af Italy ta Flante and th Dnlmatlia regtoa. . Altheagk , both the Itallaa Beast aad Cham ber ef Depntlas hv given Premier Orlando' government aad the Ital laa delegate to the Peace Confer ence atroag vote af eoafideace for their ataad la eadeavorlag ta ob tain for Italy a strict falflllaeat ef her denaaad, thr I a evidence aa yet of th preepect of an Imme diate compromise aolag effered by either aid ta the coatroveny. Intimation hav beea received la Parle that evertare for reiampt'loa af the conference oa the dispited jacatlon would receive every atten tion la Rome aad would aot be aa acceptable hat It has beea inserted la Part that th prevailing senti ment amoag the delegates of France, Gnat Brltala aad th Ualted States Is oppeoed t reeaeatlag tb Itallaa delegate ta ratara- It haa beea added, however, that If th Itallaa ahoald vlac dU poattloa t glv ap their claim to Flame aad accept President Wll oa' aggstln aa the coatro veny, tbe President ia th interest of harasony, doabtlaa could nsak saggeetleaa which weald permit ef .coatiaeatloa af the diocaaaloa wlthont tacrlfic af dignity by th Italians. Preoldeat Wilson aad other mem bers of th ceaaell are declared te be aawilllng to' concede Flame te the Itallaa. eve If ach refnaal hould resnlt la Itsly Sadiag her self not sbl to slga the peace treaty. A It hosts, reports still persist that Maaich haa Seen completely invest-, d by govern meat troops, th ex-' pected attack on the Soviet fore apparently haa aot begs a. TWILL BE A TOUGH JOB TO REPEAL PROHIBITION Lawyer Wheeler Cites Decision of Oregon Court Against Referendum Washinkton, April 30. Decision of the Oregon Supreme Court that a popu lar referendum on an amendment to the Federal Constitution cannot be held was declared by Wayne B. Wheeler, general counsel of th Anti-Saloon League of America In a statement to night to settle "the referendum contro versy raised by the brewer of the pro hibition nmendment." "It will soon become apparent to op ponents of th eighteenth amendment,'' said Mr. Wheeler, "it they do aot see it already, that national prohibition can only be repealed by resubmisnloa of th amendment by Congress and ratifi cation of th repeal by the Legislature of 3d State." SALVATIONISTS CITED FOR COURAGE IN WAR New York, April 30. Ia connection with ,th proposed citation of tbe Me Inty r . sisters, GUdy and Irene, tor distinguished war ervice, with other American Balvitio Army mea and wo men, Commander Kvnngelin Booth an nounce a long lilt of award ta S)vt tlonist la variou countries mad by th respective government. NO INDICATIONS OF ACOfRONIISEYEI But Prevalent Opinion Amona peace Delegates Is Against : Soliciting Them to Return SUSCEPTIBILITIES MORE OF OBSTACLE AT PRESENT THAN TERRITORIAL MERIT - . No Disposition of Council or Wilson To Yield Position Taken On Adriatio Problem; .. Jap Question Concerning Kiao-Chow Settled; Council of Three Favorably legard Appeal of Belgians For In- mediate Advance of Indem nity; Developments at Paris Paris, April 80. Tber ia rift ta th Italia cloud, which giv hope af th clearing of th difficult! that hav trisea ia th peace eoafeiaaea vr ta Adriatio problem. Overturn for th resumption of relation hav aot Mm -thus far from either direetloa, bat thera ar intimation from Rom tbat vr tures from Paris would aot be anae eeptable, and would receive every at tention. r . , -. .... Mast Rctura af Owa TaHtlaa. The prevailing sentiment amoag the daloga. tasluding . asvaral atr-iha American delegatioa, is against oleit ing a rctura of th Italiaa repraasata tire and it waa at first believed that r-eeideat Wilson sbsrsd thi viw. Thos nearest th Presideat, kowsrer, assrtd that if Italy 1 disposed la re linquish Fiume aad aeeept the eempre mia th President suggaatad, he aeald doubtlea, la th Iatrt ot krmoay, make tuck frieadly augition aa weald permit tk retumptioa t rla tioa by th Italiaa without aay eri fie of dignity or e If -esteem. "Perssaal SnscspUailltiea." ',' Then narsonal siuMntiKilliUa' . felt to.b mere ot aa ebctacl at pre nt tbaa tk territorial ateriU of tb case, Wblla popular ssrtlment ia Italy Utt taaisti holding Hume, the re eat official attitud bss beta leat in sistent and appareath tend toward ae eptaaca at aa af th variou plaal propod by tk Council of Three, whrby Fium would be latemitloa lised and asm - Dlmtiaa outposts glvea to Italy. j f Na Yielding a ta Flam. -It ia tb declared purpoa ef th eon eil, aa well a Preiident WUsoa, aot t yield oa Fiume, evea if the peace treaty is signed without Italy's partielptia. But, ihould th meat official teadea eie at Roma take the definite form of eeeptane ef a compromise tk Presi deat' frieads ssy tbey ar sar at bo feeling of pride will reitraia aim from taking atop which will fully r itor th Italiaa delegation to it for mer agreeable atatn ia the eoafereaee. to receiveHgerman credentials today (Br the Aiseeiated Press.) Paris, April 30 Th credeatial af the German delegate to th peae ten- " ferenee will be handed over to aa allied commission, beaded by Jules Camson, at Versailles, tomorrow moraiag at 11 o'clock. AMBASSADOR PAGE OFFERS ' "GOOD OFFICES TO ORLANDO. - a i Pari, April SO. A Beaaag from a' French source in Rom aays that Nsl sob Page, the American ambassador ta Italy, has offered his good office to Premier Orlando with a view is Sadiag a aolutioa of th Adriatic difficulty. SOVIET GOVERNMENT AT MUNICH OVERTHROWN. Copenbagea, April 30 ffly th , eiated Press.)t-Th Soviet govrnmat In 'tunlch ha beea overthrow, accord ing to report 'n Berlin, aayt th ear respondent of the Berllngsk Tidsae. Tbe correspondent add that th gov ci m t troop la accordance with mar tial law a'.iot a number of th. mea with the Red Guard w'ao had beea captured while a mob attarktd other ef tk captured Red and tried to kill them. MAY DAY IN EUROPE, 'SPECIALLY AMONG REDS, BEING PULLED OFF TODAY London, April 30. "May Day" prom ises to pss peacefully ia Europe, a far a report received In London indi cate, with the notable exceptions f Pari and Berlin, wher th porker plan to indulge in a one-day' atrik, and at Budapest, the Hungarian capital, wher th Soviet goverament haa issued orders to mike tbe towa red with Sags aad all manner of other red decora tion. ... English eities will witness ( tk eat tom: ey parades aad maas-meetiagi aad tlte Scandiaaviaa town will cetebrsts i : a lik manner. Report ot plan for a revolutionary demonstration la Holland have filtered through, but they may b baseless. Hyde Park .will b th aeeaa of ta Londoa clebratioa. Numerous proces sions of trades uaions aad other aocie- tie will march to th park from vri ou rallying place ) tb eity d sub urbs. . Speeches by labor member .of Parliament aad ether aad ro1utloaa tgalatt Bolshevism aad eoaaerlptioa aad alio calling for peae, with Russia aad a leagu of fre nations will form part of tb program. -.